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March 25, 1958 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-25

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Gagn ier






Ch ampionsh ip~


Wolverines' Chances Fade
As Injury Sidelines Captain

Swim Hopes Rest with Hopkins, Hanley, Kimball

The Michigan gymnastics team
suffered a great blow yesterday
when it learned that its injured
captain, Ed Gagnier, will not be
able to compete in this weekend's
Big Ten Championships at Iowa
City, Iowa.
Gagnier, who tied for the all-
around title in last year's Big Ten
meet, was counted on to be Michi-
gan's "big gun" in the coming
The all-around gymnast has
been sidelined with a torn pectoral
muscle for most of the season.
Gagnier received the chest injury
February 15 while warming up on
the high bar in preparation for a
meet with Central Michigan.
Take It Easy
Since that time he has been
taking it easy in hope that the
injured muscle would heal in time
for the Big Ten meet. However,
Wednesday night he slightly re-
injured the muscle during a light
The final blow came Saturday
night when Gagnier severely re-
injured the healing muscle while

warming up for the Penn State
meet. Coach Newt Loken remarked
that "Ed will make the trip to
Iowa with the rest of the team'
and will act as an assistant coach."
Bright Note
A brighter note on the gym
scene was Michigan's fine per-
formance Saturday night against
Penn State, the defending NCAA
Before the meet, gymnastics ob-
servers expressed the opinion that
the Nittany Lion gymnasts would
give the Wolverines quite a maul-
ing but the local squad rose to the
occasion and Penn State just man-
aged to eke out a 51-45 victory.
Coach Loken said, "I thought
the boys put in a good perform-
ance against Penn State, especi-
1T4 puu xeq llged eT. uT Al 3
ring events.
The return of Ed Cole to compe-
tition was another cheerful sign
for the squad. The Big Ten tram-
poline champion took first in his
specialty Saturday night despite
a heavy bandage on his injured

O 'Reilly, Kyle Stand Out
In Recent Track Meets

Members of the Michigan track
team traveled to Cleveland and
Denison, Ohio, and Hamilton, Ont.
over the weekend to compete un-
attached in indoor competition.
The Cleveland Knights of Co-
lumbus meet, held Friday night,
was the biggest track show of the
Captain Brendan O'Reilly tied
for third in the high jump with a
mark of 6'4". Doug Kyle put on a
good showing as he finished second
in the two mile run.
Gibson Ties Landstrom
In the pole vault Mamon Gibson
tied teammate Eeles Landstrom
with a vault of 14', which was not
good enough to place, however.
Hurdler Pete Stanger and middle
distance man Dave Martin also
failed to place.
In the race which held the most
interest for the fans Villanova's
star miler Ron Delany won as ex-
pected. He won the, race easily
with a time of 4:11.5, as he made
no attempt to better his indoor
record made lastweek at Chicago.

Although this was supposed to be
his last indoor meet in the U. S.,
since he graduates in June, his
close friend O'Reilly, said: "De-
lany is considering returning to the
States next year to work toward
his Master of Arts degree, since
he broke his engagement with his
girl last December."
O'Reilly Takes High Jump
In the Denison Relays, Saturday
night, O'Reilly took the high jump
with 6'5%". Gibson who had to
borrow a strange pole was only
able to do 12'6".
The Hamilton Highlander
Games ,Saturday night, saw some
of Michigan's top Freshman com-
peting. The meet was held on a
board track, of which there are
none of in the Big Ten.
Freshman John Gregg won the
Junior 50-yd. dash with a time of
:05.6. Frank Geist finished second
in the Junior 880 but was dis-
qualified for running a few steps
off the track.
Doug Kyle finished second to
Michigan's ex-track Captain Ron
Wallingford in the two mile run.

... to miss big one
Basilio Puts
Title on Line
CHICAGO (P)- A current 8-5
choice, Carmen Basilio tonight
malres the first defense of his
world middleweight title in a re-
match with amazing Sugar Ray
Robinson, who seeks that crown
for the fifth time.
The 15-round match, beginning
at 10 p.m., CST, in the Chicago
Stadium will be broadcast nation-
ally by CBS and shown on closed
circuit television.
Basilio, at 5-6%, also will spot
Robinson more than 4 inches in
height and about 3 inches in
reach. But Carmen, 30, has a 7-
year advantage in the vital age
Phi Sig Wins
IM Bowling
Phi Sigma Delta won the I-M
social fraternity bowlinghcham-
pionship Sunday afternoon by vir-
tue of an easy 2600-2381 victory
over Tau Delta Phi.
The Phi Sigs, led by Gerry Po-
ticha who shot 553 including a
214 game, won the first game by
97 pins and were never threatened
after that.
Other scores for the Phi Sigs
were: Stan Noskin, 501; Eddie
Spilkin, 535; Mike Silber, 495; and
Bob Binkow, 516.

Cy Hopkins will defend his 200-
yd. breaststroke crown - in the
NCAA meet which will be staged
at the Varsity Exhibition Pool this
Swim coach Gus Stager says of
Hopkins, "He's one of the toughest
swimmers that I have ever seen
and I don't envy any of his op-
Hopkins opponents are firmid-
able. In the 100-yd. breaststroke,
Joe Koletsky of Yale, George Ma-
thias of Cornell and Stanford's
Tom Peterson are less than half
a second off Hopkin's best time of
The 200-yd. breaststroke should
be quite close this year if times
are an indication. Koletsky has
registered a 2:24.3 with Hopkins
and Frank Modine only three
tenths of a second slower.
Ann Arbor Star
A graduate of University Highi
School. in Ann Arbor, Hopkins
entered Michigan in the fall of
1955. Although a former high
school Class B swim champion in
both the individual medley and
the butterfly - breaststroke, his
chances were considered very slim
for earning a varsity letter.
One afternoon Hopkins swam
the breaststroke against other
members of the team and Coach
Stager noticed that he easily kept
up with the others and converted
him to the new stroke.
The results were phenomenal.
Last year as a sophomore, the
tow-headed star clinched both the
Big Ten 200-yd. breaststroke and
also the 200-yd. butterfly event
with a third place finish in the
100-yd. breaststroke.
Hopkins also was NCAA cham-
pion in the breaststroke and held
the American record in the 200-yd.
butterfly for a day. It was quickly
broken by Yale's Tim Jecko.

Dick Hanley, Michigan's title
winning freestyler, will be out to
win his first national individual
swim title this weekend.
Hanley, who is the Big Ten 100-
yd. and 200-yd. freestyle cham-
pion, is given a good chance to cop
either of the national freestyle
Loses to Woolsey
In last year's NCAA finals, Han-
ley was edged out by Bill Woolsey
of Indiana in the 220-yd. race and
had to settle for a second. His
second place finish in the 100-yd.
event was disqualified.
Hanley was also a member of
last year's 400-yd. medley relay
team, which won the national title.
He swam the final leg in this
crucial event. The points gained
by this victory enabled Michigan
to clinch the national title.
Goes to Olympics
In 1956, Hanley's great swim-
ming ability was recognized as he
was chosen to represent the United
States in the Olympic Games at
Melbourne, Australia.
"Determination and desire,"
Hanley believes are the prime at-
tributes of any sports champion.
Practicing what he preaches, Han-
ley has devoted himself to the
gruelling everyday practice of
kicking, pulling, and sprinting the
lengths of the varsity pool.
Hanley also spends many hours
away from the pool in the exer-
cise room doing push-ups, sit-ups
and weight lifting in order to keep
his muscles at the peak flexibility
that swimming demands.
This has been Hanley's routine
since 1952 when he decided to con-
centrate on swimming rather than
Clemson 7, Michigan State 5

Specializing in precision dives
from all levels, Dick Kimball ranks
as one of the Conference's top con-
tenders for NCAA diving honors.
Taking the one and three meter
board championships in the 1957
NCAA finals, Kimball played a
major role in Michigan's first na-
tional victory under coaches Gus
Stager and Bruce Harlan. Back to
haunt the Wolverine diver, how-
ever, will be the two Buckeye art-
ists who dominated the field in the
Big Ten meet, Don Harper and
Glen Whitten.
"Practice in large doses" is Kim-
ball's explanation for success off
the boards. Gearing himself for the
coming competition Kimball prac-
tices at least twice a day, alter-
nating work off the one and three
meter boards.
Gets Swimming Job
When the NCAA is finished,
Kimball will begin workouts off
the high platform to get in shape
for the summer AAU diving con-
test. "I usually get a summer job at
a swimming pool," he noted, add-
ing, "it gives me a chance to prac-
tice dives in off hours."
Kimball, who went into the div-
ing business when he was in the


Storm Drains-Hydraulic
Water Works

seventh grade, was the spark in
motivating his Rochester, Minn.,
high school team to success.
After spending his freshman
year at Oklahoma, the chance of
being coached by Olympic diver
Harlan drew him to Michigan.
Citing him as the best coach in
the country, Kimball praised Har-
lan for his ability to demonstrate
as well as coach.

See the Representative of the
Engineering Recruitment Service
On this Campus April 3
Our brochure is on file in your Placement Office


Philadelphia 000 201 000-3 91
Cincinnati 000 103 40x--4 9 1
New York vs. Los Angeles, wet
Milwaukee vs. St. Louis, rain.
Boston vs. Detroit, rain.
Chicago A vs. Washington, rain.
Nashville SA vs. Cincinnati "B,"
Pittsburgh "B" vs. Kansas City
"B," rain.





Business Administration
Saturday, March 29
Two for 1.98


NEW YORK (DP) March 25
-Mr. John Meynard Keynes,
President of the Wall Street
Stock Exchange has just an-
nounced an end to the busi-
ness recession. Mr. Keynes at-
tributes this directly to the mad
scramble to buy stocks for
prizes at the Executive Ball.
Dress Informal.





/'m a liberal arts sen/o
Swithout specialized tr//lJgg
a0d#'' heard there are
some fine OPPortun/ties at
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and find out more about
what they have to offer/"
HOW ABOUT YOUt Why not drop
over to your Placement Office and ask
for a copy of "Who, Me?"...And
while you're there, make an appoint-
ment to meet the Etna Casualty matt
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March 27th, Bureau of Appointments
Note to prospective Admirals and Generals:
If you're facing a stint of militory service. we'd bike So meet yos
anyway. In many cases, placement is possible before active duty. If
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Affiliated with
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Standard Fire Insurance Company
Hartford, Connecticut

9-12 P.M.
The Michigan League

Play the Stock Market
(REAL Stock)


Athletic Plant Building Plan Succeeds

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond In a series of three articles deal-
ing with the University Athletic
plant. Today's article deals 'with the
10-year 'building program.)
Ten years ago the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
mapped out an ambitious building
Under the leadership of Athletic
Director and Board Chairman H.
0. "Fritz" Crisler, the program has
been a success.
"The program was divided into
two phases," stated Crisler.
"The first stage, which is almost
complete, involved the improve-
ment and expansion of our inter-
collegiate athletic facilities."
Recreational Program
"The second part of the pro-
gram," he continued, "involves the
increase and improvement of the
facilities for student recreation."
Remodeling and enlarging the
seating capacity of the coliseum
was the first measure carried out
under the 10-year program.
In 1949, the Coliseum was en-
larged from 2700 to 3900 seats and
was also modernized.
In 1950 the baseball stands were
enlarged to their present seating
capacity of 9,000 seats.
During the same year Michigan
Stadium, which was to prove to be
a favorite target of the building
program, was enlarged from 86,238
to 97,239 seats with the installa-
tion of permanent bleachers and
steel seats.
The Clubhouse at the Golf
Course was opened in June1950.
Womens' Swimming Pool
Three years later the Womens'
Swimming Pool was completed
while the new Athletic Adminis-
tration Building was completed in
The nine-hole University Golf
Course was opened in 1955.

In 1956 and 1957 the first phase
of the program was finished with1
the completion of the Varsity Ex-1
hibition Pool, the acquisition of
Wines Field, the addition of the
Communication Center and the
enlarging of the capacity of Mich-l
igan Stadium to 100,001.
This 10-year building program
was completely financed by the
Board's self-liquidating fund.
"We now can say that we have
one of the best if not the best col-
lege athletic plant in the country,"
asserted Crisler.
What of the second phase of the
program, that dealing with the
students' recreational needs?
Decline in Revenue
The only addition to the recrea-
tional facilities in the last ten
years was the acquisition of Wines
Field with the building of a re-
hearsal hall for the Michigan
Marching Band.
The big money makers which

are hockey, basketball and foot-
ball in particular, saw their at-
tendance drop in the past year
which resulted in a slowdown of
receipts and a similar effect on the
recreational phase of the building
Crisler, the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics and
those concerned with campus ath-
letics in general have mapped out
a program for intramural and
recreational sports which they
hope to carry out when the needed
funds come through.
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O NE REASON engineering standards at
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the men who engineer the many different
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That is why, when you are invited to join
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It is a career that is rewarding both profes-
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day of association with General Motors at any
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During your early days at GM, for example,
you work with a senior engineer who guides
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You are also actively encouraged to pursue
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All this is for a reason-and a good one.
Many of the men who will fill the key posi-
tions at GM in the future are the young engi-
neers joining GM today. This is not theory,
it is fact. For 14 of our 33 Vice-Presidents are
engineers, 23 of our 42 Division General Man-
agers are engineers, too.
Today we are looking for young engineers-
such as you-who may fill these positions
tomorrow. The rewards-both professional
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June graduates!
A General Motors Representative will
be on hand to answer questions about
job opportunities with GM.

Because eginering is a profssion at GM
-we offer you a career- not a job




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