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February 07, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-07

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"Well, I See Harold Got Him To Swallow Something"

Sixty-Eighth Year

a* - - 01:
"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"




Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily, ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

T enor H augh Displays
A rtistry, Sncerity
HAROLD HAUGH, professor of voice in the University's School
Music, gave a recital of songs by American composers in Ly&
Mendelssohn Theater last night. The program was highlighted by t:
tenor's artistry, sincerity, and musicianship.
Mr. Haugh is well known for his work in oratorio and concert,
which he has had long and vast experience. All his work in this progra
reflected his maturity and depth of approach.
The tenor's voice is not the most brilliant'in existence, but it
lovely, warm, resonant and well-controlled. Every time I hear him si:
I feel a surge of admiration for the condition and beauty of the voic
The program opened with a group of songs by Francis Hopkinso
None of these songs are of really excellent quality, but there are man

Courses for the Rest of Us

THE CREATION of three new inter-depart-
mental courses for Honor students in the
literary college represents an important and
valuable step for the University.
The courses-one in social science, one in
the humanities and one in the natural sciences
-were created by the Honors Council because
it felt this type of program would make a signi-
ficant contribution to the education of the
superior student.
We find one criticism of this program. Be-
sides being created too late, it was created only
for the "superior" student. In short, the literary
college should have done a great deal more
with the integrated program and aimed it at
more people. It is really unfortunate that it
took the pressures and needs of an Honors
Council to arrive at such a program.
We believe that the interdepartmental
course, specifically the inter-departmental
course where there is common ground, is
almost a necessity for a first-rate university.
It's importance increases for any large, sprawl-
ing university with its high-class cafeteria,
assortment of courses. Its value goes up even
another notch when exigencies of time, a large
student body, and a small counseling staff force
counseling to become totally impersonal and
primarily a rubber-stamp function.
HE STUDENT, especially the freshman or
sophomore, looks at the bewildering array of
courses, and then, if he is a good student, takes
those which look as though they might be
interesting. Very often, he is taking four or,
five different courses which seem to have abso-
lutely no relation to each other. Often the
only time relationships become apparent is
when he is taught the same thing in different
courses, and then, the value of repetition ex-,
eluded, the courses become a needless waste of
The fortunate junior or senior may begin to
see his education experience as an organic
entity, but by then he wishes he had done

something else with his freshman and sopho-
more years. In fact, he often wonders what he
did with his freshman and sophomore years.
The new integrated courses are able very
often to fulfill this need by relating different
materials to each other. They' enable the stu-
dent to see his education as a single structure.
They are able to pull diverse blocks together,
and at the same time help the student plan his
program from there. They may also help to
emphasize the basic role of education as a
means rather than an end in itself. Certainly,
if somebody's program is headed in a direction
he can see, he will see that it is taking him
somewhere. If he works from final exam to
final exam, this can not be the case.
The scholar in English is not a scholar unless
he can see where literature fits into the general
pattern of things. Literature in not an entity
alone, but rather the results of many societal.
forces. The student cannot really hope to un-
derstand the literature of a certain period
unless he knows something of the times-the
government, the ideas and other forms of art in
that age.
A similar case can be made for the social and
natural sciences.
An integrated program may also act as a
valuable catalyst and stimulus for the student.
Inter-reaction or recognition of basic patterns
very often provide the means for intellectual
The Honors Council saw fit to establish
integrated courses for the superior student,
because it saw that integrated courses can
make a valuable contribution to someone's
We hope the literary college would continue
to increase its use of the integrated courses,
and even the integrated program, not merely
as a means to provide superior education for
the superior student, but also to prove a more
meaningful education for anybody who wants



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ps95' T*E rs rtrs-ol. on r moo,
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GOP Powers in Hot Water

Our Satellite Success
Must Not Fog Issues

THIS country's "most sophisticated" rocket-
the Navy's Vanguard-blew some Army-
donated United States rocketry prestige out the
window when it rose to 20,000 feet, faltered,
split in two, and had to be exploded by the
Cape Canaveral range safety officer early yes-
terday morning.
Ironically, the bits and pieces of Navy's
debacle fell - this time - into the Atlantic
Ocean. At the Vanguard's first abortive launch-
ing attempt on Dec. 6, the highly publicized
rocket rose four feet into the air before ex-
ploding and destroying its launching pad.
It is regretable the latest Vanguard attempt
had to fail at a time when Army scientists
had just succeeded in taking the stigma of
Sputniklessness off the United States. For the
first time in four months of clear, beeping
evidence of Soviet rocket domination, scientific
eyes in this country were beginning to clear
of satellite-launching, frenzied haziness. Scien-
tists were beginning to think of realistic basic
changes in educational systems and of other
ways to consolidate U.S. gains and forge ahead
to the goal of Sputnik-parity,
We hope this latest failure will not cause a
regression to the frantic "we must have satel-
lites up there fast and to hell with the rest"
attitude of the past four months. Rather, it is
evident from both the Army's success and the
Navy's failure that a radically different empha-
sis is called for,
The United States still faces a long pull to
catch up with the Russians. This is evident from
the statements of leading missilemen such as
Wernher von Braun, "father of the Jupiter-C,"
who said it would take this country five years
to catch up with the Russians even if our work-
achievement rate was twenty per cent ahead of
IN THE FACE of this long haul-predicted by
a man who should know-two points become
First, because this country's one successful
satellite-carrying missile was constructed and
launched primarily under the direction of Ger-

man-born scientists who were transported to
the United States after World War II-von
Braun is a good example-it becomes clear that
there is a need for new blood-and money-to
be pumped into our educational system so that
this country will not have to depend so heavily
on foreign imports in the future. From the
practical point of view, between the United
States and Russia, the European reservoir of
missile brain-power has been just about cleaned
out. Thus, the creation-through education--
and extensive tapping of home reservoirs is
necessary both to insure future productivity
and as a program token of future potentiality.
Concerning the second point, it has become
evident from the Navy's two failures that the
''we must have satellites up there fast" attitude,
coupled with intra-service rivalry over missile
control and the "fight" for favorable publicity,
is severely detrimental to this country's inter-,
ests. The Army was lucky. The Navy, working
on a "artificial moon or bust" basis, has failed
twice-badly both times.
The Navy's first abortive launching came
when the Sputniks were still fresh reminders
of this country's lag. Prompted by defense de-
partment publicists and its own desire to "beat
Army" with public avengeance, the Navy pro-
ject received a build-up out of proportion to
the expected results. When the project failed,
this country received a year's worth of un-
favorable publicity. The Navy's second failure
came-coincidentally-only a few days ,after
the Army satellite threatened to displace per-
manently Navy's death-hold on long-range mis-
siles and missile appropriations.
Clearly, the Navy has shown that overall
control of missile development should be given
to a bureau of government which will not easily
fall victim to haste and intra-service rivalry.
The Killian study of this matter gains added
significance in view of Navy's second demoraliz-
ing failure.
When the time comes to assess the merits of
the various service claims for missile control,
we hope Dr. Killian will recall the Navy mis-
sile's not-so-strange affinity for water.

THE ARKANSAS traveler, Con-
gressman Oren Harris, has
kept such a throttle-hold on the
Moulder Committee and so fumed
and fulminated over leaks to this
column that it's sometimes diffi-
cult to report what goes on behind
closed doors.
That's why this column is a
little late in reporting a highly
significant secret debate which
took place before Congress con-
vened when Bobby Hale of Maine
and John Heselton of Massachu-
setts rushed down from New Eng-
land to try to block the Federal
Communications Commission in-
These two New England Repub-
licans made the trip because three
other eminent New England Re-
publicans were in trouble.
THE THREE in trouble includ-
ed the highest dignitaries in the
Grand Old Party: Sh er m a n
Adams, former governor of New
Hampshire, now Assistant Presi-
dent, Sinclair Weeks of Boston,
former national GOP treasurer,
now Secretary of Commerce, and
Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, former
governor of Massachusetts, now
Heselton and Hale were valiant
and effective. They did not refer
to the above distinguished blue-
bloods. They just stormed against
the general investigation.
"This is the worst thing I have
seen since I have been in Con-

gress," shouted Congressman Hes-
elton, usually a moderate. He was
referring to a questionnaire ask-
ing top officials on regulatory
commissions to list gifts received
from businessmen they regulate.
Heselton accused Schwartz of
preparing the questionnaire in se-
cret and not letting congressmen
see it in advance. Schwartz sug-
gested that Heselton examine his
file. The congressman from Mas-
sachusetts thumbed through the
cardboard folder he had brought
to the meeting.
"Oh," he said sheepishly, "you
don't mean this questionnaire of
August 30th?"
* * *
IN THE END, the Committee
agreed to accept the questionnaire
but keep the answers under lock
and key. The power of public
opinion has now forced out an-
swers regarding free TV sets and
free travel received from the TV
But much more searching prob-
lems remain to be examined, in-
cluding the real reason the two
New England congressmen
hastened back to Washington to
protect their high-up New Eng-
land friends.
For one of the most interesting
cases of wire-pulling w h i c h
Moulder Committee probers have
poked into is that of the Boston
Herald and Traveler and a TV li-
cense worth about $20,000,000.
This choice TV plum went to the

staunch Republican Herald and
Traveler after FCC Examiner
James Cunningham recommended
against it, but after Messrs. Sher-
man Adams, Sinclair Weeks and
Leverett Saltonstall put their
powerful fingers in the FCC pie.
The multimillion-dollar TV
channel was also granted after
amazing threats by the Herald
and Traveler that it would put
the Boston Globe out of business.
These threats are now a matter
of official record.
They have been filed by the
owners of the Boston Globe, an
independent newspaper, who told
how Robert Choate, owner of the
Herald-Traveler, had tried for
two years to force a merger of the
Globe and the Herald-Traveler.
CHOATE then angrily threat-
ened "to do his best to put the
Globe out of business," charged
Globe President Davis Taylor in
a sworn affidavit, and, if he won
a TV license, "to use his newspa-
per, radio station and television
station to injure the Globe."
The FCC is supposed to allocate
TV channels on the basis of free
competition, not to monopolize
either advertising or news dis-
semination. Despite this, thanks
to wire-pulling in high places,
FCC commissioners did a loop-
the-loop and gave the monopoly-
making TV channel to the Herald-
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

effective moments in them. The
most interesting of these was "My
Generous Heart Disdains." The
varying moods and emotions were
Icaught admirably by the artist,
both vocally and visually.
Probably the most interesting
part of the program was a cycle of
songs on texts from Benjamin
Franklin called Poor Richard.
Upon first hearing, one is im-
mediately taken up by the clever-
ness of the texts and the effective
setting which Ross Lee Finney
(also of the School of Music fac-
ulty) gave to them.
* *. *
MR. HAUGH'S excellent and
effortless diction brought out all
of the words and meanings. How-
ever, I wasdstruck by the fact that
the extremely witty and striking
texts served as a detriment to the
The audience reacted heartily to
the words, but I wonder how many
really listened to the music..Mr.
Finney's music was not only a
very fine vehicle for the texts, but,
was of interesting and high quality
on its own.
It seems to me that contem-
porary composers are all too often
interested in setting self-sufficient
words which only defeats the mu-
sic. If one is dealing in a musical
form, which I trust present day
song composers are, the music
must never be subordinated to the
* * *
FOLLOWING the intermission,
Mr. Haugh returned to perform a
group of songs with a general
Protestant religious expression in
the words. Fortunately, most of
the songs were not of the usual
tasteless nature generally perpe-
trated upon the average Protestant
Sarah Dittenhaver's "Lady of
the Amber Wheat" and Sven Lek-
berg's "A Ballad of Trees and the
Master" proved to be quite inter-
esting and effective. Mr. Haugh's
performance of these, as in all of
this group, revealed deep convic-
tion and feeling.
The final song of this group was
"The Better Prayer" by Char-
lotte Lockwood. This song was
dedicated to the tenor. When the
introduction began, I expected
rather nice things. However, with
the entrance of the voice, the ac-
companiment became somewhat
trivial. The vocal writing was flu-
ent and lyric and reached a good
The final section was a mis-
cellaneous group which, in general,
left me rather cold. One exception
was the last song,
Nearly all the songs on the pro-
gram fell into the "nice" category
with many effective moments.
However, except for the Finney
cycle, I did not hear much beyond
some superficial craftsmanship.
The accompaniments were pro-
vided by Charles Fisher of the
School of Music faculty and his
performance never fell below ex-
--Robert Jobe


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIII, NO. 87 .
General Notices
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12.1
o'clock noon on the Tuesday prior to
the event.°
February 7. 1958
Alice Lloyd Hall, Chicago House, Del-
ta Theta Phi, Michigan Christian Fel-
February 8, 1958
Alpha Delta Phi, Chicago, Delta The-
ta Phi, Graduate Student Council.
February 9,.1958
Delta Theta Phi, Greene House.
Applications for Grants in support of
Research Projects: Faculty members
who wish to apply for grants from the
Faculty Research funds to support re-
search projects should file their appli-=
cations in the Office of the" Graduate. .
School not later than Mon., Feb. 10. Ap-
plication forms are available in the
office of the Dean, Room 1006 Rackham
Student Organization Sponsored A-
tivities: All activities and projects spon-
sored or produced by student organiza.
tions must receive the approval of Stu-
dent Government Council. Only recog-
nized organizations are eligible to sub-
mit a petition for consideration. A pe-
tition should be submitted to the
Council at least two weeks before thei
event is to take place. Forms may be
secured from the Administrative Sec-
retary of Stuaent Government Counl
in the Student Activities Building
(Room 1538 or 2011). Activities are to
be scheduled so as to take place before
the seventh day prior to the beginning
of a final examination period. For the+
present semester the examination per-
iod begins May 30, 1958. Publicity for
an event may not be released until ap-
proval has been secured. For detailed
procedures and regulations relating to
student organization activities, see
which are available in the Office of
tudent Affairs, 2011 Student Activi-
ties Building.
Recognition of new campus organi-
zations falls within the jurisdiction of
the Student Government Council. En- -
formation concerning procedure and as-
sistance may be secured from Student
Government Council offices in the Stu-
dent Activities Building or from the
Administrative Swretary, Mrs. Calla-
Summary, action taken by Student
Government Council at itssmeeting
Jan. 15, 1958. Approved: Minutes of pre-
vious meeting. Appointed: Stan Levy t-
SGC Evaluation sub-committee. Post-
poned action on recommendations for
appointments to Membership restriction
study committee. Established date for
spring elections as March 25, 26. ,Ap-.
proved activities as follows: Feb. 15, Ga-
lens, Caduceus Ball, Union, 9-1 a.m,
Feb. 14, 15 Ukranian Student Club, Sym-
posium "A Critical Analysis of the Sov-
let Education System," six lectures: 15
Ukranian Student Club, Ukrainian Ball.
Rackham,8 p.m. and 22 Michigan Un-
ion "Jazz at Ann Arbor" show, Hill, 9
p.m. The following activities were cal-
endared March 3-7, Michigan Union,
Union Madness and March 8 Jr..IFC,
Jr. Panhellenic, dance. Change of date
for Military Ball from March 7 to Mar.
14 was approved. Assembly Bal, previ-
ously calendared for March 8, was
dropped. Adopted statement relating
to final examination policy. Approved
Forum program, John Gates, speaker
(speaker subject to approval by Corn-,
bmittee on University Lectures).
United Nations Lobbyist. Dr. Elton
Atwater, will speak informally during
the Office of Religious Affairs Coffee
Hour, 4:15 p.m. Fri.. Feb. 7, Lane Hall
Norman Thomas, director, Post-War
World Council, will speak on "Arms
and the Economy," Fri., Feb. 7, at 8:00
p~m. In Rackham Auditorium. Spon-
sored by the Economics Club. All staff
and graduate students in economics
and business administration urged to
attend. All others invited.
Organ Recital: 4:15 p.m. Sun. Feb.. ,:

in Hill Auditorium, by David Craig-
head, Head of Organ Department, East-
man School of Music, University of
Rochester. Sponsored by the School of
Music, the recital will be open to the
general public without charge. It will
include works by Bach, Buxtehude, Mo-
zart; Robert Russell Bennett, Stanley,
Sowerby and Maurice Durufle.
Academic Notices
Medical college Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the May 11, 1958
administration of the Medical Col-
lege Admission Test are now available
at 122 Rackham Building. Application
blanks are due in Princeton, N.J., two
weeks before the test date.




United Arab Republic-Realization of a Dream

Daily Staff Writer
THE UNION of Egypt and Syri'a
as the United Arab Republic is
being regarded as the realization of
a long-held aspiration of all Ara-
bic peoples, interviews with stu-
dents from the new country reveal.
Arabs have felt united for many
years, Louis Greiss, a graduate
student from Egypt declared. "I
can go to any Arab country with-
out feeling a foreigner," he said.
This universal feeling among
Arabs is now being felt by leaders
in their governments, Greiss con-
tinued. President Gamal Abdel
Nasser of the new republic is such
a leader, he believes. King Hussein
of Jordan, King Faisal of Iraq and
others who oppose united Arab
action and belong to or favor the
Baghdad Pact do not represent
the sentiments ofdtheir subjects.
Union of the Arab states is an
economic necessity, he said, since
without a market of their own,
pressure such as last year's boycott
of Syria can be employed by an
outside power.
* * *
Syrian, corrobated most of Greiss'
points. He agreed that Arabs
everywhere are rejoicing at the
news of the first significant merger
of Arab states since King Ibn
Saud formed Saudi Arabia out of
the desert kingdoms of Nejd and

They need much more develop-
ment of their natural resources.
Political considerations are not
so important because the will of
the people will be felt. He saw no
long-run difficulty in incorporating
absolute monarchies such as Saudi
Arabia and the Persian Gulf
Sheikdoms of Bahrain, Kuwait
and Qatar, into the United Arab
"I have heard rumors," Dalati
said, "that the Imam of Yemen,
also an absolute monarch, will re-
sign to become a spiritual leader.
This could set a good example for
Leaders such as Jordan's Hus-
sein may face "revolt," Dalati said
at one point, but later tempered
this statement to "change,"
* * *
BOTH ARAB students were
somewhat vague or unrealistic in
facing questions as to how King
Saud, for example, could be made
to step down, or the British per-
suaded to abandon their protec-
torates on the Gulf.
Loose federation of existing Arab
governments would be a welcome
first step toward union, the Syrian
American policy should encour-
age the new country, Dalati said,
remarking on reports he had heard
that Secretary of State John Fos-
ter Dulles should be fired for al-
lowing the merger to occur.
As things stand now, he said
parenthetically, the only reason
C[o r a ctfn ,in ot ,~

new republic toward its neighbor
Israel, Greiss first declared that
the only solution lay in respecting
the terms of the United Nations
settlement, which called for a re-
turn of Israel to her 1947 boun-
daries, and return of Palestinian
refugees to their homes or other
suitable compensation. He admit-;
ted, though, that even an Israel
reduced in size would be unsatis-
factory from the Arab point of
view and that only integration of
Jewish Palestine into the Arab
Republic would work.
Dalati pointed out that Israel
is at present near the saturation
point in population, while her
neighbors are sparsely populated.
Expansion is thus inevitable, and
friction will inevitably follow.
CONSIDERING these points,
Dalati concluded that the United
States should no longer back Israel
for its own good. Such an attitude
would appear to allow for emo-
tional commitments on the part of
Arabs, but ignore those of others
Asked to comment on the for-
mation of the UAR and on the
statements of Greiss and Dalati,
Prof. George L. Grassmuck of the
political science department agreed
that Arabs have a feeling of unity
that transcends national boun-
daries, but questioned the assump-
tion that the initial merger would
work so easily.
Prof. Grassmuck's background

The economies of the two coun-
tries and national characted of
their inhabitants are likewise not
the same. Even in their armed
forces, merged on paper some
months ago, there exist points of
controversy, such as differingpay
scales. Considerations of .this sort
cannot be overlooked, the profes-
sor feels. He cited the case of the
two legislatures, members of which
do not wish to lose office.
Prof. Grassmuck illustrated his
points in terms of an attempted
merger of New York State and
North Carolina without the bene-
fit of our national government in
Washington. Regardless of the
wishes of officials and even of the
people, he said, the two states are
separate geographically, economi-
cally and in certain social traits.
. * * *
REGARDING the point that
Nasser may have used union to
keep control of Syria, Prof. Grass-
muck said the impetus for the
union from Syria's Arab Ressurec-
tionist Party, and while other
parties would not dare come out
against a Pan-Arab nation, they
do not favor the mover for several
reasons, not all political.
Similarly, Prof. Grassmuck said
he knew several Syrians here in
Ann Arbor who did not favor the
merger of their country with
Egypt, but "for them to say so
would be to say they did't want
to go home."

; g IticI4uan New Books at the Library

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
)ONNA HANSON ................ Personnel Director
AROL PRINS............ ....Magazine Editor
DWARD GFRULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
VILLIAM BAND~Y................. Features Editor
ZOSE PERLBERG ................ Activities Editor
IANE FRASER ............ Assoc, Activities Editor
'HOMAS BLUES .......... Assoc. Personnel Director
AMES Y3AAD .. ....... ... Sports Editor
RUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
OHN ILLYER.............Associate Sports Editor
RUCE BAILEY.........,.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff

Goldberg, Alfred, ed.-- A History of the
United States Air Force, 1907-57; Van Nost-
rand, 1957.
Harwell, Richard B., ed.-The Confederate
Reader; NY, Longmans, Green, 1957.
MacLean, Fitzroy-The Heretic: The Life
and Times of Josip Broztito; NY, Harper, 1957.
Noyes, Alfred-The Accusing Ghost of Roger
Casement; NY, The Citadel Press, 1957.
Thiel, Rudolf-The There Was Light; NY,
Knopf, 1957.
Warren, Joyce-Peacocks and Avarice; NY,
Harper, 1957.
West, Rebecca-The Court and the Castle;
NewH roavan Vole niv res. 15 7

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