IMPROVED ITERATURE SCHOOL CIRRICULUM tL See Ege 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1958 rout To Study hool Calendars ommitte4 Will Examine Better Use )f. University's Teaching Facilities I' Sy RICHARD TAUB University PresidenHarlan Hatcher's Calendar Study Committee ins to devise a calerlar which is "educationally defensible," and study ways of mor effectively utilizing the University plant, cording to a report of he committee. Under the present wo semester system, the University facilities e not at maximum us, all year around. Quarter system and a three nester system are tvow possible ways to use buildings to capacity, e report said. Several Universities are on the quarter system. Under this pro- im the school year f divided into four terms, with one of them -serving as summer session. A three itic-Author 1 Recite is Works semester system has just been recommended for Wayne State University by a faculty committee there. Student Capacity Up. Such a change would boost its student capacity 20 per cent. The new schedule which is subject to approval of Wayne's Deans, Presi- dent Clarence Hillberry, and the Boafd of Governors would: 1. Drop the traditional 13-week vacation. 2. Place faculty members on a 12-month contract with a 20 per cent pay raise. 3. Make it possible for a stu- dent to earn a bachelors degree in 32 months. ROBERT GRAVES . .. noted critic Robert Graves, famous English et, short story writer, critic and olar will read and comment on own works at 4:10 p.m. dnesday in Rackham Lecture 11. Since 1928, Graves has written nerous books, some of the latest ng the "White Goddess," "Col- ted Poems," "The Golden Ass," reek Myths" and "Homer's ughter." traves was born in London, gland in 1895. He was a captain the Royal Welch Fusilleers in rld War I and was made a fessor in English literature at Egyptian University in 1926: [is talk, sponsored by the Eng- department, is open to every- C Grou .econunends *ew Fraternity he Executive Committee of the erfraternity Council decided night to recoinmend the fra- pity presidents allow Alpha ppa Lambda fraternity to begin ctivation. at the University :t fall. ewis Bacon, national execu- * secretary of Alpha Kappa nbda, told the committee that fraternity's first step would to give an active in another- pter a scholarship to come to University and start the col- The University committee plans to spend a great deal of time studying different types of calen- dars. Copies of all past University calendars will be studied; requests have been sent to 1,300 colleges for their calendars; accrediting agencies are being contacted to learn what they consider impor- tant in a calendar: The Deans of the University schools and colleges have been contacted for informa- tion on desirable calendars; rules of the Western Conference and those of the National Collegiate Athletic Association are being:col- lected. Conferences Planned The group also plans conferences with administrative officials, and is interested in the opinions and suggestions of any member of the University community. The group was established early in January and has been working. ever since. Each committee mem-, ber has a specific assignment, and the committee has a full time sec- retary.: Its membership includes Prof.. S. Dwyer of the mathematics de- partment as chairman, James D. Shortt of the University relations office as secretary, Prof. Marcus L. Plant of the law school, Prof. Leo M. Legatski of the engineering school, and Scott Chrysler, the student member. The committee replaces a larger University calendar committee which has been trouble shooting the current calendar. It plans to complete a program and present it to the University with the rationale for it, before September, 1958. Cause Snag Came In Missile's First Stage Rocket Split Result Of Slight Deflection CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. ()- The Air Force said yesterday that irregularities in the engine cgntrol system caused the Vanguard/satel- lite-bearing test vehicle to break apart shortly after its launching early yesterday. The irregularities occurred in the engine control system of the first stage of the three-stage Navy vehicle, 57 Seconds Later It came 57 seconds after the launching of the rocket. Within three seconds the irregularities had deflected the missile so far to the right that it broke in two. The Air Force statement said the Vanguard projects include "two more test vehicles" before another attempt is made to launch a full-sized satellite. The Navy-disappointed in its second failure to get a satellite aloft-plans to delve deeper into just what went wrong before try- ing a third shot. Parts Recovered The Air Force said in a prepared announcement transmitted to it by the Naval Research Laboratory that parts of the wreckage also have been recovered offshore. The loss of the Vanguard was a sharp setback to Navy hopes to put a series of small satellites into an orbit during the International Geophysical Year now under way. That program already is already considerably behind schedule. The Air Force, which operates the missile test center at Cape Canaveral for the armed services, searched the waters 3 to 10 miles off shore for wreckage. Among the ruins might be the 6.4-inch sphere stored in the mis- sile's nose for an attempt to place another earth satellite in company with the Army's Explorer estab- lished-in orbit last Friday Sallade Asks Tax Revision Special to The Daily BAY CITY-Two changes in the state's tax structure were urged by Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) to "improve Michigan's industrial climate." Speaking before the Bay City Lions Club luncheon yesterday, Rep. Sallade attacked the business activities tax and the property tax. The possible candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomina- tion said "the Legislature must en- able local governments to level excise taxes so they may depend upon sources of revenue other than the property tax. "The property tax is a fied charge:-upon business, realestate and personal inventories that must be paid whether a firm is making a profit or not." He called the business activities tax "a burden on those businesses that are beginning operation in the state and must be paid even before any profits." It should be levied upon a profits basis rather than on its volume of business. Operations Budget Cut Six Million Governor Supports Science Institute BY DAVID TARR The University's request for 1958-59 operating funds has been cut almost $6 million by Gov. G. Mennen Williams. In a budget message delivered to the Legislature last week, the governor asked $31,459,103 for the University, a figure considerably lower than the r e q u e s t e d $37,274,000. Gov. Williams' recommenda- tions are only $1.2 million above the University's budget for the current fiscal year compared to the 7 million hike asked. Trimmed Request A total budget of $47,667,000 was requested by the University for its 1958-59 operations. Capital outlay, or building, funds are a separate request. The Legislature was asked to supply $37,274,000 with the remaining $10,393,000 coming from students' fees held at this year's rate. Last year the Legislature trimmed the Governor's recom- mendation for the University ,by $1.4. Many observers in Lansing believe the Legislature will do the same this year although they are not guessing by how much. Gov. Williams' budget included a separate item of $2,870,000 for the establishment of an Institute of Science and Technology at the University. In a separate message to the Legislature he requested funds for construction of a build- ing to house the Institute. University Vice-President Wil- liam Stirton yesterday said the operating money is necessary be- cause the Institute will be estab- lished before a separate building for it is built. Labor Institute Gov: Williams boosted the project as desirable "to meet the scientific challenges of our times." The governor included in his budget $150,000 to create an In- stitute of Labor and Industrial Relations at the University in co- operation with Wayne State Uni- versity. He also called for $100,000 for the Dearborn branch which is scheduled to be open in the fall of 1959, and $348,750 for research in human resources. A total state budget of $361,400,- 000 was given by Gov. Williams. He said it would be $5,200,000 above anticipated revenues but added that the deficit would be "manageable." of Missil pi a Requests Pierpont Visits" Waseda U' University Vice President in charge of Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont left last week for the Far East to consult with members of the University's fac- ulty now doing work with the in- dustrial productivity research group at Waseda University, To- kyo, Japan. 'his student, he explained ild "hand-pick" three or four n at the University to form a leus for the new chapter. ese men would meet with'alum- sometime around the first of :t year to form plans for buy- or renting a house and ex- iding their activities. t this time, he added, they . probably form a "social club" .ch would become the chapter m it can satisfy the require- its of the University and IFC. 'he Zeta chapter of Alpha Kap- Lambda deactivated at the .versity just after World War The national was originally nded on bhe West Coast as a cite, Protestant" social frater- r, Bacon said. It removed the testant restriction in 1940 and racial one in 1946. ebels Push SERVICE FOR A CENTURY: , 'U' Faculty Members Van Duren, Stoking, O'I oke Pass A wa By BARTON HUTHWAITE Prof. Arthur J. Van Duren, chairman of freshman and sopho- more academic counselors in the literary school and professor of German, recently died of a heart attack. Charles H. Stocking, former dean of the College of Pharmacy, and Prof. Emeritus Earl C. O'Roke also passed away during the mid- year recess. Dean Stocking died quietly Jan. 31 at his winter home in Braden- ton, Fla. Doctors attributed Prof. O'Roke's death at St. Joseph Mer- cy Hospital Jan. 30 to a heart at- tack. i ; - LW :: ff