THE CANDIDATES HON SIGMA KAPPA See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial FreedomA LXVIH, No. 126 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1958 FIVE CENTS MTY CMOUDY, SNOW \ SIX P? Boys'n Girls Roommate Women from Vassar and'Placement Smith Colleges will be under- graduates at Yale University S for the first time everanext fall. They will be under a new program to recruit and train seondary school teachers. By JANE McCARTHY By DAVID TARR University officials will sit dow' with legislators today in an effo tQ get the school's proposed 1958 59 operating budget increased. The administration, who w meet with the Senate Appropria tions Committee in Lansing w: try to show why that group shou .not haye slashed the University budget-request by some eight mi lion. dollars. The cut, announced last week, almost a million dollars under t amount appropriated for the cur rent year. A revised budget figure will b 4 presented to the legislators. It expected to be somewhat highe than Gov. G. Mennen William recommendation of $31,459,103 bi under the University's original re quest of x$37,274,000. Enrollment, cost of living an other charts will be used by a ministrators to support their arg ments. The officials have said they wi h tell the legislators anything the, wish to know. Vice-President and Dean of Fae ulties Marvin L. Niehuss has sai the University .never withhe from legislators any informatio except the salaries of individual To disclose them, he claims, wouJ lead to discord. Appropriations Committe Chairman Sen. Elmer R. Porte (R-Blissfield) has charged that hi has been unable to inspect th books of the University. Two Regents, Eugene B. Powe and Otto E. Eckert, may atten the hearing. President Harla Hatcher, four vice-presidents an several other University officia will be present. T TGdates to Tell yHe Left Conununists John Gates, former editor of th Communist Daily Worker, membe of the Communist-Party Nationa Committee and an inmate of th Atlanta Federal Penitentiary fo five years following his 1949 con viction under the Smith Act, wil speak at 8 p.m. today in the Uic Ball Room. "The ideals which originally at tracted me to communism seem t me the ones that give meaning t life, and they are worth trying t realize. I left the Communist Party because it no longer offers a wa: to further those ideals," he wrot inhis pamphlet "Evolution of ,an American Communist." Gates resigned from the part and the editorship of the now de funct Daily Worker on Jan, 10. Joins In 1931 He had joined the movement In 1931 when a student at City Col lege of New York, then left schol in 1932 to spend four years or ganizing steel workers and the un employed in Youngstown, 0. In 1937, he joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade which fought for the Loyalists in the Spanish Civi War. He relates in his pamphle that Wihen asked "How come i took you so long to learn abou Stalin and what went wrong in Russia," Gates replies "it looked nothing like that in Spain." Recalls Remark He recalls the remark of a Com and reestablishment of these allow- ances as specific items in the ap- propriation bill. Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss- field), committee chairman,' told Hannah at the conclusion of the two hour hearing that the com- mittee was promising nothing. "We'll have to wait and see," Porter said. The committee will hear tomorrow from the Univer- sity, which also is seeking restora- tion of proposed budget cutbacks, and perhaps more money. vn Gov. G. Mennen Williams rec- rt ommended $27,779,214 in operating* 8- funds for MSU, which was given $26,326,500 by the legislature for ill 1957-58. The appropriations com- a- mittee has submitted a bill calling ill for $25,315,000 in the coming fiscal Id year. i's Hannah said he recognized the i- responsibilities of legislators in dispensing public monies and levy- is ing taxes to meet bills incurred, he and was aware of the state's r- straitened financial situation. "But," he said in conclusion, be "if we don't try to present the pic- is ture as we see it, we shouldn't by er where we'are." s' The university laid stress on the qt salary item, which he said basi- e- cally was sought for a four per cent pay increase., 1d Particularly, he said, the money d- was needed to keep "bright young a- faculty members" who otherwise might be enticed to other institu- [11' tions, and to maintain the' high ey quality of the MSU staff. Hannah said regardless of G- whether the legislature set aside id money specifically for the high- ld way traffic or labor and industrial n relations centers they would have s. to be continued. Ld If faculty members with bstab- lished rank and tenure in the two ae operations were let out, he said, er "We wouldn't be able to hire; a he professor that could get a job .at ie at any other university." er s " 1 n Uno Picks I5 New Council, New Union Junior Executive Council members were announced yesterday by Dick Schwartz, '59, Union Administrative Vice-Presi- dent-elect. The new members and the com- mittees of which they are chair- men are: Public Relations, Donald e McNeal, '60E; Special Events, r John Goodrich, '60; Student Rela- 1l tions, Henry Mote, '60; Student e Services, Martin Newman, '60; r University Affairs, Tom Patter- 1 son, '60. L Also, Internal Affairs, John Eis- n berg, '60; International Relations, Maurice Zilber, '80; Personnel, - Frank Starkweather, '60; and So- o cial, Sanford Holo, '60. Join .Russia By THOMAS HAYDEN There is some possibility that France might revert to an alli- ance with the Soviet Union, a British member of parliament' said here yesterday. William Yates, emphasizing that he was speaking as an in- dividual and not as a member of the Conservative party, claimed that during the present Algerian crisis, changes in the French gov- ernment have been "for the worse." The time could come, he said, when France might break with NATO and revive its traditional policy of relations with the Soviet Union. Hits Algerian Crisis Yates labelled the Algerian cri- sis as "disorganized butchery" which gives Communist subvert- ers in the Near East "a marvelous horse to' ride on." The French government has re- fused to grant independence to Algeria, which they claim as part of metropolitan France. As a re- sult, the Algerians have openly rebelled with the aid of Tunisia, and Morocco. 'French Can't Have Everything' "The French must learn that they can't have everything," and consequently give in to Algerian demands for independence, Yates declared. At present, he continued, no rebel leader would ever accept France's word in any negotiation, because in (their view, they have shown themselves to be untrust- worthy before in similar situa- tions, particularly in Syria. However, Yates was convinced that the Algerians would accept any declaration of intention by United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammerskjold. France May Withdraw Demands The hope of the United States and Great Britain, he said, lies in the chance that France will withdraw its demands, and allow Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria to confederate. This government would maintain friendly relations with the NATO alliance although not joining, he added. On the other hand, he warned, if the French do not change their position, the Algerians might set up a rebel government in exile. The Assembly Dormitory Coun- cil yesterday accepted a resolution by the Assembly Executive Board supporting the University policy on roommate placement. Assembly President Marg Brake, '58, explained that the Board felt that a resolution was needed since "recent agitation on, campus has led many to accept the false as- sumption that segregation is prac- ticed in University housing. "Some groups are beginning to say," she said, that no choice of roommate or expression of prefer- ence should be allowed to fresh- men. This, she added, would mean that students would be placed in the order in which they apply, re- ducing them to the often com- plained of numbers in still another, way. Resolution Supports 'U' The resolution supports the Uni- versity philosophy allowing stu- dents freedom in the area ortheir personal relationships, and the policy statement of the Board of Governors of Residence Halls promising to respect any prefer- ence expressed by entering stu- dents in regard to roommates in- sofar as administratively feasible. The right of the individual houses to decide their own meth- od* of roommate selection for re- turning women was also affirmed. To Present to Board The resolution will now be pre- sented to the Board of Governors of Residence Halls. The Council also joined IHC in recommending a study committee to see about the possibility of coed housing on campus. The nominations for first vice- president of Assembly Association were announced at the meeting. Elsie Sherer, '59, and Christine Wells, '59Ed, are the two candi- dates who have been selected from those who petitioned. Only one candidate, Pat Marthenke, '59, petitioned for Assembly president. These two positions will be voted on at next week's meeting, and the results will be announced at League Night. King's Brother Given Power Over Arabia CAIRO (A' - King Saud has turned over to his brother, the pro-Egyptian Crown Prince Veisal, full control over the oil-rich Saudi Arabian kingdom's foreign, finan- cial and internal affairs. Cairo's press, reporting this yes- terday, said Feisal presented his elder brother, Saud, with a list of strong demands which, if authen- tic, would indicate Feisal is emerg- ing as the kingdom's strong man. The Saudi Arabian delegation at the United Nations confirmed the transfer of internal and domestic power to Feisal. WORKERS NEEDED-Elections Director Roger Mahey (left) and his assistant, Richard Erbe, look over their chart of polls workers. prepartaory to today's all-campus elections. Mahey is short of workers to man the 19 polling places and fears a low turnout as a result. American Officials Call. ked Note Propaganda WASHINGTON ()-Officials said last night that Russia's newest diplomatic note shows the Kremlin' wants to turn a summit confer- ence into a "propaganda circus" instead of seeking meaningful agree- ments. This was their initial reaction after studying a partial text of the message Radio Moscow broadcast last night. Scoff at Accusations They scoffed at the Soviet accusation that the United States was "actually trying to take the entire problem of the summit conference back to the starting point." As far as the American government was concerned, they said the conditions for a summit meeting never have left the "starting point." They said the United° States has insisted and will con- tneto insist that any heads ofPl n Crashes, government meeting must be pre- ceeded with lower level meetings O a e ff of lower heads on which problems On TaKeoff would show whether any top level- meeting would be wdrthwhile. MIAMI Fla. (JP)--A Braniff Air- Call Note 'Laughable' lines plane bound for South Amer- These officials said it was ica crashed and burned at 12:05 "laughable" that the Soviet's note a.m. this morning just after its professed surprise that the United take-off from Miami Internation- States seized the prospect that an al Airport. unprepared conference would be There was no immediate word a kind of "theatrical perform- on casualties, but survivors were ance." rushed to nearby Mercy Hospital. The Soviet reply was broadcast R. H. Sands, a watchman, said only three hours after President he saw the plane come in with its Dwight D. Eisenhower called a right engine afire. special meeting of the National Roads surrounding the area Security Council to consider a where the big DC-7 went down matter which the White House re- were jammed with sightseers.. fused to identify. A spokesman at the hospital Top level consideration of pos- said the emergency room was sible American disarmament shifts jammed "Nobody can talk now," was virtually halted in January he said. "They're too busy." pending a survey and report to the ___________________________ Security Council of scientific prob- olations of a ban on nuclear tests. T hirty-N ine The State Departroent declined officially to comment on the Soviet reply until the full text has been received by the embassy in Mos- cow. Officials were obviously annoyed University Regents Friday gra that Radio Moscow began broad- bers of the faculty. casting the note to the world be- -Nine were granted for the first fore the note had been received by McLaughlin of the astronomy dep the department. stlarghpentoscopy. sro.myhes The note was being held in the stellar spectroscopy. Prof. Chester United States embassy in Moscow will write a textbook. awaiting transmission to Washing- Prof. Clark Hopkins of the cla ton, the time in preparation of a report o " Prof 'IT'S OUP! IT'S UP!' diepi __________________________________lish stud Three 'U' Students Launch First Campus Missilelang wore --- By BARTON HUTHWAITE A team of three University students launched the campus' first missile yesterday. The sleek space projectile streaked high into the heavens but failed to go into orbit. Using a secret chemical as fuel, it reportedly reached a height of 200 feet. Resembles Army Rocket The "Alpha-I Ballistic Missile" faintly resembled the Army's first successful rocket-the Jupiter C. After a momentary delay caused by high winds and a lack of experience, rocket experts Allan Stillwagon, '59, Dennis Benson, '58, and Gerry Hendershott, '59, made hurried last-minute preparations. The rocket, aimed sky-ward, rested on its launching pad near the Natural Science building. A crowd of curious rocket-watchers hovered about the launching site anxiously awaiting the blast-off hour. Benson Fires Missile A lnvng nlrnam+rv ,, ,rn,*,q ,4-rnan1 ri..A Pt f f +he vni'ir ,w ON~ I -