THE MICHIGAN DAILY andidates Discuss SGC , Sigma Kappa, 'U, Ru " Q Bruce McRitchie electeddmembers, and deserves a great' deal of, careful considera- tion in that it so directly con- cerns the student body. 2) Before expressing my views on this issue, I would like to say that I am in no way attempting to avbid the direct question, yet I feel that there is only one way to treat the issue in an intelligent, manner. Sigma Kappa is accused of not acting in good faith with the University Regulations. In law, "good faith" is not defined, because it can only be determined by a judgement on an action after the action has been taken. There- fore I feel that it is very unadvis- able for any candidate for SGC, or member of SGC, to express set opinions on what. Sigznia Kappa should do to show that it is not in violation with University regu- lations. Indeed, it is unadvisable for any such person to hold such opinions. After one or more of an infinite number of possible actions by the Sigma Kappa National, it will be up to SGC then to deter- mine if the sorority is in good faith with the University regula- tions. 3) Due to the different natures of SGC and the former Commit- tee on Student Affairs, the Uni versity' Rules and, Regulations Bookshould undergo a revision. The revision should more clearly define the powers of SGC in the area of enforcement and in the area of amending the present regulations. The regulations concerning Soli- citations and Drives should be' revised. Since the rather unsuc- cessful Campus Chest was origin- ated for the benefit of the stu- dents, perhaps a poll should be taken to determine exactly what the stu'dents want along this line, and action taken accordingly. Dick Odgers STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL Lois Wurster SAMPLE BALLOT Any Student Enrolled in the University May Vote INSTRUCTIONS: Put the figure "1" in the square fl opposite the name of your first choice, the figure "2" in the square Q~ opposite the name of your second choice, the figure "3" in the square opposite the name of your third chQice, and so on. You may vote for as many can-} didates as you wish. The more choices which you express in this manner, the greater is the possibility that your vote will help to elect one of them. EXAMPLE CANDIDATE "A" iii CANDIDATE "B" Kappa Sigma fraternit',- see- retary; Musket, props chairman, promotions chairman. 1) One of SGC's most benefI- ial functions is that of origin- ting student projects and serviees ich as the air-flight to Europe, nld a more current project, the tudent Bookstore. With the con- nued cooperation of other or- anizations (The Michigan Union as taken over both of these pro- ects), SGC can f be invaluable to he student body in this area. I feel that SGC -should estab-, sh a definite policy by which tudent referendum is encouraged n this way any student, by means f a petition, could bring any is- .e to the floor of SGC. At the present time, the council" studying jhe University Calen-. ar. This issue is certain to come D durifig the terms of the newly F41 CANDIDATE "E" *David Taylor Beta Theta Pi'fraternity, rush chairman; - Inter -Fraternity moneil, rush counselor, public 'elations committee; Fraternity. Buyers Association; freshman track. I believe that SOC should devote portion of its tine, during the ext year, to revaluation of its A internal workings. There are rious areas in which much red, pe and useless duplication hinder ie proper functioning of the uncil. Other areas which corn- and attention are the lack of nderstanding between affiliated id residence hall groups, and the roblem of deferred rushing for rorities. In my opinion, Sigma Kappa is >t in violation of University Reg- ations. However, they have been eclared in violation of University egulations and proof must be resented to SGC that corrective easures have been taken. Due to y opinion concerning the issue my proof that Sigma Kappa would esent would meet with my ap- Concerning deferred rushing for sororities, I think a thorough eval- uation of this semester's rush should be undertaken before a continuation of this program is made permnent. Panhellenic should play the most important role in this evaluation. The University Rules and Regu- lations concerning drinking on Michigan's -dan pus and in off- campus apartments is sorely out- dated and in my opinion needs both change and rewriting. Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, secretary; Michigan Union, per- sonnel director. 1) One of the major problems facing SGC is that of general apathy toward both it andpits programs. As a result SGC pres- ently represents no more than a small fraction of the student body. I believe that a major cause of apathy is the relatively complex preferential election system. Very few students understand its, oper- ation or make a conscientious ef- fort to rank candidates. Students are understandably disinterested when they realize that their third place vote may be counted while their first place ballot is thrown out. The supporting arguments as' to the representation of minority groups fail to hold true at Mich- Igan where there is a small elec- torate and no party structure. I am in favor of investigating the possibility of establishing a plurality system. The past semester has con- vinced me that deferred rushing places a great strain on those people involved due to its inten- city, length, and the inclement weather experienced in February. Formerly women were allowed to rush the first semester at their discretion, this proviso made it possible to postpone rushing un- til the individual felt prepared. I am In favor of returning to a two.semester rush system upon an affirmative vote of the people in- volved. I am In favor of additional cal- endar revision to permit students tb obtain jobs during the Christ- mas recess, which due to the late vacation is now difficult for many students. T am in favor of the establish- ment of the honor system on a trial basis in the literary college. It' seems plausible that literary college students should be trust- ed to take examinations without strict supervision. However, I think it essential that such a pro- gram be instituted ona perman- ent basis only upon a vote taken among the students involved, not merely upon the recommendation of an SGC committee, as is now contemplated. 2) The Daily asks the follow- ing question: "What should Sigma Kappa do to prove it is not in vio- lation of University regulations?" This question is clearly weight- ed against Sigma Kappa. The burden of proof lies not with Sig- ma Kappa but with the SGC. The evidence thus far submitted as regards the national organization in no way implicates the local chapter. Sigma Kappa has, throughout the past year, amply demonstrat- ed its eagerness to participate to the fullest in University activities. Sigma Kappa is a fully-recognized campus organization with an ex- cellent record. Considering this it seems strange that it should be the object of such a determined attack. I believe that Sigma Kappa should be allowed to retain its present status unless evidence is presented that directly implicates the local chapter. 3) In answer to the third ques- tion I believe the SGC should in- vestigate the possibility of relax- ing University regulations with regard to the prohibition of alco- holic beverages in students' pri- vate quarters. It would seem that students, over twenty-one years of age, liv- ing in private apartments and rooms, should, with the approval1 of their landlord, be allowed the Privileges they would enjoy if they lived in any locality other1 than Ann Arbor. -- CANDIDATE "F" CANDIDATE "G" F, El Q: El a Q STEVE BAILIE PETER BRgWN SCOTT CHRYSLER RON GREGG JO HARDEE BRUCE HOF MAN CAROL HOLLAND PAUL KAMPNER DAVID KESSEL El' nl BRUCE MceRITCHIE FRED MERRILL 'DICK ODGERS SUE ROCKNE ROGER SEASONWEIN DAVID TAYLOR MORT WISE LOIS WURSTE PHIL ZOOK- R oger Seasonwein, Mort Wise Sigma Kappa sorority; Soph Show Central, Committee; SGC member, housing committee, education and student welfare committee, constitutions com- mittee. 1) Although there has been much evidence in the past few weeks that student apathy is no longer a problem on campus, I feel that the Council should con- tinue a strenuous public relations campaign. Written information is valuable in creating interest and informing the student body, but morp important is personal con- tact between Council members and the students. Related to the problem of per- sonal contact is the cou46c new policy of having elected' members serve as chairmen of the Ad. Wing committees. The council member spends valuable time in p e r s o n n e I, organizational and clerical work that could be spent in "bull sessions" with students at dinners and open housee. Al- though new ideas arise out of ex- perience, with such areas as edu- cation and st'udent welfare or na- tional and international, there is also a "storehouse" of new ideas and student opinion outside of the Council which should not be neglected. 2) On Dec. 5, 1956, SGC found National Sigma Kappa in viola- tion' of University regulations against discriminatory member- ship policies. Unless the sorority' Pi! Z CANDIDATE "C°' eign students. The foreign stu- dents-have made a great deal of progress in integrating with the American students. H o w e v e r, many problems still exist. The In- ternational Center is very inade- quatle; many foreign students feel they are not being represented and have little voice. in student affairs; and the process of social and cultural integration has a long way to go. 2) Sigma Kappa has been found to be in violation of a University regulation pertaining to bias. clauses. I definitely do not think, as some people might, that to prove Sigma Kappa is not in vio- lation their national must acti- vate a Negro girl. If the nation1l does reinstate their two suspend- ed chapters this summer, these chapters will no longer have Ne- gro actives in them. Thus what- ever Sigma Kappa National does do this summer, and there are nu- merous things it can do, it be- comes mostly a matter of accept- ing their word on the issue of bias clauses. Since there will be no Negroes within the National, there will be no observable proof that they do not have a bias clause. Be- cause there are things like "gen- tlemen's agreements" which can be just as effective on this cam- pus, as written bias clauses, there is no reason not to accept a posi- tive and definite statemeht from Sigma Kappa National, as We have from other fraternities and sororities coming on campus aft- er 1949, saying they have no bias clause. ' Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity; Huber House Council; Political Issues Club; Freshman Honors Steering Committee; Michigan Union Senate, Staff News edi- tor; WCBN. The following is an outline of the issues upon which SGC should act in the near future: a) Sigma Kappa: According to the 1949 ruling, recognition will not be allowed to any organization which prohibits membership be- cause of race, religion, or color. If Sigma Kappa is to stay on this campus it will qbviously have to comply ,with this ruling. However, what SGC should specifically re- quire of Sigma Kappa to prove its innocence depends entirely on the stand taken this summer by Sigma Kappa's national conven- tion on this issue. Since SGC "sat on its hands" for so long and has not told the sorority's national specifically what it must 'do, it would be grossly unfair for any candidate to lay out, a specific plan for Sigma Kappa to follow. We musty await the action of the national convention, consider the actions of the Michigan chapter (which have been excellent thus far), and then judge whether Sig- ma Kappa complies with the rul- ing of 1949. b) Deferred Rushing: I do not think that the experi- ence we have had with women's deferred rushing can be called completely successful. The fresh- man women were not necessarily better informed than in previous years about sororities because their contact with sororities was virtually non-existent during the first semester. The over-long rushing period, especially since it came right after exams and dur- ing poor weather, seemed to ef- fect the spirit of both rushees and sorority women. Many sororities had difficulty in filling their quotas while girls who were not accepted felt unusually let down because of the added semester they had to build up their hopes. On the other hand, it might be said that deferred rush did give the women a chance to better ad-' just to dorm life before being car- ried into the rushing situation. It also might be conjectured that the later date in rushing gave the sororities a better chance to see precisely how many .women they would need to refill their quotas. Weighing all these disadiantages and advantages; I would say that women's deferred raih holds more disadvantages than advantages and must either be terminated or greatly revised. However, I would delay any final :decision along these lines until accurate reports are *received as to the effects of, deferred rush on all concerned. I do not think that it would be advantageous to employ a system of deferred rushing for freshman men. Past IFC reports and present. fraternity opinion, show that fra- ternities are against such a sys- tem. From the standpoint of freshman men, one can note this: they all have their choice as to when to rush now and the major;- ity of them rush and pledge first semester. They, therefore, would seem to be in favor of first semes- ter rushing. Thus. I am against deferred rush unless it can be shown, again by conclusive survey, that all parties concerned will benefit from it. c) Financial aid to students: The Activities Scholarship should be made large enough to enable more people to receive, it. It should enable those receiving it to par- ticipate in extra-curricular activi- ties beneficial to the campus which they otherwise could not do because of lack of financial inde- pendence., d) Campus Chest must be aban- doned because of its lack of suc- cess. e) Integration: Investigations into University housing must con- clusively prove the evidence of discrimination before action can. be taken here. However, at the apartment level, where landlords admit discrimination, SOC must demand that the administration apply pressure to these landlords by' not approving their apart- ments for student rental. f) More student opinion must be felt by SGC: The system of representation must be revamped in such a way that the councilmen know to what constituency they owe their alle- giance and so that all groups will be represented properly. Better communication can also be aided;' SGC meetings should be simpli- fied and faster and more efficient so that more people will be en- couraged to attend. Regular ar- ticles by councilmen should ap- pear in The Daily. Sue' Rockne Fresh Weekend, assistant gen- eral chairman; Choral Union;E Board of Advisors, Offieer ofj Religious Affairs; League Euro- crats; League Night; Homecom- ing Publicity Committee; SGC,1 public relations committee, chairman,.student relations"j committee, SGC evaluation -- -internal structure and composi- tion, elections publicity. 1) Within the next year SOC should be concerned with several areas, two of which are discussedj in questions two and three. SGC has the power to "co- ordinate student projects." Al- though SGC has been active inI these areas, they deserve greater attention. In connection with these powers I would recommend the following: a) In view of the rising cost of education to the student, the . Council should urge ,Regental as- sent. on a stuent book store. b) Whether or 'not SGC is able to establish a new foreign ex- change program, the Council should try to utilize the resources of foreign students here on cam- pus. Until International Center facilities are enlarged SGC should organize, with the help of inter- ested organizations, a flexible pro- gram to include housing pro- grams, forums, and seminars. Although Jurisdiction of the drinking regulation is not strictlyj a power of SGC, the Council should recommend greater deline-i ation of "student quarters." Stu- dents more than 21 years old notj living in residence halls or simi- lar units containing minors should be exempt from this regu- lation, but subject to the codes ofi good conduct and discretion. t 2)- A legislative body is obligeds to follow through on its regula- tions on the basis they were given.1 The decision that National SigmaI Kappa was in violation of Univer- sity regulations was based on evi-: dence taken by that group on the Cornell and Tufts chapters. It is logical therefore that resolution of the violation should entail1 some positive .action by the Na- tional regarding the expulsion of these chapters. This may be in the form of a convention resolu-1 tion or reinstatement, of the chap-i ter yet containing a Negro. 4oW-i ever, it was notithe intent of the1 1956 Council to demand any onet specific action of the national sor- ority. Therefore such a demand ati this time would be unjust andl prejudging the issue. 3) Aside from urging that the whole booklet be brought up to date, there are several 'areas which need attention: a) In principle, any legislative1 body should not have the power to adjudicate violations of its reg- ulations. SGC now has the power to directly withdraw recognitioni of any student organization fail-i quirements. This pow' should be, Ing to maintain recognition re-i handled by the Joint Judiciary. b) In order to avoid future situ- ations such as the Sigma Kappa questions, a statement agreeing to abide by University regulations should not only be required of lo- cal chapter officers but also from. the national office. takes) action to remove such poli- cies at its national convention, recognition will be withdrawn. No one can predict what action' the national sorority will take at their convention this summer. Therefore, it is necessary for those who wil decide upon the issue next fall to keep an open mind until there is concrete action about which to form an opinion. At present there appear to be two areas in which action could be taken. The first is the area which directly effects past re- strictive action. In this area the sorority could pledge a Negro girl, reinstate the chapters at Tufts and Cornell, or explain their past action. A more important area con- cerns the problem of the nation- al's control over any local chap-: ter. Greater consideration is val- uable in this area since it entails not only the Sigma Kappa prob- lem, but a problem of many Greek organizations. Suggestions in this area are more complex and indirectly affect discriminatory policy. Two possibilities in this area follow: the establishment of a. mediation board to act when questions arise concerning sus- pension or expulsion of a local chapter. Questions from the na- tional office shall be directed to an impartial mediation board (Province President, the college president, and alumni of the chapter involved; plus a national officer.) The decision of the board would be fina. A second Is that questions of suspension or with- drawal be considered only on the floor of the national convention. 3) The regulations under the jurisdiction of 1GC in the Univer- sity Regulations booklet are clear and seem to operate effectively. Any changes in the regulations would be of a technical nature. Inter-House Council, p and public relations ahi University housing con Literary College steerin mittee; Pershing Rifles; gan Union Senate; SGO tions director, SBX mam 1) SOC should, in the n make itself felt in the are dent welfare. Much can be improve student employn portunities, summer a< round. Means of lowering costs, such as those of bo plies, and bicycles, sh4 sought. The amount of administered loans and ship funds should be i Particular attention shoul rected toward housing an portation There is room for impr in the Administrative Win committees are understal often incapable of camr routine tasks well. Th should be re-structured t responsibilities, and furni a paid office manager. SOC should seek to bre authority in areas touc rectly upon students. One assume administration of sity driving regulations.- 2) Quite some time ago cided that Sigma Kappa sorority no longer met ments for maintenance o nition as stated in Univeri ulations. However, the deferred action on wthd recognition until after Sig pa's national convention t mer, hoping that correcti would be taken. Since two Sigma Kapp ters have been suspendi pledging Negro women, explanation reasonably si any other reason for the sions, it seems clear tha Kappa prohibits member the basisof race,' thus fi meet University requirei recognition of a student tion, Sigma Kappa could mee quirements by reinstat suspended chapters, there diating their restrictive p my opinion, unless new I presented' explaining the sions in some other lighi kappa could' continue to ognized in no way other reinstating both chapter 3) Several changes 1 made In the regulatior within the jurisdiction of conform with actual prac for the sake of consisten the Council should not property transactions of- tives, fraternities, and a These transactions bear ters beyond the scope of tI cll, and car be handled I administrative officials. ( 14). Second, rules regard ing,, initiation,- and tap fraternities, sororities, al oraries should be made a University regulations g student organizations. Pre ulations are those of Jo; ciary Council and IFC (p Third, calendaring restri the book should be dele left to the discretion calendaring committee. 18) However, the most ii changes which should be the book lay outside SO( diction. The Council and resentatives should work Administration to relax ri erning apartments, acad gibility for activities, a sumption of alcohol In quarters. Mahey See Polls Work Elections Director Roge '61, yesterday issued a cal dents who would be w serve as polls workers Tau Delta Phi fraternity; sec- retary; vice - president; Daily business staff, former member; SBX temporary store manager; Pre-Law Society, publicity man- ager; SGC education committee, course evaluation committee, de- partment and college policy committee, national and inter- national affairs committee, edu- cation and student welfare com- mittee. 1) Perhaps the most important and most valuable area that the Student Government Council can work in is the academic area. Stu- dent-faculty relations, course evaluation, curriculum planning, the cun.slnrloi ngnrram l oans. Fred Merrill V 3 a Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity; Daily photographer; Musket;. Michigan, State University, .transfer student. 1) I think SGC should particu- larly concern itself with the fol- lowing areas next year: a) Investigation of student parking and the possibilities of obtaining more parking space for students. sorority is not in violation of the regulations. If the present nation- al officers are retained, an ex- planation of their action against the Tufts and Cornell chapters or a positive statement of policy would be needed. 3) I am not concerned with changing any specific regulation under SOC's jurisdiction but I would like to see clarification made of SGC's responsibility to the University regarding these regulations. SGS Is allowed full responsibility to act wherever ,it has jurisdiction in accord with Regental policy and administrative practices. Regental policy 'can be found in the Regents' Bylaws and 3) There are several things con- cerning the "University Rules and Regulations Book" which I think could use changing. (First the book itself should be brought up to date and rpnnblished It is still 4 Voting Records ,4 I I I ; l