'N Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD N CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phow' NO 2-3241 is Are Free Prevail" printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. RCH 23. 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE Crisler's Statement And, the Daily Article I SITY lithletic Director H. 0. "Fritz" ' statement o Daily article on id to athletes, which appeared along- rtlcle in yesterday's paper, wuld on .e sceemto answer most of the state- de therein. Analysis, however, would most'of the problems raised remain . rIsler wrote: "The article declares, the rules no athlete may receive eyond recognized scholarships,. and bolarships must not exceed the cost education.' This is not a factual. Ot, Conference Regulation, ,tRulp '4, 2e does not place a' ceiling on aids thlete 'made available to him be- conditions totally unrelated to his abillties or his participation in' and the receiving of such aid has orted to the Commissioner."' & IS CORREOTLY quoting the rule. e,-.rule 7, section 2c goes on to say dt ad last sentence, "Such aid shall like :amount the financial assistance. be awarded under Section -3" gov- based on what is needed to cover ts. Thus, while it would be possible on, to receive aid over thecost of his this would only occur In a rare 0"len a non-athletic scholarship alone he more than $1000 mlnimt m figure if attending college letic scholarships themselhes cannot iles exceed costs and any other t parental support, money earned dent during the school year in a job ed via the athletic department, or ned during the summer, all of which d into most calculations of need- ducted from any athletic scholarship, the words 'of the article "must not cost of Vis: education." In the words STen rules, financial assistance with Ions noted above "shall not exceed amount of such costs (board, room, tuition or fees) to the recipient." of Crisler's points of dispute is that made the staterment, gleaned from' ons with athletes, that average pay program "seems to be $15 to $25 for ee hours' work." There is no dispute the point Criser raises-that pay Ommission bass-and his statement age per-capita pay last year was oo close to our reporter's impressions fted in the least or quibbled over. two paragraphs about the basis on work program is conducted do not r contradict material, in the article, t one might be led to question, how ours are calculated when ice scrapers ving $2.50 for 50 minutes work. ole dqclares that the "M" Club con- parking lots. It should be understood lots are assigned to the "M" Club to stered 'as it seesfit. All income from reverts so the "M" Club and not to Ic Department. er is arguing over any differences )ntrol and administration of the "M" Lng lots, he is entitled to any signifi- eneces tie perceives. That all income e "M" Club does not contradict the athletes share well in the profits, does tend to remove the athletic .t one degree from the allocation. es employed in the Athletic De- t parking lots do-'not at any time any money. cle did not state that athletes ban- ney. It did state that they received .nts of it for their labors, and there ggeston that this was because they r themselves in the athletic depart- but rather because It was paid to he athletic department and in cus- s, apparently largely through the gifts, as the article did not make clear, money is not, and charge accounts, room and board tabs and cash for good performances lie outside the regulations. As the article said later In amplification, "Financial presents from alumni are against the rules," and these were the things discussed. Crisle' is right that "the area of ' alumni !activity in all universities is one very difficult to police," and' that direct punitive action against alumni who cause the rules to be violated is impossible. He is also right that there is no reference to alumni in the Big Ten rules, although their financial contributions to athletes-like those of anyone else-are very parefully circumscribed by those rules. CRISLER is wrong when he says "We have. Sthe good fortune at Michigan not to have the problem of overzealous alumni." The prob- lem was described-in depth if not in width- by specific cases cited in yesterday's article of, alumni financial aid. And if "every effort is made to discourage illegal practices" thiose efforts seem tb have gone notably unheeded by at least a few members of the alumni com- munity. Crisler undoubtedly runs one of the cleanest of the large athletic departments in the Mid- west. .That is 'not to say that the descriptions of favoritism to athletes and under-the-table aid by alurpni contained in this week's Daily series are inaccurate or any the less an object for concern. It Is only to say that there appear to be real operating-both' external and In- ternal-restraints on the people whose job it is to build up University athletic teams, and from all indications these restraints are more effec- tive here than at most comparable institutions. And to generalize from some abuses to the entire athletic department - including teams and coaches-would be unjust. The University's efforts both at establishing lnd living within the new Big Ten aid plan are commendable, but this does not mean that .more could not be done to establish a climate which would discourage both the offering and accepting of prohibited aid. Commissions on program and parking lot concessions may be among the lowest in the Big Ten, but that does not mean that such jobs should be open only to athletes, as they now appear to be. That Crisler and Prof. Marcus 'Plant have "earnestly requested names and sources of information referred to in the article" is to their credit as administrators of the complex system of rules and players. The Daily's in- formation was obtained, however, almost en- tirely on a confid'entil basis, afid so its sources ,,uch remain. The paper's purpose was to serve its readers, that they might understand better the role of athletics on the University campIls, to create greater awareness of the general benefits and problems of the athletic program. It was not and is not to aid in the policing of specific regulations, except insofar as greater awareness and concern achieve that purpose. That there is need for both is clear, even though the University does appear to shine in comparison with many other. institutions. It has not earned its reputation for leadership in the field of honesty and sportsmanship in athletics by resting on its laurels, nor will it in the future. As Crisler put it in his statement to The Daily, "It is a challenge'of all of us associated with college sports to seek the, very highest degree of perfection." -PETEI) ECKSTEWN ' Editor HAPPENS EVERY SPRING: Educators, Legislators Begin,.Budget Battle By DAVID TARR Daily Staff Writer THE ANNUAL jousting tournament between the Legislature and Michigan's educators opened this week and after six days of accusa- tions, denunciations and complications came to a temporary draw. It all began Monday night when the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee, headed by Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield), introduced a. bill to allot the University and other state institutions and departments operational money for the 1958-59 fiscal year. The committee recommended the University be appropriated-30 million dollars, almost a million dollars under the allotment for this year and some eight million less than requested for next year. Most other state schools received large slashes also. The recommendation was for a lump sum for operations at Ann Arbor, Flint and the yet-to-be-opened Dearborn Center. Over the next two days University administrajors summed up what the gigantic cut would do to the school's operations. At the minimum, they said, it would: ONE- Necessitate a reduction in the faculty of approximately 175 instructors and researchers; 2) Delay the opening of the University's Dearborn Center by at least one year. The Center'is presently scheduled to be opened in the fall of 1959. 3) Prevent establishing an Institute of Science and Technology here. The University had asked a $2,870,000 appropriation, besides its general request, to begin this project. 4) Severely damage operations at the Flint Branch and probably require curtailment of operations there. 5) Require elimination of the program in human resources, with the research in the causes of cancer, deafness, childhoodi disease and other fields. 6) Prevent enlarg- ing enrollments and possibly necessitate curtailing them by acceptance of fewer students next year. The issue, was compounded on Tuesday with the publication of the sixth report in a series of studies of higher education' in Michigan that John Dale Russell is doing for the Legislature. Early newspaper stories reported a statement, out of context, that saidmore efficient use of faculty members might cut the spending of Michigan's colleges and universities as much as three million dollars or permit education of an additional 10,000 students. Sen. Porter picked up the reports and used them as justification for the slashed budgets. But the following day members of the Russell study committee denounced the stories, pointing out that the report actually lauded state institutions for their efficiency, and citeA only a few exceptions. THE UNIVERSITY'S operations were commended as generally "effi- , cient and economically organized." A theoretical -saving of about one million dollars might be made, a committee member noted, but only at the expense of "substantial decreases in the research activity of faculty members, a position none of us (on the committee) supports." In the meantime, state educators had been taking potshots at the Senate Appropriations Committee. Gov. G. Mennen Williams called the proposed cuts "the height of stupidity and inhumanity." University President Harlan Hatcher said the cuts "would be one of the most serious and most "crippling blows" suffered in recent years. The Uni- versity Board of Regents took up the chant Friday calling the cuts "incredible."' Regent Eugene Power ! called the recommendation com- pletely unrelated to needs, but simply "picked out of a hat." The yearly game of cat and mouse will resume Tuesday in Lansing when. University officials attend a hearing before the Senate committee to argpe its case for more money. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Nix Ses .Truancy Record By DREW PEARSON ASHINGTON-Senators don't talk - about it publicly, but privately they resent the manner in which Vice-President Nixon has become an absentee presiding offi- cer of the Senate. When he's ab- sent,. a s(Tator has, to take" his place in presiding over the Senate, which causes extra work for al- ready busy legislators. Nixon's office is now costing the taxpayers more than that of any Vice-President in history. He has an automobile with chauffeur, which senators do not have, plus a large staff, including one colonel, a major, and a press agent. His budget is $101,925 a year compared) with $11,460 spent by Truman. Yet his absenteeism has set a record. Careful scrutiny, of the Con-, gressional Record shows that the late Vice-President Alben Barkley worked at his job about four times' as much as Nixon. Here is a break- down of the time spent by both men working at the job given them. under the Constitution as Vice - President of the United States: In 1949, when Barkley took of- fice, the Senate sat for a total of 1,124 hours and 53 minutes, out of which Barkley presided for 464 hours and 40 minutes. 'In 1953, when Nixon took office, the Senate met for 763 hours and 35 minutes, of which Nixon pre- sided 162.hours and 45 minutes.; In 1950, Barkley's second year, the Senate was in session 1,265, hours and nine minutes, with Barkley presiding 527 hours and 50 minutes. In 1954, Nixon's second year, he, presided only 120 hours and 31 minutes. Yet the Senate that year was in session more than during Barkley's second year-a total of I,198 hours and 17 minutes. Nixon worked at his job just one-fourth of the time Barkley did. In 1952, Barkley's last year as Vice - President, he had an eye: operation and therefore was ab- sent for two weeks, February 7 tO February 20. Nevertheless, he man- aged to preside 219 hours and nine minutes out of 651 hours and 24 minutes of senatorial sessions. In contrast, Nixon presided over the Senate only 50 hours and 53 minutes, though the Senate was in session considerably longer, namely 801! hours and 42 minutes. This is' why some senators are talking about putting a time clock in the Senate cloakroom for the Vice-President to punch when he goes to work. * . . , An old man who refused to be- come bitter died last week. He had' every excuse to become bitter. He. had been appointed to the highest' court in the land-only to lose out on Senate confirmation by one vote. The people who rallied the Sen- ate votes to defeat John J. Park- er's' appoinmtent to the Supreme Court back in 1930 were organized labor and Walter White of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People. Yet instead of becoming sour, Parker turned the other cheek. He became their best legal champion. 'Indeci- sion after decision, he upheld the rights of Negroes. and of labor as presiding judge of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. I used to see Judge Parker when he came to Washington for court conferences. He would pad through .the lobby of the Mayflower quite unobtrusively, looking a little lonely, but not sad. By one vote he had missed the greatest court in the nation, yet he kept his sense of humor, went about his everya y routine just as if nothing had hap- penel, The late O. Max Gardner, Gov- ernor of North Carolina, a Demo- crat, tried to get Parker, a Re- publican, appointed to the Su- preme Court when other vacancies occurred. So, the other day, Judge Parker, a little :tired but never bitter, went on to the next world. ,If in that, world he should meet William Green and Walter White, the men who defeated him, he'll be just as kindly, just as philosop'hical to-, ward them as he was toward their jmovements when in life he 'wrote ringing opinions in their defense. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) / DALOFIILBULLI 1 { I ., LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: More on Local Restaurants 1 , For the Students: An Extra Effort Again Mr. Crisler wrote: "Another state- nent in the article suggests, 'Gifts from lumni, alumni clubs or friends are pro-, ibited.' This is an unqualified statement. here can be found no language in the tegulations which prohibits our Detroit lumni from giving an "M" ring to football layers; our Chicago alumni from present- nig watches to Chicago area athletes, or vatches being presented to one of our hampionship hockey teams by alumni. Yile rings and watches may be acceptable Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor UMgs ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHEGANG Editorial Director City Editor vNA HANSON................. Personnel Director OL PRINS................Magazine Editor 1ARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director XIAM HANEY ................. Features Editor E PERLBERQ ..................Activities Editor ES BAAD ...........................Sports Editor rCE BENNETT ....,....... Associate Sports Editor N HILLYER ............ Associate Sports Editor NE FRASER ........... Assoc. Activities Editor rT THIE INGLIS estate yesterday an unpub- licized conference was held for the benefit- of about 15 selected students. The topic of the conference, sponsored by the political science department, was "U.S. Foreign Policy Toward NATO." Called in as consultants were both a Pentagon Major General and a State Depart- ment high official. The educational value of the conference to the students was considerable. Besides learning more about new facts and plans of our govern- ment policy, much was learned of what. lies behind objective facts and stated policy. Enlightening statements were made in the confidence of the group which, although not violating security, certainly would not be re- ceived well in all countries abroad. Policy was shorn of its public relations aspects and looked at with the power politics realism in which it' is formulated. But' most revealing was the nature of the men who make top policy for "the U.S. We do not wish to generalize, but both the military and the diplomatic minds do have tieir bureau- cratic infiexibilities and incapabilities. The nature of these men seems much too inclined to accept a'dangerous status quo than to take reasonable chances for making progress. Re-Rebuttal To the Editor: THE REBUTTAL of Mssrs. Ri- mer and Matecun (March 19) against Mr. Goodrich concerning the problem of local eating estab- lishments was read'by the present writer, digested, and regurgitated. Therefore, I am presenting a re- buttal to Mr. Goodrich's rebuttal. You told Mr. Goodrich to wash his'hands before eating. I wish you would show him where the wash- room or .labatory is. Professing to have worked in restaurants, I should imagine you to know, then, that in most other states, an ab- sence of such places is a clear violation of the state health regu- lations. Although I do not know the pre- vailing laws in such matters in the state of Michigan, I do know that Ann Arbor restaurants provide, on the whole, no facilities of this kind. When's the last time you used the' washroom, boys? Your faith in "out-of-towners" as guides for evaluating the food prices in town is admirable, but wrongly conceived. True, 'food, prices here are not unreasonable if you pay little attention to the Squality or selection offered. One may lunch on the moderate sum of $.50 or two bowls of chili; the students' favorite. food. Or .,v. an ah anh',,,...e -asl. aging, but does not bear on the question under consideration. Mr. Goodrich has worked 6 years, pro- fessionally, in restaurants; I have worked one year less. We have seen and also WORKED in them, and your attempt to even mention first-class establishments along- side these "eateries" leave me and, I'm sure, Mr. Goodrich quite puz- zled. Where did you say you worked before? I must say that you both give the impression of holding "waiting, Jobs" in town. By the tone of your letter-your outright rudeness to, Mr. Goodrich, who has posed some t'sane queries on a problem con-' fronting us all-I have little doubt, that you must have, at some time, served him in one of our local, "first-class" establishments. --Ted Slate, Grad. Position . , To the Editor: THIS IS in reference to your article of March 21 concerning the opinions of SGC candidates upon the deferred rushing ques- tion. I feel that I was unwittingly represented in two ways, First, I regard deferred rushing: for men and deferred rushing for women as two separate questions. The article had only my opinion, on women's deferred rush. Might good" at Delta .Gamma sorority. Actually, I said both of these things concerning women's de- ferred rush at both places. Here is my argument. , At present, I am basically against deferred rushing for wom- en. I feel that from, both the sororities' and rushees' stand- points many disadvantages have occurred. What I said about marks,' for example, was this: Although marks were higher first semester, }satistics on the second semester will probably show lower marks. Everywhere I have been I have stressed such disadvantages as marks' (although .sometimes not mentioning every disadvantage) and said that I am against de- ferred rushing unless it can be shown to me through concrete evidence that my opinions as to the effect of deferred rushing on women are not correct. -Roger Seasonwein, '61 ' .1l1gh;.'. To the 'Editor: READ with some dismay the March 16 editorial of Mr. Ed- ward Geruldsen. If the rules of a University prohibit the peaceable dissemintaion of economic and political ' literature by dissident groups not formally a part of the University, this is not so much a The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for whlch the Michigan Daily assumes no edi-. torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room, 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday., SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1958 voL. LXVIII, NO. 125 . General Notices Junengraduates may now order their caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop on, North University. Riding Club. Organizational meeting Mon., Mar. 24 in the WAB at l:10 pm. Open to all studen~ts with or without previous riding experience. Trail rides, etc. National Percentiles AICPA Achieve- meikt Test. Those students who took the Accounting Achievement Test as a part of BA 12, (Econ 72) Accounting last semester "may pick up their National Percentile Gradies at the Bus. Admin. Oifice, Rm. 154 BA Bldg. Seniors: Cllge of LS.&A., and Schools of Bus. Adlnin., Educ., Music, and Public Health. Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registra- tion andRecords window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. Senior Board. Undergraduate Seniors. Graduation Announcement orders to be taken Mar. 24-Apr. 2, Apr. 14-16;, first floor Admin. Bldg., 12:30-4:30 p.m. German \Department Prize Competl- tions: Bronson,'- Thomas Prize Essay Award offered to students in'junior level courses (81, 82, 91, 92). The con- test, an .English essay on topic or topics' based on the reading In the above men- tioned courses, carries 2 stipends_'of $50 and $35, respectively., The contest will be held on Thurs., Mar. 27, from 7 to 9 p.m., 1080 Frieze ldg. Studenats Who wish to compete shbuld apply at the German Office, 1076 Frieze Bldg., by wed.; Mar. 26. Edgar Schwaibold Prize Competition offeredt to students inr senior level courses (100 and above). Contestants must be (1) of senior standing, (2) concentrating in German, and (3) of American academic training (h i g h school and college) Contest consists of two essays, one English, one German, on topics suggested by. the literature read by, the contestants in GHerman Dept. -courses. A prize of $100 will be awarded the winner. The contest will be held on Thurs., Mar. 27, from 7 to 9 p.m. 1080 Frieze Bldg. Students who wish to compete should apply at the German Office, 1076 Frieze Bldg., by Wed., Mar. 26. * Lectures Gallery Program: The Book Fair for Children and Young People-1958. An exhibit in observance of National Li- brary week. March 21-22, 24-29. Rack- ham Bldg.. Mezzanine floor. Mon., Mar. will sponsor a lecture by Mr. william Yates, M.P. (Conservative) on "The Alergian Crisis." Mon., Mar. 24, 4:15 p.m. E. Conference Em., Rackham Bldg. Delta Omega Lecture: "World-Wide ""Malaria Eradication" by Paul F. Rus- sell, M.D., Medical Education and Pub- lic Health Division, Rockefeller Fou6- dation, N. Y. City, Tues., biar. 25, 4:00 p~m., Public Health Aud. The Aeronautical Engineering Depart- ment presents Mr. J. E. Densmore, Chief of Mechanical System, Engineering Sec- tion, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Cali- fornia Institute of Technology on Mon.. Mar. 24, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Lecture: "The U.S. Sa- tellit2 Explorer." Movie: ""X Minus 80 Days" shows the 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages of the rocket being made. Concerts Student Recital: Sarah B rd, studeni of 'flute with Nelson Hauenstein, will present a recital at -4:15 p.m., Sun., -March 23, in Arid. A, Angell Hall, ini partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, Wind Instruments. Miss Baird will be assisted at the piano by Elizabeth Chap-. man, and by Harry Dunscombe, cello and Elizabeth Lichty viola. Her pro. grain will include compositions by Bach Bozza, Martin, Schubert and Burton Open to the general public without charge. Student tRecital: Joseph Hanebrow who studies tuba with Glenn Smith will present a recital in Aud. A, An- *gell Hall at 8:30 p.m., Sun., March 23 which will include compositions by Beethoven, Mozart, Mueller, Handel and Schuller. Mr. Hanchrow will be assisted at the piano by Cynthia Con. way, and by a Bras4 and Percussior Ensemble conducted by Robert Hausa consisting of the following: John Alex ander, John Avolio, Walter Chestnut, David Flowers, Bruce McCormack and Gary Stollsteimer, trumpets; bharles Gabrion and Acton Ostling, euphoni- um; Howard Howard, Robert Reynolds Vincent Schneider and David Whitwell, horns; John Christie, Kenneth Miesen and Houghton Peterson,. trombones and Har'old Jones, percussion. Open to the general public without charge. East Quad. Musicale: Program-Ron- ald McMahon, Baritone horn; Janet Ast voice; and Bob James, jazz group. Sun., Mar.'23, 1:30 p.m., Greene House Lounge East Quad. Guest Organist: Mr., Andre Merineau will perform in a recital at Hill Aud, on Mon., Mar. 24 at 8:30 p.m. His pro gram will include compositions by Couperin, Bach, Franck and Reger Open to the general public withou' charge. Academic Notices Anatomy Seminar: Dr. John Buettner Janusch, Dept. of Anthropology, on "The Relation of DNA in Spermatozoa the Sex Chromatin Body and Human Fertility." Mon., Mar. 24, 4:00 p.m. Room 2501 E. Med. Bldg. Coffee wil be served one-half hour before each seminar in Room 3502 E. Med Bldg. Zoology 217 (C'ellular Psysiology). Th