CUBAN TRAGEDY TOd IEEPEN Sir:uyr Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXVIH; No. 124 ANN ARBOR,;MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 22. 1958 WVC NTS CLOUDY, SNOW z- D- ed his to to 'e- nd be ?X - his ew ice iot of re of _, __ a _._ - .v - .., .a ra An opportunity was presente to me to review a draft of an ar ticle in connection with the serie iaving to do with athletics at th University. A careful study of the. tex which carried many correction and deletions from the origins draft /still revealed many mnaccu racies and distorted facts. Appar ent lack of understanding of wha procedures are permissible an not permissible and a confusio as to the provisions of the old i and new aid legislation seemed t appear with frequency in the ar ticle. Space will not permit a ful treatment of all the inacuracie; but a few examples will suffic to serve certain points. No Ceiling on Aid The article declares, "Under th rules no athlete may rceive fund beyond recognized scholarships and these scholarships must no exceed the cost of his education. This is not a factual statement Conference Regulation, Rule 7 Section 2c does not place a ceilin on aid to an athlete "made avail able to ,him because of condition totally unrelated to his athleti abilities or his participation in athletics and the receiving of such aid has been reported to the Com- missioner." Another statement in the ar- ticle suggests, "Gifts from alumni, alumni clubs or friends are pro- hibited." This is an unqualified statement. There can be found no language in the Regulations which prohibits our Detroit alumni from giving an "M" ring to football players; our Chicago alumni from presenting watches to Chicago area athletes, or watches being presented to one of our champion- ship hockey teams by alumni. In the article, reference is made to the average pay to program sel- lers which "seems to be $15 to $25 for two or three hours' work." Actually, a commission rate of eight per centis allowed for foot- ball program sellers. Most other institutions pay 20 per cent. The average pay per person last year was $14.10 per game; the average was $12.40 in 1956 and $11.55 in 1955. On Percentage Basis The work program is not es- tablished on a salary basis. Foot- ball pograms are on a percentage basis. All jobs associataed with a football game at the stadium are on a flat amount arrangement and all other employment is on an hourly rate procedure. students who are athletes or non-athletes in the employ of the Athletic Department receive the same hourly rate as that which generally prevails on campus. It must be borne in mind, however, that the provisions of a work pro- gram vary widely in the old and new aid plans. The article declares that the "M" Club controls two parking lots. It should be understood that these lots are assigned to the "M" Club to be administered as it sees See CRISLER, page 4 Snow Storm Abates in.East By The Associated Press' d Sell Programs - Most of these jobs come with s the football season. They include e giving out student programs, sell- ing programs, and parking cars Students are paid five dollars s an afternoon for giving out the 1 student programs, those long yel- - low slips distributed at each en " trance to the stadium. According d to one student athlete who held n the job, most people never distri n buted these programs for any a longer than 45 minutes. They are also required to give - these slips only to students with ! ID cards, however, according to s this person, ID cards are seldom e checked.: Earn More Money Those who sell the 30 cent pro- e grams make a great deal more s money. They are paid four cents a copy and are supposed to work t through the first half. " Total pay varies with individual initiative and attendance at a , particular game. Average pay g seems to be $15 to $25 for two to - three hours work. One student s who has supervised the distribu- e tion of the programs earned $300. University Athletic Director H. O "Fritz" Crisler says he pays athletes the same wage he would hiring anybody from the outside for these jobs. , U' Owns Lots The University also controls two parking lots which provide jobs for athletes. The 'M' Club con- trols two others. Crisler said ath- letes get paid "the goin'g rate" for these Jobs. However, one athlete reports that he and two other men split the total income from one lot and this amounted to $20 to $30 pay for each man per game. The 'M' parking lot attendants are paid seven dollars for two to three hours work. On some oeca- sions those working, however, have neglected to turn n all the receipts. However, this seems to be quite uncommon. Athletes also get paid for clear- ing the ice at the Coliseum. The job takes 40 to 50 minutes for which the scraper received last year $2.50. One person interviewed sadi he cleared the ice five after- noons a week. Alter Practices This practice like others has been altered to conform to the new Big Ten rules, under which they would now be prohibited ac- cording to one member of the Bord in Control of Inter-Colle- giate Athletics. Questions are often raised about the amateur status of foreign ath- letes who attend United States universities. One athlete inter- viewed said that he really had been paid for participating in his sport at home but that he was sure this never could be proven. Works While Playing -He. was paid, he said, for work- ing in a store while he actually played for a team in the town. He never expended very much effort selling. Many foreign athletes, this per- son said, had little intention of ever going to college, because they could not afford it. When they learned they could get scholarships for participating in athletics in American institu- 'I By THOMAS HAYDEN h e s. e Y e' x a i a :, l r J l ,: Demands for substantial in- creases in teachers' salaries were labelled "mere nonsense" last night by Professor Emeritus Harley H. Bartlett of the botany department. He said the absence of salary, boosts could be compensated for by greater community respect for teachers, specifically those below the college level. Speaking before the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Let- ters, Prof. Bartlett claimed there are "too many teachers" for any wage increase to be possible. "They can't hope to receive cash rewards so long as their energy is. largely engaged in trying to keep many children out of trouble with the police," he pointed out. Prof. Bartlett assailed the prac- tise of "indiscriminate democracy," in which Americans "reduce the superior and elevate the inferior to mediocrity." He said the chief fault of the educational system is that it turns out "too uniform and substandard a product." The teaching profession is in danger of being destroyed by this non-selectivity, he said. "Teachers should be allowed to eliminate some of the pupils to do betteer jobs." The essence of democracy, he said, "should be to make a sincere effort to find an appropriate niche .in society for everyone, according to his ability.", a a Indonesians ClaimTrp SINGAPORE (AM - The Indo- nesian army claimed yesterday itt had 300 rebels trapped against af lakeshore in North Sumatra' and that rebel forces were being whit- tled by death and desertion. The revolutionary regime, onI the other hand, announced overX its radio at Bukittinggi-that it hadc formed a fledgling navy and puts it into action.against a govern-c ,ment blockade. Candidates View SGC Limitations (EDITOR'S NOTE: Ths is the sec- ond in a series of articles describing comments of Student Government Council candidates at the pre-elec- tion open houses. Candidates' discus- sions of internal SGC problems are Included in today's article.) By JOHN WEICHER Student Government Counc; needs a number of changes, ac cording to the -candidates runnin for SGC. The students running hav voiced diverse criticisms of th Council's present setup, and indi cated what structu-al and interna problems need to be solved. There is too much factionalisn and too many obligations to or ganizations rather than to th campus as a whole, Jo Hardee, '60 claimed. Concern Needed SGC has not made itself felt o the campus, she told the Pan hellenic Association open house Students do not think the Coun- cil is vitally concerned with stu dents problems; apathy would noi be so great if the Council affecte the students to a greater degree Miss Hardee said. SGC could be enlarged, but an increase should come among elect- ed members, she said at Delt Gamma sorority. Bruce Hoffman, '59, told Stock- well Women's Residence SGC should use its functions of passing resolutions to a greater extent. He also urged ex-offico memberships for the presidents of the Inter- national Students Association and the Inter-Cooperative Council Goal Asked SGC needs to give itself a goal, toward which it should work, ac- cording to Carol Holland, '60. She said a progress chart, showing accomplishments and indicating what needed to be done, would help, although "it sounds childish." More contact with the students is needed, Miss Holland said. She suggested SMC might broadcast programs into residence hall din- ing rooms during meals. The Council has done too much for the minority affiliated groups on campus, she told Alpha Xi Delta sorority; it should under- take projects of more widespread interest. Urges Increase SGC could use \ three more elected members to give wider campus representation, Paul Kampner, '59, said. An ex-officio representative from the ISA should also be on the Council, he said. .Kampner claimed SGC has too many committees, most of which are not accomplishing anything in reasonable lengths of time. "SGC has skirted a lot of con- troversial issues, David Kessel, Grad., claimed. "The trend is for the work to be done by a very few people," he said. Boost Expression He told Martha Cook Women's Residence the Council should ex- press student opinion on more occasions, to both faculty and administration. Kessel cited a lack of graduate student representa- See STUDENT, page 4 University Regents Ter Prpoe Ct(Ieredi Representative Says Research Essential By irMCHAEL KRAFT Rep. Charles Boyer (R-Traverse City), chairman of the Joint Legis- lative Committee on Higher Edu- cation said the University is doing "an excellent job in the field of instructional costs." In a letter released at yester- day's Regents' meeting by Univer- sity President Harlan Hatcher, Rep. Boyer said in the area ,of salary expenditures per student credit-hour, the University seems "to be doing & better joI than even the community colleges." President Hatcher said this should answer contentions by the chairman of the Senate Appropria- tions Committee, Sen. Elmer Port- er (R-Blissfield, that community colleges will solve the state's edu- cational needs. No Breakdown "In no way has this study any method of breaking down instruc- tional costs and research costs." He said if this could be alone, the University's instructional costs would be even lower. He added that "research activ- ities of faculty members are es- sential characteristics of univer- sities with a national and inter- national reputation." Costs Lower Rep. Boyer said the University's costs of instructional expenditures per faculty member indicate an average salary of $4,612 compared to the average of $5,446 for first two year college level work in the state's 10 universities. For the junior and senior year level courses the University average is $6,444 compared to $6,453 for the average of all state schools. University Vice - President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie- huss said this probably was due to the higher proportion of teaching fellows at the University, The Board of Governors of Wayne State University yesterday sent Gov. Williams a protest at the exclusion of the University from the State capital outlay bonding program. In their resolution, the Board of Governors said that Wayne State is in the heart of the metro- politan area where unemployment is greatest and the need to remedy the situation is strongest. Also, its physical plant is inadequate for its educational requirements. N S i NV4 iWJL4%AAZLl iu3 j/Wai Z ATIVE MUSIC INCLUDED: Program To Honor Pakistan Republic Day % p 34 1 FPR Iwo Ovil a i 9