"How Are We Doing With Those Anti-Missile Missiles?" Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Ions Are Free U Prevail" \ ti ': 4 "'? - : . , -... + 40 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Synge's 'Playboy" A Study in Contrasts ' FE PLAYBOY of the Western World" is a poetic chronicle of Irish life, which contrasts the vicious intensity of easily aroused emo- tions to a light-hearted playfulness, humorously warm and intimate. This dynamic vacillation of mood was quite capably displayed in the speech department production of J.M. Synge's classic. Working within a frame of extreme Irish provincialism, the char- acters in Synge's folk drama glow with the varied facets of their in- dividual personalities. The players achieved this strongly individual Interpretation of their roles, creating the bluntly definitive character that Synge's writing ;emandsAs a functioning unit, they interrelated themselves by their cognizance of common background, Irish chauvin- printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This ius t be noted in all reprints. R i 21 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE 4WJ6* - v aw Union Plans for Bookstore Should Be Encouraged' ti FACTIONS have greeted the news aUnion is studying thex possibility bookstore. Students are, of course, the administration has no com- he loc albook merchants are wor- are naturally enthusiastic about at may decrease the high cost of .e tentative plans for the bookstore iscount of about five per cent on bove five dollars. In addition, since uld be a branch of the Union, the nt sales tax would be waived. Its in a planned discount of eight r purchases over five dollars-the average text bgok. is being planned under the rationale education at the University con- e main contributing parts-faculty, lities, and texts-and the Univer- s the first two of these at cost, why t provide the third? ducation, it is argued,'should be as .ble to enable as many students as afford it. >sed store would serve this end in )ne,. it would give a visible-eight thereabouts-discount. In, addition, if any, would be placed in a scholar- it-in-aid fund.i Since a great many iltution-owned bookstores make would make a college education larger number of needy students. Y RESERVATION we once had nig the store was the charge, by ants and others, that, the store a "illegal competitor." If the store, d in, any way, by the Union or the then this charge would likely be to convert the present Union swimming pool into an area suitable for book sales. The addi- 'tional $150,000 would be absorbed into the tremendous stock necessary to set up operations. The store would not use the Union's book- keeping facilities, but would be charged for them. Rent on the space would be paid to the Union in the form and amount of depreciation. Even janatorial services would be paid for by the store.f With all of these costs it will require a care- ful and complete evaluation by the Union's finance committee to determine the financial feasibility of the store. But, even if the com- mittee decides the store can be undertaken, what then? The University Regents can overrule and impose their will upon the Union. They can refuse to allow the bookstore to be instituted. nE ADMINISTRATION as a whole has re- fused to take any kind of stand, either pro or con, on the concept of the store. Perhaps this unwillingness to be quoted results from a desire not to offend downtown merchants. We feel that if the store operates under the above- mentioned conditions it will be a service to the students of the University and will not be "un- fair" to local book merchants any more than any other new store opening in town would be. Several cases have ,been cited of students who can afford the long drive to Detroit and back and still come out ahead, financially, on books purchased there. This indicates to us that the stores in Ann Arbor are pricing books out of line. The Union store would tend to hold these prices in line. But if, as is claimed by several merchants, the local stores are operating on as low a margin as two or three per cent, then it will be financially impossible for the Union store to offer a five per cent discount since they will pay the same publishers' prices as other stores. The University should take a stand on the store. It should wholeheartedly support the understaking. It is the responsibility of the. University to foster the education it was estab- lished to pirovide at as low a cost as is possible. If a University organization can, through legi- timate means, furnish a portion of this educa- tion-textbooks-then this organization should be encouraged to do so. A l 4 f k: :. 41F : , r + F ,. ' . - = 3t.. v cam, +cs rps8 tEs a.'r', ." c.cwcrc WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: FCCes M&jor Overhau By DREW PEARSON ism, and general "folksy" inti- macy. T hesimple locale of a small Irish. village, comapartively iso- lated, is an excellent vehicle to reveal the tightly woven existence of a superstitious people, and their reaction to a young stranger, Christy Mahon, who comes among them, claiming that he has mur- dered his father. The peculiar anomaly is that he is excitedly admired for his courage, especially by Pegeen Mike, the daughter of Michael James, who owns the inn where Christy stops in his flight from the law. CH ISTY, sensitively and acutely portrayed by Norman. Hartweg, is Synge's mouthpiece for the majority of poetic expres- sion. Both his physical and per- sonality characterization of Christy are delicately and pur- posefully drawn, but possess suf- ficient spontaneity to create the poetically realistic portrayal, thta is inherent in the drama. One must qualify for the term of re- alism, for it provides the play with a base upon which to con- struct the lyrical poetry of the characters. The realism is .bal- anced against the more esthetic expression in the correct amount,, preventing incongruity. Some of the potential rendering of poetry was destroyed by. dis- solving it in the garble of Irish dialect, which, when not success- fully handled, as early in the first act, causing slurring of lines. Nancy Vinston's broad inter- pretation of Pegeen Mike was in excellent contrast to the more minute characterization of Christy, but she might have employed greater variety in her emotional reactions, refining the wider ap- proach to more particulars of personality. HOWARD GREEN, as Michael James, supplied the necessary touch of assured bravado and ob- viously burlesque comedy. His drunk scene was competently hi- larious. Al Phillips successfully imbued the weak-willed Shawn with the exaggerated clown-sadness he so richly deserved. Phillip's simper- in gabout the stage added to the riot value that the play possessed. though the humor of the work seems a bland to cover for under- lying violence and sentimentality. -Sandy Edelman LE TTERS to the EDITOR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) March 21, 8 p.m. Rackham Amphithe- ater. Howard T. Orville, chairman, Pres- ident Eisenhower's Advisory Commit- tee on Weather Control, will speak on "Facts and Fiction About Weather Modification. Public cordially invited. University Lecture. "Animals and Books" by Jean George, author and illustrator. 4:15 p.m., Fri., March 21 in Rackham Amphitheater. University Lecture "Optical Activi- ty Due to Intramolecular Overcrowd- ing." Melvin' Newman, professor of Chemistry, Ohio State University. Fri., March 21, 4:10 p.m. Rm. 1300 Chem Bldg. he bookstore could set up operations without having to pay interest, or obtain rent-free space, or lower its hrough free services, then perhaps be called "unfair." e; the store will borrow the needed the neighborhood of $200,000, and rations on a business basis with a ger and assistant manager, the con- t this is "unfair" falls flatter than Romance Languages Building. quire between $50,000 and $75,000 I, -tALPHLANGER ERPRETING THE NEWS: Toward European Unity WASHINGTON-It looks as if the White House missed a great opportunity in filling the shoes of ousted Richard Mack on the Federal Communications Com- mission. The man Ike appointed, John Cross, is a likable;pedestrian bureaucrat, an honest engineer, but withqut special ability and with no real concept of the im-' portance of the FCC can play in the American way of life. However, he comes from Ar kansas, home state of Congress- man Oren Harris, now chairman of the Legislative Oversight In- vestigating Committee, and the White House was so anxious to please the man who was about to cross - examine Sherman Adams, Ike's brother-in-law, and others close to the White House, that Cross was rushed into the job. * * * THAT CROSS is completely honest is indicated by his own description of himself to the press as "not smart." At least he's frank enough to admit it. Meanwhile, with Congress talk- ing about making the FCC the kind of agency it was intended to be, here are some fairly simple moves that could lift it out of the slough of political favoritism: 1) Pick high calibre commission- ers, not routine bureaucrats. 2) Appoint commissioners for more than seven years, so they won't have to go job hunting after seven years among radio-TV ex- ecutives. A commissioner now thinks twice before he antagonizes the networks, for fear he'll soon be looking for a job from the net- works. 3) Subject the broadcast indus- try to public utility regulation that would limit profits to be made from a TV channel or radio sta- tion. This would encourage more public service programs. 4) Make it a 'criminal offense for any outsider, including con- gressmen, to talk to a commission- er about the award of a license under adjudication. Congressmen, who are constantly harassed by sconstituents to pressure FCC com- missioners, would welcome this. Gridiron Club skits were so rough on the Eisenhower Adminis- tration last week that Assistantw President Sherman Adams, who had accepted an invitation to see a repeat show on Sunday after-. noon when ladies are invited, changed his mind about coming. He'd had enough the night before. * * */ ONE SKIT featured him tele- phoning the FCC for TV channels for favored Republicans to the tune of the song:' "Sugar in the mornin', sugar in the evenin', Sugar at supper time, FCC's our baby And ,TV ain't no crime." Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, reportedly involved in the award of Channel 5 in Boston to the Herald-Traveler, looked glum. Bob , Choate, publisher of the Herald-Traveler, sat nearby. He looked glummer. Ezra Taft Benson is a very sin- cere gentleman with a strange choice of friends. Hardly an hour after President Eisenhower announced his un- qualified support of Benson, the embattled Secretary of Agriculture telephoned Dr. Edward A. Rumely, the often-investigated lobbyist for right-wing causes. "You have been foremost in up- holding my work," Benson said, "so I wanted you to be the first to hear of this endorsement by the Presi- dent. Rumely was jailed as a German agent during World War I and now operates the Constitution and Free Enterprise Foundation, which uses congressional franks to flood the country with propaganda and. copies of Benson's book, "Farmers at the Crossroads." Secretary Benson followed up his' phone call to Dr. Rumely with a letter urging more financial sup- port for "the fight to regain and preserve freedom for American Agriculture." * * * "THE FIGHT seems to be in- tensified," wrote Benson. "There is so much at stake that every business firm in this country fI- nancially able to do so should be willing to provide a few thousand dollars to help in this fight to re- gain and preserve freedom for American agriculture." Rumely responded by ordering a million copies of an article by Earl , Hughes, called "Let's Set the Farmer Free." Rumely told his contributors that he intended to use the free mailing privileges of Congressman Ralph Gwinn of New York to circulate the million copies at the expense of the taxpayers. This would save his contributors $30,000, figuring three cents for each letter. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) By J. M., ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PERM ,"Eur'ope" takes on a new mean- this week. In the famous old city of urg the new European Economic As- is holding its first meeting. igh Strasbourg, for sixteen hundred iarched the legions of the franks, the ie Germans, the Romans-all the armies )pe-=dragging their spears, catapults, ickets of molten lead, their field guns,' the famous and frequently rubbled Ltons. Wednesday the French, the Germans, rtians, the Dutch, the Belgians, the ourgers, met in Strasbourg for another eir' head, elected president by acclama- is Robert Schuman of France, who- with Jean Monnet, Konrad Adenauer, nri Spaak and a few 'others, the title Europe." ARE MET to determine policy for an nization which carries the budding that the armies shall march no more. epresentatives to the Assembly are ap- to be "Europeans," not nationalists. preliminaries are completed, they are I to be chosen by governments. They preside over three organizations, called unities," Economic, Atomic, and Coal el, which was the pilot organization in 'ch toward European unity. et included are the Council of Europe, cal advisory body,- and the Western ,m Union, a military advisory body. arious "Mr. Europes," however, envision Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN. Editor ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NABRGANG torial Director City Editor HANSON ........ ... Personnel Director PRINS................ Magazine Editor ERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director I HANEY ................ Features Editor 8RLBERG .................Activities Editor 3AAD . . ««......<.... ....Sports Editor ENNETT ........«. Assoei te Sports Editor ILLYER ............. Associate Sports Editor 'BASER «.« «... «., .. 'Assoc. Activities Editor the day, perhaps far in the future, when all will be consolidated in a true federation. The Europeans are aware that the common market under the Economic ,Community--and the ultimate free trade area with Britain in- cluded for :which they are working-promises to set up competition for American industry. They expect the benefits to the free world of a sound Europe to offset any trouble along this line. Paying tribute to the Marshall Plan and political support from the United States, Walter Hallstein, once a German prisoner ofi war in the United States and now president of the Economic Community, says: "I have not the slightest indication that American policy or even American public opin- ion has been influenced in their very positive attitude toward the unification of Europe; we are very grateful for this fact and very hopeful that the American attitude will remain the same." Campus Workshop on Relfgions, Sat., afternoon, March 22. 12:45 p.m. Regis- tratin, Aud. A. Angell Bal; 115 p.m. Presentations on Five Living ReligIons; Buddhism-Dr. Richard Robinson, Ju- daism - Rabbi Harry Essrig, Islam -- Dr. Khalil Ahmad Nasir, Hinduism - Swami Nikhilanand, Christianity-ar. Kenneth Kantzter. 3:05 p.m. -tl Informa Tea, Michigan Union, 3:45-5:45 p.m. - Discussion Sessions on the Five Re. ligions, Michigan Union. Buddhism, Room,3A; Judaism, Room 3G; Islam, Room 3B; Hinduism, Room 3D; Chris- anity - Protestantism, Room 3K; Gath- olicism, Father Richard Center. 7415 p.m. Assembly, Union Ballroom ,7:30- 9:00. p.m. Small group Seminars on "Re- ligion - A Guide to Better Human Re- lationships?" Participants in the workshop may choose to attend any part of the pro- gram if they cannot attend the entire Workshop. Registration free of charge. Auspices of the Council of Student Re- ligious ,Organizations and the Office of Religious Affairs. Student Government Couneit, Sum- mary of action taken at the meeting of March 19, 1958.. Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Recommended ten students selected from junior honor students from whom two will be name by President Hatch- er to 'serve as student rpreentatve on the Honors convocation Commitee for next year. Allocated 1957 Homecoming Funds: to Campus workshop on Religion, $150; balance toward 1959 JHop deficit. Approved following motions: Thati(a) the Human Relations Board and other interested groups increase awareness of the problems in di- crimiaiations in off-campus ;housing by meeting with landlords to discuss their opinions and present the stu- dents' point of view (b) interested groups maintain cotact with the Ann Arbor .Human Relations Com- mission and the Human Relations Board (c) complaints received by the Human 'Relations Board be handled In the following manner: dicrimi- nation should be 'substantiated by contacting the landlord or by use of a test case. If the Board feels dis- crimination exists the landlord° is contacted personally by students, and if the Board deems it advisable and desirable, by lidluential citizens. Other groups have used and should continue to use a similar educational That Student Government Council send a resolution to the appropriate University offices, e.g. Dean of Men, Denand ofWmen, aculty ousing. Union, and The Daly' requesting that, landlords who practice discrinina- tion in regard to race, religion, or national origin, should not be able; to advertise through University a- cilities. That Student Governmet Council .adopt the following policy: "We are aware that,there is not a surplus of off-campus housing, that community mores and questions of "city-univer-° sity relations arereal and unsolved problems in the area of discrimina- tion on the basis of race, religion, or national origin. We note with satis- faction that' University officials are taking some steps towards improving other student housing standards. But we feel that University officials must exert real and greater leadership in. this vital area, and that the Un- versity has not yet fully accepted It responsibilities. By the same token student groups interested in this problem area have done ittle towards educating the community and its landlords. The goal of eliminating discrimination in student housing must be pursued vigorousl' by both the University Administration and Student Government Council. Further moved, that copies of this policy statement be sent to'all mem- bers of the_ Board of Regents. Tabled for consideration next week (March 28) a motion that SGC send a resolution to the Ann Arbor City Coun- Ci recommending that the consider legal action prohibiting discrimination according to race,. religion, or nationalk origin in Ann Arbor housing. Defeated a motion that SGC send a resolution to the Board of Regents rec- ommending that the Universityin prove and expand Its existing regula- tions governing off-campus housing and incorporate a clause stating that housing could not be registered by the University if discrimination was prac- ticed by the landlord. Adopted a motion directing Execu- tive Committee to seek counsel as to the legality of city laws prohibiting housing discrimination, and to notify members of the Human Relations Coin- mission and City Council of the intent to consider' this question and Invite them to express any feelings on the matter which they may wish to have considered either by eter or In person at the March 28 meeting and request-. ed the Human Relations Board to fr-' thee cons1ider th.exeptions or mod- CONCERNING SGC: t Meeting Goes On and On, Let a Thousand Socialists Bloom. THE UNIVERSITY and the city played the part of prudence yesterday in not making an incident in front of the Union. When some socialist transplants from Wayne County appeared in front of the Union - as announced previously - to distribute copies of "The Young Socialist" and to hold forth in defense of their political-economic position, not a visible hand was laid on them. They were impressive as they argued, with considerable preparation, their case; their opponents, those who were willing to speak for capitalism, did not appear as well prepared, and this raises a point. Because of the great fear in this country- and most pitifully in its universities-of being associated with anything which calls into ques- tion the existing economic system, discussipn of this important and currently tragic area has been neglected, the result being that many Americans are not well prepared to defend the existing economic system, much less to reform it. Thus, we thought the visit of the socialists was without clear and present danger. We would even suggest that the Political Issues Club invite them to campus that debate may By JOHN WEICHER Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council went seven hours Wednesday, with more than three of them spent on the four motions and one recommendation of the Hu- man Relations Board. In the year's record meeting, Interfraternity Council President Rob Trost and Panhellenic Asso- ciation President Marilyn Houck repeatedly made the points that (1) motions against 'discriminat- ing landlords would tend to cut the number of apartments open to students, and (2) SGC shouldn't be trying to tell the deans, the University, and even the Regents what to do. Each time, Union President Don Young, Jean Scruggs.and Dan Be- lin responded that (1) it wouldn't, and (2) SGC was simply express- ing student opinion on matters with which it was concerned. ** * EACH ARGUMENT had some merit to it, but none needed reit- eration after the third or fourth time. This, however, did not stop Trost OrMiss Houck at any time. Nor were their opponents at all hesitant about refuiting them on Executive Vice-President Ron Shorr ruled the amendment was in order. Administrative Vice- President Maynard Goldman ap- pealed the decision to the Council as a whole, and was upheld by a nine to seven vote. However, voting in favor of Shorr's ruling (which surely would have killed the motion) were Miss Houck, Trost, and Getz, the most vociferous opponents of the oth- er discrimination motions, and, ardent champions of non-inter- ference in fraternity discrimina- tion. "You know why that amend- ment was proposed," Treasurer Scott Chrysler told The Daily just after its defeat. "It would've made sure the m o t i o n didn't go through." But the maneuvering turned out to be unnecessary, as the mo- tion was defeated anyway --- with most of those who favored the "rider" being opposed to the mo- tion as a whole. SGC is develop- ing a talent for parliamentary haggling. AS IMPORTANT as the final outcome of Wednesday's motion declarations of student opinion can be a shock to groups who are not aware that students are in- terested in any given project. However, SGC does have this function and obligation, as pro- vided in the Laing 'Plan; and it is a function and obligation which the Council should make more use of. Student opinion can and should be called to the attention of the deans, the Regents, or any- one else when some policy of in- terest to students comes up. SGC overlooks such opportuni- ties frequently, and is often back- ward about actually saying some- thing when a matter is brought before it. Student opinion may be thrown in the wastebasket aspre- sumptuous, when it is expressed, of course - but it may also be heeded. SGC should consider the latter possibility as at least as likely as the former. - * IF THE COUNCIL continues to shirk this duty, it may wake up one day, to discover it no longer possesses any practical right to express student opinion, though the theory may still be valid. SGC 'can be a strong force in determin- Protest * To the Editor: WAS APPALLED and saddened to read last week about plans to scrap the Michigan Union swimming pool to make way for a student bookstore. The latter project, I realize, has broad stu-. dent appeal whereas the swim- ming pool, like nearly any other single recreational facility of the. Union, interests only a minority (necessarily, or it would forever be hopelessly overcrowded!) But I would like to question some of the published reasons given.for the Union Board's seem- ingly casual vote to end the most' convenient facility for fast physi- cal refreshment and exercise available to men anywhere in town.. We are told that the pool is los- ing money. On what basis is it losing money? Is it being com- pared to the frankly commercial parts of the Union such as the cafeteria? How much money do the reading and lounge rooms,". bring in? Certainly there are and should be facilities maintained throughout the Union which are not self-sustaining but exist for the convenience of its members who pay good money - largely compulsorily, to be sure - for membership. If these non-revenue conveniences are to be withdrawn, one by one, the natural question arises: what good is Union mem- bership? Incidentally, if the Union real- ly wants to bring in more money from the pool, why doesn't the management raise the rates? The nominal 15 cent entry charge for members has been in effect at least as far back as 1944 when I started using the* pool. What about the statement that Ann Arbor has plenty of other