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March 20, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-20

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Lw q4a U

See Page 4

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


LXVMI, No.122


SGC Approves
Proposal on Bias



Recommends 'U' Stop Advertising
For Landlords Who Discriminate
Student Government Council last night approved a resolution
requesting that landlords who practice discrimination in race and
religion not be allowed to adveritise through University facilities.
The Council also adopted a policy statement on off-campus
housing calling for vigorous effort in ending discrimination on the
part of SGC, the University, and interested student groups. However,
it rejected a resolution asking the University Regents not to give
University registration to landlords who discriminate.
Sent to Offices
The resolution concerning advertising will be sent to the Office
of the Dean of Men and Dean of Women, the Faculty Housing Office,
the Michigan Union, The Daily,
and other office facilities which
G overn ient are used to advertise available
Ina three-hour debate on the
el resolutionsInter-Fraternity Coun-d
cil President Rob, Trost, '58, urged
the, Council not to advise the deans
R elie Pas to what policy to pursue. How-
ever, Union President Don Young,
158, said,',"We're here to represent
Asudentopinion, and now we have
WASHINGTON (R)-Governors thae opportunity to do so."
who held an hours-long conference Nan Murrell, '59, chairman of
at the White House yeste'rday re- the Human Relations Board which
ported the Eisenhower administra- presented the motion, told the
tion wants to finance an additional Council a survey indicated a large
13 weeks of unemployment com-Cuni sreyndctdaage
pensation u faedrlun number of advertisements appear-'
Thtof feerl fud.t ing on University bulletin boards
This approach was outlined to specified a race preference.
reporters by Republican, Gov. Cos Of'Husn
Goodwin Knight of California.
Knight and Democratic Govs. Panhellenic Association Presi-
Albert D. Rosellini of Washington, dent Marilyn Houck, '58Ph, said
Edmund S. Munskie of Maine and approving the resolution might
Orval Faubus of Arkansas talked close off over half of the apart-
of the financing, as being federal ments to students, and create a
grants, but a high admiinstration further strain on the off-campus
official said the plan, which is an housing situation.
involved one, is actually a form of The roll-call vote on the resolu-
loans. tion was 12 to 5 in favor, with
Any outright grant plan has Assembly Association President
been described as repugnant to Marg Blake, '58, SGC Treasurer
Secretary of Welfare Marion Scott Chrysler, '58BAd, Bert Getz,
Folsom on the grounds it would '59BAd, Miss Hduck, and . Trost'
amount to extreme New Dealism. voting against.
Money for unemployment com- Trost also termed the policy
pensation now bomes from a fed- statement a question of dictating
eral payrol tax on employers, to the University. Jean Scruggs,
ranging up to 3 per cent of the '58, replied the statement merely
p~,yroll. called for an increase in the Uni-
I Therate can be lowered from vbrsity's basic housing standards.
state to state as an incentive for Miss Murrell said SGC needed
employers to maintain employ- some sort of policy statement on
nent. the issue. Only Getz, Miss Houck,
Many workers have now ex- and Trost voted against it.
hausted their benefits and there The resolution to the Regents.
has been bipartisan agitation to was defeated only after an amend-
carry them along. ment was.proposed by SGC Presi-
Reps. John W. McCormack (D- dent Joe Collins, '58, seeking to in-
Mass.) and W. D. Mills (D-Ark.) elude-fraternities and sororities, in
have introduced a bill calling for the resolution. The amendment
the federal government to finance was defeated, nine to seven. TheN
benefits for an additional 16 motion itself lost by 10 to 5.
weeks. Tost said the University's heavy
reliance on off-campus housing
YD' E domade the motion unwise; the Uni-
D s n orse versity would also be dictating to
the landlords, i whose property
n d1 .1 rights would be violated, . he said.



Funds Given
To Athletes
Proving Need
Top Quarter Students
Entitled to 'Free Ride'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of five interpretive ar-
ticles. on inter-collegiate athletics, at',
the University. Today's story is-'
cusses the Big Ten Aid Plan).
Funds given to Athletes at the
University by the school are sub-
ject to the rules of the Big Ten
Conference, the "aid" plan in op-
eration for the first time this year.
The amounts of the grant are
based on the need of the individual
student and are computed by an
independent Big Ten agency. The
agency figures What the students'
parents can contribute toward his
education, and the school may
provide the rest.
Receive "Tenders"
However, a student who is in.
the top quarter of his class is
entitled to a "free ride," regardless'
of his need. A "free ride," which
covers the cost of board, room,
books, supplies and tuition,
amounts to $1,134 for an in-state
student and $1,484 for an out-
state student.'r
Letters or "tenders" are sent to
the one hundred students the Uni-
versity wants most -- and every
time a rejection comes in, another'
letter may be sent out. At no time
may the number of .acceptances
plus the number of tenders being
offered exceed one hundred. This
figure may be cutr*to 75 for next

Pu"jol Sees Unhappmess
There is "no chance" free elec-
tions will be held in Cuba in June
as has been promised, former
Cuban Vice- President Guillerno
Alonso Pujo1, Spec., told The Daily
Pujol, who was ousted along
with then President Carlos Prio
Socarras whein Fulgencio Batista
took over .the, government in a 1952
military coup, is enrolled in the
English Language Institute inten-
sive course.
Batista gained control after
charging the administration with
corruption and plans not to hold
-the election. At present, however,
all civil liberties have been sus-
pended as he prepares to fight it
out with the rebels of Fidel Castro.
"The present situation in Cuba
is tragic,"' Pujol declared. "It risK
,eril --wily-George Keefer
terrible. GiLRN
"Every day more Cubans are GUILlERN4 PUJOL
killed in this revolution," he con- ... free elections?
tinued. "Many are young univer- could. MLany American newsmen
sity students," his wife added. The have reported the Prio Socarras
Pujols are living at .present in an faction to be less powerful than
apartment on Kingsley. that of Grau San Martin, another
The Cuban politician, who was a ex-president.
senator 16 years, twice president of The headquarters of Prio Socar-
the senate and once headed the ras is in Xiami, according to many
Republican Party disbanded by newsmen, and from here money
Batista, said he is "happy in Ann goes to aid Castro.
Arbon;" he is "only a student Pujol 'disclainated any political
here." He declined comment on the significance for his stay at, the
support enjoyed by Castro among University, saying "English i$ very
businessmen and landowners, necessary for business and the
Many newsien are in Cuba,'Pu- international situation."
jol pointed out, reporting the He will be studying -at the Uni-
events going on better than he versity until June.
Academy Scholars To Meet
Here ,Study ManyFields

Dorm Plan
Young Democrats last night
passed a resolution supporting the
statement of principles on dormi-
tory room assignments formulated
Monday by a student group.
The statemept provides "that
the University should not, elicit
information in any form with re-
'gards to race, religion, nationality
or language spoken in the home."
Newly elected President Torre
Bissell, '60, told the YD's there is
an "awful lot to be done to aid
integration on this campus." He
called integration a "liberal issue."
Discussing the unidentified
photographers who allegedly took
pictures while Young Socialists
distributed their newspaper in
front of the Union last week, sev-
eral YD's termed the picture-tak-
ing "malicious." The group de-
ferred a resolution on the incident
until inquiries have been made.
Mrs. Marion Fox, vice-chairman
of the County Democratic Com-
mittee told the group a new liason
program is being put into effect
between the student group and the
County Committee.
She told YD's the new program
would include student participa-
tion ,in the county organization
to give training at a "grass-roots"
level. Mrs. Fox said the intensified
program has not been used "at
any other colleges."
SGC Suggests
Honors Group

Condoned Discrimination
Young replied \ the University
was condoning discrimination by
approving housing in which land-
lords discriminated.
Thee Council tabled until next
week a further resolution calling
on the City Council to consider
legislation prohibiting discriminA-
tion ih Ann Arbor housing. Lois
Wurster, '60, raised the question'
of the legality of. any legislation
in this field: Miss Houck said ap-
proving the motion could make
SGC "look foolish."
Young said SGC should not be
concerned .with determining the
legality' of such legislation, but
again would be expressing student
opinion in an area of student con-
cern. {

$79,000 on Grants
If a student has a job, his salary
will be subtracted from his "need
factor," orhe is required to turn
in the money. He may or may not
work .for the athletic department;
his pay need nottbe commensurate
with his work for the department,
but must be if he works for some
other employer.
This past year the University
spent $79,004 on grants. These
went to incoming freshmen and
See BIG TEN, Page 2
LANSING (A) - A bill to re-
quire motorists to stop when
approaching a stopped school
bus was described today as det-
riniental to Michigan's auto in-
"Michigan is an automobile
state, , and its time we, stop
passing legislation against the
product we manufacture," said.
Rep. Harry J. Phillips (R- Port
Current law requires only
following cars to come to. a
halt behind a stopped school,
bus. All states but Michigan
and Utah also require ap-
proaching cars to stop.


Nineteen fields of learning, from "anthropology to zoology," will
undergo scrutiny by 1,000 state scholars as the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts, and Letters convenes today.
Publish Papers
The results of the studies, published partially in the "Papers" of
the Academy, "achieve world recognition," according to Assoc. 'Prof.
Robert F. Haugh of the English department and acting secretary of
the organization.
' The Academy, which will continue through Saturday, is open 'to
the public. Officially affiliated with the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, the
Academy' is the oldest conference To
of its kind in the United States, TOAflow
Prof. Haugh said.
Activities will be light, he added. "
In the only official action the P
Council of the Academy will meet
at 8 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall. University officials 'Indicated
Deliver Address they have no plans to interfere
Academy President ;Prof. E. C. with distribution of newspapers
Beck of Central Michigan College today b'y the Young Socialists of
will deliver the opening address, Wayne County.
"Concerning the Michigan Woods," The University can prevent
at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Aud. C. people from distributing literature
University Professor Emeritus on its own property, but the side-
Hartley H. Bartlett of the botany walk in front of. the Union is
department' will; speak at 8 p.m. city property, John Bingley, As-
,tomorrow on "Science and Educa- sistant Dean of Men said.
tion," also in Aud. A. .Today's distribution by the
Prof. Haugh said he expects Wayne..County group is scheduled
"900 to 1,000" scholars, mostly for 11:45 a.m. according to club
from state' colleges .and universi- officers.
ties, to attend the conference. He
explainedI that 19 sections, "rang=
ing from anthropology to zoology," CREATES VIEW:
will hold short symposiums during
the three days. will"b re"c1
About 400 persons will be Dread-em 1.ition .
ing prepared manuscripts to their
special sections, Prof. Haugh said.,
He noted that the section deal-
ing with medical sciences will hold
a symposium of "special impor-
tance," conducted by Asst. Prof.
Donald J. Merchant of the bac-
teriology department.
Prof. Merchant told The Daily
that his group intends to review
progress in the area of growing
animal cells away from' their
bodies-in test tubes and other r"4
Dean To Talk
On Economy

Magazine To Go On Sale



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