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February 07, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-07

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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See Page 4

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ISU To Schedule
ull Four Quarters
New Plan Would Allow Students
To Carry More Summer Classes
A plan to put Michigan State University on a year around
demic basis has been approved by MSU's Academic Senate.
The program which would permit students to carry a full course
:d during the summer is subject to approval of the State Board of
riculture. The Board's okay is expected.
The proposal was devised, according to . Vice - President for
ademic Affairs Thomas Hamilton to promote 'better utilization
he facilities at our disposal."
Under the plan, a student could earn his Bachelor's degree which
w takes four years, in three years..
Load Increased
State has been on a quarter system in the past. However, this
led for three terms'from September until June, with a summer
-school session in which the. stu-

Senate Appoints Thirteen



Policy Group

958 -o
ets Deficit
S$ 002200
This year's J-Hop lost approxi-
ately $2,200, general chairman
n Champion, '59, said yesterday..
Losing money for the second
aight year, the all-campus,
nee sold 598 tickets. Champion
id 900 sales were needed to
eak even.
The chairman attributed the
s to a "combination of the
nce being held on a weekday
ening, the seven dollar ticket
ice and economic pressures on
e students."
Covers Deficit
Last year's deficit of $500 was
ade up by Student Government
uncil. "The feeling at that time
ts that the J-Hop was enough
a tradition to keep it," SGC
esident Joe Collins, '58, said.
Discussing this year's deficit,
llins said that the Council may1
el it has some responsibility.
st what that responsibility is
11 be decided at a future meet-
g, he said. *
After paying last year's debt the
eling was that this year's com-
ittee should economize, he said,
inting out that this year's com-
ittee spent $2,200 on profession-
The SGC president suggested
at student help be used.
Accounts for Sales
He attributed the low ticket
les to the trend toward small
,rtie4, the "prohibitive" price
id the lack of student employ-

dent could take a maximum of
only 13 hours. He will now be able
to carry the full 16.
To provide time for the summer
session both registration and ex-
amination periods would be con-
Vice - president Hamilton said
that "no one believes all of our
students will be able to take ad-
vantage of this." Many students
will have to work during the sum-
Mier months to earn money for
school the rest of the year, he ex-
Enrollment Increase
MSU wants to do all in its power,
he said, to furnish a high quality
of University education to Michi-
gan's youth.
He estimated summer enroll-
ment will reach ten thousand
within several years. It had reach-
See MSU, Page 2
Editors Urge
Secrecy Rule
WASHINGTON (P)-Appeals to
Congress to shatter the shield of
secrecy and reinforce the people's
right to information about their
government rang out yesterday
from spokesmen for the nation's
Louisville Editor James S. Pope
and Washington correspondent,
Clark R. Mollenhoff said Congress
has let government officials dis-
tort a 169-year-old law, which pro-
vides for th preservation and
filing of records, into an instru-
ment for withholding these rec-
ords from the public.
They urged the House Govern-
ment Information subcommittee,
headed by Rep. John Moss (D-
Calif.), to tack on a single sentence
declaring that this law "does not
authorize withholding information
from the public."
Rep. Moss Agrees
As author of a bill to accom-
plish this, Rep. Moss voiced com-
plete agreement. He disputed a
contention by Rep. Claire Hoff-
man (R-Mich.), only Republican
on the three-member subcommit-
tee, that the amendment would be
construed as a mandate that rec-
ords must be made public.
The old law authorizes depart-
ment heads to "prescribe regula-
tions . . . for . .. the custody, use
and preser.vation of the records,
papers and property appertaining
to" the departments.
Administrators Oppose
All 10 government departments
oppose the proposed amendment
to this law.
Again with Moss lending sup-
port, the two newsmen agreed
that some information should be
kept secret - but under specific
laws covering specific fields, such
as those now applying to military
or trade secrets or income tax
Pope said that concealing the
operation of the' public business
"requires justification far broad-
er than mere executive whim."
Cold Curtails
Ike's Activities
Dwight D. Eisenhower curtailed

-Daily-David Arnold
DEBATING POLITICS-Early campaigning for this November's
local and national elections was presented by University Young
Democrats (left to right) Rodney Beauleu and Leonard Willcox,
and Young Republicans William Lack and Henry Kerr. SGC
President Joe Collins moderated.
Economy Emphasized
By Political Debators
Previewing this fall's political campaigns, the Young Democrats
and Young Republicans last night debated military, economic and
educational issues,
Criticism was voiced against the Eisenhower administration by
the Democratic representatives, Leonard Wilcox, '58 Law,. and Rodney
Beauleu, '58Ed. The previous Democratic regimes were challenged to
surpass the present government by the Republican representatives,

William Lacy, '59 Law and Henry
Kerr, '58.
Wilcox said President Eisenhow-
er has failed to ask Congress for
an increased tax raise for defense
needs. "The Democrats feel that
the Republicans have suffered
from budgetitis," he said. "The
budget should be fashioned to the
needs of the country." Wilcox
also attacked what he termed as
a Republican attitude of compla-
cency toward education.
Republicans "Harnessed"
Lacy, however, pointed to defi-
nite Republican progress in these
fields. He said that a small budget
is insurance for the future. "Dem-
ocrats have no long term goals,"
he added.
Referring to the missile issue,
he said, "The Republicans are
harnessed by early Democratic
lags in this field."
Beauleu attacked the present
economic recession, stressing pres-
ent unemployment and gross
product reduction of the past few
months. He quoted Eisenhower be-
fore the 1952 election as saying,
"I hope to do something about the
cost of living."
Ike Praised
Kerr said that during 18 of the
last 20 years of federal Democratic
administration the budget has
been unbalanced. He then praised
the Eisenhower administration
for the balancing of the budget
and for leading the nation to an
all time economic high during the,
past five years.
The debate concluded with an
audience participation question
period. One question inquiring
about the missile lag was answered
by Republican Lacy, as he at'-
tacked Democratic lethargy by
quoting "Mead Alcorn to Me."


City Plans,
Renewal Site
Maps outlining the re-develop-
ment of the '75-acre city urban
renewal district as a predominate-
ly residential area were present-
ed to the Ann Arbor Citizen's
Committee on Urban Renewal
. Wallace W. Coburn.of the Plan-
ning Commission explained the
city's urban renewal program to
the Citizen's Committee, calling
residents' reaction to the present
housing survey of the redevelop-
ment area extremely co-operative.
A sociological survey of the
area is also planned, Coburn said.
The Citizen's Urban Renewal
Committee agreed that profes-
sional or professionally-trained
researchers should conduct the
survey. Coburn will present furth-
er plans for the survey at a com-
mittee meeting Thursday in the
City Hall.
Although maps presented to the
Urban Renewal Committee show
the proposed redevelopment as
mainly residential, there is con-
siderable provision for commercial
land use. Both commercial and
light industrial buildings are now
scattered throughout the 75-acre
urban renewal area-north of the
main business district.
The proposed redevelopment
plan would relocate commercial
structures on Catherine and Mil-
ler, close to the downtown area.

TU' Officials
Hold Talks
On Finances
Discuss Budget Cut
With Lawmakers
University officials are meet-
ing with state legislators in Lan-
sing this week for informal dis-
cussions of the University's 1958-
59 operation and capital outlay
budget requests.
Gov. G, Mennen Williams' cut
of almost $6 million dollars from
the requested $37,274,000 and his
approval of only four of the 12
projects authorized by the Regents.
for construction or planning this
year are the main topics of dis-
President Harlan Hatcher
termed the recommended opera-
tion budget as one of "austerity"
which poses serious problems to
Hatcher Protests .
"Unless the Legislature can
find a more adequate basis for
the support of higher education
in Michigan, the University will
be forced again next year, as it
was this year, to institute the most
stringent kind of economy and
defer much needed improvenents
in its educational programs,"
President Hatcher continued.
Vice-President William E. Stir-
ton "hoped" that the legislature
would support/ the University's
budget reques.
Stirton Comments
"Gov. Williams' failure to make
a recommendation that is the
same as ours is certainly a disap-
pointment," he said. "I hope that
discussion between the state ad-
ministration, the Legislature and
the University will result in a real
improvement over the governor's
Dean Earl V. Moore of the mu-
sic school said, "It is unfortunate
that in the rush to do something
for mathematics and science a
sense o. balance has been lost in
a total education program be-
tween the sciences, humanities,
and the arts." Construction of a
new School of Music building on
North Campus was not approved.
Court Fines
Two Students
University students Ralph B.
Hegsted, '61, and John N.. Trainer,I
'61, were each fined $19.50 by Ann'
Arbor municipal court for pos-
sessing liquor in a motor vehicle.
A third person, Harry N. Genova
of 1726 Hanover Rd., was fined
$24.30 for furnishing intoxicants
to the two students.

said, "he has stood silently by and*
let the situation continue to drift
while unemployment hardships
It was disclosed yesterday that
the administration is asking Con-
gress for emergency funds to help
handle increases in unemployment
insurance benefit payments.
Robert C. Goodwin, director of
the Labor Department's Bureauof
Employment Security, told the
House Appropriations Committee
that insured unemployment in the
week ended Jan. 14 was 2,779,000,
an increase of almost 400,000 over
the previous weekly high in Jan-
uary 1950.
Goodwin agreed with committee
estimates that more than a million
additional unemployed persons
were not drawing benefits, mainly
because they were not eligible or
had already used up their bene-
Goodwin appeared at a closed-
door session and his testimony has
just been made public. He asked
for an extra $76,400,000 for the
year ending June 30, broken down
into $33 million for grants to the
states for administration of their
unemployment compensation and
employment service programs; $25
million for veterans unemployment
payments; and about 182 million
for benefits to jobless federal em-
Caution Urged
By Economist
William M. Martin of the Federal
Reserve Board warned Congress
yesterday against too drastic steps
to check the current recession.
Martin gave the Senate-House
Economic Committee a qualified
prediction the letdown would not
last too long, but acknowledged
that so.ae observers believe it may
be more protracted than the 1948-
4'' and 1953-54 declines.
Excessive stimulus during reces-
sion can jeopardize long-run
stability, Martin said. He also said
he believed the nation's economy
is robust and strong but at the
moment is "suffering from indi-
gestion or overexertion" after three
booming years.

Administration Asks
Unemployment Funds
WASHINGTON (W)-Several Democratic senators criticized Presi-
dent Eisenhower yesterday for what one of them called the serious
economic trouble the country is facing.
That was the phrase used by Sen. McNamara (D-Mich.) in co-
sponsoring a bill by Sen. Kennedy (D-Mass.) to increase unemploy-
ment compensation payments and widen the range of coverage.
Kennedy said present benefits cover only a fraction of the current loss
in wages.
Joining in the move, Sen. Clark (D-Pa.) accused the President
of not taking the lead when the states failed to act. "Instead," Clark

House Sends
Missile Bi
To President

... speaks tonight

Top Sociailist
Speaks Here
Norman Thomas will speak on
"Arms and Economy" at 8:30 p.m.
tonight in the Rackham Lecture
The 73-year-old leader of the
Socialist party ran as the party
candidate for president in six suc-
cessive election years. He was as-
sociated with the Republican,
Progressive, and Democratic par-
ties, but calling them .somewhat
vague on 'important issues, he
turned to the Socialist party. .
Available Soon
Polio vaccinations will be avail-
able at Health Service Feb. 20, ac-
cording to Director Dr. Morley B.
"Flu shots are not scheduled,"
Dr. Beckett said, "but we are ex-
pecting some new vaccine com-
bining protection against Asian
and common flu and will set up a
schedule when it arrives."

$1.4 Billion Allowed
For Submarines,
Missiles, Air Defense
ate created a special committee
Thursday to help plan for Ameri-
can exploration and conquest of
outer space.
Thirteen senior senators will b'
appointed to the policy group. The
chairman may be Senate Majority
Leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas,
who proposed the committee.
"This movement into spacewill
dominate the affairs of mankind
Just as the exploration of the
Western Hemisphere dominated
the affairs of mankind in the 16th
and 17th centuries," Johnson said.
House Passes Bill
There were several other major
developments in the nation's ef-
fort to pull abreast of the Soviet
Union in the missile-satellite race
and adjust United States defenses
to the space age.
The House passed and sent to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
a bill appropriating $1,410,000,-
000 for more missiles and atomic
submarines, and improved air de-
fenses. The money is for the
present fiscal year, which ends
June 30.
TheHouse and Senate approved
compromise legisatin affirming
the defense department's authori-
ty to proceed with its ballistic mis-
sile program and putting Secre-
tary of Defense Neil McElroy in
charge of outer-space projects for
the next year.
Project Urged
Chairman Lewis L. Strauss of
the Atomic Energy Commission
declared it was imperative to un-
dertake a national project for nu-
clear propulsion of peaceful outer
space vehicles. He discussed the
idea before a Senate-House Atom-
ic Energy subcommittee.
It was learned the Air Force
has offered to try to put a 1,000-
pound satellite into orbit by June,
using its Thor, an intermediate-
range ballistic missile. So far the
Air Force has not been author-
ized to enter the satellite program.
The Navy notified Congress it is
cutting every corner it can to get
its Polaris combat team ready in
'two years and possibly sooner.
The Polaris is a 1,500-mile missile
designed to be fired from' atomic
submarines either above or below
the water.
The Senate vote for a special
space committee was 78-1 with
Sen. Ellender (D-La.) the lone
Sen. Ellender's opposition was
not explained.
A $50,000 operating fund was
approved for the space commtte:
and it was charged with producing
by June 1 or shortly thereafter a
comprehensive plan to guide U.S.
civilian and military attempts to
navigate space and reach heaven-
ly bodies.
President Eisenhower has a sci-
entific council working along simi-
lar lines.
LS&A Initates
TNew Course
The literary college will initiate
a survey course of the Soviet
Union during the coming summez
Designed for upperclassmen and
graduate -students, the course wi
offer a broad survey of the Sovie
F Tnin-ib44t I, nanvn1.,P ulii.w

it during last summer
istmas vacation.
- See TICKET, page 5


Airmen Find
Majbr Parts
t Of Vanguard
The Air Force recovered a major
part of the wreckage of the Van-
guard test vehicle yesterday and
the Navy said defective wiring
probably caused the huge rocket
to go astray.
Much of the first stage of the
three-stage rocket was hauled out
of the ocean a few miles off the
launching area Wednesday. More
parts, including a portion of the
second stage, were recovered yes-
The rocket, bearing a small
satellite in its nose, broke apart
four miles above its launching
site early Wednesday only a min-
ute after leaving the ground.
Defect Spotted
The Office of Naval Research
and the Naval Research Labora-
tory said in a joint statement that
as far as could be determined
there was "no device that mal-
They said there apparently was
a defect in the wiring connecting
the automatic pilot and the hy-
draulic "servo" system of the first

Former'U' Student Protests $350 Apartment Bill from'U'
4 -.. mmmmW

W. W. Stephenson and the University don't quite see eye to eye.
He has a problem with his former landlord - the University. The
University.-has a problem with one of its tenants at the Northwood
Apartments - Stephenson.
One of the few things they agree on is what started the ruckus
In the first place - the University has billed Stephenson $350 and
withheld his credits and his master's degree from graduate school
until he pays.
Neither Stephenson nor the University can even agree on wheth-
er Stephenson is still a tenant or not. Stephenson says he isn't. He
says one of the secretaries told his wife that all that was needed was
a two week written notice. Besides,-

Hall Business Manager Leonard
A. Schaadt, and a member of the
University Relations staff, all four
went out to inspect 1852 North-
wood Apartments, Stephenson's
"Kids Will' Be Kids"
Through all this Stephenson.
volubly maintained that he
couldn't clean the walls because
the paint would come off, and if
the walls did need paint, the Uni-
versity planned to put on a bet-
ter grade of paint than he had
dirtied.nConcerning the mattress,
he pointed out that kids will be
kids and the University should re-

he adds, even if he was mistaken,
the waiting list for the Northwood
Apartments is long enough that
a replacement could have been

But the biggest dispute between
the University and Stephenson is
the remainder of the $350. The

1 a 111 11 l I i 1 1111 i 1

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