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March 18, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-18

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)r c

acuity, Administration Examine Athletic
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in aseries of five articles explain- H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, athletic director, sees athletics as a con- collegiate sports. "The idea that athletics is a kind of church is ri- this is fine. As long as it makes no
ry is a series of interviews with a cross-section of people on campus, to tribution to the students' educational experience. Both inter-collegiate diculous," he says.-else.
what they think the role of athletics should be.) and Intra-mural athletics, he says, are important supplements to the. Athletics have value in so far as theycontribute to one's total Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
By RICHARD TAUB "fundamental and basic aims" of a general education. experience, he explains, but no more. The American university today as c
In fact, he sees -a possibility that competitive athletics might do reflect the culture of its country, she
The University athletic department will have an operating budget Athletics also teach a "respect for law and order." There are in In dage, Stuses a rn h t competeihe ays bu t rhaps ot Justr"Prime
ore than a million dollars this year. addition social advantages of an "emotional nature." Student ath- moral damage. Students learn how to compete, he says, but perhaps Not Just "Prne
ver the last seven years more than six million dollars was spent letes, he explains, have. the opportunity to be doers rather than in this world we need people Who are less interested in competition. The American people are no lon
capital improvements. watchersThey-learn poise 'under fire. And they havethe opportu- He says there are healthy facets to athletic activity. "Nobody's prime ministers and other leaders as
The department mot only involves varsity athletes, but every nity to ,meet students from other schools.. the worse for a good long walk in the country." But it seems, the And just read the newspapers or
The departmet ~not onlyinvolves varity athlete, but everyprofessor adds, that inter-collegiate athletics, especially football, "hassewhtagatarofurctr
hman who, comes to the University and all other students inter- Football, he points out, also provides the funds for the intra- Very little to do with health." part of r c tu
d in participating in extracurricular sports. mural program. The athletic department is now working on facili- Atrletics ShduldtbeeFuh-part of democracy, she continuea.W
n an occasional, Saturday in the fall, more than one hundred ties for North Campus. Athletics Should e Fun person, as wellas In grooming leade
isand people come to watch the football team in action. . E . Boulding of the economics department do s not Athletics should be fun, he declares, and if it is not fun, there can concerned with the top 10 per cent."
Play a Large Part see it this way, however. be no justification for it. "But here the program seems rather grim," The Americans are a competitv
Clearly athletics, especially inter-collegiate athletics play no le say. want competitive athletics.
11 part in University life. Athletics Not Educational THe has no objection to inter-collegiate athletics, he is quick to Dean Bacon also sees athletics as
But how can one justify this role? Are inter-collegiate athletics He says the belief that athletics has educational value is "bun- pint out. "'If the department wants to go ahead and establish a of aggressions for the fans as well
able for the University? Or are they harmful? I combe." He objects strongly to placing any moral value on inter- separate professional organization and pay the participants salaries, See BIG, p

2 J7
f a




Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

See Page 4

M. LXVIII, No.120


, J













J.S. Launches Successful

Vanguard Satellite
L tUv R TT T -ri-' -


[hird Navy Effort
vow Circling Earth

'Moon' Expected To Stay in Orbit
Of Record 2,500 Miles from Earth
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (P)-The Navy's Vanguard, a finely-
!ed space rocket, fired the free world's second satellite into orbit
and the earth yesterday.
Clicking like a fine watch in its arrow-true climb into the blue
the Vanguard hurled its tiny, radio-equipped aluminum "moon"
an egg-shaped orbit so ideal that it may travel through space
to 10 years.
It weighed only three and one-fourth pounds and was only 6.4
hes in diamteter, but it was equipped to gather much of the infor-
;ion needed before m'anned vehicles could venture into space.

Students Ask
No Picture
For Housing
Meeting last night for the second
ime, a group of students inter-
sted in dormitory roommate
>lacement asked that the Univer-
ity not request pictures or prefer-
mces of any kind on the housing
%pplication form.
The group also suggested that
students could be ,assigned . to
'ooms as their applications were
eceived, with any difficulties
which arose being handled "ac-
,ording to normal procedures."
"Normal procedures," the group
aid, were those presently in;use
,o separate incompatible room-

mation needed. before manned
vehicles could venture into space.
Tracked Quickly'
Minutes after the world's small-
est but highest-flying satellite be-.
gan its globe-circling journey, the
high-pitched whine of its radio
signals was picked up by tracking
Its voice joined that of Explorer
I, the first United States satellite
launched here Jan. 31 by the
Army's Jupiter-C missile.
The third man-made moon now,
orbiting in space, the Soviet
Union's dog-carrying Sputnik II,
is silent.
Sputnik Dropping
The 1,120-pound Red satellite
is losing altitude, and American
scientists expect it to plunge to a;
fiery death in the world's dense
atmosphere about April 14.
Sputnik I, first of the Soviet
moons, disintegrated Jan. 4.
John P. Hagen, director of the
Vanguard project, said the new
American satellite is 'vln traveling at'
a little better than 18,000 m.p.h.
in an orbit that will swing it as
far as 2,500 miles out in space and
bring it as close to the earth as
400 miles.
The beautiful performance of
the Vanguard overcame the Soviet
numerical superiority in space,]
See NAVY, page 37

To Confer
trial production slumpel In Feb-
ruary to the lowest level since
December 1954. -
The Federal Reserve Board
reported yesterday its index
dropped three points to 130 per
eent of the 1947-9 average.
WASHINGTON (T -President
Dwight D.Eisenhower yesterday
invited nine- governors to meet
with him Wednesday to discuss his,
plan for stretching out the period
of payments to Jobless workers.
The White House announced
President Eisenhower had sent
telegrams to each of the nine
members of the executive com-
mittee of the Governor's Confer-
The telegrams went to:
Gov. William G. Stratton of 11-
linois, executive committee chair-
man, and the other committee
members, including Govs. John E.
Davis of North Dakota, Orval E.
Faubus of Arkansas, Luther H.
Hodges of North Carolina, Joseph
B. Johnson of Vermont-, Goodwin
J. Knight of California, Ednund S.
Muskie of Maine, Albert D. Rosel-
lini of Washington, and George B.
Timnmerman Jr. of South Carolina.
The telegrams went out on a day
that' produced: a report from the
Federal Reserve Board saying that
in February "industrial production,
employment, incomes and retail
sales again declined."
Presidential Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty said the meet-
ing is strictly about the Eisenhower
administration's plan for extend-
ing the period of unemployment
President Eisenhower will send
his plan to Congress Thursday or
Friday in the form of a message,
Hagerty told newsmen.

ia-pio Appointed New Union President
Barry Shapiro, '58, was named
Union president last night.
Russell Berman, '59, is the new
executive vice-president and Rich-
ard Schwartz, '59, administrative
Although the announcement of r.
the new officer§ was expected
around 9:45 p.m., it wasen't until
an hour later that tle'tension was
Tp Continue Musket
Although excited, Shapiro man-
aged to answer questions regarding
the future of Musket, the Union's
musical show. "Every effort will
be made to continue the show, and
prospects look as though this will
be possible," he said.
Outlining goals for next. year,
Shapiro mentioned that he "would
like to see both graduate and affili-
ated students brought into the
Union to a larger. degree."
Other plans of the new officers.
include making the Campus
United Nations a semi-annual
event, meeting every semester.
Chosen by Committee -Daily-David Arnold
The selection of Union officers NEWLY ELECTED - Union Senior Officers for next year (left
was made by a selections com- to right), Administrative Vice-President Richard Schwartz, Presi-
mittee, after the candidates peti- dent Barry Shapiro and Executive Vice-President ussell Berman
tioned to be accepted. This year's wdetarSapiteB
committee was composed of Dean were elected last night.
of Men Walter Rea, chairman;
Roy Lave, Grad;. T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary gf the
alumni association; Donald May,
'58; Charles Kriser, '58BAd; Prof.
Otto Graf of the German depart-
ment; and Robert Nederlander, By The Associated Press
158L, SINGAPORE - President Sukarno's Indonesian army claimed
yesterday it had regained control of the airport and harbor at Medan
in North Sumatra and that insurgents' had withdrawn from the
City Attorne strategic city.
" " " The claim was called false by the rebel radio at Padang in Central
Gives Opin on Sumatra, which Sunday announced capture of the island's largest
city by troops who mutinied against the Sukarno regime.
City Council last night heard an * * * *
opinion by City Attorney Jacob HAVANA-Thousands of Cuban civic and professional leaders
Fahrner that a city party com- called last night for President Fulgencio Batista to resign "to save
mnittee has the right to choose a Cuba from anarchy and chaos."
replacement for a candidate dis- *rr n.
qualified by changing residence.
The opinion was asked for last WASHINGTON-The House Agriculture Committee overwhelm-
week after the resignation of ingly approved yesterday a resolution calling for a one-year freeze on
Councilman Frank A. C. Davis. farm price supports and acreage allotments at or above present levels.

!' i7 a

Report Due Today
It met on the eve of the Resi-
dence Hall Board of Governors
meeting-which today will release
the finished parts of the survey
requested by the Board.
The finished parts will include a
breakdown of how freshmen are
assigned-the'major bone of con-
tention in, the current roommate
placement discussion.
The group appointed a five
member steering committee to
direct future activities of the
*Five on Committee'
Members of the steering com-
mittee are: Alan krebs -Grad.,
Mathew Norman, '59, Berkely Ed-
dins, Grad., Oliver Moles, Grad.,
and Linda White, '59.
The group also voted to make
slight changes in its statement of
principles.. "that the University
should not manifest any policy
which may serve the ends of segre-
gatibn ... (and) that the Univer-
sity should not elicit information
in any form with regards to race


Pump Helps

Youths Steal Gas from Automobile

A home-made, automatic siphoning apparatus was discovered by
Ann Arbor police last night in the car of three Ypsilanti teen-agers
charged with larceny of gasoline from an auto.
The complex equipment included a special gas storage tank in
the trunk of the car and connections enabling the windshield-wiper
motor to create suction by which gasoline could be removed from
another car's tank.
Sight of the apparatus caused one veteran officer to remark that
"nobody in the department's ever seen 4 hook-up like that" before.
Seen Near 'U' Hospital
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