Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ns Are Free Prevail" "We Got Another Room Ready?" l1s1. ils printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. 16, 1958, NIGIjT EDITOR: RICHARD TAUB Young Socialists Are Destructive Nuisances OST STUDENTS are probably aware .ow, the campus was visited this week eyors of The. Young Socialist, a month- d publication purporting to be the >f America's Future." The Young Socialist is a voice is true but that it 'has anything to say about 's future is doubtful, to say the least.. hose who haven't yet seen a copy of er, The Young Socialist is a glorified nda pamphlet published in New York otley assortment of "independent. so- who claim support from proponents de variety of socialist opinions, includ- nbers or former members of such organ- as the now-defunct Labor Youth the Young Socialist League, the So- Worker's Party, the Fellowship of Re- tion, and the Socialist Party. e same time the paper disclaims any on with any political party or any par- socialist dogma. Just what this group ivocate, other than the destruction of sm is a little unclear. It's aims, as pro- I in a front page editorial in the first )ctober, 1957) of The Young Socialist ollows: hope that this paper can help advance ht. of all radicals- and progressives for r America, a better, more peaceful and rld ... We do not claim to offer over- ed, dogmatic answers to complicated is.. . . We promise . .. a realistic ap- to the modern world and to the social at work in It. Our sole commitment is he truth as we see it., also hope to present and discuss the ng ideas of militant socialism as they o the struggles and aspirations of the peoples . .. It is our hope that out of cussion will grow a broad and revital- ilitant socialist youth movement that in a progressive way on the campuses the factories in bringing the ideas of n to America's youth." WAS.PRECEDED in the editorial by a iction and advocation of the downfall italistic imperialism." statement- above promising to "tell the s we see it" is somewhat misleading, in implies some newspaper function, which, implies objective news reporting and ment of opinion to the editorial col-: Young Socialist, however, makes no no- attempt at objectivity 'in its "news" s. It reports only selected news items, ys them .up far out of proportion. The is sharply slantet and highly editorial- rpical articles deal primarily with econ- id social problems (which we admit we hat nation doesn't?) all over the United A great deal of attention is also fo- n the efforts of socialist groups around ntry to further the movement, and con- le space, devoted to violent attacks on position aroused by these' efforts. e letters in the center of this page at- cal and visiting socialists on campus ady upset by the feeble opposition -- if, it could be called "opposition" at this - they have so far encountered. They secution because two unidentified men ctures of them distributing copies of >er in front of the Union on Thursday, cause Dean Bingley pointed out that they were acting in direct violation of Univer- sity regulations, which specifically prohibit distribution of "handbills or other printed matter" on the campus, in University build- ings, or in front of University buildings with- out permission. The mysterious photographers have various- ly been accused oF being or rumored to be FBI or other government agents (which the FBI denies), members of the Detroit Police Depart- ment's "Red Squad," (which ,the Detroit Po- lice Department denies), or agents of some other government or police agency. THE QUESTION of whether or not a group like the Young Socialists should be allowed freedom to press its campaign on campus must be considered from two sides - the practical and the theoretical. The answer from both sides is "No." From the practical point of view, the social- ists should be prevented from continuing their propaganda efforts simply because there are laws against their present methods. These rules apply to any dissemination of literature - po- litical or not-on campus. The socialists should not be allowed to violate the law behind a mask of "academic freedom" or "democratic rights." They take advantage of our political and social system in their efforts to undermine it, then complain because there isn't enough freedom to take advantage of. From the theoretical or ethical standpoint, we can oppose the socialists and what they -stand for on the grounds 'that we will not be a pai'ty to a campaign against the political. and social principles in which we believe. - Our capitalistic' democracy has its problems, as does any system of government. In spite of its weaknesses, however, it has been suc- cessful. In its comparatively short life, it has. made us the greatest nation kin the world, with a standard of living unmatched anywhere in the world, under any system of government.' We justly place the utmost confidence in its being fundamentally "right." IN RECOGNITION of its shortcomings, Amer- - ican democracy incorporates machinery for dealing with them - free and open discussion of our problems,,and enactment", via the elec- torate, of the solutions deemed best by the ma- jority. This democratic machinery allows for ex- pression of even widely deviant political opin- lion, such as socialism is. This is as it should be, providing the deviant view is at least con- structive. The brand of socialism advocated by those such as Normnan Thomas, who appeared here last month, is at least worth considering, for it does offer a constructive - if unaccept- able to most of us-political and social scheme. . The brand of deviance represented by the Young Socialists, however, is merely rabble- rousing. They largely confine themselves to at- tacking existing institutions, playing up our problemps while offering no concrete proposals for their solution, and crying for destruction of the status quo, to be replaced by some sort of communal control of the "means of produc- tion;" just what, they apparently don't know. The Young Socialists are no real threat; they have neither the power ndr the numbers to be a significant danger. They're simply a nuisance. EDWARD GERULDSEN Associate Editorial Director EVOIS-e-I f1A1IIOt, 5C LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 'Harassed' Socialists To Try A ain Gh rassedf e fend their rights without at the At any rate, if Mr. Elsman were same time sanctioning the group aware that Socialism means the To the Editor: or supporting their activities. TUDGING from reports in The -T. Robert Yamada, 149 social ownership of the means of JDaily and the Ann Arbor Newsn production, motivation by the of March 14, those of us respon-* principle oif production for use, sible for the distribution of the Distressed . . and a. twentieth century Socialist Young Socialist newspaper in front To the Editor: Industrial Government to admin- of the' Michigan Union Thursday T AM DISTRESSED at the inci- ister production and distribution caused the Ann Arbor Police and dents which occurred in front of efficiently and justly, it is doubt- the University administration con- the Michigan Union o n last Thurs- ful that he would have argued cir- siderable concern. Union cuiltously in defense of capitalism As the article in The Daily through the front entrance with a while demonstrating some of cap- pointed out, during and after the, friend from England \tho is in the italisms weaknesses. time we passed out our papers, we 'United States for a tWo week visit. * * were subjected to constant har- We had eaten our lunch in the THE LETTER by Jerry Man- rassment by a number of uniden- Union and had coincidentally been' fning on "the. preservation of tifwed cameramen. Identify them- discussing the fact that the U.S. rights" assumes that government thesemen would r dentifyethem- State Department cautions stu- originated by mutual consent of selves (they were all above student dents and other foreign visitors the governed since "individual age) itis not absolutely certain against expressing their political freedom was ofteir lost to the whothe weeand social opinions while in the strong by the weak." He further Three of them, however, were United States, particularly among assumed that by a process of mu- seen driving off in a car with De- American citizens. tual consent "each had' to agree t troit license plates. I strongly su- the measures of government" pect they are cops from the Detroit My friend Was also distressed at t eares of govrnment." "Red Squad." Whoever they were, being asked by the Voice of Amer- I fear thatMr. Manning will be it is clear that their purpose was ica, within four hours of his arri- very much, disillusioned when he to intimidate. I am sure that Uni- val in this country, if he would becomes acquainted with the cor- versity students feel as indignant answer questions for a broadcast rect origin, transformation and as we do about this outrage, interview that same night about nature of governments. He will * - life in the United States. Ind that the development of plu- THE STORY in The Daily re- But the worst Impression he re- tatlm ports Assistant Dean of Men John ceved, and it was rather a shock United States government the Bingley as saying that the Uni- to me also, was being accosted by hand man s of the versity and the city have regula- plain clothes policemen (evidently racitizenmajorityh whoeservan rights M tions against distribution of pam- Federal Government agents) as we Manning says the Constitutior phlets or literature without per- left the Union on Thursday noon. protects. mission. oe *W s The idea that anyone should THE REASON that the Federal When, as the Declaration of in. nee "prmisio" i orer o ds- police were there was obvious dependence says, any form of gov. need "permission" In order to dis- plc rehre as bvus emnent becomes destructive oi tribute literature on a public side- to me, if not to my guest; we had. these ends It is the right of the walk is a clear violation of our ba- been handed a socialist newspaper eople ito alter or abolish it and t sic civil liberties. The rights of all only an hour earlier as we entered pestittewornmentan to disseminate or to receive such the Union for our lunch. (The institute new government, laying literature without molestation newspaper had rather impressed its foundation on such principle should be uncontested in a de- my friend, who was under the im- and organizing its powers in suos mocracy. pression that disentng opinion of form as to them shall seem mos When Mr. Bingley implies that a socialistic nature was prohibited likely to effect their safety and we might have been arrested or in this country!, nothing published happiness. driven from the sidewalk if we had about socialized medicine, etc.) On this basis, through the me. remained for a longer time, h . But when we asked why our pic- dium of the amendment principl only compounds the crime. tures (three pictures by two dif- and provision of the U.S. Consti. Because we feel that an impor- men) had been taken, we tution, Socialist Industrial Gov. Beas efe hta mo-ferent mn adbe akn e ement will be established. The tant principle is at stake we are were told most discourteously to the recurring nightmares The planning another distribution of mind our own business. prei and warsto which cap. the Young Socialist on Thursday, To be confronted by such a large Preitas hascommitted the Unite March 20, at 11:45 a.m., in front number of un-uniformed and ag- States will be a thing of the pasit of the Michigan Union. I hope that gressive police in a public place Is and economic justice nothbe e-s all interested students will be on disconcerting enough, to be treated tablished But it must cme ques. hand for that occasion. In the in such a degrading manner- by y because the war toward which event that the past intimidation representatives of the U.S. Gov- capitalist imperialism and s re-occurs they will have an oppor. erment is embarassing and hu-cigwl tunity to see for themselves and milating, but the worst and most chevist imperialism are racing wil draw their own conclusions on this inexcusable result is the very poor make jibbering derelicts of an issue. impression it made on my English -Bob Himmel, Chairman friend, an impression which was -Ralph W. Muncy Wayne Young Socialist Club undoubtedly made on many other LItT MAN ON CAMPU foreign visitors and students. Trotskyit -James 3. Berkley To the Editor Deanition EVERAL POINTS of clarifica- tion are necessary in regard to To the Editor: I'l the activities of the Young Social- AN EDITORIAL and a letter in ist Club of Wayne County, whose the March 11 issue of the Daily, appearance on this campus last both of which deal with the social Thursday seems to have caused economic question, are evidence of some excitement.' the production of false conclusions First of all, it should be emphat- from false or incomplete premises. ically stated that this group is in In the editorial "A Time of Ex- no way associated with the Social- amination for United States Cap- ist Party of Norman Thomas, but italism," Mr. James Elsman as- is under the leadership of members sumes, in the first paragraph, that of the Socialist Workers' Party, the socialism means government own- "orthodox" Trotskyite sect. ership. Though contradicting him- At the present moment this self in another sentence, Mr. Els- group is actively engaged in at- man assumes that "our system," tempting to create a broad radical whatever that may be, may reach youth group by bringing together higher peaks of output than forms the remnants of the now defunct of socialism.',t y '«LOOKING UP: ampus United"Nations By JAMES ELSMAN JRI. fHATEVER ELSE may be said of the Cam- pus United Nations it was a profitable edu- ional experience in the complexities of in- national relations. though the delegates labored three hours In' morning and three hours in the afternoon shape a resolution'of the Cyprus issue that Auld be acceptable to the Assembly, they led, leaving the situation as they had found -critical and unsolved. While their failure >m the outside might convey the impression At there was considerable sentiment in the ly to approve the British position on the and, such was not the case. Such a situation inaction arose essentially because of the realism of the Campus United Nations situ- on. It was unreal because the delegates at- apted to solve a real problem of the day th non-existant tools. rhe first unreality was that the procedural chinery, because of the limited time, was .ch different than that of the United Nations. e Campus UN was given but one resolution I one amendment which the delegates could cuss and vote upon. No substitute resolutions re allowed from the floor. The main resolu- n was drafted by a committee which tried so rd to accommodate the interests of the ee principal parties in the resolution that the olution pleased no majority. t'he second unreality was that the student egates who represented their native countries passed, no -matter what, just to indicate that the British were jolly fellows. AMPUS UNITED NATIONS, then, can be fairly criticized only as to its educational accomplishments. And no doubt the Union in- tended that its main value be in the educational functions it performed. Its more obvious educational contributions were many. Almost 60 nations had an opportu- nity to express their positions on the Cyprus issue. The staggering complexity of the problem prompted many different expressions of opinion Consider the decision confronting leaders of these countries when they hear logical argu- ments from Britishers who likely feign a pa- ternal concern over the Turkish minority to protect their strategic interests, from the Turks who overstate the danger to the Turkish ma- jority and hide a desire not to see Greece at- tain a position so-near to the land of Turkey, and from 'the Greeks who idealistically plead for a plebescite while taking 'subversive action to influence enosis with Greece. And further, should a nation vote for what the calculating national interest dictates or should it support the ideal of self-determination ,which it pays lip service to? The student delegates had to puzzle these questions just as our diplomats today must, The more subtle educational contributions are hard to estimate. If we may judge by the