Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Daily-Ian MacNiven
MOCK DEBA\E-A simulated United Nations meeting debated and defeated the Cyprus resolution
paragraph yesterday. In two four-hour sessions the UN members argued in the manner of the
countries which they were supposed to represent.'
rMock UN Debates
I Cprus Reoluion
After eight hours of debate yesterday the Campus United Nations
failed to approve a resolution on Cyprus.
The, resolution proposed a ten-year trusteeship to be set up under
the UN, leading to leaving the government in the hands of the people
of Cyprus.
Deleted Resolution
The resolution had each section debated and in turn deleted until
only one paragraph remained out of the original eight. This last
paragraph, stating that a "...progressive transfer of government to
1 the Cypriots is to take place," failed to receive the necessary twt-thirds
'Red Squad'
Experts Ask,
Of'A' Tests
Proposal May Lead
To Major Revisions
WASHINGTON (M - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's disarma-
ment advisors are drafting a pro-
posal to suspend nuclear weapons
testing under an international
watch dog system for a three-year
It would be presented for nego-
tiation with Russia.
It represents part of a broad-
scale review of United States pol-
icy which may lead to a historic
revision of the policy.
Work Speeds
The return Tuesday of Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles from
the Far East is expected to speed
work on the problem.
President Eisenhower will decide
finally whether policy is to be
A decision probably will be made
in the next month or so.
The basic question shaping up
is whether to risk the danger of
secret Soviet violations of a test
ban and go ahead with negotia-
tions on United States terms so
drastically modified that they will
make agreement likely.
The negotiations, according to
present official thinking, would
very likely .come to a climax in
an East-West summit conference.
The past week has brought out
some highly contradictory opinion
on whether its in the United States'
interest to agree with the Soviets
on suspending tests.
But high officials now believe
that, despite a rearguard fight by
Atomic Energy Commission advo-
cates of continuing tests, the
President will order the radical
modification of United States
policy necessary to halt them-
providing Russia accepts the mini-
mum United States conditions.
The expected decision by the
President to change United States
policy and bring it closer to Rus-
sia's demands for a virtually un-
conditional ban on nuclear testing
would mean a defeat for crusading
scientist Edward Teller.r
U.S. Claims
Russia Asks
Accuses USSR
Of 'Flouting' UN
WASHINGTON (lP):-The United
States accused Russia yesterday of
"flouting" the United Nations on
disarmament talks and asking the
impossible on President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's space-for-peace plan.
The State Department let loose
a double-barreled reaction to two
recent Soviet lobbying efforts for
an early summit meeting.
Denounce Plan
!. Department officials de-
nounced as "wholly unacceptable"
yesterday's Kremlin offer to seek
UnitedpNations supervision of
outer space provided the United
States withdrew from its bases in
Europe, the Middle East and North
2. A formal State Department
statement denounced Russia's boy-
cott of the 25-nation Disarmament
Commission as a "continued flout-
ing" of United Nations General
Assembly resolution urging new
UN disarmament talks.
Provide Link'
The statement said the UN
Security Council should meet "to'
provide a proper link between the-
UN and any subsequent disarma-
ment discussions."
Sees Tax Cut Unlikely'
Until Sometime in June
When the delegate from Thai-
land abstained from voting on the
final . resolution at yesterday's
Model United Nations, he used his
two minutes of explanation time
to over a suggestion to the Cyprus
"The island should be parti-
tioned into three sections;" he
said, "one for the Greek Cypriots,
one for the Turks, and a third
part for the British troops in
there now."
The whoop of laughter from the
r British delegation 'summarized
perfectly both the atmosphere of
the session and the one individual
who completely stole the show.
Explains Abstention
Thus there were such memor-
able statements as the one. by the
delegate from Ethiopia, explaining
his country's abstention during the
final voting.
"Ethiopia abstains," he an-
nounced,'"because the whole issue
is so complicated I don't under-
stand any of it."
Or there was the vote cast by
Daily Editorial Director James
Elsman, '58, for the Russian dele-
gation, the only country not rep-
resented by one of its own citizens.
Speaks Russian
Elsman rose, blew into the mic-
rophone which had lately gone
dead, and spoke: "Soyouz Sovyet-
skeek Sotzeealeesteecheskeek Res-
poobleek voteerovat, Nyet!" Trans-
lation: "The Soviet Union votes
But when Ian Davison, Spec.,
rose for the United Kingdom, he
immediately became the center of
attention. r
On his feet in support of, a m9-
tion, Davison waved his hands like
a cheerleader, wheedling the other
delegates to -stand also. He paid
particular attention to the United
States delegation next to him,
which consistently refused to sup-
port any British motion.
On India
Similarly, Davison was vocal on
motions or votes by other dele-
gates. When India, in violation of
every expectation, abstained from
the final voting, Davison's an-
guished "Oooh!" could be heard
throughout the auditorium. -
But Davison really brought down
the house when he introduced a
"point of information," on the mo-
tion "that the elected constituent
assembly shall determine the po-
litical future of the Island." At-
1 See SOBRIETY, page 3
*majority. The vote was 11 for, nine
against and 21 countries abstain-
The simulated United Nations
meeting, sponsored by, the Aca-
demic Services and International
committees of the Union in co-
operation with International Stu-
dents Association, began its two-
session meeting yesterday ,at 9
a.m. Following an opening state-
ment by 'Prof. Inis Claude, of the
'political science department, con-
cerning the role of the United Na-
tions in world affairs, the assembly
8 heard opening statements by
Greece, Turkey, and Great Britain,
the three countries basically in-
volved in the dispute.
* Abide by Ruling
Great Britain opened by, saying
that they would abide by any rul-
ing that the- assembly would make,
but that they would not merely
leave the island unless some sort
of supervision under the UN was
presentbecause this would leave
the island ". . . open to terrorism."
Beverly Pooley, Grad., leader of
the United Kingdom delegation,
suggested making Cyprus a UN
territory, with the political, mili-
tary, and civil affairs of the island
under UN supervision.
He also said, however, that if
the assembly felt the United King-
dom should continue its adminis-
tration of the. island, gradually
relinquishing the government to
t the Cypriot people, Britain would'
do so.
Controversy Rages
The controversy raged over the
proposed "self-determination" for
the island. Although all of the
countries said they believed in the
ultimate self-determination of the
island, some felt that this deter-
mination should be immediate and
others urged a "gradual" reduction
of control with increased Cypriot
Greece, who charged that Cy-
prus asked for independence in,
1878 and has been asking ever
since, brought cries of "nonsense"
from the British delegation.
Greece also denounced the use
of the word "terrorist" in connec-
See CAMPUS, page 3
Sp ac
Members of the Young Social-
ists Club of Wayne County
charged yesterday that members
of the Detroit Police Department's
"Red Squad" attempted to intimi-
date them when they passed out
newspapers in front of The Union
last Thursday.
Allen Taplin, treasurer of the
group, said attempts to photo-
graph the Young Socialists as
they distributed their photos were
"routine practice" attempts by the
police department's anti-subver-
sion agency to "intimidate, har-
rass and collect information."
The photographers refused to
identify themselves Thursday to
several University students who
had lunch with two members of
the Wayne County group. A letter
to The Daily by Robert Himmel,
chairman of the Young Socialists,
said automobiles driven by the
photographers had Detroit license.
plates. Detroit police, along with
Ann Arbor police, state police and
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion denied knowing anything
about the photography incident.
, on tax cuts
U.S. Moves
Take Shape
In Recession
99.98 PER CENT:
Supreme Soviet Elections
Soviet citizens will turn out at
the polls today and cast their bal-
lots for their representatives to
the Supreme Soviet, or parliament.
In the 1954 election for the
Draft Calls
Still Steady
WASHINGTON (P) - Selective
Service officials said yesterday
that physically fit and "unen-
cumbered" young single men still
face "a 100 per cent certainty" of
being drafted by the time they are
about 23.
This is true despite relatively
low draft calls, now running 13,-
000 a month, because of the coun-
try's total military manpower de-
mands for active, reserve and Na-
tional Guard service, the officials
By "unencumbered" y o u n g
single men, they said, they re-
ferred to those who do not enter
critical occupations. The National
Guard, the reserves, or other fields
in which they may gain deferment
or exemption.
Supreme Soviet, 99.98 per cent of
the Russian electorate voted for
the party-selected candidates.
Prof. William B. Ballis, of the
political science department, said
"Soviet elections are not elections
as we know them in the United
"Only one candidate for an of-
fice appears on the ballot, but the
citizens have the right to scratch
his name off.
Prof. Ballis referred to Soviet
elections as "citizenship indpctri-
nation campaigns."
He said that the reason why a
larger per cent of people vote in
Russia than in the United States
is because "everything is done to
facilitate voting."
He cited the special ballots given
to sick or disabled persons unable
to get to the polling places and
those available to persons traveling
on planes or trains as examples.
Also, he said, elections are held
on Sundays so the maximum num-
ber of voters can turn out.
Representatives to the Supreme
Soviet are elected every four years.
This is the fifth election in which
the people have directly elected
their representatives by secret bal-
lot. Until 1927 officials were elected
"The whole electoral system in
the Soviet System is directly con-
trolled and manipulated by the
Communist Party, which has a
monopoly," Porf. Ballis concluded.
A contrast between American
and Russian elections pointed out
by political scientists is that to
'Digest' Editor
To Talk Here
Charles Ferguson, senior editor
of The Reader's Digest, will speak
on "The Ten Worst Mistakes the
This flurry of activity in Wash- NEW YORK W)-Big new gov-
ington and Moscow reflected dip- ernment moves against recession
lomatie jockeying for position in began to take definite shape last
advance of a summit conference week.
which officials now see as virtually They include more government
inevitable. ' spending on housing, guided mis-
Russia started the new round of siles, river and harbor Improve-
exchanges Friday, ments, new roads.
Also there was the possibility of
an across-the-board cut in federal
income taxes.
Among the economic hypos on
Slate' " odahand, a tax -cut looked like Wtoe
Slated Todayhn"s*xc'ikda
fastest acting.
It would put billions of extra
some measure, elections here per- spending dollars in consumers'
mit a voter to choose between two pockets in the shortest possible
policies or approaches. Russian time.
elections are only a formal affir- One thing was sure: any of the
mation of government policies, proposed cures--tax cuts, defense
spending, public works or what
have you-would cost money.
Unavoidably they'd plunge the
government deeper into debt.
. . According to those who usually
Over Subsidies make good guesses, anti-recession
remedies on the fire right now
WASHINGTON (-) - A split would increase the United States
developed among farm state Re- Treasury's deficit in the next fiscal
publicans in the House yesteriay year by as much as 15 billion dol-
over support for a Senate-passed ors.
resolution to freeze farm price Consumers and business firms
suport an aceag alotmntshad lost their boomtime appetite
supports and aceage allotments for going into hock, so Uncle Sam
would have to make up the differ-
Some Midwestern Republicans ence.
accused Democrats of making a The consumer and his state of
political grandstand play, mind came under official scrutiny.
They said there was no occa- last week in a poll conducted for
sion for passage of emergency the Federal Reserve Board by the
stopgap legislation before Con- University of Michigan Survey Re-
gress can act on an omnibus farm search Center. Here's what it
bill covering all current agricul- showed:
tural problems. Consumers are less confident
The GOP split, however, did not about business than they were a
appear likely to affect expected year ago - actually they're less
House passage of the bill some- confident than at any tiue since
time next week. 1948 when the survey started.
Indonesia Government Puts.
More -Troops in Pakanbarui
SINGAPORE (A') - The Indonesian government sent troop rein-
forcements into-Pakanbaru yesterday to help paratroopers and combat
battalions hold that big American oil center in central Sumatra, a
rebel communique said.
At the same time, the rebel radio at Padang said Jakarta cor-/
vettes steamed into the harbor and bombarded that Sumatran west
coast city.
No Landings
There were no landings. Rebel shore batteries returned the fire.
A broadcast from the rebel mountain capital of Bukittinggi made
no mention of new fighting around Pakanbaru.
Rebel sources in Singapore said fighting broke out again Friday
when rebels counterattacked.
liam F. Knowland (R-Calif) fore-
cast yesterday Congress will wait
until June to decide whether to
cut taxes. ,
Sen: Knowland, the Senate Re-
publican leader, told reporters that
since Congress must act before
June 30 if it wishes to continue ex-
cise and corporation taxes at pres-.
ent levels, he believes any possible
reduction in income and other lev-
ies will be postponed until then.
Possible tax action to counter
the business slump will be dis-
cussed when Republican congres-
sional leaders meet Tuesday with
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Secretary of the Treasury Robert
B. Anderson, and other adminis-
tration fiscal experts.
Sen. Knowland said he does not,
expect any final decisions to come
from kiat session.
Sen. 'Knowland said he thinks
the Senate's votes this past week
rejecting proposed reductions in
individual and business taxes re-
flect a general belief that it is too
early to formulate any program
Sen. Knowland spoke out as 10
Republican senators prodded the
Eisenhower administration to
channel civilian and defense con-
tracts into the areas of largestun-
In letters to Secretary of Defense
Neil McElroy and General Services
Administrator F. G. Floete, the 10;
suggested that the government
slit its -contracts and award half
to the low bidder and half to firms
in surplus labor areas.
Kauper Cites
Court Trend
"The Supreme Court determines
what the Constitution means.
"And personal, subjective fac-
tors will continue to play a large
part in the judicial interpretative
process in the future, as they have
in the past," Prof. Paul G. Kaup-
er said recently.
A University expert on constitu-
tional law, Prof. Kauper listed
three major trends in recent
United States Supreme Court de-
1) There continues a broad con-
struction of federal powers, ex-
cept when they impinge upon in-
dividual rights;
2) Much emphasis Is placed up-
on the protection of accused per-
sons and on procedural regulari-
ty in court cases;
3) The Supreme Court strongly
supports such civil rights as free
speech, free press, and equal pro-
tection under the law.
' If Justices. Warren, Douglas,-
Black, or Brennan should leave
the bench for any reason the pres-
ent character might be changed.
The character might then tend
toward a different interpretation
of individual rights.
"In general, the Court under
Chief Justice Warren has returned
to the 1940-50 decade in his inter-
pretations." The Warren, Black,
Brennan, and Douglas coalition
believes in a very vigorous exer-
cise of the power of judicial re-
view to protect the values which
they deem significant, Prof.
Kauper said.
Because the others on the Court
don't agree on this question on
limited review of state court de-
cisions it is one of the continuing
dilemmas of judicial review, he
Hour ani Plans
T alk onIslam
Prof. George F. Hourani, of the
Seeks Ban
Kremlin Proposal
Asks End to U.S.
Bases Around Russia
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Unic
proposed yesterday that a sum
conference consider creation of
United Nations body to police at
control outer space.
A Kremlin statement linked til
proposal with a ban on Intercont
nental Ballistic Missiles and Ai
liquidation of United States fo
eign bases around Russia.
President Dwight D. Eisenowe
was the first to propose limitir
outer space to peaceful uses.
Reject Ofter
In Washington, United Staw
officials rejected the Soviet off
as "wholly unacceptable."
The State Department said ti
Soviet statement "will require ar
will receive the most careft
The statement, issued at a Fo
eign Ministry news conferenc
said the United Nations bo
would do these things:
Work Out Program
1. Work out an internation
program for the launching of t
tercontinental and outer spa
rockets, to study outer space, a
control the program.
2. Continue on a permanei
basis the research of outer spat
being carried out now in the Ii
ternational Geophysical Year r
3. Serve as a world center fa
the collection, mutual exchans
and dissemination of informatic
on outer space..
Coordinate Plans
4. Coordinate national scie
tific research plans on the stud
of outer space and cooperate
carrying them out.
At the United Nations in Ne
York, United States disarmame
negotiator James J. Wadswor
termed the Soviet proposals inte
He told a reporter they seeim
similar to United States ideas c
international space control.
The other points in the Kremli
statement called for the establis
ment of some form of Unit
Nations supervision to se thi
outer space is not used for milital
purposes and that all foreign mil
tary bases are liquidated.
Threatens U.S.
The Soviet ICBM, the stateme
said, threatens the United State
and United State's nuclear bas
on foreign soil threaten the Sovi
The best solution is to aboli
both of them, it added.
The statement charged that ti
United States proposed to ban it
ICBM while it pushes the produ
tion of nuclear weapons and shor
range intermediate-range rockel
The statement said the Amer
cans have made no secret of ti
fact that United States bas
abroad "are intended for the d
livery of blows at the most in
portant centers of - the Sovi
Rea Evaluates
Loan Funds
University officials expect the
will be sufficient funds in the sti
dent loan fund to meet thed
mands for the remainder of ti7
But there may be a shortage
funds next fall. Dean of Men Wa
ter B. Rea yesterday said fun
may be short then if repaymen
on current loans lag as a result c
the recession and reduced sunim
Of the $1,233,000 in the los
fund, Rea said there was aboi
+b A n .v.n 1- rca .er1nr ..f.
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
FT. KNOX, Ky.-West German Defense Minister Franz Josef
Strauss said yesterday Germans want worldwide disarmament.
The government of Konrad Adenauer will never agree to Ger-
many's becoming a "deatomized" zone as a political solution for
suppressing tension, he said.
* * * *
BOSTON-The basic cause of heart attacks apparently can be
corrected or prevented, Harvard University researchers reported yes-
Their evidence comes from studies of human artery cells kept
alive and growing in glass flasks.
Heart attacks are blamed upon fattening or clogging of the inner
walls of arteries which bring oxygen and blood to the heart muscle
Leopold Starts'
C+1 'I 7 'I 'w e