&ELy 1fligian Badlj Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDER SLICE Only Half-Dozen Americans Seek ISA ONE OF THE SMALLEST mass meetings in the history of the University was held Thursday-seventeen people showed up. The occasion was the first International Students Association attempt to recruit Ameri- can members since its recent constitution revi- sion. The seventeen present included'about half the ISA officers and committee chairmen, about half a dozen international students who already belonged to the Association, and "another half- dozen Americans who wished to join. The mass meeting was rather quiet compared to the scores of middle-aged practical nurses swarm- ing around in the hall outside. It was almost funny. The low attendance on the part of officers and chairmen was due to a number of factors: illness, conflicting speaking engagements and the like. The fact that only one or two per cent of the better than 500 active members arrived can be largely attributed to failure to notify them directly by mail as has been done in the past. But there is literally no valid reason' for the paucity of American interest displayed. If the International Students Association were a tiny organization no one had heard of, the fact that five or six new members were signed up in an evening would be encouraging. If the ISA were not interested in being, as president Gunay Aktay, '58, pointed out, more than a "Foreign Students Club," lack of Ameri- can interest would be inconsequential. And if the group were a stagnant one which those eli- gible joined and then ignored, which did noth- ing of significance -beyond its own doors, no one, most especially The Daily, could get the least bit concerned. But none of the former is in fact the case. For the present 500-member association was founded only three years ago and is now one of the best-known campus organizations. And despite The Daily style of referring to any foreigner enrolled here as an international student, the ISA, members wish the term to show the international aims of the group. And most important of all, the ISA is an ambitious group which in the next year plans to widen greatly the already wide scope of its services and activities. THE ISA CONSTITUTION lists two purposes for the organization: First, "to sponsor edu- cational, cultural, athletic and social events," and second, "to represent the foreign students in issues which involve their interests." These general statements include such diverse activi- ties as the Monte Carlo Ball and International Ball, both campus-wide; debates and panel discussions on provocative subjects, including the hilarious balloon debates; a small news- paper formerly known as the Compass but now the International Student; and an intra- mural program for nationality club teams which ranges from ping-pong to soccer de- scribed by International Center Director James Davis as "lethal." And plans for the next year include "Olympic Games" to become part of the immensely suc- cessful International Week. The publications chairman plans to ask the Board in Control of Student Publications for permission to pub- lish a bi-weekly with advertising. And likewise planned for the coming year was recruitment of American members. That, due to the wall- flower interest of American students in meeting people and doing things, seems least likely of their goals to be reached. But Gunay Aktay and his fellow ISA members shouldn't be too discouraged-~-12 people attended the SGC Ad- Administrative Wing mass meeting the same night. -THOMAS TURNER "Mind If We Play Through?" sI (r G W 1 r ~WASINGTN MERY- O -RUND 1 s WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND - BHarrisCommittee SlipsUp ', ::.Dy DREW PEAR.SON NATIONAL PROBLEM: Bus Lines Suffer Economic Difficulties (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the first of three articles dealing with the financial plight of the motor bus industry throughout the nation, and its applications to Michigan and Ann Arbor. This first installment sketches the decline of the industry from its World War 11 pinnacle.) By WILLIAM RANSOM Daily Staff Writer CITY BUS RIDERS across the nation would do well to tone up their walking legs - there's a chance that they'll be using them a great deal in the not-too-distant future. The reason for this is that bus operators are in financial trouble and are being forced to sharply reduce service or, in many cases, to abandon operations altogether. The problem is coming to be recognized as one that private com- panies cannot solve on their own. In Michigan, on which we shall focus our more direct attention, several bills are now before the state legislature which, if passed, would 10 exempt city bus operations from the heavy burden of fuel and weight tax. A court case is also pending which could result in a decision opening the door to the same ultimate effect. But there is no assurance that either of these possible benefits will materialize. Nor is it certain that they would adequately solve the problem. In the meantime, the duration of bus service in many cities rests on hope and shrink- ing fare boxes. * * * THINGS were not always such. During World War II, with high, centralized industrial employ- ment, gasoline rationing and a frozen automobile supply, the de- mand for bus service attained a since unequalled level. Nearly ev- ery schedule met at all hours what would today be considered rush-hour crowds. But after the war, the automo- bile-starved public shifted its al- legiance to the reactivated auto- motive market and likewise ex- panded that to unprecedented heights. A decline in bus patron- age was inevitable. No longer would people be forced to stand ina jammed, stif- ling bus, push their way to doors when they reached their stop, or ride on to the next one if they couldn't get to !the buzzer cord in time. There would be no more standing in the rain and watch- ing an over-crowded coach shoot by without stopping. People now had cars! The bus boom was over. * * * AND SO BEGAN the disastrous trend to dwindling passenger revenue and increasing costs. In the decade following the war, bus traffic declined by 40 per cent across the nation. In Saginaw, one of Michigan's typical "prob- lem cases," patronage has dropped 74 per cent since 1945. Looking at the situation from another angle, we find that op- erating expenses in the bus in-- dustry have doubled pre-war fig- ures, while revenues have risen a mere eight per cent. In an effort to absorb their losses, the companies at first turned to using fewer but larger buses. They hoped in this way to cut down on the number of main- tenance and driver employes, whose wages claim up to 60 per cent of the cost dollar. When this proved insufficient, they were forced to begin curtail- ing service and increasing fares. However, all such changes have to be approved by the respective city boards or councils,'"or, in the case of those companies which supply inter-city service, by the state public 'service commissions. Bus companies are subjected to this control because they are granted a franchise and assured monopoly over the areas they serve which makes them publid utilities. Responding to indignant piublic opinion, these govelnmental agen- cies have generally been slow to approve the desired measures, ex- cept in "no-alternative" emer- gencies. Unfortunately the "pub- lic" who expresses its displeasure with fare increases and re-sched uling has not been so energetic in expressing a stable demand for bus rides, and revenues have con- tinued to plummet. * * * IN DESPERATION, some oper- ators have been dipping into de- preciation funds and buses which should be replaced are often con- tinued in service. As a result, maintenance costs have inflated and run down-equipment has discouraged even more^ riders. Demonstrating the Inadequacy' of these moves is the fact that currently about 100 bus lines per year are going out of business. In the fight to stay above water, the survivors began turn* ing to the cities and states them- selves for direct aid, and the ab- solute emergency of the situation has evoked some response. Ac- cording to a United States Cham- her of Commerce publication, 12 states and 18 cities took action in 1957 to provide some measure of aid to the stricken industry through tax relief. Even the branches of the Na. tional City Lines, a corporation controlling approximately 40 city bus lines across the country, have found it necessary to resort to this solution in many instances in December, 1956, their subs-- diary operation in Jackson en- tered into what has become, for Michigan, a very crucial agree- ment with that city. t 1 A Pause Before We Leap FROM A VIGOROUS and healthy public par- ticipation program at Wednesday's Ann Arbor Board of Education meeting flew a familiar Fourth of July display, brilliantly pro- claiming the necessity of more science and languages in America's public schools. At"once many were caught up an a flash of patriotic fervor. We must stay ahead of the Russians! They are studying English in the fourth grade! We must study Russian in the third! We must have more science courses! Throw out home economics ' and industrial arts - give us science, math and foreign-languages! But into the meeting stole a paler but more penetrating shaft of light-that of the Ameri- can culture which eventually absorbs all such blinding displays of idealism and reform, grow- ing a little bit brighter itself with each of them. Whether we like it or not, any bright de- partures from what in reality IS America must of necessity return to the whole. The attraction is too strong. No light can shine brighter than the sun for very long. Even the gaseous, match- less off-shoots always return as part of the total star. Thus, American education cannot glow more brightly than the culture which fosters it-a culture which is not yet ready to give up home economics and industrial arts, or concern itself exclusively with guided missiles and the langu- ages of other cultures. More power to those fervent outbursts for science or math or prohibition or rock and roll, as long as they are contributory to the whole. But let them remain contributory. Must we try to force something on ourselves all at once which has to be assimilated gradually? Indeed, do we want a culture whose light is. only that of the flaming exhaust of a rocket ship? We'd prefer to stay in the consistently and more naturally rising glow of the culture. that is America. -WILLIAM RANSOM IN THEIR last session with ex- Commissioner Richard Mack, the Harris Committee was about as gentle with him as the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, which confirmed him in the first place. They virtually kissed him on both cheeks, did not bother to cross-examine him on various in- teresting points, including how he happened to have Thurman Whiteside's law associate, - Earl Barber, planted right inside his office. Whiteside not only paid Com- missioner Mack various sums of money, but sent Barber upto Washington to serve as Mack's assistant. Thus Whiteside had a double check on Mack. Barber in turn used $200 of the taxpayers'money to phone a bar girl in Miami, Joyce Cook. Barber placed the calls from the FCC to a phone booth alongside the bar where Miss Joyce worked -- paid for by Uncle Sam. The Harris Committee didn't bother to go into any of this. * * * GETTING the country out of an economic recession can be pretty nerve-racking, President Eisenhower told congressional Re- publican leaders the other day, particularly when the White House is beset with as many cura.- tives as are currently under study. "I'm being pulled from all sides," reported the President. Some of his advisers, he said, think an accelerated public works program will be sufficient to lift us out of the ri1t, while others, in- cluding Vice-President Nixon, think a tax cut is essential. In addition, Ike said, there is the question of what public works - reclamation, public housing, post offices ,roadbuilding and so on- are best suited to the recovery drive. "As far as I am concerned, the primary aim is providing jobs," the President declared. "Not just spending a lot of money, but spending it in a way that will get as many unemployed back to work at useful occupations as soon as possible, preferably within the next three months." "WELL, NOTHING puts people back to work like building houses, Mr. President," suggested Sen. Homer Capehart of Indiana. "We can do this as fast as we want to. If it now takes an average of four men to build a house in a year, why not build it in six months with eight men? If we build a million new houses this year, it will mean a million new heating units, more furniture making, plumbing and .other re- lated activities, in addition to the work provided for carpenters, bricklayers and electricians." Capehart maintained that one reason for the lag in housing was the refusal of bankers and build- ing and loan groups to carry mortgages on veterans' (GI) homes at four and one-half per cent interest. If the GI interest rate was closer to the FHA loan rate of five and one-quarter per cent, it would greatly stimulate home-building, tended. Capehart con- The President said he agreed, but that Capehart might have difficulty getting the interest hike through the Democratic-con- trolledCongress. He added that he was having some difficulty himself trying to expedite the super-highway program, which has been delayed by differences over the purchmse of rights-of- way through various cities. Real estate tracts needed for the highway rights-of-way are purchased by state governments and the latter are not greatly concerned in keeping down the cost, Ike pointed out, as long as the Federal Government foots 90 per cent of the bill. "SOMETHING will have to be done about this," he remarked testily. "I don't want the high- way program tied up by a lot of costly real estate deals. We've got to speed up these road-construc- tion projects if we are going to realize some real employment benefits from the program in the next few months." The President said he would not oppose a tax cut if all other re- cession remedies proved inade- quate. However, he said he was inclined to agree with Sen. Ed Martin (Pa.) and some others at the conference that the effects of a tax reduction might not be felt soon enough to materially relieve the slump. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) JS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The Non-Western World By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst C IVIL WAR in Indonesia emphasizes one of the most difficult problems of the 20th cen- tury. How do you meet the demands for indepen- dence by politically inexperienged peoples in a world where the major powers are struggling for supremacy? Military operations against the rebels in Sumatra serve merely to climax what has been going on in Indonesia for years, with repeated challenges of Central government authority. President Sukarno, after a visit to the United States, returned home almost lyrical about what he had learned. BUT AFTER a visit to Russia he decided that only the rich could afford American insti- tutions; that underdeveloped Russia had pio- neered the course for the poor. Proponents of democracy were aroused. Rebellion spread from the less important outlying area to important production centers. The world woke up when a rebel government was proclaimed on Sumatra, long known to the West because of its commercial importance. Indonesia was a vast conglomeration of islands around Java, the terribly overpopulated center. The only cohesive there had been Dutch rule. The only new cohesive was anticolonialism. This new cohesive was carried to the point where the political leaders cut themselves off from Americarl and other well-wishing aid. NOW THE SO-CALLED nation is coming apart. Elsewhere among the new countries there is trouble. Pakistan is saying that she must have more Western help or else take it from Russia. First elections in the Sudan nroduced no Burma has been in constant turmoil. The wave of independence without regard for stability is sweeping across Africa. There is no need to say that, given time and peace, these people will work out their problems, unless you mean an indefinitely long time. Latin America, which led the anticolonial- ist movement is a case in point. Struggling peoples have little chance as long as the great powers are fighting over them. Gen. Mitchell's Air Force Trial THE AIR FORCE refusal to reverse the 33- year-old verdict against Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell must have been one of the most difficult decisions that service has been called upon to make. Billy Mitchell was convicted of insubordina- tion by an Army court martial in 1925 for carrying his plea for air power over the heads of his superiors, despite their orders to the contrary. That verdict was upheld Monday by Air Force Secretary James H. Douglas after Gen. Mitchell's son attempted to have it nulli- fied. The irony of this situation undoubtedly did not escape Air Force leaders-the fact that Mitchell's original court-martial was perforce handled by the Army. For there was no Air Force. That was precisely what Mitchell was trying to create. However Sec. Douglas' decision, difficult though it may have been, was absolutely neces- sary. For although few today will dispute the wisdom of Billy Mitchell's predictions, that was not then and is not now the basis for his conviction. LETTERS TO THE, EDITOR: Guarding Our Freedom Ca RedF ights * To the Editors MR. MANNING'S letter in The Daily of March 11 raises a number of points of great interest. I do not think that his interpre- tation of the origins of govern- ment, as a voluntary contract among absolutely independent in- dividuals, would be acceptable to modern historians and anthro- pologists, no matter how it may have appealed in the days of Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau. More probably government grew out of the family, broadening first into the clan, and then into the tribe, and finally into the state. But this is a minor matter. We are not so much concerned with how government arose in the past as with what it ought to be in the present. Mr. Manning prefers our own system to the Russian, as I do and nearly everyone else in this country does. But, unless I mistake his meaning, he thinks that we must limit and curb the freedoms which constitute the very essence of "the American way of life" lest enemy hands snatch these free- doms from us altogether. To a very limited extent he is, of course, obviously right. We purpose? Russia forbids those things to capitalists, and with reason, for her enslaving govern- ment is so unstable that it cannot tolerate either the free vote of majorities or free criticism of minorities. But God forbid that America should ever be in such a condition. Ever since Milton and Mill, it has been a truism to all liberal minds that falsehood is best com- batted by truth, not by censorship. Communists in this country have not the numbers, the wealth, the intelligence, or the strategic posi- tion to overturn our institutions. Any freedom that we allow them will be a tribute to our strength, not a sign of our weakness. I have not space here to enter on a much more important ques- tion, but I cannot refrain from a passing reference to it; the real harm McCarthy and his ilk did* was not to the microscopic Com- munist minority in this country, but to people who were not Com- munists at all, but who were false- ly branded with that label. -Preston Slosson Professor of History Coincidence? . . He seemed to be the one man who held the team together and unlike some of the other players, never gave up when the going got rough. No one on the team com- pared to Burton with defensive ability. Mr. Burton deserved both to be this year's most valuable and next year's captain, Could it be a coincidence that this year's most valuable and next year's captain, along with three other members of this year's var- sity team, are members of the same fraternity? Mr. Burton is not a member of that fraternity. --John R. Kazmierowski, '60SM Counseling . . To Mr. Barton Huthwaite: WISH to thank you for your informative and balanced edi- torial on "Passing the Counsel- ing." While I recognize--as no doubt you do-that the counseling program has its serious shortcom- ings, I think your editorial did well to stress students' responsi- bility for finding their own an- swers to some of the tougher questions dealing with their col- lege education. I have often remarked, for ex- ample, on the failure of most The Daily official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO 118 General Notices Honor Residents, General Informa- tion meeting, Thurs., March 13, 3:00- 5:00 p.m. Michigan League, Hussey Room. Book Sale: To University. students and staff, 7000 second-hand books in the General Library, former Basement Study Hall. Mon. and Tues., March 17 and 18, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 15 cents and up. Architecture and Design students may not drop courses without record after 5:00 p.m. Wed,, March 19." Architecture and Design students who have incompletes incurred during the fall semester, must remove them by Wed., March 19." Lectures Dr. George Stoddard, Dean, School of Education, New York University, will meet with the Interdepartmental Sem- inar on College Teaching on Mon., March 17, lecturing on "Choice Points in the Educational Experience," 4:00 p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall. This is the third of a series of four meetings. Meet- ings are open to teaching felows and faculty of the University. Concerts Student Recital: Jack Seidler, who studies percussion with James Salmon, will present a recital at 8:30 p.m., Sat., March 15, in Aud. A, Angell Hail, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. The program will include com- positions by Chapi - Green, resler, Noak, Smetana-Salmon, Dinicu-Heifetz, Placement Noices Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be interviewing at the Bureau of Appointments: Monday, March 17 New York Central Railroad, Detroit, Mich. - Men with B.A. or MA., in Economics for Economists. International 'Business Machines, Dearborn, Mich. - Men with B.A. in Liberal Arts for Sales in the Data Pro- cessing Division or Systems Analysts In the same Div. Men withiM.A. or M.A. in Mathematics for Applied Science-, Division. Women with B.A. in Liberal Arts or Education for Systems Repre- sentatives, Programming, and Instruct- ing. Women with M.A. or M.S. in Mathempatics for Applied Science work. Benton & Bowles, Inc., N. Y. City - Men with B.A. or B.S. In Liberal Arts for Store Audit Trainee (Military vet- eran or exempt and single.) Men with M.B.A. for Management Trainee. (Mili- tary veteran or permanent exempt sta- tus.) Tues., March 18 Benton & Bowles, Inca - See Mon day's listing. / The Proctor & Gamble Company,. Male Employment Office, Cincinnati, Ohio - Men with B.A. or M.A.,in Lib- eral Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Field Supervisor in Market Research Depart- ment. Must be single. Men with B.A. or M.A. in Liberal Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Trainee Assistant to the Office Manager. Completion of Military Serv- ice is required. Northern Trust Company, Chicago, Ill. Location of work -- Chicago, ll. Men with B.A. or M.A In Liberal Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A., L.L.B. or Students, with 1 or 2 years of Law for Commer- cial Banking, Investment Portfolio Management, Trust Administration, Market Research and Development, Bond Merchandising, Administration. No formal training program but on- the-,job training. Boy Scouts of America, Chicago, Dl, -Men with B.A. in Liberal Arts for Field Scout Executive. Wed., March 19 Boy Scouts of America - See Tes- day's listings. American Airlines, Chicago, Isl. - Women with B.A. in Liberal Arts or any degree, even just two years of college training for Stewardesses. Qualifica- tions Include: Single; Between the ages :