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March 15, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-15

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t rta
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom'



See Page 4


L. LXVII, No. 118





Rebels Battle Again
For American Oil
Conflict Flares at Surnatran City;
Report New Province Joins Revolt
SINGAPORE (JP)-Indonesian rebels declared last night they had
resumed the battle for the American oil center of Pakanbaru and had
gained support from another province in Sumatra.
The radio at Bukittinggi, mountain refuge of the rebel regime.
said Lieutenant Colonel Achmad Hussein's troops again were attacking
the Jakarta government's paratroopers and commandos who seized
Pakanbaru and its airfield Wednesday.
The broadcast said Tapanullprovince in northwestern Sumatra
had ousted the pro-Jakarta military commander there, Indicating

Nicky, a Barbary ape bound
for the Memphis Zoo, took a
17-hour' leave yesterday, all
aboard the Navy supply ship
Antares. Shinnying up the
ship's rigging, he remained out
of reach of paternal captors all
Next morning the crew rigged
a food-baited cage trap at the
foot of the mast, sent forward
an officer as observer, and
Nieky slowly approached the
"He's under the cage."
"Pull!" "Got Him!"
No court-martial was planned
for the simian AWOL
$ r
Stud ents,

4 the

province had joined the

Own Option
Phi Gams To Discuss
Choice" of Memibers
Phi Gamma Delta national fra-
ternity may consider the question
of local determination of member
ship *next fall, according to Ken-
nedy Shaw, assistant to the Dean
of Statewide Education and a
Section Chief of the Phi Gam
At the moment, Phi Gam does
not have a- restrictive clause but
has a section saying that all men
must be "compatible" with the,
fraternity as a whole. In this case,
"compatible" means the man must
be acceptable in any chapter of
the national fraternity.
Compatibility Defined
Compatibility, he explained, is
defined by the national officers
as it is "expressed by the dele-
gates at the assembly."
Like any organization, Shaw
said, there are people in Phi Gam
who are violently in favor of local
determination and those who are
just as strongly against.
The suspension of the fraternity
chapter at Amherst has not caused
this increased interest, Shaw add-
ed, but the incident did bring
attention to the problem.
Increasing Interest Appears

Public Wor




I hsiastic
U' Backer

ad at 88

"She'was a perfectly magnifi-
cent woman of the old school,".
was the way Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon characterized Mrs.
Helen B. Joy, a "strong supporter
of the University, who died Thurs-
day night at the age of 88.
Mrs. Joy, with her two brothers,
Senator Truman Newberry and
John S. Newberry, gave the Helen
Newberry Residence Hall to the
University. The residence hall,
which was completed in 1915, was
named after her mother.
Mrs. Joy, who liyed in Detroit,
was active in many local and na-
tional charities as well as being
a loyal supporter of the Univer-
sity. Since its inception' Mrs. Joy
has been a member of the Board
of Patronesses of Helen Newbury
In spite of her advanced years,.
she made at least three 'visits to
the University every year, until
illness prevented her from doing
so last fall.
The Helen Newbury Joy Aid
Fund used to assist freshmen and
sophomore women students who
would have to withdraw from the
University unless they received fi-
nancial; aid was established by
her in 1952. She also established
a scholarship for a deserving
medical student.

Had Been "On Fence"
Until now the province has been
on the fence between joining the
rebels and remaining loyal to the
government of President Sukarno
in Jakarta.
Rebel sources in Singapore said
it was 99 per cent certain that
AtJeh, another province at the ex-
treme northern tip of Sumatra,
also would announce shortly it
was coming out on the rebel side.
This would bolster the rebels with
about 150,000 warlike Moslems
who long have been at odds with
the Jakarta government,
Pakanbarn, a city of 50,000 al-
most in the center of Sumatra, is
headquarters; of the American oil
company, Caltex, which has mil-
lions of dollars worth of installa-
tions in the area.
Two Battalions Attacked
Two battalions of government
paratroopers and commandos at-
tacked the airfield Wednesday
and Jakarta claimed capture of
the town.
The government 'claimed cap-
ture of the nearby Minas oilfield
the next day; and capture of Du-
mal, ,an oil port for the other
major field- at Duri, Wednesday
night. Government forces previ-
ously reported taking islands and,
an oil port at the mouth of the
Siak River, east coast outlet for
oil exports.
' War Material Captured
Premier Djuanda of, the Ja-
karta government said American-
made war material was> captured;
by paratroopers at Pakanbaru. He
did not charge the United States
had sold arms to the rebels, but
that surplus stocks might have
been picked up on the open mar-
Col. Hussein, in a broadcast
from Padang, declared "from
this moment on we do not rec-
ognize Sukarno as president of
the Indonesian Republic." His
statement appeared to sever the
last tie of the rebels to Sukarno.
One rebel leader was quoted as
saying "if Sukarno were in out
midst he would be hanged as a
war criminal."
The left-wing newspaper Bin-
tans Timur said the weapons
were dropped from an Australian
air force plane. This was denied
by Australian Ambassador L. .



Bills Urged
Calls Unemployment
Situation 'Disaster'
LANSING (A')-Gov. G. Mennen
Williams, disclosing estimates that
unemployment in Michigan now is,
at 400,000, yesterday called the
situation a "major economic disas-"
He called for the "strongest pos-
sible" measures to halt the reces-
sion. He specifically urged:'
1) Quick approval of his pro-
posal for state building authority

For Security Council
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. MP)-Russia formally objected yesterday
to debating disarmament in the Security Council but did not bar a
possible procedural talk.
The Western Powers have proposed the Council approach as a
means 'of bringing the deadlocked East-West talks back to life. They
were somewhat but not wholly disappointed by the Russian reaction.
The reaction came in a Moscow statement and in a private meet-
ing between Soviet Delegate Arkady A. Sobolev and United States
disarmament representative James J. Wadsworth, who had outlined
Western views to Sobolev last
week. T ESLf-
Two-Stage Program KESSEL
The Western plan calls for a
two-stage program: 1) a meeting
of the 25 - nation Disarmament uestion
Commission ands2) a meeting of
the 11-nation Security Council.
Both would be procedural, aimed C andiday
solely at a resumption of private
talks. -_

Soviets Veto Arm Talk

Reactions today on the pro-
posed Union bookstore varied from
"It's a darn good deal.. ." to the
opinion of one local bookstore
owner that it would ".. . put me
out of business."V
Phil Zook, '60, this year's Stu-
dent Book Exchange manager,
thought the bookstore was a
"great idea" and cited examples
of students going to Detroit in
order to buy books more cheaply
than they could in Ann Arbor.
Prices "Out of Line"
Zook felt the book prices in Ann
Arbor were "out of line" and said
he knew of several students who
felt it paid them to go to Detroit
to purchase books.
Bob Marshall, local bookstore
manager, declared that the Union
bookstore, which probably would
operate pn a discount basis, is
"financially unfeasible."
Marshall said bookstores oper-
ate on a very narrow margin and
that it would be impossible to give
a substantial discount without
subsidy. He said'most of the insti-
tution-owned bookstores through-
out the country operate either on
a cooperative basis or are subsi-
dized in some way.
Would Ruin Bookstores
Marshall also felt that the
Union store would ruin Ann Ar-
bor's bookstores. He said that
Ann Arbor ranks behind Harvard,
Yale, and Princeton in quality of
bookstores and he thought the
loss of these stores would be ".:. a
great cultural loss to the commu-
A loss to the city's tax base is
also probable according to Mar-
shall. Since bookstores pay taxes
on their inventory and fixtures as
well as sales tax and business re-
ceipts tax,- the loss of several
bookstores would. apprepiably les-
sen the tax base of Ann Arbor and
would ". . increase the pressure-
on the University to contribute to
the city funds.


:artial Law


%ts Cubas;

Shaw explained there appears,
to be increasing interest from in-
side the local chapters of Phi Gam
in discussing the problem of mem-
bership at the September meeting.
In addition to Amherst, Phi
Gam chapters at Williams Col-
lege, Dartmouth, University of
Wisconsin and University of Colo-
rado are operating under- time
clauses which require them to
show evidence of not having bias"
Is Undergraduate Decision
Shaw emphasized that the deci-
sion for, or against, the policy of
local deterination will comerfrom
the undergraduate members of
the national.
"There are numerically more
undergraduate votes than gradu-
ate votes even if all the alumni
chapters attended the meetings-
and history has shown they don't,"
Shaw said.
For' example, he said, the na-
tional officers cannot expel a chap-
.ter, such as Amherst, from the
national. Only a four-fifths vote
of the assembled convention can
do this.
Hoff man Tells,
'Of Pressures
R. Hoffman (R-Mich.) told Senate
racket probers today that pres-
sures from high Democratic and
Republican places, but not from
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
halted a 1953 House investigation
of James R. Hoffa.,
As to who actually is responsible,
he' said flatly, "I don't know who
it was."
Hoffa now is president of the
scandal-scarrered Teamsters Un-
ion. He was Michigan boss of the
Teamsters when a special House'
committee on which Hoffman
served suddenly called off hear-'
ings at which Hoffa was a witness.,
The 82-year-old Hoffman was
hotly critical of the decision to
halt the probe, but never has
spelled out just whom he blamed
and didn't today, either.


HAVANA, Cuba (P)--Tight gun
ule was enforced throughout this
Bland yesterday. An unprecedent-
d wave of violence subsided, at
east for the moment.
Only one bomb explosion was
eported near Havana-contrast-.
d to the usual daily 'menu of
urnings, train holdups, wrecking
ommunications, kidnapings and

The Russians had threatened to
boycott the Disarmament Commis-
sion; the West wanted it merely
to pass the issue to the Council.
The Council in turn would be
asked' to urge -renewal of East-
West talks in private.
USSR Would Boycott
Sobolev now has told Wadsworth
the Soviet Union definitely would
boycott any meeting of the com-
mission. But he did not bar the
Council; he simply said Russia
objected to the Council taking up
disarmament now.
There was no immediate com-
ment from the Western delegates
on what to db now.
The Soviet Foreign Ministry is-
sued a statement along the same
general line as Sobolev's declara-
The Russians repeated their as-
sertions that the Disarmament
Commission was powerless to act,
because 16 of its 25 members "be-
longed to military blocks directed
by Western powers.',

... asks recession bills
with powers to immediately start;
more than 55 million dollars in
new construction at state colleges
and other state institutions.
University Would Gain
(The University would receive
$15,837,000 for construction ,,of
educational and medical facilities.
(Gov. Williams outlined the 55
million dollar revenue bonding
program in a special message to
the Legislature in January. Mich-
igan would borrow funds to fi-
nance enumerated projects. Rent-
als to-'be paid by the state for the
new facilities out of annual legls-
lative appropriations would be
pledged against repayment of the
2) Prompt congressional a
proval of President Dwight -.
Eisenhower's recommendation that
the federal government foot the
cost of paying extended unemploy-
ment compensation benefits to
jobless. wrkers who have ex-
hausted state eligibility.
Asks More Benefits
3) Legislative action to grant the
present maximum of 26 weeks' job-
less pay benefits to all workers laid
off after a minimum of 14 weeks
in covered employment.
Gov. Williams also called for
more federal road money, a com-,
plete statewide survey of public.
works projects and mobilization
of public support through a state-
wide citizens committee for state
building programs.
Gov. Wililams said the Eisen-
hower administration "has waited
too long. It has allowed this reces-
sion to grow into a real crisis,"
he said.

The status of David Kessel,
Grad.,, as a Student Government
Council candidate will be con-
sidered by Joint Judiciary Coun-
Kessel may not be permitted to
run for SGC because he is a
teaching assistant,/ besides being
a full-time student, Assistant Dean
of Men John Bingley told The
Daily yesterday..
Bingley 'said the question is
whether or not a member of the
teaching staff should also be on
SGC. Kessel and other graduate
students are in a "very peculiar
position," he said; they have a
dual status, but are "neither fish
nor fowl."

New Declin
In Industr
Eisenhower Reviev
Economic Situatio
At Cabinet Meetin
Dwight D. Eisenhower asked
gress for $171,450,000 in p
works speedup appropriations
terday as government sources
closed that a further drop
industrial production will be
nounced Monday.
The new decline to be repo
in the Federal Reserve Bo
index of industrial production
February suggests that unemi
met may fall to drop this m(
as predicted by President E
A drop of $1,800,000,000 in
annual rate of personal life
last month was reported by
Commerce Department.
Drop in Wages
The dropoff from Janu
largely in wages and salaries,
ried the income rate down
$341,800,000,000, on an an
basis, as compared with a -
rate of 347a billion dollars re
ed last August.
Last month's figure, while c
11/2 per cent from the August
was still one per cent above
income level of February 1957
President Eisenhower revie
the economic situation at an
usually long Cabinet sessior
was the regular Friday mor
meeting but it continued for
and one-half, hours. White H
press secretary James C. Hag
reported that various aspect
the economic situation were
ered, amiong other things.
Senate Favors Constructior
In an overtime session last n
the Senate passed a resolutio
put Congress on record as favc
acceleration of $1,175,000,001
job-producing military const
tion projects,
.One of a series of anti-reces
moves, it drew bi-partisan sup
in its 76-1 rollcall passage
sent it to the House for action.
lone no vote was cast .by
Norris Cotton (R-N.H.), an
ponent of the "pump prim
President Eisenhower's ret
for emergency speed-up appr<
ations included 1251/ million
lars for river and harbor
flood control projects of the A
Engineers, and $46,200,000
hospital construction.
Hagerty declined to say wh
er there had been any discu:
of a possible tax cut, a move
has been receiving wide atter
on- Capitol Hill as an econ

Court Seizes
MFL Assets


x -

President Fulgencio Batista
pt the, 7,700-strong national po-
e, and the army, navy and air
rees in a state of alert.
Police, troops and coastguards-
en patrolled streets in rebellious
ntiago de Cuba, in Pinar del
o, Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Ha-
na and other rebel hot spots.
lice and other armed forces,
med with extraordinary powers,,
oke up groups of Cubans when-
er they attempted to congregate.
Under the suspension of consti-
bional guarantees, effective un-
April 26, they could arrest and
s thousands of Cubans into jail
necessary, without charging
em, and hold them indefinitely.
Authorities rigidly enforced
nsorship of the press, radio and
evision and international tele-
onic communications. Censors
pped out all Cuban items from
aerican newspapers before they'
re allowed on newsstands.
['hey required operators in tele-
one exchanges to sever connec-
ns when anyone tried to relay
the United States news of the
uation in Cuba.'
0-O p' Party
In v estigated

House Investigators Divided
On. FCC Probe Penetration i
r r
.WASHINGTON (M--House investigators split sharply yesterday
on whether their probe of the Federal Communications Commission
has done more than scratch the surface of alleged influence on federal
In a new flareup of long-simmering discord in the House sub-
committee on Legislative Oversight, Rep. J. B. Bennett (R-Mich.) said
he doubted if the inquiry has gone skin deep into the question - a
statement which led Chairman Oren Harris (D - Ark.) to invite

LANSING (M-)-The 59-year-old
Michigan Federation of Labor was
officially declared dead today.
Ingham County Circuit Judge
Marvin J. Salmon issued a decree'
turning over the funds, property
and records of the labor organiza-
tion to the AFL-CIO.
The assets total $171,000 and
include a headquarters building in
The federation had refused to
merge with the AFL-CIO and offi-
cers ignored a recent merger meet-
ing at Grand Rapids.
The MFL was founded in 1899
and received its, charter from the
American, Federation of Labor in
1901. George Meany, national AFL-
CIO president, ordered its charter
revoked end the assets seized after'
the union defied merger efforts.
The' federation has claimed a
membership ranging from 250,000
to 350,000. It has a strong repre-
sentation from the Teamsters Un-
ion, which has been denied mem-
bership by the AFL-CIO.

Senator B.its
county Action
On .Str ikers
WASHINGTON 1P)1-Shebbyga n
County, Wis., authorities. were
censured at a senate hearing yes-
terday for not coping with violence
and, vandalism in the Kohler Co.'
"You can't tell me they have
fully discharged their duties," Sen.
John L. McClellan. (D-Ark.) said
after hearing testimony from She-
boyga~is police chief, Steen W.
Sen. McClellan, chairman of the
Senate Rackets Committee,- de-
cared,. there was no excuse for the
county officials; not convening .a
grand Jury, plaing witnesses un-
der oath and finding out who was
to blame for the disorder.
The United Auto Workers struck
the Kohler Co.-, a plumnbing fix-~
tures firm at Kohler, .Wis., nearly:
four years ago. in a dispute over
wages and working conditions. The
strike is still going on, although
the' company has resumed opera-
Heimke complained about what
he described as lack of coopera-
tion from former Sheriff Theodore
J. Mosch. He also said Mayor Ru-
dolph J. Ploetz of Sheboygan
wasn't very helpful during a dock-
side riot July 5, 1955.
Robert P. Kennedy, committee
counsel, commented that it makes
no sense to hear the police chief,
blame the sheriff and others'when
the chief himself made no arrests
at the dock.
Heimke testified he has received
930 complaints connected with the
strike, 572 from nonstrikers, 58
from strikers and 300 from dis-
interested third parties,
Fearhe said, made fithard to
.prosecute successfully.
"The strike built up a feeling of
fear - fear of being retaliated
against, fear of having their
homes paint-bombed, fear for
their families," Heimke: told the
Heimke. said Mosch did .nothing
to control the dockside disorder in
1955. A crowd of several thousand
prevented the unloading of a ship
carrying clay for the Kohler plant.i

Bennett to dig as deep as he"
More Argue
Other members then got into
the argument, which stemmed
from testimony by Miami radio
operator A. Frank Katzentine that
he conducted himself "in an
honorable, ethical manner" in a
fight for a Miami TV license.
Katzentine lost out last year to
a National Airlines subsidiary but
the FCC has asked court permis-
skon to re-examine the case in
view of the resignation under fire
of Commissioner Richard A. Mack
and other developments arising
from the House probe.
Whiteside Involved
The testimony Thursday in-
volved Thurman A. Whiteside,
whose financial relationship with
Mack is under federal grand jury




Mrs. Fleeson Calls America Unprepared for Peace,

Washington columnist Doris
Fleeson yesterday assailed Ameri-
cans as hypocrites who are neither
searching nor planning for peace.
She claimed that the State De-
partment is interested only in
creating' a "non-war" situation,
Speaking under the auspices of
the University journalism depart-
ment, Mrs. Fleeson declared that
at the present time,"no one in the
United States government hopes
for peace in the foreseeable fu-
In fact, she said, the United
State is ntally nnrenard fnr

lems if the situation should arise,
she said. "This shows that no ohe
in the government expects peace."
Russia could face the prospect of
peace with greater ease, Mrs. Flee-
son thought, since a great number.
of consumer goods 'are needed by
its people and new, industries
could be built.
Politically, she noted that the
Soviet Union might suffer from
peace, in that Red dominance
would be challenged by her satel-
lites, notably Poland and Hungary.
Perhaps the Soviets "would be
willing to pay this plice," she
skid, since their system of buffer

Cprus- Issue
To Be Debat
By Model U
j Representatives of 57 cou
will meet at 9 a.m. today in P
ham Auditorium to debate the
prus issue in a simulated U
Nations meeting.
Mxcept for the actual Cie;
Assembly of the United Na
this will be the largest assi
of its kind in the world. Spon.
by the International and Acad
Services Committees of the U
in cooperation with the Int
tional Students Association
assembly will have 126 stu
representing their native c
All countries will have a
representation with the exce
of Russia. Daily Editorial Di
James Elsman, '58, a stude
Soviet affairs, will represen
Soviet Union.
The resolution was drawn't
a planning committee selecte
th deeiatsant, ,,esetin

Monaco Heir

. :_' = :


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