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March 14, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-14

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u. igtt t i

ns Are Free

Sixty-Eighth Year

als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This inus t be noted in all reprints.
Amid the Pathos of Strife,
The Poitics of Opportunism

"Hurry! We Can Talk About Where We re Going
After We Get There"
- 3 -
r 2L

'H.M.S. Pinafore'
Spirited, Delightful
COX AND BOX, the Gilbert & Sullivan Society's prelude to "Pina-
fore," is an engaging hour's worth of slapstick revolving around
the inevitable confusion resulting from the double renting of a single
Cox, the hatter, played by musical director Robert Brandzel, and
Box, the printer, performed by the inimitable and ever durabl6 Clar-
ence "Dude" Stephenson, were joined in this excellent performance by
Robert Denison as Bouncer, their landlord.
Dude Stephenson, a ham from way back, manages to steal every
scene even while listening attentively to a fellow performer. Although

SCOURAGING to see United States
playing politics with one of the
bitterest strikes, after those august
ignored it for four years.
aler strike, in which the company and
have each refused to back down or
se on basic issues, has at long last
ight before the McClellan subcom-
vestigating labor. Amid Republican
hat Democrats were playing -politics,
iocratic charges that Republicans
nted to close off the Beck investiga-
kly, the Kohler hearings were held
eld off some more.
e learings have started, in a rash of
photographs of weapons arsenals and
hat the company is trying to make
is committee members appear in ca-
i the United Auto Workers and Walter
Goldwater and Reuther exchange,
ily, while the ,company's lawyer
mments that the guns in the arsenal
I for trap-shooting at the company,
iators wrangle over when to call whom
and Reuther first, or some of the
nax has come with 'Sen. Goldwater's
te denominating of Reuther as "po-
a greater danger to the United States
Sputniks," and Reuther's grand-
esponse-the Offer of the Six Clergy-
1 corresponding appeals to all faiths.
reat circus. If it was moved to Broad-
>uld run for months, with road shows
principal cities. It could be a step-
e to the presidency for McClellan,
even for Goldwater. At any rate,
oth built national reputations from
ags so far.
ie thing has been lacking-a sense of"
os of the. strike itself. The decade's
labor dispute, which has cost at lbast
an life, and over two million dollars
exclusive of wages lost, reduced pro-
and other expenses.

formed concerning the death of William
Aersch, a non-striker who died apparently as
.the result of a beating administered by one
John Gunaca, union agent who is now under
indictment in Wisconsin, but who presently
is safe in Michigan behind the skirts of Gov.
G. Mennen Williams' refusal to extradite him.
Gunaca, a native of Michigan, was supposedly
"reinforcing" the workers picket line at the
Wisconsin plant. One day of testimony and
the "incident"' was closed; another scene tomor-
row .with other supporting characters.
Meanwhile, it is now impossible for the
striking' workers ever to make up the wages
they have lost, no matter what the final rate
accepted. The UAW has spent over one million
dollars in seeking to enforce the strike, feed
the strikers, and other necessary costs. The
company, according to its own figures, is doing
approximately as well as before the strike, but
its profits are eaten up by the million dollars
it too has spent in trying to break the strike.;
Reuther 'has attempted a national boycott
of Kohler products, even extending this to
firms using Kohler products; this however has
failed. There have been boycotts at Sheboygan,
the nearest port to Kohler, where dockworkers
have refused to unload goods earmarked for
In short, the strike is not a laughing matter
--not the means to fame, fortune, and office
that the distinguished solons of Washington
are making it. However, this has not stopped
them. .Reputations are being made left and
right, by all hands-except those nameless
individuals most' involved, the strikers them-
selves, who find the spotlight of national
publicity that should rightly be theirs diverted
by several grandstanding senators and labor
leaders. Meanwhile, th strike goes on. If it
lasts until 1960, McClellan may be presidential
But the strikers will not vote for him.





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neither Stephenson nor Brandzel
and dancing abilities, they are a
magnificent comedy team, espe-
cially in their final "Oh, This is
Absurd" duet.
This short piece was accom-
panied only with piano, ably
played by Jane Hirschmann, who
also provided the orchestra's piano
backbone for the rest of the even-
"Pinafore," the evening's main
offering was most delightful, spir-
ited, colorful and generally excel-
lent. One runs out of superlatives
after a while, but this cast and
performance deserve them all,
The overture displayed a com-
petent, professional sounding
orchestra, the quality of which
was maintained throughout the




chiefly noted for their singing





The Council Puts on a Show

Channel134, Year 2058
service to the few remaining member s of our reading public, we are publishing Prof.
:k Snarf's singular lecture on ,the his tory of education in the past one hundred years.
re'ias given as part of Prof. Snarf's In troduction to Modern Education course. (Chan-
'uThS 9:45 p.m.)

Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
had a ball Wednesday night.
Toward the close of a routine
meeting, Dan Belin introduced a
routine motion, which he read
verbatim from the minutes of a,
meeting last fall:
"Move that in case of weather
not permitting the operation of
(elections) booths out-of-doors,
the booths shall be moved to the
closest point indoors and shall op-
erate normally, except for 11:30
to 12:30 when all ballot boxes will
be closed."
How should this be interpreted?
Does it mean ballot boxes will be
closed from "11:30 to 12:30 only
if the weather is bad? Or that,
ballot boxes will be moved indoors
in bad weather, but closed be-
tween 11:30 and 12:30, rain or
BELIN thought it meant the
former. President Joe Collins took
it to mean the latter, and re-
interpreted Belin's motion that
way, despite Belin's protests. Ex-
ecutive Vice-President Ron Shorr
amended the motion, whatever it
meant, from "all ballot boxes" to
"those ballot boxes near the resi-
dence halls." Belin then moved
all previous questions, to expedite
matters, and the fun began.
It took forty-five minutes of
parliamentary tangling and un-

tangling, interspersed with fits of
the giggles, before Collins' inter-
pretation, reworded into two sep-
arate motions, finally was ap-
In the interim, Belin's motion
was defeated, after he read it to
the Council seven times. Collins
then moved the same motion,
adding only the words, "the other
interpretation" at the end. This
was out of order. A motion by
Daily Editor Peter Eckstein to ad-
journ was then defeated.
At this point, just before Col-
lins reworded and re-introduced
the motion (for the third time),
Jean Scruggs brought down the
house by requesting, "Could those
of us who voted to adjourn go
home now?"
* * *
IT WAS REALLY too bad only
two non-incumbent candidates
stayed to see it. Wednesday con-
cluding hour was the sort of thing
that gives candidates a reason for
saying "SGC is a Mickey-Mouse
The complaint is sometimes un-
justified, but no constituent who
hung around to the ridiculous, end
will be convinced the Council
sometimes does accomplish things.
The futility of the debate was
brought out more clearly when
Collins gave as one reason for
keeping the ballot boxes closed
during the 11:30 to 12:30 period,
the fact that few poll workers
were willing to serve in that hour.

Earlier, Administrative Vice-
President Maynard Goldman had
told the Council the Administra-
tive Wing mass meeting had at-
tracted a "mass" of 12 students
interested in trying out for the
This is bad to begin with, but
Elections Director Roger Mahey
has been counting on staffing the
polls largely with Administrative
Wing tryouts; he has had trouble
getting persons to agree to work.
Twelve 'tryouts -- assuming all
of them are willing to work at the
booths - are not going to help
too much. ,
If Mahey has no more success,
the polls may not only be closed
from 11:30 to 12:30, but a great ,
part of both days, as happened in
last spring's election. Further
"mass meeting" could always be
scheduled, of course.
BUT THE decline in Council
prestige, which is one reason for
the lack of tryouts for the admin-
istrative wing, would seem to in-
dicate further .meetings would be
at least as unsuccessful.
League President Marylen Se-
gel urged the Elections Commit-.
tee not to ask organizations for
help in manning the polls the
night before the- elections, as hap-
pened last year. Mahey may be
forced to, however.
If he is, oneason may wellbe
the occurrence of such debacles
as Wednesday's.'

ST lOF ALL, I want to welcome all you
idents out there in television land to
rst course in education. Your's is a great
sibility for someday you will be in front
cameras, either here as the University of
ca in Education City, Indiana or at your
al secondary education broadcasting cen--'
order to more fully understand the work-
f our intricate system, we must first go'
o see the beginnings of modern educa-
bout 100 years back, education was still
dark ages. The frustrated personalities
s age used the now obsolete technique
"discussion group" to relieve their frus-
is and tensions. They were able to ra-
ze their inefficient methods by calling
"more intellectually stimulating" than
:tuie technique. Of course, once educators
d that the term "intellectual achieve-
is, in fact, meaningless, they were able
ninate this wasteful practice.
e first introduction of modern edica-
practices to higher education came in
n Detroit, Michigan where a limited
r of freshmen were able to take courses
iversity credit which were broadcast ong
ion. Although this was the first major
tion in educational methods in several
ed years, it, still required students to
"discussion periods" once a week. In
ieceeding years, more and more classes
eing taught on television until finally in
.t first became possible for a student to
1 undergraduate degree in non-scientific
solely from credits obtained through.
ng courses offered on television.
MUST NOT, however, forget conditions
vere still insecure as. the government-
'ted guaranteed annual wage and status
lad not yet been enacted and the general
tion still was somewhat insecure as to
gr ata41gi att
Editorial Staff
;ditorial: Director City Editor,
HANSON ................ Personnel Director
PRINS. ............ Magazine Editor
ID OERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
LM HANEY .................. Features Editor
PERLBERG .............. Activities Editor
BAAD .. ...r..rr......:.Sports Editor
BENNETT .....r.... Associate Sports Editor
XILLYER ...«.,.... Associate Sports Editor
FRASER .............. Assoc. Activities Editor
?S BLUES ,........ Assoc. Personnel Director

their social-economic position. This they re-.
fered to as "non-adjustment."
"After the passage of the famous guaranteed
wage and status :bill' which, fixed- the job,
salary, and social positionhofhall citizens, rapid
steps were made in the field of education. The
first advancement was to do away with the
inefficient "discussion period." There was a
good deal of public protest, especially from the
students of that time, but through far-sighted
use of subliminal projection techniques, the
public was able to see the fallacy of their posi-
tion and the discussion at last disappeared
from the educational scene in 1985.
"Another ,ipportant advancement came in'
2015 when a 1 textbooks were standardized
throughout the country and the book store
SBX, Lmt. was designated as the official squrce
of texts for students, Only ten years later, all
other book stores (including some ridiculous
shops selling non-textbooks) had disappeared.
This all, of course, led us ultimately to' the
collecting of all faculty members to this central
campus in the Middle West about 2025.
cance was in the field of graduate studies
in which up to the past few years educators
had insisted on the use of the dissertation as
a means of juding fitness for an advanced
degree. However, the brilliant work of the
members of this department under my direction
has conclusively proved that since all knowl-
edge is already known, there is no need for
so-called "original research," and this qualifi-
cation has been permanently eliminated from
the curriculum.
"As a further result of this realization, it
has become evident that careful examination
of laboratory experiments performed over tele-
vision by an instructor is sufficient to' demon-
strate the principles involved, and, starting a
few years ago, all degrees in scientific fields
have been transfered to educational television.
The criticism that doctors receive inadequate
instruction by this means of education is, of
course, absolutely inaccurate and statistical
studies show that the high death rate is due
to the 'deplorable physical condition of the
people rather than poorly trained physicians.
I am confident that this death rate will soon
be matched with a higher birth rate and that
the rantings of the older sociologists that the
human race is dying are completely unfounded.
"So much for the lecture today. Your first
examination will be mailed to you three weeks
from today. May I caution you to follow direc-
tions exactly or the electronic checking ma-
chines will be forced to give your tests a low
score. Class dismissed."
[The 4sre i s tevte nf the lecture Prof.

THE SETS and the chorus were
especially outstanding. The chorus
abandoned the traditional double
semi-circle formation in favor of
intricate hornpipes and move-
ments which covered the whole
stage. Their vitality was charm-
ingly contagious.
The principals all gave stellar
performances, including Alice
Dutcher, who was called in at the
last minute to perform the role
of Buttercup, because of the sud-
den illness of Bonnie Glasgow.
David Newman as the villain,
Dick Dead-eye needs no introdue-
tion to seasoned Gilbert and Sul-
livan enthusiasts. His characteri-
zations' are always superlative
and he commands all eyes, wheth-
er he be~ in the foreground, or.
climbing up or down the swinging
rope-ladded upstage, or dropping
down through the trap door at
center stage.'
.* * *
JOHN KLEIN as Captain Cor-
coran is completely at home on
stage. His business is perfect, and
his lines are well-delivered and
well-sung. One of the highlights *
of the second act is a delightful
dance routine between him and
the incomparable Gershom Morn-
ingstar as Sir Joseph Porter,
K.C.B. Morningstar is blessed with
the most perfect Gilbert & Sulli-
van voice of the lot. His every
'presence is sheer delight, especial-
ly since much of his business 'con-
sits of cavorting monkey-like
around the stage.
Lynn Tannel as Josephine pos-
sesses the best voice'of the show
'sandsdisplays it especially well in
her two big- arias. David Dow as
Ralph, her lover, (who by al reck-
oning must be old enough to be,
her father) cavorts and sings with
the best of them.
--Allegra Branson
fOOTMN'rIAL audiences ,should
be aware that the film "Esca-
pade" does indeed display the tal-
ents of the infamous British actor
Alastair Sim, but that he is util-
ized mostly to provide a portion
of "comic relief" to an essentially
dull and long-winded cinema es-
Sim is cast In, the role of -a
headmaster; the part he made f a-
mous in a now classic film which
occasionally makes an appearance
at Cinema Guild. In "Escapade,".
he is co-starred with a couple of
British clunks, male and female,
and a bright bunch of schoolboys.
The boarding schol is, as one
might expect, in _the grip of an
outbreak of well-directed mis-
chief; poor Sim can only grimace
and hope it will pass. The three
sons of a hot-tempered pacifist
decide to take matters Into their
own hands and save the world,
end war, and bring world peace by
declaring they don't intend to
someday kill other schoolboys,
~presumably ;Russian.
The sentiments developed here
are 'actually quite noble, and cer-
tainly could bear inestigation,' I
* *'C
IT APPEARS that the eldest
son of this pacifist is a sort of
English Thomas Jefferson, one of
the bright hopes of the next gen-
eration. He conceives the idea of
flying to Vienna, home of the
Four Power Occupation, to get
spublicity for his proclamation.
Much of the fil's amusement
is derived from Sim's vain efforts
,to uncover; the conspiracy by
which schoolboys all over England

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for Which the
Michigan Dailyassumes noed-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration' Build-'
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Noties for .unday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Women's Hours: All women who at-
tended the concert in Drill Auditorium
Tuesday night, Mar. 11, had late per-
mission until 11:05 p.m.
Summary, Action Taken by Student
Government Council at' Meeting of
March 12, 1958.
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
Appointed: to Student Activitie
Scholarship Board Joanne Marsh, Ver-
non Nahrgang for term to end in ther
tall, 1958.
Appointed: to J-Hop Interviewing
and Nominating Committee-Dan af-
fe, Tom Creed, Sally Kienteker, Lyn-
da Genthe, Jim Champion, chairman.
Approved: a leadership conference to
be held this spring for 'top level offier
of campus organizations. The confer-
enc will be planned and carried out
thrasugh, the coordinated (efforts of
SOC. the Union, and .the League
. Accepted: the revised constitution of
Assembly Association..
Defeated: a motion calling for ap-
proval of plans' for introducing and
administering an honor system in the
College of Literature, Science, and tlie
Arts. The plan called for a trial period
with questionnaires to poll student
opinion through a random "sampln 'a
before and after thetI period.
Tabled until next week: a motion to
accept rules and procedure for ballot
count under Hare system. Amotion
to establish, In conjunction with the
Faculty Senate, a University Reading
and Discussion Committee ,to set up
a program. of suggested books to be
read by faculty and students.
Established an Interviewing and No-
minating Committee to nominate stu-
dents for appointment to such com.
mittees and boards as may be desig-
nated by the Executive Committee. The
list of Committees and board so desig-
nated is subject to SOC approval. Al
nominations of the Interviewing .and
Nominating Committee are also sub-
ject to SGC approval. The Interviewing
and Nominating Committee shall con-
sist of five members, namely, the Ad
ministrative Vice-President of the Stu-
dent Government Council who shall
serveas chairman, three others to be
appointed by the Executive Committee
with the approval of the Council, and
a fifth member, chosen by the Iter-
viewing and Nominating Committee
from the committee or board for which
the nominations are being made or
from persons who have had previous
experience in the area. In no cae will,
a person be chosen as the fifth member
who is seeking the position for which
nominations Ore being made. The'Inter-
viewing and Nominating 'Committee,!~
will be chosen by the ExecutiveCom-
mittee with approval of S C in the
spring semester for a term of one year.
At least one member: of the *aterview-;
ing and Nominating Committee will be.
a senior and one member will be a
junior in the school year following the
Approved: motion providing that all
voting booths be closed between 11:30-
Approved: motion that in case of
Inolement weather, booths shall be
moved to the closest point indoors. En-,
forcement of this rule shall be at the.
discretion of the Elections Director.
Approved the 'following activities:
March 17, Interfraternity Counci, the
Four Freshman, concert, Hill, 8-10 p.m.
March 20, Interfraternity Couneil, bas
ketball game, Ann Arbor High, 8 ptm.
Mar. 27, 28, 29, women's League, JGP,
"A Tale of Gayety," Lydia Mendelssohn
8 pam. and 2 p.m. May 3, Pershing
Rifles, Michigan Invitational Drill Meet,
Yost Field House.
Women's Hours: Women studentswll
have 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat night,
March 15.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
March 14, 1958, Cooley, Delta Sigma
Theta, Delta Theta Phi, Graduate Stu-
dent 'Council, International Student
Assoc", Kappa Kappa ,,amma, Alpha.
Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha.
March 15, 1958, Alien Rumsey, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha
Omega, Alpha Sigma Phi, Anderson,
Chi Psi & Beta Theta PI, Delta Chi,.
Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta
Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Evans Schol-
ar, Gomberg, AGreene, Kappa Sigma,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi
Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon PI, Phi Gam-
ma Delta, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sig-
ma, Psi Omega, Psi Upsilon, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma'Alpha Mu, Sigma

Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa
Epsilon, Taylor, Theta Delta Chi, Theta
Xi, Trigon, van Tyne, wenley and Win-
chell, Triangle, Chicago House, Sigma
M0arch 15, 1958, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta
March 18, 1958, Alice Lloyd, Delta
Theta Phi.
Music Education Lecture, 11:00 a.m,,
Pri., March 14, second floor auditorium,
Lane Hall. Mr. George Putnam, of
Pontiac High School, will speak on
"Admivi#tratia o t1 ih RScholkChoral

Local Eateries Condemned

To the Editor:
AN OPEN LETTER to fellow U.
of M. students:
There is one particular situation
that exists here in Ann Arbor
which has bothered me consider-
ably for some time; one which I
would like to bring to the open
attention of the students in an
effort to rally some support, to see
if this matter can be corrected by
the cooperation of all concerned,
which would include all of us.
It has to do with Ann Arbor's
restaurants. I have worked pro-
fessionally in restaurants for
about six years; in kitchens, from
potwasher to cook, and in dining-
rooms from janitor to waiter, yet
nowhere have I seen health regu-
lations, sanitation standards, or
customer service relations so
openly flaunted and abused as
they are in this town.,
Those of us who eat out only
occasionally when our parents
come to visit or those of us who
est all of our meals out are forced
to eat in second-rate hash-houses
where there is a good chance that
the help hasn't had a health ex-
examination, where dishes, glass-
ware, and silverware will tell you
what the last three people who

grasp a glass around its drinking
edge? Or transport clean coffee
cups around five at a time simply
by sticking a finger in each?
What about dirty fingernails,
uniforms, floors (have you seen
them sweeping floors without
compound, or had floor sweeping
done while you ate?), etc.?
In the customer service and re-
lation department, can you name
one place in Ann Arbor where you
could go ,on a big date and know
that you were in for a pleasant
and satisfying experience in the
food department, where you would
be treated as a "guest" (it says
so on the check!) and not mere-
ly as a means of getting money,
in the proprietor's till?
Can you think of a place where
the food was proportionally and
deliciously commensurate with
the outrageous price you paid for
it? Or can you remember ever
getting a "re-heat" job on your
after-dinner cup of coffee with-
out having it added to your bill
as an extra ~item?
Can you even remember an oc-
casion when your water glass was
kept filled without having to spe..
cifically ask for it? When was the
last time you had a waitress or
waiter smile and seem pleased to
serve you?

spent for so little value in return
in terms of quantity and quality
of food and service received, so
strong is this conviction that I
plan to complain about this in-
equality even at the risk of seem-
ing a little "out of it."
It is my apathy along ,with a
lot of other peoples' that has
brought about the poor restaurant
situation in Ann Arbor; it is also
now my concern along with oth-
ers' that can correct the situation.
-Daniel H. Goodrich, '59
To the Editor:
Kraft for a penetrating', real-
istic and honest appraisal of the
nation's number one demagogue,
Walter Reuther, in his fine edi-
torial Wednesday.
Congratulations also to The
Daily for printing the what ap-
pears to me to be the first straight
forward, not-too-flattering, objec-
tive look at the man, who, un-
fortunately seems, to be effectively
pulling the Democratic party
strings in Michigan.
More objective reporting such
as this can gain only greater re-
spect and admiration for our fine
campus newspaper.

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