OPPORTUNISM IN KOHLER STRIKE L 1Mw~~a See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom LVIM, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958 FIVE CENTS resident Discusses Economy XLY CLOUDY, MI EIGE WASHINGTON (AP) - President Wight D. Eisenhower talked over, e economic situation with his visers again yesterday, after new pssure developed for tax cutsF d heavier spending. This pressure was brought by FL-CIO leaders who reported by told President Eisenhower the cession is growing worse, and to it for Iiprovement is not the re. The unionists said their White use visit was friendly, but theree indidates ir 1ards inouniced was no word of any new actions in the making. The Senate last night rejected a proposal to cut personal income and federal excise taxes by about $5,200,000,000. The vote was 71-14. Only 13, senators voted with Douglas, in- cluding two Republicans, Sens. William Langer of North Dakota and Charles Potter of Michigan. Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) offer- ed the proposal and contended a tax slash- was the quickest and most effective .way to deal with the "very serious .recession now under way in this country." More Controacts Planned In a major antirecession an- nouncement, the Defense, Depart- ment promised to raise to 10 bil- lion dollars the amount of job- providing contracts it will place during the first six months .of the year. This is four billions more than were placed in the last six months of 1957.. An encouraging note was pro- vided by the Federal Reserve Board in a report saying depart- ment store sales across the coun- try last week were seven per cent higher than during the similar week of 1957. Of the 12 Federal Reserve Dis- tricts only one -- Kansas City - showed a decline and the drop there was only one per cent. Still another bright note came from the Federal Housing Admin- istration. 'It said applications for government-insured loans on new houses poured in last month at a rate of 70 per cent higher than in February 1957. The applications reflected a willingness to spend and freshadowed an increase in residential construction. Little Divulged President Eisenhower's meeting with his economists, second in two days, lasted an hour and a quarter. Little was divulged of what went on, but it was separately disclosed that President Eisenhower plans a public discussion of the situation Tuesday. His immediate audience that day will be 1,600 women in Washing- ton for a national Republican conference. President Eisenhower also has scheduled a look-at-the-full-pic- ture tax discussion Tuesday with GOP congressional leaders. BY'JOHN WEICHER ;andidates in subsidiary elec- is March 25 and 26 were an- anted yesterday by Richard e, '61, subsidiary elections di- tor. Chose running.for the Board in, ntrol of Intercollegiate Athletics' Terry Miller, '60, Stan Noskin, and Ed Pongracz, '61AD. ;andidates for the Board'in atrol of Student. Publications Herman Besfelink, Grad., rald Lakritz, 1'60, Emil Sattler, Rob Trost, '58,'and Bob Ward, Literary. Colege Candidates ;andidates for literary college cers are: President, Earl Dur- Gerald Potiche, Dennis Roy, et Skinner, Lou Susman, and Wible; Vice - President, Gil ger, Sheldon Glass, Arv Philip- t, and James Smith; Secretary, ithia Cross, Lynda Genthe, and > Van Gelder; Treasurer, Bob- Cole, Daniel Goldsmith, Bar- a Sutliff, and Jim Wells. All Juniors in the college. |ngineering college officer can- ates are: President, J. C. Boeh- ger, Jon Erickson, Don Reevers i Bob 'Stahl; Vice -,President, nie Bogdon, Arthur Friedman, ik LaBrun, Dave Schultz, and ies Stevens; Secretary Treas- r, Ascher Eckerling, John Hoos, i Jerry Lesinski. uniors running for education" ool officers include: President, Christiansen and Dave Mar- son; Vice-President, Sally istiansen; Secretary, Sara Bak- nd Sandy Skye; and Treasurer, ,n Logan. Five Seek Posts usiness administration school didates are President, Bert' z; Vice-President, John Gret- >erger; Secretary, Pam Dexter Beverly Negri; Treasurer, :e Adell. leven students are running for .on Student Directors At-Large. y are Phil Allmendinger, '60, Benet, '59Ph., Mike Camras, lAd., Tom Corbett, '60, Sid cson, '60, Barry Keyfetz, '59, n Moore, '58E., Jules Otten, William Raisch, '59, Glen. iis, '60, and Peter Van Haften, Student Demonstration Threats Fade in Cuba HAVANA (W)-Threats of Havana University's 18,000 students to stage. a new demonstration faded yesterday as police sealed off all assembly areas. Tension continued as rebels circulated rumors a major revolu- tionary attempt to overthrow President Fuigencio Batista might be made "within 48 hours." Batista ordered police and armed forces to crush any disturbance. Police guards were doubled or tripled at all public buildings and military establishments. Gunners behind sandbags guarded the presi}- dential palace in the heart of Havana. Police guarded the big Roman Catholic cathedral near the University of Havana. Radio cars stocked Tunisia May TurnAway. From ,West, TUNIS (MP - President Habib Bourguibal yesterday gave the United States seven days to decide whether to support Tunisia in its dispute with France or see this country turn its back on the West. He told a nationwide radio audi- ence events between now and the second anniversary of Tunisian independence, Thursday, will de- termine his attitude. "We are at the crossroads. We must choose," he said, after re- minding Tunisians of his sympa- thies with the West. Bourguiba claimed the contin- ued presence of French troops means "we are not truly free." As a sign of protest, he canceled celebrations planned for Inde- pendence Day. He warned that the Tunisians might have to start their battle for independence from France all over again, but did not say whether he meant by military means. Since the French bombed what they claimed was an Algerian vil- lage base in Tunisia on Feb. 8, Bourguiba has been demanding the French troops quit his country. The fiery Tunisian earlier told United States Dep. Undersecretary of State Robert Murphy and British diplomat Harold Beeley he would not make his regular weekly talk Thursday in order not to hamper their "good offices" mis- sion. with weapons and grenades were stationed at street corners. Police broke up small groups of students. They chased away Associated Press photographer Harold Valen- tine trying to take pictures and ordered him back to his hotel. Students called upon all Cubans to observe 10 minutes silence starting at 3:40 p.m. in memory of Federation President Jose An- tonio Echevarria. He and about 40 others were killed during rebel attacks on the presidential palace a year ago in an attempt to kill or kidnap Batista. UnitedStates Must Concede -Grassmuck No petitions were taken out for Union Student Director from the Law School or the Medical and lental schools. Quads, Dorms, Propose Vote n Telephones Inter - House Council and As-, embly Association have accepted entative proposals for improving elephone service in the larger esidence halls. The plans call for individual 'hones in the rooms such as are Low operating in South Quad- angle. With the phones, more ,rnk lines and enlarged switch- ?ards will be installed. East and West Quadrangles and Ie wpmen's residences are to de- ide on the proposals within the ixt two weeks. Because the addi- ional service will cost approxi- iately 10 dollars extra a semester,' was felt that some type of refer- ndum is called for. Cumulative opinion will be ,the inal determining factor in case Lie individual residence halls do ot agree. Leonard A. Schaadt, Businessi [apager for the Residence Halls, nd Peter L. Wolff, chairman of' HC's House Services Committee, greed that "the trend of opinion 3favorable."' Last Monday the Michigan.Bell 'elephone Company began a "traf- The United States will have to make concessions to Tunisia, Prof. George Grassmuck of the political science department commented on recent Tunisia developments last night, but these concessions will not go as far as saying Tunisia is right and France is wrong. Bourguiba summed up the situa- tion tn his country "pretty well," Prof. Grassmuck explained, when he said Tunisia is at "the cross- roads." He has been "holding the lid on" despite tension evidenced by his recent assassination accusa- tion against President Gamal Ab- del Nasser of the United Arab States, the professor continued. "Real independence" will have to come if Bourguiba is to stay in power, Prof. Grassmuck said. He compared the situation to that in Egypt when Nasser expelled Brit- ish troops from the Suez Canal zone. 'MYSTERIOUSLY PHOTOGRAPHED' oung Socil sts Distribute Papers By MICHAEL KRAFT Members of the Young Socialists Club of Wayne County distributing copies of. "The Young Socialist", newspaper in front of the Union yesterday were photographed by "four or five men" who* refused to identify themselves. The socialists, former students at Wayne.State University passed out Papers at about 11:45 a.m. Ann Arbor and state police said they had-no record of the photo- graphy incident. Group Approached Ned McClennen, '59, president me. I met them at lunch yesterday and told them I couldn't say any- thing definite at the time." Bingley Gets Letter Assistant Dean of Men John Bingley said the University re- ceived a letter Wednesday warn- ing that the Young Socialists of Wayne County were coning to the campus yesterday. He said he notified the Ann Arbor police, "as usual in a case of this kind." Bingley said the University and the city have regulations against distribution of pamphlets or litera- ture without permission. He said no attempts were made by the University officials termed the concept of a Junior Year Abroad program "highly desirable" but called for "careful analysis" before instituting such a plan. "The program has to be justified on the grounds that it is a need not being met at the present time," assistant dean of the literary college James Robertson said yesterday. Dean Robertson indicated he was in favor of a program that allows the student to "crack through" his own educational barriers. Needs Careful Study University Vice-President in charge of faculties Marvin L. Niehuss commented the foreign study proposal called for "open-minded con- sideration" and "very careful study."