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March 13, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-13

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


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No. 116



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3C Disapproves,
rial'Honor Plan
Goldman Says Referendum Needed
refore Establishment of System
dent Governnient Council last night rejected a motion to es-
a trial honor system in the literary college for the fall semester.
wever, the Honor System Study Committee will continue to
a other possible honor systems and ways of setting them up.,
C Administrative Vice-President Maynard Goldman, '59, said
th East Asia Delegation had given up plans to carry through
this summer and will work for a trip next year. Former Dele-
Chairman Marge Quick, '58, told The Daily last night the
.on had been able to raise "absolutely no money."
No Referendum Included
e Council voted down the Honor System proposal because,
other reasons, it did not include any plans for a student refer-


---aiy-.m Laniarad
eonomio expert
c~k ,Asks
e Drop

endum prior to initiating the sys-
tem, but only provided for ques-
tionnaires to be sent to a scienti-
fically selected sample of literary
college students. n-
"Without a referendum before-
hand, setting up the honor system
would be aig mistake," Goldman
told the Council.
Goldman also said any honor
system should pervade the entire
campus, and not be restricted
solely to examinations. He cited
such areas as class attendance,
football tickets, and signing in
and out in the women's dormi-
tories as other places where an.
honor system should be installed.
An honor system is ineffective
unless students regard any viola-
tion or failure to report a viola-
tion as a breach of honor, Gold-
man said. '
"Rebellion" Needed-
Ron Gregg, '60, chairman of the
study committee, said he doubted
if anything less than a "minor
rebellion" would suffice to indi-
cate student interest in an honor
system. No referend .4 would in-
dicate great confidence in a sys-
tem, he said.
Many faculty members have
told Gregg student support of
such a program would not be too
essential in establishing it, Gregg
told the Council. He said a trial
would be needed before. getting
student opinion on an honor sys-
SGC also established an Inter-
viewing and Nominating Commit-
tee to nominate students to post-
tions on boards and committees
~whose members the Council for-
merly selected through the.inter-
viewing. process. '

Civil Rights
By Batista
HAVANA '() - A government
decree suspended civil rights
throughout revolt-torn Cuba again
yesterday and set off a Cabinet
President Fulgencio Batista rode
out the storm but saw his peace
Cabinet walk out o'him en masse.
The 22-member peace Cabinet-
named last Thursday for the diffl-
cult task of restoring order and
conducting elections 4une 1--re-
signed after the decree was pushed
through at an emergency meeting.
Premier Emilio Nunez Portuon-
do, the former ambassador to the
United Nations, led the walkout.
He strode from the session and'
He had declared only Tuesday
night there would be no suspen-
lion of constitutional guarantees
such as had been decreed seven
times in 1957.
Rebels Blamed
But Nunez Portuondo said in a
statement Cuba's political situa-
tion arose "not because of the in-
trasigence of President Batista
and his government' but because
7 , w
Nils Erickson, '59, was sleep-
Ing it off yesterday after wait-
ing, 19 h6urs for a bargain
camera. ,
Erickson outwaited another
student Tuesday for the chance
to buy a $160 camera for $1.69.
The bargain was part of a local
camera store's "Getting to
know You" sale, which will
continue through Saturday.
Although Erickson "didn't
sleep at all" Tuesday night, he
did "get all sorts of homework
done," but he emphatically does
not intend to try his luck again.
Since Sunday, he estimated, he
has gotten about seven hours
of his opponents, whose only de-
sire is violence to solve our na-
tional problems." He said he would
resume his ambassadorship to the
Batista immediately named a
new Cabinet. The premiership
went to Gonzalo Guell, former
minister of state. Most of the other
ministers-Batista supporters who
included business and civic leaders
never in Cabinet jobs before-
were reappointed.

Presiden t

Ike Holds










Reuther Advocates
Worker 'Tax Holiday'
WASHINGTON (') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and his
economic advisers talked about
remedies for the recession yester-
' day but decided' to wait awhile
before proposing any tax cut,
"No decision regarding taxes has
been made," Secretary of the
Treasury Robert Anderson report-
ed after this latest top-level con-
ference on what to do about the
slump"in business and jobs.
Anderson added: "Whatever de-
cision. regarding taxes is taken
will be reached only when the
impact of current developments
on the future course of the econ-
omy has been clarified and after
consultation with congressional
Reuther Suggested Halt
Walter Reuther, addressing an
AFL-CIO economic conference in
Washington, said that if other
antirecession moves fail, the gov-
ernment should halt tax with-
holding from workers' pay for 90
days. The president of the United
Auto Workers said this would
boost 'the nation's purchasing
power by 500 million dollars a
Reuther told a reporter that the
withholding tax could be suspend-
ed for a period of less than 90
days, if desired. In any event, he
said the forgiven tax should not
have to be made up later.
Yesterday afternoon the Senate
voted 93-1 to put Congress on
record as favoring the fastest
possible speedup on civil construc-
tion projects that have already
been appropriated for.
Johnson Comments
Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas,
the Democratic leader, said, in
apparent reference to the an-
nouncement Tuesday of 5,173,000
persons being unemployed, that
"we can't ignore the shocking news
of yesterday."
The "no" vote was cast by Sen.
Cotton (R-N.H.), who says he
doesn't think much of pump prim-.
ing in general.
/Meanwhile, President Eisenhowerl
sent Congress a request for
$85,603,000 in additional appropri-,
ations ,for reclamation and water-,
shed and flood protection. It wouldi
permit a start 'on the Flaming
Gorge Dam in Utah and the Nav-3
ajo Dam in New Mexico, and
provides for projects under wayt
in the West.-



Bill Passed in


Racks.Stay Bare; Doorway Fills

Design Pl





Decision Mai
GI Interest h
On Home AM

-Daily-David Arnold
TOO FAR TO WALK-While the bike racks remain empty more than 100 bikes, by actual count,
block entrances to the Undergraduate Library. The racks have spaces for about 300 bikes. Apparently
students failed to see the sign, just to the right of the picture, which says, "Please Do Not Park
Bicycles in this Area.",

Brake Critticizes Group
Margaret Brake, Assembly president, yesterday attacked the
methods used by the group-composed of members of eight student
organizations-that met Monday and appointed three people to collect
facts on University "integration.".
"This group seems to be taking all the back roads they can find,"
Miss Brake said. The group should have collected all the facts before
doing anything else, she added.
Miss Brake deplored the fact that neither Inter-House Council or
Assembly Association had ever been contacted by the Student Desciples
Guild petition committee or any


Prof. John D. Black of Michi-
an State University's economics
apartment last night called for
gradual adjustment to reduc-
on of farm prices as' the basic
ethod of relieving the growing
gricultural emergency."
Speaking before a meeting of
le Economics Club, Prof. Black
fered a four-point program by
bich he said the government
>uld alleviate the current crisis.
The first requisite, he said, is
nplification of present farm
edit facilities to encourage ag-
cultural expansion and improve-

Elzay Urges
More Money
lor Sch0ols

He said the agencies we have-,
w, such as the Farm and Home
velopment Program, were too
tricted to' fulfill this function.
-is second suggestion, if ef-
ted, would provide for ,some in-
ne supplements' to be intro-
ced and gradually lowered, giv-
farmers a chance to adjust to
rer prices.
:n addition, Prof. Bla'ck said
ne farm famiiles, such as
thern sharecroppers, should
aided in getting other, non-
m jobs.
'inally, as a means of reducing
"present unbalanced surplus,"
f, Black advocated spreading
among low income families in
United States, rather than
oad, as is done now.
[e said, all the proposals cur-
tly being made are on one ex-
ne \or the other - and thle ex-
nes are becoming farther and;
Cher apart.'
ehes Lose
il Center
i Indonesia

Citing Ann Arbor's inability to
compete financially with other
'cities for qualified teachers, Super-
intendent of Schools Jack Ezay
defended a proposed two and one-
half mill school tax increase at
last night's Board of Edu'ation
An increased science arid langu-
age program for next year in the
city's junior high schools was un-
veiled to the crowded meeting.
But requests from citizens attend-
ing for an even more rigorous
academic program at all levels
prompted Elzay to point out that
it requires top-flight teachers to
pursue any such curriculum.
He stated that Ann Arbor is
currently seeking a physics teach-
er but is able to pay only $4;900
starting salary for the position.
"Seven thousand dollars is the
minimum for which we can attract
a really qualified person," he de-
Elzay outlined a proposed plan
for salary and personnelllncreases
which would help alleviate the
situation but which would depend
on passage of the millage proposal
which will go before the voters in
a special election on March 31.
He went further by stating that
"in next year's proposed budget
without the millage increase and
doing only the things which must
be done, we would come up $104,-
000 short."

Censorship Imposed
The suspension of constitutional
guarantes is effective 45 days. It
meant immediate censorship of
the press, radio and TV, including
outgoing foreign news dispatches.
.Rights of public' assembly and.
freedom from arrest without war-
rant were cancelled for the.45-day
period, giving military forces and
police a freer hand to crush ac-
tivities deemed revolutionary or
The decree in effect rules out
election campaigning, since all
mass meetings are prohibited..
The action probably means can-
cellation of a threatened anti-
government demonstration by 18,-
000 Havana University students,-
set for today. Police are empow-
ered to smash it.
Today is the anniversary of a
rebel invasion of the presidential
palace in a bold effort to kill or
kidnap .Batista.

Swo Desire
Sheriff Post

Two Democrats announced yes-
terday they will campaign for the
post of county sheriff in the Aug.
5 primary.
Petitions are being circulated
for Lawrence Oltersdorf, 40 years
old, of Superior township and
Richard Williams, 30 years old, of
Willow Village.
Oltersdorf has sought to be
sheriff in the past four elections.


one else interested in the dormi-
tory roommate placement prob-
lem. ,
IHC Integration committee
chairman Larry Curtiss, '58, was
contacted and attended the meet-
ing in an "unofficial" capacity,
according to Drake Duane, '58,
IHC president.
Miss Brake said that both she
or Duane would be the logical peo-
ple to contact on a question of
residence hall roommate place-
ment policy because they were
both on the Board of Governors
and heads of the Residence Halls.
student organizations.
"If they want student support,
they would get better results by
using student organizations," Miss
Brake said.
Miss Brake added she didn't
think there was "any better
source" than the University for
information about residence hall
policy and practice.
Miss Brake said that the ma-
Jority of students in residence
halls would not accept the group's
idea of random integration.

U f
Hall Sought
Assembly Association recom-
mended to the Office of the Dean
of Women that Barbara Little
House in Markley Hall be per-
manently established as an up-
perclass house.
The decision of the Dean of
Women will not be announced un-
til the first of April when the
housing distribution list will be
Assembly felt that with the re-'
conversion of Betsy Barbour
House to a four year house, there
was a definite need for an upper-
class woman's residence hall.
Refer'ring to the Betsy Barbour
recommendation of March, 1957,
the group said "that the social,
and intellectual needs of upper-
class women are different from
those of, underclass women.-,

Debater Say
U.S. ,Harms,
"The United States is doing in-
finite harm to its ideologicat war-
fare by believing that 'my enemy's
enemy' is mny friend'," Beverly
Pooley, Grad., said at a Lawyer's
Club debate last night.
Supporting the proposition
"Present United States foreign
policy serves the ultimate ends of
world. Communism," Pooley ex-
plained that both America and
Russia realize that another world
war would be impossible. -
Serves No Purpose
Further continuation of the
arms race serves no purpose be-
cause a military war would mean
destruction of both countries, he
argued, therefore the next war
will be one of ideologies.
Opposing Pooley and Adnan
Zein, GL, from Syria, were David
Bunker, Grad., from England and
Jochen Frowein, Grad., from Ger-
Frowein disagreed with Pooley
and said that in East Germany
alone, the free world radio broad-
casts were heard by almost every-
He continued that since the
news is suppressed in the satellites,
people want to listen to interna-
tional news.
Cites 'Time Lag'
Bunker commented there is a
time lag in American foreign pol-
icy caused by the fact that the
United States' policy is arrived at
democratically rather than the
work of a totalitarian government.
In the case of the Algerian situ-
ation, Bunker commented that the
United States could not have
wholeheartedly supported the Al-
gerian Nationals because of its
alliance with France and the im-
plications of that alliance in
While American foreign policy
did not gain any great victory, he
continued, it did not become dis-
credited as it would have in any
other course of action,
Pooley pointed out that in their
own way, American manufactijrers
selling their products are doing'
exactly what the United States
foreign policy 'should be doing.
"I don't mean to say you should
be selling the wonders of American
capitalism," he continued, "but
rather America's most important
possession - the Constitution."

ate last night passed a $1,1
000 emergency housing
signed to create up to 600,
In the bill was an ine
the interest rates on G
loans -- an issue that wai
ed earlier only after Vic
dent 'Richard -M. Nixon1
rare 'tie vote.* ,
The authority to boost
mortgage rate was kept in
after two dramatic roll ci
the final one, Nixon brok
47 tie to nail down the Re
victory, on the issue,
Ike Aks Increase
The bill now goes o > th
which voted last year not
mit any increase in the
four and one-half per 4+
rate. The Senate bill woul
a hike to four and thee-
per cent.
President Dwight D. Mlse
has asked the GI rate be in
to five per cent, contepdin
is no private, market for
gages at the lower figure.
But Sen. Homer Capeh
Ind.), administration spo
on housing, told'a reporter
lieved the White House wi
along with the four and
fourths per cent rate.
First Passed
The bill is the first -ma-
of anti-repessionary legisla
pass the Senate this. ye
sponsors say it may brin
struction of an additional
houses this year.
In addition to making lai
funds available to buy mo
and allowing the raise in
rates, the bill lowers' the
payments on FHA mortgag
extends for two years..t
Home loan programs for
War II veterans.
Seek March
Jobless Totai
ton economists are pla
numbers game trying to fig
how many Americans are
Data showing 5,173,004
represented the, governs
count" for mid-February
State Figu
DETROIT (M .).- The
igan Employment Se
Commission said yesterd
continued ;heavy load ol
plications for State.4
benefits indicated there
be no improvement this n
In the unemployment situ
in Michigan.
Michigan'had 350,000
employed, or 12 per cent
work force, in February.
state total Included 2.5
the Detroit area, or 13
cent of the work force.
' March figures are JusthOw
collect'tead rlwn't e.innm

The 'Hawk' Flexes Wings for An Abor Show*
t. r
", --...$ ',yf kt"..- 5 E : ,.a, . a :." -.:.a .. 'm w ? L a 7t f r

rAKARTA, Indonesia () - The
karta government announced
t~ night the capture of the
erican-operated oil center of
kanbaru that had been seized
Sumatran rebels.
But the rebel radio at. Paddang
used to concede loss of the city
d said heavy fighting goes on.
akarta p ar achu te troopers
re dropped early yesterday
)und Pakanbaru, in the heart
central Sumatra, in the battle
control of the rich oil lands
iby the United States-owned

"The Mark of the Hawk" will open March 20 at a local movie
theatre, The Daily was told yesterday.
The information came out of an exclusive interview straight from
the hawk's mouth.
Tara, her handler and the theatre manager, visited The Daily
seeking publicity notices yesterday and the staff still hasn't quite
While the manager extolled the merits of the picture and handler
Gloria Stoesser reported Tara's vital statistics, the bird fidgeted on
Miss Stoesser's hand.
"She's trained to the glove," Miss Stoesser explained casually,
grabbing hold of the bird by one claw as .it headed for the wild blue
yonder. The Daily Associate Editorial Director blanched and backed
"Her wing span is over four feet and she stands- two feet high,"

Police Report
Quad Intruder
An Intruder was reported in a

-r. -.


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