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March 12, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-12

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Sixty-Eighth Year

Arabian Nights

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

_ ,
: !

Background Music
Grim in Foreground
MANTOVANI and his New Music were back at Hill Auditorium last
night to engulf the audience in a sea of unison violins with trumpet
This "new" music is tailored to fit the requirements of "new"
people who can't be bothered listening to anything and have heard that
rock 'n' roll is undignified. So there is this music to play in the back-
ground while you read Playboy, pour drinks into some girl and dim
the lights. Or so say the record jackets.
The process of bringing this music out of the background and into
the foreground is really enlightening. Much of Mozart and Haydn's

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

Walter Reuther:


A Danger to the Country

president Walter Reuther and Senator Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz.) reached another ridiculous
stage recently when the union leader offered to
resign if the senator can substantiate his
charge that "Reuther is a more dangerous
menace than the sputniks or anything Russian
might do."
Verdict in the "trial" would come from a
panel of six nationally prominent clergymen,
three to be chosen by the UAW and three by
Sen. Goldwater.
The argument fostered by Reuther resembles
In usefulness and importance the problem that
plagued the medieval minds who tried to figure
out how many angels could fit on the head of a
But the mere fact that someone in a high
position of responsibility could go to such.
extremes of propaganda and pose such a loaded
question shows his dangerousness to the society
in which he lives. For while Sen. Goldwater
may be presenting an inaccuracy of statement,
Reuther flaunts an insincerity of attitude that,
if allowed to flourish, can do more to under-
mine a nation's strength than any achieve-
ments of its enemies.
One must doubt whether six "nationally
prominent clergymen" could be found who
might be willing to subject themselves to the
task of publicly considering such an unmeasur-
able question. But it seems even more improb-
able that any of the three men appointed by
the UAW would agree that the extent of Reu-
ther's danger to the country is greater than
that posed by the sputniks.
IN CONCLUDING his letter to Goldwater,
Reuther states that if a majority of the
clergymen decided the charges were not sub-
stantiated, he would leave it to Goldwnter's
conscience "whether you would consider your-
self fit to continue to play a role in American
public life."
By his continual indulgence in irresponsible
publicity seeking statements, Reuther raises
e same doubts about himself.
- As head of the United Auto Workers, the
union which controls the labor force in a field
employing directly or indirectly one out of
every seven Americans, Reuther wields tremen-
dous economic power. It has been a force which
has lifted the working man to a level of mater-
lal comfort far above any dreams of. the upper
classes of the past. He has helped make possible
an opportunity for financial rewards and a
system of fringe benefits that exceeds the worst
nightmares of the 19th century manufacturer.
But also, he has helped foster in the auto
plants the rule of the mediocre. Job security
depends upon how long a person has been
punching a clock, not how effectively he works.
"Putting in time," not what actually is accom-
plished has become the criteria for the size of
the pay check. Getting away with as little
works as possible, not helping increase produc-
tivity, underlies the current dispute at Chrys-
ler's and every other company that has become
involved in the continual conflicts over what
the union calls "speedup" attempts. Economic
power can work both ways-the same efforts
to boost a workers' wages invariably ,find re-
flection in the products' prices, which may rise
beyond the reach of a once and eager .demand-

ing market, as illustrated in the huge lots filled
with still unsold new cars.
During the debate about Gov. G. Mennen
Williams' attitudes and' taxes driving business
otit of the state, economists, and even one who
spoke to a Democratic dinner honoring the
governor, quickly pointed out that it was wages,
not taxes that deserve the blame for any cold-
ness in the state's business climate. Conse-
quences can be seen in an industry other than
automobiles, where the textile mills of New
England have moved to the cheaper labor areas
of the South.
YET, REUTHER remains completely oblivious
to the cutting edge of his economic weapons.
At the last round of contract negotiations he
demanded a guaranteed annual wage, yet the
union seems to completely ignore the desir-
ability of guaranteeing work through exercising
control over the "spontaneous" wildcat strikes
that have marred the labor scene. Last year, in
line with his annual tirade against the "ex-
cessive" profits of corporations, he demanded
that the companies immediately cut $100 from
their prices and then he'd consider taking into
consideration their financial situation when it
came time to draw terms for a new contract.
Now that negotiations are about to begin, he
has come forth with a profit sharing proposal
that ignores completely the function of capital
in corporations, in a scheme which some econ-
omists have called "window dressing" for high-
er wage demands.
However, at the same time he publicly advo-
cates tighter union control over distribution
of profits, part of management's job; he
prompts a UAW convention to approve ahuge
strike fund and continues to use the dues
money of union members to support political
candidates union members might not agree
MOST RECENTLY, in the Kohler hearings
which have supplied more ammunition to
the feud between Reuther and Sen. Goldwater,
Democratic committee members including his
protege Sen. Patrick McNamara (D-Mich.)
have tried to disrupt hearings by insisting
Reuther appear first on the witness stand. This
would reverse the normal procedure of calling
initially upon witnesses that may be more
minor in prominence but were closer to the
actual incidents of the dispute.
However, all this probably could not prove
to the satisfaction of clergymen selected by the
UAW that Reuther is more dangerous than the
sputniks. But the attitude of political and eco-
nomic irresponsibility which permits him to
demand more rewards for less effort and a
bigger slice of wages while the rest of the
country suffers under. what the unions are
calling a depression, and the insincerity of his
statements aimed at the grandstand all serve
to underscore Reuther's danger to the country.
If Reuther had a conscious, it might be
worthwhile asking him whether he considers
himself "fit to play a role in American public
life." But this unfortunately seems too much to
expect from a person who sees his only reason
for existence in his ability to vocalize demands
of more money for a limited but economically
powerful minority.

Congressman Leads Witness

WASHINGTON - It looked as
if National Airlines President
G. T. Baker and Congressman
John Bell Williams, the Mississip-
pi Dixiecrat, had rehearsed their
testimony when Baker recently
appeared before the Harris com-
mittee. Their subject was the
author of this column. Here is
what they said:
Rep Williams: Mr. Baker, at
this point I want to ask you a very
friendly question. You don't have
any objections to that, do you?
Baker: I would not have any ob-
jections to any question. I will an-
swer any questions, friendly or
Williams: In answering this,
you pull your wheels up, you slap
the throttles all the way. Will you
please explain what connection
you might find between Mr. Kat-
zentine (an applicant for Channel
10 in Miami) and Mr. Drew Pear-
son? And I do hope you will use
Mr. Truman's technique in dis-
cussing Mr. Pearson.
BAKER: As I understand it, Mr.
Arnold, the son of Mr. Arnold of
Mr. Porter's law firm, is the son-
in-law of Mr. Drew Pearson; and
reading Mr. Drew Pearson, he had
a leak somewhere. It didn't come
from the committee, I don't think,
or maybe the staff.
Williams: You mean to imply
that Mr. Pearson was not telling
the truth?
Baker: I have heard that said
before, and the fact that Mr. Ar-
nold was a son of the law partner
of Mr. Porter and the son-in-law

of Pearson, that would be an ob-
vious connection.
-Williams: Do you feel that Mr.
Pearson has an interest in this
Baker: I don't know - a finan-
cial interest?
Williams: Any kind of an inter-
Baker: I don't know, but the
scandal-mongering as he has been
doing for these many years, that
is his interest.
S* * *
BAKER is the airline executive
who wrote a letter to Chairman
Harris describing as "pure fabri-
cation and vicious lies" my report
that National Airlines had used
influence through Thurman
Whiteside and Commissioner Mack
to secure Channel 10 in Miami.
Commissioner Mack has now re-
signed. The committee now has
evidence that he received $41, 00
from outside sources, including
Whiteside, while on the FCC.
The above gibberish .of Baker
and Williams does not make sense
to many people. Presumably, how-
ever, the National Airlines execu-
tive and the Mississippi Congress-
man are referring to the fact that
my son-in-law, George L. Arnold,
now an attorney in Los Angeles,
represented Dr. Schwartz for one
day, when Schwartz was ousted by
the congressional committee and
subpoenaed to testify before it.
Presumably, Baker and Wil-
liams think that because George
is the son of Judge Thurman Ar-
nold, who in turn is the law part-
ner of Paul Porter, who in turn is
the lawyer for Katzentine, who in

turn applied for Channel 10 in Mi-
ami, I have some connection with
this case.
While that conclusion is untrue,
I should like to remind the con-
gressman from Mississippi that
my name, address, and number
are in the phone book and I am
available to straighten him out on
this point any time he wants the
* * *
FRANK FLOETE, head of Gen-
eral Services, has asked theFed-,
eral Communications Commission
to order th Bell Telephone Sys-
tem to reduce government tele-
phone rates by 25 per cent.
Bell is vigorously fighting the
rate cut because it might set a
precedent for reducing home tele-
phone rates, too.
It's the job of the FCC to regu-
late telephone matters. But ex-
Commissioner Mack was very
close to Southern Bell Telephone,
while ex-chairmanMcCon-
naughey was a Bell attorney be-
fore being appointed to the FCC.
Chief reason why Secretary
Dulles will fly to Formosa after
the SEATO conference for secret
talks with Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-shek is that Chiang is de-
manding a big increase in Ameri-
can military and economic aid.
Like Dictator Franco in Spain,
he's blackmailing the United
States before he will agree to al-
low missile bases on his territory.
Dulles is expected to give in on
more economic aid; also may wind
up inviting Chiang to make a for-
mal visit to the White House.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

music was designed as background
survive the concert stage. Manto-
vani can survive too, with the help
of a spotlight, and some curious
stage antics, including a rather
overwhelming approach to the so-
called art of conducting.
* * *
THE ORCHESTRA men arrive
sit down. Soon, the concertmaster
appears. Applause. He raises his
bow. A few bars of the orcitestra's
"theme" are heard. The spotlight.
Hurrah! Mantovani materializes
in a mist of sighs from the audi-
ence and groans from the shades
of Debussy and Chopin. A few
words, and the program has be-
Mantovani's widely imitated
style is full of high string tones.
Occasionally a refined jazz trum-
pet is heard. Also a classical wood-
wind section, kettledrums, the xy-
lophone. But no one gets very ex-
cited. For the most part, the Man-
tovani orchestrations are bland
and quiet.
When they play "Dance of the
Comedians" from The Bartered
Bride, the essence of the music is
gone, and only a lifeless shell re-
mains. But this treatment is more
effective with excerpts from mu-
sical'shows, like "True Love," and
"I Could Have Danced All Night,"
where the orchestration succeeds
in bringing out quite well most
of the musical substance in a
pleasant form.
HIGHLIGHT of the evening was
the "Waltz" from Swan Lake, for
Mantovani's ;group sounds enough
like the usualdballet orchestra to
give this its due. Music like the
"Dance of the Comedians," and
the overture from "Orpheus in
the Underworld" needs something
more than Mantovani is able to
give it, though.
During the performance of the
"Perpetuum Mobile" by Strauss
(which was somewhat re-orches-
trated), the percussion man had
an amusing if hectic time trying
to play half a dozen instruments
while keeping his eye on the wild
gestures of the conductor. This
was appreciated by members of
the audience who had begun to
grow restless after an hour of
watching an animated phono-
graph record.
Then canie the theme from
"Around the World," with a trum-
pet obligato over hushed strings,
then the "Orpheus" overture, and
it was al over.
MANTOVANI came back, in an-
swer to much applause, to play
his theme, and another encore
which I have forgotten. And that
was all.
Since Mantovani has played
here twice now, and apparently
plans to return again, he is ob-
viously a force to be reckoned
with. Perhaps the Choral Union
people judge well the pleasure of
their audiences when they sched-
ule Mantovani, the upcoming
"Vienna on Parade," childrens
choirs, and concert versions of
bad operas at May Festival. It all
seems pretty grim to me.
-David Kessel

for social gatherings; yet it can
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
College of Architecture and Design
freshman five-week grades are due on
Thurs., March 13. Please send them to
207 Arch. Bldg.
Honor Residents, General Informa-
tion nieeting. Thurs., March 13, 3:00-
5:00 p.m. Michigan League, Hussey
An especially important meeting of
University Varsity Debaters will be held
on Thurs., March 13 at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 2040 Frieze Bldg. At :this time
plans and assignments for the annual
Michigan Cross-Examination tourna-
ment will be discussed. The Tourna-
ment will be held on Fri., March. 28;
five colleges will participate, the de-
bating to be done before University
speech classes. Preliminary to the
Tournament, a series of practice de-
bates on the question of requiring
membership in a labor organization a
a condition of employment will be con-
ducted; all debaters are urged to at-
tend the meeting on Thurs., March 13
to get details and become active in
the tournament preliminaries.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, March 12, 1958, 7 p.m. Council Rm.
Minutesprevious meeting.
Officer reports: President - Alloca-
tions Board, Rising Enrollments, Offi-
cer Elections; Exec. Vice-President-
Drives Calendar, Student Activities
Scholarship Board, Appointments; Ad-
min. vice-President, Admin. Wing Try.
out Program; Treasurer.
Forum Committee.
Standing Committees: National and
International: South East Asia: Public
Relations; Education and Student Wel-
fare; Student Activities Committee:
Greek week petitions; Activities: March
27, 28, Women's League, Jr. Girls Play
"A Tale of Gayety" Lydia Mendelssohn;
May 3, Pershing Rifles, Michigan Invi-
tational Drill Meet, Yost Field House;
Student Organizations - revised con-
stitutionfor Assembly Assoc.
Old Business: Honor System-motion.
New Business: Count Rules-motion:
University Reading and Discussion
Members time.
Constituents time.
Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ma-
rine Engineering. Seminar on "The Use
of Aluminum in Ship's Structures."
Speaker: Mr. David Macntyre, ead,
Msine Sales Development Division of
Aluminum Company of America. Wed.,
March 12, 4:00 p.m., Room 437 W. En-
gine, Departments of the College of
Engineering welcome.
Panel Discussion, auspices of East
Quadrangle Council. "The Road to Sal-
vation." Panel participants: The Rev.
Eugene A. Ransom, direptor, Weseya
Guild; The Rev. Fr. John F. Bradley,
Rector, St. Mary's Student Chapel; and
Dr. Herman Jacobs, director, Hillel
Foundation. 7:30 p.m., East Quadrangle
Dining Room 4. Thurs., March 13.
Economics Club: "The Extremities of
Current Agricultural Programs Propos-
als." Prof. John D. Black, Visiting Pro-
fessor at Michigan State University
Wed., March 12 at 8:00 p.m. in Rack-
ham Amphitheater. All staff members
and graduate students in economics
and business administration are es-
pecially urged to attend. All others
University. Lecture: "A Roman Cath-
olic View of State University Educa-
tion;" by John Courtney Murray, S. J.,
Professor of Theology, Woodstock Col-
lege, Maryland. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March
13, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Auspices of the
Office of Religious Affairs and the
L.S.&A. Faculty Committee on Studies
in Religion.
Informal Discussion: "A Roman Cath-
olic View of State University Educa-
tion," the subject of his afternon lec-

ture, will be open for discussion with
Father John Courtney Murray to any-
one interested, 8:00 pm., Thurs., March
13, Lane Hall Library. Auspices of the
Office of Religious Affairs.
Burton Holmes Travelogue "Ireland"
tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditor:
Iium, This is a grand tour of the Em-
erald Isle, narrated by Robert Mallett,
and is a new motion picture in natural
color. Tickets are on sale today and
tomorrow in therAuditorium box office.
University Choir and Orchestra, un-
der the direction of Maynard Klein, will
present Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio,
The Elijah, Wed., March 12 at 8:30 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium. Soloists will be
Frances Greer, soprano; Arlene Sollen-
berger, contralto; Richard Miller, tenor;
Philip Duey, bass, and the program
will be open to the general public
without charge.
Composers'. Forum, 8:30 p.m. Fri.,
March 14, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Com-
positions included in the program are








International Justice of U.S.


PROF. PHILIP C. JESSUP'S recent lecture
series considering the United States vs.
International Law, brings to light another
aspect of his country's muddled foreign policy.
When the United Nations charter was slated
for adoption in 1946 it included an "optional
clause," which, if accepted, would permit the
International Court of Justice to arbitrate
differences rising among member nations.
The clause was almost ratified by the Senate
until a note by John Foster Dulles reminded
the Senators that this country must jealously
guard its hard-won right of sovereign inde-
pendence. As a result, a weakening amendment
was tacked to the clause stipulating that the
United States would submit cases to the inter-
national Court only if they thought the dis-
putes were in the realm of the Court-that is,
if it were in the national interest to do so.
This reservation covered everything from
treaties to property rights of foreigners.
The flaw in this approach exploded in the
reasoning of the Senators. According to Prof.
Jessup: "When the Senate adopted this amend-
ment . . . it was worried only about (the
United States) being made a. defendant before
the International Court." The Senators felt the
United States would never levy an unjust claim
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor

against another country but it was quite con-
ceivable for the Senators to believe that some
other unprincipled nation might vent false
accusations against the United States. This is
one error that's bogging down our foreign
policy; it is vrtually impossible for American
policy makers to consider and treat foreign
nations on the same plane as the United States.
Other countries are aware of this discrep-
ancy. Now, almost every one has some form of
reservation hampering the international flow
of justice and recently France, India, Liberia,
Mexico and Pakistan have adopted amencl-
ments to the "optional clause" similar to ours.
THE UNITED STATES had a taste of its own
bitter fruit in this issue when the Guate-
malan government seized the property of the
United Fruit Co. The United States, wanting
the rights of its citizens vindicated, demanded
restitution and trial of the case by the Inter-
national Courts. However, Guatemala took the
cue from our policy of sovereignity in inter-
national law and argued that the application
of their Agrarian Reform Law "constitutes an
act of inherent sovereignty . . . (for which
they) could not consider . . the possibility
of making this case a matter for international
The thread spun from our almighty attitude
is being weaved into a pernicious net of con-
tempt for other states, which these states are
reacting to by drifting away from the United
States and joining relations with nations ad-
mitting equality, at least in other areas, note-
ably Russia.
The angle of equality has been capitalized on
by the Soviets who are loaning money to needy
countries at the low interest rate of about

Ailments of ConcertGoers


To the Editor:
T, WAS difficult to determine
who was performing Saturday
evening at Hill Auditorium; the
program included Myra Hess, al-
though the audience did not seem
to be too concerned with her.
Disregarding. the latecomers,
the restless individuals who prob-
ably at the last minute decided
upon Hess over the basketball
game, and those whose lack of
attention resulted in applause be-
fore the end of a work, let us fo-
cus our attention on those persons
whose various ailments challenged
each number on the program.
It is difficult to completely ap-
preciate the excellent acoustics of
the auditorium when they are ex-
ploited by the audible manifesta-
tions of the illness present in the
audience. Not to imply any de-'
liberateness of actions, but the
majority of coughing, and sneez-
ing spasms seemed to appear dur-
ing the most delicate parts of the
Now, this is just plain un-
healthy, not to mention rude and
disrespectful. Yet this is becom-
ing more typical of the audiences

the caliber of the people attend-
ing the performance.
I hope that in the future such
people will take into consideration '
that they are not the important
ones in the auditorium, and re-
linquish their position to the ar-
tists performing on the stage.
--Linda Brady, '60
To the Editor:
A UNIVERSITY is supposedly a
place where young boys and
girls are molded into mature men
and women. However, when I read
the story on the front page of
your March 6 issue entitled "Dog-
Gone," I began to wonder just
how much effect this University
has had in changing some people's
outlook on life.
Whether these students realize
it or not, the Student Government
Council is an organization for
their own benefit, and is not some-
thing to be made fun of. We all
realize that in the past, the SGC
has met with a lot of apathy from
the students, and has been paro-
died in such publications as the
Gargoyle. But when a group of

It is high time these students
diverted their time to an active
support of SGC instead of trying
to make it into a farce.
--Carl Jordan, '58NR
(EDITOR'S NOTE: "Ted Bomb" is
a dog, for whom an SGC petition was
To the Editor:
states that students do not do
enough "free reading," that "free
reading" is a "vital part of edu-
The editorial leaves two ques-
tions unanswered. 1) Why is free
reading intrinsically valuable? I
fail to see any answer except that
such reading is pleasant. But, if
students do not read "freely," that
is prima facie evidence they do not
find it pleasant. And, if they do
not find it pleasant, then they
ought not to do it. 2) Under what
conditions is one entitled to say a
particular student is reading
enough? When, on his own, he
goes through 30 books each year?
Or 17 books and one bi-monthly
The same two auestions arise in

INo Ivory
Associated Press Staff Writer
NEW YORK-Some people prob-
ably were a little surprised to
learn that Harvard University had
purchased an hour of time on the
CBS radio network to present a
program entitled -The Case for
the College" March'28.
We're so advertising-sponsor
conscious these days that the first
question in many minds is: What's
in this for Harvard?
The answer is that Harvard, first
university in history to sponsor an
hour of radio time, does not ex-
pect to gain anything in particu-
lar itself. It appears that with this
effort Harvard basically i' doing
as much as dear old Siwash as it
is for Harvard.
IT'S TRUE that the moderator
of the program will be President
Nathan M. Pusey of Harvard nand
that those participating will be
Harvard alumni and undergradu-
But-a principal purpose is to try
to help rid some people of the no-
tion that a college-not just Har-
vard, but any liberal college-is
an ivory tower isolated from the




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