WALTER REUTHER: MENACE TO COUNTRY See Page 4 Sirs Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom Padt . CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVIII, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1958 FIVE CENTS SIX PA( U.S. May Revise Stand on A-Tests Seeking Agreement with Russia; Ike Starts" Scientists "on Problem WASHINGTON (P).- The Eisenhower administration, it is learned, has taken the first steps toward radically revising its policy for suspension of nuclear tests. The objective is to try to get an agreement with the Soviet Union on this issue. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, on the recommendation of Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles, has started some of the nation's top atomic scientists studying whether a suspension can be protected against cheating. If it is decided that a foolproof inspection s y s t e m is pos- sible, then United States policy PROF. KENNETH BOULDING "peaceful coexistence" W 0 ReligiOu, Social Sztudy Amity Urged By SUSAN ITOLTZER "Peaceful co-existence" between religion and the social scientists is not only possible, but necessary, Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics department said yes- terday. Competition between the two Melds, he explained, develops be- cause they share the same funda- mental concern - the nature of man. It is their completely differ- ent approaches, Prof. Boulding said, that lead "inevitably to a conflict of roles." On the one hand is the cool objectivity of the social scientist; on the other, the warm, personal involvement of the prac- ticer of religion. But social scientists can co- operate 'effectively with religion, Prof. Boulding maintained, and religion does have concrete assist- ance to offer the 'social science field. Much To Contribute In the area of ethics, an inevit- able part of religion, Prof. Bould- ing felt the social sciences have a great deal to contribute. He said the "ethical dialectics" religion tends to produce are not always well-informed, a situation which might be corrected by a "certain sophostication" the social scientist possesses. This sophistication, Prof. Bould- ing said, explains the necessary relations of social life, something ethics often ovetlook. "You can't say someone must do something if it is impossible," he said, "pr expect them to do two contradictory things." Social scientists,' by examining the actual results, can help to eliminate this. Religion 'Low Man' To the social scientist, however, religion is "rather low man on the academic totem pole," Prof. Boulding said. Since it encom- passes the very deepest parts of the human mind, he said, "per- haps this neglect is because the subject is a little beyond them. But the study of religion "can broaden our field of experience," he said. "Social scientists are so awfully middle class-really lower middle class," he explained, "dnd their field of investigation is apt to be limited to their field - of vi- sion. In addition, he said social scien- tists must face ends as well as means eventually, and then, "in a sense, you are getting religious." Qry *i.* may be changed provided cer- tain other conditions are ful- filled. If the experts decide that no inspection techniques available can prevent cheating by the So- viets, 'then, officials said, the pol- icy very likely will not be revised. Present United States policy in- sists' that suspension of testing be closely linked to a cutoff in manufacture of nuclear weapons. Th Soviet Union, however, had advocated a test suspension alone as a first step toward disarma- ment. Killian Involved The studies which have been started, authorities reported, are being supervised at least in part by. James R. Killian Jr., the pres- ident's science adviser. But they are also being made by the Atomic Energy Comission and involve, too, Defense Depart- ment scientists. Edward Teller, the physicist often called the father of the hy- drogen bomb, said 10 days ago he thought disarmament is a "lost cause" because the Soviets can not be trusted and no policing de vices are available to prevent them from cheating. Opposing Views Opposed to the Teller view are such men as Harrison Brown of the California Institute of Tech- nology and Jay Orear of Colum- bia University. They genealy argue that f-* secret tests would become known. Various groups of scientists have been meeting here off and on for several weeks, officials said, to discuss this issue and marshal the scientific evidence for the benefit of President Eisenhower and Dulles. Java Forces Now Control Ol Transport PADANG, Central Sumatra (A)M -A rebel spokesman said yester- day that invading Java forces seeking to crush the rebel regime now apparently control the trans- port of oil from United States- operated fields deep in Central Su- matra. He said the invaders occupy Bengkalis and other islands at the mouth of the Siak River, main artery for the movement of oil out of the United States-owned Cal- tex fields around Pakanbaru, 50 airline miles inland. The spokesman added, however, rebels forces entrenced in steam- ing swamplands would fight to keep the Java troops from moving to the oil fields. Caltex officials suspended oper- ations afterthe Central govern- ment launched its offensive against the rebels Friday. By controlling the mouth of the Siak, the Java forces could assure collection of royalties on any oil coming out of Pakanbaru But it is unlikely the rebels would permit movement of oil if royalties go to Jakarta.. The revolitionary government has proposed making the Caltex area a neutral zone with oil flow- ing as usual but with payments remaining blocked. In Java, a military spokesman said the government has launched a combined land, sea and air of- fensive to crush the rebel regime. SGC To Hear Honor Motion A motion calling for a trial honor system for the literary col- lege next fall will come before Stu- dent Government Council at 7:30 committee Urges Study Overseas 'Educational Need' Filled by Program ' By BARTON HUTHWAITE An "educational need" is left unfulfilled when the University does not support a "Junior Year Abroad" study program, the liter- ary college steering committee recently concluded. In a four-page report released yesterday, the committee accused the University of "discouraging students in an area in which it should be encouraging them." The University is "limiting itself as a result of its present policies," the student advisory group added. Urges 'U' Initiative Citing several ways in which such a foreign study program could benefit both the student and the University, the report urged the University to take the "initia- tive in emphasizing the values to be derived from European study." The benefits to the student were seen primarily as contributing to character development. "The student would become a broader, more interested person ... and from comparison and con- trast, he would gain a greater de- gree of tolerance of the "foreign," as well as a greater understanding and appreciation of America," the report said. Valuable to Faculty The committee also noted the experience to be gained by ac- companying faculty members. "New life" would be given to the faculty member's teaching at the Ur versity by the "stimulation" of foreign travel. The fields of fine arts and the social sciences were named as areas that would especially bene- fit. '"The benefits to the University would be an inevitable conse- quence of strengthening its stu- dent body, an, raising the level of its departments and faculty, " the committee emphasized. The inaccessibility of existing Junior Year Programs and the complications involved in arrang- ing academic credit were listed as the principle factors preventing interested students from studying abroad. Programs Limited At the present time, programs at other universities can only ac- cept limited numbers of students from outside institutions. The difficulty of arranging study programs at foreign universities on an individual basis was also noted. The committee indicated a pref- erence for establishing a program in an English-speaking area. In that way, a greater number of students would be able to take advantage of the opportunity of foreign study. The London School of Econom- ics was singled out as a possible choice by University professors interviewed by the committee. The steering committee first be- gan the Junior Year Abroad study last fall. The group met with numerus faculty members, admin- istrative officials and directors of existing Junior Year Abroad pro- grams at other universities. University students who have also spent some time studying in Europe were also contacted. U.S. Tol Fight Unemployment 4_ -Daily-Robert Kanner NEW OFFICERS-The Fraternity Presidents assembly last night elected the officers of the Inter- fraternity Council for 1958-59. Seated are John Gerber (left), president, and Lou Kolb, executive vice-president. Standing (left to right) are Hank Kerr, treasurer; Nick (iristopher, administrative vice-president; and Dick Guttman, secretary. They will officially take office after spring vacation. Gerber Elected New IFC President lb Report Spurs By PHILIP MUNCK After a prolonged debate the Fraternity Presidents Assembly last night elected John Gerber, '59, of Beta Theta Pi, president of the Interfraternity Council for 1958-1959. Gerber emphasized that the IF will have to spend 'a considerable time on long term projects in the coming year. "We have to plan not for one or two years but for the future of fraternities on cam- pus," he explained. Also elected were Lou Kolb, '59, as executive vice-president; Nick Christopher, '59, administrative vice-president; Dick Guttman, '59, secretary; and Hank Kerr, '59, treasurer. Opposed by Kolb Kolb opposed Gerber for the presidency. Advocating a "positive policy" Petitions Due For Elections Petitioning for all-campus sub- sidiary elections closes at 6 p.m. today, according to Roger Mahey, '61, elections director. All petitions are due at the elec- tions desk on the first floor of the Student Activities Bldg. Elections will be held March 25 and 26 for positions on the Union Board of Directors, class officers in the business administration school, education school, literary college, and engineering college. Positions are also open on the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations and the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. Plans for the IFC, Kolb said he thought "it's a crying shame that the In- terfraternity Council hasn't taken it on itself to further look into such problems as rushing and se- lectivity by itself instead of rely- ing on Student Government Council or other groups to fur- nish the incentive. "The Fraternity. Presidents As- sembly should be one of the most respected bodies on campus" he said, "but I don't think you think so now." IFC Approves New Fraternity Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity cleared its next to last hurdle yesterday when the Fraternity Presidents assembly approved its petition to colonize. The petition must now be ap- proved by Student Government' Council before it can begin a colony. In order for the colony to gain recognition as a fraternity it must have been on campus for one year, have a grade point average higher than the all-men's average, have 30 or more actives and have at1 least 20 per cent of their men in! activities. The motion to approve passed on a role call vote with 24 presi- dents voting in favor, six against and 11 abstaining. Several presidents objected to the admissidn of Alpha Kappa Lambda. One said the present fra- ternities should be expanded be- fore a new fraternity is added. However he abstained from voting. Gerber said that since the fra- ternity system is part of a rapid- ly growing community it has to expand too. Good Rushing Program He explained that the rushing program at the University is "one of the finest structures anywhere but we can't sit still. We have to expand and we can do it with our system." Kolb said the internal organiza- tion of the IFC is in need of re- working. "We need more criticism and more communication to do an effective job." If more fraternity presidents and district representatives were working on the committees of IFC, he explained, it would bring the presidents and the men they represent closer together and prod the Council into getting things done "if prodding be necessary." In turn, he continued, the com- mittee chairmen should be inter- ested enough to attend Executive Committee meetings. "Committee meetings should be devoted to policy decision rather than de- tail.". Took Opposite View Taking the opposite view, Ger- ber held the internal structure of the Council to be a good basic structure and explained that with more work. it would function well. However, he added, "I think we're a little behind the times" and emphasized the need for planning and working ahead. In summing up the fraternities problems, Kolb said that "we have to move forward. If we stand still while the rest of the campus goes ahead we will be moving back- wards." - Planning Outlined WASHINGTON (P) - Here are business acceleration moves listed by Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell yesterday as already planned or undertaken by the Eisenhower administra- tion: 1)DEFENSE-Orders during the first six months of 1958 will total 51/ billion dollars worth more than in the last six months of 1957. Total 1958 al- locations will be 231/2 billion to be spent largely in industries where employment has sagged the past year. 2) HIGHWAYS - Expendi- tures were 750. million dollars in 1957 and will be 1% billion in 1958, rising to 21/ billion in 1959. The administration will ask Congress in the next few days to suspend certain expen- diture limitations to spend an- other 21/2 billion during the next three years. 3) PUBLIC WORKS - Pro- jects to be pushed to spend an additional 200 million dollars earlier than planned. Publici works spending will total two billion dollars in the fiscal year beginning July 1, and will In- clude 186 million dollars in water resource projects Con- gress is being asked to finance.1 LANSING : House Kills Student Aid, LANSING (A') - Legislation to1 compel students to help pay for college building projects died in the House yesterday. The lowerrchamber turned down a proposal to launch a 100 million3 dollar construction program at state colleges and universities with' bonds financed by students. The vote was 53-46 with 74 votes need- ed for passage. Rep. Willard I. Bowerman Jr.' (R-Lansing) came up with the proposed constitutional amend- ment as a solution to the college building shortage stemming from rapidly increasing enrollments. It would have required students to sign a $90 non-interest bearing' note for each year they enrolled at a state school. Notes would fall due in five years. Bowerman called it a "delayed contribution to the school alumni fund." World News Roundup FLORENCE, S. C. (JP)-An Air Force B47 accidentally dropped an unarmed nuclear weapon in a small community near here 1 es- terday. There was no nuclear explosion but TNT in it blasted a big hole, damaged six houses and a church. MANILA ()-The Western Big Three foreign ministers, here to weld SEATO into a tighter alli- ance, will sit down today to decide how to meet Russia's summit con- ference proposals. MOSCOW (A')--Nikita Khrush- chev said yesterday he would be willing to go to Washington for a summit conference if necessary. He indicated at a diplomatic re-1 ception he was dissatisfid with current progress toward a top- level East-West parley. Ten Finalists IKe Studies Tax Cutting Works Plans Administration Slate Top-Level Meeting On Economic Poioe WASHINGTON wP-a gover ment ropert showing 5,173,000 u' employed set off new argumen yesterday on whether to cut taxe and spurred other moves to con bat the recession. Proposals for job-creating pul lic works vied with tax cutting a favorite weapon President Dwight D. Eisenhow was reported, after a White Hou conference with GOP congressoi al leaders, to have decided to del any administration tax cut pr posal for at least a month. Meeting Set Up However, he Set up a Ineetin today with his economic advise which the White House said wou deal with tax suggestions 'as we as other means for overcomir the slump. President Eisenhower also a ranred a discussionrof the who tax picture next Tuesday 'wil Cabinet members sitting in wil the party leaders in Congress. In other developments: 1), Two Democratic leaders the House, Reps. John McCorma0 of Massachusetts. and Oren Hanr of Arkansas, introduced legislatki to liberalize unemployment con pensation benefits. 2)% The Senate, Public - W9 Committee approveda:resluti by Democratic Leader Lyndc Johnson of Texas urging a spee< up in civil public works alreat appropriated for. A similar res lution covering military works pending. 3) Sen. Dennis Chavez (D- M.) Introduced legislation autho: izing a five-year public works pr gram to cost $14,219,000,000. would emphasize dams for fio control, irrigation and power. Declaration Made The White House meetingye terday followed by one day t declaration by Vice-Preside Richard Nixon that there shou be substantial tax cuts if ti economy fails to improve soon. Another big question for ti GOP conference was said to I how much could be expected, t overcoming the recession, fro public works, housing constructic and longer unemployment con pensation benefits. Secretary of Labor James : Mitchell supplied the unemplo: ment figures, saying the 5,173,0 total was reached in mid-Febr ary. This was an increase of 67 000 in the preceding month a means that 6.7 per cent of ti civilian working force was jobles This is higher than the six pi cent figure reached in the 19 recession and is about the sa as in the 1949 business slump. Quiz on Kohie- Beating Ruled Out of Order WASHINGTON (A) - Attemp to question John Gunaca abo the beating of two nonstriki Kohler Co. workers were ruled of of order yesterday by chairm John McClellan (D-Ark.) of t Senate Rackets Committee. Sen. McClellan said Gunaca, former United Auto Worke steward, would not have to testi: because assault charges are st pending against him in the cas But Sen. McClellan gave Wi liam Bersch Jr. a chance to iden tify Gunaca as one of the thre men present when Bersch an his father were given a poundin at a Sheboygan Falls, Wis., fill ing station the night of July x orA 'FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED': Bargain-Hunting Students Encamp Before Store Nils Erickson, '59, and Harry Walden, '61-in that order-last night settled down to what appeared to be an all-night vigil. Camped in front of a local camera store, wrapped in blankets and extra layers of clothing, and well supplied with the effects of comfortable living, they awaited today's installment of the store's. "Getting to Know You" sale. First man in line at 10 a.m. today will be given the opportunity to buy a $160 3-D camera for $1.69. This is the third in the store's series of six such "first-come-first-served" bargains, to continue through Saturday. As of midnight last night, Erickson was today's winner with a 3 p.m. post time. Walden, who arrived at 8 p.m., was firm in his intention to'remain. He said he was "just hoping Nils doesn't make it," although he expected him to. Both are experienced in sitting out the sale. Erickson waited vainly for Monday's bargain; Walden kept him company Sunday night, then succeeded in being first to greet the store owner Tuesday morning. He saved $36.92 on a color slide camera costing $37.50. Back again, they seemed completely at home in the alcove around the door. Erickson was stretched out on two folding chairs. a nillow