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March 08, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-03-08

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Sixty-Eighth Year


When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in, all reprints.

"Okay-Keep at It"

The Dressmaker'
Ripping OldComedy
FERNANDEL is back at the Campus Theatre in a ripping new French
comedy, "The Dressmaker," which will leave you in stitches, or any-
way, make you drop a few.
"L'incomparable amazone," whispers Fernandel into a half-dressed
lady's ear 'while fitting some material to her bosom. "Une chaarmante
aurore qui paraissoit a Ia pointe du jour de nos malheurs plus grandee
esperances et toute rouge du feu d'une juste colere."
The lady slinks in a meaningful way and whispers back, "Mangez.
moi!" And the English subtitle reads: "Do you like the style?"
At any rate, something of this sort was happening, because the
French women sitting next to me always seemed to be laughing most




The Silent Generation
Answers Its Critics-

week. Those elders who have denounced the
resent college crop for lacking color, serious
hinking and individuality had their words
ooked, seasoned and placed on a platter. The
bhefs were University students as a number
f surprising incidehts erupted across campus.
The madness began mildly enough when
omeone capitalized on the razing of the
tomance Language Building by painting on the
idewalk a Shakespearian epithet, "Then let fall
our horrible pleasure."
A few days later, however, a more serious
rank developed, this time on the wall of the
attered building. A swastika, black and im-
osing, materialized on the gray bricks. In
ddition, a number of Hillel posters were found
amped with the same symbol, the insignia
f the Nazi party. Soon swastikas appeared
i windows, on doors, and blackboards. Hillel
eported receiving anonymous threats. A stu-
ent Zionist heatedly concluded that the swas-
kas were the Work of a "sick" anti-Semetic
ith a soul "warped" and "twisted" by hatred.
thers laughed off the incident as a foolish
>ke, however.
Several mysterious posters also appeared on
he Day of the Swastika. They advertised a
else speech by a false speaker representing an
pparently false organization, "The United

Free-World Pro-War Front." Their meaning
still remains clouded.
store variety, partially diverted student in-
terest from swastikas and posters. The Indian's
name was Minerva and it seems she had been
stolen and counter-stolen from her original
owners, Theta Delta Chi fraternity.
Another fraternity representative, Theodore
Bomb, made interesting news by gaining 350
signatures on a Student Government Council
petition, thus qualifying for possible election.
Theodore was later found to be a dog belonging
to Acacia.
A spirited interest in University Affairs also
manifested itself last week. The number of
human candidates for SGC totalled nearly 20,
an all time high. At the same time, the issue
of discrimination in campus housing boiled over
at a meeting of the Political Issues Club when
a coed confronted Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon with a charge of bias in a League House.
So much for the lack of color and individual-
By their slanders, the wise fathers have
falsely represented this generation.
We hope they took notice of last week's
events. We hope they were embarrassed. To
be blunt, we hope they gagged.

Cotton Farmers in Trouble

A Union Tap Room?

when the characters were talking
most and the sub-titles were say-
ing least.'
Fernandel Is the French exag-
gerationist who has achieved a
certain fame by playing a broad
and splashy comedy with no holds
barred. So that it really isn't very
subtle. And everyone is amused.
HERE WE HAVE Fernandel as
the husband of a short-tempered
lady dressmaker. Only he is a
dressmaker too. But his wife
doesn't want him fitting other
women. He does anyway, on the
sly, but she doesn't know.
Whenever Mrs. F. is out, Fer-
nandel sneaks down into the shop
to smooth a few fabrics. And a few
bosoms. When his wife comes back,
she is furious.
Fernandel spends a "delightful"
night with an eccentric woman.
When she is killed in a plane
crash, she leaves him controlling
interest in a big dressmaking
house. While Mrs. F. thinks he is
still working as a cutter in a
tailor's shop, Fernandel is actually
fixing up this new shop, which is
in bad shape.
He is also fixing up one of the
models who is in good shape.
But what can you expect? Fer-
nandel proves to this model that
all dressmakers aren't "alike." At
least he isn't. His wife finds out
and runs off with a wealthy fop
she picks up at the big opening.
Of Fernandel's new shop, that is.
* * *
NOW WE HAVE a funny scene.
At last. The two couples sit op-
posite each other at a night club:
Fernandel and the model, Mrs. F.
and her fop. And they try to make
each other jealous.
After a time, the Fernandels are
reconciled, and the rich fop and
the model drive off together. And
the screen says FIN.
Although this type of humor
tends to get tedious after a while,
it should be mentioned that this is
one of Fernandel's early films,
about 10 years old I would guess,
revived to accomodate the recent
fame this actor has accumulated.
-David Kessel
RUSSIA is still in midpassage in
its transition from Stalinism.
But the "thaw" to which Ilya
Ehrenbourg called attention only
months'after Stalin's death is by
no means ended.
The Soviet people are too tal-
ented and, today, too educated to
remain forever content with a sys-
tem in which their lives and their
fates are decided by a few oli-
garchs sitting around a table.
It is not utopian to hope and to
expect that the gains the Soviet
people have made toward a more
tolerable life during the the past
five years will be extended in the
years to come.
-New York Times

INTERESTING if impractical solution to
the campus drinking problem lies in the
cently proposed Union tap room.
Though it might appear as if local liquor
strictions would be eased by this or a com-
arable project, in actuality such is not the
ise. As it now stands the State of Michigan
rohibits any person who has not reached
venty-one years of age or over from pur-
iasing or consuming alcohol in a licensed bar
r package store. The University's policy forbids
ny student, regardless of age, fron storing
r indulging in liquor in student quarters. Since
Union tap room would in no way modify the
isting laws, other than a municipal ordi-
ance, which has established a zoning restric-
on on the operation of bars east of Division
treet, it, is somewhat dubious as to whether
ie plan is advantageous. The only foreseeable
enefit is one of convenience-not having to
alk that added two blocks to Division Street.
The effect on those who have not reached the
gal age might be very disquieting. By making
em more cognizant of their own inequalities,
Minors might resort to alcoholic indulgence in
eir quarters on a broader scale.
Lear1ing to drink properly is an inextricable
,rt of ones personal educational process. Since
e four years a student spends at college
that formative period of his life in which he
ould cultivate sensible drinking habits, the
portunity should not be denied him by out-
oded legal restrictions. Though it is not the
ity of the state or University to provide stu-

dents with intoxicants, by the same token, it is
not necessary for them to discourage and limit
drinking. These limitations encourage weekend
trips to other cities and expose the student to
an atmosphere not at all conducive to the ful-
fillment- of these ends.
LIQUOR laws in this and many other states
are simply the puritanical remnants of the
unsuccessful Prohibition legislation. Existing
liquor laws have proven themselves a failure,
in that, generally speaking, American society
has not educated itself maturely in the use of
alcohol. The fact that an increasing number of
automobile deaths resulting each year. from
drunkeness continues to rise illustrates this
point. To say that drunkeness in the United
States has become a social problem is not an
overstatement. Excepting isolated instances,
inebriation in Western Europe is almost non-
existent. It is worth noting that on the Conti-
nent few if any legal ,restrictions are placed
on the purchasing or consumption of intoxi-
cating beverages.- At an early age European
children learn to enjoy wines and beers without
over-indulging in them.
By making liquor more accessible on a
properly supervised basis students would learn,
to consume it in a moderate, intelligent manner.
Alcohol is not a vice, nor is it the devil in
disguise. It is a commodity which ought to be
both valuable and enjoyable to man, and should
be treated as such.

WASHINGTON - Ten grim-
faced Alabama state legisla-
tors made a pilgrimage to Wash-
ington this week todlay before
Congress the life-or-death situa-
tion confronting cotton farmers
in the Southeast.
The picture was a solemn one,
summed up in the words of a cot-
ton farmer, E. F. Mauldin of
Leighton, Ala., now serving as a
consultant to the state legislators.
"Our farmers are more demoral-
ized than ever before," Mauldin
told then-House Agriculture Com-
mittee. "They find farm labor.
gone, their tenants vanished or
barely existing, their plows rust-
ing, their tractors down, their
mules converted to dog meat,
their fields vacated and lying idle,
their rural communities disap-
pearing, and their country homes,
churches, and schools standing
vacant lite corroded monuments
to haunt the "memory of what
once was a cherished and respect-
ed way of life."
.* * *
THE CAUSES are low prices
andra gigantic 35 per cent slash,
since 1953, in the number of acres
allowed to be planted in cotton
under Secretary Benson's "flex-
ible" support system. For, as the
nation's cotton surplus mounts,
the acres planted to cotton are
Meanwhile, the Southeast -
Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi,
North and South Carolina - has

borne the brunt of the decline,
while the acreage of such western
states as California, Arizona and
New Mexico has fared proportion-
ately better.
This is because a state's share
of the national cotton acreage is
based upon its average acreage in
the preceding five years. And with
poor cotton farmers 4n the South-
east abandoning the soil for city
jobs, Alabama's allotment has de-
creased, which has penalized
farmers remaining on the soil.
For, when their neighbor quits
cotton farming, other farmers get
their acreage cuts, so that some
individual allotments have been
cut to 70 per cent since 1953 in
contrast to the national acreage
decrease of only 35 per cent.
The trouble, says Mauldin, is
that Benson's plan reckons in
terms of states and counties. The
fate of the individual farmer is
crassly ignored.
RESULT: In Alabama, 125,000
farmers have signed up with, the
State Employment Service for
off-farm jobs. One tractor deal-
er reports that he sold 60 tractors
in 1955, only 32 in 1956, and just
14 in 1957. Most of the 14 he sold
in 1957 had to be repossessed
when farmers couldn't meet their
Ginners, bankers, e r u s h e r s,
farm laborers, fertilizer manufac-
turers, warehousemen, and cotton
merchants are all affected.

According to Maynard Layman,
farm editor of the Decatur Daily,
the solution is not in moving
farmers off the land. What Ala-
bama needs, he says, is more mar-
ginal farmers, not fewer. He
points out that it doesn't solve
anything for farmers to sell out
and move to the city. There they
merely add to unemployment rolls
and create all kinds of social prob-
lems. Moreover, in many cases it's
just plain impossible for a man
who has been a farmer all his life
to make the shift to city life at
the age of 45 or 50.
"A pestilence has been visited
upon the land of cotton," Farmer
Mauldin told the IHouse commit-
tee. He proposed these solutions:
1) An increase in cotton-acreage
allotments, not across the board
by state, but Just enough to guar-
antee every farmer his historic
share of the nation's production.
2) A BRANNAN Plan for cotton,
whereby all American cotton
would be sold without price sup-
ports at the normal level. By let-
ting the price seek its own level,
cotton would better compete with
nylon, dacron, and other synthet-
ics. Instead of price supports,
farmers would receive direct pro-
duction payments to the extent
necessary to raise their income to
parity with industrial workers.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer.
sits of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
pubication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXVI, NO. 112
General Notices
Summer Housing Appictons for
graduate and undergraduate women'
housing will be accepted from women
now registered on campus beginning at
noon. Mon., Mar. 10, at the Office of
the Dean of women on the first floor
of the Student Activities Building. Ap-
plications will be accepted for residence
halls and supplementary housing.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science
andi the Arts: The freshman five-week
progress reports will be due Wed.,
March 12, in the Faculty Counselors Of-
fice for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210
Angell Hall.
Reminder: New initiates of Sigma
Xi and members planning to attend
the Initiation Dinner on March 12,
should send their reservations by Mon.,
March 10, to Sigma Xi, Racham Bldg.
Late Permission: Women who attend-
ed the Burton Holmes Travelogue
Thurs. evening, March 6 had late per.
mission until 1055 p.m.
Fourth Southeast Asia Lecture: Prof.
Russell Fifield will speak on "Inter-
national Politics of Southeast Asia,"
Sat., March 8, 2:00 p.m. at Friend's
Center, 1416 Hill St. All interested
people welcome.
Student Recital: Robert Blasch, stu-
dent of organ with Marilyn Mason
Brown, will present a recital at 8:30
'Sun., evening, Mar. 9, in Hill Auditor-
ium. The progran, which will bepre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, will include compositions by
Buxtehude, Pachelbel, Bach, Franck
and Messiaen. Open to the general
Student Recital: Ruth Keraus, stu-
dent of oboe, with Floian Mueller,
will present a recital at 4:15 p.m., Sun.
Mar. 9 in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music, Wind
Instruments. Shp will be assisted by
Marguerite Long, piano and harpsi-
chord, and by Kay LaDouceur, oboe
and Kenneth Holm, English horn. The
program will include compositions by
Telemann, Haydn, Szalowski and Beet-
hoven. Open to the general public,
South Quadrangle Music Committee
presents the second program of the
'spring series at 1:30 p.m. Sun., March
9 in the west Lounge of the Quad-
rangle. The program will include a.
baritone soloist, bassoon soloist and a
clarinet quartette.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for George Ed-
ward Dombrowski, Electrical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "A Small-Signal Theory of
Electron-Wave Interaction in Crossed
Electric and Magnetic Fields," Mon.,
March 10, 3076 E. Engineering Bldg. at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. G. Dow.
Placement Notices
The following school systems hav.
listed teaching vacancies with the
Bureau of Appointments for the 1958-
1959 school year. They will not be here
to interview at this time.
Arlington Heights, I2. - Elementary:
Elementary vocal Music; Jr. H.S. Eng-
lish/Social Studies; Sc;ence; Mathe-
matics; Girls Physical Education; In-
dustrial Arts.
.Avon Lake, Ohio (Lorain County) --
Elementary; Elementary Music/Art;
Elementary Music; H.S. Mathematics;
English; Social Science; Science (Gen-
eral); Speech/Hearing; School Librari-
an; Coordinator for elementary physical
Bellevue, Ohio - Elementary; Voca-
tional Home Economics; H.S. English;
Vocal Music; Social Science.
Buffalo, N.Y. - (Cleveland Hill
Schools) - Jr. H.S. English; Science;
Music; Sr. H.S. English; Mathematics:
Social Studies; Science; Music; Nurse.

Copley, Ohio - (For April) - Ele-
mentary English. (For Sept.) - Elo-
mentary; Art; English; Home Econom-
Hancock, Mich. - Girls Physical Edu-
cation; Mathematics/Commercial; Eng-
lish/Social Studies; Librarian.
Hartland, Wis. (Arrowhead H.S.) -
Speech; English/Rrench, Spanish, Ger-
man, or Latin; Girls Physical Educa-
tion; Mathematics/Physics; Industrial
For any additional information, con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Mon., March 10
National Security Agency, Washing-
ton, D.C. Location of work - Wash-
ington, D.C. Men and women with
B.A., M.A., or Ph.D.. in Languages
(Slavic, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern,
Etc.), History, English, Political Sci-
ence, Government, etc. for Linguists



',Masters of Deceit'

Integrationists Attack Minority 'Exploitation'

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst

NEW YORK - FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover
appeals to Americans today to keep up their
guard against a conspiratorial communist
movement which "has been and is engaged
in an. all-out war against American freedom."
Despite convulsions, fiipfiops, defections and
setbacks, the communist party's hard core in
the United States still is a vast reservoir of
spy material posing a "tremendous and present
danger" to American security, the director of
the Federal, Bureau of Investigation warns in a
new book, "Masters of Deceit," published today.
When the party was founded in 1919 by a
rag-tag group of grotesque revolutionaries on
the Bolshevik model, it planted an infection
which, though limited to a relative few, could
spread dangerously, Hoover says.
"Something utterly new has taken root in
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON............ Personnel Director
CAROL PRINS ...... ....Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY ................. Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG ................ Activities Editor
JAMES BAAD .. ......Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLIER ............ Associate Sports Editor
DIANE FRASER .........Assoc. Activities Editor
THOMAS BLUES .......... Assoc. Personnel Director
BRUCE BAILEY ................ Chief Photographer

America during the past generation, a com-
munistvmentality representing a systematic,
purposive and conscious attempt to destroy
Western civilization and roll history back to
the age of barbaric cruelty and despotism, all
in the name of progress," the FBI director
"EVIL IS DEPICTED as good, terror as justice,
hate as love, obedience to a foreign master
as patriotism."
The attempt to create a "Communist Man"
will fail, Hoover says, "but we cannot afford the
luxury of waiting for it to, run its course,"
because its weapons become more formidable as
guards are lowered.
Moscow normally tries to separate the party
from spy activities, Hoover says, but the party's
thousands of members still play an important
role in Soviet espionage.
"The party is doing much to prepare the way
for Soviet espionage and, when the need arises,
will unhesitatingly supply vital assistance,"
Hoover says.
The FBI director's book, subtitled "The Story
of Communism.in America and How to Fight
It," is a painstaking survey of communism in
America and its political savagery. The book
could serve as a guide to community activities
in any free country.
"Communism in brief, has bitterly indicted
communism," Hoover says. "Communist prac-
tice has indicted community theory; com-
munist actions have indicted the perverted
-use of such lofty words as'peace,' 'justice' and
HOOVER SKETCHES communist tactics, le-
gal and illegal; its attempts at infiltration
of labor groups and mass organizations, its
use of fronts and a communist infighting which
"is vicionus a n ttrly mev ofmnr,41 nrin-

Frustration . . .
To the Editor:
WITH reference to Mr. Robert
Olson's Letter to the Editor,
March 6:
I am sure that everyone present
at the forum concerning the inte-
gration problem in the residence
halls is aware of the position
which Dean Bacon vigorously
maintains. There are those, how-
ever, who cannot seem to realize
that the- outbursts of emotion and
irrationality were not an expres-
sion of disrespect toward Dean
Bacon, but no're the frustration
usually resulting when an intelli-
gent woman refuses to answer
clear questions which would clear-
ly show the University's policy
concerning this problem - ques-
tions, let it be remembered, which
are motivated by a genuine con-
cern for ascertaining reasons for
practices which emphasize and
coddle "the rights and feelings"
of certain students at the expense
of human dignity.
It seems to me that when
rational and intelligent people as-
semble for the expressed purpose
of an interpretation of policies
and rules governing an institution,
the speaker should certainly be
capable of direct answers or justi-
fications for contradictions. Fail-
ure to even attempt this is disre-
spect for the audience and not, as
your ruffled vanity would have it,
disrespect for the snpekerp

recognize or respect the views of
others in favor of your own arbi-
trary conception of what is
May I remind you that the ob-
jections of Tuesday night and the
efforts of we "fanatics" are not
directed toward coercing any im-
mature person to "like" or even
"tolerate" people with whom they
obviously cannot get along. Rath-
er, it is to abolish a social evil,
that of the sanction and perpetu-
ation of a deliberate and malicious
exploitation of individuals and
groups within a so-called demo-
cratic society.
As a University in the focus
of international attention that
openly advocates better human
relations and accepts the tuition
of a large percentage of minority
groups, one would expect that its
administration would take pains
to concentrate on the best inter-
ests of all involved - that is,
"practice what it preaches" in its
own household as well as assume
a more responsible approach to
the students it "takes within its
One is constantly reminded
that attendance at the University
of Michigan is not a right but a
privilege. The administration has
a tendency to ignore, occasionally,
some members of the "privileged."
I am reminded of Orwell's .obser-
vation that "all animals are equal,
but some are more equal than

apply solely to friendships of
those of different races or reli-
gions nor to those who date inter-
racially, but it has meaning to
all who are obligated to University
"Instead of taking this as a
means of improvement for future
relations between students and
the administration, many of the
'interested' demonstrated that her
criticism was true," is an obscure
and illogical sentence. An accusa-
tion of emotionality has never
been, so far as I know, considered
a logical refutation of an argu-
ment - nor has it been a valid
justification for ambiguous and
incoherent statements.
May I remind you that the stu-
dents are sincerely making sug-
gestions so that the University
might be what it represents it-
self to be.
-Barbara Juppe, '57
-Durward Collins, '58
Disrespect . ,
To the Editor:
LOOKING down from a very
lofty place, apparently, Mr.
Olson finds himself "disgusted"
with the emotional outbursts he
observed at the. Tuesday night
forum on integration.
Deploring the unwillingness of
the audience to be swayed by the
speeches of Dean Bacon and Mr.
Hale, he disregards the fact that

idealistic young man or woman.
Nor, apparently, can he see why
repeated references to the sancti-
ty of private property should ring
with a hollow ache in the minds
of the many minority group mem-
bers present who had already
learned first hand how often hu-
man rights take a second place to
property rights. All he saw was
That this meeting was a sad
and painful scene is true. That
the sorrowrand the pain deserve
nothing more than a verbal repri-
mand by the proper Mr. Olson ap-
pears a shoddy evasion of reality.
--Allen Krebs, Grad.
-Carol Slater, Grad.
Concerned . .
To the Editor:
BEING a German student at
this University, I was natural-
ly concerned by reading that a
swastika was found painted on a
University building. As you all
know, this 'symbol, which has
brought the German people into
the most desperate situation of
its history, stands for brujal force,
for illegality, for racial discrim-
ination and persecution. The fact
that six million Jewish people
were killed when the swastika
governed, should be enough evi-
I do hope that the painters of
these signs were not Germans.
According to The Daily there seem

, ,:


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