THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. FEBRUARY- rnational Newcomers Find Helpful Orientation, Friendly Pe II MOp __ 7:30 a.m. They haven't been late halls of higher learning. And in London, where he'd studied pre- or missed an appointment since addition, they're meeting fellow viously. "Here everyone is so in- last Friday?" students in well-planned social formal. You can mix with them gatherings that the Orientation Actually, leaders Al Novitzsky committee hopes will set them on and it's easy to talk. You don't iand Rosalind Ribyat think their the road towards easier Integra- feel alone." Did he like the in- group is something special. It's tion in their new and strange en- formality? The answer: another one of the ten or so that's made vironment grin and the quip, "Sure, I like to up wholly of international stu- vrnet r n h up SrIlk o dents, some of whom are in the Students' Views talk." We didn't think he'd have r detssom of homarein he tis ift datoo much trouble adjusting. United States for the first time. By this fifth day of the pro- i an Under their guidance, men and gram, you could almost tell those His Japanese companion, a women from countries all over in the group who would adapt to graduate student in sociology had the world are going through the the new way of life immediately more praise for the treatment he'd procedure testing, -ynreceived so far. In his reaction to poeue-tsig x-raying, and those for whom it would take life in the United State's was the programming, registration - that longer. plagues every newcomer to the Two men from Burma sat talk- observation - delivered with ing together, a little apart from straight face, but a twinkle in the the group. Shy and soft-spoken, eye - that American women have they told us that they were study- too high a social status. But we public administration, having got- noted that his plans didn't include n their undergraduate degrees any ambitions toward reform in fiom the University of Rangoon. this line. Still a bit awed by the fast pace From one corner of the room we orientation was leading them, heard peals of laughter and a; togetherness" they were both eager to tell what summons from Miss Ribyat to "a happy surprise" it had been come over and meet a few of her for them to find people in Ann favorite charges. After even a -- ----------- ---- Arbor "so friendly, so consider- cursory glance in their direction ate." we were sure these merry-makers ' fr Across the room, a young man -three men from South America --- thatsfor sure . . . from Bombay, India was deep in -had already passed the accli- like heck, but it's clean, conversation with a fellow new- mation test, with flying colors. comer from Japan. The Indian Easy Orientation flashed a bright smile, said he'd A few minutes of joking with found the orientation "extremely them c o n f i r m e d our first d at reasonable prices. helpful. At least now I don't have thoughts. Orientation, they told and our food handlers to stop to ask somepne how to us more seriously, had really been get every place." very helpful. All three, prospective - Y1He was quick to point out how students in electrical and chemi- different Ann Arbor seemed from cal engineering, were in the' United States for the first time and "came here without knowing at all what to do." Did they know now? "You bet we do." Any special problems? "Not us, how about you?" And one of the hen whipped out a note- book and pencil ready to turn the interview and quiz the reporter. What did they like best about Ann Arbor? Three broad smiles and a chorused answer: "The women are wonderful. You can spell that with a capital "W!" If these international students were enthusiastic about orienta- tion and their greeting in Ann Ar- bor, their feelings were matched and surpassed by Miss Ribyat and Novitzsky. While Novitzsky went out for coffee with some of his group, we sat down to hear what Miss Ribyat and Orientation Com- mittee Member Janet Leckner had to say about Operation Orient In- ternationals. "Marvelous Experience" ent I'd never get along with them." Miss Ribyat's fears were never realized. After the first day with her new charges, everyone was on a first name basis; the men vow- ing they'd practice saying her name until they got it right. Soon they were all talking among themselves about everything. Liked Their Frankness Remarked Miss Ribyat: "They're all so candid, it's refresh- ing." She was especially impressed at how quickly the international students "accepted each other as friends," and remarked at the way they adroitly picked up American slang. Most gratifying was "their ex- treme appreciation." "It was just tremendous!" Miss Ribyat ex- claimed. "They're so lost when they come here, that they think the least little thing you do for them is wonderful." With riot a little awe in her voice, she described how much she had learned from "just talking" to members of her group, "This one boy from India sat down with me and in less than an hour ex- plained his whole governmental system." to have someone take a little In- terest in them." At that point we looked up to see a young Chinese standing in the doorway, waiting politely for us to notice him. "He's probably lost," explained Miss Leckner, ris- ing. A few minutes later she re- turned. The international stude it seemed, had spent the first f days of orientation in English a aptitude tests and had his ID p tures, audiometer test, x-ray, p gram advising and registration do in one day. "We'll get him through promised Miss Leckner. Bubbling over with excitem Leader Ribyat could hardly f the words to describe how mu she'd enjoyed her job. "It was most marvelous experienceI had at Michigan," she decla earnestly. Added Miss Leckni "We all feel that way about int national student orientation."' At fist, Miss Ribyat recall she'd been kind of hesitant to to charge of an international gro "I was scared they'd be so diff ent, Find uch the I've red er: er- And she recalled the man from Burma "who seemed cold and dis- led, tant until I sat down next to him ake and asked him if he was mar- up. ried. He nodded shyly. I asked if er- he missed his wife and he smiled -and added that what he missed most was his wife's cooking. Soon he was showing me pictures of his children." Says Miss Leckner: "They're all so anxious to get to know Ameri- cans. They want to share every- thing. All international students need to make a good adjustment is FEINER GLASS & PAINT CO. THE OTHER DANCE-Not everyone was at J-Hop Tuesday night. These international newcomers were among the new and old students who flocked to the Union-League sponsored dance in honor of new students. A part of the social orientation program, it was open to all free of charge. Ann Arbor, Michigan Telephone NO 8-8014 We Have All Kinds of Glass-Mirrors and Furniture Tops We Have the Nationally Advertised Paints I Free Parking in Front of Our Storo WE HAVE BEEN SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 67 YEARS I 71 THE CARTER OIL COMPANY RESEARCH LABORATORY TULSA, OKLAHOMA Affiliate of Standard Oil Company (N.J.) Will Interview Students on Feb. 18, 19 and 20, 1958 We Have Positions For: Physicists, Chemists, Mathematicians and Chemical and EARLY MORNING BRIEFING-An orientation leader gives his international charges a rundown of the day's activities as they start out in the morning. Meeting as early as 7:30 a.m., the newcomers were taken through pre-registration routines and received special tours of the University, as well as visits to different student activities. The international groups were rated as "most cooperative" and those who had highest rate of attendance to all functions. R Make an appointment through your placement office. SPECIALS BRAKE JOBS on any model car, using bonded lining $25.00 MOTOR TUNE UP-Special February 6th-14th 6.50 (includes new points and condenser. Carburetor, and timing adjustment) I I I i you've been to Greene's again We pick up and deliver FREE any place in Ann Arbor HURON-CHAPIN SERVICE SUNOCO 438 West Huron (opp. Broach Mfg.) NO 3-8155 He sure does. And if you want to, here's what you do: take a cleaning order to Greene's South University store. You'll be given a numbered ticket and entry blank with each order, for our "We Can't All Be Perfect (But We're Making Every Effort)" Contest. Tell us in 25 words or less some manner in which we could improve our service to students. Entries judged on originality, sincerity, aptness of thought. Contest ends Records !. : {'i J,' i} : : J:, ' : :j ." . -.7 I i£ r4 I