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March 06, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-06

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Sixty-Eighth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the itidividual opinions of staff writers
bn'%the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

AY, MARCH 6,1958


Imagination Needed
in Dealing with Soviets

"Can't Be Spending Money Foolishly, You Know"
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The 'Beat' Generation
Hard-Headed, Realistic
N EW YORK (M)-Is the present college generation the best America
has produced? This cheerful possibility is raised by dr. Otto Buts,
a young professor of political scienec at Princeton University.
It is part of the story of man that each generation tends to look
down its nose at the generation that is rising to replace it on the stage
of history.
So it is that the middle-aged man today, himself a survivor of what
was denounced as "thelost-generation," is often found now denouncing
the present college crop as the "silent" or "beat" generation. This


'ECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulles'
rejection of the latest Soviet proposal for
alks should have surprised only the most naive
r optimistic.
Dulles turns a cold shoulder to Soviet sugges-
ions almost as if by involuntary reflex.
The reason given this time is that the Rus-
ian suggestions for a pre-summit foreign min-
ter's meeting are "unacceptable" because they
ai1 to provide for enough advance preparation.
"We do not want to be a party to what would
e a fraud, or a hoax, and which would be
lerely a spectacle," he said.
E UNITED STATES has held that agree-
ment on the important issues for the agenda
hould take place among the foreign ministers
a summit talk is to produce positive results,
hile the Russians are opposed to agreeing on
substantial agenda before the chiefs of state
So once again, East stays east and West stays
Yesterday, President Dwight D. Eisenhower
aid the Kremlin leaders had sent a message
%ying they would be glad to consider holding
summit conference in the United States.
The United States will never close the door
n any efforts to arrange such a meeting, he
Numerous valid reasons appear for rejecting
ae latest Soviet attempt. Crucial, is the hold-
g of such a meeting without advance prepara-
on to clear the way ,for earnest across the
ble negotiations. The Soviet's insistence that
aditional conferees be replaced by equal rep-
sentation on both sides of the iron curtain
ise objections that a sovereign nation such
; Britain would be balanced against a satellite
ation such as Czechoslovakia.
Particularly, the Russian determination not
discuss German reunification appears, to the
rest, to ignore a crucial issue. These reasons
ay be enough for any nation, no longer how

much it desires solution of world tensions, to
close the door against talks that seem likely
to turn into propaganda platforms.
Once again, proposals to talk are merely
excuses to parry. Easing international tensions
appears secondary; the important thing is to
build one's own strength upon the opposition's
The argument about international inspection,
the obstacles for unification of'°Germany and
the haggling over ending nuclear energy tests
all gain force from both side's unwillingness to
actually sit down and negotiate instead of
standing up to spout propaganda.
PERHAPS sad experience has enforced a feel-
ing that Russia is not a nation one can
bargain with. Possibly, memory of the Berlin
Blockade may recall the Russians have not
exactly been scrupulous in keeping agreements
they have signed.
But the past, while beneficial, cannot always
be counted on to guide the present. If any
progress is to be made towards real world
peace, if any dissolvment of international bar-
riers is to result, a willingness to meet the
Russians with a fresh imaginative attitude is
The fact that such an approach is possible
can be seen in the recently signed cultural
exchange program. Visible in the exchange of
students and cultural groups, are the small
beginnings of cooperation.
And in declaring that the United States,
hasn't closed its door to summit talks, it seems
the time is opportune for the administration to
open its mind to some additional fresh think-
World peace will not come from automatic
rejection; the goal is approachable only by a
willingness to continually try different ap-
proaches. This takes imagination, not auto-
matic reflex actions.

-41 .'

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Searching for a Cure


How Free Is Free?

[ME QUESTION was raised recently as a
theoretical point only: may a political party
se the rights of a free society in an attempt
o destroy those same rights?-'
The answer given by P'rof. Benjamin Lip-
4ncott of the University of Minnesota's politi-
al science department was: a party may not.
The question asked here is: how free is free?
The United States prides itself, and right-
ally so, on its generations-long tradition of
olitical freedom - the right to vote as one
leases, to discuss, debate, and argue the facts
nd the issues from whatever viewpoint one
appens to take. These rights have been ex-
ounded so often they have become platitudi-
ous. They are taken for granted - as they
hould be.
At least, they always have been taken for
ranted. The last 20 years have changed that:
eedom of speech has itself become the topic
f debate in the face of increasing Communist
cpansion and the threat of "Red infiltratign"
i4his country. McCarthyism, the Smith Act
nid the Communist registration bill seem to
ave no doubt as to the winner of the debate;
ctual free speech becomes an increasingly
recious commodity in a country that, as a
hole, is "running scared."
Brought up to date, the original question
iters an entirely different context, for a'
7eory once applied cannot remain theoretical.
he United States is at present assuming Com-
unism, as representing a threat to estab-
shed institutions, mustand should be stifled
Y every means at hand. And it is operating
i this assumption.
)NE NEED only reverse the original question
to see that what is happening here is the
her side of the coin: may a free. society with-
old rights from any of its members In order
preserve them?
The answer to that question must be no,
r the question itself represents a contradic-
m. A "right" cannot be withheld; it is by
finition innate, automatic, something taken
r granted because it is always there.
Once withheld from any segment of society,

any sort of freedom becomes no longer a right,
but a privilege, to be granted or not by the
ruling group at its pleasure. By the very at-
tempt to preserve its rights, then, a free so-
ciety will sow the seeds of its destruction.
It seems, then, a vicious circle is created.
Apparently a nation must either stand by and
see its cherished jpstitutions devoured, or take
action and risk being itself the instrument of
their destruction.
It is, indeed, necessary for them to stand
aside. But only a society whose institutions are
precarious has need to "run scared." By its
very nature, a really free society has built-in
N SUCHi A SOCIETY, the most precious
right of all is the right to know both sides
of any given issue, and to decide accordingly.
Further, democracy has been defined as "the
recurring conviction that more than half the
people are right more than half the time."
Perhaps it has never been defined better; in
any case, democracy is certainly based on the
conviction that a decisive majority of the
people are entitled to formulate governmental
Given these factors - the right to know, the
right to decide and the right to see their de-
cisions implemented - the Communist threat
becomes no longer a threat but simply anoth-
er possibility - the possibility it might attract
enough of a following in this country to con-
stitute a majority. If such should eyer become
the case, this majority should, does and must
have the right to form a Communist govern-
ment, whatever the implications or. the con-
This, in itself, represents one of the most
basic of all rights, so basic as to have come
down from the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson wrote that "it is the right of
the people to alter or abolish it (the govern-
ment.) "
Only when the "rights of a free society" en-
compass this wide a sphere does that society
have the right to call itself free.

WASHINGTON - Disagreement
continues among Eisenhower
economic advisers regarding the
best way to end the "depression"
--a word which Ike used for the
first time last week.
One group believes a tax cut
and wage controls will do the
trick. Ike himself sides with these
advisers. He inclines toward the
Herbert Hoover theory, twice ex-
pressed in the past two weeks,
that there is nothing much wrong
with the economy which a little
public confidence won't cure. A
chins-up fireside chat may at-
tempt to restore that confidence.
Other advisers are more wor-
ried, believe it will take some real
pump-priming, a further drastic
cut in the Federal Reserve re-
quirements, and a sizable boost of
consumer buying power before
there is a business pick-up.
* * *
WHAT worries them is the fact
that consumers have bought so
heavily on the installment plan
that buying power is at a low
ebb. Auto production is at a dis-
couraging low. Until buying power
is restored, White House advisers
warn there will be no pick-up in
There's been a lot written about
the tragic setbacks of the Navy's
satellite Vanguard, but little
about the heroic efforts of Navy
scientists to overcome those set-
backs. One interesting feature is
that budget officers, anxious to
keep down ' overtime pay, gave
rigid instructions that scientists
should work no more than eight
hours a day, 40 hours a week.
These orders have been com-

pletely, though secretly, ignored.
The secrecy results from the fact
that Navy scientists don't want to
get into a wrangle with bidget
officers. They: simply work over-
time, but don't collect for it. The
Budget Bureau frowns on over-
time for fear government em-
ployes will come along later and
try to collect -for it. So the scien-
tists have kept their overtime to
* * *
REPUBLICAN Congressmen A.
L. (Doe) Miller and Phil Weaver
of Nebraska knew the odds were
against them when they walked
into President Eisenhower's of-
fice the other day to sound out
Ike on whether he would oust his
bloody-but-unbowed Secretary of
Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson.
dWhen they walked back out, the
odds hadn't changed. They were
still about 100 to 1 against Ben-
son's resigning, at least by Presi-
dential request.
The two Nebraska congressmen
didn't immediately lay their cards
on the table. Instead, they talked
about "economic unrest" among
Midwest farmers, which, they
contended, was bound to get worse
if Benson's order lowering dairy
support prices was allowed to go
into effect on April 1.
"There are other considerations
of a political nature, Mr. Presi-
dent," he said. "I don't want you
to think that we are selfish or
that Republican congressmen
from our part of the country are
motivated solely by their own poli-
tical futures. But our party is in
real trouble in farm areas. Every
poll and recent election shows
this to be true.

"The reason we came here to-
day, Mr. President, is to respect-
fully request that something be
done about Mr. Benson. Our party
will continue to lose prestige with
the farm vote if he remains in of-
fice until the November election."
The President thought for a
moment, then favored his visitors
with the traditional Eisenhower
* * *
"GENTLEMEN, I knew the pur-
pose of your visit today and I ap-
preciate your frankness. I shall be
equally frank with you. I have
given .this matter a lot of thought
recently and want you to know
that I recognize and am sympa-
thetic with thesproblems of Re-
publican members of Congress in
farm. areas.
"However, I have no intention
of requesting the resignation of
Mr. Benson. You may not agree
with me, but I am convinced he
is doing a good job. I could -not
in conscience fire a' man I think
is doing a good job."
"What if Mr. Benson volun-
tarily offers his resignation?"
asked Rep. Miller. "Do you mind
telling us how you might be dis-
posed in that event?"
"Well, that hasn't been done,"
replied the President, "and to the
best of my knowledge is not in
prospect. But I think I can tell
you that Secretary Benson has
agreed to reconsider his support
price order that is effective on
April 1. At the request of the
White House, he is giving this
further study and may have an
announcement soon."
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

verdict didn't Jibe at all with the
on-the-spot findings of Dr. Butz,
who, as a German-born Canadian,
felt himself in a better position to
"After all," he said, smiling,
"I'm an inside outsider.
* * *
"I HAD HEARD the younger
generation inthe United States
was a group of unthinking con-
fomists without individuality, al-
truism or dedication.
"But gradually, as I taught col-
lege classes here, year after year,
these criticisms amazed me more
and more, and seemed more unfair
to me. I sensed in these college
kids a tremendous amount of seri-
ousness, public mindedness-even
idealism - covered over with a
sophisticated casualness."
So much of what he felt to be
eyewash had been written about
the present young generation that
Dr. Butz wondered, "Why doesn't
someone ask these young college
men what they think of them-
selves-and the role they hope to
play in life?"
* C *
HE FINALLY did it himself. He
had 11 Princeton seniors, picked
pretty much at random, write
their own biographies-and their
dreams.The result is a book called
"The Unsilent Generation," and it
sold 4,000 copies in two days.
Some of the essays are sopho-
moric, as could be expected. Some
are smug. But no one who reads
them, if he accepts them as typi-
cal, can feel quite so safe again
in describing this generation as
thoughtless, silent, beat, or inter-
ested only in personal security.
"It is my determination," wrote
one, "to adhere to the belief that
each man must find his own truth
after learning the realities and
truths that exist for others; that
each man, in other words, must
decide for himself."
"The characteristic fear of our'
generation is the horror of finding
ourselves ludicrous," wrote an-
To Dr. Butz the generation now
maturing is hard-headed, realistic
-and if anything too sober.
1 NASHVILLE came Lord
Hailsham, sharp-witted chair-
man of Britain's Conservative
Party, on a sentimental journey.
His mother, Myssie Brown, who
died in 1925, was born there, the
daughter of a distinguished Ten-
nessee family (her grandfather,
Neill Brown, had been governor of
Tennessee). Lord Hailsham wanted
to visit her home, and meet his
American cousins.
One was Neill S. Brown, Nash-
ville attorney, a staunch Demo-
crat who promptly turned the
conversation to politics. Brown
asked: "Just how conservative is
the Conservative Party?"
Hailsham answered: To the left
of both the Democrats and Repub-

The Daily Official Bulletin i an
official publication of the Univer-
sity. of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing,'before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,
General Notices
The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-
land, again offers through a recipro-
cal arrangement with the Unversity
of Michigan an exchange scholarship
for a graduate from the University of
Michigan. The scholarship will provide
fees, board and lodging for the next
academic year, but not travel. How-
ever, application for a Fulbright travel
grant may be made. conomcs, Geog-
raphy, Mathematics, Medieval History,
Philosophy, Political Science, and Ro.
mance Languages are suggested as es-
pecially appropriate fields- of study.
Further information is available at the
Office of the Graduate School, and ap-
plications should be filed with the
Graduate School by March 14, 1958.
Fellowship Applications are now
available for the Margaret Kraus Rams-
dell Award. This fellowship is used to
assist students who are graduates of
the University of Michigan in pursu-
ing graduate studies in this .country or.
abroad in religious education or in pre-
paration for the Christian ministry.
Bothmen and women may apply for
the fellowship. Applications should be
made to the Dean of the Graduat
School on forms obtainable from the
Graduate School. The deadline Is
March 14, 1958.
School of Business Administration:
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admission
for the summer session or fall semester
should secure application forms in
Room 150, Sclool of Bus. Admin. Appli-
cations should be completed as soon
as possible.
Delta Delta Delta General fund
Scholarship Eligibility: any woman of
better than average academic standing;
evidence of participation in activities;
evidence of genuine need. Apply to Of-
fice of the Dean of Women, March t
through 10.
Late Permission: Women students
who attended the Stanley Quartet Con-
cert on Tues., night, Mar. 4, had late
permission until 10:45 p.m.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
Friday: Acacia, Delta Theta Phi, Kap-
pa Sigma, Lloyd, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Saturday: Acacia, Adams, Alpha Chi
Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Kap-
pa Kappa, Chinese Students Club, Chi
Phi, Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Del-
ta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Huber, Nu
Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Kap-
pa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Phi Delta Theta, P Lambda
Phi, Reeves & Scott, Sigma Phi, Tau
Delta Phi, Theta Phi, Theta Delta Chi,
Theta Xi, Wenley, Zeta Psi.
Sunday: Delta Theta Phi.
Coffee Hour for all students inter-
ested. 4:15 p.m. Fri., Mar. 7, Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the Office of Religious
Annual Industrial Relations Confer-
ence meets Mar. 8 and 7 in Rackhan
Bldg. General topic: "Public Issues and
Practical Problems in Labor' and In-
dustrialRelations." Program sessions
today at 10 a.m., 2 p.m.. and 3:15 p.m.
Changes in Circulation Hours for R-
serve Books, beginning March 8, Re-
serve books in the Undergraduate Li-
brary will circulate as follows:
Sun-Thurs., out at 9:00 p.m.; due
following morning at 9:00.
Fri., out. at 4:00 p.m.; due following
morning at 9:00.
Sat.,nout'at 4:00 p.m.; due following
afternoon at 2:00.
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures: Philip
C. Jessup, Hamilton Fish professor of
Internat onal Law and Diplomacy, Co-
lumbiaAJniversity, will speak on: "The
Role of International Courts." 4:15
p.m., March 8, Room 100, Hutchins

Academic Notices
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Fri.,
March 7, 3:30 p.m.. 5500 E. Engineering
Bldg. Prof. W. H. Wagner, Jr., will
speak on "Atmospheric Pollution by
Aeroallergens: The Ragweeds and their
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet ,Thurs., March 6, from 3,00-to
5:00 p.m. i1C 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. J. G.
Wendel will discuss a paper by A. T.
James on "The Relationship Algebra
of an Experimental Design."
Analysis Seminar. Prof. J. L. Ullman
will speak on "The Approximation of
Analytic Functions by Rational Func-
tions." The meeting is in 3010 Angell
Hall, Thurs., March 6 at 3:00 p.m.
402 Interdisciplinary seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science. "Nets with leciprocity Bias."



Rejection of Red Propaganda Defended

Heat in the East

Contradiction . .
To the Editor:
REPLY TO the letter, "Bitter
Truth," Daily of March 2: It
was to be expected that biting
answers to the Red propaganda I
translated for The Daily of Feb.
27 would follow, but I was per-
plexed by Mrs. Judy Perloe's con-
currence with most of the article.
The article is ridiculous because
it can be contradicted, not only
from the standpoint of modern
economics, but also by the facts as
one finds them 'behind the Iron
Curtain. It is not necessary to
point out flaws in Marx's thinking
and the errors in his predictions
which history has demonstrated.
Even the statement that the
working masses in a capitalist
society have not suffered increas-
ing misery, but have enjoyed a ris-
ing trend of real wages and higher
standards of living ever since the
middle of the 19th century might
sound trivial. But let us analyze
the facts a little.
* . *
I HAVE NOT seen "bread lines"
in any town of America I visited,
whether East, West, or Midwest.
I have not found "begging for
beneficence with the adminis-

where 18-year-olds have never in
their lives seen coffee, chocolate,
real wool, or good milk.
.With the Communists, people
indeed do not suffer unemploy--
ment, since their Soviet govern-
ment has plenty of work laid out
for them to do, including women
working underground in salt mines
or - slave laborers toiling in the
uranium diggings.
Over there, indeed, there is no
"inherent contradiction" between
demand and overproduction" be-
cause they do not produce for the
consumers, but for the state. In
economics, the very field in which
the Communists proposed to prove
their theories in action, the result
has been a dismal catastrophe.
In Eastern European countries,
the Communists have to perform
before a curious and objective
double-mirror, the mirror of all
Germany. The mirror of West
Germany today reflects the amaz-
ing results of an experiment in
liberal capitalism, the free market
BUT HOLD this mirror up to
the East Zone of Germanyand all
the dreary Communist slogans
about how much worse things are
under capitalism ridicule them-
SPnmeP-_ +Whiles t hh..

tion there will always be less than
in the West.
Mrs. Perloe states that in the
Communist article the "criticisms
may still be very valid . . . A
hard-headed evaluation of this
article is a far more intelligent
approach than the automatic re-
jection, by now very well developed
in this country, of everything that
the Communists have to say."
I say that the criticisms are not
valid at all because there is no
crisis in America, and not even a
depression. I automatically reject
this article because it-in typically
Communist fashion - suppresses
the truth and applies its insidious
For someone who has worked
for two years in a Soviet uranium
mine, there is nothing to evaluate;
I can only laugh at this twisted
Communist logic.
We have chosen to live in a
capitalistic society, so we have to
stick to it. If downturns in the
business cycles occur, we have to
use our remedies with all our
strength to get well soon.
It is defeatism to agree with the
article, or even part of it, and
just say "The knowledge that the
ideas in this article are substan-
tiated by actual events . . . make,
real creative thinking and con-

residence halls which was spon-
sored by the Political Issues Club.
I was disgusted with the lack of
respect shown by some of the
people who claimed an interest in
a solution to the problem. Most of
this heckling, laughing, and out-
burst of "emotions" took place
when Dean Bacon was speaking.
She did not deserve this kind of
reception. Dean Bacon gave a
direct explanation of the present
University philosophy on room-
mate placement and defended this
philosophy in terms of the criti-
cisms which she felt were unfair.
At the beginning of her remarks,
she also indicated a problem which
she felt was evident in students
who favored dorm integration-
that they are not willing to respect
or listen to views other than their
own and that they would be will-
ing to "force" their ideas on any-
one who might come to the Uni-
Instead of taking this as a
means of improvement for future
relations between student and the
administration, many of the "in-
terested" demonstrated that her
criticism was true.
* * *
MY IDEAS and rationale, and
the ideas of most students present
last night whn ae sincea in ask-,



Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
'HE MIDDLE EAST appears to be heating up
again, A decision by King Faisal of Iraq to
all Nuri Said, his ablest elder statesman, to
a premiership hints as desperation in the
t of rising Egyptian-Syrian pressure against
new Iraqi-Jordan Federation.
When that federation first was formed, obvi-
ly as a response to the Egyptian-Syrian
ion proclamation, President Gamal Abdel
sser hailed it as another move toward the
ab goal of unity. But for days recently Nasser

who have a strong hold on thd public imagina-
NASSER APPARENTLY gave up hope that
the federation of Iraq and Jordan would be
a step toward removing Iraq from the Baghdad
Pact linking an Arab country to Britain, Tur-
key, Iran and Pakistan in a northern tier
defense against communism. The Egyptian
president's repeated charges that "imperialism"
was behind the Amman-Baghdad federation
agreement were, in effect, renewed attacks on
the Baghdad Pact.
Premier Said probably is the only man in


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