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March 06, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-06

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DL. LXVII, No. 110



SGC's President
Collins Quits Job
Resignation Effective March 26;
Opens Eighth Seat in Spring Voting
Student Government Council President Joe Collins, '58, resigned
from 'GC last night.
Collins said he resigned because he will graduate in June, and
because of the large field of candidates running in the elections March
25 and 26. His resignation becomes effective March 26.
As a result, eight students instead of seven will be elected to SGC
in the elections with the final two who are chosen serving half-year
In Council action last night, SGC referred a report of the
International Center to the National and International Affairs Com--









President Dismisses}
LegalityA rguments
WASHINGTON ()-President Dwight D. Eisenhower brushed
aside the legality issue yesterdayand informed a news conference that
Vice President Richard M. Nixon would assume all-inclusive powers,
Including authority to si'gn bills, in event of presidential disability.
President Eisenhower dismissed the idea that Nixon should take
an oath as acting president, should a disability emergency arise. He
said he and Nixon assume that "we are men of good faith, and we
are honest men that are trying to do what is correct for the country."
Discusses Summit Talks
In the area of peace and foreign policy, the President said Russia
offered to attend an East-West summit conference in this country, if

-Daly--George Keeer
..SGCpresident resigns
Senior Cass
Adopts Git
Of Sculpture
The class of '58 will present the
Universityswith a bronzesesculp-
ture for the interior of the Under-
graduate Library as their senior
gift, according to Gift Committee
member Robert; Z i e g e 'm a n,
The sculpture has been ap-
proved by the Senior Board and
University officials, pending col-
lection of enough additional class
dues to cover the cost.
A sketch of the work was ap-
proved at a meeting of the Gift
Committee with University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher, assistant to
the president Erich A. Walter and"
Vice President in charge of Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis.
Ziegelman said the', sculpture
was "acceptable to all," adding
that Prof. Fredrick Wagman,' di-
rector of the Undergrduate Li-
brary, was especially enthusiastic.
The sktatue, of vari-colored
bronze, will stand in the library's
corner lounge, which is officially
designated as an exhibition area.
The project is being handled by
Prof. Thomas McClure, of the
architecture college, who drew up
the preliminary sketch. Prof. Mc-
Clure has done similar work be-
fore, including sculpture for the
inside of a new Dearborn office
Completion date has tentatively
been set for "July 1 or earlier."
The project will cost the class
$1,500, excluding the base. Ziegel-
S man said they are hoping the
plant department will build a base
for them.
The senior class treasury at
present contains $1,248, of which
$88 was collected during Febru-
ary registration. Ziegelman esti-
mated that about $500 more is
needed to cover the cost of the
sculpture plus an i n d e f i n i t e
amount for the Alumni Fund. -
In order to collect the neces-
sary amount, Senior Board re-
cording secretary Joan Wood, '58,
announced the class will conduct
a fund drive continuing until
spring vacation.
Senate Hears'.
f ,
Crime Report
*t .4a l a,+,.Tnvafivafinn nmw~-

" mittee. The report recommended
enlarging the center and increas-
ing the staff. It also asked for
further study of the center in
greater detail.
Collins told the Council a report
from, Joint Judiciary Council on
the Galens case would be forth-
coming next week. Joint Judic
held a hearing last Thursday on
the' possible violation by Galens
of the boundaries established for
its December bucket drive.
SGC changed the system of
selecting J-Hop Central Commit-
tee. The nominating committee
will consist of four members of
the present committte, with the
J-Hop Chairman serving as
Last week SGC set up the com-
mittee with the members of the
J-Hop group and two SGC mem-
bers, Lois Wurster, '60, dissented
then and offered the motion which
was accepted tonight.
A motion by the Honors System
Study Committee was tabled until
next week. The motion asked for
a trial period for the fall semes-
ter, with a study of student opin-
ion on the value of such a system.
The Council also voted to change
the composition of the Student
Activities Scholarship Board, which
chooses recipients for up to three
scholarships given by SGC each
The committee's two student
members will be officers of major
organizations or SGC members,
D -Gone
Three hundred fifty students
at the University are apparently.
supporting a dog for election to
the Student Government Coun-
The petition, signed by these
students, was taken out in the
name of Theodore Bomb, better
known as the Acacia fraternity
iidog, "Bomber."
If elected "Bomber was in
favor of "drinking beer in the
Union" and "improving the sit-
uation of having places where
a couple can just be alone to
talk... the lack of such places
being amazing."
SGC questioned the existence
of Ted Bomb at its meeting last
night and dropped the name'
from the list of candidates for
chosen by the SOC executive com-
Three students were appointed
to the -Student Activities Bldg.
Administrative Board. The stu-
dents are Keith Oppenneer, '59,
Bob Whitworth, '61E and Jan
Willoughby, '60.

Ike's In-Lawj
Will Testify
In TV Case
House's Harris subcommittee hiredi
a new chief counsel yesterday and
at the same time, turned an in-
creasingly investigatory eye on,,an
inlaw of President Dwight D.I
Robert W. Lishman, a Washing-I
ton lawyer and registered lobby-]
ist, was named as counsel to re-
place Bernard Schwartz, firedI
three weeks ago in a controversy
still echoing In a probe of thej
Federal Communications Commis-
sion and, people who may havel
tried to influence it.-
Rep . Oren Harris (D - Ark.),
chairman of the subcommittee on1
legislative oversight, indicated
after a closed session that Col.
George Gordon Moore, Mrs. Eisen-
hower's brother-in-law, will testify
in connection with FCC's award of,
a Miami TV license.
Appears Willing
Moore expressed willingness to
appear in a letter to Rep. Harris in
which he denied having anything
to do with the granting of the
license, valued at millions of dol-
lars, to, a National Air Lines sub-
sidiary headed by, his friend G. T.
Two Democrats of the commit-
tee pr'oposed nonetheless that the
group look into Moore's relation-
ship with a director of the TV
firm, George Gibbs, a partner of
Moore's in a Dominican .Republic
shipyard venture.,
Democrats Suggest
Reps. Peter Mack (D-Ill.) and
John Williams JD-Miss.) made
the suggestion. Rep. Mack said he
felt the Moore-Gibbs relationship
"has a distinct bearing on the case
in Miami."
Rep. Harris announced the ap-
pointment of the 54-year-old Lish-1
man in the midst of an unresolved
debate on whether the subcom-
mittee can or should invite testi-1
mony from three senators accused
by several 'witnesses of putting
pressure on FCC.

he wishes. That would be prefer-
able, if it were a long conference,
he said, because of his constitu-
tional duties and the~need of sign-
ing official papers.
The President underlined in em-
phatic tones his position that "we
will never close the door" to a
summit session. No matter what
the difficulty, he said, he is ready
to start down any possible avenue,
"no matter how crooked, no mat-
ter how narrow, if . . . it will take
us toward some easing of tensions
in the world."
Supports Dulles
Yet President Eisenhower up-
held.. Secretary of State Dulles'
rejection of Soviet terms for an
advance conference of foreign
He said: "It is absolutely futile*
and, in my opinion, damaging, to
attempt to hold a summit meeting
unless the agenda and the sub-:
jects included on it are so well pre-
pared as to give a genuine belief
that real progress, if not fixed
agreement, but real progress to-
ward easing of tensions can be
North Korea
Releases 26
PANMUNJOM, Korea M---Red
North Korea said it< would return
later today 26 of the 34 persons
aboard a commercial airliner that
flew into North Korea Feb. 16.
The group includes two Ameri-
cans, two West Germans and 22,
The Americans are Willis P.
Hobbs of Vallejo, Calif., pilot of
the plane, and Lt. Co. Howard W.
McClellan of Buchanan, Mich.,
copilot. McClellan is a United,
States Air Force officer. He was
logging extra flying time lnd pay
for the flight.
The plane took off on a regular
Pusan-Seoul flight Sunday, Feb.
16 but did not land at Seoul. Ra-
dar scopes tracked it across the
line to a Red North Korean air
The South Korean government,
claimed the plane was taken over
by seven Communist Koreans
aboard when it left Pusan and
forced it to go into Communist
North Korea.

-Daily--George Keefer
WELL, NOW-Dean Bingley answers questions put to him by
members of the audience last night at a panel discussion of laws
and regulations affecting student's drinking on campus. Michael
Jacobson, on the left, was also a member of the panel, which was
moderated by Robert Stahl, on the right.
Drinking Prohibitions
Condemned, Defended
Debate last night over "reasonableness" of University,. state, and
local laws governing student drinking centered on prohibiting 21-year-
old students from possessing alcoholic beverages in their own apart-
One member of the audience at the Union-sponsored panel, who
identified himself as ".. . over 21 and the father of one and eight-
ninths children," questioned the University's right to govern his private
life to the extent of "Invading""'
hise private residence.f"naisD --
Assistant Dean of Men John U . .T S l
Bingley explained that the Uni- To
versity would not invade privacy o
unless sufficient cause were shown.
He - said uncalled-for invasion
would "not be deemed necessary"Y
under the by-laws of the Regents. Extra Crops
Faculty Action Mentioned
The panel consisted of Gertrude
Mulhollan, assistant dean of WASHINGTON (') -- The Sen-
women, John Bingley, assistant ate Agriculture Committee yester-
dean of men, Municipal Court day approved programs under
Judge Francis O'Brien, Alice Louie, which the United States would
president of Women's Judiciary sell, trade or give away nearly six
council and Mike Jacobson, presi- billion dollars worth of farm sur-
dent of Joint Judiciary. pluses in the next two years.
Bingley pointed out that drink The bluerint for overseas dis-
ing in student residences was pro- posal of surpluses was more than
hibited. by the Student Conduct double the requests by Secretary
Committee, a faculty group, of Agriculture Ezra Benson. It ig-
Responsibility Explained nored his recommendations for
"Double jeopardy" was charged tapering off the barter of farm
by several, members of the audi- commodities on world markets.
ence in maintaining that fines by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
the Municipal Court with subse- and Benson had recommended a
quent, additional, fines by the one-year extension of the dispo-
Joint Judiciary were 'punishmpnt sal program, together with anoth-
for the same crime. er 1:V2 billion dollars of authority

Believe Loss Due to Radio Fail
Or Crack-Up in Earth's Atmospi
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. ()-The Army lost its second M
satellite yesterday, minutes after firing it spaceward with the juX
Scientists said odds are that it didn't go into orbit and g
that the satellite's radios may have failed, or it might have c
back into the earth's atmosphere.
In either case, they don't know where it is and probably
be able to decide the fate of the Explorer Ir for several days.
Misfiring Indicated
In Pasadena, Calif., Dr. William Pickering, head of the Je
pulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology,
Maj. Gen. John B. Medaris, Army "
missile chief, in this statement:
"There is every indication that H atcher H
the satellite fired today did not~~ t h r f
function normally and there is a
great probability that it is not in
orbit. No further information will a tp
be available until technical data
are interpreted and reduced. This
will probably take several days. Budget Cu
One Signal Reported
A Reuters dispatch from Cape-
town, South Africa said radio Presidents of Michigan's
technician Gordon Angilley, who largest universities met wit
has already tracked signals from legislators in a closed-doe
Explorer I and Sputniks I and II ference Tuesday morning
claimed last night to have picked effort to reach an agreemer
up signals from Explorer ii. ceningrequested budgets:
He said he heard the signal institutions.
from the 108th megacycle trans- "However," President E
mitter of Explorer II between 1950 said, "nothing was discus
and 2007 (2:50 and 3:07 p.m. EST) the meeting which cpuld' n
today - about two hours after been, discussed with the
the American s a t 111 t e was present." Sen. Elmer R.
launched at 1:38 p.m. EsT.r t R-Blissfield), chairman
Pickering, whose 'laboratory Senate Finance Committei
staff helped build the Army's indicated that he understoo
Jupiter-C, said there was only one (the educators) would not
report that a radio signal had been questions on such short nc
received from Explorer II, and' the press were present.
that was questionable. It came At the hastily-called in
from a station at Inyorken, Calif. conference in Lansing, the
There was no immediate com- educators emphasized it is
ment at the Air Force Missile Test tionable" that they can cc
Center at Cape Canaveral. without budget increases.
It was learned that the diffi- - More Slashes Expecte
culty which held up the firing of In January the Universit
the satellite 18 minutes this after- quest for 1958-59 operating
noon was attributed to a,tape re- was slashed almost $6 mil
corder weighing just half a pound. Gov. G. Mennen William
Recorder Used r- legislature it is expected, a
The 32A7-pound tube-like moon tempt cutting the reques
would have been able to condense When asked by the con
its experience with cosmic rays if he felt that the Universit;
on each trip around the world. Qperate effectively on the
In checking out the little tape amount of money it had las
recording device' in the satellite or less, President Hatcher
before the firing, it was found it "definitely not."
failed to work. "We are operating at prac
Then at 1:28 p.m. 1ST, the base level now and our ani
Jupiter-C blasted off from its pad, ed costs for the coming ye
rising gracefully and strong from considerably above this 3
the Cape Canaveral launching site President Hatcher said. Tt
on a tail of orange flame. sons for the costs inclu

Jacobson explained that "stu-
dents have a dual responsibility."
Responsibility both to the Ann
Arbor and to the University com-
munities was stressed by Judge



Cyrano Chosen Sole Survivor of 'Balloon Debate',

Cyrano de Bergerac was the last survivor of the International
Students Association's leaking balloon last night.
Asserting that "love is the ultimate dream and goal of every man
and woman and I am the true giver of ultimate love," de Bergerac,
defended by Thomas David, Grad., of India, won the ISA Balloon
"Everything is only to serve or enhance this love," he added. "The
'others here tonight are merely mediums which aid in the search for
love. I symbolize the giver of ultimate love because I gave my loved
one the chance to find her true love."
Seven Contestants Featured
The debate featured seven contestants, each vying for the sur-
viving position in the hypothetical balloon. Each speaker was assigned
a final position by a vote of the audience.
Machiavelli, whose case was presented by Fredrico Spantigati,
Grad., of Italy, was chosen to jump first, followed by Laika, the
Sputnik dog, portrayed by Ian Scariasbrick, Grad., from England.
Thirdani fourth tn plan frm the 1eainzgasbae we. the

to sell surpluses for foreign cur-!
Instead, the Senate committee:
Extended the foreign currency
sales for two years beyond next
June 30, making one and one-half
billion dollars available in each
fiscal year plus another one-half
billion for the period until next
July 1.
Directed the Secretary of Agri-
culture to barter up to 500 million
dollars worth of farm surpluses
annually on a permanent basis.
Made some 410 million dollars
available for outright gifts or do-
nations of farm surpluses over-
seas to help alleviate disasters and
emergencies during the two years.
Chairman Allen Ellender (D-
La.), predicted the committee also
would approve, perhaps today, leg-
Islation that would freeze farm
price supports at or above last
year's levels.
Syria Accuses
Saud of Plot
T AINA.j*TTt 12 ...siot ntpit

Officias Say
County Faces
Fiscal Crises
A financial crisis, pushed on by
increasing unemployment and ris-
ing welfare payments, may hit
Washtenaw County this fall, ac-
cording to testimony revealed'yes-
terday before the House Ways and
Means Committee.
County Social Welfare Director'
Alfred E. Brose said during the
hearing in . nsing that the
amount of welfare payments al-
most doubled from December to
January and funds allocated
probably will run out in Septem-
Members of the House commit-
tee told Brose, Louis C. Miriani,
mayor of Detroit, and welfare di-
rectors from other counties the
state has also run out of money.
County Treasurer William F.
Verner said yesterday the coun-
ty's position may not be much.
better this fall. He said.the coun-
ty's reserve has reached its lwo-
est point in six years.

creased operating costs b
about by more buildings at
a suggested increase in pro
Pay Raises Emphasize
Elaborating on the propos
increases, President Hatche
"We are faced with the p
of either allowing our to
to go to higher-bidding cc
tors or offering'them suital
scales here. We have expel
a shortage of high-level to
this Year and the competi
becoming stiffer."
' All three educators emp
this fact, pointing to pay
of five to 10 per cent in :
sota, Illinois and other stE
President Hatcher stresse
the'meeting was only an in
preliminary one. More d
budget hearings will behel
with a definite budget p:
being reached In mid-Apri
Tice Named
To New Pos"
Sheriff Robert E. Lillie
day named newly-appoint
dersheriff Roy Tice depa
personnel officer.


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