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March 05, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-05

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom




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J.S. Turns Down
Jew Summit Bid
Latest Soviet Conference Proposal
Considered Unacceptable by Dulles

Reveal College aculties

'U' Salaries
well Above

WASHINGTON (JP)-The United States yesterday rejected Russia's
dd for a summit conference on Soviet terms.
"As it stands, the position of the Soviet Union seems to be unac-
eptable," Secretary of State.John Foster Dulles declared.
The chief objection to the Soviet formula was that it failed to
ermit adequate advance preparation which might turn up possible
oints of United States-Soviet agreement.
Proposal 'Ambiguous'
Dulles labeled the Soviet formula as ambiguous because, he said;
he Russians say they want summit agreements but block diplomatic
explorations which might pave the

m e det) n d i s a b i l i t y t o ud

WASHINGTON (M)-A group of
Democratic and Republican sena-
tors introduced yesterday a con-
stitutional amendment that would
supplant the disability arrange-
ment between President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon.
Sen. William Knowland. (R-
Calif.) said the proposal is "gen-
erally acceptable" to the Eisen-
hower administration.
President Eisenhower called for
an amendment two years ago after
he suffered the first of three seri-
ous illnesses-his 1955 heart at-
Fixes Procedures
The proposal amendment fixes
procedures under which the vice-
president would become acting
president should the chief execu-
tive become disabled. Its chief
sponsors were Sens. Estes Kefau-
ver (D-Tenn.), and Everett Dirk-
sen (R-I.)-
Sen. Knowland said he hopes
for early action by the Senate Ju-
diciary Committee on the plan.
Agrees with Rodgers
Sen. Kefauver told the Senate
he agrees with Attorney General
Rogers that the Constitution now
gives the vice-president sole re-
sponsibility for determining
whether a president is unable to
carry out his duties, if the presi-
dent himself does not make such
a finding.
This is the procedure to be fol-
lowed under the Eisenhower-Nixon
agreement made public Monday.
} R ecord Field
Enters prin'
A record number of candidates
.-19-turned in their petitions
yesterday for the Student Govern-
ment Council elections March 25
and 26.
The previous high of 14 candi-
dates for a regular election was
set in March 1956, and tied in
November of that year. Twenty-
four persons ran for 11 posts in
March, 1955, in SGC's first elec-
tion. The present number of candi-
d sates, however, is a, record for
regular elections since then.,
Petitioning for SGC closed yes-
Fterday, although 'candidates for
other campus offices nhave until
next Wednesday to turn in peti-
Those running for SGC Include
* Steve Bailie, 60; Ted Bomb, '59;
Peter Brown, '60; Scott Chrysler,
'59BAd.; Ron Gregg, '60; Jo Har-
dee, '60; Bruce Hoffman, '59; Carol'
Holland, '60; and Paul Kampner,
Dadid Kessel, Grad.; Bruce Mc-
Ritchie, '59; Fred Merrill, '59; Dick
Odgers, '59; Sue Rockne, '59;
Y ,Roger Seasonwein, '61; David Tay-
lor, '60; Mort E. Wise, '59; Lois
Wurster, '60; and Phil Zook, '60,
are also candidates for the seven
positions to be filled.
Student Chief
Vetoes Indiana
,Bias Proposal
Ed Whalen, President of Indiana

way for agreement.
"I don't know of any significant
matter where the presently known
positions give a reasonable like-
lihood of agreement," Dulles
"It may ...' be possible through'
proper exploration to find some;
we want a summit meeting
tliat will really accomplish some-
Proposed Friday
"We do not want to be a party
to what would be a fraud, or a
hoax and which would be
merely a spectacle. Nor do we
want to . . expose differences
in an acrimonious way, which
would increase tension."
The Sgviet proposal was laid
down in notes last Friday to the
United States, Britain and France.
The Soviets called in essence for
a foreign ministers meeting in
April with a prior commitment to,
a summit conference in June.
Gold War End 'Fiction'
Dulles said -the, Russians are
proposing with unscrupulous pro-
paganda to "substitute a fiction
for reality .. . a fiction that the
cold war has come to an end."
The secretary said the United
States reply to the Soviet note
would express "a willingness to
proceed through any workable
channels to arrive at what would
be meaningful decisions."
SOC ;Repoart
Urges Center
Be*,En larged
A report urging an increase in
the International Center staff and,
asking for a study of the possi-
bility of building a new center,
will be givento Student Govern-
ment Council at 7:30 p.m. today,
in the Council Room of the Stu-.
dent Activities Bldg.
The report, prepared by a com-
mittee chaired by Jean Scruggs,
'58, points out the International
Center has a staff of 10 for 1,414
international students. "Only three
counselors are available.. . . The
counselors must carry other re-
sponsibilities due t¢ lack of per-
sonnel," the report says.
"In each service which the Cen-
ter provides, be it filing cards or
giving banquets, it is hindered by
the inadequate facilities."
The report recommends a fur-.
ther study of the center.
SOC President Joe 'Collins, '58,
WXill report on the Joint Judiciary
Council hearing Thursday on the
pfossible Galens infraction of a
Council ban on conducting its
bucket drive on campus.

U.S. Meant
Incomes Don't Meet
Rising Cost of Living
"Shamefully low" average salary'
figures for the nation's college
faculty members were reported in
Washington yesterday by the Fed-
eral Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare.'
While the University's faculty
members are paid "quite a bit'
above average," they have lost
ground to the increasing cost of
living and higher tax levels, 'Uni-
versity fficials said.
The udy announced yesterday
of nearly 1,150 colleges and uni-
versities reveals salaries for faculty
members will average $6,120 this
Average Here $7,960
University Vice - President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-
huss said the 1956-57 average here
is' 47,960.
However, according to a United
States Department of Labor re-
port, the cost of living has in-
creased 98 per cent since 1939.
The University has raised sal-
aries ,12 per cent since, that time1
but increased federal taxes. havej
caused the net disposable income
of faculty members to actually de-
cline two per cent since 1939, ac-
cording to University figures.
Percentage Increase Small
The 12 per cent increase is one
of . the smallest granted to any-
group of workers in the United
Employees of the State of Mich-
igan have received increases aver-
aging 55 per cent since 1939. How-
ever,, a state senator said at the
begining of the present legisla-
tive session that pay hikes for civil
service employees were unlikely
and the same would thus be true"
for faculty members. The Univer-
sity is seeking a 10 per cent in-
crease for faculty members, which
would include merit increases and
an across the board wage hike.
At a Regents meeting held Feb-
ruary 16, 1957, Vice President Nie-
huss warned that other schools
are "raiding" the University's
teaching staff with offers of high-
er pay, department chirmanships
and deanships.
Odegaard Climaxes Departures
Faculty departures during the
past year were climaxed by the
announcement early last month
that Charles E. Odegaard, dean of
the literary college, will become
president of the University of
Washington in Seattle. Arthur
Brandon last spring resigned as
Director of University Relations to
become vice-president of New York
Pointing to competition with in-
dustry for qualified personnel, Vice
President Niehuss yesterday said
that "compared with the income
potential in professions which re-
quire equal training and ability,
the college teaching profession is
definitely underpaid.
"In order to make the field more
attractive, it is essential that in-
come opportunities be improved,"
he said.

In Strike
WASHINGTON (P)-Stories of
dynamitings, shotgun blasts and
acid throwings studded yesterday's
testimony in the Senate Rackets
Committee's investigation of the
45-month-old Kohler Co.strike.
Most of the witnesses who de-
picted themselves as targets of
violence were non-striking work-
ers at the Wisconsin bathroom fix-
tures firm. One striker complained
of being called "goon" and of
having his car showered with acid.
Moede Testifies
Gilbert Moede, a Kohler worker
since 1926; testified he didn't sup-
port the United Auto Workers on
its strike and,. after his country
place was damaged by acid, he quit
Kohler last summer in fear of
further reprisals.
Moede said he lives in a cot-
tage about 80 iles north of the
Kohler plant. He said while en-
tering the plant pickets threatened
that his cottage would be dam-
Acid Thrown
He said finally this happened,
that acid was thrown all 'over
family antiques at the country
"I had to give up my job on
account of the strike activities,"
Moede said. "I just couldn't stand
it any more. That's not a way to
He said he quit despite strong
feelings about a man's right to
Word News
Round UP
Sy The Associated Press
SINGAPORE-Several thousand
Indonesian troops were reported
poised yesterday- for an invasion
of rebel-held Central Sumatra.
Crews of small trading vessels
reaching Singapore ,quoted Indo-
nesian army sources as saying
5,000 troops would use Tandjung
Pinang in the Riouw Islands for
an attack aimed at taking Pakan-
* * *
SEOUL, Korea - North Korea
Communists may bring the pas-
sengers and crew of a hijacked
airliner into a United' Nations
bargaining session tomorrow in an
effort to win some kind of recog-
nition of their government.
CINCINNATI-James. R. Hoffa
yesterday pledged the "financial
and physical" support of his Team-
sters' Union to the Bakery and
Confectionary Workers Interna-
tional Union in "any dispute with
an employer or any other group."
* * *
subcommittee backed away fast
yesterday from asking any sena-
tors to testify in the Federal Com-
munications Commission inquiry.


Television Classes for Credit Termed 'Successful
By PHILIP MUNCK attend one hour of combined dis- ect, to just one student. The lec-
The first semester's program of cussion and quiz time for each ture has an alnost seminar-like
educational television courses of- course. These groups are led by atmosphere.
fered for undergraduate credit by members of the University of De- Television .ouses made it pos-
the University of Detroit seems to troits staff. sible for people to take courses
be successful, University of De- Last semester four courses were who otherwise would never have
troit's educational television direc- offered for credit - a course in been able to, Prof. Arlinghaus
tor Prof. Francis Arlinghaus said introductory western history, an commented. "One girl was so badly
yesterday.introductory psychology course, crippled that she would never have
yesterday.Spnih ndfrs
"We have to be cautious when first semester Spanish and fresh- been able to attend regular classes.
speaking of a program which has man English. Second semester She took all four television courses
only been in evistence a year," he continuations of these courses are and did very well."
continued, "but both the members being conducted this spring. Contact Not Reduced
of the faculty who taught the Psycholog Most Popular e levision achg doe p
{ ::,:i. ."::: .r::r: 'courses and the students who took Psychology seemed to . be theprcayreueesolcntt
them are enthusiastic." most popular course, he said, fol- between the student and instructor
The grades of the students who lowed by history, English and in a lecture type of course Prof
watched the lectures at home are Spanish. Arlinghaus said. "I know from
comparable with those of students The instructors of these courses, teaching lectures that most of the
who watched the lectures on a Prof. Arlinghaus said, have had to questions asked by students In lec-
a "closed circuit" and in regular change their teaching techniques ture would usually have been an-
classes. according to Prof. Arling- somewhat. "They had to plan their . -k-. - ..

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