"What's The Latest On Getting In From Outer Space?" ELg Li ir gatBatiy Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" CHORAL UNION SERIES Chicago Symphon Precise, Polished SUNDAY EVENING the University Musical Society presented the Chicago Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Fritz Reiner. This, the eighth concert of the Choral Union series, consisted of music from four periods: Classic, Romantic, Impressionistic and Mooern. These selections provided a challenge which resulted in a convincing and thorough performance. The program commenced with the overture to, the comic opera Beatrice and Benedict by Hector Berlioz. Fritz Reiner pre- sented a refined reading of this richly orchestrated score. Demon- * Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This us t be noted in all reprints. UESDAY, MARC# 4,1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER The New Deal's Twenty-Fifth Anniversary LL AT ONCE it appeared as though the Democratic Party, which, had thwarted the orces of radicalism under Cleveland and had hanneled those forces constructively under Vilson, had been engulfed by the oddest assort- nent of the politically unwashed since the ackwoodsmen who stormed Jackson's inau- ural ball. They were high-minded social work-, rs, unemployed politicians, chalk-covered pro- essors, bright young lawyers, but many of them alked like Populists, Greenbackers, Socialists, Bonus marchers, and in a "hundred days" both hey and their enemies were convinced they iad remade the nation. It was feverish; it was nakeshift; it was contradictory; it was "plan- aing" without a plan, and some said it was in- ane, but somehow the nation which had re- erved what little capacity for humor it had >een able to retain for the shy, stocky man with the starched collar around his neck, who ept insisting until no one but he believed it, hat all that the country needed was a restora- ion of basic confidence, somehow that nation ook heart when the spry, cocky man with the teel brace around his legs assured them that heir only real fear was "fear itself." It was frankly an experiment, or rather a housand experiments, made at a time when onsistent, well-considered plans were unavail- ble and when imaginative, but most of all requent experimentation-sometimes cautious, ometimes reckless-were all that would satisfy he. national yearning for action. The New Deal was a blending of many philosophies and eco- iomlc theories-that competition was the life- blood of American calbitalism, that "excessive" ompetition was wasteful of badly needed re- ources, that tariffs represented a subsidy to me segment of the economy to the detriment )f the whole,.that farm price supports repre- sented a subsidy to one segment to the benefit )f the whole, that monopolists and "economic oyalists" had a stranglehold on the economy, hat labor unions must be given power to equal bhat of the capitalists, that government should et an example of wise economic management Ind' elimination of waste, that unbalanced mdgets were essential to the health of a de- ri ssed economy. :But the activity, the energy, the chaos-how- iver undirected or misdirected some of it may' have been--served to inspire a nation in which the most characteristic activity had long ago left the factories and entered the soup kitchens. THE GREATEST IRONY of the era was that those who stood to gain most in prosperity, those who had lost most in the Great Depres- sion because they had the most to lose, were those who posed most vehemently the best- conceived means of restoring prosperity-the unbalanced budget. The New Deal was ruth- lessly partisan in its ultimate anti-big business, pro-labor philosophy and in many of its legisla- tive measures. But its key feature, the attempt to restore a high level of economic activity, albeit in the name of full employment of labor, were national in their effects, for the prosperity which was the goal of so many attempts to bolster demand was to be a general prosperity -not a gain to labor or the unemployed at the expense of capital;-just as the Depression had been a general one. The New Deal was a genuine and successful effort to save capitalism at a time when a million American voters re- jected it, and only through a shocking rigidity of mind did the princes of capitalism fight it with all the bitterness at their command. THAT THE Eisenhower Administration has seen fit to expand and nurture many New Deal projects, to anticipate the use of those most controversial of anti-depression weapons, public'works and an unbalanced budget; that a national magazine, after castigating the Demo- crats during the 1952 election campaign, de- voted considerable space.in a post-election issue to describing- hpw "depression-proof" the eco- nomy had become due , to the uncredited changes of the previous twenty years; that New Republicanism differs less from New Dealism than from Old Republicanism; this is the greatest irony of the aftermath. Twenty-five years later this wave of social revolution, the New Deal, has in fact become "old hat," and the generation which has yet to face its "rendevous with destiny"can only be impressed with the, extent to which even the bitterest of those princes of capitalism and their spokesmen and heirs now embrace, albeit backhandedly, as basic features of American capitalism, so many of the basic reforms and means to recovery initiated by "that man" and his dedicated band of cynics and idealists. -PETER ECKSTEIN Editorr -t 6)i95'$ 'ri4G a.Axtt~6r~t~OAiposr 4-,. THE CULTURE BIT: Hanging Time at the Union By DAVID NEWMAN strating a high degree of fines a reserved (almost overly so) rendition. The Symphony No. 36, K. 425, by Mozart is an able representa- tive of the Classic period. The music of this period presents a formidable challenge to any en- semble. Clarity is a necessity. It received that type of reading. The group played with impeccable dy- namics and balance. The second and final move- ments fared especially well with delicate phrasing. Dynamics were restrained with loud passages never becoming overbearing. The tempo of the first movement and the minuet seemed slightly on the slow side. . The Spanish Rhapsody by Maurice Ravel ended the first sec- tion. Orchestrated similarly to the Berlioz, this suite received a col- orful and at times exciting per- formance. This and the Prokofieff contained numerous callenging solo passages which were played in a manner ably demonstrating the superior quality of this group. Much' of the strength of this music lies in its rich orchestration. The craftsmanship is superior, but here, as in other works by this composer, we find a lack of satisfying melodic material. Also, one wonders why the loud pas- sages in this selection were played in such a different manner than similar ones in the opening work, THE SYMPHONY No. 5 by Serge .Prokofieff is a daring, thought-provoking work. It begins with a rather slow, unpretentious movement. The second movement is dominated by martial-sounding melodies. Here we find the biting sarcasm which is Prokofieff's trademark. Much of the material probably would seem trite in the hands of other composers but here it is fresh and satisfying. The third movement returns to the mood of the first movement, moves to a.tragic climax and then a sudden calm. The finale moves forward briskly, with a reserved air of optimism, to a surprising climax of dissonance. Fritz Reiner conducted this composition, a worthy representative of a rather enigmatic composer, in an accur- ate and stimulating manner. The Chicago Symphony Or- chestra is a highly polished en- semble capable of truly fine work. Precision was a by-word of this performance hampered only by the question of dynamics in the opening number and tempo in the Mozart. -Leroy Jaffe Two Offers R USSIA'S Nikita Khrushchev offered the world a tranquiliz- er last week-and a new warning. "All we want is peace," Khrush- chev claimed while marking the Red Army's 40th anniversary, but he again declared Soviet forces are being supplied with "the most terrifying weapons of all times ... such weapons as have never ex- isted before." On the same day; the Soviets set off their 27th nuclear blast. -Newsweek Se@, Undergraduate Reading Habit 0 the orchestra responded with DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE CONFERENCE held last week on "the undergraduate reading habit" pointed out a disturbing fact that students don't read enough. Some statistics were cited in sup- port, and, -although they might have been a little less confusing, they showed the under- grads did very little "free reading." The phrase is perhaps a misnomer, but es- sentially "free reading" means that students read what they want to, without the com- pulsion of, class assignments. The professors, liberarians and others interested all agreed stu- dents didn't do enough free reading. One survey showed that approximately 94 per cent of the reading college students do is connected with classwork. This means the av- erage student spends no more than an hour a week reading books of his own choice. Of the people who submitted papers to the conference, several-notably including Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology department- several were familiar with the University. Some of the suggestions for improving the undergrad's reading habit that came out of the conference were: more extensive honors courses, improvement of honor student status, increased association with faculty, better fac- ulty, more suggestion of books in class, in- creased book buying, and-at least for the so- cial scionces-increased emphasis on fiction, and better writing of non-fiction. ALL OF THESE IDEAS are sound, we think, and could be applied with more or less suc- cess at the University. We would, however, like to quarrel with the validity of the 'statistics. As nearly as we could gather, any statistics on bookreading were based on books withdrawn from the college library. This assumes that a negligible amount of "free reading" books are bought at campus bookstores, an assumption we will grant. But what we are not willing to grant is that there Is an intellectual hiatus from the time students leave campus in June until they return in the fall. It is in the summer, we think, that the ma- jority of students who do any reading, and who are ever going to do any reading, read. Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor This is in spite of the fact that reading dur- ing summer vacation is a "busman's holi- day" and, for good reasons, summer is the generally accepted season for light reading. Howeverr we would be willing to bet that light summer reading for many students in- cluded "The Republic," "The Brothers Kara- mazov," and much important recent writing. But when conscientious students come back to school and are run through the statistical wringer they emerge as students who don't read enough. Why don't they? We would say three things: students don't have enough time because of challenging courses, extra-curricular activi- ties, and over-emphasis on grades. Obviously, nothing should be done about challenging courses, the main' reason for a school's existance. Extra-curricular activities, although their value in relation to time spent is debatable, are here to stay at the Univer- sity. The emphasis on grades is a big, although unnoticed factor 'in explaining the absence of "free reading." Any student, especially the most conscientious, will often spend extra hours on his courses learning minute details "cold" because of the emphasis on grades. Without this emphasis, he very easily might spend more of his time reading in other books-"free read- ring" in the best sense of the word. IF IT IS UNREALISTIC to assume that the more conscientious student has or is likely to have any free time, and we think it is un- realistic, then we think the best answer to the problem of "free reading" is to provide a Uni- versity course that embodies the ideas of "free reading." Briefly, such a course would have students selecting their own books, discussing them with faculty members and, reporting on all the books. Anyone obnoxious enough to say that making "free reading" part of the curriculum would not make it flee any more hasn't realized that free reading only means that the student chooses his own books not that they read them in a University course. To the person who feels that the concept of "free reading" does not have enough merit to warrant inclusion in the University curriculum, we would point out, by analogy, that it is better to know one al- gebra formula than a hundred answers. To the person/who can see that "free reading" in some form is a necessary and vital part of education which the American educational sys- tem has shunted to the side, we would point out some additional features of this plan. * -4+ -. ,_ _- vi..ln r+a no c- . -A.I IT ALL BEGAN in a very busi- nesslike way. Genial Stu Frank, Union House- Committee Chair- man and coordinator of their Union Art Contest, invited us over to the Union Conference Room to watch the art exhibit being hung. So we went,' eager to learn the subtle nuances of hanging pic- tures. We arrived at three, and fought our way through last-minute con- testants blocking the hallway. There are at least 70 works of art entered this year, and every piece is put op display in th 3rd Floor Conference Room. Frank greeted us. "We're not ready to hang them yet," he said. "We've got to wait for Ray Cato. He's a guy from Arch. School who is su- pervising the hanging. Should be here any minute." * * * WHILE WAITING, Frank and his assistant, Noel Lippman, gave us a few details on the show. It will be up until March 7, includes work in four categories: oil, water-color and pastel, sculpture and ceramics, and drawings. Win- ners will receive prizes. Contes- tant's names are not revealed un- til after judging. And like that. "When are you going to hang them?" we asked, noting that it was now three-thirty. "Soon as Cato gets here," said Lippman. "He should be here any minute." While waiting, Frank told us that the Union may sponsor a Creative Arts week next year;. a week which will include a famous speaker, student drama, music, art, films, modern dance and such. "It sounds great," we said. "When will Cato get here?" "Soon," said Frank, and he went off to herd a group of Union tryouts. He directed them to begin carting the art into the exhibit room. Sweating under large can- vases -and heavy sculpture, they began their trek. "Next year, we ought. to have a size limit!" moaned one, struggling with a five-foot canvas. We looked at our watch. It was four o'clock. "The show was very successful last year," someone be- gan telling us. "Actually, the fac- ulty and townspeople seemed more interested than the students, though." We bandied this" idea around for another -ten minutes. We sat down by a phone and called a few people, chatted about the weather till four-thirty. By this time, waiting for Cato was taking on all the aspects of waiting for Godot. * * * WITH ONLY THE curses of the laboring tryouts to disturb us, we fe 1 asleep until a quarter to five.,/ Suddenly we were awak- ened. "Cato's here!" soiebody screamed. It was an unforgettable moment. Cato -was, indeed, on the scene. A sophomore in A & D, he gave us his views on hanging an art show. We rubbed the sleep from our eyes and took notes. "The show should be a beautiful compo- sition as a whole, not just a mass of paintings. You need an all-over pleasing design," he explained. "If you do it wrong, it's like taking a handful of silverware and tossing it in the drawer, rath- er than putting the knife where the knives belong and the fork where the forks belong. But of course," he shrugged, "we have limited space here." Chuckling at the large turnout of entries, Frank, Lippman and Cato led the way into the exhibit room. Piles of paintings were stacked on chairs. A maze of peg boards stood in the center of the room. Van Gogh reproductions graced the walls. "Take down the Van Goghs," said someone. "They'll win the prizes." "No, I'll put my name on 'em," retorted another. "You going to hang the paint- ings?" we asked. "I'll tell you one problem," Cato offered. "One problem is deciding which is top and which is bottom on some of these pictures." A tryout dashed into the room with a paper bag. "I've got the hooks!" he cried happily. Hooks! It looked like we were going to hang the paintings. It was now five-thirty. t* * * "Let's hang the oils," said Lipp- man. "Yeah, hang the oils," agreed a tryout. "Okay, let's leave the oils till last," said Frank. At six o'clock, as we left for dinner, the first drawing was be- ing hooked to the board. It was a very good drawing. A lot of the pictures were very good. We in- tend to go back and look at them during the exhibit. They will no doubt be hanging by then. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room '3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday,. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1955 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 108 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home, Wed., March 5, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Science Research Club,'March meet- ing will be held in the Rackham Am. phitheatre at'7:30 p.m. on Tues., March 4. Program: "Problems of Reef Fish Biology," John Bardch, Fisheries and "Elementary Particles," Donald Gaser Physics. Dues for 1957-58 accepted aft- er 7:10 p.m. Scholarships, College of Literature Science, and the Arts: Applications for scholarships for the academic year 1958-59 are now available in Room 1220 Angel Hall. All applica- tions must be returned to that office by March 14, 1958. Applicants must have had at least one semester of resi- dence in this College. Lectures Readings by Members of the English Department. Asst. Prof. Alexander W. Allison will read "Poets on Woman- kind" on Wed., March 5, at 4:10 pm. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. All interested persons invited. Films Films: Walt Disney's "Beaver valley" and "Seal Island," Wed., March 5, 7:13 p.m., East Quad dining room No. 4, South Entrance. Public invited. Concerts Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross, first violin, Gustave Rosseels, second violin, Robert Courte, viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, will perform the first program in the Spring Series at 8:30 p.m. Tues., lkarch 4, in Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will include Haydn's Quartet in E flat Major, Op. 33, No. 2, Webern's Five Movements for String Quartet, Op. 5, and Brahms "Quartet in B flat Major, Op. 67. General pub- lic will be admitted without charg. University Choir Concert, 8:30 Wed- nesday, March 12, in 'Hill Auditorium, instead of Friday, March 14, as incor- rectly listed on student recital of Janu- ary 12. Chamber Music Program Postponed. The program of chamber music pre- viously announced for Wednesday, March 5, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, has been postponed until Wednesday. March 19. Academic Notices The Philosophy 31b (Mr. Copi's lec- ture) make-up examination will be given on Wed., March 5 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 2208'Angell Hall. Instrumentation Engineering Seminar will be held on Tues., March 4 at 4:00 p.m. in room 1508 E. Engineering Bldg. Professor Donald T. -Greenwood will speak on "The Solution of Partial Dif- ferential Equations by Passive Net- work Analog Computers." German Make-up Examinations will be held Saturday, March 8, from 10 to 12 a.m. in Room 1076 Frieze Building. Please register with the departmental secretary by Friday noon, March 7. Doctoral Examination for Peter G. Nordlie, Social Psychology; thesis: "A Longitudinal Study of Interpersonal Attraction in a Natural Group Setting," Wednesday, March5, 6625 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, T. M. Newcomb. Placement Notices Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Thurs., March 6 Argus Cameras, Division of Sylvania -lectric Products, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich., Men with BA or MA in liberal arts or anyne interested in industrial administration. State YMCA's of Michigan, Lansing, Mich., Men with BA or MA in sociology, psychology, physical education, counsel- ing and guidance, philosophy and so- cial work for work for business secre- tary. Women with degrees in sociology, psychology, physical.education, coun- seling and guidance, philosophy, or so- cial work for youth program work, adult program, health and physical ed- ucation program, armed services and also as business secretaries, public re- lations directors, membership secre- taries, and metropolitan associate ei- ecutives. New York Life Insurance Co., Dear- born, Mich. Men with degrees in lib- eral arts or business administration for salesrand sales management. Bureau of the Budgei, Washington, D.C., Men with any degree in public administration, conservation, econom- ics or social sciences for analytical staff work. Men with BBA or MBA for ac- counting, financial management, fis- cal economics, or cost analysis and an- alytical staff work. Men with LLB or 2 years of law for analytical staft work. The Kroger Company, Detroit,' Mich. Men with BA or MA in liberal arts, BBA or MBA or LLB for marketing, general business, accounting and ware- th - - aanti.,.s. ...,....4..i.n , erfl.'t,* v' +r' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Movie Ban Protested, Censorship Defended, A Distinction. . To the Editor: REALIZE that this "letter to the Editor" is not aimed at criti- cism of on-campus activities or institutions, but I felt that The Michigan Daily would be the proper medium in which to get my comments across to the majority of people who are to be affected by the ban of "Time for Desire." The big taboo seems to be that the sex involved in the theme of homosexuality is too frank for and consequently too disturbing to the audience. Criteria is ". . . how much flesh is visible," rather than ". . how contributive to the theme is this overt nakedness." No mention is made of the story which is very natural in its treat- ment of a' topic seldom discussed by public entertainment devices. Sex is not played up in an abnormal manner, for the entire situation is treated on the broader perspective of the emotional re- sponses of the two sisters, the reasons for their attachment, the attitudes of the family and com- munity, and a rather good char- acter study of two or three other individuals in the story. Humor, too, is given its niche in this hardly worthwhile even on the lowest scale of degeneration and which tend to draw the gap be- tween "just plain sex" and "sex entertainment" closer together un- til, as far as values are concerned, one is the other! -Jerry Zahler, '60 Bowdlerizing.. To the Editor: TIME OF DESIRE" is a less valuable movie than "The Last Bridge." Nevertheless, I am in agreement with the Swedes who do not bowdlerize their sex. Middle- class moralists, however, always confuse nudity with sex, the two being synonymous according to an antiquated morality which, for the sake of God, country and the purity of children's minds, con- demns trivial, harmless pleasures while condoning the enormous build-up of armaments for a sui- cidal war. The American bowdlerization of sex often has curious results, as can be seen in some of the chas- tity-belt-regulations of this Uni- versity: girls are prevented from wearing their Bermuda shorts to classes; petting in the halls of Stockwell has been irohibited; of the Roman Empire? Too many American seem to think that those pleasures which are forbidden are the most enjoyable. -Eugene S. Rapi, '58 'Social Specialists' To the Editor: A FEW RADICALS have always attacked censorship. While the recent editorial in The Daily was not a strong attack, it bears watching and comment. The de- rogatory mention of "self-ap- pointed 'guardians of the public morality' ... dictate . . "shows an immature understanding of the facts: America is a complex society. Its facets are multitudinous. This is common knowledge on the scientific side of our culture and leads logically enough to speciali- zation of and in the various fields. - However, there are a few, cen- sorship radicals included, who do not follow the adaptation of this rational system into the social side of our culture. This side is as complicated as the scientific. There are fields, complex themselves, of religion, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, etc. So, our civilization has specialists in whom its col- thing, he might not recognize sub- tle harms. It is true that the specialists, the censors here, cannot know everyone personally, but still the knowledge they possess overcom- pensates for this. Therefore, the solution is simple: delegate the problem of choice (decision) *to the specialists. Any dissenters of this (censorship radi- cals) are clearly detering Progress merely for principle. Don't you worry, we will take care of you. -Omar DeWitt, '59 Suggestion . . To the Editor: T HIS LETTER has been prompt- ed by the uniformly excellent concert executed here last Sunday night by the distinguished orches- tra of Chicago under its com- mander, Dr. Fritz Reiner. If one compares programs, it may be learned that the Detroit Symphony Orchestra has appeared in Ann Arbor 43 times previous to their fiasco of last month, while the Chicago Symphony only 19 times (exclusive of May Festivals) prior to Sunday's triumph. It is my sincere hope that this p JAMES ELSMAN, AR. Editorial Director VERNON NAHRGANG City Editor Business Staff