/ 7'H FMTCHTvAN A1 ILYU. SATURDAY, 14ARCH M, 1988 i. pS Jessup Asks Acceptance Of UN Court of Justice WRITTEN BY MARCKWARDT: Oxford To Publish 'American English' FIRST CONCERT-The Stanley Quartet, in residence at the University, prepares for its first concert of the semester. After s second program in April, they will appear here this summer. The group will also participate in the performance of six Brandenburg Concertos by Bach, to be presented in two concerts.r Stanley Quartet To Perform By RONALD KOTULAK Prof. Philip C. Jessup of Colum- bia University's law school yester- day called for leadership from this country in submitting legal dis- putes to the International Court of Justice. Delivering the second of five speeches in the Thomas M. Cooley lecture series, Prof. Jessup de- clared, "The United States might well take the lead in convincing governments the submission of a case to the International Court is not an unfriendly act. "They might also be convinced the persistence of an unsettled in- ternational dispute may be more disadvantageous than an adverse judgment (by the court)." The reservation hampering the application of international jus- tice, he said, stems from a memor- andum on the United Nations charter advocated by Sec. of State John Foster Dulles in 1946. U.S. Retains Power The amendment, adopted by the Senate, stipulates the United States has full power over what cases affecting this country may or. may not be submitted to the Court for jurisdiction. Since then five other countries have followed suit: France, India, Liberia, Mexico and Pakistan. "When the Senate adopted this amendment . . . it was worried only about (the United States) be- ing made a defendant before the International Court," Prof. Jessup pointed out. "No one raised the possibility that the United States might be hampered in securing through the International Court the vindica- tion of its own rights against other states." Guatemala Dispute Pointing to the case where the Guatemalan government seized the property of the United Fruit Co., Prof. Jessup said the United v Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt of the English department has au- thored "American English," which will be published by Oxford Uni- versity Press on March 6. Relating the history of the growth and development of the English language in America from colonial to the present era, Prof. Marckwardt illustrates how Amer- ican English reflects the tradition and character of Americans. Prof. Marckwardt examines the language processes which have made American English distinctly different from its British counter- part. He points out specifically the features of British English He also explains how words that have been maintained in the [ taken over by Americans from vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall structure of American Eng- lish. Names Lend Glamor Americans tried to glamorize their monotonous existence in pioneer days through elegant names. As an example, he points out the word "saloon" is the equiv- lent of the British "public house." In another chapter, Prof. Marck- wardt deals with the terminology created by physical and environ- mental changes. foreign languages :haye changed in meaning, after having been integrated into American speech. Prof. Marckwardt has also in- cluded a chapter on the American practice of choosing names for places, streets, and even people. Chicago, an Indian word, means "place of wild onions." In conclusion, Prof. Marckwardt suggests possible future develop- ments which would influence American English. The Stanley Quartet, in resi- dence at the University, will pre- sent a concert at 8;30 p.m. Tues-l day in Rackham Lecture Hall. Their program will include "Quartet in E flat major, Op. 33,] No. 2," by Haydn; "Five Move- ments for String Quartet," by Webern and "Quartet in B flat minor, Op. 67," by Brahms. The quartet was established in 1944 by its present first violinist, Professor Gilbert Ross. Its other' members, all on the faculty of the School of Music, are Gustave Ros- DEAN CRITICIZED: IFC Decision Reversal Brings Letter by Student (Continued from Page 1) He said that MSU President John A. /Hannah said recently there would be no ' interference with the State News. William F. Mclrath, secretary to the MSUJ publications board, told The Daily that nothing un- usual had happened at all. .Nobody's goingto stand for any censorship of the News, he said. Nobody has any interests in try- ing to censor anything. He said this kind of probe hap- pens regularly in any newspaper. "Somebohy gets a little bit upset over a letter or an article, and it's "thrashed out" for a while and it's all over. Dean King when asked to give his side of the story declared the case was closed and that he had no comment. Problem "Not Yous "The problem is not your prob- lem," he told The Daily, "but rather the problem of the whole university administration, which subsidizes the paper. Make sure you go into it all the way, he said. "A student newspa- per cannot libel a person just as a public newspaper can't libel a person." He said he would offer informa- Organization Notices Ml (Use of this column for announce- ments of meetings is available to of- ficially recognized and registered stu- dent organizations only.) * * * Southeast Asia Delegation Seminar, March 1, 2 p.m., Tappan International House, 724 Tappan. Speaker: Dr. Arthur E. Link, Department of Far Eastern Languages and Literature, "Buddhist Thought in Southeast Asia'. Applicants are required to arrive at 1:00 p.m., All interested persons are welcome o at- tend. It is suggestedthatapplicants read portions of The Path of the Buddha, by Kenneth W. Morgan. .* * * Michigras, Decorations Sub-commit- tee Chairmen's meeting, March 3, 4:15 p m., Union. " * * * . Michigras, poster meeting, March 1, 2 p.m., Hobby Rm., Union. Unitarian .Student Group, lecture, March 2. 7 p.m., First Unitarian Church. Speaker: Dr. Spielman, sociolo- gist, "The Liberal in the Changing American Society." Transportation at 6:45 from Union; Lane Hall, Martha Cook and Stockwell." Graduate Outing Club, hiking, March 2, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rackham (NW entrance) Hilel, March 2, 4:30 p.m., + Latin- American Dance Classes - First lesson," Social Hall, 6 p.m., supper club, Hillel. 7 p.m. lecture, Prof. William Alston, How People Talk About God." The Se- mantics of Religious Discourse, Brasley Lounge. Michigan Christian Fellowship, lec- ture, March 2, 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speak- er: Rev. Donald Buteyn, Midland Re- formed Church, "There Is None Righteous." ASCE, meeting, March 3, 7:30 p.m., Rm, 3-D Union. Speaker: Mr. Oscar Gunderson, Planning Engineer, Wayne Count"' Rd. Comm. Ensian picture will be to ten. tion only if The Daily divulged its informatio nsources. "Where did you get your information?" he asked. "We'll trade." Prof. Plant Comments Prof. Marcus L. Plant of the University's Law School said he did not think that Smith's letter4 was libelous. , The language is pretty rough in places, he said, and it shades pretty close to libel, but Dean King is a public official and this mitigates it somewhat. He said if he were a lawyer considering the case, he would be glad to take it. IFC Decision eDisa oroints MSU Student (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the text of Gordon Smith's letter to Michigan State University's Dean of Students Thomas King.). To the Editor: I am deeply disappointed with Dean Tom King's decision to over- rule the IFC Executive Board in the ATO case. The Exec Board was set up to rule on cases which were fraternity ground functions and the criteria for a group function was approved by King. Now he maintains that the criteria was not adequate and he has reversed the IFC decision. His. ability and willingness to overrule IFC demonstrates the complete lack of freedom and ef- fectiveness under which this body labors. They are, in effect, mouth- pieces for the administration. As long as their decisions coincide with Tom King's they have "com- plete autonomoues power" but just so soon as they disagree they are immediately overruled. This policy covers not only the IFC Exec Council but extends to all student judicial bodies. "Let the student convict himself but be sure he is convicted" seems to be the motto. I am very much afraid that if this shortsighted policy is contin- ued student judicial organizations will become ever more of a farce. The men who make up these judi- cial bodies are mature and intelli- gent and theyhave the best inter- ests of the university in mind. That is why they are chosen. It is going to become increasingly diff- cult to get this type of individual to serve, because he will revolt at becoming a yes man. I believe it is the university policy to let students have judicial bodies so they may learn to be- come better citizens. If this is so, then the powers granted to these organizations should not be re- tracted at the whim of one admin- istration official. The whole future of student government is at stake here, and I only hope that enough of us realize it so something may be done. --Gordon Smith seels, second violin; Prof. Robert Courte, viola and Prof. Oliver Edel, cello. Extensive Experience Ross has had extensive concert experience in Europe and America, as both a soloist and quartet play- er before coming to the University in 1942. He has also taught at Cornell University and Smith Col- lege. Rosseels joined the School of Music faculty last year, after teaching in summer sessions at Mills College, Brigham Young University, and the Aspen Insti- tute. He played with the Paganini Quartet since its founding in 1946, appearing in over 1,200 concerts in the United States, South Amer- ica and Europe. Courte also played with the Paganini Quartet, and was viola soloist of the Brussels Opera Or-1 chestra and the Brussels Philhar- monic Orchestra. He was also tviolist of the Artis Quartet and the Gertler Quartet, both of Brus- sels. Courte joined the University and the Stanley Quartet in 1951. Has Toured Europe Edel has toured Europe and America with the Manhattan and Roth Quartets. Graduate of the Manhattan School of Music, he also studied in France; at Fon- tainbleau and Paris. He joined the University faculty in 1947. On April 1 the quartet will high- light another concert in Rackham Lecture Hall with the first Ann Arbor performance of Leon Kirch- ner's "Quartet No. 2." This work was commissioned by the Univer- sity and dedicated to the Stanley Quartet. Tuesday's concert is open to the public without charge. -Daily-Fred Merrill PROF. PHILIP JESSUP **ooley lecturer States wanted restitution made and believed the case was a mat- ter for the International Court. However, he related, "Guatemala argued that the application of their Agrarian Reform Law 'con- stitutes an act of inherent sov- ereignty . . . (for which they) could not consider . . . the possi- bility of making, this case a matter for international discussion." College Tries' Exp eriments In Education Woman's College of the Univer- sity of North Carolina is presently carrying on an experiment in teaching methods, prompted by the increasing numbers of students enrolling in American colleges and universities. Financed by the Ford Founda- tion, the trial program is using biology classes as theexperimental media. Six of 18 sections have been designated as the test groups. Students in these groups attend lab once a week, and also meet for a one-hour period during which they may question the instructor. The students are then quizzed on the material for which they were responsible. Students in these sections do not attend lecture meetings, but they are held responsible for material on a reading list which may be obtained in the library. During the year, the students in the experimental courses will be tested on the same basis as other students in the course. North Carolina hopes to deter- mine, on the basis of these tests, whether students at the freshman level can do the necessary work independently, without attending lectures. } t i i r Come Panel To Quiz U.S. Senator Three Washington newsmen will interview Sen. Paul Douglas (D- Ill.) in a news-type panel pro- gram, "Break the News!" at 8 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium. The seventh in the current series of the University Lecture course will present John C. Metcalfe, edi- tor of the Washington newsletter, "Background" as moderator of the program. Other newsmen will be Ken- neth G. Crawford, Washington Bureau Chief of Newsweek maga- zine and William H. Stringer, Washington bureau chief of the Christain Science Monitor. to Church, Sunday 9:45 A.M. Church School. 10:45 A.M. Sermon: "Journey to Jerusalem." THE CONGREGATIONALS AND DISCIPLES STUDENT GUILD 524 Thompson Street J. Edgar Edwards, Director Donna Hamilton, Associate There will be no Bible study this week because the Guild will be on its-annual Retreat. 7:00 P. M. The Student Guild will meet at the Memorial Christian Church to hear Rev. J. Edwards, Campus Minister, speak on "Under- standing Lent." Monday, 7:30 P.M. Graduate Group: James Ha- milton will speak on "Science and Values" at the Guild House. Friday, 12:00 noon, Lunch and Discussion on Lent at the Guild House. CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches of Michigan) 'l Washtenaw at Forest Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director Res. Ph. NO 5-2665; Office Ph. NO 8-7421 10:00 Morning Service. 7:00 Evening Service. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED United Church of Christ 423 South Fourth Ave. Walter S. Press, Pastor Herbert R. Lowe, Student Assistant Pastor Paul R. Eberts, Minister to Students 9:45 A.M. Coffee Hour. 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. 7:00 P.M. Presentation and discussion on se- mester topic: ? Individual-Group ? - "How Outer-Directed Are We?" UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL and STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheis, Pastor Ronald L. Johnstone, Vicar Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship Services, with sermon by the pastor, "The Character of the Atonement." (Communion in 10:45 serv- ice) Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Bible Study Groups. Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, Supper and Program. Panel Discussion, "Religion Through Mass Communication." Wednesday at 7:30: Lenten Vesper Service. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1131 Church St. Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister 10:30 Sermon, "Christ's Sacraments. 11 Holy Baptism" 7:00 P.M. Evening Worship Service. "God's Blueprint of the Future. V The Anti-Christ." FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Ave.. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School. . 11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service. 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Testimonial Service. A free reading room is maintained at 339 South Main Street. Reading room hours are: Mon- day 1:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesday - Sat- .urday 11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sunday 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT CENTER at the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave., NO 2-3580 Rev. William S. Baker, Campus Minister Miss Patricia Pickett, Assistant Sunday- Church Worship Service, 9:00 A.M., 10:30 A. M., 12:00. 10:30 A.M. Seminar on "Basic Christian Be- iefs." 11:30 A.M. Coffee Hour. 5:45 P.M. Snack Supper. 7:00 P.M. "Is There A Christian Concept of Education?" Tuesday, 9:45 P.M. Introduction to Bible Study. Tuesday, 9:00-11 :00 Open House at Pat Pickett's apartment. Wednesday, 4:15 P.M. Book Review: "The Jacob's Report" Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Lenten Worship, Dr. Wal- tersMulder, preacher. Thursday, 8:30 P.M. Drama Reading Group. Friday, 6:15 P.M. Graduate Group and Supper and Discussion, "Controversial Subjects," by Professor Ken Gordon. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan Streets Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister. i FIRST METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION 120 S. State St. Merril R. Abbey, L. Burlin Main, William B. Hutchison, Eugene A. Ransom, ministers. 9:30 A.M. Discussion group: What Methodists Believe. 9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship: Topic, "The Surest Way To Know God" by Merril R. Abbey. 5:30 P.M. Fellowship supper. 7:00 P.M. Worship program: Topic, "Jesus' Teachings about God,"by Rev. Vaughn Whi- ted. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister, 10:45 A.M. Church School. Junior Church worship, Douglas Chapel, 10:45 A.M. Dr. Fred E. Luchs at 10:45 will preach on "The Glamour of the Untraveled Road." Student Guild: 7:00 at Memorial Christian Church. The Rev. J. Edgar Edwards will speak on "Understanding Lent." ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL William and Thompson Streets Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant Sunday Masses: 8:00 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon. Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 A.M.1 Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening,,7:30,P.M. Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M. Classes each evening in Christian Doctrine, Apolo- getics, Church History,- Scholastic Philosophy, in the Father Richaird Center. THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN ANN ARBOR 106 East Liberty, 2ND FLOOR Public Discussion, Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Listen to Radio Theosophy, Sundays, 12:1 P.M. WPAG (1050 kc) ST. ANDREWS CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306,North Division Street 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and sermon follow- ed by breakfast and discussion in Canterbury House. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 5:30 P.M. Buffet Supper. 6:30 /P.M. Evening Program. 8:00 P.M. Evensong. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 502 East Huron Dr. Chester H. Loucks and the Rev, Hugh Pickett, Ministers Mrs. Beth Mahone, Assistant Student Counselor i t N I 9:45 A.M. Student Class will study, "Christian- ity and the Economic Systems-Capitalism, Socialism, Communism." 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship, Rev. Pickett wilt speak on "A Mask of Reason." 6;45 P.M. Members of 'Roger Williams Fellow- ship will meet at the Guild House to hear Dr. Fred Luchs of the Congregational' Church speak on the topic "Dating and Marriage." Monday from 9:00-10:00 Coffee hour with Beth and Charles Mahone at 705 Oakland. LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) Hill at S. Forest Rev. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor Gerald Kissell, Intern Sunday- 9:00 & 11:00 A. M. Worship Services. 10:00 A.M. Bible Study. 6:00 P.M. Supper. 7:00 P.M. Discussion of "Martin Luther" Film. Tuesday, 7:15P.M. Course: "Christ & Culture." Wednesday, 7:15 P.M. Lenten Service. Friday, 7:15 P.M. Graduate Group - Leaders: Profs. Kauper and Mendenhall. Saturday, 6:00 P.M. Married Group. ST. NICHOLAS' ORTHODOX CHURCH 41f N. Main St., Rev. Fr. Andrew Missiras, Pastor Saturday Evening-Vespers 8:00 P.M. Sunday Services-Matins 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (in Greek) 10:30 A.M. to 12 noon. y i TRY OUR NEW C m Re GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Corner State & Huron Streets William C. Bennett, Pastor 8:45 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services. Ser. FRIENDS (QUAKER) MEETING IITRY OUR NW ^f fe j'nrn f f t I ED (UA R)M TIGI 11 A