"Save Your Money-I'll Take Care of Everything" We imtlan ath Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 F iTr rll , " ' lft a Vben Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" R !' C J 0 AT THE CAMPUS: 'Bridge' A Fair Trade W HEN "TIME OF DESIRE" got the hook at the Campus Theater, Ann Arbor moviegoers got the best of the deal. Since "Time" now lies mordibund in the wings, a eulogy seems to be in order. It is interesting to speculate on the genesis of this unusual flick. A balance of power explanation seems to be the most plausible. What with France stealing a march by flouting her Brigette Bardot all over the world, it remained for the underprivileged nations to counter this attack on their womanhood. Sweden took up the challenge, but lacking quality, she offered quantity. "Put two nudes on the screen!" The potential of this idea sent minds racing. But the race was too fleet Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL KRAFT1 What Can Be Done About Housing Discrimination I- s. .. -' PROBLEM of discrimination in private Ann Arbor housing for students is a tricky one. Landlords and landladies are often very set in their ways -'which often are to discrim- inate against American minority groups or foreign students - and are often in a position where there are enough white Protestant Americans to go around, leaving few rooms left. for the others, especially Negroes and foreign students. The difficulties these persons have in finding housing - suggested by a recent Daily article which found Ann Arbor's biggest land- lady frankly admitting her exclusion policies-- are a disgrace to the city and to the country being visited by so many of those who are frequently frustrated in their attempts to seek housing. One possible solution is the passage of an Ann Arbor law forbidding discrimination in the renting of multiple dwellings above a cer- tain number of units. Another is for the Uni- versity itself to take some stand or exert some pressure on landlords to attempt to modify the practices of so many of them. The frequent contention}of landlords that other students would object to living near members of minority groups is, we'would guess, largely mythical. "Student objections" are often first revealed to students by the land- lords themselves, e.g. when some of them warn against subletting to non-whites. And with 25 rooms or apartments for rent listed in a recent issue of The Daily, economic pressure may be on the side of those who would attempt to per- suade landlords to open the doors of their buildings -to all peoples: temporarily, at least, it is just good business.- The University could do a number of things. The Regents or the President, for example, could write letters or make a public statement to recalcitrant landlords. The Dean's offices could refuse to handle discriminatory housing listings or the listings of those who had been proven to discriminate, just as they ask com- pliance. with other University moral and sani- tary standards. Or the new housing service for landlords and their tenants could be denied those who practice discrimination, Just as it now insists on compliance with other Univer- sity housing standards by users of the new lease agreements put out by the University. T IS DIFFICULT for someone who has not experienced arbitrary rejection by a land- lord or landlady to describe or fully appreciate the impact of such an incident or series of inci. dents. The point can be better made, we sus- pect, by the anonymous writer of a letter to The Daily, whose experience is too common to be labeled fictitious and too eloquent to be substituted for by any argument of ours: "I am a transfer student from Eastern Mich- igan College. Before coming to Michigan, I receivbd much information of which was most complimentary to Michigan. These comments commended Michigan for its job in furthering liberal education in the classroom, and also the practical application of this liberalism in the daily life of Ann Arbor. "However, in transferring from a fairly re- actionary little school, I have been greatly, disappointed in finding this.to be nothing more than an idealistic misconception. I have found Michigan to be liberal on the surface with a burning desire to discriminate within. I think this desire shows its ugly head quite readily in the problem of housing. "I am a student of the dark race and like many other students, I am looking for living quarters outside of the dormitory. In searching for a place, my roommate and I have encount-' ered landlord after landlord who were willing to rent their rooms by phone, but upon the arrival of my roommate and myself the rooms are taken, or "only one of the fellows have moved out." Is this overt discrimination the re- sult of my fellow university students or is it that of the Ann Arbor landlords? "In personal association with the students around campus of all origins, I have found them most enlightening, considerate, and friendly. However, according to these land- lords (two out of three) tIey are not discrimi- natory, but they are merely protecting the interest of their occupants in not associating them with the contaminated inferiors of the lower class. "I have stayed in the dormitory for two years and I have not once hArd of any ra- cial friction other than the usual heated mid- night freshman discussions carried on solely for the enlightenment of every freshman. If the students can get along in the dormitory, why can't they get along in private housing? Then, are we to conclude that the landlords are the cause of this housing discrimination. "Yes, I definitely think they are! It is too bad that our great university which takes the lead in the fields of liberal education and its application, is so deeply infected by housing discrimination. "This discrimination is instilling a scar that will be forever remembered in the minds of all the dark-skinned people of this university. "Signed, "A Contaminated Inferior". .-PETER ECESTEIN Editor 4 7 - k y f IF T vhf' _ 4965 <4 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND' WASHINGTON -Veteran.GOP Representative Clarence Brown of Ohio was joshing Speak- er Sam Rayburn of Texas about the $100,000 Texas oil dinner for ex-Speaker Joe Martin. "Everything would have been all right if Jack Porter, one of the rich oilmen down there, hadn't written that letter praising him for his support of the Natural Gas Bill," said Br o wn. "Sam, it wouldn't surprise me if you your- self ghosted that letter to embar- rass us Republicans." Rayburn,, who has done much for all the people but has a weak spot for the gas bill, stared du- biously at Brown for a moment, then broke into a grin: "You know, Clarence," he said, it hurts my state pride to think that the letter came from Texas." IT TOOK the Polish Embassy to let the nation's Capital know about one of America's budding young musicians - Sidney Harth, Louisville, Ky., violinist. At the Embassy the other even- ing, Mrs. Alben Barkley, widow of the late Vice-President, joined a group of ambassadors and dis- tinguished guests to listen to young Harth, a member of the Louisville Symphony, who went to Poland last summer and man- aged to place second in the annual Polish violin competition. Members of the Louisville Sym- phony Orchestra had enough con- fidence in Harth's ability to raise the money to send him to Poland. 'here he had to compete against some of the most noted young musicians of England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and the Iron Curtain countries. It was a people-to-people gesture which iyb urn's Texas Pride By DREW PEARSON International Student Day should be emulated in this coun- try. As Harth played in the Polish Embassy, the portrait of the late Ignace Paderewski, first President of the Polish Republic and one of the most noted pianists of mod- ern times, looked down from over the piano. Young Harth, finishing his con- cert, caught a late plane for Louisville to rehearse with his orchestra. He was acclaimed in Europe, Louisville, and Washing- ton, but the musician managers' "trust" in New York won't give him a chance on the general con- cert stage. * * * AT THE BIG bipartisan foreign aid luncheon, Republican leaders were jovial with the ex-President whom they used to pillory and who had castigated them politi- cally only two days before. It was a political scene you don't wit- ness in many countries. After Sen. Knowland of Calif- ornia and Sen. Alex Wiley of Wis- consin, Republicans, posed with Harry Truman and ex-Secretary of State Acheson, Wiley remarked privately: "I've just had my pic- ture taken with Acheson and Har- ry Truman. I guess we might all just as well go to Hell together." Mr. Truman, speaking publicly later, said: "I've just had my pic- ture taken with Republican lead- ers and Democratic leaders. If that doesn't ruin them politically they're bombproof!" Merry-Go-Round - Last week Sen. Gore of Tennessee bet $50 that Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia would run for the Senate despite his earlier refusal. Gore won. Reason for his bet was tremen- dous big-business pressure on Byrd to keep him on the Senate Finance Committee, which helps write the tax laws of the nation. Business didn't want Bible-quot- ing Sen. Bob Kerr of Oklahoma to head up this key committee. Some of the Floridians who fi- nanced handsome Sen. George Smathers in his doublecross race against his old friend, ex-Sen. Claude Pepper, are now ready to put money on Pepper to run for the Senate again. Sen. Wayne Morse's resolution for a full Senate probe of the reg- ulatory agencies has been referred to the, committee headed by Sen. Magnuson of Washington, who, two years ago was given $250,000 to investigate the FCC. "Maggie" spent the money, but didn't find even -one of the glaring Wandals now hitting the headlines. * * * FOR YEARS the big network execs have been bragging that Congress would never investigate them and the FCC. Magnuson, a fine senator 99 per cent of the time, has a weak spot re TV. He owns part of a station in Seattle and CBS was very quick to switch to Maggie's station once it got a TV license. Dean Acheson, introducing Harry Truman at the bipartisan foreign aid dinner, said: "He an- noys people whom we like to an- noy." Introducing his wife, the ex-Secretary of State said: "She has borne more trouble than any- one I know - my wife, Mrs. Dean Acheson." (Before Acheson made his famous "I will not turn my back on Alger Hiss" statement, he stayed up most of the night dis- cussing with his wife whether he should defend an old friend.) (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) for American Morality and "Time" got the axe. Axe or no axe "Time" stands as muted testimony to the American moviegoer's tastes. He has always liked his heroes and heroines to be as ambiguous as a Rorschach ink blot test in order that he might fill the void with his own sup- pressed desires. "Time" offered to open new realms-realms gener- ously censured in the movie code. It is a void perhaps best left un- filled. ** * THE PICTURE NOW showing at the Campus need not suffer the term "replacement." "The Last Bridge" is an excellent movie. While the moviegoer will not be able to participate vicariously, he will have a chance to use the other end of his axial gradient. Bridge is a different movie. Made in Germany, it is in many ways reminiscent of "All Quiet On the Western Front." While perhaps not in the class of this great classic, "The Last Bridge," like its predecessor, views through German eyes the inanities of war and pleads for peace and brother- hood. The locale of the movie is in the Yugoslavia of 1943. The partici- pants are the German Army of occupation and the communist Partisans. The latter capture a German female doctor to tend to their own wounded. At first, the doctor, played by Maria Schell, proves to be a very reluctant pri- soner. But as the movie progresses she becomes increasingly aware that her antagonists are also hu- man beings. She undergoes a little old-fashioned brainwashing and it becomes more and more difficult for her to reain completely loyal to her homeland. The rest of the movie is a study of how Miss Schell handles her now conflicting loyalties. * * * AS THE END of the movie ap- proaches, it becomes increasingly and obviously syhibolic, dips mo- mentarily into the maudlin, re- covers its posture and ends appro- priately. Winner of two Cannes Festival Awards for "Best Actress" and "Best Picture," this movie has all the qualities of a first-rate pic- ture. It is, first of all, a tight drama which is acted with great skill by most of the participants. Miss Schell, in her award winning role, deserves all of the plaudits currently being accorded to her by critics everywhere. Her perform- ance has great range and sensi- tivity. There are, in addition, some good war scenes fought amidst unusual scenery. The whole thing is tied together with the elements of humor, love and ample quanti- ties of suspense. All this and Magoo, too, make the Campus Theater deserving of longer lines than we saw outside last night. -Paul Mott Optimism The American economy, fully employed, can well support five or ten billion more per year for social and economic welfare, even if adequate defense requires in- creases in military outlays and foreign aid. -A.D.A. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editori- al responsibility. Notices should I) sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to. Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 106 General Notices Late Permission: women students who attended the Music and Speech Department Opera at Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre on wed. night, Feb. 26, had late permission until 11:15 p.m. Hopwood Awards: Petitions to the Hopwood Committee must be in the Hopwood Room (1006 Angell Hall) by Mon., March 3 Lectures University Lecture in Journalism. Ed- gar Snow, author and foreign corre- spondent will speak on "China and Its Impact on the world" Mon., March 3. at 3:00 p.m. in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. Plays The University Department of Speedh and the School of Music in cooperation with the department of physical educa- tion for womenrwill present verdi's beautiful and great opera "A Masked Ball" this week. The opera will be pre- sented tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theater. Tickets - $1.75, $1.40, $1.00. Academic Notices Dr. George D. Stoddard, Dean, School of Education, New York University. will meet with the Interdepartmental Seminar on College Teaching on Mon., March 3, lecturing on "The Ability and Peronality of the Learner." Le- ture 4:00 p.m. Aud. C, Angell Hall and Discussion: 7:30 p.m., Room 30, Michi- gan Union. Meetings open to teaching fello's and faculty of the Univer- sity. This is the second meeting in a series of four. Placement Notices Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Mon., March 3 Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. Location of work - Headquarters, Kalamazoo; Sub- sidiaries: Sturgis, Mich.; Devon, Pa Houston, Texas. Factories in Canada: Espanola, Ont.; Hamilton Ont. Mon- treal, Quebec. Men with degrees in Lib- eral Arts or Business Adminstration for Production and Sales Trainees. Trainees work with supervisors until they lecome familiar with operations of a department. After orientation they assume positions requiring lesser de- gree of supervision. Advancements cor- respond to increased activities. Boy Scouts of America, Brunswick, N.J. Location of work - Anywhere in the U.S. Men with B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. in Liberal Arts for District Scout Exec- utive. The trainee attends the Nation al Training School at Mendham , N.. for 45 days not for'lectures and class- room pattern but working with projects and dramatizations, patrol discussions, and visual-audio presentations. After this time the trainee is granted a com- mission and placed in his first Council assignment. American Cyanamid Co., New York, N. Y.,-Men with MA or MS in any field with an undergraduate degree in chemistry for Sales, Production and Staff. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Ind., Men with BA or MA in Econom- ics, Natural Sciences or Mathematics for Market Research, Statistics, or In- dustrial Management. Tuesday, March 4 Seventh U. S. Civil Service Region, Detroit Mich., Men and i women with any degree in liberal arts, chemistry, physics, mathematics, business admin- istration or anyone interested in Fed- eral Government work. *Equitable Life of Iowa, Detroit, Mih. Men with BA in liberal arts or BBA for Sales. Eli Lilly and Company-See Monday' listing. American Cyanamid Co., -- See Mon- day's listing. Wed., March 5 The Proctor & Gamble Co. ale Dvsion, Cincinnati, O. en with B or MA in liberal arts, BBA or MBA for Sales and Sales Management. The Rand Corporation, Santa Moni- ca, Calif.-Men and women with BA or MA in mathematics for work with large hi-speed computers. The Lincoln National Life Insur- ance Company, Fort Wayne, Ind., Men with BA or MA in liberal arts, BBA or MBA or LLB for Production, Planning, Actuarial, administration, agency audit, claim, investment, policyholders serv- ice underwriting or agency sales. The Trane Company, LaCrosse, Wi. Men with BA or MA in liberal arts with a background in physics and mathe- matics through trigonometry for sales. For appointments, contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 3371. Representatives from the following will be at the4Engineering School: Tues., March 4 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Com- pany, all divisions, Milwaukee, Wise.- Al degree levels in E.E., I.E., M.E., Met., and Nuclear. B.S. and M.S. in E. Mech. V F{URSDAY'S International Student Day was great fun and all that, but cannot be called a complete success unless its original objectives are limited a little. Attendance-wise, the day was all that could be hoped for and more. Thirteen to fourteen, hundred international students showed up, from the University and from Kalamazoo Col- lege, from General Motors Institute and Em- manuel Missionary College. The Lansing Civic Center really hummed, with such eminent figures as Lieutenant Gov- ernor Philip A. Hart, Speaker of the House George Van Peursem and Lansing Mayor Ralph Crego present in addition to the host, Gov. G. Mennen Williams who shook everyone's hand and looked, according to a Canadian student, as though he were' running for president of India. The food was excellent, though the buffet portions grew smaller as the lines passed by. The luncheon menu featured "Soo Locks Stew" while "Fried Spartan Spring Chicken" and "Motor State Fresh Asparagus" highlighted the dinner. This theme was carried out by minia- ture Oldsmobiles in bloom among the artificial cherry blossoms. A OLDSMOBILESwere much in evidence elsewhere, as the assembly plant proved more popular than the State Health Lab, the Lansing State Journal, the MSU agricultural school and the Legislature put together. In fairness, however, it must be said rumors that the MSU tour didn't let participants off the bus cut down on attendance. Between scheduled events, the students cir- culated through the Civic Center, renewing ac- quaintances with compatriots attending other Michigan schools. Generally, they agreed, they were having a wonderful time. But a few ad- mitted the day might have fallen a little short of what Mayor Crego called "strengthening the tentacles" of world society. Specifically, student speaker Bastiampillai Emmanuel, University graduate engineering student from Ceylon, asked this reporter if any other Americans were participating. He expressed the view that meeting other foreign students and visiting the Oldsmobile plant was worthwhile, but didn't really broaden contacts between the foreign students and Americans. Asked about this, Governor Williams said the hir+ni+av-nn cnA innn r.1, P+n. n A mi.+ininn Williams' declaration that "this second Inter- national Student Day is so successful we hope other governors will try them" seems some- what premature. .-THOMAS TURNER Dean King Not 'U' Calibre IT SEEMS-Michigan State University's Dean of Students Tom King didn't like what a student said about the administration's action overruling the Interfraternity Council and putting Alpha Tau Omego on probation. Gor- don Smith's letter to the Michigan State News was carefully reasoned and free from defama- tion and diatribe, but suggested that the over- ruling of the IFC made a mockery of student responsibility. Smith was called into Dean King's office, accused of libel, ordered to retract his state- ment and warned that further misconduct could lead to suspension or expulsion from the University. When Smith's recantation did not satisfy Dean King he fumed further, only backing down after several days. . At the next meeting of -the Michigan State Publications Board, which has ultimate control over the State News, King demanded that ac- tion be taken in the case, and although none was, the climate of threats seems to have had some effect on the State News' vigor in ex- ploring the implications of the ATO-Smith incidents. The paper recently printed an ex- tremely general editorial defending, freedom of the press and a cartoon, run without comment or explanation, showing Dean King chopping at the paper's freedom. But it has yet to criti- cize the overruling of the IFC, and the reaction to Smith's letter by Dean King goes unmen- tioned on its pages.; THIS UNIVERSITY is fortuinate in that it has, in Vice-President Lewis and Dean of Men R ea, two administratorswho take a liberal view of student rights. and do not at- tempt to supress non-violent expression of stu- dent opinion, choosing to work with the stu- dents rather than against them. Michigan State is unfortunate that Dean King. seems to insist on ruling with so stern a hand and to display such hostility to criticism that students like Smith are afraid to discuss their experi- ences publicly. Wr .. . . , 0 I, AT TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART: British Painting in the Eighteenth Century I E ARLY Thursday evening, the Toledo Museum of Art opened its exhibit of representative 18th Century British paintings. Sir Harold Caccia, British ambassador to the United States is reported to have attended, although he ap- parently disappeared about ten minutes after the exhibit formally began, along with the several mili- tary bands. Only one gentleman in the strange costume with the white tie and tails was seen wan- dering about after the opening ceremony, This exhibit has been much publicized, especially in the Toledo papers. Toledo is the only city in this country to show this collec- tion, for reasons which have never been made clear. THE COLLECTION on display is fairly comprehensive, including paintings by most of the great names of British art of the Cen- tury: Gainsborough, Hogarth, Reynolds, Raeburn, Ramsay, Wil- son, and about two dozen more. The exhibition is presented un- However great the difficulties of collecting, arranging, transporting, labeling, and hanging this exhibit may have been, and according to the press releases they were enor- mous, the fact remains that most 18th Century British paintings are the pictures you rush past in a museum to get at the interesting things. There are several signifi- cant exceptions to this blatant generalization, which make the show a required tour for inquisi- tive people within easy driving distance of Toledo. Somewhere' among the crossword-puzzle land- scapes and quaint impressions of yokels lounging on the hillsides are portraits by Reynolds and Gainsborough, and several paint- ings by William Hogarth, which the indefinable substance which makes great art timeless. Hogarth is especially well re- presented: the original engravings for the series "A Rakes Progress" are on display, along with "The Beggar's Opera," one of his most familiar satires, and the self-por- trait "The Painter and his Pug." Incidentally, although not part of the exhibit, a nearby room filled with contemporary British art is mostly pretty grim, although "Rocky Valley, North Wales" by John Piper is a striking example of bold use of color. Students of this so-called art will doubtless resent any advice offered here, but the less well edu- cated who find the time to take in this exhibit are strongly urged to look up when they pass ,Ho- garth's "Study for a Masked Ball," "Tavern Scene," and the self por- trait, the portraits of Gains- borough's daughter and wife, Rey- nold's "Lady Caroline Scott," and Gainsborough's "Mountain Land- scape with Sheep." FOR IN THESE paintings, as apparently in few others of the period, the artists have managed to do more than merely propagate the contemporary cliche. These few combine paint and image into a subtle relationship which avoids I I .. li: :>::. . z "r