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February 28, 1958 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-02-28

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(Continued from Page 4)

Feb. 25: International Student Asso-
ciation, "Balloon Debate," 7:15 p.m.,
League. (Postponed, new date to be set)
Feb. 26: International Student Asso-
ciation, film of Moscow Youth Festival
and slides of China, 8 p.m., Architec-
ture Aud.
Elections: Campaigning period was
modified to provide that the active
campaign period for any candidate may
begin with the return of his petition,
and that the designation "formal cam-
paigning" replace the term "active
campaigning" in the election rules.
Approved a motion to provide that
this be incorporated in the rules for
the coming election. (March 25, 26).



Ziwet Lecture. "Stochastic Problems
in Mathematics and Physics," Mark
Kac, Prof. of Mathematics, Cornell Uni-
versity, 4:00 p.m. today. Room 3011 An.
gell Hall.
"Are Sex Taboos Implicit in our Cul-
ture?" will be the subject of the dis-
cussion led by Paul Eberts at the Office
of Religious Affairs' Coffee Hour 4:15
p.m., Fri., Feb. 28, Lane Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium Fri., Feb.
28, 4:15 p.m. the Observatory. Mr. Ed-
ward A. Spiegel will speak on "The On-
set of Thermal Convection in a Radiat-
Ing Atmosphere."
The University Department of Speech
and the School of Music in cooperation
with the department of physical educa-
tion :16r women will present Verdi's
beautiful and great opera "A Masked
Ball" this week. The opera will be pre-
-sented Feb. 27, 28 and March 1 at 8:00
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Tickets - $1.75, $1.40, $1.00
Placement Notices
IPersonnel Interviews:
'Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Mon., March 10
National Security Agency, Washing-
ton, D.C. Location of work -- Wash-
ington. D.C. Men and women with
B.A., M.A., or Ph.D., in Languages
(Slavic, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern,
Etc.), History, English, Political. Sci-
ence, Government, etc. for Linguists
or Research Analysts. Trainees will re-
ceive instructions in the fundamentals
of electronics and will become familiar
with types of equipment and the na-
ture of the problems on which each
type is$used. After a year of training
the new employee may be considered
for increasingly responsible work. Men
and women with B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in
Mathematics for Mathematicians and
Mathematical Statisticians. Men and
women with B.S., M.S., or Ph.D.ain
Physics for Physical Research Program.
Associates Investment Company,
South Bend, ind. Location of work -
Home office - South Bend, Ind. As-
sociate offices in Ala.; Ark.; Cal.; Colo.;
Oonn.; Dist. of Col.; Fla.; Ga.; I.;
Ind.; Kas.; Mo.; N.J.; N.Y.; N.C.; Ohio;
Okla.; Pa.; A.I.; Tenn.; Texas; W. Va.;
Wisc.; and Ont., Canada. Men with
B.A., in Liberal Arts or B.B.A. for
Training Program in Sales and Man-
agement. Trainee is indoctrinated for
six months in a branch office doing
oredits, collections, discounting, cash-
lering and wholesaling. After this six
months he is then assigned as a Ac-
count Adjuster, Credit Manager, Office
Manager, New Business Man, Branch
Manager and Regional Manager.
State Mutual Life Assurance Com-

pany of America, Worcester, Mass. Lo-
cation of work - Home Office - Wor-
cester, Mass.; 73 life insurance sales of-
fices, 23 group insurance territorial
offices and 55 mortgage loan correspon-
dent's offices located in major cities
of the U.S. Men with B.A. or M.A. in
Economics, B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Under-
writer, Management Accountant, Actu-
arial Assistant, Group Consultant and
Administrative Assistant. Training pro-
gram is formal and informal. Manage-
ment development media include:aop-
eration seminars, supervisory discus-
sions groups, tuition subsidy plan, and
on-the-job training. Men and women
with B.S. in Library Science for Li-
brary Supervisor.
Tues., March 11
National Security Agency - See Mon-
day's listings.
Vick Chemical Company - Three
Hess & Clark, Inc. (Division of Vick
Chemical Company) Ashland, Ohio.
Location of Work-Ashland, Ohio. Men
with B.A. in Liberal Arts or B.B.A.
for Marketing Program. Training Pro-
gram will begin in an orientation group.
composed of new men joining the com-
pany to become familiar with the de-
partments and their personnel and in-
terdependent function of each. After
your familiarization with the office
you are placed in one of their sales
territories to gain practical field ex-
perience. Men who are Juniors, Single,
for Marketing Positions. Conslderable
traveling involved in company car and
calling on regular customers. Account-
ing positions in Ashland on rotational
assignments in Accounting Offices
Production Engineering with 'varied
assignments in their Ashland Plant for
engineering student interested in gen-
eral plant engineering, future.
National Drug Company, (Division of
Vick Chemical Company), Philadelphia,
Pa. Location of work - Philadelphia,
Pa. and field sales offices. Men with
B.A. or M.A. in Liberal Arts, B.B.A. or
M.B.A. for Marketing Program. Detail
Sales Positions in the Pharmaceutical
Industry leading to Sales Management
Vick International Divisions, (Divi-
sion of Vick Chemical Company)
N.Y.C., Location of work - New York,
N.Y. Men with B.A. or M.A. in Liberal
Arts, - B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Marketing
Program. Americans and foreign na-
tionals. Designed for Americans work-
ing in their New York International
Division Office coordinating Sales ac-
tivities overseas as well as for Foreign
Nations who desire to return to their
native country after a training pro-
gram in this country. Foreign nationals
will serve in ,a sales capacity in their
native country.
Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Detroit, Mich. Location of work-Mich.
or other Bell systems in the U.S. Men
with B.A. or M.A. in Liberal Arts for
Management Training Program. The
trainee follows a program consisting of
conferences, seminars and interdepart-
mental tours. The training program
lasts for approximately 12-18 months.
Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Detroit, Mich. Location of work - State
of Michigan or other Bell systems in
the U.S. Women with B.A., M.A. in Lib-
eral Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Manage-
ment Training Program and Public
Contact Work. The Public Contact
Work Program includes such positions
as Service Representatives, and Per-
sonnel work. Other positions available
include Management, Writing, Re-
search, Technical Problems and Teach-
ing. Women with B.S., M.S. in Mathe-
matics, Physics, or Chemistry for Tech-
nical Aides in Bell Telephone Labora-
tories. Location of Work - Whippany
and Murray Hill, N.J. and New York
City, N.Y.
Detroit Civil Service, Detroit, Mich.
Location of work - City of Detroit,

Mich. Men and women with B.A., M.A.,
Ph.D. in Sociology, Science, or Gov-
ernment for positions with Detroit Civil
Service. Men and women with B.B.A. or-
M.B.A. for Accountants, Administra-
tive Trainees and Government. Men
and women with B.S. or M.S. in Physics
with an interest in Industrial Hygiene
and Field Work. Men and women with
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Chemistry and Fa-
miliarity with Laboratory Instruments,
for work with Detroit Civil Service.
Wed., March 12
Michigan Bell Telephone Company,.
Men - See Tuesday's listings.,
Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Women - See Tuesday's listings.
Vick Chemical Company and, three
Divisions - See Tuesday's listings.
Thurs., March 13
Inland Steel Company, Chicago, Ill.
Location of work - East Chicago, In-
diana; Chicago, Ill. Men with B.A. or
M.A. in Liberal Arts for Sales. The
trainee receives on-the-job training
starting from the simple tasks and
gradually working into the more dif-
ficult assignments.
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,
Inc., New York, N.Y. Location of work
-New York City -7 Home office. Dis-
trict offices - Atlanta, Ga.; Boston,
Mass.; Chicago, Ill.; Cleveland, Ohio;
Dallas, Texas; Detroit, Mich.; Green-
ville; Houston, Texas; Los Angeles,
Calif.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburgh,
Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.; San Francisco,
Calif.; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Washing-
ton, .D.C. Men with B.A. or M.A. in
Economics, Political Science, or Jour-
nalism with ability to write ,for posi-
tions with McGraw-Hill. Men with B.S.
M.S., Ph.D. in all fields of Chemistry
and ability to write for positions with
McGraw-Hill. Men with B.B.A. or
M.B.A. and ability to write for posi-
tions with McGraw-Hill. A good schol-
astic record and an ability to write
clearly and intelligently are primary
The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo,
Mich. Location of work - Home office
and laboratories, Kalamazoo, Mich. and
districts throughout Mich. and U.S.
Men with B.A. M.A. Ph.D., B.S. or
M.S. in Physiology, Anatomy, Pre-
Medical, Pre-Dental, Biology, Chemis-
try, Bacteriology, Physiology and Ana-
tomy for Pharmaceutical Sales to
Physicians, Hospitals and Druggist.
Thetrainee is given preliminary train-
ing in the branch office and works
under the guidance of his supervisorI
In the field. He then spends 2 weeksI
meeting, Junior Sales Conference, in
the Kalamazoo Office and then is as-
signed to a district of his own.
Marshall Field & Company, Chicago,
Ill. Location of work - Chicago, Ill.;
Evanston, Oak Park, Lake Forest, Park'
Forest and Skokie, Ill. Men and women
with B.A. in Liberal Arts for Mer-
chandising (Leading to Buying, Super-
visory andRManagement Responsibili-
ties), and Restaurants leading to Su-
pervisory or Management Positions.
Men must be veterans. Trainees are
given on-the-job training supplement-
ed by orientation discussions. Progress
is dependent upon performance and
not limited to one division or area.
Fri., March 14
U.S. Department of Labor, Washingtorno
D.C. Location of work - All the Bu-
reaus of the Department of Labor. Menl
and women with B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in
Economics or Social Sciences for such

positions as Personnel, Budgeting andj
Organization, Methods Examining, Em-
ployment Security, Wage and Hour Ad-
ministration, Economic and Statistics
Projects, International Labor Affairs
and Workmen's Compensation. These
are positions available to people who
have taken the federal service entrance
examination or planning to do so be-
fore graduation. The Intern is intro-
duced to the program, mechanics, and
the key personnel" of the department
while having on-the-job training,
which consists of specific assignments
but rotation in other departments as
The New England Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company, Detroit, Mich. Location
of work - All areas throughout the
country including Detroit area. Men
with B.A, in Liberal Arts or B.B.A. for
Management Training Program.
American National Red Cross, Mid-
western area, St. Louis, Mo. Location
of work -- Midwestern U.S., .16 states
and foreign. Men and women with
.B.A. in Social Sciences, Sociology,
Psychology, Recreation or related fields
for (1) Women - Recreation and Case
Workers. (2) Men - Case Workers,
First Aid & Water Safety Representa-
tive. Women with R.N. and degree in
Public Health, Nursing or Nursing Edu-
cation for Nursing Representative
(Nursing Service). Experience. Travel
Assignment in Midwestern Area. Men
and women with M.A. in Social Work
for Home Service Representative (Home
Service.) Experienced. Travel assign-
ment in Midwestern Area. Between
25-45 years of age.
For appointments, contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Personnel Requests:
Owensboro-Daviess County Hospital,
Owensboro, Ky., is in need of one or
two Dietitians, one to be the director
of the hospital Dietitian staff,
Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
is offering counseling internships for
women for the 1958-59 academic year,
who wish to pursue graduate work in
Personnel and Guidance, Education,
Recreation and Sociology or related
Atomic Power Development Associ-
ates, Detroit, Mich. have positions open
for two women in their Computer Serv-
ice Group. B.A. or M.A. in Engineering
or Math is required,.
West End Neighborhood House, Inc.,
Wilmington, Dela. is looking for a June
graduate to serve as Girl's Program Di-
Southern Oakland Girl Scouts, Inc.,
Royal Oak, Mich. are seeking to fill
the position of Executive Director of
the Southern Oakland Girl Scout
Council. M.A.'in Social Work required,
35-55 years of age. Previous experience
Harvard Medical Center, Boston,
Mass, is looking for women science
graduates to be Research Assistants in
Chemistry or Biology.
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Summer Placement
Representatives from the following
camps will be at the Summer Place-
ment Office, Room D528 in the S.A.B.
from 9 to 12, Fri., Feb. 28 to interview
Camp Charlevoixs Charlevoix, Mich.
Mr. Ken Smith would like to talk to
young men.
Camp Sears, Metropolitan Chicago

YMCA Camp. Mr. Vic Peterson It In-
terested in seeing men and women.
Jackson County Girl Scout Camp,1
Jackson, Mich. Miss Janet Hayes will
be interviewing young women.
Sat., March 1
Camp Sherwood, Boyne City, Mich.
Mr. J. W. Parsons will be interviewing
from 9 to 12 noon in room D528 in the'
S.A.B. for counseling positions. He is
interested in both married couples and
single men and women.
Summer Personnel Requests:
The Methodist Childrens' Home So-
ciety, Children's Village, Detroit is in-
terested in students willing to do group
work and recreation or cottage pro-
grams for children. Modified 5-day
work week and good salary. These jobs
offer valuable experience for students
in the fields of education, psychology,
sociology, social work and the seminary.
Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., (Manufac-
turing Chemists) of New York will
have positions open for, Chemical
Engrs,. chemists, and female Bacteriol-
ogists and Biologists. A special program
in Chemical Sale' is being introduced.

Attention Married Couples:
The Summer Placement Bureau has
the names of camps interested In hir-
ing you for the summer. If the wife is
a nurse or skilled in arts and crafts,
there are opportunities for employ-
For further information, contact Mr.
Ward D. Peterson at Ext. 3371 or on
Tues., and Thurs. afternoons or Fri.
mornings at the Summer Placement
Office in D528 SAB.
For More Satisfactory
Try our
715 N. University

ff rr




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