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February 28, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-28

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Sixty-Eighth Year



l L-

L4- iu 211r


in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

The Tragedy of War
IT TAKES more than a gigantic screen with a cast to match
make an epic. It takes more than a tall, dark hero and beaul
heroine to create a fine romantic drama.
"Farewell To Arms" is not, perhaps, the finest example of dri
that Hollywood has yet produced, but it is fine entertainment.
Throughout the greater portion of the film, the audience is
absorbed in an intense drama ofw ar and a compelling, if not fin
acted love story to notice.some awkward.scenes and uninspired act
Rock Hudson is at his best when he is at his most inarticul


RY 28, 1958


The Role of colleges
nlImproving High Schools


EK Americans met in St. Louis and
o discuss one of the most important
rous problems faced by education-
cies of high schools. They empha-
has again and again been empha-
y, that the secondary student is not
Lately prepared ,for college or even
>rms of employment.-
rally is true. The following are some
bics concerning high school educa-
United States: one-fourth of all
s offer neither chlemistry, physics
>metry; one-third do not offer trig-
>lid geometry or advanced algebra;
34 per cent of all high school stu-
chemistry, 24 per-cent physics, and
nt triginometry. In addition, the,
the present day student to read or
ntly has been seriously challenged.
r of educators.
e facts at their disposal, our edu-
.ded that colleges are not benefiting
as they should since too much time
sted on fundamentals which should
arned before. To remedy the situa-
iaca group outlined a new plan for
education. Between seventh and
le, under the proposed system, stu-
be divided into three categories-
ies, pre-science and basics. All stu-
be required to take a certain num-
es in English, mathematics, science,
s, languages and electives-some-
r to the University's present distri-
irements. The committee also in-
ionaltraining as a part of the cur-
9 for solving the education problem,
a praiseworthy one, is not too
wtainly, their concern for the prob-
fled. Today, more tlhan ever, high
st help provide the intellectual
tal to survival in our whirling age
nergy. 'However, curricular changes
hose proposed have been advocated
nmittees before with little success.-
aittee from St. Louis struck closer
of the matter when they infe'rred
icators are stumbling, blinded, in a
adition. Change is a lethargic pro-

cess, especially in a democracy, where freedomj
of opinion prevails. Institutions of thought gain,
gradual momentum, fasten their grip on the
public mind and when someone tries to slash
off the tenacles he finds them firm and resist-
ing. In short, the task of changing a system of
education is a tremendous one; it means pull-
ing a well-woven rug out from under the
citizenry's complacent feet. Many, including
statesmen, industrialists, and even educators,
seem to be satisfied with the "status quo." They
are wary of any sort of change which aims at.
upsetting ' a traditional system. Sociologists
call this phenomena a "cultural lag," meaning
the slowness with which old ideas are replaced
by new ones. They also ,call it dangerdus, in:
many cases.
HI 1"CULTURAL LAG" must be overcome
before actual new curricula are proposed.
What may be necessary to effect a change in
American thought is a traumatic experience of
some sort, that shows the "status quo" to be
precarious. This was illustrated somewhat in'
the Sputnik madness which infected the public
In, October. Education, in the light of Soviet
'advances, became something to be considered
seriously by all. Nearly all did consider it. And
m'any concluded that American education needs
a shot in the arm.
Pressures exerted by groups like those from
St. Louis and Ithaca have helped the movement'
dedicated to altering the situation in secondary
schools, One of their finest demands thus far is
that colleges stiffen academic requirements,
thus forcing high schools to meet the hike or
lose accreditation.. Action of those 'sort has
already been taken; witness Michigan State
University failing an unprecedented 1,000 stu-
dents in one semester for reasons attributed to
the world crisis. .
If pressure of this sort is continued to be
applied, there is a good chance that some
change in high school methods will be brought
about, a change calling for a toughened aca-
demic prpgram. And it could not come at a
more appropriate time in American history-
with danger of annihilation threatened from
without and intellectual decay predicted from

when he is mumbling or whispering
adequate most of the time, but
seldom reaches the heights of
'emotion necessary to the role.
Where Hemingway understates,
Hudson ignores.
As a romantic tragedy, "Fare-
well" seems to 'try. too hard. It
almost dies from the strain at
points, such as the scenes which
should evoke sobs, but produces
titters - not of the dramatic re-
lease type.
But where it fails as a love
story, "Farewell" a p p r o a c h e s
greatness as a war story. One sees
at the film's beginning the beauti-
ful Alps with lines of singing men,
an advancing army, and then the
pock-marked Alps with lines of
dead and soon-to-be-dead.
Undoubtedly, the finest per-
formance of this film (and per-,
haps of a year full of films) is
that of Vittorio de Sica. His grad-
ual progression into madness is
a fitting commentary on the de-
generative power of war.
His death is as senseless, brutal,:
and degenerate as war- itself. He
Is splendid as the Italian "'bon vi-
vant," but more impressive as a
man maddened by conscience and
too much of death.
The agonizing retreat from-the
mountains is perhaps the most
brutal portrayal of war since the'
gory scenes of "Birth of a Na-
tion." After so harrowing'an ex-
perience - which the,. audience'
lives fully as much as theretreat-
ing army, death, no matter how
injust, seems .frighteningly simple.


Unemployment Pinch Hurts

or sobbing. He is handsome

The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the Univei
sity of Michigan for which tb
Michigan Daily assumes no editor
al responsibility. Notices should v
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form t
Room 3519 Administration Build
trg, before 2 p.m. the day precedin
publication.,~ Notices for Sunda
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., March
Communications for consideration
this meeting must be in the Pri
dent's hands not later than March
Summary, action taken at meet
of Student Government Council, "
26, 1958.
Approved minutes of previous me
Approved appointment of Carol Fl
land to Evaluation Committee, 1
gional Executive Commtitee of Natb
al Student Association SBtudent Pai
cipation Committee.
Extended petitioning for Student .
tivities Scholarship Board for I
Adopted the following motions rel
ing to J-Hop:
1. That Student Government Cour
assume control and responsibility
the 1959 J-Hop financial accounts.
2. That the J-Hop Committee at
submit the plans and budget of
proposed activities to Student Gove
ment Council fpr approval prior
the'last meeting of the spring semesl
No commitments shall be made by 1
J-Hop Committee prior to approval
plans and budget by SGC.T ,o ins,
SOC's fiscal responsibility, the, Tre
urer of Student Government Cour
shall be an ex-officio (non-voti
member of the J-Hop Committee a
tug as a comptroller.
3. That the J-Hop Committee be el
sen by an Appointment Commit
composed of two members of 81
(to be appointed by the Execut
Committee with the approval' of 1
Council) two members of the out-1
ing J-Hop Committee (appointed,
that committee with the Council's j
proval) and the outgoing J-Hop Co
mittee chairman who shall act as the
Officially delegated responsibility
the administration of the chartej
flight to Europe for the summer
1958 to the Michigan Unioi.
Extended due date for petitions fr,
candidates for subsidiary campus el
tions to March 12, 6 p.m.
Accepted revised constitution of T1
Accepted interim action of Execut
Committee on three petitions:
Feb. 25, 26: Indian Student Ass(
documentary movies, "India-her P
and Present," 8 p.m., Rackham.
(Continued on Page 8)


Tide of Anti-Meliarism s
di1 Not -Solve Real Problems

MILITARISM has again become fash-
ble in the movies for the first time
he Thirties, as critic ,Bosley Crowther
New York Times noted recently. His
ion is perceptive and the parallel he'
nteresting. .
ically the critic cited six films showing.
York at the time. The first he categor-
out and out anti-war. This was "Paths
'y," which is based on a novel by
ry Cobb, written in the period of re-
after World War I which produced "All
1 the Western Front." Cobb's book drew
line from an actual occurrence in the
t'enches-five soldiers were chosen at
and executed for treason. The unlucky
A belonged to a regiment which had"
able to advance as scheduled because'
fire was too heavy.
econd film cited by Crowther Was "The
ver the River Kwai." The point was the
of an unbalanced mind in a position
onsibility. Its condemnation of the
hierarchy is devastating.
Enemy Below," a topnotch film not too
acclaimed, makes much4 of men being
despite the ,horror of war. The con-
so effectively communicated by the
in fact, that having the characters
ag the point becomes irritating. "Pur-
the Graf Spee" likewise stresses the
f brotherhood.
nara" is not about war in the same
.1 others are, but it too takes its 'licks
fficer caste, as Crowther pointed out.
lxth movie on Crowther's list was "A-
. to Arms." This of course is the basic
,n statement on the disillusionment of
Editorial Staff
orial Director - City Editor
IANSON .. i..............Personnel Director
'RINS ..............Magazine Editor
GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
HANEY................Features Editor
RLBERG ............ Activities Editor
AAD ...... .... .. Sports Editor
ETNETT ........... Associate Sports Editor
L LY ER .... . . ,.A ssociate 'Sports Editor
3ASER ............. Assoc. Activities Editor
BLUES .......... Assoc. Personnel Director
AILEY ................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
ROBERT WARD .hBuinzes Mn eo

Admitting Crowther's' point, that in the
period since 1940 only a handful of films have
shown such bitterness toward war and the
military, his conclusion that the sentiment pre-
sents a marked contrast to today's arms race
is equally evident,
ANTI-WAR FEELINGS in movies can of
course prove only the existence of anti-war
feelings in movies, but there are other signs
of distaste for the-military. A general apathy
surrounds the question of military service as
far as most young men are concerned. Despite
an outlook easily described as fatalistic, the
American people would support a reasonable
approach to disarmament.
The question is what is reasonable in a dis-
armament plan. Crowther's comparison with
the Thirties has some unfortunate connotations,
chief among them' appeasement and Pearl
Harbor. Yet the relevance of the parallel is
that the people will not be sold any unilateral
And there is no future in attempting uni-
lateral disarmament. How it could induce the
Soviets to reduce their arms production and
thus lessen the actual threat to peace is un-
clear. And the foreign relations value is ques-
tionable. While publisher John S. Knight's
declaration in a recent editorial that there is
no such thing as public opinion on a global
scale, that small nations only respect or fear
the major powers, is a good deal overstated but
-he has a certain point. Disarming would only
alarm our allies, as we are alarmed each time.
one of them cuts back her armed forces.
So what does this leave? Simply this: no
one could afford to watch the bombs fall and
feel a chance at negotiating a peace had been
missed. Any day there is not war is a day to
perhaps work toward a more substantial peace.
Thus, any form of negotiation which offers any
hope of lessening tension is welcome. Even such
comparatively silly notions as demilitarized
zones might help, and could pave the way for
concrete inspection plans.
Let's build missiles if we must, and beat.the
USSR to the moon, but keep> talking. The
administration which really moves toward
peace would be surprised to discover what
support it had every step of the way.
New Books at the Library
Beasley, Norman and Stark, George 'W.-
Made in Detroit; N. Y., Putnam's, 1958.,
Berger, Josef and Dorothy, eds.-Diary of
America; N. Y., Simon and Schuster, 1957.
1--4 _4 - T.----A A4 _ . ,_-a.. _ = . a._2.. t

I RECESSION weighs heavi-
ly on much of the Midwest..
On a quick trip through parts of
Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, this.
writer saw men lined up in the
cold outside the Indianapolis Un-
employment Relief office at 7:30
a.m. They had over an hour to
wait before the office opened. By
the time it opened, the line was
half a block long.
General Motors' giant Allison
plant at Indianapolis normally
employs around 18,000 men. What
it employs now is a secret, but
it's reported men with up to 12
years seniority have been laid off.
Machine shops, hitherto busy
with orders from the airplane
factories, are having a tough
time. The airplane industry is
waiting fo see whether planes will
give way entirely to guided mis-
THE OHIO RIVER Valley, from
Pittsburgh down past Wheeling,
Bellaire, Martins Ferry, Steuben-
ville, has become one of the great
industrial centers of the nation.
The banks of the river are stud-
ded with factories, many of them
now working part time.
A worker from Wheeling Steel,
laid off with eight years seniori-
ty, was cheerful, though he said
'the pinch was beginning to hurt.-
There were anxious inquiries from
a man with 16 years seniority laid
off by a Wheeling building and
supply firm. A"West Virginia coal
miner asked me whethet Eisen-
hower was right that business
would pick up in March. When I.
told him many economic experts
disagreed with Ike, felt the pick-
up wouldn't come until midsum-
mer, he remarked:
"What's a man going to do be-
tween now and midsummer?

There are a lot of meals between
February and midsummer."
Sadly, he turned and walked
The President's Council of
Economic, Advisers is so unhappy
over the recession and the man-
ner in which its reports have been
ignored that some of the advisers
are talking about resigning next
Raymond Saulnier and col-
leagues saw the recession.coming
a long time ago and warned the
President repeatedly. They also
made recommendations to head
off the slump. The White House,
however, refused to act.
As professional economists, they
have now been put in an embar-
rassing position. The outside
world doesn't know, and more par-
ticularly their colleagues in the
economic world don't know, the
inside facts about their warnings.
Hence the possibility of resigna-
THE STEEL industry may be.
partly to blame for the recession,
according to a secret report by a
Senate Judiciary subcommittee.
The senators, 'headed by Estes
Kefauver of Tennessee, point out
that three separate price boosts
took place "to an average increase
of $19.50 a ton in less than a
These increases will unbalance
the budget of the U.S. Govern-
ment, biggest buyer of steel in the
world. The effect on the national
economy, points out the blistering
Senate report, was to hike the
price of automobiles and appli-
ances beyond many consumers'
pocketbooks. The ensuing buyer
resistance, senators state, helped
cause the recession.
"Faced with a decline in de-

mand," the report warns, "the
steel companies can be expected
to reduce° their output, which
would cause their overhead costs
to be spread over a lesser num-
ber of units, resulting in high to-,
tal unit costs. This, in turn, may
provide a rationale for a still
further price increase. In this
way, a vicious cycle of price in-
creases, lower demand, and high-
er unit costs' may be set in' mo-
The report charges that steel
prices have soared steadily up-
ward, even when production and
labor costs have declined.
"No matter what the change in
,cost or in demand," the report de-
clares, "steel prices -since 1947
have moved steadily and regular-
ly in only one direction - up-
* * *
TO SHOW HOW these price in-
creases have gone into the pockets
of the big steel stockholders, the
report discloses that U.S. Steel
Corporation's profits have risen
from $6.28 per ton in 1947 to $18
per ton in 197. This has been ac-
complished by- boosting, steel
prices despite production declines
in 1949, 1954 and 1957, and labor
reductions in1950 and 1955.
The committee charges that
,U.S. Steel, as the giant of the
steel industry, has set the pace
for the smaller, steel companies,
which have followed 'the leader
with remarkable conformity- ev-
ery time U.S. Steel has jacked up
Its prices.
This behavior, the committee
suggests, violates the American
free-enterprise system which is
based "upon the concept of com-
petition." The senators suggest
the need of new legislation.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

* .* *
"THEY'RE the good ones, the
brave ones," Hudson says of the
Italians who have Just shot their
finest doctor through incompe-
tence and haste.
The bitterness which Hudson-
does not quite manage with his
acting, does not need,to be spoken.
It is felt from the moment a priest
and numerous wounded are blown
up while siriging the "Ave Maria."
At this same moment a truck is
carrying a load of prostitutes
away from the burning town.
But neither the characters nor
the audience can truly escape the
real battle. "They just keep up 'til
they break you," says Jennifer
Jones as she struggles to bear a
dead child. But still, as the film
ends, one wonders if "they" ever
really succeed.
There is something within the
characters that is indestructible.'
Though they can never say fare-'
well to arms, - they seem never
trqiy to say farewell to bravery or
to love.
-Jo Hardee

. 7
.~ Y

t ~To The EItor.

Slim Chance for New Exchange

Daily Staff Writer
miracle for Student Govern-
ment Council to have an exchange
program next year.
The National and International
Affairs Committee has run out of
possibilities, according to its chair-,
man, Jean Scruggs. No more for-
eign universities have answered
the committee's letters; those that
did, weren't interested in the same
type of exchange.
Miss Scruggs said Prof. James
M. Davis of the International Cen-
ter has told her there is no chance
for a Russian exchange until at
least 1959-60. Then, though pos-
sible, it would cost SGC about
$3,300for full expenses of ' the
Russian student and travel money
for the American.
, * f *
PROF. DAVIS suggested an ex-
change with an Eastern European
country, possibly Czechoslovakia.
Students from Poland and Yugo-
slavia are now attending the Uni-
This, however, would be even
more difficult to establish for next
..h.an" + w e t f + n n.. ... rn.w-.

have the appearance of a desper-
ation measure.
No blame for the lack of an ex-
change can be attached to any
particular Council member. But
the Council as a whole. appears to
have failed in several respects.
For one thing, the FUB exchange
was ended and efforts to find a
substitute begun too late to apply
for a travel allowance. Deadline
for these is Jan. 1, according to
Treasurer Scott Chrysler, who ad-
ministered PUB last year.
In addition, the individual mem-
bers, each with his particular idea
.of what is desirable in an ex-
change, never came to any general
agreement; the Council as a whole
'simply groped its way along, hop-
ing for something to turn up.
Nothing did.
As a result, SGC has no ex-
change, and no prospects. It
should now start working toward
a 1959 program, to avoid a similar
debacle next year.
* * , *
day, Union President Don Young
offered a suggestion that SGC
consider setting up a separate
Vnnrinntinn- n., n2:.f-. -amn, an.inn. an

lished a five-member committee to
conduct petitioning and interview-
ing for next year's J-Hop Central
Committee. Two of the five mem-
bers will be appointed from the
Daily Editor Peter Eckstein
pointed out that 10 positions are
open, and that at least 25 inter-
views-perhaps as many as 40 to
50-would need to be conducted.
This further drain on two Council
members' time would be heavy.,
To alleviate this specific job,
Lois Wurster plans to introduce a
motion to change the composition
of the committee. Fifty interviews
at 15 minutes each are a 'lot for
any committee, particularly one
with 'two members having several
other duties.'
idea would probably be better. A.
separate board choosing members
for the groups not directly con-
nected with SGC could do a better,
more thorough job than the Coun-
cil itself.
SGC would still appoint its com-
mittee chairmen and fill Council
vacancies, but other appointments
1"4,_., A10- A - 4.

Proposal . . .
To the Editor:
AAN ARTICLE in Friday's issue
of The Daily attracted my 'at-
tention and aroused such en.otion
in me that this outburst could not
be quelled until mention of it
appeared in the "Letters" column.
I think most of the student
body is overjoyed with the new
library and its excellent facilities.
Quite a few adjectives and super-
latives have been expended lately
in describing it, and rightly so.
Let's not lose corpete control over
it, however.
I think that the Senior Gift
Committee's plans for a 1i2-foot
statue to grace (?) the building
entrance is about as asinine as you
can get. Therefore, I would like
to suggest an alternate proposal.
In view of the fact that the
campus is already overcluttered
with useless benches, plaques,
waterless fountains, etc., all mo-
mentos of past graduating classes,
I would,like to propose that the
present senior class (of which I
am a member) do its part in
beautifying the campus by tearing
down some of the existing mon-
strosities instead of adding an-
other to the clutter.
Think of the fun we could have!
Picture the senior men swinging
their sledges and picks at the
selected object while the senior
women cheered them on from the
Fraternities could hold compe-
titions to see who could come up
with the most complete and novel
demolition scheme. The whole
event could be climaxed or pre-
ceded by a parade led by the
marching band and might even
grow to rival Michigras.
President Hatcher could award

Thanks . .
To The Editor:
THIS LETTER is very late con.
cerning the matter of which I
)am writing; however, I still
thought it may be of interest.
The beginning ofDecember, my
mother and I were driving into
Ann Arbor to attend the Sunday
afternoon performance of the
"Messiah" in Hill Auditorium. A
few blocks from the auditorium-
right on Washtenaw-we had a
flat tire.
A college student and his girl
were just coming along walking
and this young gentleman came
over to my car right away to offer
his help. He helped steer me to
the side of the street and then
asked me if I had road service-
which I did. He called the service
station for me, to come make the
Several times after that he came
to check and see if we were still
waiting for help. Unfortunately,
we had to wait for some time. By
this time the hour for the concert
to begin was fast approaching.
This same young gentleman came
back again and said, "Are you still
waiting?" By then it was 2:15,-
the concert started at 2:30.
He wanted to know if he could
do anything, else for us and I said
if he would be so kind as to call
a cab for my mother to get to the
"Messiah" on time, I would ap-
preciate it.; He assured me they
would all be very busy at that
hour and said he would be glad
to get his car and take her to the
auditorium for me. .
I said if he -would be so kind
I'd pay him for doing so, but he
wouldn't hear of such a thing. So
he got his car and took Mother
to the auditorium in time for the
It surely was a pleasure to meet
such.a considerate person. So often

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