THE MWICIGAN ,DA dist Wesleyan Guild Holds ip Groups, Talks, Retreats i flL ('CLASSIFIED A. or: --Daily-David Arnold ELIGIOUS TOPICS - Members of the Methodist n Guild meet, for informal group conferences. 'N' BOWS. By MARY STATON Reviving student interest in Christianity and providing furth- er supplement to the social and infodrmal values of Christian edu- cation are objectives of the Wes- leyan Guild, said club president John Lucas, '59E. The Methodist group, founded on campus in 1886, provides Sun- day night worship services, drama and interest groups, social activi- ties and seminars for students. ."One. doesn't have to be a Meth- odist to belong," Lucas*comment- ed. Students from many back- grounds and various faiths at- tend Wesleyan Guild functions. Two ,:spritual life" retreats, usually held at Port Huron, are additional activities of the group. Wesley Foundation meetings, both state and national, are attended by iembers of the guild. Help Other Groups The guild also provides students with a chance to help others through Christian action. For ex- ample, states Rev. Eugene A. Ran- som, Wesley Foundation Director, "A group of students recently held services at the Washtenaw Coun- ty. Jail." Currently the group has been discussing "The Christian Marri- age" with director Ransomas the moderator. The consensus of the group is that such topics are en- lightening and Interesting.' Guest speakers are frequently present at the Sunday night guild meetings. Prof. Lowell Hazzard, of the Old Testament department, Wesley Seminary, was the speaker on Feb. 23. He discussed "Some- thing to be Comyitted to." Chance to Ask Questions 'Following lectures, students and speaker have a chance to meet friends and ask questions Infor- mally during a refreshment period. Officers of the guild in addition to Lucas are:. vice-president, Marilyn 6 c h u u r m ans, '58SN; treasurer, Jim Marberry, Grad.; secretary, Olive Allen, '59Ed. Accessories CF VERMULLEN *?- is ear for accessories-. e favoring the look, those extra are especially im- have been revamped to the shorter skirt, with ader and lower. Fashion- will also take advantage ew, deeper-toned hosiery, ring irridescent shades. es, Bags Add Length ags are longer and lean- eeping with the chemise . Gloves, too, have added with kid and colored he favorite fabric choices. nanufacturers are clap- dlr hands' over the new waistline. Reason: A styl- belt ,starting at the waist mding down about fob ,y is a "must" this sea- i beads /- either rope or -- especially important. favor the tailored, variety, and the huge costume ring that Grandma srore under her lapel has made a come- back. Breton, Cloche Make Comeback The cry this) season is "Hats on!" rather than "Hats off!" The old-fashioned Breton and cloche, so right with casual aid loose- fitting clothes, have both made comebacks, but have added elab- orate trimming for^ a modern touch. A ladylike note in the otherwise lazy and carefree style trend can be found in neck-wear. Dainty or- gandy bows, long chiffon scarves, stoles with lots 'n' lots ,of fringe -all popular choices of the coed in 1958. ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTEDI Excllent food-low rates. Call NO 3- 8581, ask for Steward. )E19 GOOD FOOD. Reasonable rates. Hill and Forest St. Mr. Wentz. 1319 Hill St. NO 2-6422. )E1 HELP WANTED MALE COUNSELLOR house father for evenings and part time. Room and board and Or salary depending on time available. Prefer graduate psy- chology, social work, or education student. 35 minutes from campus. Methodist Children's Village, KE 1- 4060. )H80 HOUSE WORK, experienced - )Hon- Thurs. also Sat. NO 2-9782. )80 CAMP COUNSELORS WANTED., Young men to assume leadership r sponsi- bilitles on the staff of a Northern Michigan 10-week summer camp for boys. Must have a genuine interest in boys. Call evenings NO 2-9454. )H7 FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM Apt. 415 South For- est. Call NO 2-0802. )177 GRADUATE STUDENT with spacious three room apt. looking for room- mate. Parking space and full furnish- ings included. Call NO 3-9791 between 7:30 P.M. and 12:00 P.M. )C176 /'DELUXE THE-ROOM apartment, modernis- tically furnished, private entrance. Between Ypsi and Ann Arbor Gas heat. $100. Phone NO 2-9020. )C178 APT. TO RENT: Faces campus, between ospitals and campus, 2 rooms, pri- *ate bath, KItchenette, 2 closets, un- furnished except stove, new deluxe refrigerator. Adult only. NO 3-5.008. )C179 SINGLE ROOM in private home for college girl. Has small porch. Break- fast privileges. Near bus line. $7.50 per week. Phone NO 8-6551 3:30 to 6 p.m. )C180 CAM US: St. Joseph area. Newly dec- ors ed furnIshed 2 rooms for men, $65, linen. North Ingalls. See after 7 P.M. NO 3-4835. )C181 NEAR TOWN & CAMPUS Furnished one bedroom apartment. Private bath. $90 per month. Call NO 2-5337 or NO 8-6725. )0174 CAMPUS AREA - Best unfurnished threes rooms and bath. Privat en- trance. Stove and refrigerator. Phone NO 2-0998 or NO 2-6581. Pierce and Fuller, Realtors. )C173 EXTRA LARGE room, linens furnished. reasonable. Phone between 1-4, NO 5- 5304. )Cog FURNISHED APARTMENT for 3 or 4, very reasonable rent, near campus. To see, call NO 3-4402. )C154 BOARD & ROOM - Upperclassman or male graduate. Linen furnished. Rea- sonable rates. At Hill & Forest. Mr. Wentz, 1319 Hill, NO 2-6422. )0151 ROOMS for rent, board included. Med- ical fraternity, reasonable rates. Wash- tenaw Ave. Call NO 2-3215. )C135 FOR RENT: Near Law Club, three rooms and bath, unfurnished. Married cou- ple' or single person. NO 2-8569. )116 3 OR 4 STUDENTS: Ideal new two bed- +room furnished and unfurnished apartments for students or staff per- sonnel. New building. 727 East Kings- ley. Phone NO 2-2556. Ward Realty Realtors, 327 E. Huron. )C118 FOR RENT: large double, pleasantly furnished, 2 graduate men. Good lo- cation. Close to campus. Call 2-3093. )C124 FOR RENT: A large double room with private lavatory and bowl. A single room, good beds. A quiet house in a quiet neighborhood. 923 Olivia Ave- nue. Tel. NO 2-1465. )C114 CAMPUS APT. 2, 3, or 4 students for furnished apt, near Union. Call NO 3-9510 or ' To 3-4594. )171 MALE STUDENT' wanted to share excellent two man apartment. NO 3-2235. )C170 Classified Figure 5 average words to a line. deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 irri rr. - - 1 n rtirr i r r. r rrr.rrr rss r .rr rr PUSINESS SERVICES Complete Household Maintenance 'PAINTS - VARNISH' ENAMELS - WALL PAPERS RENTAL TOOLS Call NO 2-1350 DRIVE-IN PARKING LOT, Anderson Paint Co. 300 East Washington )J122 Shop for SEAFOOD SPEC IALTI ES AND IMPORTED FOOD ITEMS Washingt n Fish Market 208 E. Washington NO 2-2589 )J81 DO YOUR shelves have that empty. evacuated look? Put those shelves to use by loading them up with a sup- ply of quality goodies from RALPH'S FOOD MARKET (formerly Freeman's) . 709 Packardk - NO 2-3175 "Just two doors from the Blue Front" )3117 HOUSE CLEANING or ironing, experi- enced, efficient, dependable. Refer- ence. NO 2-9782. )J123 TYPEWRITER REPAIR and service; pick up and delivery. Moseley Type-' writer Service. 204 N. 4th Avenue. NO 3-5888. )J30 TYPING-Theses, term papers, etc. Rea- sonable rates. 830 S. Main. NO 8-7590. )J95 LICENSED HOME, child care in Pitta- field area. Call. NO 2-9104. )J113 ANN ARBOR EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL 504 First National Blig. NO 5-6107 )J103 WASHINGS AND IRONINGS done in' my home. Reasonable prices. Free de- livery. Call NO 3-4850. )J100 100% WOOL CARPETING, wall to wall installation. This includes rubber face padding, deluxe installation and for - only $8.95 a square yard. A saving* of $3.75 a square yard. SMITH FLOOR COVERING 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 )J89 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CLEARANCE SALE RECORD PLAYERS $19.95 UP MUSIC CENTER 300 S. Thayer N6 2-2500 )X41 WHY PAY MORE? When CAMPUS RADIO & T.V. offers lowest service rates and parts dis- counts to students and University personnel. Fast, dependable service on radios, phono, T.V., Hi-Fi., CAMPUS RADIO & T.V.> 1111 Sout Univ.second floor) No, 5-6644A "Owned & Operated by University Students" )X40 TOP DRAWER pair of crutches, true bargain. Call Bades, NO 2-3176. )B121, W2 PHOTO SUPPLIES Save now on these Kodak cameras RETINAIIIC Reg. 175.00 - NOW 124.50 . RETINA IIC Reg. 135.00 - NOW 99.50 QUARRY 320 S. State NO 3-1991, )D42 PURCHASE FROM "PURCHASE" Kodak 35 camera with coupled Rangefinder, $20. PURCHASE CAMERA SHOP 1116 . University NO 8-6972 )D46 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES WE SE EVICE ALL FOREIGN CARS. EUROPEAN CARS 303 S. Ashley NO 5-5800 )821 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 )S2 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. At- las tires, batteries and accessories. Waranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service - mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get itt" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 )S3 LINES 2 3 4 1 DAY .80 96 1.12 3 DAYS 2.00 2.40 2.80 6 DAYS 2.96 3.55 4.14 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL WEEKEND RATE for Avis Rent a Car from Friday, 5 P.M. to Monday, 9 A.M. $10 plus 4.08 a mile gas, oil and Insurance furnished. )G14 on Radios, Phonographs, and Televisions COMPLETE STOCK OF PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES, RADIO TUBES, ETC. MISCELLANEO GEOLOGY - GEOGRAPHY Field course to Western Ca Alaska. Graduate or unc ate credit, June 16-Auguni further information, write jamin Moulton, Flint Ju lege, Flint, Mich. HOUSEPARENTS or a sma girls. Near Ann Arbor. Sals maintenance. Maintenance incide with beginning of mester. A variety of traint perience could be consld band may be employed elsewhere. Both should be Call NO 2-5834. SINGING AND SPEAKING --Mrs. Kenneth N. Wester ber National Assoc. Teach Ing, 715 Granger, NO 8-6584 PERSONAL LIVE MODERN BE MODERN Let us help you get rid White Elephants or anyt for that matter. Call, NO NO 5-2422 TODAY beford QUICK: You're looking il happen? BRIDGETT B. Dear Daily Reader: Is there really "A Time of is it just a coming attract IF YOU THINK the weathe great, wait till you see UN ATTENTION: F. L. WI Our Price Arch. Forum *3.25 yr ~House and Home $4.50 yr. This offer for a limited t Order noV', pay later by Student Periodical Agenc 3061 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. USED CARS 1956 VOLKSWAGE $1295 - guarantee one \Michigan European Car Co 303 Ashley N FOR SALE' We specialize in good u from *100 up. GENE'S AUT at 44 Detroit Street. NO 1957 VOLI WAGEN -Blac condition, low 'mileage. C 7036 between 5 and 7 P.M 1957 ENGLISH FORD. 4-doo condition. Make an offer 3-8056. FOR SALE NEW GERMAN CONTAX for sale. 1.5 Sonnar lens. call NO 5-6644'. TWO FORMALS-One pink low with metallic lam 1 all white. Worn once. Siz each. Best offer. Call NO A QUIET deluxe Royal por writer, used, $65. Call' Nor g NO 5-6145 Days, NO 3-309 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords socks 39c; shorts, '69c; mi plies. Sam's Store, 122 E..M ALTERATION LE US convert your dout - suit or tuxedo to a sing model for only $15.00. Don tuxedo to shawl collar wi facing for only $22.00. single breasted to new s lapel for only $11.00. E12 manship. Mail to Michae Co., or write for free do Broadway, Det it 26, or ph ward 3-5776. Ann Arbor Radio-TV Service 1217 South University - r. Across from the Campus Theater ,: fi' NO 8-7942. )X38 I Hear the fabulous NORELCO tape recorder USED TAPE RECORDERS & H1I-Fl EQUIPMENT, FOR ,SALE OVER 106 BRANDS OF HI-Fi COMPONENTS IN STOCK COMPLETE WINTER TUNm3-UP FOR FAST WINTER STARTING ROAD SERVICE GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION 601 Packard NO 8-9429 )518 1317 South University (one block east of Campus Theater) * NO 8-7942 '' )X39 r arch's birthstones, the aqua- ne and bloodstone, symbolize ige. its name suggests, the aqua- ne is a blue-green stone re- to the emerald: It is usual- en in women's jewelry, such ngs and clips and often set diamonds. ancient times the people this stone engraved with the of the Sea God because they red it protected them from erils of the sea. e bloodstone, the aquama- s companion, is dark green flecks of red. Frequently ig a crest or monogram O in it, it is commonly seen en's rings or cuff links. is stone is especially appro- e at this time of year because associated with the cruci- n of Christ. An old legend that a piece of this stone lay e foot of the cross on which. t was crucified'. ONE-DAY SERVICE for shoe repairing and hat cleaning a SANFORD'S also fine tailoring, suits pressed and shoe shining 119 East Ann Street. - Phone: Business NO 8-6966 30 years-in same location (opposite court house) at PIANOS (Baldwin, Ivers & Pond, Estey) and Organs (Baldwin, Estey, Thomas). New and Used. Terms Rare Violins & Bows Restoration MADDY MUSIC 508 E. William NO 3-3223 )X35 PETS AND SUPPLIES TROPICAL FISH, Aquariums and sup- plies, Hamsters, Parakeets, Kitty lit- ter, etc. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 East Liberty NO 3-0224 (Open daily and Sun. afternoons) Closed Thursday )T16 C ')J99 ALTERATIONS, DRESSMAKING, Suits, coats, etc. done reasonably. 618 Pack- ard, NO 2-8449. )J101 LINOLEUM, wall tile. shades, venetian blinds installed properly. Murphy Brothers, 320 E. Liberty. NO 8.6725. )J35 * / * ..--.- dichifin is looking for girls to ticipate in the synchronized imming show in May. k tryout meeting will be held ay at 7:15 p.m. at the women's iL. Ability to swim in good form required. Contestants are ex- ted to be able to do the front ml, back crawl, breast stroke, J,the side stroke on both sides. W1LBU, JUST WOK- UP To HE PACITWA HE (N CLASS! -Daily-Norman Jacobs HAMMER IT OUT-Workshop of the Student Activities Building is available for organizations and individuals with permission of the SAB Board. Facilities include storage, machines and a painting room .O \(ou'E1 haveoIWt That's why American Express Student Tours are expertly planned to include a full measure of individual leisure- ample free time to discover your Europe-as well as the most comprehensive sight-seeing program available anywhere! Visit England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, The Rivieras and France-accompanied bydistinguished tour leaders-enjoy superb American xpress service throughout. 10 Special Tours . .. 48 to 63 days.. . via famous ships: United States, Liberte, Nieuw Amsterdam, Atlantic, Italia, New York. $1,198 up. Other tours available ... from 35 days ... $769 up. You can always TRAVEL NOW-PAY LATER when you go American Express! For complete information, see your Campus Representative, local Travel Agent or r American Express Travel Service, member: Institute of International Education and Council tn Studnt Trael - Al not-so the onl p RS ... and SRI i present quarterly isn honeymoons on in terms-of close edited for girls wit it is fast becomi To acquaint you w BRIDE & HOME invites so you are sure to ha ) I ' ., : , / Today is the last chance to profitably dispose that . . which you would like to see possessed someone new. All sorts of sundry items have b offered. This is the time for the unusual to to place. Watch Friday's Daily Classified section. lie a part call NO 5-2422 or NO 2-3241 befc 3 P.M. .,. Far fetched? In the o-far future it may be y new place left to go. IDE & HOME will give the data. But for the t, this stimulating new more concerned with a budget and space. ts. It is so specifically th a husband in mind, ng their encyclopedia. with its unique virtues. you to subscribe now ve the next four issues. ,.1 Dm't let that "drowsy feed Flail this eminm tedar &t l SSues 'L. V V