e t' 01 4r ~tgn aily Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "This Will Keep Out Foreign Salesmen" Men Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" CHORAL UNION SERIES Obernkirchen Choir Performs Brightly AMONG THE LARGE NUMBER of childen's choirs blossoming around the world, the Obernkirchen group is rapidly rising to the top in popularity. This group returned to Ann Arbor last night to perform in Hill Auditorium after a two year absence. The choir is directed by Edith Moeller, who has been their leader from the beginning a few years ago. Her conducting'is forthright and simple, extracting from her youthful charges the response desired. It is necessary to establish from what view one wishes tomregard this kind of musical group. Are they to be considered as primarily a musical ensemble or as entertainment? I prefer to take a middle view. 'Y Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER The West's Policy And the Indonesian Rebels THE BOMBS which were dropped Friday on and assets-they have already done so on Su- Parnu, a small town on the island of Suma- matra--and they would bring an end to much tra, could very well signify the end of the of the unhealthy Communist influence in Indo- Indonesian Republic as a united state. nesia's present government. The attack, which was part of Premier The ttak, hic waspar ofPreier OT ONLY THIS, but it also appears that the Djuanda's policy to crush the provisional gov- ONL THISnmutita s ht yhe ernment, was launched on a town in the rebel provisional government has not only more stronghold of Sumatra and could easily provoke widespread support than the central govern- hot civil war, if it has not already done so.ment, but it seems to stand a better chance of winning any military action. There have al- If civil war has actually broken out, the ready been a number of defections to the rebels Communists,, who hope to break the republic by high officers in the Indonesian Army. up and take it by force if they are unable to A capture it internally, could very easily come And, should war come the central government out on top, especially if neither side can get on Java would have difficulty getting food for decisive control of the entire republic. The either its civilians or its army because most of Communists would have an advantage in such Indonesia's food comes from the outer islands, a set-up because they would probably be the most of which have rebel sympathies. only unified group left with members on every The West can help most by recognizing the island., new government's valid claim to Indonesia's For this reason, the United States who has foreign assets and by blocking any attempt by a very important stake in the Far East as does the central government to draw upon them. the rest of the free world should try to prevent It would of course be unwise to recognize the such a situation from coming about. Indonesia provisional government unless a full fledged is a particularly strategic republic both for its war breaks out in which the rebels show they natural resources of oil and rubber and also for are the true government of the Indonesian its strategic location in relation to pro-Western people. But we should be prepared for the nations in the Far East should a general mili- eventuality should it arise.trrcirdkeprceh tary action take place here.eetaiysoudi rs- There is still hope that the' Indonesian peo- Of course a peaceful settlement is the one Tereiastilhatredoviop enteidonresin, which all sides, except the Communists, are ple's basic hatred of violence will prevail, but still hoping for. Any reunification without this hope is now only a very faint glimmering bloodshed would very probably be advantageous. in a sea of dark preparations for war. Both to the West as it would of necessity include the sides are arming, and what could have been the ouster of Sukarno and the adoption of the rebel first blow has already been struck, leaders' long-needed reforms. Now if civil war has begun, and it appears Whatever happens, the West, particularly that it has, the best course for the United States the United States must be prepared to help and the West would be to support the rebel the anti-communists, for should Indonesia fall regime as actively as possible. into the Soviet-Red Chinese sphere of influence Why? Well for one thing the provisional gov- the defense of remaining pro-western lands in ernment has promised -to call a halt to the the Far East would become precarious if not Communist-inspired, anti-foreign agitation and untenable. attempted nationalization of foreign industries -JOHN AXE TODAY AND TOMORROW: ; y; The Disability Puzzle By WALTER LIPPMANN _ .. .- . I '"'i =. .; °,: . , .r .. 'gP" j' . \MI i Z u / _ . .e' i co, -r S i f z .t. rs .fSrCa WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Ike's Public Relations By DREW PEARSON Their chief appeal is the fact that they are so young and so charm- ing. Add to that the fact that they sing nicely, and you have an eve- ning that is guaranteed to be a great pleasure to all but the hard- est of heart. This is not a perfect ensemble of the highly polished, overly trained Vienna type. One fre- quently hears bad entrances and some poor intonation. But it is these little imperfections that add much of the child-like appeal. THE CHOIR obtains its dynamic variety within a somewhat narrow range, but they do achieve a good deal of variety within this range. I am very happy to see this ap- proach used, for it does not cause strain upon these very youthful voices and aids in the retention of their beauty. I found the group a trifle less spontaneous than they were two years ago, but I suppose that the years of experience that thqy have been gathering should take away a little of this element. They have attained a good deal of professional shine, perhaps a little too much at times. I would hate to see this group take on a quality of slickness, but they are not far from it once in awhile. * * * . THE FIRST HALF of the pro- gram was devoted to several short songs from many different periods of music. "America the Beautiful" opened the program and was sung in vey fine trnglish. Songs of Schubert, Brahms, and Tchaikow- sky followed. The choir showed good balance in all these selections. The older boys sang the bass line in an un- obtrusive manner, but lent body to the tone, which is often lack- ing from other children's choirs. 'A change in mood from the gen- erally somber color of the first songs was affected by Lemlin's "Der Kuckuck" (The Cuckoo). Other songs in this "clever" cate- gory followed, including the old stand-by "Echo-Lied" (Echo Song) of Di Lasso. * * * TWO BARTOK songs were given fine performances and were fol- lowed by a group of miscellaneous songs. According to the program, the group performed Burleigh's arrangement of "Deep River," but I did not recognize it. This song was given a perform- ance which did nothing to strike the mood of tender sorrow and longing which the words conveyed. The tonal level was too high and an impertinent soprano obbligato was thrown in to dispel the mood completely. Following the intermission, the group performed a musical version of the story of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." While the per- formance was very pleasant and entertaining, it was not enough to make up for the' musical setting itself; too much, too dull. The group closed its encores with its theme song, "The Happy Wanderer." Discreet actompani- ment was provided at the piano by James Benner. EISENHOWER himself has, as we know, asked Congress to clear up the uncertain- ties of the Constitution on the question of a disabled President. There is, moreover, an Administration bill drafted in the Department of Justice which was introduced in the House of Representatives last spring. There is, there- fore, nothing indelicate about discussing the, problem, which should be done with the kind of matter-of-factness tliat a sensible man adopts when he makes his will. Yet, while some progress seems to have been made, Congress continues to be hesitant to act, rather like a man who, knowing that he ought to make a will, puts off going to see his lawyer. There are several reasons why Congress puts off action. They are all, so it seems to me, aspects of one general reason. This is a search for a "solution" -of the problem which will suit everybody now and in all conceivable contin- gencies in the future.1 No such solution will ever be found, and it is useless to look for the kind of solution which will cover everything that a writer of mystery stories might imagine, as, for example, a secret criminal conspiracy to oust a President and to usurp the office. In dealing with this prob- lem, as with any other of the structural ques- tions of the Constitution, we must assume that the great officers of the state are honorable and honest men, most particularly in the high- est matters. If we do not make this assumption, we find outselves in a hopeless complication of suspicions, trying to find some way where everybody concerned in the decision is able to check and balance everyone else. A T THE LEVEL of common sense in practical affairs, the problem falls into two parts which can be and, I think, should be dealt with separately, The first part has to do with a case where,. in the words of Representative Keating who Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON ...........;.....Personnel Director CAROL PRINS .................... Magazine Editor EDWARD ERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY . ........Features Editor ROSE PEELBERG , ...............Activities Editor JAMES IBAAD ........................Sports Editor .BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER ... ...Associate Sports Editor DIANE FRASER t............. Assoc. Activities Editor THOMAS BLUES A..........Assoc. Personnel Director BRUCE BAILEY ...................Chief Photographer Business Staff is a leader in the field, there is "a temporary disability declared by the President himself." The second part, which Mr. Keating calls the "real problem," arises "when a disabled Presi- dent either refuses to admit his disability or is physically unable to do so." ) Taking the two cases separately, we find that the first case is easy to deal with and the second is rather puzzling. When the President himself declares that he is for the time being disabled, which is the first case, there is gen- eral, though not unanimous, agreement that it is the intent of the Constitution that the Vice-President should act as President until the President himself declares that his dis- ability has ended. There are some lawyers who think that to clarify this proposition a Consti- tutional amendment is necessary, or at least desirable. But there is high legal authority for thinking that in this case Congress itself has the power to declare what the Constitution means. Now it would be prudent and sensible, in my view, for Congress to act promptly on the first part of the problem. It is not entirely inconceivable that if Congress had clarified this point, the President, when he was stricken last autumn, might have devolved his powers tem- porarily to the Vice-President. This might well have been the wisest thing to do both as to the effectiveness of his office and in the interests of his own health. 1 Be that as it may, since agreement is possible on this part of the problem, Congress should act even though there is not as yet agreement on the second and much more puzzling part of the problem. IT IS SOMETHING of a puzzle to decide what should be done in case a disabled President is enfeebled, is unconscious, or worse still is irrational. The problem is who in the govern- ment is to raise the question of the President's disability, and who is to decide finally whether he is disabled. My own view is that the initiative in raising the question should be in the executive branch, in the Cabinet and in the White House itself. On the other hand, the final power to decide the question should be in the Congress. In other words, if the President is disabled and unable to make his own decision, the fact of his disability will have to be made known by the members of his own official family, presumably, I should say, by the Secretary of State. Under modern conditions of publicity, it would" be quite impossible to conceal the President's disability-as was done in the cases of Garfield and Wilson. When the question of the President's dis- ability has been raised, the Vice-President should go to Congress, or if necessary, call it into special session. He should communicate the facts of the President's condition and W ASHINGTON - Newsmen covering the President were a bit rough with Jim Hagerty over Ike's 3,000-mile detour to take Mamie and two friends to Eliza- beth Arden's slimming resort in Arizona. But you can't entirely blame Jim. The astute and agile White House Press Secretary has been having one of the roughest times of his five years in office. Reason is that his boss has been more crotchety of late and much less concerned about public opin- ion. For a long time, Gen. Eisen- hower was more hep to public re- lations than any recent President, and completely agreeable to Hag- erty's suggestions. But lately he. hasn't been worrying too much about what the public thinks. * * * HAGERTY was fully aware of the bad public reaction to taking Mamie and sister-in-law with Mrs. Ellis Slater on a slimming detour for which commercial air- lines charge $1,200. But he had nothing to say about it. He knew of course that Mrs. Gordon Moore, the President's sister-in-law, was right in the public eye as a result of Col. Moore's name being involved in the Congressional investigation of Channel 10 in Miami. Col. Moore has also been mentioned in con- nection with the CAB award of a route to his old firm, Trans- Caribbean Air Lines, and in con- nection with deals with Domini- can Dictator Trujillo. Mrs. Ellis Slater is also not the most politic guest to take on a free trip, because her husband, former head of Frankfurt Dis- tilleries, a Seagram's subsidiary, is given credit for helping influ- ence the oil leasing of the Lacas- sine Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana. * * * THIS LEASE was given by the Eisenhower Administration to Slater's s u b si d i a r y company, Frankfurt Oil Co., and set a new precedent for oil leasing on gov- ernment wildlife preserves. Prior to this, Democrats Harold Ickes and Oscar Chapman, as Secre- taries of the Interior, hadszealous- ly refused to permit oil companies to lease game refuges. Republican subordinates in the Interior Department also vigor- ously opposed opening up the La- cassine preserve to Slater's oil company but they were overruled from on top . Ellis Slater contributed $2,500 to Eisenhower's reelection cam- paign last year and has been one of his closest bridge-playing part- ners. He was with him most of the time at Thomasville, and is a member of the exclusive group which built the Augusta golf quarters for the President at no expense to him. Irs. Elizabeth Arden, who is giving Mamie and friends the nonpaying guest treatment at her A r i z on a slimming-resort, also contributed $2,500 to Ike in 1956. * * * THE REASON why forthright Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine quietly resigned from the GOP Senate Campaign Commit- tee over the $100,000 from that Texas Joe Martin dinner was very simple. She remembered how Texas money had reached all the way up to Maine and bank-rolled an opponent to run against her in the Republican primary in 1954. He was Robert' L. Jones, who received contributions from Texas oilionaires i n c 1 u d i n g Douglas Marshal, son-in-law of Roy Cul- len. AnotherCullen son-in-law, Corbin Robertson, was a spone- sor of the dinner for Joe Martin, also a sponsor for a similar din- ner given to Democrat Lyndon Johnson. Mrs. Smith also knew that Vic Johnson ,who' really runs the GOP Senate Campaign Commit- tee for the reelection of senators, is hand-in-glove with Texas oil- ionaires and was suspected of fi- nancing Apposition to her. * * * THAT'S WHY Mrs. Smith not only resigned from the committee but remarked privately to friends: "Those rich Texans not only want to keep their money through oil depletion allowances and make the rest of us pay extra taxes, but they also send their money all over the country to defeat sena- tors who don't agree with them. They want to make the Senate of the United States a rubber-stamp for Texas." (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editori- al responsibility.,Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN Corm to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 195 VOL. AXVIM, NO. 103 General Notices Linguistics Club meeting., Wed., Feb.' 26 at 8 p.m. in Rackham Assembly Hall. Speaker: Prof. John C. Street, Michigan State University, "The Re- construction of Proto-Mongolian." Honor Residents, General Informa- tion meeting, Wed., Feb., 26, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Michigan League, Hussey Room. Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in June, 193, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the Graduate School by Fri., Feb. 28. A student will not be recommended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the of- fice of the Graduate School. Martha Cook Building is receiving ap- plications for September 1958. Fresh men and Sophomore women may apply. Please telephone NO 2-3225 weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for appointment. All applications are due March 10, 1958. Regents' Meeting: Fri., March 21. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the Pres- dent's hands not later than March 12. Agenda, Student Government Council, February 26, 1958, Council Room, 7:30 p.m. Minutes of previous meeting. Officer reports: President - Letters, Increased Enrollment Committee; Exe. Vice Pres. -.'Evaluation Committees, Membership restriction Committee, J- Hop - Motion; Admin. Vice Pres. Lec- ture Committee, Forum; Treasurer. Special Committees. Elections. South East Asia. Standing Committees, Education and Student Welfare; National and Inter- national - Exchange programs, ITSIS; Public Relations; Student Activities, Interim action: Feb. 25, 26: India Stu- dent Association, documentary movies on India in celebration of Ii4dian Re- public Day, Rackham Amph. Feb. 26, International Students Association, balloon debate, League; Feb. 2, Inter- national Students Association, film, Moscow Youth Festival, Ach. Aud. Administrative Wing, mass meeting. Old business. .New business. Members time. Constituents time. Announcements. Adjourn. Lectures Zweit Lecture. "Stochastic Problems In Mathematics and Physics," Mark Kac, Prof. of Mathematics, Cornell Uni- versity, 4:00 p.m. today. Room 3011 An- gell Hal. Gregory Pincus, M. S., SeD., Tufts Medical College, Boston, Mass., and. Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Worcester, Mass., will give an illustrated lecture on "The Biological Effects of Progestational Hormones." 4:15 p.m., Feb. 27, Rackham Amphir theatre. Presented by the Department o Anatomy and the Medical School Public is invited. Political Science Graduate Roundtable meeting on Thurs., Feb. 27, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The speaker will be Professor Benjamin E. Lippincott of the University of Minne- sota. His topic will be "Democracy's Internal Dilemma." Academ Notices Operations Research Seminar: Russell L. Ackoff, Professor of Engineering Ad- ministration and Director, Operations Research Group, Case Institute of Technology, will lecture on "Applica tion of, OR to the Control of Complex Systems" on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1958. Coffee hour will be held in room 243 West Engineering at 3:30 and Seminar at 4:00 in room -229 West Engineer- ing. All faculty members are welcome. Analysis Seminar. Mr. William Cald- well will speak on "The Radius of Con- vexity of Polynomials." Meeting is in room 3010 Angell Hall, Thurs., Feb. 27 a t 3:00 p.m. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will not meet Thurs., Feb. 27. Doctoral Examination for Ralph Ray- mond Goodman, Physics; Thesis: "An Investigation of the Cyclotron Reson- ance Theory in Germanium and Sili- con," Thurs., Feb. 27, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 1:30 p.m. Acting Chair- man, G. E. Uhlenbeck. Placement Notices Thurs., Feb. 27 and Fri., Feb. 28 at the Bureau of Appointments. The First National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, I1. Location of Work, Chica- go, Ill. Men with BA or MA in Econom- ics, BBA or MBA for Accounting, Fi- nance, and Investments. ALL phases of Commercial Banking and Trust includ- ing' Foreign Banking, Bond and Credit. i k I 4, LETTERS TO THE EIDITOR: Larson Politik' Label Draws Objection t1 'Scholar in Action' .. To the Editor: J AMES Elsman's partisan treat- ment of Mr. Larson's address Monday night is an example of the irresponsible criticism which is frequently associated with the opposition party in the U.S. two party system.* , When a public servant comes before an academic community with a carefully planned address which has a very precise focus- namely, the economic aspect of an American ideology-the scholarly quality of his work is to be ad- mired and not associated with "politik." It is just this tendency to look for partisan implications in every written or spoken word of a pub- lic figure, finding implications even when they aren't there, which de- grades discussion of political issues into personality squabbles. It is easy to talk of the blunders covered by Dulles' catch phrases "brink of war" and "massive re- taliation" or by his statements in relation to Goa and Aswan Dam. But, if Mr. Elsman is so convinced that dynamic and open U.S. sup- port of Tunisia is the solution to the tensions in the Middle East which are complicated by nation- alism and anti-Westernism T refer However, U.S. policy regarding Tunisia was not the focus of Mr. Larson's address. He requested his audience to analyze carefully the ideological position of the U.S., to analyze that of the Communists and then to proceed in an enlight- ened fashion when dealing with neutral nations. Mr. Larson did not come to Hill Auditorium to make political capi- tal for the Administration. As stated by President Hatcher, he came as a "scholar in action." -Nancy Gardner, Grad. Reminder . . To the Editor: SO MUCH hag been said about the embarrassment and real danger stemming from U.S. earth- satellite delay, I'd like to point to a satellite matter that remains on the black side of the West's propa ganda ledger, but which we seem to be forgetting. I mean the brave effort of the Hungarian people, led by Budapest students, to throw off the mockery of government im- posed upon them since 1949 by the Soviet Union. March 6 will be exactly the 500th day since the Hungarian re- volt of October 23. 1956. Had the risk passing by new appeals to Moscow-dominated peoples. The cold war is not, after all, a two-power struggle. It consists of the Western powers led 'by the U.S., opposite the Soviet Union and its satellites. It is a united Communist world that we must prevent and defeat, and any "cracks in the Kremlin wall" should be encouraged and sup- ported. Five days after October 23 we hadn't forgotten the thousands of slain and slashed; five weeks after, we still remembered that 196,000 had been forced to uproot from their homeland and seek asyluim in free lands; even 50 days after, we felt the tragedy of the handful who had dared fight despots, and who were crushed by 200,000 Soviet troops, 2,500 tanks and cars and 1,000 other vehicles. The cruelty was so great the UN censured Russia's action in the strongest language possible, and even Khrushchev admitted last April "the Hungarian situation was a rather sharp affair, like Hungarian paprika . .." On the 500th day after, I am not saying the U.S. should rashly intervene in new satellite prob- lems. Most strongly I urge that we no No n+rxPm+ HrnLma.v1WA the Kremlin about their "Hun- garian paprika," and their forced rule of other satellite countries. Let's stand ready to thrust that "sharp" problem of satellite dom- ination down that crowing throat of Khrushchev's! By the way, I'm a native-born American, and while I feel awfully nude after shouting in public like this, I hope I have said as closely as possible what the much braver Hungarians would have said for themselves. -Jerry Borden, '60L Politics* * To the Editor: IN REPLYING to the letter by a Young Democrat, the presi- dent of the Young GOP-Grumpy Old Party-remArked in the Feb- ruary 20 issue of The Daily, that they do not want to debate the Young Democrats on such issues as the present economic recession or foreign policy. I presume that the reason be- yond this plea is that our friends just have not dreamt up the right slogan as yet to deal effectively with these vital issues. What ever happened to Modern Republican- ism's "Peace and Prosperity"?