WEST'S INDONESIAN POLICY DISCUSSED See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t tly JPIMLAF e° 00 "" b " WINDY, WARMER VIII, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 FIVE CENTS -1s ommittee Charges 4rimrnal Violations Lawyer Cannot Explain $75,000 Deposited in Bank Two Years Ago WASHINGTON (41)-A House committee chairman said yesterday eral Communications Commissioner Richard A. Mack and others >lved in a Florida TV license case appear to have violated the law laid themselves open'to criminal penalties. Rep. Oren Harris (D-Ark.) made this charge during testimony :VIiami lawyer Thurman A. Whiteside, who said among other things, couldn't account for $75,000 deposited in one of his bank accounts' years ago. This was Whiteside's second day before the special House subcom- tee which was set up to study the operations of federal regulatory ncies. It has been looking of late into influences exerted on members he Federal Communications Commission. Commissioner Given Share in Firm Whiteside, a lifelong friend of Mack's, has testified previously that gave the commissioner a one-sixth share in a Miami insurance firm a Group. Plans- which does business with the suc- cessful applicant for a hotly con- tested TV station license. Harris said the Federal Com- munications Act of 1954 bars commission members from having outside business interests or from owning stock in firms which serve petitioners before the FCC. Asked by reporters whether he thought Mack violated the law, Harris said Mack's interest in the insurance firm is a violation of the law. Ur Surve By LEWIS COBURN ans for surveys -of housing employment -- regarding lability to members of minori- oups - were discussed at yes- ay's kick-off meeting for Ann ir's Human Relations Year.. of. Albert Wheeler of- the, ical School, a member of the Human Relations Commis- -Daily-Robert Kanner )F. ALBERT WHEELER ... discusses survey Worked Outside Channels Similarly, Harris said Whiteside seemingly violated the law by working outside of legally pre- scribed channels to help a Na- tional Airlines subsidiary get Miami's Channel 10 license. In loud, emphatic tones, Harris said the penalty for violating .the law is $10,000 fine or a year in prison. Whiteside refused to concede there had been any law violation. Couldn't Recall Details He said, too, he couldn't remem- ber at the moment any details about a $75,000 payment into one of his 20 or so bank accounts in March 1956. Whiteside said he would tell the subcommittee about the deposit after checking with his Miami office. He said that whatever the deposit was, it had nothing't do with the Channel 10 case or the committee's inquiry into the FCC. Whiteside has said he did. all he could on a voluntary, no-fee basis to get the license for Public Serv- ice Television Inc., a subsidiary of National Airlines. He said he talked to Mack on National's behalf but denied ex- erting any pressure or exacting any pledge from the commissioner.: morton Asks*, SGC To Meet J-Hop .Deficit A motion that Student Govern- ment Council assume the deficit of this year's JTHop will be pre- sented to SGC at 7:30 p.m. in the Council room of the Student Ac- tivities Bldg. , The motion, to be presented by the Finance Committee, also asks the J-Hop Central Committee to submit plans and a budget to the Council during the spring semes- ter before each J-Hop. No commitments may be given by the dance committee until SGC has approved these plans, under the motion. The deficit from this year would be made up over the next few years from Homecoming, Cinema Guild, and future J-Hop profits, according to SGC Treasur- er Scott Chrysler, '59BAd., Fi- nance Committee chairman. Liwing Cost Level Hits New High WASHINGTON (AW - The gov- ernment announced Yesterday that food prices reached a record high last month, sending over-all living costs to a new peak. The increase was the biggest in 18 months. Officials said moreover they foresaw no relief for housewives from soaring costs over the'next few months. They held out hope that heavy price cuts being felt in raw ma- terial markets-for rubber, metals, hides, wool, petroleum and lumber and so on - may trickle to the consumer level in the form of low- er prices by summer or fall, and also that food may decline some- what. Peak Hits 122.3 Per Cent The new living cost peak was measured at 122.3 per cent of the 1947-49 average of the consumer price index. This was an increase of six-tenths of one per cent from December to January. It was the largest monthly rise since July 1956. The figures drew a quick reac- tion from James B. Carey, an AFL-CIO vice president. ' "We in the union ihovement have criticized prices arbitrarily set by big business. And the ad- ministration and its business al- lies have sneered," he said in a statement. "But how else can you explain rising prices in a period of slid- ing demand?" Statistician Answers Ewan Claue, Labor Depart- ment statistics chief who an- nounced the new living cost data, had replied to. the same question for newsmen earlier. He said the new rise was due mainly to a jump in food prices and said food demand hasn't les- sened. Applications Made Available By Tomorrow Petitioning will open tomorrow for class officers, Union directors- at-large, and campus boards-in- control, according to Roger Mahey '61, elections director for Student Government Council. Three seats on the Board-in- Control of Student Publications are open for one-year terms. Peti- tioners must be enrolled in the University and produce signatures of 100 eligible voters. Board in Control of Intercol- legiate Athletics has one position open to male sophomore students. No signatures are needed, but the regular petition form must be filed. Positions for Union directors re- quire 200 signatures. In addition to four director-at-large positions, there are positions open for a director representing Law School students and one director repre- senting students in both medical and dental schools. Forms will be available for peti- tioning for senior class officers of the literary college, engineering college and the education school. Six additional petitions for SGC positions were taken out yester- day, according to Mahey. This in- cludes two incumbents, Scott G. Chrysler, '59BAd, and Lois Wur- ster, '60; and Bruce Hoffman, '59, Ted Bomb, '59, Richard Abrams, '60, and Fred Merrill, '59. Expression I RUSSIAi Exchang tues T Tells Nati Of Goodi Announced. By ROBERT SNYDER Two University students are among the first people selected to represent the United States in a history-making student exchange with the Soviet Union. DeWitt C. Baldwin, coordinator of religious affairs and interna-1 tional director of the Lisle Fellow- ship, Inc., an organization which he founded in 1936 and one of the sponsors of the exchange program, said those selected are Donald T. French, Grad., and Maynard Gold- man, '59.f .~ graduate student in the Slavic language department, French is well-versed in Russian history and speaks Russian fluently. Goldman is also acquainted with Russian language and history and is cur- rently Administrative Vice-Presi- dent of SGC. Baldwin is also a member of the Council on Student Travel, organ- izers of the 39-day trip through the Soviet Union. He has there- sponsiblilty of choosing 10 stu- dents, which is Lisle's quota. To date, six of the 10 have been chosen, four of whom have rea- sonable command of the language. The remaining four will be chosen by March 21. In all likelihood, at least one more University student will be chosen, Baldwin said. The program, which has been in the planning stage foi three' years, finally materialized two months ago when the Soviet Union, prompted.by relaxationof the United State's immigration. rules, agreed to allow reciprocal. exchanges of students. Participants in the program must have the following qualifica- tions: at least two years of college, emotional maturity, group experi- ence, campus and/or community responsibilities, and knowledge of international affairs. Byrd Deecides Not. To Retire;* ,To Run Agrain RICHMOND, Va. OP) - Sen. Harry Flood Byrd (D-Va.), re- versed yesterday an announced decision to retire. Sen. Byrd, chairman of the Sen- ate FinancedCoimittee and a long-time advocate of fiscal con- servatism, said he would seek a fifth term. He announced his de- cision in a message to the Gener- al Assembly of Virginia. It quoted a statement of con- sent from Mrs. Byrd whose illness was given as the reason in his retirement statement Feb. 12. The message was greeted with applause in the assembly which had asked him to reconsider re-. tirement. Gov. J. Lindsay Almond hastened to offer unqualified sup- port. --Daily-David Arnold INTRIGUE-The assassination of a Swedish king will provide these members of the speech depart- ment and School of Music with plenty of intrigue tonight. To be presented at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Giuseppe Verdi's opera, "Masked Ball," will run through Saturday, with performances be- ginning at 8 p.m. The production is under the direction of Prof. Josef Blatt of the School of Music and Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the speech department. Ike Calls Foreign Aid Prograi of Common Depar tents To Present Verdi Opera, The intrigue involved in assas- sinating a king will provide the plot of the speech department- School of Music production of Giuseppe Verdi's opera, "Masked Ball," which opens tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.- The production will run through Saturday, with performances be- ginn ing at 8 p.m. Prof. Hugh Z. Norto i of the speech department will direct, while Prof. Josef Blatt .of the School of Music is musical director. When "Masked Ball" was sched- uled for its premiere performance in 1858, an attempted assassina- tion of Napoleon III by a group of Italian conspirators necessitated the changing of the setting of the opera. The locale was shifted to Puri- tan New England, and the con- spirators, in the original libretto Swedish noblemen trying to exe- cute king Gustav III, became Negroes trying to kill the royal governor. In later performances the set- ting was changed to Italy. The current production has set the story in its original locale, the court of the king of Sweden in 1792. ISA Calls Off Balloon Debate The International Student Asso- ciations "balloon debate" has been postponed from this evening, ac- cording to Debates and Discussion. Chairman Beverly Pooley, Grad. The debate, in which the rela- tive rights to survival of Machia- velli, Scrooge, Leonardo do Vinci, Cyrano de Bergerac, Elvis Presley, John Foster Dulles, Laika and others were to be debated, will be rescheduled, Pooley continued. Sen FOR HIGHWAYS: Study Committee Hears Auto Tax Suggestion By MICHAEL KUAFT The possibility of subjecting automobiles to the general property tax was brought before the citizen's advisory committee on taxation which met here yesterday. The group heard a staff research report stating "property taxes still contribute substantially to construction and maintenance of local streets and roads, thus making it logical to require motor vehicles to contribute to the property tax." In Detroit, the general manager of the Automobile Club of Michi- gan expressed opposition to the report, saying "we are sure Michigan's lawmakers and local governments . Help Policy President Declare, 'No Margin for Er Left by Situation WASHINGTON () -- Pres Dwight D. Eisenhower, appi for nationwide support of hi: eign aid program, described i night as "not a maneuver ca out by a dictator" but an ex sion of goodwill and con sense. President Eisenhower clin a day-long conference orgy by the administration in beh the $3,900,000,000 aid progro The President said thati present conditions the urgen both mutual security and procal trade agreements le tion "leaves no margin for e Speaks on Radio In an address prepared coast-to-coast broadcast on President Eisenhower a "They are iron imperatives curity and the building of peace" The President spoke at a ner meeting attended by nai leaders from all walks of life resenting Democratic, Repul and independent thinking. President Eisenhower safe position to the aid prograr based on, slogans, preju penny-wise economy and all, an outright refusal to to the world of 1958 as it reall "Nothing for Peace" "What the ostrich-like nents of mutual 'security see be saying," he added, "is 'bi for armament, but .not one for peace!' " The foreign aid rally beg the morning. At a luncheon ing former President Tr called on the Eisenhower ac istration to come forward some new ideas to combat Ri massiveeconomic offensive. And Adlai E. Stevenson, bid for the presidency or Democratic ticket in 1952 1956, challenged Russia to jo United States in a pooled eff provide economic aid to und veloped nations. Scholarship App lations Soon Availal Sion, emphasized that "on the spot evidence" gained from such sur- veys would be more impressive to local residents than published re- sults of surveys conducted else- wher6. . -' Noting that another valuable survey could determine "neigh- borhood reactions and opinions" for areas into which Negroes have recently moved, Prof. Wheeler said reactions of employers of Ne- groes should also be investigated. Subdivisions Not Open He pointed out that Negroes have not been allowed to pur- chase homes in the new subdivi- sions which are located on the outskirts of Ann Arbor.. Prof. Wheeler also discussed the possible formation of com- mittees to speed integration of Negroes and other minority groups into wards and precincts where they cannot now obtain housing. Noting that the Commission plans to approach the University for use of television broadcasting facilities, Prof. Wheeler added that other possible areas of acti- vity included work with service clubs and church social action committees. Work 'Two-Pronged' He called the work of Human Relations Year "two-pronged", 4 resulting in "self-education" of participating individuals and in accomplishment of specific goals. The Rev. Henry Lewis, chair- man of the commission, told audi- ence members7 the Commission "has no axe to grind." He noted that "we look upon human beings as human beings" and that the purpose of Human Relations Year is to "put that ideal a little bit more into prac- tice." Dr. Lewis said the Commission hoped local groups would commit themselves to work on Human Re- lations Year projects. He noted the Commission plans to climax would not want to impose another tax on our leading industry, par- ticularly when auto production and sales are already lagging seri- ously.' Reaction Expected The citizen's advisory commit- tee's research coordinator, Prof. Harvey E. Brazer of the economics department, said the club's re- action was expected. He emphasized that the report was not a recommendation but one of eight studies already prepared for the Citizen's committee which will present final recommenda- tions and conclusions to the Legis- lature's tax structure study com- mittee during the summer. The,report made public ye ter- day also. discussed changes in the administration of state tax laws, suggesting that tax collectors be paid salaries instead of out of fees and appointment rather than elec- tion of treasurers. Urge Collections It is difficult to press for tax. collection and "this is not a job for an elected official," Prof. Bra- zer said. Earlier this year, Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton) head of the House Tax committee said he.. would not propose any new taxes until the final reports, being pre- pared by the three state univer- sities, were completed, even though it would be too late for the present legislative session, t . , 'U' Students' Ideas Differ On Taproom By PHILIP MUNCK Students yesterday had varied reactions to the comment of Dean of Men Walter B. Rea that a Union taproom, selling beer to students of legal age, might not be a bad idea. , "I think it woul be a darn good idea," H. FredericlBiork, '58,.said. "However it could pose a problem to students under age. It would tend to segregate those over 21 years old from those under 21 years old." Larisca Wytwycky, '58, opposed the idea because "We come to the University to study, not to drink." Idea 'Excellent' "I think it's an excellent idea," Le-Anne Toy, '59, said. "There's quite a bit of drinking anyhow and it seems ridiculous not to have it here (at the Union).", She did not think drunkenness would be much of a problem. "So- cial pressure would keep -most from overstepping their limits," she explained. Jack Batdorff, '59, called it a "fabulous idea, but there are many questions on how itwould be run." Applications for the Al Student Leader Scholarship probably be available withi next several weeks, accordi Prof. James M. Davis, cha of the committee on foreign dent scholarships. Under this program, a U sity student spends a ye Britain doing graduate level and a British gf'aduate si spends a year on this camp Currently Lew Engman, studying at the University of don under the program, an chael Head, Grad., is recip ing here. As the, scholarship wass in past years, maintenanc fees are paid for students dents participating must pay own transportation costs, hoe Prof. Davis termed the prc a success in this, its first y existence. Money for the program, $2,000, was last year pr through the Development C U.S .Weapoi Used i Atta RIESMAN COMMENTS ON COLLEGE ATTITUDE: 0 'Students Alienate Themselves from Curriculum' (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond in a series of two articles received through the Big Ten News Service.) By ULDIS ROZE Chicago Maroon Experiences at schools and col- leges play a major role in making' "organization men" of students, University of Chicago social scien- tist David Riesman said recently. "Pupils at school restrict their output, and decide how much to produce for the management," he said. The attitude of students to- ward their curriculum is one of slim ,on, sjnee t1'mvu pnera11u hbe- illusions about it. But one of their greatest illusions is the belief that they can in no way affect their academic environment, declared Riesman. Faculties Change They don't realize, for example, that faculties are not the mono- lithic, tight organisms they seem to be, but are rather groups that are often in precarious balance. This balance could be easily af- fected by a determined student opinion. "This is not to imply that- I want professors to run their Maroon he commented, "Thank goodness for Gadfly." "Why is it that students, who are so precocious about each other, about sex, or about their leisure activities, show none of this pre- cocity in relation to their curricu- lum?" the sociologist queried.,* Students Sabotage Students have a false impression of what will be profitable to them- selves. They sabotage the educa- tional process by becoming con- cerned with credits and grades, and not with the fundamentals of education. "By retaining their misconcep- tions, students lose their freedom and preserve a myth that is to last throughout the rest of their lives. They settle for fringe benefits and moderate respectability." "Pluralistic ignorance' is the term used by social scientists to describe a situation in which people don't get together to dis- cgqver that each person has been similarly misinformed about the rest. Thus, an agent as McCarthy- ism or the Broyles bill (Illinois loyalty oath law) might create an atmosphere in. which a liberal lesson, since people no longer have the same inner misconceptions." "The fight for freedom is easier where it is suppressed by force. But here it is suppressed by ami- ability and good will. "Men don't feel they should make a fuss. Their rebellion is muted: they withdraw from their work, and ultimately from them- selves."' Students Overgeneralize "As Hungary shows, there are some uncontrollable environments. Students realize this, but they overgeneralize this truth, and thus 'Would Be Realistic$ Another student, Gus Coutsour- akin, 158E, remarked that it would "tend to reduce a certain amount of apathy towards University rules' on drinking. It would be a realistic step towards a more sensible ap- proach to the drinking problem." George Quinnel, Grad., called the idea bad because it "would place too much responsibility on the Union and is not a function of the Union." Placing a taproom in the Union would involve revising an Ann Arbor ordinance saying that alco- hol cannot be served by the glass east of Division Street. WASHINGTON (A') - Undersecretary of State Dillon said yesterday the used some American mil: equipment in their atta House Passesj