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February 25, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-02-25

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oral Library Exhibits Rare Books



pecial display of priceless
nd book collections, the
Library is exhibiting
a M. Hymans, Rare Book
, called "selections from
st books in the library."
books, some, irreplaceabl,
ie library's Rare Book
never circulate although
a t e students or faculty
are allowed to borrow
ce in a while, Miss Hy-
pedial collections are dis-.
n the exhibition in the
the building. The display
cially planned for the of-
'ho attended the dedica-
emonies of the new Un-
ate Library.
>cuments' in Greek.
nanuscript collection in-
bout 100 rare documents,
I of which are Greek and
orks. Most of these are
ical.or ecclesiastical vein.
,mainder of the collection
up of Oriental works con,
g on the literature from
,nd Persia.
>okS printed during the
.tury are included in the
ala collection. These are
t books printed on the
D' type used for the fa-
itenberg -Bibje. The Uni-
brary has 380 of the 38,-
inabula books known to
apyri collection contains
.pyri, dating from the
atury B.C. to the eighth,


Call TVAid
For College
Instructors and professors at the
University of Detroit are reaching
the conclusion that while television
is an effective tool of learnihg, it
woh't take the place of a campus.
These are opinions voiced by
those who have been conducting
freshman experimental TV classes
during the fall semester.
Approximately 100 freshmen
students were enrolled in the pro-
gram which allowed them to take
15 hours of work using their tele-
vision sets at home for lectures
and demonstrations
Five teachers rate television and
regular students about even scho-
lastically. Some feel that TV
makes a better instructor.
Prof. Gordon Farrell, who teach-
es Spanish, said he found TV an
effective medium. His TV students
were doing a little better than stu-
dents- taking his regular language
Eugene Grewe, instructor in
English, found his subject more
difficult to tegch via television; the
grades of his TV students were
lower than others.
Most enthusiastic was Herbert
J. Bauer, who teaches a psychology
course at 7 a.m. over WJBK-TV.
A survey indicated this course was
being "attended" by an estimated
200,000 persons in the Detroit area.
Other courses offered last semes-
ter were rhetoric composition, and
The Public.Life of Christ.

Johnston Gets $100 Award
For Steel Structure Work



.. .. .

Prof. Bruce G. Johnston of the
engineering college will be award-
ed one of the 1957 Research Prizes
of the American Society of Civil
Engineering at its annual conven-
tion in Chicago.
Prof. Johnston, who has been
serving as a visiting lecturer at
the University of Florida, at
Gainsville, has been on a leave
of absence from the University.
The prize consists of a cash
award of $100 and a certificate,
citing him for his work in the
analysis and design of steel struc-
tures. Dr. Johnston has been a

professor of civil engineering at
the University since 1950.
Prof. Johnston was previously
director of the Fritz engineering
Laboratory at Lehigh University.
He received his early training at
the University of Illinois, and
later did graduate and research
work at Lehigh and at Columbia.
He has acted as consultant to
various governmental agencies,
including the Federal Civil De-
fense Administration, in the field
of analysis and design of shock
loaded structures.

Representatives will be at
the University of Michigan

---- '




N /


to interview candidates for positions in




Organization Notices

ROBINSON CRUSOE-The Hubbard Collection of Imaginary
Voyages In the General Library's. Rare Book collection contains
copies of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe in 21 foreign languages, Includ-
ing this Sudanese translation. The collection of 2500 volumes was
presented' to the library by L. L. Hubbard, a former University

(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stu-
dent organizations only.)
* * *
Physics Club, meeting, Feb. 26, 7:30
p.m., 2038 Randall Lab. Speaker: Dr. R.
Terhune, "Noise Limitations of Electri-
cal* Measuring Devices"
Eastern Orthodox Students Society,
lecture, Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m., St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church, 414 N. Main.
Speaker: Rev. Alexander S. Znamensky,
"The Impact of Orthodoxy on the
Western World."Coffer hour. following
Lutheran Studeent Assoc., class 'on
"Christ and Culture" led by Jerry Kis-
sel, Feb. 25, 7:15 'p.m., Lutheran Stu-
dent Center.
# * *
Kappa Phi, Morning Matin, Feb. 26,
7:30 -7:45 a.m., Chapel, First Methodist
Church. Midweek worship for Lent.
All students welcome.

ULLR Ski Club, meeting, Feb. 26,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-A, Union. Aspen Plans,
M.IS.A. Plans.
* . *
SNEA Meeting, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m.,
Ed. School Cafeteria. Speaker: Dr. Paul
A. Hunsicker, "Youth and Physical Ed-
ucation." Film: "The' Search," Refresh-
* * *
Hillel, meeting, Feb. 25, 8 p.m., Bras-
ley Lounge. Topic: "Some 20th Century
Novels by American Jews." Dr. Sidney
Warschausky will discuss "The Rise of
David, Levinsky" by Abraham Cahan;
Feb. 26; meeting, 7:30 p.m., Brasley
Lounge. Topic: "Problems of Minority
Groups on Campus" Part 'II, Prof.
Albert Wheeler: "The Negro Minority."
Since 1908

* Mathematicians
Chemical Engineers
* Mechanical Engineers
* Electrical Engineers


For additional information and to apply for
an interview, please see Dr. Glenn Ludlow,
Director, Bureau.of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information.

century A.D. The rare documents
are all preserved in glass cases to
protect the ancient material.
Shakespeare Includedk
An additional collection of 8000
volumes of Shakespeare's works
is also maintained in the library's
Rare Book Room.

The Hubbard Collection of
Imaginary Voyages was donated
to the University by L. L. Hub-
bard, then a University Regent.
He presented his complete collec-
tiMf of 2500 works on imaginary
voyages upon his death.



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The Michigan Daily


. .. n v

Continued from Page 4)
ago. Women for work in Bank.
ve a Women's Department for
' which is very unique.
, Portland Cement Company,
vn, Pa., Location of work, Al-
Pa.;'Sales, Albany, N.Y.; Balti-
[d.; Buffalo, N.Y.; New York,
hicago, Ill.; IndianapolisInd.;
City, Mo.; Minneapolis,. Minn.;
e, Wash.; Birmingham, Ala.;
ville, Fla.; Richmond, Va.;
N. Y., Md., Ala., Ill., Ind., Kans.,
rash. Men with BA in Liberal
3A or MBA for Sales Trainees.
nee is briefed for one week at
.e office and then transferred to
District Sales Offices for one
on completion of training pro-
is assigned a sales territory or
inistrative sales position.
s's, Cincinnati, Ohio, Loca-
Work, Cincinnati, Ohio orAs-
Merchandising Corporation
en and women with degrees in
Arts or Business Administra-
Merchandising Program. One
three months and then on-the
ning through policies ,opera-
personnel and Merchandising.
a-see Thurs. list.
Marine Corps, Woman Officer
see Thurs. list. 4
ppointments, contact the Bu-
Appointments, 3528 AdIpin.
:t. 3371.
entatives from the following
at the School of Engineering:
eb. 25
ins Engine Company, Colum-
., BS & MS in EE., I.E., ME.
h.E., C.E., E. Mech., and Met.
truction and Sales. Men only.
ational Telephone and Tele-
- Federal Telecommunication
Utley, N.J.-Al degree levels in
BS inE . Physics for Research
elopment. Must be U.S. Citizen.
mer: Grad. Students to"work
call group on electronic re-
tt Company, Inc., Clifton, N.J.
B. and M.E. for Research, De-
at, Design and Production.
a U.S. citizen-Men only. For
Those who have completed'
year in E.E. or M.E. for pro-
type work.
LW . Kellogg Company, New
Y., - All degree levels in C.E.
truction. Must be U.S. citizen.
r-Pomona Group meeting with
rues. morning 10 a.m. in Room
d Wed., Feb. 25 & P6
r-Div. of General Dynamics
n Diego, Pomona, Astronautics
Worth Divisions.-All degree
i A.E., C.E., E.E., M.E., Met
Lear. MS and PhD. in Physics
;h for Research, Development,
Field and Customer Service.
ens must be able to obtain
ion visa, 'cannot consider stu-
s. For summer: for Srs., place-
nade in areas of studeirt's in-
nd company's needs.
an Telephone-and Telegraph
ety of locations), -all degree
A.E., Constr., E.., Nuclear.
.S. in C.E., I.E., and Met. BS
E. Physics and Science. Must
e for U.S. citizenship. Sched-
Bell Telephone Labs., Michi-
Telephone, Sandia Corp., and
Electric Co.
b. 26
ducts, Inc., Allentown, Pa.-
0e levels In Ch.E., and M.E.
earch, Development, Design,
Project Engineering.
ng Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.,
S in Ch.E. and M.E. BS in I.E.
hysics and M.E. for Research
lopment and Industrial Engrg.
U.S. citizen.
n Instruments, Inc., Fuller-
.- All degree levels in Ch.E.,
Instru., and a BS in M.E. for
Development, 'Design and
yton Power and Light Co -
ton, Ohio-BS in E.E. & M.E.
n, Construction, Sales and

Operation. Must be a U.S. citizen. For
summer: Soph., Jrs., and Srs. Some
needed in engineering department,
some as helpers on maintenance crews
In power stations, construction depts.,
and System Operating Dept.
Jackson & Moreland, Inc. Boston,
Mass- MS and PhD in Nuclear. BS &
MS in C.E., Constr., E.E. and M.E. for
Design and Construction. For sum-
mer: Jr. and Sr. and Grad students
for drafting, design, enineering and a
limited amount of construction au-
pervision and inspection. -
National. Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, Cleveland, Ohio and oth-
er 'locations-all degree levels in A.B.,
Ch.E., E.E., Instr.; Mat'ls., E. Math., M.
E., E. Mech., Met. Nuclear, M. Physics
and Science. For Research, Develop-
ment and Design. Must be a U.S. citi-
Rayethon Manufacturing Co., Walth-
am, Mass. - All degree levels in E.E.,
M.E., Met., and Nuclear. B.S. and M.S.
in A.E., Instru., Mat'ls., E.Math., E.
Physics and Sci., and all degree levels
in Physics for Research, Development,
Design, Production and Sales. Must be
a U.S. citizen.
Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich. -
All degree levels in E.E., M.E. M.S. and
Ph.D. in Ch.E., Met., E. Mech., and Nu-
clear. Men only. For summer: Jrs., Srs.,
and Grad. students a summer trainees
in Research.,,
For- appointments, contact the Engi-
neering Placement Office, 347 W. Engr.,
Ext. 2182.
Personnel Requests:
Whirool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich.,
has a ecial position open to someone
with an engineering background and
a command, of Scandinavian and Ger-

man languages to work in newly devel-
oped International PGo.
New York State Department of Civil
Service, N.Y. announces the next Pro-
fessional Career tests for April 26.
Tests are open to any qualified citizen
of the U.S. Usual starting salary: $4400,
raise to $4770 in first year. Applications
accepted up to March 28.
Specialized Examinations held on
April 19 for the following positions:
Economic Research Analyst, Senior
Civil Engineer (Design) and Forest
Ranger, Supervisor of Medical Illus-
tration & Photography and Principal
Laboratory Animal Caretaker, Business
Manager, Services for the Blind, Parole
Officer, and Public Health Nurse, and
Milk Accounts Examiner Trainee. Ap-
plications accepted up to March 21.
The City of New York, N.Y., has
many positions open for their career
State of New York, Banking Dept.,
New York, N.Y. has 25 openings in a
training program for Bank Examiners
for any college graduate who can start
work on July 1, 1958. Must be U.S.
citizens and residents of New York,
New Jersey or Connecticut. Starting
Salary: $4400. .
Michigan Civil Service Commission,
Lansing, Mich. announces vacancies
for Bacteriologist I, Chemist I, Child
Guidance Psychologist III, Child Ther.
apist, Deaf School Teacher, Hearing
Reporter, Library Consultant III, Medi-
cal Lab Technician, Nurses, Nutrition
Consultant III, Ocupational Therapist
I, Physicians, Public Utilities, Engr.,
Reference Librarian III, Social Workers
of all kinds, Statistician I and II, and
Vocational Rehabilitation Field Agent.
Also, special position for Man with

2}G' A' ... * Y. r ' :: ~ * '4 . {S~ i ..


B.A. in Journalism with 6 mos. residen-
cy in Michigan to be a Publicist I on
Michigan Employment Security Com-
mission Bulletin. Desire background in
field of Labor. Prefer Feb. grad. Salary:
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Summer Placement:
Thurs. and Fri., Feb. 27 and 28
Representatives from the following
will be here from 1 to 5 p.m. Thurs
and 8:30 to 12 a.m. on Fri., in Room

D528 in the S.A.B. to interview stu-
dents for counseling jobs.
Sears Roebuck YMCA of Metropolitan
Chicago, Chicago, 1l. Mr. Vic Peterson
will interview both men and women
for Camp Sears.
Camp Charlevoix, Charlevoix, Mich.
Mr. Ken Smith will interview men.
Fri. Only
Jackson Girl Scout Camp, Jackson,
Mich. Miss Janet Hayes will interview
For further information, contact Mr.
Ward D. Peterson, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 3371.



.'7 .



Lecture-Discussion . . . TONIGHT at,8
"The Rise of Davis Levinsky" by Abraham Cahan



Brasley Lounge



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chemise blouses
in vivid, exciting cot-
ton prints . , . the
newsiest news yet in
a season of dramatic
fashion change! Yel-.
low, blue or red floral
print chemise, hip
bows. Sizes 10 to 16.


i j 'rL
. «










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Graduates from top schools in America join our
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~lj - E-








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