SGC VOTING APPROACHES See Page 4 L Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom CVIII, NO. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1958 S S I .S.-British [issile Pact. ompleted Subcommittee Hears Miami Lawyer On Insurance Interest with Mack Five-Year Agreement Calls for English Site WASHINGTON ()-The United toeand Britain disclosed yes- °terday United States atomic mis- siles -will be based in England, w.ith the understanding that a joint decision would be necessary to pull the trigger. A five-year agreementv effective last Saturday was made public. It c limaxed 11 months of United States-British negotiations flowing from an accord reached by Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan at \Bermuda last March The pact is the prototype of others the United States hopes to sign with France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and any other interested members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. President Eisenhower and other NATO government chiefs voted at Paris two months ago that NATO should have intermediate rafige atomic missiles based in Europe. For security reasons, some de- tails of the United States-British agreement were suppressed. These covered such questions as how many missiles and how many men would be involved. %owever, it has been reported that 60 Thors, the United States Air Force intermediate range bal- listic missile, will be sent to Royal Air Force squadrons. Britain will provide the bases uhder RAF control. The nuclear warheads will be held in United States custody. ! State Unions Near erger;' oy US MBoyM o Ct GRAND RAPIDS (P)-Delegates representing craft and industrial unions today hammered out a pact creating a united labor movement in Michigan. Guided by two aides of AFL-CIO president George Meany, a special state convention moved 'towards quick adoption of a constitution for a state organization merging the AFL and CIO unions into "The Michigan State AFL-CIO." Meany's right hand men, Peter M. McGavin and R. J. Thomas, said they were pleased with the turnout of delegates representing craft unions. The AFL Michigan Federation of Labor (MFL) voted to boycott the merger. Th MFL also voted to ignore Mean's order to expell the Teamsters. The Teamsters are not eligible for membership in the state AFL-CIO as a result of their expulsion by the AFL-CIO on cor- ruption charges. The new state central body will represent at the outset more than 600,000 0IO unionists and about 121,00o AFL members. McGavin said he expected holdout AFL groups to join later. One of the largest groups currently holding out is made up of building trades- men. Meany's enforced merger of Michigan labor groups is expected to set a pattern affecting mergers in other states such as New Jersey and Rhode Island that have been slow to merge oit a state level. SGC Petitions Otal Twelve Five more students have taken out candidate petitions for Stu- dent Government Council elec- tions March 25 and 26. Stephen Bailie, '60, Paul Kamp- ner, '59, Roger Seasonwein, '61, Thomas Tenney, '1, and Phil Zook, '60, are the new petitioners. Others who are seeking election for the first time are Carol Hol- land, '60, David Kessel, Grad., Sue Rockne, '60, and Mort Wise, '59. Petitions may be picked up at the SGC elections desk on the first floor of the Student Activi- ties Bldg., according to Elections Director Roger Mahey, '61. Peti- tioning closes next Tuesday. XT T A W 1 WASHINGTON (P) -Thurman A. Whiteside testified yesterday that in 1953 he "declared" an in- terest in an insurance firm for Richard A. Mack, Federal Com- munications Commissioner now under congressional scrutiny.. In the four year 1953-56, this interest has paid Mack '$9,822, Whiteside said. He also testified that so far there has been no cost to Mack for getting the share. Whiteside, a Miami lawyer, told a special House subcommittee he DEAN REA: Taproom Might Reduce, By PHILIP MUNCK A taproom serving beer in the Michigan Union might not be a bad idea to reduce illegal drinking among students, Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said in an informal talk yesterday. Speaking over the Campus 1roadcasting Network on "Alcohol and the Residence Hall," he said the last time he was at the University of Wisconsin where the restrictions are less rigid, the taproom in their "Union seemed "to be working very well. But I don't think it will ever Seconal o aross here" Moves to relax the drinking reg- is ulations have been made in the. past, he explained, but all died out L apslfrom lack of "momentum." Any . responsible group can start a move S ) to relax the regulations, he said, 'A ,' 95-88 but the momentum has to come 7. from somewhere. Special to The Daly Dean Rea also explained that no minor student' can drink at the BLOOMINGTON -- Michigan's University without "breaking some stumbling W o i v e r I n e s picked law or having someone break one themselves up last night-but'not for him." quite far enough - as they fell University regulations prohibit before a second half Indiana rally "any student" from drining in and lost 95-88. "student quarters." This, he ex- The Wolverines, who have now plained, includes apartments, fra- lost five in a row, came out of ternities and rooms as well as Uni- the doldrums which have plagued versity supervised housing. them during the past two weeks In addition, he said, state laws and almost shot themselves to an now, prohibit a minor to have upset victory, alcoholic beverages in his posses- Net 59 Points in Half sion anywhere, either with or with- Cheered by a partisan Indiana out his knowledge. Fieldhouse crowd of 10,000, the There is a tendency for some Hoosiers scored 59 points in the students to move out of the dormi- second half for a second half tories where they think the Uni- comeback that dropped Michigan versity regulations are more strict- to an eighth place tie with idle Il- ly enforced, he commented., linois. "If students are to drink and Indiana needed a win in this learn to drink like ladies and game to stay in the running for gentlemen," he concluded, "there the conference championship and might be a better way than having they earned it by overcoming a to go off campus to drink." 19 point deficit. The win put In- diana in a third place tie with Iowa who whipped Northwestern * gMt 86-78. The two teams, are only n e , it r half a game. behind Michigan State and Purdue who are now Head Negated, tied far ;first nRl~ac tr+a iltf interceded three times with Mack In cases before the FCC. He described Mack as an old friend to whom he has been lend- ing money for 20 years. The witness denied, however, he ever brought "pressure" on Mack and said Mack voted against. his recommendation in two of the three cases./ It was brought out that the insurance firm, the Stembler-Shel- den Agency, does businessfor National Airlines, the winning firm in a television license contest be- fore the FCC. Mack's vote in this was with the majority in a, 4-2 division. Whiteside said he took control- ling stock in the insurance agency in 1953 and declared a one-sixth interest for Mack. He said it was understood that Mack would be charged the value of this share if there ever should be any cost to the individual owners. Appearing before the House Legislative Oversight subcommit- tee, Whiteside blasted the com- mittee's ousted counsel, Bernard Schwartz, as "an unmitigated liar" and "a depraved person." Schwartz testified previously that Whiteside has a reputation as a "fixer." He also said White- side made money payments total- ing $2,650 to Mack after Mack- lifelong friend of Whiteside-be- came an FCC member. IKidnapping Rebels Mar Cuban Race BULLETIN HAVANA (P)-Th Argentine embassy announced early today that the Cuban rebels have re- leased Juan Manual Fangio, the world's No. 1 racing driver kid- napped Sunday night. HAVANA (A') - Cuba's biggest auto race played out to a quick and tragic end yesterday. The climax was a weird out- come of the battle being waged from underground by rebel forces against the government. Five Cuban spectators were killed and 40 more were injured or dying -victims of a race car that' went out of control. Experts said the race, the $10,- 000 Gran Premio, wasesabotaged with oil slicks by rebels of Fidel Castro. Kidnapping Unsolved The kidnapping of the world's greatest race driver by rebels re- mained unsolved last night. The race was already stripped of its star by the kidnapping of world champion driver Juan Manuel Fangio of Argentina. It was calledeoff shortly after it got off to a delayed start. Within minutes after they roared away, the powerful cars of 27 top drivers skidded crazily over an oil slick surface on the 'tight turns of the seaside Malecon boulevard course. Car Spun Like Top The casualties came when a young Cuban driver, Armando Garcia Cifuentes, braked on a curve near the United States Em- bassy. His Ferrari spun like a top, veered sharply from right to left, then swung back to the right side of the road raceway and crashed into a truck. The car, which had been travel- ing at nearly 100 m.p.h., then rolled over three or four times and landed in the heart of a crowded stand. One of those killed by the plunging car was a woman. 'NORMAL': Semester Flunk-Outl Near 570 By THOMAS HAYDEN The University flunked out approximately 570 students last semester, according to incomplete figures released yesterday. This total was nearly doubled by Michigan State University dur- ing its first term this year, when an unprecedented 1,000 students failed. Assistant Dean James H. Rob- ertson of the literary college said the University figures represented no substantial increase over last year. "It was a steady, normal February percentage," he said. No Policy Change Thomas H. Hamilton, -MSU's vice-president for academic af- fairs, claimed no official policy change was responsible for the increase at East Lansing. He said the trend stemmed from the faculty's concern about the world situation and Russian edu- cational advances. , Dean Robertson, pointing to ~a "sound academic program," de- clared a toughening of policy here would be unnecessary. "There was no need for the Sputniks to shake us up," he said. Two basic reasons were offered by Dean Robertson for the steadi- ness in the failure rate at the University. 1) Very few freshmen are lost after the 'first semester, the Uni- versity preferrng to "give them a year's chanc':" 2) "When we admit a person, we can be fairly certain he will make the grade. We're right in our judgement on nine out of 10 freshmen." The majority of failures were in the engineering and literary col- leges. Breakdown Given Although final statistics will not be completed until the end of this week, Associate Dean Walter J. Emmons of the engineering college expects nearly 270-or eight per cent of 3,300 enrolled-to have failed. Literary college failed 208 of 7,300 students. Failure totals in the University's other schools and colleges were as follows: Business administration, 45; architecture school, 19; pharmacy college, 5; education school, 5; dental school, 3; music school, 3; natural resources school, 1. Incomplete Figures Final figures from the medical school were incomplete but "10 or 11" failures were expected by the recorder's office. No "home actions" were re- ported by the schools of social work or public. health. Nursing school totals were unavailable. Law school does not authorize any failures until June. Judiciary Asks' Drinking Talks The Joint Judiciary Council has forwarded a resolution to Univer- sity Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis requesting a "general discussion" of the Uni- versity drinking regulations. According to Judiciary chairman Michael Jacobson, '58, the move came as the result of "many com- plaints before the council and the feelings of the council members" concerning "the types of regula- tions imposed on the students." Vice-President Lewis acknowl- edged receiving the recommenda- tion but said that plans for any discussion were "very nebulous." ulu v p6 Jue us a resuat oz the Boilermakers 72-70 victory over the Spartans last night. Hoosiers Comeback Indiana, down 19 points, 44-25, with 4:21 left to go in the first half, whittled the score down to 50-36 at half and from that point on went ahead 69-67 on a jump shot by Archie Dees with 9:50 left in the second half. From that point on the Wolver- ines were on the defensive and could never quite get 'a deciding See CAGERS, Page 3 Records Stolen From WCBN Phonograph records, tentatively valued at $250, were stolen from the South Quadrangle studio of the Campus Broadcasting network last week, a station member re- ported yesterday. The informant, who asked not to be named, said 50 records had "probably been stolen" from the station between 3 a.m. and noon Saturday. It had to be during this time, he said, because some of the missing records were being used just prior to the station's closing at 13 a.m. Anyone who had a duplicate key could get to the records, he added. By McElroy WASHINGTON (P) -Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy yesterday all but excluded the single military chief concept from recommenda- tions he expects to make for reorganization of the national de- fense establishment. The Pentagon's civilian boss dis- cussed the situation upon his re- turn from a long weekend at Ramey Air Force Base, Puerto Rico, with a group of consultants and senior military advisers. McElroy told reporters "excellent progress" had been made, but that no attempt was made to reach conclusions or agree on any recommendations for changes in the defense structure. Asked whether creation of a single miltary chief, as advocated by some critics of the present or- ganization, had a large place in the Puerto Rico discussions, Mc- Elroy said: "That ideas was not stressed on me by my consultants." He said also that, although some of the people interviewed previous- ly about their views on defense reorganization had argued for a single military boss, in Puerto Rico he had not heard any very strong views on the subject and that it was not under predominant con- sideration. RIESMAN DISCUSSES YOUTH: College Stuent Labeled Organizaton Man' By ULDIS ROZE Chicago Maroon (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of two articles received through the Big Tn News Service.) The college student of 1958 is in many ways an "organization man," according to University of Chicago social scientist David Riesman. The student's response to his academic environment and cur- riculum often nnra1lle the re- I work side of his life with greater, detail and enthusiasm than he can the career side. Marital relations are importantj to students: almost all seniors are! either married, engaged, or fore- seeing marriage. Most expect good- sized families. Students want a station-wagon type, college-educated wife, not the silent childbearer of other times. And they wanted the suburbs for their children, not themselves, Riesman said. In 1958, this ambivalence has disappeared; the family is defi- nitely first and career second. There is little identification with one's employer or vocation. There is a loss of belief that work can be an end in itself when done for a large concern. Though some students have an are trying to replace the work ethic by, a social ethic, becoming ersatz families to their employees. This underplays the importance and excitement of work itself. Riesman argued that the present student attitudes are not without their admirable facets. "Students today have less of the compulsive attachment to work that older generations had. Honest. Tolerant View