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February 23, 1958 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-23

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el Must Adjust to Less Foreign Aid,

asic problem the Israeli
must face is adjusting
the time when the tiny
no longer receives the
ounts of foreign aid it is
Abba P. Lerner of the
opkins University, one-
nomic adviser to the Is-
ermnent, said yesterday
the only solution to "Is-
ost pressing economic,
is industrial development
anded trade with other
icult To. Accomplish
ial development, how-
I be difficult to accom-
said. Israel, having no
erial within its borders,
oncentrate its production
ne commodity.
countries' such as Brazil,
staple export of coffee,
ner explained Israel finds
much the same situation
; that is, a country with
rowing population and no
esources of its owni.
ast Build Up Trade
then, must follow the
lead, he said, and con-
production on a long and
t of small items. By build-
ts trade with other na-
he country could then

export these items for the raw
materials it cannot itself produce.
But a program of this type, Prof.'
Lerner explained, is entirely un-,
suitable for central planning.
"This kind of development can
only be done by Israel becoming
more capitalistic," he said. "It
must come -from large numbers of
individual enterprises." i
He further narrowed down the
list of Israel's possible industries
by saying they must limit them-
selves to the manufacture of those
items which do not' need very
heavy materials, for this would
bring them up against the stone
wall of Israel's limited tranlsporta-
tion facilities outside her borders.
He mentioned the growing man-
ufacture of transistors as an ex-
Music Festival
Closes Today
The eighteenth annual Chamber
Music Festival will close today
with the final performance of the
Budapest String Quartet at 2:30
p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
This afternoon's program will
include "Quartet in B Flat Major,"
by Bethoqven; "Quintet in E Flat,"
by Mozatt; and "Quartet No. 3,"
by Hindemith.

ample of a valuable, yet light-
weight commodity.
A second method of expanding
Israel's economy, the acquisition
of foreign investments, runs into
what Prof. Lerner calls Israel's
"greatest shortage--entrepreneurs
and managers," and the restric-
tions placed on money coming
from outside the country.
Money Limits Placed
"We should tell foreign investors
they can remove their money any
time they please," he said. Cur-
rently, the government has placed
limits on. the amount of money
which may be withdrawn within
a year.
Another factor contributing to
Israel's economic problems, Prof.
Lerner said, is the need to assimi-
late the tens of thousands of im-
migrants who flock into the coui-
try each year, The current. esti-
mate of this year's total is 50,000;
population as a whole has grown
from 60,000 to about two million
since the state was. formed in
More Selective
Although the government has
become more selective in recent
years, requhring immigrants to pay,
their own way over, Prof. Lerner
said it still .constituted "a serious
problem. However," he added, "this
is the reason for the existence of

'U' To Aid
Six Counties
In Survey
Six southeastern Michigan coun-
ties are launching a study of pop-
ulation growth with the aid of the
University and a $25,000 Ford
Foundation grant.
Social, economic and govern-
mental aspects of growth in
Wayne, Washtenaw, Macomb,
Monroe, Oakland and St. Claim
counties will be investigated by
the newly formed Southeastern
Michigan Metropolitan Commun-
ity Research Corporation.
Working with the committee,
according to telephone company
executive William Day, its chair-
man, will be the University, the
Supervisors Inter-County Com-
mittee, Michigan State University,
Wayne State University, and the
University of Detroit, as various
business, labor and community
University President Harlan
Hatcher is serving on Day's Citi-
zens Committee while Vice-Presi-
dent William Stirton is secretary.
Tentative areas of study include
physical factors such as sewers,
transportation and building codes,
economic factors, social factors,
governmental factors and prepara-
tion of rural residents for city life.

"Reliance on the crutches of,
class lectures or on textbooks is
the worst possible kind of prepara-
tion for adult reading in the Unit-
ed States today."
This contention was made .by;
Ralph E. Ellsworth, director of
libraries at the University of Colo-
rado in a paper submitted to the
Conference on the Undergraduate
and the Lifetime Reading Habit.
Held at University
The conference, sponsored. by
the University and the National
Book Committee, was held at the
University Feb. 21 and 22 in con-
junction with the dedication of
the new Undergraduate Library.
Thirty leading educators, li-
brarians and representatives of the
book publishing field, also attend-
ed the dedication ceremony and:
celebration dinner Friday.
Methods Criticized
Criticizing present university
teaching methods, Ellsworth main-
tained, "they don't require any
real mental 'brain stretching' on
the part of the student."
During the conference, the pur-
pose of which was to instill the
habit of free reading in under-
graduate students, a review of re-
search on the reading habits of
college students was submitted.
LesteryAsheim, Dean of the
fT~niversity of Chicago Graduate
Library School, reported that most
college students read astonishingly
few books in their undergraduate

years. "And about 15 out of every
hundred students apparently can
spend a whole year in college with-.
out cracking a library book at all,"
Asheim added.
But, he continued, there is nol
appreciative correlation between
scholastic standing and library;
use, although students with higher
scholastic ratings tend to do more
"free" reading.
The student on the other end of
the scale does almost no ndn-
curricular reading on his own.
Reading Increases
Reading does tend to increase as
the student progresses through
college, Asheim concluded. This is
chiefly due to an increased experi-
ence with books during his aca-
demic program and his advancing
August Heckscher, Director of
the Twentieth Century Fund, re-
ported on the social and cultural
background of reading in America
as it influences the college student.
"America is not a book-reading
country, and the modern college is
the American .community writ
small. The complaint of the Amer-
ican college, has been lack of lei-
sure," August Heckscher, director
of the Twentieth Century Fund,
"There is not enough time for
reading, notenough for thinking
or for pursuing the quiet errands
of the mind which should be at the
heart of the educational process,"
he said.

Ellsworth Attacks Lectures, BookE

Advocating the advancement of
the status of the superior student,
Prof. Robert C. Angell, Director of
the University Honors Council, re-
ported, "This strategy flows from
two hynotheses--that the superior
student is likely to be a voracious
reader and that, if we can some-

how heighten their repute amon
their fellows, the process of emula
tion will set in."
William C. Steere of Stanfoi
University called the Universil
Undergraduate Library a "majo
advance in the development o
educational methods so urgent

Tues., Feb. 25, 8 P.M. - Dr. Sidney Warschausky,
Department of English
"The Rise of David Levinsky," by Abraham Caha
Su day, Mar.:9, 7 P.M. - Dr. Seymur Yet tin,
Department of Sociology
"An End To Dying" by Sam Astrachan
Sunday, Mar. 23, 7 P.M. - Prof. John F. Muehi,
Department of English
"The Sacrifice" by Adele Wiseman
Sunday, Mar. 30, 7 P.M. - Prof. Daniel R.M er,
Department of Psychology
"Remember Me To God" by Myron Kaufmann
Brasley Lounge - 1429 Hill Street

=OEM= W.,




tinued from Page 4) -
i Core; Instrumental Music;
b. 26
I, Calif. - Elementary;
- All fields.
e Park, N.Y. -- Guidance
nglish; Social Studies; Lat-
,ry; Business Education; Art,
1 Drawing; Industrial Arts/
ining; Mathematics; Cafe-
Ante, Mich. - Elementary;
Physical Education; Ele-
usic; English; French; Lat-
usiness Education; Home-
dustrial Arts Mathematics;
ucation; Social Studies; Sci-
dial Reading.
Park, Mich. - Elementary;
Librarian; Art; Vocal Mu-
menta Music; Secondary
reign anguage; Social Stu-
ce; Mathematics; Business
Girls' Physical Education;
omics. Jr. College: English,
nguage Social Studies; ,Se-
hematics; Business Educa-
, Mich - Elementary
4ich. - Elementary; Indus-
Girls' Physical Education.
additional information and
ts, contact the Bureau of
ts, 3528 Administration
1-1511. Ext. 489.

* from

the following

U. S. Marine Corps, Woman Officer Se-
lection, Detroit, Mich., Location of
Work, Washington, D.C. or Overseas.
Women with any degree or sophomores
or juniors .between 18-27, unmarried in
excellent health and a citizen of the
U.S. for Woman Officer Training Class.
Indoctrination is conducted at the
Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va.
Field and Classroom instructs n pre-
pares them as future leader of, the
Corps. Marine officer training for the
college sophomore or junior takes place
during each of two summer vacations
from college for one continuous twelve
week training session during the sum-
mer months and commissioned 2nd Lt.
after training is completed.
U.S. Marine Corps, Male Officer Pro-
curement, Detroit, Mich. Location of
Work-All over the World. MEN with
any degrees except premedicine, pre-
veterinary, pharmacy, music, art or
theology for Platoon Leaders Class
leading to a 2nd Lt. Commission. Men
who are sophomores or juniors for
Summer Platoon Leaders Class lead-
ing to 2nd Lt. Commission upon com-
pletion of program.
Tues., Feb. 25
U.S. Marine Corps Woman Officer
Selection-See Monday's listings.
U.S. Marine Corps, Male Officer pro-
gram-See Monday's listings.
U.S. Atomic energy Commission-See
Monday's listings.
Equitable Life Assurance Society, De-
troit, Mich. Location of work, Branch
Offices-Willing to leave home, not ad-
verse to transfer, and free to move
without personal or family complica-
tions. MEN with any degree for Ad-
ministrative Training' Course. The
training' requires about 10 months of
training after which he is assigned to
either administration work in branch
offices or Home Office.
The J. L. Hudson Company, Detroit,
Mich. Location of Work, Downtown
Store or two large branches in Detroit,
Metropolitan Area. MEN & WOMEN
with any degree for Executive Train-
ing and Development leading to Assist-
ant Buyerships in the Merchandising
Divisions and Assistant Department
Heads jobs in the Personnel and Op-
eration Divisions. Training is on-the-
job for 12-18 months. Trainees may be
placed in the Control Division, Mer-
chandise Division, The Operating Di-
vision, an Y The Publicity Division.
Aeronautical Chart & Information
Center, St. Louis, .Mo., Location of
Work-St. Louis, Mo., Washington, D.O.
Germany, England, France, Spain, Ja-
pan, Hawaii; Guam, Alaska, and Canal
Zone. MEN & WOMEN with degrees in
Geography, Astronomy, Geology and
Mathematics for Cartographers. Ad-
ministers, supervise, or perform re-
search or other professional and scien-
tific work in the mapping and chart-
ing of the physical features of the
earth's surface.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc. Col-
umbus, Ind., MEN wit BA or .MA in
Economics or Journalism or BBA or
MBA for Prodtiction, Sales, Account-
ing and Personnel.
Wed., Feb. 26
The J. L. Hudson Company - See
Tuesday's listings.

The U.S. Marine Corps, woman offi-
cer selection-see Monday's list.,
The U.S. Marine Corps, male officer
program, see Monday's list.
The Kemper Insurance, Chicago, Ill.,
Location of work, Atlanta, Ga., Boston,
Mass.; Chicago, Ill.; Columbus, Ohio;
Dallas, Texas; Los Angeles, Calif.; New
Orleans, La.; San Francisco, Calif.; Se-
attle, Wash.; Summit, N.J.; Syracuse,
N.Y.; and Toronto, Canada. MEN with
BA or MA in Liberal Arts, or BBA or
MBA for Trainee Development Pro-
gram. Program combines on-th-job
training and formal education in the
Mutual Insurance Institute and is de-
signed to give college graduates a
working knowledge of insurance busi-
ness. Men are given a 4 week course
in technical -aspects as well as in op-
eration. Programs lead to Accounting,
Comptrollers Department, Actuarial,
Auditing, Claim work, Safety and Fire
Prevention Engineering, Sales Promo-
tion and Underwriting. WOMEN for
work in Kemper Insurance Also.
An Ann Arbor Firm, Ann Arbor,
Mich.; needs a man for correspondence
work to customers or for sales. Jour-
nalism or English major desired.
Midstates Corporation, Union City,
Mich., needs both accountants and
Repertoire Little Theatre, Toledo, O.,
would like to add a trained Technical

Director to its staff to help ' in stagew
craft and production.
A Textile Firm in North Carolina is
seeking a sales department assistant
manager. A college graduate with 3
to 5 years experience is desired.
University of Denver, Denver Re-
search Institute, Denver, Colo., is
looking for an analytical chemist.
Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc.,. Terre
Haute, Ind., has an opening for a
maintenance engineer with a BS in
Mech. Engr.
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Camp Sears, YMCA Camp of Metro.
politan Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Vic
Peterson will be at the Summer Place-
ment Meetings on Thurs., and Fri., Feb.
27 and 28 in Room 5258 in the Student
Activities Bldg.
For durther information, contact Mr.
Ward D. Peterson, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
ext. 3371.
If you have a skill, such as Senior
Lif Saving, Instructors Certificate in
swimming, arts & crafts, tripping, dra-
matics, music, athletics, or sailing, why
not come to the Summer Placement
Meetings in Room P528 of the Student
Activities Bldg. There are 4,500 jobs in
camps all over the U.S..listed with us.
Meetings are held from 1 to 5 p.m. on
Tuesday and Thursday and from 8:30
to 12 a.m. on Friday.

icut General Life Insurance
Hartford, Conn., Location
- Home Office, Hartford,
anch and District Offices---
d in principal cities through
;ry. MEN with BA or MA in
ts, BBA or MBA, or LLB for
nt Training, for Administra-
hnical and Professional (Ac-
Statisticians, Security, Anal-.
)unts, Lawyers, and Doctors)
Training is designed to meet
of a diversified business up-
rment a company-wide orien-
urse; special training in the
ssignment leading to super-
1 management responsibilities;
company sponsored train-
education (including educa-
'nd plan) and a program of -
nd reassignment'as the means
career development.
mic Energy Commission, Chi-
ation Office, Lemont, Ill. Lo-
Work-Headquarters, Ger-
Maryland. Ten Field offices
ional sub-offices distributed
t the U.S. MEN & WOMEN.
in Business Administration,
dministration, for Junior
nt Program. Intern is spon-
one of over twenty operating
and given one year's train-
)th group and individual ba-
i provides broad acquaint-
AEC operations and specific
of management operations
ansoring division.

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