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February 23, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-23

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Federal Communications

as To




pinions Are- Free
Wi1l Prevail"

,Sixty-Eighth Year

printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This ius t be noted in all reprints.

Y, FEBRUARY 23, 19583


*w erE nous (eo'rIt4K NIKOI47.1
.ai+ i

Double Feature -
Music Noise Names
IN TE "Winter Wonderland of Top Hats" promised by the mar
ment of the State Theatre, no one will be "snowed" by the cui
attraction, "Summer Love," and "The Big Beat."
As a follow-up to the "April Love" of a few weeks ago, the
film lacks much more than Pat Boone. It is doubtful that ever
magnetism could save the film from its astounding mediocrity.
"Summer Love" is filled with nice healthy kids doing nice her
things (talking bop, whatever that is; dancing rock; taking rom

The Public's Trust'
Of Public. Trusts

V PEARSON has been telling the nation
years, in both Republican and Democrat
trations, that influence peddling in the
regulatory agencies has reached dis-
proportions. Surprisingly, such revela-
ave riot irked the public enough to cry
a thorough investigation of this "mess
hington." It might almost be said that
ptance of the legitimacy of persuasion
ure dollars, and favors has become part
national political ethic. "Thems that
es; that's politics."
of late, by the accident that a New York
fessor would not content himself with
wash investigation, the nation has been
.to an investigation of the disgusting
i of the Federal Communications Corn-
and associates, as Herblock draws them

wealth which they represent are most to blame;
seeking favor by most means at their disposal
will always be the course of vested interests.
Rather, those who are appointed-and elected'
-to make decisions guided most by the public
interest, should be held responsible. Since this
category includes, we are convinced, many
elected men in the legislative and executive
branches of both parties-the very men who
will decide to pursue a thorough investigation'
or not-only public anger and concern can
prompt a needed clean-up.
We do need regulatory agencies; the alterna-
tives are state ownership or the irresponsible
private monopoly control. But there are organi-
zational changes which could insure better the
interests of the public, such as making the
personnel of the bodies less subject to party
appointments or of making the bodies more
responsible to Congress.
But, as always in a democratic society, the
final influencer of good government or bad
will be the public and what it expects of its
civil servants and elected officials; the final
harness on public men will be how far they
think they can go without going beyond the
public's tolerance.
Editorial Director

shock after romantic shock in tru
done in a nice healthy atmosphere
that should be healthier and nicer
are the plot, the acting, and the
songs. \ '
But/ the youhger set - high
school, that is - that inhabited
much . of the State Theatre last
night seemed to appreciate the
efforts of Johnny Saxon and com-
pany. The preferred; if audience
participation is any clue, the "pro-
gressive" noise of the "Summer-
Love" soundtrack to the more
sedate music that was the tempo
of" The Big Beat.",
- -** *

e teen-age drama style.) All th
e, a summer camp. The only t1




t1 tie'
Ows %*E MA 44f.4TC Src


eve that the Florida Channel 10
.e of g number oaf stinks that the
sible for; we can also believe that
peddling is the course of a days
other regulatory agencies also-
ore prevalent and of larger scope
. Power Commission, where the
dollar decisions' of public-or-n
are made.
VOUL NOT propose that large
n. and the giant aggregates of


Pitfalls of Dormitory Survey

Battle Over Reparations

BEST NEWS on campus this week was
he decision by the Residence Hall Board of
rnors to completely survey the room as-
nents in men's and women's residences.
s the proper response to the petition circu-
by the Congregational Disciples Guild. If
astuation is above criticism, then such a
y will bolster student confidence in the
ence hall officials; if the situation leaves
r to be desired, as we suspect it does, then
a survey is the best way of articulating and
atIzing the problem and bringing about
ovement. Two years ago the Board of Gov.-
r' was reluctant to initiate such a survey
we would take this week's move to repre-
a decision on the part, of tae board to
:uay abandon whatever discriminatory
ices may remain, since they should quickly
or when exposed to the light of day.
ere are some real dangers, however, in
a survey. Even one which describes with
dete accuracy the general situation in the
ence halls will be useless unless it isolates
In crucial factors.
rt of all, it obviously must isolate those
mates who were assigned together from
who specifically chose each other, as only
former are relevant to an evaluation of
,ondly, since in the men's houses assign-
* are made largely, If not entirely; by the
emothers in each house, there are 21
les, rather than one, in the men's system.
verall figure or set of figures for the men's
as would not tell very much-the good and
ad might somewhat balance each other,
g a piture which was neither satisfactory
darming. Only a complete house-by-house
sdown would reveal the actual policies in
Aen's system; there is ijo problem of statis-
error, since one is dealing with a total
ty, not a sample. Policy in the women's
n., which is determined exclusively in the
L of Women's office, could be revealed by
dering the system as a whole,
HIRD DANGER in the survey concerns the
lassification of answers to the questions
he room application blanks. The men's
s asks "Are you interested in a roommate
rationality or race other than your own?";
vomen's requests "Specify any' preference
alifications you have regarding a room-
." When one is comparing answers to these
dons with actual roommate assignments,
40a1 question is how one classifies the
ers. .
e man who says "Yes," he is interested in
ming with someone different, and the
an who says "I would like to room with a
gn student" are very easy to classify, and
6uld be interesting to see how many of
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
A HANSON................Personnel Director
$L PRINS . ... Magazine Editor
LRD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
IAM HANEY .......... Features Editor
PERLBERG., ...............Activities Editor
A BAAD -....................... Sports Editor
,l£ BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
HILL~ER.......ssocateSports Editor
E FRASER .............. Assoc.aActivities Editor
IASO BLUES ...........Assoc. Personnel Director
E BAILEY ................Chief Photographer

such people are actually granted their wishes.
It is likewise easy to classify the woman who
asks to be roomed with a co-religionist and
somewhat easy to classify the man who answers
"No" to the "Are youinterested .. ." question,
although he may only be saying that, while he
would not object, he does not want to see the
housemother go out of her way to place him
with someone different.
The real problem, however, lies with those
men who leave a blank after the question ask-
ing whether they are "interested" in someone
different and those women who do not mention
race, religion or nationality (or who mention
only race) in their answers to the "preferences
and qualifications" question. If these persons
are automatically interpreted as saying they
are not "interested" or did not "prefer" to be
placed with someone else and therefore desire
to be segregated by nationality, race or religion
(as it is sometimes charged some of those
making the room assignments interpret such
answers), then the survey will be next to mean-
The survey must recognize at least three
categories of students, those who, by their an-
swers on the application blank, prefer to room
with someone different, those who prefer to
room with someone similar and those who just
don't consider the question relevant or worth
answering. And one might even fnd it neces-
sary to enlarge the categories, since each might
apply differently to the questions of race and
the question of religion. Thus, the same person
might object to being roomed with someone
*of a different race but not care about being
roomed with someone of a different religion.
Unless the survey takes account of these
subtleties, it might just as well not be taken,
for all the light it will yield.
* * .*
IF THE RESIDENCE HALL officials planning
the surveys must prepare carefully, so must
the various student groups who are interested
in seeing residence hall policy changed. If they
are to present a united front to the Board of
Governors, which would certainly maximize
their effectiveness, they must resolve one key
issue: whether they want assignments to cor-
respond as closely as possible to student prefer-
ences'or indifferenees, or whether they want all
assignments to be on a purely random bsis.
The problem lies with those residents who
either prefer or object to an integrated rooming
situation, for both may be disappointed under
a random system. No one, however, has pro-
posed a random system in which students
could not transfer rooms upon failing to ad-
just to their new roommates.
We would suggest that the most realistic
proposal would be something of a mixture.
A general policy should be recommended of
placing students according to their preferences
or indifferences, which, we would expect the
forthcoming survey will show, is far from the
situation existing- now. For example, a Daily
sample survey taken last year found ten Jewish
students reporting that they did not ask for
Jewish' roommates and only two of them
placed with non-Jews.
But in addition, the student grpups should
insist that if present plans for two freshman
houses are carried out, and if incoming fresh-
men are given a choice as to living in those
houses, the description of them should include
the sentence, "No effort will be made to assign
roommates on the basis of race, religion or na-
tionality." If the freshman house plan falls
through, such a sentence could be included in
the description of one of the quadrangles, e.g.
South, which students are able to choose be-

, ------
WASHINGTON-Not even the
White House staff knew ex-
ac.tly what the shouting was all
about, but a recent White House
meeting on paying $125,000,000 to
Germany for war-seized property'
broke up in a verbal free-for-all.
Several top government officials
had been summoned to the White
House to discuss what to do about
pagring off German firms whose
assets were seized during World
War II.
For ten years, a free-spending
German lobby has been pulling}
wires to get back the money which,
under a postwar agreement, the
United States isn't obliged to pay.
The lobby even hired a promin-.
ent Illinois Republican, Gen. Ju-
lius Klein, founder of the Jewish
War Veterans, to work with Hit-
ler's former financier, Hermann
Abs, in order to tap the U. S.
Treasury for the return of Ger-
man property.
KLEIN IS an influential gentle-
man with .friends in high places.
He sold Secretary Dulles on the
phrase "Sanctity of private prop-
erty" which President Eisenhower
later used in describing the new
policy for the payment of German
At the White House meeting,
two Presidential lawyers, Edward
McCabe and Roemer McPhee sat
in for Gerald Morgan, Ike's coun-
sel, who couldn't attend because
of illness. The meeting was sup-
posed to be strictly secret. How-
ever this column can report what
Doug pillon, ex-Ambassador to
France, now Deputy Undersecre-
tary of State, passed out a docu-
ment marked "limited official use.".
This spelled out in legal language
a proposal to charge American
taxpayers $125,000,000 to pay off

both American and German war
claims up to $10,000 each. He de-
scribed the proposal as "an equit-
able plan arrived at after much
hard work," and suggested that.
"it should be acceptable to every-
"As you know," Dillon added,
"the Cabinet approved this last
Budget Director Percy Brun-
dage jumped to his feet.
"Don't tell me what.the Cabinet
decided!" he thundered. "I was
Brundage, who has to find thee
money to balance the budget,
bluntly announced ,that he would
never agree to using public funds
to make good these war claims.
He reminded Dillon that the State
Department was "apparently will-
ing to forget" about the U.S.
agreement with its 17 World War
II allies not to require reparation
payments from Germany, but to
keep German property seized in
the United States and other al-
lied nations in lieu of reparations.

in what was described as "utter
Note-The State Department
has been hoping to'build American
good will in Germany by paying
many small citizens who held
property worth $10,000 or under.
This would get a lot of support
if it didn't require dipping into
a tight U.S. Treasury already faced
with a deficit.
The big economic meeting at
the White House between Cabinet
members and Republican congres-
sional leaders was enlivened by
some blunt, realistic 'lecturing by
Rep. Charles Halleck of Indiana,
assistant GOP chief of the House.
"I'm getting a little fed up
with all this loose talk from both
sides on our economic problems,"
declared Halleck. "From the Re-
publican side, it's a mistake, in
my opinion, for our guys, to be
sounding off continually with these
optimnistic- assurances to the na-,
tion. If we*keep it up, people will
begin to wonder if we are pro-
testing too much."
- * .

"THE BIG BEAT" did not "keep,
you rockin' in your seat" as ad-
vertised or promised by Fats
Domino, who came closest to mild
hysteria in presentation.
In sheer name and number,' the
"Beat" promised, if not great, then
good things. Sometimes it was
Fats Domino was Fats Domino.
Hans Conried was delightfully
stereotyped as a Russian sculptor
(rather unimpresisve) and a
benevolent chain store magnate.
Harry James was there, with horn,
briefly. Charlie Barnett was there,
more briefly. Jeri Southern sang,
in the background.
In its entirety, "The Big Beat"
was a showcase production that
smacked of press agent promotion.
One wonder how much stock the
producer owns in which recording
As a hcontrol-room-eye view of
the record business, the film was.
unlikely at best. As a love story,
"Beat" painted an interesting pic-
ture of the female as a long-suf-
fering, aggressive, but beautiful
little creature yearning for home
and family and the day she can,
throw away the nasty recording
contract, stop signing autographs
and settle down. Ah, bliss!
* * *
BUT BEFORE the joyful day
can come, there are 350,00 records,
to be sold. Will "young ideas" tri-
umph over-conservatism? Will the
young executive 'remember to kiss
his girlfriend-secretary goodnight?
Will he find in his college text-
books the answer to his dilemma?
(Does anyone' ever? )
Fortunately, the plot is a device
for presenting snatches of good
music by great performers (and
some good ones, too) and not an'
end in itself.
--1o Hardee.
pler, Nikita Khrushchev, has
turned upon one of" his closest
friends, John Barleycorn, accord-
ing to Pravda. '
In Minsk for a pep talk to
collective farmers, Khrushchev
warmed to his' subject by calling
for a crackdown on moonshiners.
"He who makes home brew, he
who gives drink to the people, acts
against the interests of the State,
against 'society, and deserves pun-
This brought him around to his
,distaste for "wet propaganda" in
films and plays. Said Nikita sober-
ly: "I have seen a film, 'Before It
Is Too Late,' made by the Lithu-
anian film studio. In this film the
hero drinks vodka very often. It
. is not seldom in plays on the stage
the hero is 'shown with a large
bottle of vodka. We must not per-
mit drunkeness to be made a cult!"

thusiastic music lovers greet,
the Budapest String Quartet in
second appearance of the curre
Chamber Music Festival.
The Quartet played with t
same virtues and many of t
same faults noted in the first pr
gram. The surprise of the progra
for me was the final selectic
Brahm's String Quintet in F mr
jor, Op. 88. Again Robert Cou:
of the Stanley Quartet complet
the ensemble.
In the past I have been son
what cool towards the chaml
music of Brahms. His approach
the small string ensemble seer
to be too monochromatic a
tedious, especially in the extre:
length of many of his quartets.
- * * *
HOWEVER, this Quintet was
distinct contrast as far as my a
preciation and reaction were cc
cerned. On the program the we
appeared to be of .'formida
quantity, but in performance
came out in three movements
moderate length.
The Budapest Quartet withA
Courte gave this work a 'shini
and spirited performance. It %
one of the very best performan
I have heard from them.
The multi-sectioned second p
tion of the Quintet was contras'
in tempo, dynamics and color a
moved strongly through the ma
musical ideas Brahms poured it
The Finale was quite erierge
and lively. At times, the melo
ideas were drowned out by so
of the busy work going on. Ho
ever, it was a stirring performar
for a very nice work.
. *ry
THE MODERN work on t
program was the Milhaud Str
Quartet No. 7. This is an intere
ing work with a good deal
lyricism which was emphasized
this performance. As in the Bar
Quartet of the first program
missed the needed rhythmic ir
siveness and drive. There is no I
in the playing of this group. v
lovely tone is produced and ti
they seem to be content to sit
their laurels and bathe in t
flood of mellifluous sound.
The Milhaud suffered throw
out by the lack of brilliance a
The program opened with B,
thoven's String Quartet in A n
jor, Op. 18, No. 5. The work v
given a smooth and pleasant p
formance. The Andante cantal
movement was quite long and v
not aided by the dull, repetiti
tone color in which. it was play

ANDY MGUMRE, General Coun-
sel for the Foreign Claims Settle-
ment Commission, pointed out
that there was $82,000,000 in the
war claims fund, barely enough
to settle all American claims
against Germany. These have
been pressed by American citizens
whose property in Europe was
damaged by the war.
McGuire, with Brundage chim-
ing in to agree, urged sending a
bill to Congress to pay off Ameri-
can claimants against Germany,
but not German holders of war-
seized property.
By this time, Dillon, who never
got a chance to explain the State
Department's proposal, tried to
get the- floor. He was shouted
down, and the meeting broke up

"THEY WILL wonder if we are
telling them the score, and they
may get the idea maybe that we
don't know .the score ourselves.
"On the other hand, I think we;
ought to begin calling some of.
these professional gloom doctOrs
on the Democratic side. They were
predicting the same gloomy pros-
pects in 1953, but they were wrong.
We pulled out of the 1953-54
downturn, when unemployment
averaged about what it is today,
into the prosperous years of 1955-
"We are hearing the same free-
swinging statements from the oth-
er side today, that we are going
to pieces economically. It only
makes matters worse by upsetting
the confidence of the people."
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)



SPros, Cons of Course Critques D.iscuse d,

HERE IS a definite need at the
University for a student course
critique. Often the catalogues of
the various colleges leave much to
be desired in terms of the useful
information that is given to stu-
dents about the course.
One example might very well
be Philosophy 141. The statement
in the college announcement is
that the course "is an analysis of
the fundamental problems of so-
cial philosophy with special at-
tention to the way in which theory
may function as a guide.to spe-
cific policies."
If one is not sure in the first
place as to exactly what social
philosophy is, this information
adds nothing.
I THINK that the valuable con-
tribution of suggesting areas of
study is partly reduced because
there is no further information of
what courses are, which, in this
case, would be very important.
Also, often academic counselors
are only able or willing to state
the fact that a course will or will
not santisfy the distribution re-

they didn't really want and have
regretted their decisions, which
were based largely on inadequate
information. While it might be
educationally beneficial to "force,
a student to learn what he didn't
expect to learn" it is definitely
very beneficial to aid students to
learn what they do want to learn,
In The Daily of Wednesday,
February 19, Peter Eckstein wrote
an editorial pointing out some of
the alleged difficulties of present-
ing the information in the form.
of a booklet and suggested filing
the polls taken, unedited, in the'
Undergraduate Library or some
other central place. There are
several things which I would like
to state about the booklet.'
* * * -
MR. ECKSTEIN's first objection
to the booklet was that the ten-
tative number of fifty returns
would exclude small upper class
courses. I might say that rather
than the number 50 for a mini-
mum that the percentage of 50
would be more realistic in light
of the varying size of the courses.

naire to present a myriad of cross
The people who compile the.
booklet will take into considera-
tion the expected grade of the in-
dividual as well as his major field
and class. This'information will
be provided by the evaluation!
I would hope that the quality
of evaluation would be such that
a professor would not have to be
a comedian to receive a favorable
Sincerity and intellectual ap-
proach would be as important, ift
not more so, than an entertain-
ing delivery to most University
students. A poll such as this might
even be an effective method of
evaluating just how much real in-'
tellectual development and dis-
cernment is contributed by the
University to its students.
* * '4.
MR. ECKSTEIN referred to
Harvard's "professionalism" in its
booklet, which I would rather
term Harvard's maturity and
which T Iam snur ecn h hieved

the. library as upperclassmen
While upperclass courses are
usually smaller than those of
freshmen and sophomores, the up-
perclassman has better opportuni-t
ty and is more likely to talk to
the professor of a tentative course,
or will know those who have tak-
en the course. On the other hand,
freshmen especially have little
opportunity to receive informa- '
tion about a course and could
make use of the booklet.
While I believe that the booklet
would serve the underclassmen
quite well, I also believe that the
filed evaluatioiis would be feasible
and beneficial to upperclassmen.
** *
ANY FORM of presenting stu-
dent opinion of course material
and administration is prone to be
used by the wrong people for the
wrong reasons. The thing to keep
in mind, though, is that this
evaluation would be a service to
the serious student in whom we
are all interested, especially in
this pae TaH would be nhle to

The Daily official Bulletin is ar
official publication of the Univer
sity of Michigan for which the
.Michigan Daily assumes no editori"
al responsibility. Notices should
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form t
,Room 3519 Administration Build
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sundai
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
General Undergraduate Scholars)
application forms may be obtained
the Scholarship Office, 2011 Stud
Activities Bldg. Aplicants may bee
roled in any of the undergradu
units of the University and shoe
have financial need and an acader
average of "B"or better. Applioati
must be completed by March 1.
Arthur Larson, special assistant
the President of the United States a
former Director of the U.S. Informat
Agency, will be presented Monday eve
ing at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as
sixth number on the Lecture Cou
Tickets for his talk "What We Are-P
are on sale at the auditorium box
fice Monday 10-8:30.
Lecture by W. D. Ballis, Professor
Political Science, on "Contempor
Conditions' in Russia," with elie
Tues., Feb. 25, 7:00 p.m., East Qt
Dining' Room No. 4, South Entran
Public invited.
f Concerts
SAT Muslcale Postponed. The sig
Alpha rota program previouslys
nounced for Mon. evening, Feb. 24,
Auditorium A of Angell Hall, has b
postponed until Sat., April 19.

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