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Student Compares British, 1
The failure of American uni
versities by comparison to Euro-i
pean ones is due to the high school
systems and the way students arer
taught to think, according to
Michael Head, Grad., exchange#
student from Britain.
U.S. Schools
Head is taking the place of Lew
Engman, '57, who is spending this
year at University College, LIndon
under the Alumni Student Leader-
ship Exchange Fellowship program.
"The major defect of American
schools is that not enough empha-
sis is put on basic disciplines--
math, science, English, etc. which
teach the students how to think,"
he said. "Instead," he aglded, "they
lock their brains with 'bric-a-brac'
by taking peripheral subjects."
Cites Good Points
There is one good point to the
American system, Head said.
American students are more im-
pressionable than the British. Be-
Arthur Larson
o Talk Here
Arthur Larson, special assistant
to President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er, will deliver the sixth speech in
the current Lecture Course Mon-
day at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium.
The former Director of the1
United States Information Agency
will talk on "What We Are For."
Tickets will be on sale Monday
at the Hill Auditorium box of-
fice.tLarson's book, "A Republi-
can Looks at his Party," written
in 1956, so impressed President
Eisenhower that he was named to
assist 'the President in the prepar-
ation of official speeches.
Larson has taught law or served
as dean at three law schools and
... exchange student
cause the English system is much
more selective than the American,
the English students who go on to
college are the elite. They enter
college with a good opinion of
themselves and a fairly closed
mind to new ideas.
As a graduate student, Head is
studying history, particularly that
of pre-revolutionary Boston.
.He is also taking "side" courses
such as American Literature which,
if he were in England he would
Concert Slated
"never dream of taking." That is
the effect of the more generalized
American curriculum.
Enjoys Sports
Head also has extra-curricular
activities to round out his Ameri-
can experience. He is active in the
International Center and the
Choral Union, but especially likes
"In England, sports are not em-
phasized as much as they are here.
There American college sports
would be called professional."
He and several other British
students are thinking of organiz-
ing a cricket team. Interested
American students may be allowed
to join--"For a small fee," he
After he finishes his studies here,
Head plans to take a trip either
east to Harvard to visit a pro-
fessor of his there, or out West
to see the country. Then, back in
England he will work in the ad-
ministrative class of the Social
Service, where he has a job wait-
ing for him.
Regents Adopt
Parker Eulogy
The University Board of Regents
adopted yesterday a memoir ex-
pressing "deepest sympathy" over
the death of James W. Parker,
of the Detroit Edison Company
and chairman of the first Indus-
trial Advisory Group of the Atomic
Energy Commission.
Parker, who died Dec. 30, 1957,
was described in the memoir as,
"a good neighbor, sound counselor
and trusted friend of the Univer-
He was graduated from Cornell
University, and received an hon-
orary Doctor of Engineering de-
gree from the University in 1953.
Space Plan
By Doolittle
Lt. Gen. James Doolittle and
Wernher von Braun have support-
ed his coordinated space program,
according to local United States
Rocket Society member William
A. Kent.
Kent said his plan calls for a
Department of Space with a head
of cabinet rank, responsible only
to the president.
Under the department would fall
the present. Civil Aeronautics
Board, which Gen. Doolittle heads.
This organization, described by
Kent as "a multi-million dollar
coast to coast outfit," would be in
charge of research and develop-
ment of rockets for the United
Kent said he wished to clarify
his position on mobilizing industry
for the push into space. He pre-
fers the term "standardization"
to "mass production." Von Braun
has likewise used the expression
standardization to describe sug-
gested methods of producing pro-
pulsion units for rockets.
Kent remarked that one point
of controversy existed between the
Rocket Society, for which he is a
reporter, and von Braun.
Von Braun, German-born brain
behind the V-2 rocket, sees the
exotic fuels such as are presently
used being employed in a. moon
rocket, while Kent feels atomic
power should be used,
Kent produced a telegram he
had once received from Gen. Doo-
little, which he said demonstrated
their mutual esteem.
"We look upon William Kent of
International News Service as the
Ernie Pyle of the Air Force," the
wire read. Kent received it in 1943.
"He is a dedicated man with a
mission," the telegram from Doo-
little went on. "He likes our boys
and always manages to tell their
The appointment of Prof. Leo
M. Legatski to the executive com-
mittee of the College of Engineer-
ing was approved yesterday by the
Prof. Legatski will complete the
unexpired term of Prof. Arnold M.
Kuethe of the engineering college,
serving from Feb. 1 to June 30,
The Regents also approved three
appointments to the faculty of the
College of Engineering.
California Appointee
Prof. William W. Wilmarth was
appointed associate professor of
aeronautical engineering for the
period March 1, 1958, to the end
of the 1960-61 academic year. Prof.
Willmarth is coming to the Uni-
versity from the California Insti-
tute of Technology, where he was
senior research fellow and a con-
sultant to a California corpora-
Also approved were Prof. Fred-
erick G. Hammitt, associate pro-
fessor of mechanical engineering,
and Bruce D. Greenshields, lectur-
er in transportationengineering,
assistant director of the Transpor-
tation Institute, and lecturer in
engineering mechanics.
Acting Chairman Named
Prof. Hide Shohara of the Japa-
nese departnent was appointed
acting chairman of the Depart-
ment of Far Eastern Languages
and Literatures for the second
semester and Summer Session of
Lillie Criticizes
School Shelters
New schools in Washtenaw
County are not designed to provide
adequate protection or shelter in
case of tornado or other disaster,
according to Civil Defense director
Robert Lillie.
Littie cited the use of glass "and
other light materials" and the
lack of basements as dangerous.
the 1957-58 academic year. The
present chairman, Prof. Joseph K.
Yamagiwa will be on sabbatical
Dr. James G. Miller, professor
of psychiatry in the Medical
School and director of the Mental
Health Research Institute, was
appointed professor of psychology,
without tenure. William H. Ben-
nett was appointed visiting pro-
fessor in the German department
for the first semester of the 1958-
59 academic year. Prof. Bennett
is a member of the University of
Notre Dame faculty.
George W. Ford, also a member
of the University of Notre Dame
faculty, was appointed assistant
professor of physics for a three-
year term beginning with the
1958-59 year.,
Three Approved
Also approved were: Peter M.
Ray, assistant professor of botany
for a three-year term; Joseph
B. Kruskal, assistant professor of
mathematics for a two-year term;
and Donald A. Livingstone, assist-
ant professor of mathematics for a
two-year term.
Prof. George Y. R1ainich was
appointed lecturer in mathematics
for the second semester of the
current academic year, teaching
several courses normally taught
by Prof. Kenneth ;3. Leisenring,
who is on leave.
The Regents also approved the
appointment of William B. Mur-
phy as assistant professor in the
Medical School's Department of
Prof. Richard E. Ulmer of the
University of Munich was appoint-
ed visiting professor of law.
Regents Announce New Appointments
tw-yartem.edviitngprfeso o lw
to- Church
For March
Fritz Rein~er will conduct the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, March 2, in Hill Audi-
The 105-member orchestra will
perform a program including works'
by Mozart, Ravel, Prokofieff, and
The concert is one of the Choral
is a former Rhodes Scholar.
I Union Concert series.
+, "tic" r,! < ~rr r t,, rcw vp ?±
(Continued from Page 4)
Now is a good time to get addresses
to contact for visits during your spring
vacation. We have many contacts in
our Contact Pile, College Placement
Directory, Literary Market Place, and
other such aids. Also, if you are in-
terested in a specific location that we
do not have, we will be more than
happy to write for information for you.
Personnel Interviews:
,The following companies will be in
our office for interviewing interested
Mon., March t
Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment
Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. Location
of work -- Hadquarters-- Kalamazoo;
Subsidiaries: Sturgis, Michigan; Devon
Pennsylvania; Houston, Texas. Facto-
ies- in Canada: Espanola, Ontario;
Hamilton, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec.
Men with degrees in Liberal Arts or
Business Administration for Produc-
tion and Sales Trainees.. Trainees work
with supervisors until they become
familiar with operations of a depart-
ment. After orientation they assume
positions requiring lesser degree of
supervision. Advancements correspond
to increased activities. ,
Boy Scouts of America, Brunswick,
N.J. Location of work - Anywhere in
the U.S. Men with B.A., M.A., or Ph.D.
in Liberal Arts for District Scout Exec-
utive. The trainee attends the National
Training School at Mendham, N.J. for
45 days not for lectures and classroom
pattern but working with projects and
dramatizations, patrol discussions, and
visual-audio presentations. After this
time the trainee is granted a commis-
sion and placed in his first Council
American Cyanamid Company, New
~York, N.Y. Location of work -- Bound
Brook, and Warners, N.J.; Pearl River,
N.Y.; Stamford and Wallingford, Conn.;
Bridgeville, Pa.; Willow Island. West
Va.; New Orleans, La.; Welland, On-
tario; Niagara Falls, Ontario. Men with
M.A. or M.S. in any field with an un-,
dergraduate degree in chemistry forj
Sales, Production and Staff.
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis,
Ind. Location of work - Indianapolis,1
nd. Men with B.A. or M.A. in Econo-
mics, Natural Science or MathematicsR
for Market Research, Statistics or In-1
dustrial Management.3
Tues., March 4
7th U.S. Civil Service Region, De-
troit, Mich. Location of work - Major
agencies in the Federal Government.f
Women-men with B.A. M.A., Ph.D. inf
Liberal Arts, Chemistry, Physics,-
Mathematics, Business Administration
or anyone interested in Federal Gov-
ernment work. People interested in
work with the U.S. Civil Service will
have to take the Federal Civil Service
examination. Applications for this test
must be filed by Feb. 20. 1958 for the
March 8, 1958 examination, and appli-
cations filed by April 24, 1958 for the
May 10, 1958 examination.
Equitable Life of Iowa, Detroit, Mich.
Location of work - State of Michigan.
Established 1867. One of U.S. larger
companies. Men with B.A. in Liberal
Arts or B.B.A. for Sales.g
Eli Lilley and Company - See Mon-
day's listing.
American Cyanamid Company - Seet
Monday's listing.
Wed., March 5
The Procter & Gamble Company,
Bales Division, Cincinnati, Ohio. Loca-
tion of work - Headquarters - Cin-
cinnati, Ohio; Thirty-nine sales offices
located in principal, marketing areas:
throughout the country. Men with B.A
or M.A. in Liberal Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A.
for Sales and Sales Management. Train-
ing is -given on the job in the area to
which a man is assigned. .Following
the training in basic and advanced
salesmanship the trainee is respQpsiblet
in his experience in training otherj
The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica,
Cal. Location of work -- Santa Monica,
Cal. Men and women with B.A. or M.A.
In Mathematics for work with Large
Hi-Speed Computers. The Department
receives problems from the various di- ;1
visions of the company representing
such diverse fields as Logistics, Physics,
Economics, Engineering and Mathemat-
ics. Very little specialization within the
group and each member works on all
phases of the problem.
The Lincoln National Life Insurance
Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. Location
of work -- Home office - Fort Wayne,
Ind.; Branch offices in almost every
principal city in the U.S. Men with
B.A. or M.A. in Liberal Arts, B.B.A. or
M.B.A. or L.L.B. for Production, Plan-
ning, Actuarial, Administration, Agen-
cy Audit, Claim, Investment, Policy-
holders Service, Underwriting or Agen-
cy Sales.
The Trane Company, LaCrosse, Wis.
Location of work - LaCrosse, Wiscon-
sin. Men with B.A. or M.A. in Liberal
Arts with a background in physics and
mathematics through trigonometry for
Thurs., March 6
Argus Cameras, Division of Sylvania
Electric Products, Inc., Ann Arbor,
Mich' Location of work - Ann Arbor,
Mich. Men with B.A. or M.A. in Lib-
eral Arts for anyone interested in In-
dustrial Administration.
State YMCA's of Michigan, Lansing,
Mich. Location of work - YMCA's of
Michigan and/or the entire nation.
Men with B.A. or M.A. in Sociology,
Psychology, Physical Education, Coun-
seling and Guidance, Philosophy and
Social Work for work for Business Sec-
retary. Women with degrees in Soci-
ology, Psychology, Physical Education,
Counseling and Guidance, Philosophy
or Social Work for Youth Program
work, Adult program, Health and
Physical Education Program, Armed
Services and also as Business Secre-
taries, Public Relations Directors,
Membership Secretaries and Metropoli-
tan Associate Executives.
New York Life Insurance Company,
Dearborn, Mich. Location of work _
State of Michigan. Men with degrees
in Liberal Arts or Business Adminis-
tration for Sales and Sales Manage-
Bureau of the Budget, Washington
25, D.C. Location of work - Washing-
ton, D.C. Men with B.A., M.A., or Ph.D.
in Public Administration, Conservation,
Economics or Social Sciences for Analy-
tical Staff work and ability to nego-
tiate and to carry on mature profes-
sional work relationships. Men with
B.B.A. or M.B.A. for Accounting, Fi-
nancial Management, Fiscal Economics,
or Cost Analysis, and Analytical Staff
work Men with LLB or 2 years of Law
for Analytical Staff work -and ability
to negotiate and carry on mature pro-
fessional work relationships. New
young staff members are usually em-
ployed as budget examiners in one of
the Bureau's 5 divisions: Military, In-
ternational, Commerce and Finance,
Labor and Welfare and Resources and
civil works.
The Kroger Company, Detroit, Mich-
igan. Location of work - The entire
company located in MidWest and
South. Men with B.A. or M.A. in Lib-
eral Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A. or L.L.B. for
Marketing, General Business, Account-
ing and Warehousing and Transporta-
tion. Corporate Real Estate Work for
lawyers. Candidates must be willing to
enter management development pro-
gram starting in stores and returning
to positions in Merchandising, Person-
nel, Real Estate Accounting, Ware-
housing and Transportation.
The Pure Oil Company, Chicago, 111.
Location of work - Chicago, Ill, or
other District Sales Offices. Men with
degree in.Liberal Arts for Marketing
and Credit.
Fri., March 7
Bureau of the Budget -- See Thurs-
day's Listing.
The Kroger Company - See Thurs-
day's listing.
S.S. Kresge Company, Detroit, Mich.
Location of work - Anywhere in the
U.S. Main office -- Detroit; District
offices - Chicago, Ill.; New York, N.Y.;
Pittsburgh, Pa. Men with B.A. or B.B.A.
for Management, Junior Assistant
Managerand proceed to executive po-
sitions within the company.
G. D. Searle & Company, Chicago, Ill.
Location of work - Medical Research
Laboratories and General Offices in
suburban Skokie, Ill., located north of
Chicago, and west of Evanston, Ill.
Men and women with B.S., M.S., or
Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry or Biology
for Laboratory Technicians. Women
with 2 years of college with interest
in sciences; chemistry, biology or math
for work with Searle. Broad academic
type training under the direction of
Ph.D.'s in respective fields of research.
Literature is available for the above
companies and also for all the com-
panies during this next month.
From time to time during the se-
mester companies will be bringing ex-
hibits of their progress and production.
These will be held on the third floor
of the Michigan Union as announced
in weekly interview list. If information
is received too late for the schedules, it
will be announced in the DOB of the
Michigan Daily. University of Michigan
Bureau of Appointments & Occupa-
tional Information, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 3371.
L(B the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!" and
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")
Today's column is directed at those young female undergradu-
ates who have recently pledged sororities and are worried, poor
lambs, that they won't make good. Following is a list of simple
instructions which, if faithfully observed, will positively guaran-
tee that you will be a mad success as a sorority girl.
First, let us take up the matter of housemothers. The house-
mother is your friend, your guide, your mentor. You must treat
her with respect. When you wish to speak to her, address her as
"Mother Sigafoos" or."Ma'am.' In no circumstances must you
say, "Hey, fat lady.".
Second, let us discuss laundry. Never hang your wash on the
front porch of the sorority house. This is unsightly and shows
a want of breeding. Use the Chapter Room.
.Third, meals. Always remember that planning and preparing
meals for a houseful of healthy girls is no simple task. Your cook
goes to a great deal of trouble to make your menu varied and
nourishing. The least you can do is show your appreciation.
Don't just devour your food; praise it. Exclaim with delight,
!'What delicious pork jowls!" or "What a yummy soupbone!"
or "What scrumptious fish heads !" or "What clear water!"
Fourth, clothing. Never forget that your appearance reflects
not just on yourself but on the whole house. It was well enough
before you joined a sorority to lounge around campus in your
old middy blouse and gym bloomers, but now you must take
great pains to dress in a manner which excites admiring com-
ments from all who observe you. A few years ago, for example,
there was a Chi Omega named Camille Ataturk at the Univer-
sity of Iowa who brought gobs of glory to all her. sorors.
1r 44 4&iJle& itz6 a5
1917 Washtenaw at Berkshire
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Sunday at 10-Unitarian Adult Group.
Sunday at 1 1-Guest -preacher-Dr. Tracy Pull-
man, Church of Our Father, Detroit on: Reli-
gion Must be Personal.
Sunday at 7:00-Unitarian Student Group-Dr.
George Peekof, Political Science Dept.: "The
Liberal Tradition in the United States." Trans-
port at 6:45 from Union, Lane Hall, Stockwell,
Martha Cook.
Monday at 6:45-Parsonage Pot-luck followed at
8 P.M. by: "A Unitarian View of the Bible."
Wed, at 7:30-Student Seminar: "Is There an
Escape from Man's Existential Situation."
Transport at 7:15 from Union, Lane Hall,
Stockwell, Martha Cook.
Friday at 6:45-Parsonage Pot-luck followed at
8 P.M. by:"Comparative Religions."
Friends Center, 1416 Hill St.
10:00 A.M. Meeting for Worship.
10:00 A.M. Sunday School.
11:30 A.M. Meeting for Worship
11:30 A.M. Adult Study Class.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill at S. Forest
Rev. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor
9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Worship Services
10:00 A.M. Bible Study
6:00 P.M. Supper
7:00 P.M. Martin Luther Film
7:15 P.M. Class:"Christ and Culture"-
Gerald Kissell
7:15 P.M. Lenten Service
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School.
11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street. Reading room hours are: Mon-
day 1 1:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesday - Sat-
urday 11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sunday 2:30 to
4:30 P.M.
106 East Liberty, 2ND FLOOR
Public Discussion, Wednesday, 8:00 P.M.
Listen to Radio Theosophy, Sundays, 12:15 P.M.
WPAG (1050 kc).
1432 Washtenaw Ave., NO 2-3580
Rev, William S. Baker, Campus Minister
Miss Patricia Pickett, Assistant
Church ' /orship Service, 9:00 A.M., 10:30
A.M., 12:00.
10:30 A.M. Seminar on "Basic Christian Be-
11:30 A.M. Coffee Hour.
5:45 P.M. Meet as a group to go to Hillel
for supper and discussion.
Tuesday, 8:45 P. M. Introduction to Bible Study.
Tuesday, 9:00-11 :00 Open H-ouse.
Wednesday, 4:15 P.M. Book Review: "The .Or-
ganization Man."
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Lenten Worship, Dr. Am-
stutz, preacher.
Thursday, 8:30 P.M. Drama Reading Group.
Friday, Graduate Group Supper and Discussion,
"What Is Religious Language?"
120 S. State St.
Merril R. Abbey, L; Burlin Main, William B.
Hutchison, Eugene A Ransom, ministers.
9:30 A.M. Discussion group: "Our Methodist
9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship: Topic, "On Being
With It," by Dr. Lowell B. Hazzard, Henry
Martin Loud Lecturer.
5:30 P.M. Fellowship supper.
7:00 P.M. Worship program: Topic, "Something
to be Committed to,"rby Dr. Hazzard, Profes-
sor at Wesley Theological Seminary.
State and William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister
1 131 Church St.
Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister
10:30 Sermon, "Christ's Sacraments. I The Word
and the Sacraments."
7:00 Evening Worship Service. "God's Blueprint
of the Future. IV The Signs of the Times."
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Ronald L. Johnstone, Vicar
Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship Services,
with sermon by the pastor, "The Cause of the
Atonement." (Communion at 9:15)
Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Bible Study Groups.
Sunday at 600: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper and Program. Formal Reception
into membership of New Gamma Deltans.
Showing of movie, "The Work of our Hands,"
about Concordia Publishing House.
Wednesday at 7:30 P.M.: Lenten Vespers, with
sermon by the vicar, "When Friends Betrayed
Him to His Foes."
502 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks, Minister
Mrs. Beth Mahone, Assistant Student
9:45 A.M. Student class will study, "What Cao
We Believe About Missions?"
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship.
5:30 P.M. Members of Roger Williams Fellow-
ship will meet at Student House to go in a
group to Hillel Foundation. They will join
Hillel group for supper and for a program on
"Where Judaism Differed."
414 N. Main St.
Rev. Fr. Andrew Missiras, Pastor
Saturday Evening-Vespers 8:00 P.M.
Sunday Services-Matins 9:30 A.M.
Divine Liturgy (in Greek) 10:30 AM. to 12 noon,
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister.
9:45 A.M. Church School.
10:45 A.M. Sermon: "Agonies of God," by Rev.
Russell Fuller.
524 Thompson Street
J. Edgar Edwards, Director
Donna Hamilton, Associate
6:15 P.M. Student Guild will be guests of Stu-
dent's Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street for
dinner and a, program on "Comparisons of
Judaism andChristianity."
Tuesday, 12:00 Social Action Luncheon.
Tuesday, 4:30 to 6:00 Weekly coffee break.
Friday, 6:00 P.M. International night for students
at Memorial Christian Church.
W. Stadium at Edgewood
L. C. Utley, Minister
SUNDAYS: 10:00, 11:00A.M., 7:30 P.M.;
Television: Sundays 2:30 P.M., Channel 6,
Radio: Sundays 5:30 P.M. WXYZ 1270
For transportation to services Dial NO 3-8273.
Corner State & Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
8:45 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services. Ser-
mon, "Safeguards for Christians."
10:00 Sunday School.
5:45 Student Guild.
7:00 Evening Service, Sermon, "Who Can Forgive
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting.
William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses: 8:00 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and
12:00 noon.
Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00
Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M.
Classes each evening in Christian Doctrine, Apolo-
getics, Church History, Scholastic Philosophy,
in the Father Richard Center.
306 North Division Street
Pushing towards the frontiers of flight
: : 4
a f:"
' :'
r Y("
: :
.For over forty years the nation's research organization
devoted to the generation of scientific knowledge essen..
tial to assure American leadership in Aeronautics.
The research team - Engineer, Scientist and Technician
- a concentration of knowledge and skills working coop-
eratively to solve research's challenging problems.
Camille hit on the ingenious notion of suiting her garb to
the class she was attending. For instance, to English Lit she
wore a buskin and jerkin. To German she wore lederhosen and
carried a stein of pilsener. To Econ she wore 120 yards of ticker
tape. Her shiningest hour came one day when she dressed as a
white mouse for Psych Lab. Not only her Chi Omega sisters,
but the entire student body went into deep mourning when she
was killed by the janitor's cat.
Finally, let us take up the most important topic of all. I
refer, of course, to dating. _
As we have seen, the way you dress reflects on your sorority,
but the men you date reflect even more. Be absolutely certain
that your date is an acceptable fellow. Don't beat about the
bush; ask him point-blank, "Are you an acceptable fellow?',
Unless he replies, "Yeah, hey," send him packing.-
But don't just take his word that he is acceptable. Inspect
him closely. Are his fingernails clean? Is his black leather jacket
freshly oiled? Is his ukulele in tune? Does he carry nublie
NA C A offers unexcelled research facilities, a stimulating profes-
sional environment, and a challenging assignment for,
1 Maee4AOnd £i'j5C1ent1'Jtj
"C. U- -kl1,C .. AA . 0 &A_. .. . A .
10:45 A.M. Church School.
Junior Church worship, Douglas Chapel 10:45
Dr. Fred E. Luchs at 10:45 will preach on "When
Religion Becomes a Burden."
C4.-..1. .' 1 J4. AIII mes La r nl
8:00. A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and sermon follow-
ed by break~fas~t andldiscussio~n in Cornterbumrv