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February 22, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-22

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"Baby, It's Almost As Cold Outside"

I Muicgmat Daily
Sixty-Eighth Yearw

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individ
or the editors. This mus t be noted in al
SGC Course Evalu
Students Are Mature

dual opinions of staff writers
7 reprints.

Ghoulish Glee
In British Tradition
FOR A FEW DAYS there has come a welcome change at the Campus
Theatre. Temporarily, there is a quiet lull; the screen has momen-
tarily lost its impression of the Bardot bosom. "One Illicit Summer of
Unwed Happiness" has not come yet. So there is a brief interlude of
British humor.
"How to Murder a Rich Uncle" is a jolly good example of the
sadistic school of comedy, with people murdered right and' left and
never a thought to the moral implications.
Nigel Patrick plays Sir Henry K----, whose castle has fallen into


A FRESHMAN who comes to the University
in the fall is generally bedeviled and be-
wildered. Within one week, he meets his'room-
mates, his corridor, his house, his orientation
leader, his counselor, and an inordinate number
of students, most of whom appear to know
what they're doing.
The freshman goes to Health Service, the
Student Publications and Student Activities
Buildings, Hill Auditorium, Waterman Gym,
and Yost Fieldhouse. He listens to advice of
various kinds from everyone between President
Hatcher and Krazy Jim, inclusive. Then sud-
denly it's Thursday and he goes to class.
In all this welter of activity, he gets a little
very hazy advice from a few students he may
know concerning courses, and meets his coun-
selor for a brief period, in which he elects
his classes. His idea of what he's getting into
is pretty scanty.
To remedy this, Student Government Council
is considering publishing a booklet containing
student opinions on courses offered for fresh-
men and sophomores, similar to Harvard Uni-
versity's. Students . could discover what last
year's students thought of the course, in a
general way: the relative importance of lecture
recitations, and labs; the valve the textbooks
used; the quality of instruction; the number
and value of examinations and papers in the
Such a booklet could have serious deficiencies,
particularly in the last two areas: it could step
on the toes of some professors, be unfair to
others, or steer students who want them into
"gut" courses with a minimum of effort. It could
generalize from insufficient information; it
could be directed mainly to A or D students.
All of which are grave weaknesses.
BUT A COURSE evaluation booklet, contain-
ing information about courses from the
students who took them last, could also be a
valuable supplement to the information of the
catalog and the counselors. A critical, cate-
gorical discussion of the courses from the
student point of view, with all the weaknesses
and all the strengths of that view, has (or
should have) a place on the University campus.
It might provide professors with some insight
into student opinion, leading those who are
weak in delivery or organization to improve.
This might involve hurting some professors'

feelings, but if the criticisms are just, they
should be made. Students should be mature
enough to avoid unjust attacks.
It can be, said ,that students would rate a
course on the strength of their grades, or a
professor on his wisecracks. Perhaps the editor
would insert his own prejudices, or misinterpret
students' opinions. But if students are not
sufficiently mature, after one year at the
University, to be reasonably objective about
their professors and courses, at least for the
benefit of their fellow students, then this first
year has been largely wasted. Either professors
or students, perhaps both, have fallen down
on the job. A student should be able to tell
which man is worth his salt and which is a
crowd-pleaser after a semester, whether a man
is a hard marker or really unfair. If he cannot,
he should not be in the University.
The same thing applies to the editor. A
student who is entrusted with presenting ob-
jective summaries of opinions to other students,
who may in some cases rely heavily on his
work, faces a frightening task. But at the
same time it is a challenging and stimulating
task, one that can be of real service both to
the student and the University. It is not
beyond the realm of possibility, or probability,
that some students are able to " do this work,
and competently. Harvard has been finding
such students for thirty-two years.
THERE ARE dozens of technical and pro-
cedural questioning facing the people who
attempt to produce a booklet. They will require
a great deal of hard work by a number of
people. But they can be overcome, and will be,
if SGC and the student body generally are
willing to work to accomplish something worth-
For instance, a representative cross-section
of all grades received should be included; a
good number of students must reply to _a
questionnaire (setting this up is itself a chore);
the merely flippant students must be distin-
guished from those seriously responding, the
time-servers from those interested in the course.
These problems are fundamental; they are
tough. But they can be worked out, if SGC is
willing to make the attempt.
The Council has an opportunity to serve
the students and, perhaps, the faculty. It
should not pass it up.

. _ ."



d~wa zve wo,'rp{ ct

Ike's Good Idea

WASHINGTON - Republican
leaders have tried everything
short of tar and feathers to force
Secretary of Agriculture Benson
to resign, but, like the man who
came to dinner, he has refused to
take the hint. ;
The trouble is that President
Eisenhower won't ask for his
resignation, and Benson appar-
ently won't offer it. The President,
who admires Benson's spiritual
qualities, doesn't want to create
an "unpleasant situation" by
showing him the door.
The men around Ike, including
both Vice-President Dick Nixon
and Assistant President Sherm
Adams, are less sensitive. They
have been trying their best to
shove the unwanted secretary out
the nearest exit.
** *
BUT LIKE the boulders of his
native rocxy mountains, Benson
isn't easy to budge. He is carry-
ing out his farm program with
the zeal of a religious crusade,
and looks upon those who dis-
agree with him as men too weak
to resist political temptations.
Meanwhile, here is the story of
the backstage manipulations to
get rid of him:
South Dakota's plump, plain-
tive Sen. Karl Mundt, speaking
for farm-state Republicans, called
on Adams last November 22 to de-
mand Benson's removal. It was
the only way, Mundt warned, to
prevent a Republican calamity at
the polls in 1958.
Adams, who needed no convinc-
ing, promised: "Benson will be
out of the Cabinet by Christmas."
But Santa Claus came and
went, leaving no new Secretary
of Agriculture in the GOP stock-
Kansas' kindly Sen. Frank
Carlson, who kept at Ike's elbow
throughout the 1952 campaign
and could have taken the agricul-
ture post for himself, made re-

peated visits to the White House
urging Bensonfs dismissal.
Finally Sen. Ed Thye, a Min-
nesota chicken, farmer, wrote an
urgent letter to Eisenhower re-
questing an appointment. Thye
intended to lay it on the line with
the President and tell him either
Benson would have to go or
dozens of good Republicans would
be defeated in farm areas. Thye
also planned to ask the President
to stop Benson from dropping
dairy support prices on April 1.
* * *
THE DAY before his presiden-
tial appointment, Thye had lunch
with Sherman Adams to discuss
strategy, Thye, who is running for
re-election in Minnesota this
'year, complained that his seat
was in peril because of Benson.
"You tell me how to get rid of
him," said Adams. "The Presi-
dent will accept his resignation
if he gives it. But Benson is not
making the offer, and Ike isn't
going to ask for it because he
doesn't want an unpleasant situ-
England, built up a delivery
service with a horse and cart.
When he had saved enough to buy
a lorry, Mr. Wiscombe applied ...
for a carrier's license.
The license was denied when a
large and established firm, Tyne-
side Removals, objected on the
ground that "Wiscombe is a per-
son who will work round the clock,
and would be a threat to our busi-
ness . . . in five years he might
(even) replace us in this town."
We might note that Derek Wis-
combe, the Terror of Tyneside Re-
movals, is 17 years old, and go on
to ask ourselves, will there always
be an England?
-National Review

When Thye called on the Presi-
dent next day, Adams, Nixon and
several GOP senators who knew
his mission crossed their fingers.
Ike greeted the big Minnesotan
with a boming: "How are you,
"Mr. President," Thye replied,
"I have a big job on my hands
this fall."
"I hope you are re-elected," Ike
said. "You are the kind of Re-
publican we need. You are not
too far over on the left, and you
are not too far on the right."
This was the opening for Thye
to bring up the Benson problem,
but he suddenly got cold feet. In-
stead, he pulled out a set of fig-
ures and tried to prove to the
President that dairy support
prices should not be lowered from
$3.25 to $3.00 a hundredweight on
April 1.
"I don't want to hurt the farm-
ers," promised the President. "I
will give this my personal atten-
* .* *
THYE LEFT without mention-
ing Benson's name. Later he ex-
plained lamely to his GOP col-
leagues that he didn't want to
drag personalities into it. Know-
ing the President's dislike for
mixing personalities with issues,
Thye decided to stick to the dairy
The following Monday, Secre-
tary Benson slipped into the
White House through a side door
to avoid reporters. He handed the
President a different set of fig-
ures on dairy prices.
"If you yield to the dairy people,
the wheat, corn, cotton and feed-
grain people will also want high-
er supports," he argued.
When Benson walked out, he
was still Secretary of Agriculture
and his farm program was still
the official position of the Eisen-
hower Administration.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

BEenson Stands Firm

disrepair and whose pantry is nea
low tariffs. When his rich Uncle
Charles comes to visit, plans are
made to do the old boy.in.
But alas, it's one of those weeks
when nothing seems to work out.
Sir Henry watches in dismay as
one by one, his efforts fail Charles
survives, while other members of
the family fall victim to Henry's
Wendy Hiller is Sir Henry's wife;
a willing if slightly hesitant part-
ner in the proceedings.
* * *
SIR HENRY'S daughter Con-
stance is almost the only member
of the immediate family to escape
injury. But then she's not very
bright. Her fiance is one of' those
impossible young Englishmen with
big horn-rimmed glasses and low
Sir Henry's son is well-meaning
but not too effective when he takes
his turn at trying to remove Uncle
Charlie from the scene. And a
couple of other miscellaneous
grandmothers and aunts only get
in the way.
This film does indeed follow the
"Kind Hearts and Coronets" tradi-
tion. In fact tle British have had
such great success in this vein
they have followed "Kind Hearts"
with "The Lavender Hill Mob,"
"Lady Killers," and most recently,
"The Green Man."
THE HOLLYWOOD people have
always avoided this whimsical
treatment of murder, with the
single exception of Alfred Hitch-
cock, in "The Trouble with Harry."
"How to Murder a Rich Uncle"
follows the pattern and succeeds
for the most part. It certainly is
good for what-might best be term-
ed "a laugh," although the pacing
is somewhat uneven, with sudden
scene transitions and occasionally
too-fast action for one to follow.
Now that the strain of rushing,
SGC petitioning, and Gargoyle
buying is wearing everyone down,
weary students will find their
spirits refreshed after watching
this film. It's pretty cute after
--David Kessel
to the
This Side Up -
To the Editor:
PERHAPS the "suggested piece
of sculpture" (the metalplane
construction intended for the
Undergraduate Library) as a gift
from the class of 1958, would not
have met with "immediate un-
favorable reaction" had The
Michigan Daily staff cared
enough to print their front page
photograph right side up, instead
of upside down.
The cut of the sculpture which
appeared in The Daily last De-
cember gives the reader a false
impression. He does not realize
that three of the arms or "tails"
are actually legs which the mass
of the sculpture stands on.
Also, a more favorable reaction
might have been had if The Daily
staff had bothered to gather
opinions and comments which
would shed expert critical light on
the sculpture. Aside from the
qualified opinion of the artist,
the potential contributor reads
only of one layman's instantane-
ous reaction, fit looks like a cat
with' nine tails."
The class of 1958 will now most_
likely select as its eternal campus
memorial a project fashioned by
the same uninspired cement con-
tractor and electrical engineer
who was responsible for the Union
-Gary Dysert, '60A&DL

Non-Partisan . *
To the Editor:
IN YOUR editorial of Sunday,
Feb. 16, you stated that the
Political Issues Club had joined
various action groups on campus
in expressing concern over resi-
dence hall integration.
It is true that the club at its
organization meeting on Febru-
ary 12 did vote to discuss the in-
tegration problem, but it should
be noted carefully that the club
is not an action group and does
not endorse any stand or petition
for integration.
As a non-partisan discussion
group, we are interested merely
in bringing to open discussion the
various problems and issues in-
volved in the current controversy
over alleged segregation practices
on the campus.
-E. E. McClennen. '59


SAI Musicale Postponed. The Sigma
Alpha jota program previously an-
nounced for Mon. evening, Feb. 24, in
Auditorium A of Angell Hall, has been
postponed until Sat., April 19.
Academic Notices
Make-up Exam for those who missed
the final exam in Botany I last semes-
ter will be given Thurs., Feb. 27 at 7:00
p.m. in Room 2004 Natural Science

empty because of high taxes and
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXV1, NO. 100
Late Permission: Women students
Who attended the varsity hockey game
on Tues., Feb. 18 had late permission
until 11:00 p.m.
Late Permission: women students
who attended the Burton Holmes
Travelogue' at Hill Auditorium on
Thurs., Feb. 20, had late permission
until 11:05 p.m.
General Undergraduate Scholarship
application forms may be obtained at
the Scholarship Office; 2011 Student
Activities Bldg. Aplicants may be en-
rolled in any of the undergraduate,
units of the University and should
have financial need and an academie
average of "B" or better. Applications
must be completed by March 1.


THE PRESIDENT'S latest letter to Bulganin,
which was published this week, suggests
what may be a way around a growing difficulty.
This government is being forced by the pressure
of world opinion towards a summit meeting
though there is no genuine prospect of a serious
negotiation on any of the substantive issues.
Hitherto, the Western position has been that
we would be glad to go to the summit provided
the Foreign Ministers, or the .Ambassadors
acting under the orders of the Foreign Minis-
ters, could work out agreements which could
then be ratified at the summit. The Soviet
position on the other hand, has been that
while nothing could be negotiated on the real
issues, something might be done about the
control of armaments provided there was a
meeting at the summit first where an agree-
ment would be reached to instruct the Foreign
Ministers to do something.
The basic difference between the two sides
is that the Soviets want to go to the summit
for its psychological effect but not to settle
great issues; we, on the other hand, do not
want to go to the summit unless and until we
can settle some great issue.
IN ONE PART of his letter the President has
addressed himself to this difference, and has
proposed that the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A.
organize an exchange of visits by "citizens who
exert an influence." This is not quite the same
thing as a meeting on the summit. But it does
propose meetings, not too hurried and not too
blown up with publicity, by men from both sides
who are at or very near to the summit.
There is some reason for thinking that the
Russians themselves may be seeing the need to
establish more personal contact among men
at the top of affairs. There are signs that,
combined with the determination not to nego-
tiate o nthe real issues, and along with their
obvious interest to make propaganda, there is
also a real desire to emerge from their isolation
and to know more of the world outside. It
would not surprise me to hear that what the
Presiden had to say on this point may be his
response to intimations he has had from
IN ANY EVENT it is a good idea. For ther'e
has been considerable danger that we might
be painting ourselves into a corner. Having
made so much of the argument that we cannot

as if we might nevertheless go to the summit
without adequate and successful preparation.
This would be very dangerous in that the
world would assime that if President Eisen-
hower went to the summit, it was because Sec-
retary Dulles had decided that' the meeting
would be successful. Thus, if it was-not success-
ful, the whole blame would fall on this country.
The new Eisenhower suggestion could be
used to avoid this dilemma, and to say that
before we put on a big show at the summit, let
us work up to it with meetings of men who
would in the end be involved, as negotiators, as
advisors, as politicians, in what would happen
at the summit.
1958 New York Herald Tribune Inc.
What USSR, U.S.
Have in Common
r IE TWO GREATEST peoples of the earth
at this place in time-the Americans and
the Russians-are becoming increasingly curi-
ous about each other, ever more seeking to
learn more about "the enemy." Because of
this and the realization that reason dictates
there be now W.W. III of mutual slaughter,
relations between the two giants are at a
postwar high.
Tlie most encouraging sign of this is the rash
of cultural exchange programs that are in
the fire of late. The Lacy-Zaroubin agreement
is the most extensive example; recent talk is
of exchanges of high-ranking Soviet and U.S.
officials, preparatory to a summit meeting is
another; a late announcement tells of the first
student exchange of 40 American and 20
Russians to be run off this summer.
WHILE THE SCEPTICAL realists of inter-
national relations say that all the ex-
changes we can arrange will not solve hard
issues like what to do with Eastern Europe,
or that nations in the past which have fully
understood and perhaps even shared cultural
traditions with other nations have still fought
wars, or that Soviet participants will certainly
be immutable Communists-wehfeel these are
exaggerations. We feel that exchanges can not
do much harm and strongly suspect they may
do some good, in the long run.
For we believe that any understanding or
truth that may result from the exchanges
should work to the benefit of the United States,
for in the 1-,rein mj pn +i -. . cr+,


Placement Notices
The representative from the Mont.
clair, New Jersey Public Schools will be
at the Bureau of Appointments on Fri.,
Feb. 28 to interview for the 1958-1959
school year. Positions are open in'the
following fields: Elementary; Mathe-
matics; Science; English; Social Stu-
dies; Special Education (Mentally Re-
tarded); Chairman of Business Educa-
tion Department. For any additional
information and appointments, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Mon., Feb. 24 and Tues., Feb. 2$ -
A.M. only
Shell Oil Company Manufacturing
(Refining) - Locations: Ill., La., Texas,
Washington and Calif. B.S. and M.B.
in Ch.E. for refinery operations, tech-
nology, procesa development, and re-
search labs. B.S. and M.S. in M.E. and
Met. for refinery construction and
maintenance, design, power plants and
engine research.
Production Locations: East of
Rockies and Denver area. For B.S. and
M.S. In Ch.E. All degree levels in M.E.,
E.E., and Marine and E.Phy. for oil
field production activities.
Shell Chemical Corp. Locations: Barr
Francisco,/ Los Angeles, Cal, for B.S.
and M.S. in Ch.E., for process develop.,
design, tech., services on Chem, mfg.
operations. BS. and M.S. In M.E., C.E.,
E.E. for design, constr. and mainte-
nance and instrument engrg.
,ShelI Development Co., Exploration
and Production and Research Div.,
Houston, Texas for all degree levels
in M.E., E.M. M.S. in E.E. M.S. and
Ph.D. in C.E. B.S. in E.Phy. and Sc.
Mon. ,Feb. 24
U.S.,Atomic Energy Commission, Le.
mont, Ill. for M.S. and Ph.D. In Ch.E.,
E.E., I.E., M.E., Met. and Nuclear
C. F. Braun & Company, Alhambra,
Cal. for all degree levels in Ch.E. Pro-
cess Design, Plant Layout, Evaluation,
Equip. Design, Instrumentation and
Equipment Selection.
University of California-Radiation
Lab., Livermore, Cal. for Research, De-
velopment and Design, Summer and
regular openings. All degree levels ini
M.E. M.S. and Ph.D. in D.E.E., Intr.
and Nuclear.
Comn wealth Associates Inc., Jack-
son, Mich. for summer and regular,
Consulting'and Design. B.S. and M.S.
in C.E., E.E, and M.E.
U.S. Navy - David Taylor Model
Basin, Washington, D.C. for Research
and Development, Summer and Regu-
lar openings. All degree levels in A.
C.E., E.E., Instr., E. Math., M.E., E.M.,
Nav. & Mar., E. Phy. and Set.
Koppers Company, Inc, Pittsk~urgh,
Pa. Research, Development and Sales,
Summer and Regular openings. All de-
gree levels in Ch.E., C.E., E.E., M.E.,
E.M. & Met.
The Lubrizol Corporation, Cleveland
17, Ohio for Research, Development
and Production. Summer and Regular
openings. All degree levels In Ch.E.
and Ind.
C has. Pfizer and Company, Inc.,
Brooklyn. N.Y. for Research, Develop-
ment, Production and Sales. Summer
and regular. B.S. and M.S. in Ch.E.
B.S. in M.E.
Sun Oil Company, Marcus Hook, Pa.
For Research and Development, Sum-
mer and regular. B.S. and M.S. in Ch.E.
Thompson Products, Inc., Cleveland,
Ohio for Research, Development, De-
sign. Production and Sales. Summer
and regular. All degree levels in A.E.,
E.E., M.E., Met., and Nuc. Ph.D. in
U.S. Rubber Company, New York,
N.Y. for Research, Development, De-
sign and Production. B.S. and M.S. in
Ch.E., E.E., I.E., M.E.


Budapest Quartet Plays with Suavity


18TH Annual Chamber
Music Festival opened last
night with the Budapest String
Quartet in a program of three
outstanding, works. Beethoven,
Bartok, and Mozart were the rep-
resented composers.
The Budapest Quartet is one of
the most justly famous string
.groups in the world. The playing
of this ensemble is always of 'the
highest order. The group can al-
ways be expected to maintain a
high level of quality.
Last night's performance was
no exception to this rule, however,
I found some reservations to cer-
tain elements of their playing.
THE OPENING work was
Beethoven's String Quartet in C
minor, Op. 18, No. 4. This work is
one of the six which form the
Opus 18 and which finds its place
on frequent programs.
The Budapest Quartet has
made a great reputation for its
playing of Beethoven. Every
ct,. c micra enTl n* n 9vi~

In the Scherzo, I began having
reservations about the sound.
First of all, the rather broad vi-
brato employed by all the group
frequently obscured the actual
pitch being played. In the Minuet,
I felt that the accents were over-
stressed at times.
Aside from these points, I
thoroughly enjoyed the perform-
ance of this work.
While the Budapest tone seems
very well suited to Beethoven, I
must disagree with it for Bartok.
The very warmth and richness of
the sound, along with the vibrato
used, tend to veil the real beauty
of Bartok's music, ,which I feel is
found in his magnificent use of
dissonance and tension in the
THE STRING quartets of Bar-
tok seem to take up where
Beethoven left off in the area of
dissonance and chromatic writ-
ing. It is this element which gives
greatest interest and strength to
his works.

afraid of being harsh. I can see
no reason for being afraid of
these spots, since it appears that
the harsh quality is needed to
build up the tensions which are
so necessary in this work.
The last movement, which was
slow and reflective, came out bet-
ter with this group. Here, too,
there was a lack of clarity of
Following the intermission the
program was concluded with Mo-
zart's String Quintet in C minor,
K. 406. Robert Courte, violist of
the Stanley Quartet and member
of the Music School faculty, per-
formed the second viola part.
4 * *
THE QUINTET is a very fine
work and has sections of extreme
beauty. The Andante movement
is one of the best of its kind.
Again, I must admit a lack of
sympathy with the over-ripe tone
of the group in this music. Mozart
demands more refinement and
spirit than was shown in this per-
formance- The imiaativPnam.+tc of

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