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February 21, 1958 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-21

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Building Directed
By Mrs. R. Keniston
Undergraduate Intellectual Interest
Called Object of Service to Campus
Off the Undergraduate Library lobby to the right is a small cubi-
cal With five white walls and one yellow one: the office of Mrs. Ro-
berta Keniston, the librarian.
From this office Mrs. Keniston directs the operations of the new
library, though this week she has been busy with preparations for
today's dedication. All week long calls have come in, the librarian
said, saying some item needed for the dedication was considered
"equipment", some "construction."
Deals. With Students
Her real job, Mrs. Keniston explained, is dealing with the stu-
dents, faculty and staff. This she enjoys much more. "I've lived in

Feature Address
By ,U' President
Wagman To Accept Undergraduate
Facilities in Multi-Purpose Room

The University's new $3 billion Undergraduate Library will be
formally dedicated at 4:15 p.m. today.
University President Harlan Hatcher will be the main speaker of
the dedication to be held in the library's unique multi-purpose room.
Speaking before the group of assembled dignitaries, President Hatcher
will officially turn the building over to Frederick Wagman, University
libraries director.
After an acceptance speech by Dr. Wagman, a reception will be
held to conclude the dedication ceremony. During this time as well
as all day tomorrow, the build-
ing will be open for inspection by
the guests, according to Erich A. Book Return
Walter, Assistant to the Presi- J


Books Take
hort ime
To Choose'
Selection of the approximately
50,000 books now housed in the
new Undergraduate Library re-
quired only three years to com-
Harvard College accomplished a
similar task in 11 years.
Approximately $194,000 was
appnt in an effort to produce one
of the finest undergraduate collec-
tions in the country. The actual
value cannot be estimated since
many contributions came in the
form of gifts and transfers from
other libraries.
Stewart Directs
Under the direction of one of
the nation's best bibliographers,
Rolland C. Stewart, the selecting
process began several months be-
fore the actual construction on
the building.
Browsing through hundreds of
bookstores in four cities, he
searched for the books necessary
to complete the collection.
One of his greatest finds came
here in Ann Arbior. A local book-
store owner sold Stewart 1,400
volumes for $1,200. Many books
were new and several out of print
Examine Books
"We looked over 75,000 books in
four days stored-in the basement,"
Stewart smiled. "During the three
years I handled about 400,000 vol-
Sumes in the book browsing opera-
tions for the new library."
Very few significant books in
the English language are not con-
tained in the Undergraduate Li-
brary, he said. Approximately 80
per cent of the books were selected
See BOOK, Page 4

4academic communities all my
life," Mrs. Keniston said. "I'm
very interested in students."
. "I've gnly been a librarian since
1951," she said, "having spent a
good many years as a housewife
and mother." Mrs. Keniston grad-
uated from the University of Chi-
cago; but worked only five months
after graduation before her mar-
Husband Named Dean
Her husband, Dean-Emeritus
Hayward Keniston of the literary
school, served on the faculties of
the University of California and
the University of Chicago before
coming here. Dean Keniston was
named Chairman of the Romance
Languages department in 1940.
"When my children were more
or less grown," Mrs. Keniston
said, "I decided to become a li-
brarian." - The Keniston's son,
Kenneth is on the faculty of Har-
vard University while their
daughter Mimi attends high
school here in Ann Arbor.
Receiving her Master's degree
in library science from the Uni-
versity, Mrs. Keniston became a
librarian in 1951.
Worked in Ann Arbor
t She served for a short time as
head of the fiction room for the
Ann Arbor public library. Then
she became head reference li-
brarian and assistant librarian for
Eastern Michigan College.
Last July, Mrs. Keniston was
hired by the University as under-
graduate librarian.
. "At present we're finishing up
the'tag-ends of the building," she
explained. "As far as operation of
the library goes, we're all set up."
Serve Student Interest
The objective of the library as
seen by Mrs. Keniston is'to serve
the intellectual interests of the
students, not necessarily only
those involved with academics..
As a former reference librarian
herself, Mrs. Keniston is quite en-
thusiastic about this aspect of
library work. "It's very stimulat-
ing and fun," she deblared, "open-
ing all kinds of new vistas."


-Daily-Norman Jacobs
DEDICATION TODAY-The new Undergraduate Library, housing approximately 50,000 books, will be dedicated at 4:15 p.m. today. The
library exceeds any library for undergraduates now in existence in the size and number of its facilities. In the ceremony this afternoon,
University President Harlan Hatcher will turn the library over to Frederick Wagman, director of libraries. Although not officially opened
until today, the library has been in use since January.

Stays Open,
Later Hours
Because of a strong need ex-
pressed by the student body for
longer hours, the new Undergrad-
uate Library is open until mid-
night according to Mrs. Roberta
Keniston, librarian.
A constant tabulation which is
being taken for the first few weeks
of school shows the number of
students entering and leaving the
library after 10 a.m.
Between 200 and 350 students
enter the library after 10 a.m. and
a thousand to seventeen hundred
leave the building between 10 a.m.
and noon.
Since the library is air-condi-
tioned, thus increasing its popu-
larity, the same hours will prob-
ably be kept during the summer.
For the 10 months of the year
the library is kept open the two
extra hours six days a week, the
expenses increase. Although the
cost of heat is the same, electricity
is increasingly higher.
The student lounge, which
serves coffee and soft drinks, is
the new library's added attraction
and is open from 9 a.m. to noon,
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m.

Library Called World's Biggest

Today the University will dedi-
cate the largest separate Under-
graduate Library in the world.
Over four years of intensive
planning and more than $3 million
of state funds have gone into the
new structure, making it the most
unique of its kind.
In 1954 the University library
staff, the University architectural
staff and an advisory committee
of University officials with Prof.
Frederick Wagman, Director of
University Libraries, chairman,
made the initial plans for the new
Kahn Is Architect
..Final architectural plans were
drawn up by Albert Kahn Associ-
ated Architects and Engineers, the
same company that planned the
General Library, Hill Auditorium,
the natural science building and
the University hospital.
Funds were then appropriated
from the State Legislature, ac-
cording to Prof. Wagman.
Actual construction began in
1956, when the Sponce Brothers
Company of Saginaw was engaged
as the' general contractor. Origi-
nally scheduled to open sometime
in September, 1957, construction
was held back due to a national
strike of cement workers.

On Jan. 16, the Undergraduate
Library was formally opened by
President Harlan Hatcher. Under
the direction of Roberta C. Keni-
ston, Undergraduate Librarian,
the library had 50,000 new books
ready for circulation.
The job of cataloguing the new
books was done by the library
staff, according to Prof. Wagman.
The University Plant Department'
transferred the books from the
former Engineering, Education
and Transportation collections to
4:15 Formal Dedication Cere-
mony of Undergraduate
Library Multi - Purpose,
Room ,Undergraduate Li-
brary. Speakers: Harlan
Hatcher, Fredrick Wag-
5:00 Reception, Informal Tours
Multi-Purpose Room
6:00 Dinner, Michigan Union
Speakers: Harlan Hatch-
er, Maynard Goldman

their temporary place in the new
This transfer was accomplished
by the use of "tote" boxes and
took place during semesters, Prof.
Wagman said. All reserve books,
which eventually will be housed
by the library, are not moved yet.
The library staff is still receiving
lists of new reserve books.
Features Audio Room
The unusually large audio and
individual film-viewing facilities
are special features which make
the Undergraduate Library unique,
according to Prof. Wagman. Re-
serve books on open shelves are
alqso unusual for an undergrat4u-
ate library, he said."
The University Library is the
second separate Undergraduate
Library in the country. The first,
the Lamont Library at Harvard
University, was dedicated in 1949.
The library, with its air-condi-
tioning and color combinations, is
scientifically 'planned for the max-
mum studying efficiency. At the
date of its dedication, almost all
facilities are complete. More pieces
of audio equipment are still ex-
pected and the exhibit cases have
to be set up, according to Prof.

Len .
Hold Dinner
In the evening a dinner will be
held in the Union to celebrate the
dedication of the library, the
library of its kind in the coun-
largest separate Undergraduate
try, according to Wagman.
During the banquet President
Hatcher will speck on the admin-
istrative view of the new Univer-
sity facility. The title of his ad-
dress will, be "The Hidden Sun."
Maynard Goldman, - '59, the
Administrative Vice-President of
the Student Government Council
has been chosen by the Council
to speak on behalf of the student
body, according to Prof. Walter.
Speaking on the subject, "What
the Undergraduate Library Means
to a 'Student," Goldman will end
the evening's program.
Issue Invitations
Invitations for the dedication
ceremony have been issued to of-
ficials and librarians of the na-
tion. The invitation list includes
several prominent state legisla-
tors, the University Board of Re-
gents, librarians from the col-
leges, universities and public li-
braries of the state and partici-
pants in a special conference of
the Undergraduate and Lifetime
Reading Habit Committee.
The mayor of Ann Arbor, Prof.
Samuel Eldersveld, of the politi-
cal science department, as well
as members of the University's
Dean's Conference, certain Uni-
versity Library Committees, the
University 'Library Science Fac-
ulty and the chairmen of the de-
partments of the literary college
are also included on the guest list.
Among the 200 officials invited
to participate in the ceremonies
will alsobe the chairmen of the
University Library Department
and Divisional Libraries, certain
University' staff members, offi-
cials of the Albert Kohn Architec-
ture Corporation, which designed
the building.

Plan Easier
"After working in a library
know how much nuisance it makes
when people don't get their books
back on time," Mrs. Roberta Ke'n-
iston,, librarian of , the Under-
graduate Library commented.
The new library makes it easy
-or at least easier-for students
to return books, she said.
"Until'a few years ago it was
never possible to return books to
libraries except at their main
charging desks." Now libraries are
installing outside book - return
chutes and other innovations
which "makes it a little more con-
venient to return the books."
Has Return Chutes
The Undergraduate Library has
eight outside return chutes, placed
in pairs at four locations around
the building.
Books fall down these chutes
into another new gadget,-the de-
pressable-bottom book truck. This
invention, which has only recently
come into use by libraries, is a
spring -bottomed cart whick
catches the books as they drop
into the chute. The books weigh
it down just enough so there is.
always room on top for the next
The great advantage in the
"DBBT" is that the books don't
drop very far before hitting the
top of the stack.
Fall To Truck
Before, books dropped into re-
turn 'chutes had an "Alice-in--
Wonderland fall to the bottom of
a truck, and then piled up on each
"Books are delicate things," Mrs.
Keniston explained, "and it didn't
See KENISTON, Page 2

ibrary Includes Many Unusual Rooms, S


Many unique features can be found in the new Undergraduate
Library, and these unusual features help to make the Library a
pleasant place in which to work and relax.
The west side of the fourth floor houses the print study gallery.
Students can go to this gallery, known as the fine arts study hall,
to view and study photographs and color prints which have previously
been seen as slides in the introductory fine arts courses.
After the slide is shown in the classes, the photograph is hung
in the gallery. Right now there are works of Classic, Mid-European and
American art on display.
There are group study rooms on each floor. These rooms cater to
those people who desire to study together. Talking is permitted in
these rooms.
For those people who do not like the smell of tobacco when they
study, non-smoking study rooms are available on every floor except
the fourth. Typing rooms have been established where students may
rent typewriters for 30 minutes for ten cents. Students can also bring
their own typewriters if they so desire. Recordax machines have been
put in some of the typing rooms.
Telephones are available on every floor near the northwest corner,
and there are lounge areas for quiet study at the far end of each
floor. There is also a multi-purpose room which is used for meetings.
A lost and found department is located at the Circulation Desk
on the main floor. Inquiries concerning articles lost in the library

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