I 4t s ,Just Ilhi CiaT6Mf&41 The1WVi L % y Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 THE STATE OF BUSINESS: Retailers Tackle Cos n Opinions Are Free uth Will Prevail' 'Pape Blizards orials Printed inThe Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors, This nus t be noted in all reprints. r NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD TAUB ARY 21, 195" (EDITOR'S NOTE: These days many retail stores know they must bring down costs to survive. Methods merchants are trying are described in the fol- lowing article by AP business news analyst, Sam Dawson.) By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK - Tackling the mounting costs of running a store ha gone from just a good idea to a necessity for most merchants in re cent months. The ways of doing it are varied. The rise of the discount stores jolted many of the traditions: methods;of older stores - and as a result, cost cutting as well a price cutting is being tried. The drift of customers to outlying shopping centers hit downtown Students Should Relate Courses All By Themselves CH THE OPENING of every new semester omes a rash of proposals for revising and ving college curricula. haps fired with enthusiasm, as yet unim- I by realizations of the work involved, at >rospect of new and more challenging es this semester, or perhaps discouraged their inability to realize any concrete h or change in knowledge and attitudes result of last semester's classes, students ill of suggestions of how the faculty can are the student to understand and control ,If and his environment, to contribute to >ciety-in which he lives and to bring home read." ese new suggestions are often valuable and tely should be considered, however there proposal which is.always overlooked. The person who can ultimately prepare the nt is the student himself. 'tudents fail to reconcile sociological facts heories which are in conflict with those ychology simply because they took the ogy course in the fall semester and the psychology course in the spring, the obvious conclusion is not that a survey course covering both subjects should be taught, but that the student has not adequately assimilated the course. HE STUDENT who is able to stick any number of facts away in some corner of his mind, without ever questioning or considering how they relate to his other courses and his philosophy of life, should realize that he just hasn't adequately grasped the material of the course. It is doubtful if more than a very few pro- fessors would object to any question or discus- sion originating from students which would attempt to relate the theoretical subject matter of the course to the current problems. To the sincere student a course to relate other courses to contemporary issues-which is not a course to study contemporary issues- ought to be superfious. This relationship ought to be the goal of every course and student. -MARGARET MOORE 1 El EA! ' 5 Vi ,r :.,,;:: . s, t r Y, i p E TIo1 bbj. +'I5OA ci' . merchants hard, first the big city; business districts. Increased bar- gain hunting by customers and stiffer competition have spurred cost cutting to beat the recession. THE SEARCH takes several tacks. One is aimed at cutting clerking costs by a shift' toward more and more self service. Costs of carrying credit cus- tc'mers, particularly slow payers,, are being watched. Some mer- chants favor charging for credit service. Others prefer pushing the installment plan of buying and paying the same amount each month. This involves an interest charge, just as it does when you buy a; car that way. A few stores debate cutting off the time honored employes dis- counts. This cost cutting device is opposed by others who argue that the employe discount is a prime lure for getting and keep- ing clerks and that dropping it would kick back unpleasantly. A HUGE mountain of paper work piles up from the purchasing department through the ware- housing and material depart- ments. This is being tackled by electronic and automation engi- neers. Large stores and chains already use automated warehousing and merchandize handling equipment, such as .conveyors pallet lifts and monorails. Now they are exploring elec- tronic accounting and stock con- trol devices. The'cost of mechani- cal brains gives many of them pause. Only the largest operations can see chances of getting the ini- tial installation costs back in a reasonable! time through savings. Some of the medium size stores are talking of setting up coopera- tive data processing centers to lick this paper blizzard. , ~ LOOKING UP: The Student rofile stores and then those in suburbi DA;ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is ar official publication of the Univer city of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editori al responsibility. Notices should b sent in TYPEWRITTEN forn'?t< Room 3519 Administration Build ing, before 2 p.m. the day precedin publication. Notices for Sunaa Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1958 VOL., LXVIII, NO. 99 .*,n: WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Ike's Versatile Relative, By DREW PEARSON By JAMES ELSMAN JR. ,L RESERVATIONS aside that Princeton is not representative of U.S. colleges, that e Princetonians selected to state their views their lives and futures for "The Unsilent eration" were not representative of Prince- and that excerpts from the book were not esentative, "Life" magazine did provide e provocative reading in its last issue. For t were seven candid, anonymous commen- es from Princeton men on what seniors ik about. These confessions were instructive mly in that they pointed out-and all those at the University who are trying to prepare otally for society might note this-that the aghts which concern students most are not e of academics, brit those of vocation, of racter, values and religion, of love and mar- e,' of personal physical and psychological >lems. fter reading these excerpts and recalling s own experience, it,'is hard to agree with e of Prof. Jacob's now famous conclusions Changing Values in College." That students id to think alike, feel alike and believe alike" cannot agree. There seem to be marked .rences in thought and action by students ssues like religion, ethics, morals, values and s, with only small percentages of students ing these five categories in common. Nor do agree with Jacobs that students "are glori- y contented both in regard to their present -to-day activity and their outlookl for the ire . . . They are supremely confident that i destinies lie within their own control." the contrary, college men today seem to be cerned, though not too vocally, about the aence which international events and the military can exert in the lives; they are cerned about the vocational paths which ask for conforming "outer directed," team men where initiative and inventiveness-when essful-get you usually a pat on the back. E WOULD AGREE with Jacob that "an, easy tolerance of diversity pervades the lent environment," but would add that e is little initiative shown to cultivate or i like different people. Religion and the ural heritage associated with it seems to the most important factor in choosing' nds; race and nationality are coming to be important factors except when they are ciated with a- different religion. That is, istians, whether they be black, brown or be 'find they have more in corlmon than y would with Jews, non-Christian foreigners non-Christian native whites. These latter e groups are by far the most non-conform- #st, liberal and tolerant; - because of their liberal tradition they still have some claim to the loyalties of all Negroes. This is all too rigid, but an analysis of social groups in the Union Snack Bar would likely prove its general truth. Jacob concludes also that "students normally express a need for religion as a part of their lives and make time on most weekends for an hour in church . . . but God has little to do with the behavior of men in society." We would agree. But organized religion does seem. to be losing its grip on 'students. Judaism, especially, seems to have lost the commitment of students; Protestantism claims some of the. most devout but also has many that are just along for the ride; Catholicism commands amazing adherence to its formal procedures, but here again God is not so much with man in his social life. We seem to detect a trend among students to worship only God without a desire for any trappings of church liturgy or intermediaries. There will likely be an in- creased popularity of inter-faith, ecumenical movements like B'hai and Unitarianism. In short, there is h desire for certainty in religion which many students do not find in the ortho- dox faiths, nor in any, but many still would prefer to drift without a commitment than to, make an uncertain one. O RETURN DIRECTLY to the Princeton commentaries, we found other indications which are indeed true and disturbing: Alcohol is becoming a more frequently used tranquilizer for the woes of college people; there is a wide- spread contempt for the "mediocre masses"_ who haven't been to college;. there is little altruism evident in vocational choice, most students wishing to do something for humanity only if it is part of achieving selfish goals; and this is a self-conscious generation which would often rather maintain silence than make a mistake. We found an equal number of good indica- tions in the Princeton commentaries which we believe to be true: Students don't worship the dollar, wanting only - enough in life to be comfortable; students are sophisticated enough not. to be in the camp of the chauvinists- "America, right or wrong"'; we are becoming increasingly antagonistic toward the collectivi- zation in our society and are desirous of more room for individuality; and, too, we are slowly becoming aware of the much exaggerated charges of "conformists," "silent generation" and the like and will likely exert ourselves to prove them wrong. WASHINGTON - The probe of the Federal Communications Commission has already turned up President Eisenhower's charm- ing brother-in-law, Col. Gordon Moore, who is looming more and more important on the Washing- ton scene, and whose tracks have also turned up in the award of Trans Caribbean Airways to Puerto Rico, the transfer of Washington's Capital Transit, and other operations where it pays to know the right people. The week before National Air- lines applied for Channel 10 in Miami, Moore showed up in Miami, October, 1953, as the. guest of the airline's president, George "Ted" Baker. The Miami Herald snapped a picture of Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Moore (Mamie Eisenhower's sister) posing chum- mily together on a veranda over- looking Biscayne Bay. * * * A FEW WEEIKS later, Col. Moore arranged through Ike's No. 2 man, Wilton "Slick" Persons, to have Baker invited to one of the President's private stag dinners. Jim Hagerty suppressed publi- cation of the guests attending these dinners after there was con- gressional comment on the num- ber of big businessmen invited. However, it remains a fact that Ike chiefly invites close friends to his stag parties, so an invita- tion is valuable currency in Washington's political commu- nity. Meanwhile, Col. Moore got in- volved in a business venture in the Dominican Republic with two of National Airlines' directors, George W. Gibbs, Jr., and John W. Cross. Moore has been on close terms with Dominican Dictator Trujillo, who was anxious that the White House call off the FBI,. then investigating his henchmen for allegedly kidnapping and murdering Dominican political refugees in the U.S.A. Moore offered to use his influ- ence with Trujillo to straighten} out some difficulties over a ship- yard Gibbs was building in the Dominican Republic, and he also brought Cross into the deal. While Moore was working with two of National's directors, the two biggest airlines in Florida, National and Eastern, were juggling for position in Washing- ton. They were not only angling for air routes and TV channels, but both National's,"~Ted" Baker and Eastern's Eddie Rickenbacker wanted to be appointed to the President's Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. HOW MANY wires were pulled and how much influence was peddled around the White House and the supposedly impartial ad- ministrative agencies is indicated by some of the private memos written by airline executives and lobbyists. Even ' Ike's appoint- ments to his air advisory commit- tee were weighed in terms of poli- tical contributions. National Airlines got C. C. Spades,;Republican national com- mitteeman from Florida, to write Edward Tait of the White House March 20, 1956, that he could not endorse Eddie Rickenbacker be- cause Rickenbacker had not been active enough in Republican poli- tics. Such endorsement would, however, be given to Ted Baker, president of National.' Later Spades was warned, April 9: "Thomas Dewey is interested and is for Eddie Rickenbacker." Dewey is the man who swung the presidential nomination for Ike at Chicago. Rickenbacker, not Baker, ended up on the Presi- dent's advisory air committee. When National Airlines finally got ready their much-lobbied TV channel in Miami and prepared to dedicate it, Walter Koessler, head of Channel 10, and Stanley Ge- wirtz, the vice-president of Na- tional, wrote to their Washington attorney, Norman E. Jorgensen, Oct. 25, 1957, asking him to find out whether the FCC would come to the dedication in a chartered plane. Chairman Doerfer, it was stated, was available and would be pleased. "However, Doerfer said he wished to take the matter up with the full commission rather than make a unilateral decisiorr." * * * ON DEC. 21, '57, Koessler wrote National's A. G. Hardy that he had obtained ocean-front accom- modations for Doerfer and other FCC commissioners at the new Deauville Hotel, 'Miami Beach, also had arranged a party Friday night, with golf and fishing Sat- urday and golf or fishing Sunday., This seemed to be right down ,Chairman Doerfer's alley. He is the most junketing member of the FCC. But by this time, Jan. 10, '58, Dr. Schwartz was well along with his investigation. Abruptly, the dedication was played down. None of the FCC ever traveled to sunny Florida to celebrate the opening of the sta- tion they had voted to give Na- tional Airlines despite the exam- iner's strolig recommendation to the contrary. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) w Corn, pro mtsel MOMENTARILY free of respon- sibility between his old job as as Australia's Ambassador to the, United States and his new post on the bench of the International Court of Justice at the Hague, Sir Percy Spender spoke out with candor on "one of the tragedies of today - misunderstanding of the United States in other parts of the world. qualifying himself as a well-, traveled observer of the United States for the past seven years (as well as the father of two Yale men), Sir Percy pinpointed three key traits in the amalgam of U.S. behavior as a nation: 1) religiousness, 2) idealism, 3) gen- erosity. These - cultural dominants can sometimes lead the United States to -putting its worst face forward: "The conjuncture of religion and idealism makes it difficult for you to compromise with anything you believe to be evil. This presents hardship when you are dealing' with other governments who may, not necessarily share your beliefs. We live in a world where one must sometimes compromise." --Time General Notices Summary, action taken at meeting of Student Government Council, -Feb.,19. Approved: Minutes of previous +eet- ing; Elections calendar with petition- ing, to open Fri., Feb. 21 for Camus; Elections. Appointed: Carol Holland to fil Council vacancy;. Arlee wolisky' to1 fill vacancy on Human' RlationsBoard. Heard oral reports relating to sorority rushing, human relations, the stu4.nt book exchange, response to exola.. prngram, Southeast Asia, Air Flight. Defeated: Motion to Allocate w50forr use of Southeast Asia ommittee fr purposes of soliciting funds for a dele- gation. Further consideration bj t1ie Committee and clarification of plan, was requested. Accepted: Revised constitution,;-"In- ternational Student Asoiation. Granted recognition: Odd Lot Club whose objective is "to promote in its members the ethical ideals of the legal profession and to encourage the etdy of the techniques of investment." ,approved: Th following atiities sponsored by student organizations:- Feb. 24, Israeli-American Club, tee- ture, "The Role of Israel in the Middle East," Union; March. 15, ' Student Bar Assocatin, "Chancellors' Court Bal," 1-1, Lawyers Club; March 22, Council of Student Re-- ligious Organizations, workshop, An- gell Hall and Union. Calendared: Greek Week Ball, March 22, to close at 1 a.m. Approved: Change of name for Edu- cation and Social Welfare Committee to Education and Student Welare. Committee. student Automobile driving permit holders are reminded of their responit bility to report any change of unr ship, address, license number, inur. ance information, etc. (Section 11 - Administrative Code), to the Office of Student Affairs, third floor of the Stu- dentActivities Buiding, within 5 day after occurrence. Office of the Dean, of_ Men. Late Permission: Women Students who attended the Detroit Symphony Concert at Hill Auditorium on Tues., Feb. 18, had late permission until [1:05 p.m.' Judiciary Council. The Coffee Hour of the Office of' Re. ligious Affairs will not be bheldathis week because of the Will Herberg lec- ture. Economics Club: Abba P. Lerner, Visiting Professor of Econois Jn# Hopkins University, altimore il speak on "Seller's Inflation," Fri., Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. Amphitheatre, Rackhan Bldg. All staff members and graduate administration urged .to attend. 4ll others invited.C- Psychology Colloquium: "Perceptual Conditions of Association." Dr. S. E. Asch, Swarthmore College Department of Psychology. 4:15 p.m., Fri., -Feb. 21, Aud. B, Angell Hal. University Lecture: Dr. Will Herberg, Professor of Judaic Studies and Social Philosophy, Drew Universty, wil speak on '"A Jewish View of State Unversty Education," Fri., Feb. 21 at 4;15 'p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. Students and fac- ulty are also invited to an informal coffee hour with Dr. Herberg at 9:00 p.m. Fri. at the HillelFoundatop, 1429 Hill St. Auspices of the Office of Re- ligious Affairs and the L..&A. Com- mittee on Studies in Religion, Academic Notices Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering..r, Feb. 21,,3:30 p.m, 550 East Etngneer- ing Bldg. Robert W. Sanderson wi. speak on "Snow Loading on Struc. tures". - Chairman: Prof. Robert- B. Harris. Seminar: "A Statistical Theory of Turbulence," by Dr. Robert H.'Xrach- man, Institute of Mathematical Sci- ences, New Yxork University, Fri, eb. 21, 4:00 p.m., Room- 1042 East Engi- neering Bldg. Seminar on Computer Programming and Nume lcal Analysis -- "Peset State of Machine Computation and Automatic Programming in the Soviet Union," by J. W. Carr III, will be held on Fri., Feb. 21, at 4 p.m. in room 3010 Angell Hal. Make-up Exam for those who missed the final exam in Botany I lsht seme- ter will be given Thurs. Feb. 27 at 7:00 a A-n In PDnan.t *ftt ''..'IAl edeem . CONCERNING SGC: Slim Chance for Exchange Program Next Year TODAY AND TOMORROW:- They oviet sstatusQuo By WALTER LIPPMANN FTER A DILIGENT reading of the recent speeches and letters from Russia and China, gether with some inquiries among those who ight know what they are talking about, it is asonably clear to me what is the guiding rinciple of their current foreign policy. It is at as between East and West,-the tide is now inning in their favor, that what is wanted not an attempt to settle the substantive sues but on the contrary, relaxation of the nsion and of any serious effort to interfere ith the course of events. Thus, while they want to talk at the summit, iey look upon such a meeting as useful to aiet the emotions and to allay resistance and axiety about what, if nobody interferes, is ing to happen. What is going to happen, ley confidently believe, is that the Western and therefore disposed to believe that history is with them. But though their current foreign policy suits their Marxist ways of thinking, Khrushchev and company are practical men who remain very close to the earth. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, so far as I can see, that he is toying with the notion of using' overt military intervention, nor even that he is counting upon achieving a decisive military superiority. His policy assumes a continuing military stalemate, such a balance of power that neither side can compel the other. What he counts upon is the durability of his system in comparison with the instability of the West- ern democracies and their internal complica- tions arising from the diseased remnants of the old European empires. By JOHN WEICHER ONE POTENTIAL Student Gov- ernment Council achievement -the establishment of an ex- change program - appears vir- tually impossible for this year. Jean Scruggs, chairman of the National and International Af- fairs Committee, told SGC Wed- nesday night the deadline for set- ting up such a program may well be past - and the Council has no promising prospects in sight. Miss Scruggs' committee has re- ceived four replies from foreign universities - and one unsolicited letter - only one of which comes close to the specifications for an exchange which SGC seems to have in mind. THESE requirements might be summed up thus: a bilateral exchange on the junior level with one European and one Asian uni- versity, which must meet certain criteria and have transferable credits. About the only one of these the Council stands much chance of finding is the "transferable cred- its." The problems are: , versity of Berlin - and indicated it was uninterested in another. The other possibilities - Pun- Jab. University of India and the University of Buenos Aires - are interested only in graduate stu- dents. The South American school contacted SGC, first; the Council had shown' no interest in a trade to the south. American University of Beirut, Lebanon, has said it would be in- terested in any American students who wanted to enroll, but couldn't afford and didn't want an ex-. change. This is the sum of results to date. * * * SGC HAS talked much about whether these universities ful- fill its specifications, and which is better. But, as Dan Belin has emphasized in the last two dis- cussions, the Council is manifest- ly unable to compare Punjab, Auslanderstelle, Buenos Aires, or any other University; it simily does not know "which is better." Foreign students from these countries could be contacted on -this, but they have not been so far. The value of their judgments ..,n.,tA gln hol anon f-an miocfinx originally taken on as a "charity" project. The idea of sending a student to a bastion of the. West deep in Communist territory, to an institution largely staffed by refugee professors and largely catering to .refugee students, is very appealing. - But its credits are not trans- ferable. Beyond this, no SGC member has been clear as to its academic worth. * * * FURTHER, a great many Amer- Ican students go to Europe for a year on their own; SGC exchanges with the "standard" countries, while worthwhile, do not further cultural understanding as much as Asian or South American pro- grams could. FUB has a very great public re- lations value, for the reasons given before. But public relations should be subsidiary, a natural outgrowth of other accomplish- ments, not an end in itself. A program existing on public rela- tions value is useless. Whether FUB is doing this is open to question; however, public relations has been ,the most fre- quently advanced justificatipn. impracticable, indeed, impossible. The University has no center for Russian studies, such as Harvard University does. (The State De- partment is including only uni-' versities with such centers in the exchange program. Further, the language barrier is formidable; for SOC to discon- tinue FUB for this reason, and then institute a program with Russia is ridiculous. Fluency in German is easier to come by than in Russian. * * * UNTIL A greater emphasis is placed on . Russian studies at the University, such a program is -out of the question. After a program has been developed, then the moral and political issues of, exchange could be considered. In the meantime, SGC is still look- ing for an exchange for 1958-59. It is not, however, looking for a unilateral exchange, which might be far more beneficial. Pos- sibilities might include sending a University student to Asia or South America, where few Amer- icans now study; and bringing foreign students from Europe, of