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February 15, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-15

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Sixty-Seventh Year

I'm Fine. Of Course, Every Once In A While
I Go Like This-"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

.. 7
-s 1.


'teah ouse' Amung
Light .But Trivial
COMEDIES that claim to carry a moral message have a curious
reputation of being extremely popular with the popcorn-munching
American public. It is a pity- that "Teahouse of the August Moon"
the movie at the Michigan this week, must fall into this category of
quasi-farce; both the natural humor of the plot and the moral im-
plications, if any, of the story suffer in the process of assimilation.
"Teahouse" is a slightly pointed tale of the American Occupa-

SGC Backs Down
On Sigma Kappa Decision

ONE EXPERIENCED observer at Wednesday
night's SGC meeting suggested that it be
entitled "SGC Chickens Out."
While events may prove him wrong, to all
appearances the Council did seem to be back-
ing down from its high-sounding Dec. 5 declara-
tion that Sigma Kappa violated University
The meaning of the decision to delay a final
disposition of the case for a year and a half
goes deeper than a mere question of whether the
Council was delaying or giving the national
sorority a fair opportunity to reverse its action.
The real question was what criteria SGC
intends to use in evaluating any future action
by the national.
On Dec. 5, the Council chose to ignore sweet
assurances of the national sorority that every-
thing was really all right, that it had an open
membership policy. SGC chose rather to judge
the sorority's policies by its actions-in this
case the respective withdrawal and suspension
of the charters of chapters at Tufts and Cornell
By SETTING a deadline for this coming Sep-
tember, the Council would have been saying,
in effect, that only by reinstating the Cornell
chapter while its Negro pledge is still a member
could the national demonstrate its willingness
to have an open membership policy.
But by choosing to set the deadline for next
year, SGC leaves the problem up to Sigma
Kappa's regular convention, scheduled to meet
after the Cornell girl graduates. (By a curious
coincidence, the Tufts chapter, whose Negro
pledges will still be in school during the
sorority's convention, had its charter complete-

ly withdrawn, leaving both cases beyond the
range of the convention.)
What action SGC expects of the national
convention is not clear. But the seemingly
natural action of the 1958 convention would be
a nice resolution saying that of course the
sorority doesn't discriminate and reinstating
its Cornell chapter, by then presumably again
"lily white."
For SGC to accept such a procedure-a lock-
ing of the house after the robbery had taken
place-would be a reversal of its Dec. 5 policy
of "deeds, not words." Yet the clear implication
of the Wednesday decision is that such a resolu-
tion would satisfy SGC that the sorority's viola-
tion had been removed. Hence "SGC Chickens
THE OBVIOUS interpretation of Wednesday's
decision-one which may well encourage
national Sigma Kappa to forget any thought of
reinstating the Cornell chapter before next
year-is not a final one.
Several members of the Council who voted
for the long period of grace have indicated that
a statement and 1958 reinstatement would not
be enough to satisfy them that the violation
had been removed. If this is their feeling, the
Council would do well to go on record explicitly
to that effect and remove the present implica-
tion that Sigma Kappa need not act concretely.
To fail to make such Council intentions clear
would be to encourage the national sorority to
do less than it must if it is to retain a local
on this campus, ultimately harming the mem-
bers of the local chapter SGC is trying so hard
to help.


wft-f T46 LJA~4kticToe.) 'O5rca.


Alliance and Partnership

Poor Wording in Quad Expulsion

EVEN IF ONE assumes, and it may not be a
valid assumption that the administration
was justified in dismissing three South Quad
residents, it has become increasingly apparent
the expulsion and subsequent treatment of the
issue was poorly handled.
It may be a problem of word choice, but this
alone can be devastating. Two of the stfidents
received letters stating they were "undesirable
The stigma going with such a, statement is
vast. "Undesirable resident" on anyone's perm-
anent record could give great ramifications
after the boys leave the University. If a tele-
phone" call brought this on, it is completely
At the South Quad Council meeting at which
Resident Director Mark Noffsinger was ques-
tioned, the effect of poor choice of words is
well illustrated.
COUNCIL MEMBERS repeatedly asked what
the boys did to deserve this derogatory label.
During the question and answer session, Noff-
singer refused to give reasons for the boys'

dismissal. Perhaps he wasn't permitted to by
higher administration.
But he answered, "I will not defame these
boys' characters," a noble sentiment, but a
dangerous statement. "I'm not at liberty to
speak," would have been more satisfactory.
If to disclose information would defame the
boys' character, it would follow that the boys
committed a very serious crime. One could infer
a great many things, none terribly polite.
If the boys just made a telephone call, and
this seems to be the reason, a statement of this
fact would be hardly defamatory.
THESE BOYS have been subjected to humili-
ation and insult, because of what the Eng-
lish teachers call the connotative meaning of
We hope that when Dean Rea offers his
explanation he will be less careless. The way
in which he describes the boys' action could
have a far more detrimental effect, than the
boys' action itself.

rHE PRESIDENT will receive M.
Mollet, the French Prime Min-
ister, in about ten days, and a
month later he will fly to Bermuda
to confer with Mr. Macmillan.
Tl ,e is no doubt that the si-
multaneous announcement of
these two separate meetings is to
be taken as meaning the official
end of the period of hard feelings
which were aroused over the Suez
affair. This is good news.
But with the best will in the
world, it would be a mistake to
assume that the alliance will now
be just what it was before, and
that there are no fundamental
problems which have to be faced.
In thinking about these prob-
lems, it is useful to distinguish be-
tweenour alliance with Britain
and with France on the one hand-
and our partnership with them in
world affairs. The alliance, which
is registered in the NATO Treaty,
is a solemn and specific pact of
mutual defense within the geo-
graphical area defined in the
There has been no "rift" in this
alliance. It was as valid and bind-
ing on the night in the UN when
we voted against the British and
French action in Egypt as it was
when the NATO treaty was orig-
inally signed.
WA i*
WHAT HAS broken down is the

partnership which derived not
from a treaty but from the per-
sonal relationship of Churchill and
Roosevelt during the second world
Into this partnership, after her
liberation from the Germans,
France was admitted. The essence
of the partnership was that in the
great issues of peace and war, we
would all consult one another and
work out a common policy.
When Britain and France in-
tervened in Egypt without consult-
ing the United States, when the
United States then took the lead
in the United Nations to oppose
them, the partnership which
Churchill and Roosevelt created
was dissolved.
* * *
THE QUESTION now is in what
measure a new partnership can be
developed. I think we must put it
that way because the old partner-
ship would not have dissolved last
autumn if there had not already
been a deep erosion of the basis
on which it rested.
Its basis was the common peril
of a world war against a formid-
able enemy in Europe. The war in
the Pacific was always in consider-
able degree outside the partner-
But in the rest of the war-in
Europe, the Mediterranean, the
Middle East, Africa and the At-
lantic Ocean -- the Churchill

Roosevelt partnership was real be-
cause the two governments were
so profoundly dependent the one
on the other.
In the post-war period, the area
has been contracting in which the
partnership has worked. North of
Hongkong it has disappeared in
the Far East. It does not exist in
in South Asia. Now it is greatly
shrunken in the Middle East, and
the question is whether and how
far a new partnership can be de-
. * *
THE AREA in which the new
working partnership needs to be
developed, where it is indeed indis-
pensible, is on the continent of
Europe, in the Middle East, and
in Africa. The affair in Suez
proved that in this area there
cannot be an independent British
or French policy.
It follows that we shall have to
work out common policies. We
shall have to work out common
policies for the reunion of the two
Germanies, for the security of the
whole continent, for the stabili-
zation and the neutralization of
the Middle East, and for the de-
velopment of Africa.
If we can do that, we shall have
again what Churchill andRoose-
velt had when they founded the
old partnership-great things to
do that we must do together.
1957 New York Herald Tribune

tion forces in Okinawa directly
after the second World War. A
young army captain, Fisbee by
name (Glenn Ford), is sent by
his commanding officer to reha-
bilitate a rural Okinawan village,
and to remodel it after the "Am-
erican" pattern. The film is
mainly concerned with his ironic
success at getting the village back
on its feet.
The American style is carefuly
defined for Fiuee in Plan B. the
Washington Bible. It volves
such ridiculous vagaries as estab-
lishing political leagues and build-
ing p e n t a g o n-shaped school-
houses, but fortunately for the
village, all such nonsense is unin-
tentionally eithercorrupted oer ig-
nored. Fisbee finds of course that
rehabilitation is possible only on
native terms
THE FAILURE of the Army to
instill within the Okinawans a
proper appreciation of democracy
and its failure to make them fit
into the idealized Washington
plan is both ludicrous and accur-
ate. Fisbee finds that te only
profitableindustries suitable for
development in the town are
brandy distilling and the Geisha-
girl trade. Both, although pleas-
ant, are not quite orthodox, and
Fisbee eventually finds himself
out on his ear.
Unfortunately, this movie, like
several others that have ap-
peared in Ann Arbor in recent
weeks, is much closer to being a
filmed stage play than anything
else. Marlon Brando and Genn
Ford do competent, if not spec-
tacular, jobs in their respective
parts, but the acting for the most
part is rather poor. The color is
lovely, but one might question its
contribution to the whole.
The sugar-coated moral, how-
ever, is a rather wise one, and for
an audience who would rather eat
Honey Corn Pops than catmeal,
I suppose its presentation is ,uf-
ficiently subtle. People who try
to reform others against their will
eventually end in failure. Amer-
ica has been guilty of this in her
foreign policy, and most people
are guilty of it also in their per-
sonal life. Since Aesop is no long-
er around, someone must tell the
moral fables. It is a pity if they
are only meant to amuse.
-Jean Willoughby
Fict ion
by Ngaio Marsh
Little, Brown
ONE of the most respected of
detective fiction writers, Aus-
tralian Ngaio Marsh, has turned
out for this season one of the best-
written and most readable myster-
ies of the year. The author's fine
talents for creating character and
atmosphere are admirably dis-
played in this story of murder and
superstition. At the South Mardian
Sword Dance, observed in that
small rural English community for
hundreds of years for reasons
which no one is quite sure of, a
man is killed during a mock sac-
rificial ritual. Miss Marsh's detec-
tive, Inspector Alleyn of Scotland
Yard, is on hand and he has a
highly interesting time of it solv-
ing one of the year's most inter-
esting literary crimes.
* * *
by M. E. Chaber
M. E. Chaber, believe it or not,
is Ken Crossen again, behind a
different pseudonym and under the
imprint of another publisher. This

detective novel is also about an
insurance company trouble-shoot-
er. Here we meet Milo March of
the Intercontinental I n s u r a n c e
Company (who bears an unmis-
takeable resemblance to another
insurance man named Brett.)
March flies to Italy to look -into
the facts behind the (accidental?)
death of a pretty young girl found
nude on a lonely Italian beach.
The cast of characters is a bit
more appealing than that in "The
Burned Man," although we are led
to believe that sinister folk
abound in present day Italy.
* * *
by John P. Marquand
Little, Brown
In this omnibus package an
author who is seldom far from the
limelight in book circles offers to
a new generation of readers a
colorful secret service figure who
has been absent-though not for-
gotten-from the literary scene
for nearly two decades. This vol-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Adminsitration Building, before 2
p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Fellowship applications are now
available for the Margaret Kraus Rams-
dell Award, used to assist students of
the University in pursuing graduate
studies in this country or abroadIn
religious education or in preparation
for the Christian ministry. Both men
and women may apply. Applications
should be made to the Dean of the
Graduate School on forms obtainable
from the Graduate School. The dead-
line is March 15, 1957.
Fellowship and Scholarship Applica-
tions for Graduate School will be ac-
cepted through 4 p.m. Fri., Feb. 15. All
supporting credentials including trans.
cripts and letters of recommendation
must be received by this time. Late
applications cannot be considered, and
the deadline will not be extended.
Art Print Loan Collection. Feb. 19-211
prints from the collectiongwl l be on
exhibit in the Rackham galleries. Re-
servations may be made at that time.
Feb. 25-March 1 prints may be picked
up in 510 Administration Building.
Student Government Council Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
Feb. 13, 1957.
Authorized: Election of ten instead
of nine members to the J-Hop Com-
Adopted: Motions recommended by
Internal Structure Study Committee:
1. That all functions of the Coor-
dinating and Counseling Committee,
Campus Affairs Committee, and Stu-
dent Representation Committee be
combined into one committee, the Stu-
dent Activities Committee.
2. The coordination for all standing
committees (i.e. Student Activities, Na-
tional and International, Education
and Social Welfare, Public Relations)
be placed under the Vice-President
who shall assume the same responsi
bilities over these areas as the Vice-
President and Treasurer have jointly
assumed in the past.
3. That the procedure for filling va-
cancies between elections on Student
Government Council be as follows: (1)
by all campus petitioning. (2) the in-
terviews be conducted by a board com-
posed of the executive committee of
Student Government Council, one
elected member, and an ex-officio
member, both chosen on recommenda.
tion by the executive committee and
approved by the Council.
Sue Arnold and Tom Sawyer were
Inamed to the Interviewing Committee.
Recognition granted: Council on Stu-
dent Religious Organizations; Univer-
sity of Michigan Folk Dancers; Latvian
Students' Club.
Elected: President: Joe Collins, by
acclamation; vice-President: Janet
Neary, by acclamation.
Activities Approved: Feb. 22, Wol-
verine Club, to sponsor bus trip to
Lansing, hockey game; Feb. 16, Galens
Society, Caduceus Ball, 9-1; Feb. 18,
Pakistan Students Association, debate,
Announced: Harlan Givelber as
chairman of Campus Chest Board; Tim
Felisky, as Campus Chest Drive Chair-
Accepted: Recommendation A, the
majority report of the Sigma Kappa
Study Committee, including the pre-
face to the recommendations as fol-
On December 5, 1956, Student Gov-
ernment Council found National Sigma
Kappa in violation of University regu-
lations against discriminatory mem-
bership policies. The basis for the de-
cision was the action taken by Na-
tional Sigma Kappa at Tufts and Cor-
nel (i.e., withdrawal and suspension
of chapter charters). So long as a dis-
criminatory policy continues to exist
National Sigma Kappa does not fulfill
the conditions under which recogni-
tion is contingent. Therefore, failure of
National Sigma Kappa to remove the
discriminatory membership policy will
result in the withdrawal of University
recognition by Student Government
Council. On December 12, 1956, the
situation was referred to a committee
of Stue ta Government which was ap-

pointed ro gather all pertinent facts
and to recommend a course of action
concerning Sigma Kappa Sorority's
University recognition.
Because this was the first violation
of this regulation the committee ap-
proached the subject by attempting to
determine the long run goals or pur-
poses of the regulation and what ac-
tion on this issue would best accomp-
lish these goals. One underlying pur.
pose of the regulation is the elimina-
tion of racial discrimination. The com-
mittee decided that by allowing the
local chapter to work within the na-
tional organization this purpose would
best be accomplished. This implies al-
lowing the local chapter time to pre-
sent their case before at least one na-
tional convention. Because final au-
thority of the sorority rests with this
convention, it would have power to
reverse any national policy.
Throughout all deliberation there
were several considerations the com-
mittee recognized. First was that the
violation had been determined. The
committee was to concern itself pri-
marily with the nextdstep. Second, the
committee recognized that the local
chapter was innocent of anything ex-
cept representing a national group





UN Delegates Irritated

Thoughts on Sigma Kappa Action

Associated Press News Analys't
T HE UNITED STATES and the Soviet Union
found themselves on the same side of a
United Nations vote again yesterday-this time
in, favor of a debate over American intentions
in the Middle East.
Despite this unaccustomed unanimity, the
General Assembly Steering Committee voted
against an immediate debate, sidetracking
Soviet charges at least for now.
A large number of delegates to the General
Assembly meeting have expressed irritation at
Russia for insisting on trying to use them in a
propaganda move while the Assembly is con-
cerned with- important matters of substance,
such as the Middle East settlements.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................Personnel Director
ERNEST lHEODOSSIN............Magazine Editor
JANE'I REARICK ... Associate Editorial Director
MART ANN THOMAS............ Features Editor
DAVID GREY ............... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER........,....Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN.........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON........ .. Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS.............. Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTzEL...............Chief Photographer
Business Staf t
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM °USCH ............. Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON . ......... Winance Manager

Many are agreed, however, that the debate
should come up later not only so that the
United States can have the opportunity of
answering the charges, but also to maintain
a precedent for Assembly consideration of
charges brought by any nation.
By this means, the Assembly can strengthen
the, position taken several years ago that it
has the right to consider matters which, it was
originally thought, would be handled by the
Security Council which has been hamstrung
by Big Five veto rights.

R USSIA is charging that undert
hower plan the United States is
to intervene in the internal affairs of1
Eastern states and is preparing for

the Eisen-
the Middle
an atomic

In one sense, the United States is trying to
intervene to the point of helping the Middle
Eastern states stabilize themselves and keep
out of the hands of Russia.
Impatient delegates have been quick to point
out that there are interventions and interven-
tions, including Hungary.
While the Russians were arguing their posi-
tion in the United Nations, Moscow was an-
nouncing a new treaty providing for mainte-
nance of Red troops in Poland.
This treaty presumably is the result of the
"negotiations" which Russia promised to enter
into some time ago to arrange for "withdrawal"
of her troops from the satellites.
Events of recent months have proved that
Russian bases in Eastern Europe are main-
tained against the will of the peoples involved.

Daily Staff Writer
LEAGUE President Sue Arnold
madeaone of the most blunt re-
marks at Wednesday's Student
Government Council meeting,
that "perhaps the way to allevi-
ate the situation is a change of
national officers."
This was among numerous re-
marks and statements made in
the Sigma Kappa debate, perhaps
overlooked or passed by in light
of others more practical or perti-
nent, which deserve to be re-
Miss Arnold's feeling was, since
there are no written bias clauses
in the Sigma Kappa constitution,
the unwritten policies may stem
from the personalities -of the raa-
tional officers.
Whether true or not, it de-
served to be stated, having un-
doubtedly been in the minds of
several council members.
THERE were other autstanding
attitudes, too, almost as many as
there were council members.
Treasurer Lew Engman sup-
ported the final recommendation
because it placed "the major part
of the responsibility back on the
shoulders of the national Sigma
Kappa where it belongs."
Even John Wrona had some-
thing to say, that "the Alpha Mu
chapter is our ally in the battle
against the national."
When former president Bill
Adams attempted an amendment
to the recommendation, to change
"discriminatory membership poli-

show-of-hand votes on the rec-
ommendations, tabling recom-
mendations and removing one
from table, showed generally two
opposites-for and against lenien-
cy-but also that some members
would have preferred compromise
degrees of leniency.
While Arnold, DeBruin, Chrys-
ler, Cumming, Engman, Lave,
Leedy, Sawyer, Winklehaus and
Wrona voted consistently in a
manner that would have brought
about the adoption of Recom-
mendation "A", the finally
adopted plan, other members
were not consistent,
Adams, Collins, Neary and War-
rick changed positions at one time
or another, indicating their pref-
erence of a compromise plan or
final acceptance of plan "A"
when it was apparent the council
wanted it.
Obviously, the vote was 10 to
8 in favor of the majority rec-
ommendation, "A", from the be-
ginning. The fight of the minority
for a stronger plan of action
against Sigma Kappa had little
chance for success.
* * *
SGC MADE two revisions in its
structure Wednesday, after the
Sigma Kappa action had been
All functions of three commit-
tees, Coordinating and Counsel-
ing, Campus Affairs, and Stu-
dent Representation, were com-
bined into one committee, now
the Student Activities Committee.
This lowers the number of

mittees were confusing and often
two groups have found they were
working on the same problem in
the same area.
Student Activities Committee,
she explained, would encompass
all the Council's work with stu-
dent activities and provide better
leadership training with one SGC
member in charge of the com-
mittee and others handling the
* * *
ANOTHER revision adopted
placed coordination for the four
standing committees under the
Both the vice-president and the
treasurer together were previous-
ly responsible for the committee
area. With six committees, each
officer would coordinate the ac-
tivities of three groups.
As a result, no one person was
completely aware of what went
on in all the committee areas and
duplication was not uncommon.
With four committees, however,
one person will be able to effect
closer coordination, and the trea-
surer will have more time to de-
vote to committees outside the
council he normally sits in on.
* * *
A THIRD motion from the In-
ternal Structure Committee, ap-
proved by the council, outlined
procedure for filling vacancies on
SGC between elections.
The SGC Plan, it was felt, was
not definite in this area and the
move was considered ' illing in
the framework" of the plan.
Such vacancies will now be



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