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February 14, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-14

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Israel Asks U.S.
For Clarification
JERUSALEM (A)-Israel put off any momentous decision on the
Aqaba Gulf and Gaza Strip issues yesterday.
Instead, she asked Washington for clarification. of the United
States position on those barriers to Middle East peace. The Israeli
Foreign Ministry sought further information on details it considered
vague in a plan Secretary of State John Foster Dulles presented
r onday to get Israeli troops out of the last of the Egyptian territory
they seized last fall
Meeting Postponed
Premier David Ben-Gurion's Cabinet postponed for 24 hours a
scheduled meeting to consider the proposal. But Ben-Gurion, ailing,
{has already mulled over at least
some phases with his foreign af-
sveld fairs advisers at his home in Tel
~ Aviv.
To promote the troop with-
drawal demanded by United Na-
a s tions resolutions, Sec. Dulles con-
ditionally offered United States
p' # e) support for free navigation in the
~ne foci en ' Gulf of Aqaba, long closed to the
Israelis by Egyptian guns, and for
a United Nations force of some
By TAMMY= MORRISON kind, to, see Gaza is not used again

Collins, Neary To Lead Council

Sorority Ordered


Take Action

Charging both local and nation
al Republican administration
are not "imaginative, representa
tvefficient, popular, humani-
tarian or positive," Prof. Samue
J. Eldersveld of the political sci
ence department yesterday kpy
noted the County Democratic
Prof. Eldersveld, democratic
candidate for Ann Arbor mayor
also decried what, he called "The
GOP block and gap approach" t
governmental problems. "This
means you don't do anything un-
til there's a crisis."
AA Bus Situation
Citing Mayor William E. Brown
Jr.'s handling of the Ann Arbo
bus situation, Prof. Eldersveld
said Mayor Brown put off con-
sideration of the problem "until
he realized that there was a 15
day period between March 5 and
April 1 when the city might not
have any bus service."
He emphasized the split between
the Republican "special interest'
approach and the Democratic
"modern, crusading leadership
dedicated to all the people in the
47 Per Cent
Although a Democratic candi-
date for mayor received 47 per
cent of the vote last election, he
said, there is only one Democrat-
1c City Council member.
"The government, he contin-
ued, "is not efficient; there is no
careful, systematic plan.ing or
Touching on local human re-
lations problems, Prof. Eldersveld
said although the new city char-
ter recommended formation of a
human relations commission, no
such commission has yet been.
GOP Negative
Charging the Republicans are
negative and regressive, he said,
"We continually have to go
through that tortured process of
dragging them into the 20th cen-
"Our system," he concluded,
"was designed to protect not the
strong, but the weak. I! hope the
Democratic party will fight for
'~ the human rights of individua s.'
Gov. McKeldin
To Talk Here
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
McKeldin of Maryland will be
guest speaker at a Lincoln Day
dinner today in the League.
Mentioned as a possible vice-
presidential nominee in 1960, Gov.
M c K e 1 d i n nominated President
Dwight D. Eisenhower at the 1952
Republican Convention in Chicago
and seconded his renomination at
: the San Francisco convention last
Sponsored by the Washtenaw
County Republican Committee, the
dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m.
Gov. McKeldin, will arrive at
Willow Run Airport at 4:36 p.m.
and trill roaiva a Ira., fn Ann, Ar-

- for Arab raids on Israel.
s Nobody seemed wholly pleased.
- The Moscow radio, broadcasting
S. tArabic, called the Dulles plan
1l "an open encouragement to ag-
- In Cairo, Egyptian officials at-
c tacked the plan.'
Government Sources
, After more than 24 hours' si-
rlence, government sources opened
eup against Dulles suggestion as "an
' American attempt to settle the
s Palestine problem to Israel's bene-
One official source singled out
the Dulles plans as "obvious favor-
n itism to Israel with the aim of
r settling the Palestine problem to
d Israel's benefit."
d World News
t Roundup
By The Associated Press

SGC Votes
To .Adams
Candidates Receive
Unanimous Decision
Joe Collins, '58, was elected third
president of Student Government
Council by acclamation yesterday.
d Janet Neary, '58, was then elect-
ed by acclamation to the vice-
presidency, the office vacated by
The new cabinet members, the
only nominees for their respective
offices, took over amid applause
and immediately turned to the re-
port on Sigma Kappa.
Bill Adams, Grad., whose resig-
nation necessitated the special
presidential election, stayed on the
council through the Sigma Kappa
The outgoing president later
cautioned the council, "always re-
member, in your considerations
and deliberations, that you are a
student government body."
Miss Neary then presented
Adams with a gavel, symbol of his
three years in student govern-
ment. She told the council, "there
is a great deal that Bill has done
for you that you will never know."
Although no other nominations.
were made, John Wrona,-'57, asked
Tom Sawyer, '.58, before themet
ing began, if he would run for the
vice-presidency. Sawyer declined
and later nominated Miss Neary.
Lew Engman, '57, remains treas-
urer of SGC.
Collins, a 21-year-old social
studies major from Clark Lake, is
a member of Sphinx, junior men's
honorary, and has served two
years as an elected member of
Collins was elected SGC vice-
president in November, having
held the office of treasurer.
Miss Neary, 19 years old, comes
from Des Moines, Ia., and is a
political science concentrate. She
is a member of Pi Beta Phi and
Wyvern, junior women's honorary.
She has served a term as SGC vice-
Present officers will hold their
positions until spring elections,
March 19 and 20.
SGC Petitions
Still Available,
Art Epker, '58BAd, Jim Childs,
'57, and Le-Anne Toy, '59, have
taken out petitions for the vacant
seat on Student Government
Council created by the resignation
of Bill Adams, Grad.
A total of eight petitions have
now been taken out. All-campus
petitions are still available in Rm.
1020 Administration Bldg. and
must be returned by noon Monday.


-Daily-David Arnold
NEW OFFICERS - SGC President Joe Collins SGC DEBATE-Council hears two hour debate
and Vice-President Janet Neary assume their on Sigma Kappa before 100 onlookers in a Union
new positions after election yesterday, conference room.

i e
'Communistic Doctrines
Boomerang in Hungary'
Communist indoctrination, despite ten years of complete control,
'ailed in Hungary, Prof. George Katona told a "Town Talks on For-
,ign Policy audience" last night.
"De-Stalinization was the starting point of freedom," Prof. Ka-
:ona said. "We now know that while absolute terror is effective as
ong as it remains absolute, a little freedom is a very dangerous thing."
Hungary's revolution was "good for the world," Vice-President
ichard M. Nixon's advisor on psychological refugee problems de-
Indoctrination Boomerangs
"We know now that indoctrination can boomerang, that human
;ouls cannot be killed by controls, that human rights are believed
worth fighting for." q

BONN, Germany - Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer yesterday re-
jected the proposal of Soviet Pre-
mier Nikolai Bulganin that East
and West Germany should nego-
tiate to reunite the divided coun-
The 17 million Germans in that
zone must be given back their
freedom, the Chancellor declared.
BUDAPEST-Informed sources
said yesterday Communist Pre-
mier Janos Kadar has offered to
negotiate with two non-Commu-
nist parties, the Peasants and the
It was not clear, however,
whether leaders of those once-
powerful parties would be willing
to negotiate with the Russian-
imposed Kadar regime.
-* * *
LONDON--Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan's government won
parliamentary approval last night
for reorganization of Britain's
defense program to effect econo-
mies and switch emphasis to nu-
clear weapons.
* * *
Thirteen patients died in a roar-
ing fire that swiftly swept a 71-
year-old rest home Wednesday
House 4pokesman said yesterday
the administration is giving "in-
tensive consideration" to a na-
tionwide civil defense shelter pro-
gram which could cost from 20 to
40 ;billion dollars.
* * *
WASHINGTON-A plan to curb
the senatorial practice of inducing
fellow senators to sign bills as
cosponsors won the Senate Rules
Committee's approval yesterday.
Italian Group
To. Perform

Those who fought for their
rights, against control of move-
ment, of association, against cur-
tailment of newspapers are those
who crossed the borders into free
Austria, Prof. Katona reported.
National Bloodletting
Revolution was tragic for Hun-
gary, he adjudged, "a national
bloodletting without precedent.. .
160,000 fled of whom the majority,
were freedom- fighters, afraid to
leave their houses after the fight-
"In any group of 160,000 people,
there will inevitably be criminals,
Communists and Fascists," Prof.
Katona reminded. "But the ma-
jority of the refugees are young,
from 20 to 30 years old.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's suggestions were singled out
as necessary United States moves.
Prof. Katona advised that more
refugees must be admitted than
present laws permit, that oppor-
tunities for ,their receiving citi-
zenship must be created, and that.
we must help Austria by supply-
ing the money which will enable
them to take in even more es-
capees from Red tyranny.

Group Votes 12-5 Favoring Proposal
Seeking Discrimination Answer
Student Government Council yesterday gave Sigma Kappa soror-
ity until Sept. 1958 to remove its "discriminatory membetship policies
or lose University recognition.
By a roll call vote of 12 to 5, SGC adopted the Sigma Kappa com-
mittee 'majority report and its Recommendation "A". The other
four plans of action were disposed of through a confusion of par-
liamentary procedure that left council members shaking their heads.
Major issue in the debate was the sorority's national conven-
tion, scheduled for summer 1958. Bill Adams, Grad., said committee
members felt "an immediate convention would be the best solution."
Discrimination Question
Maynard Goldman, '59, declared "the chapter at Cornell has twice
asked that discrimination questions be discussed on the floor of the
national convention, and it hasys

SGC Panel,
Student Government Council
will present its second forum, a
"Re-evaluation of Financial' Aid
to Big Ten Athletes," at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union Ballroom.
Mike McNerney, '57L, former
Joint Judiciary chairman, will
moderate the discussion on the
pros and cons of Big Ten schools'
giving their athletes financial
Panelists will be Prof. Marcus L.
Plant of the law school (the Uni-
versity's faculty representative to
the Big Ten Athletic Conference),
Prof. George Peek of the political
science department, former Mich-
igan fullback Richard Balzhiser,
Grad., and Daily Editor Richard
Snyder, '57.
The four speakers will make
short presentations, and then the
forum will be opened to questions
from the audience.

Reds Label
U.S. Global
A ggressors
The United States yesterday de-
nounced Soviet charges of United
States aggression as "absurd" and
a "mockery" of the purposes of the
United Nations.
A delegation spokesman madej
his comment as the United States
completed hurried preparations to
blast back at the Soviet Union in
the Steering Committee of the
United Nation Assembly.
In a letter to the Assembly
president, Prince Wan Waithaya-
kon, of Thialand, the Soviet dele-
gation accused the United States
T u e s d a y of aggressive action
around the globe.
Threat to Peace
It said .these actions "create a
threat to peace and security" and
ask the Assembly to consider the
complaint without delay.
The Western reaction was quick,
the United States delegation
spokesman retorted that "we feel
that at the time the General As-
sembly is dealing with an agenda
containing crucial matters, to tax
it with absurd charges is a mock-
ery of the United' Nation's pur-
Commit Aggression
The Russians also said the
United States committed aggres-
sion ,on a global scale by setting
up military bases in Western Eu-
rope, Turkey, Iran, Japan and
Okinawa which were capable of,
handling atomic weapons.
They said United States bases
in France, Britain, West Germany,
Italy, Turkey and Iran constitute
a menace to peace.

not been done. It is my belief
there is no change in attitude in
the sorority." I
When the inconvenience of
holding a convention earlier than
1958 was pointed out, Anne Wood-
ard, '57, suggested that "for the
good of the Whole, several chap-
ters could overcome the incon-
venience of having a convention
this summer."
As finally adopted, Recommen-
dation "A" states:
Until Sept. '58
"(SGC) shall allow Sigma Kap-
pa sorority until September of
1958 to resolve the violation de-
termined on December 5 1956.
"At that time University recog-
nition will be withdrawn from Na-
Roll Call
Following is the roll call vote
on the motion to accept the re-
port of SGC's Sigma Kappa
(A vote of "yea" is a vote for
the resolution allowing Sigma
Kappa until Sept. 1958 to re-
solve its violation.)
YEA: Adams, Arnold, Chrys-
ler, Collins, Cumming, DeBruin,
Engman, Lave, Leedy, Sawyer,
Winkehaus, Wrona.
. NAY: Goldman, Neary,
Scruggs, Warrick, Woodard.
ABSTAIN: Snyder.
tional Sigma Kappa unless the
sorority takes action to remove
such discriminatory membership
Attempts by Adams and As-
sembly President Jean Scruggs,
'58, to amend the recommendation
failed, but the word "such" in the
second sentence was added at the
suggestion of Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon.
Other recommendations, of-
fered as minority reports and dif-
fering from Recommendation "A"
in leniency, were tabled or voted
down. The tabled motions never
gained the necessary vote to be
removed from table.
Recommendation 'B'
Recommendation "B," which
would have prevented the Alpha
Mu chapter from perpetuating its
membership after Sept. 1957 in
addition to the provisions of
Recommendation "A," was voted
down, 12 to 6.
Adams, President Joe Collins,
'58, Goldman, Miss Scruggs, Daily
Editor Richard Snyder, 57, and
Miss Woodard voted for Recom-
mendation "B" over "A."
Snyder, who led the minority
fight for stronger action against.
Sigma Kappa, reminded SGC it'
was dealing "with a sorority in
violation of University regula-
Tolerant or Democratic
Are you being tolerant or demo-
cratic only when it's convenient
or inexpensive? Snyder asked the
Local Sigma Kappa President
Pat Miller, '58Ed, told the council
Recommendation "A" would be
of most value to the sorority.
In other action yesterday, Miss
Woodard announced an exchange1
student program with the Univer-
sities of London, Cambridge and
The University will send one
to three stuidents to Gre'a+t Brian

WASHINGTON (A)-A revamp-
ed Middle Eastern resolution, pro-
claiming the readiness of the
United States to fight Communist
aggression in the strategic area if
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
deems that necessary, was approv-
ed yesterday by two powerful Sen-
ate committees.
Democrats did a sweeping re-
write job on a key section of the
Eisenhower resolution at a joint
session of the Foreign Relations
and Armed Services comx.Aittees,
Stricken out was language "au-
thorizing" President Eisenhower to
use armed forces in the Middle
East, but sponsors of the change
quickly explained this was not
done with the idea of denying him,
this power.
On the contrary, they contended
he already has the power, and
Congress cannot constitutionally
give him something he possesses.
The new language, it was ex-
plained by Sen. Hubert H. Humph.
rey (D-Minn) puts the responsi-
bility up to President Eisenhower
for triggering any armed United
States action in the Middle East,
while serving advance notice that
Congress is back of him.
Dock Strike
Grips Ports
On East Coast
f NEW YORK t ) - The second
dock strike in three months yes-
terday tightly gripped Atlantic
ports from Maine to Virginia.
Mile upon mile of busy water-
front subsided to almost ghostlike
The International Longshore-
men's Assn. Ind. said its renewed
contract strike was 100 per cent
effective among its 45,000 dockers.
No one disputed the estimates.
Peace talks continued. The na-
tion's top labor peacemaker, James
F. Finnegan, national director of
federal mediation, remarked:
"Things are rocking along sat-
isfactorily but no speed records
are being broken."
Finnegan flew in from Wash-
ington Monday in a vain effort to
head off the strike.
It got under way, however, with
the expiration yesterday of an 80-
day Taft-Hartley injunction that
interrupted last November's wat-
erfront strike.
Delegate To Talk
On UN Prohlem
"The Dual Crisis Before the
UN: Hungary and the Middle
East" will be discussed by Conor
Cruise O'Brien, delegate from the
Irish Free State to the United Na-
tions, at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Rm.
100 of Hutchins Hall.
It h mi",a n , t a .,.,irtn .'.D 4.e


Two Senate
OK Ike Plan


Cynicism Supplants, Sweet Sentiment.

Sneering little men bearing
cryptic messages have all but
erased the hearts and flowers from
Ann Arbor's Valentine's Day cards.
It seems it's not quite late
enough in the year for spring's
fancy thoughts of love-the big-
gest volume of Valentines sold
(say city merchants) are the hum-
orous and insulting remembrances.
Sweet and sentimental cards
still have their place in today's
festivities, though. Many a young
coed's heart will warm to the
sender of a lacy, satin symbol of
love, or of a heart-shaped box of
chocolate candy.
Valentine's Day, the merchants

bunny, top-hat tipped rakishly.
"Won't you take me to your Val-
entine?" his sign asks.
Local men's stores have their
eye on the humor-lovirig coed.
One window boldly displays two
pair of "Valentine's Day" men's
shorts. One is a rather innocuous
red - on - white striped creation,
splashed with tiny hearts.
The other works arithmetic
problems with two hearts. One plus
one equals two with connecting
arrow, one minus one equals one
broken to bits, and one times one
yields a brood of tiny little hearts.
Real Sellers
But the real sellers are still the
cards. Every store which features
them has been mobbed for the
last week, though the inevitable
last-minute rush descended yes-'


~4 ~

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