k EL7r ~idriigan Dtily Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "While You're Talking, I'll Bring Some More Chairs" 'When Opinilaos Are Free Truth Will Prevail" AT THE STATE Twelve Angry Men' Effective, Credible TWELVE ANGRY MEN has been the subject of much critical interest among reviewers since its release a few months ago. A product of the recent television-author-turned-script-writer flurry in Hollywood, the movie is another of the black and white, slice of life creations previously typified by such pictures as Marty and Bachelor Party. Like them, it draws its material from a fairly realistic, middleclass situation, .4 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers o the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1957NNIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR University's Role, Student's Goal. A Comfortable Hammock. NOTHING IN EDUCATION," said Henry Adams, "is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts." And despite the ironic truth in Adams' state- ment, this aspect of education is becoming in- creasingly prevalent, though perhaps more understandable in terms of the trends of mod- ern American education. While graduates of colleges and universities throughout the country are being trained more expertly than ever before in the utilitarian tactics of the here-and-now, few are emerging with an awareness of values and issues deeper and more fundamental. While four years of college education is looked upon as the neces- sary prerequisite to a job, and consequently the graduate's fulfillment of his responsibility to himself, it is seldom viewed as a means by which the graduate may meet his responsibili- ties to society. It is not uncommon among graduates to conceive of a world heavily in debt to them for completing four grueling years of "addi- tional" schooling, and of themselves holding little responsibility to reciprocate in the deal. "We've finished learning; now where's the money?" AS IT IS TOO EASY to generalize as to the reasons for this apparent deficiency of edu- cation, so is it too easy to suggest a panacea to the problem. The dangers are further increased when the task is undertaken by a college gradu- ate himself. But with these dangers in mind, we will attempt to make a few observations and suggestions. One is struck, at first glance at the Univer- sity's student body, by the large amount of complacency and lack of concern for matters t of vital importance to the maintenance of a society which is, or should be, something more than static. There seems to be little interest, and few means to express that interest, in international relations, politics, social problems and even the crises faced by higher education, and little enthusiasm for tackling problems in these areas which exist on a campus level. We are living in a time relatively untroubled by economic, political and social unrest, char- acterized by its bywords of peace, moderation and cooperation.For the majority of Americans, as for the majority of American students, the financial obstacles in the day of their desires are not insurmountable. Most of us exhibit a contented pleasure in the present, a disdain for things reminiscent of the recent past and either a-"positive thinking" confidence in the future or a self-oriented life which can only be lived on a day-to-day basis. All that counts is that we are happy now and that there is a reason- able prospect for our happiness in the future. CONSEQUENTLY, the emergence of an idea disruptive of the present status does not provoke reaction, except insofar as the idea can be shoved to the side to the realm of "idealism," and the status quo regained. When we are kicked out of our comfortable ham- mocks, our immediate reaction is not to look around and see why we have been kicked out, but to crawl back in and reach for the nearest tranquilizer.Challenge is met by retreat. Further investigation suggests that this sit- uation is not peculiar to the student body, and not even peculiar to the Uiiversity of Michigan -but this does not make the situation here any less real. Nor does it make the reason for it any less escapable. Indeed, it should muster the full resources of the student's and the University's intellect. Primarily, it necessitates an effort to dispel the idea that education is the mere attainment of a peak, despite the quantity and quality of learning that takes place on the way to that peak. Education should not obtain its objectives from "research-proven" requirements for par- ticular jobs and economic livelihoods. Its pri- mary goal is not the achievement of economic happiness and social security, though these conditions are not necessarily undesirable when coupled with keen appreciation of more funda- mental values on which society rests. 'Today's graduate is not meeting the challenge of today because he is not being equipped with the stuff to meet it. While he is receiving pro- fessional and job training, he is not at the same time realizing the full values of his university experience. The association with university scholars and great arts and sciences Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER,. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN................. Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN. -............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK........Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS.............. Features Editor DAVID GREY........................Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor JANE FOWLER and ARLINE LEWIS.............. Women's Co-Editors JOHN HIRTZEL ................Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MITOTCN GOCLDfSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager has been minimized to the detriment of the student, the University and society. The University is fulfilling one of its tasks, that of using and perfecting the means of life, but it is not realizing the equally important responsibiilty of providing focus for and inspir- ing its ends. SINCE THE University community is com- prised not only of scholars, but students as well, the responsibility for providing this focus and inspiration is a joint one. The fac- ulty must provide challenge; the students must accept this challenge. The mutuality here is the most important ingredient for the progress of the University community as a regenera- tive spirit in society, adaptable and adapting to the needs, not the desires, of society. With regard to the University of Michigan, several suggestions can be made for considera- tion 1) Students and faculty should both take'the initiative in establishing mutual associations outside the classroom, and not in a student- faculty-administration-conference vein. Infor- mal discussions between students and faculty members often do more to establish an attach- ment to academic disciplines than classroom lectures and usually give the student a greater appreciation for the subject. Through "unhur- ried and relaxed conversation" with faculty members, the student is better able to recognize the significance of the discipline to his own life. 2) Counselors should continue to be teaching faculty members. One of the most dishearten- ing things about an expanding university is the growth of a large counseling staff that runs the risk of developing into another area of ad- ministrative professionalism. At one time, all members of the administration were required to be appointed from the ranks of the faculty. The academic counseling burden should be spread over a sufficiently large number of teachers to prevent the University from breed- ing through its own size another "efficient" appendage. 3) Consideration should be given to making conditions more favorable for faculty members to be placed in residence hall positions. Close student-faculty relations would provide the student with a good picture of the faculty members' ideas, hopes and ambitions, the fac- ulty members with a better knowledge of his student's interests and problems. 4) The student-faculty ratio should decrease rather than remain the same as the Univer- sity expands. Faculty members cannot be al- lowed to become so burdened with classroom work, committee assignments and the "publish or perish" yoke that they cannot devote ample time to each'of their students. 5) There should be less concentration on lec- tures and more reliance on the student's abil- ity to get material himself from the library and discuss it with his teacher in conference. 6) The superior student should not be treated as a special case in the sense that he is a de- viate from the American mental and behavior- al norm. The academic program should be cen- tered around the superior student, for whom it has the greatest sinificarce. The deficiency of the average student should be the criterion for course adaptation, not the superiority of the brilliant student. To operate otherwise is to make mediocrity a virtue and to prostitute the philosophy of a university. The academic level of honors programs should be the rule and not the exception. Superior students should be constantly challenged, not necessarily loaded with more work on the same level. Only by basing the academic curriculum on the finest in intellect and ability is the average student in the best position to benefit. THE EStABLISHMENT of a goal which rep- resents 100 per cent of accomplishment will usually result in an actual accomplishment of, for instance, 50 per cent; but the watering- down of objectives to 50 per cent might mean only 25 per cent attainment of that goal. 7) The University should not maintain a position of neutrality in important social and moral issues, but should encourage students to use their fullest intellect to solve some of the problems extant at this University and in (society in general. With respect to Michigan, for instance, there could be fuller utilization of the international student population and a vigorous, positive program in the area of racial and religious discrimination. 8) Faculty members should take an active interest in activities which have the potential, as does Student Government Council, of get- ting out of the bicycle ban-dance area. As the student becomes cognizant of the fact that he can translate the ideas he picks up in the classroom into action on the campus his edu- cation is made more exciting and valuable. 9) Students should become more aware of their responsibilities after graduation to their university and to higher education. If their experience in school is a signifcant one, if they do not just mark time, the chances are that graduations will not sever them from their du- ties to contribute in such areas as financing institutions and developing in their own com- munities a greater appreciation of the im- portance of colleges and universities. B UT MORE IMPORTANT than any of these suggestions: the University should not be NUCLEAR BOMB and like them, it may be classed as a comparative success. Characterized by small casts, fine acting, and creditable plots, these films seem to exemplify the wisdom of the shift in focus that has taken place in the entertain- ment world as a result of TV com- petition. The script of television writer Reginald Rose has been combined with the professional screen pro- duction techniques of Hollywood to produce an effective and con- vincing show. . * * THE TWELVE angry men of the title are twelve irritated jurors in a New York murder trial. Repre- sentative, almost stereotyped citi- zens, they seem to personify all the various weaknesses and prejudices of average un-public minded people who find themselves forced to take on the unpleasant respon- sibilities of government. The jurors walk into their quar- ters convinced of the guilt of the defendant; in a short space of* time, they have all changed their minds. The action is tense, occa- sionally funny, and usually inter- esting. The acting, especially that of Joseph Burrows, Henry Fonda, and Lee J. Cobb is good and,' in some instances, even memorable. Perhaps the only outstanding fault of the film is over-concen- tration. Too many characters, too many symbols, too many human weaknesses are presented in much too short a time. * * * WHILE THE attempt to attain universality through this device is commendable, we wonder if it is not expended at times at the cost of believability and verisimilitude. The characters are over-typical, over-symbolic. This excess is probably explain- able, if not entirely Justified: At the beginning of the picture, twelve men appear upon the screen as little more than barely distinguishable ciphers; a brief hour and forty minutes later, we know most of them well. Such rapid mass revelation of character would most likely be impossible unless the characters themselves were a trifle typed from the very start. On the whole, however, the movie accomplishes its purposes- it succeeds in creating both sus- pense and sympathy in the mind of the interested viewer. -Jean Willoughby v;, ''}. PROS AND CONS: Russian Withdrawal Plan '1 By JOHN AXE Daily Staff Writer THE SOVIET UNION has, as re- cently as last February, offered to "withdraw all Soviet troops in Europe to the Russian border, pro- vided',American and British troops agree to retire to their own bor- ders." Chester Bowles, former Am- bassador to India, feels this would pave the way for a free United Germany and eventually a free and integrated pro-Western Eur- ope. Bowles thinks this could be ac- complished by the gradual with- drawal of troops of both sides from one country at a time. For example, the United States would pull out of West Germany and the Russians would evacuate East Germany. * * .* EVENTUALLY then, the East- ern European nations would be rid of Soviet domination and free to choose their own political and economic systems. Advocates of this withdrawal plan feel the choice would be favorable to the United States, where many Poles and Hungarians, for example, have relatives or certain cultural ties. Bowles believes that besides this, such a move would relieve the strained relations which now exist along the Iron Curtain and-which could flare from mere "border in- cidents" into a full scale or even atomic war, if a wrong move is made at a crucial time. Certain other aspects of this plan, however, are not quite so rosy. For one thing, it looks like a well calculated propaganda move by the Russians, who hope to put the United States on the spot. In the event we do not accept, it would look as though we are the ones who are afraid to pull our troops out of Europe for our own economic or political reasons. It is most unlikely that the USSR would go through with such a plan, for fear of having all of Eastern Europe slip out of the So- viet sphere of influence. Even in such a case, the cards are still in their favor. If the United States pulled its troops back as far as an Iceland to Spain to North Africa defense line, as the former ambassador suggests, and the Russians pulled all troops 300 or more miles with- in their borders, (the likelihood of which is small) the Soviets would have a decided advantage in case of war. * * * ADVANCING along good roads racross the flat plains of Eastern Europe, especially Poland, they could move whole armies into Germany and perhaps across the Rhine before any semblance of American and British resistance could be rushed into France. It would amount, in short, to anoth- er Blitzkrieg. To The Editor A Tribute ... To the Editor: ON SUNDAY a great heart was silenced when our most recent alumnus passed on even before his classmates received their degrees. Enrique Borda-or Henry as his friends called him-lost the valiant fight against leukemia. Through the long months he never gave up hope; his bright smile and happy disposition were a tribute to courage and the will to live. 4 Airpower, of course, would play a vital role in any future attack, with both sides utilizing nuclear weapons. We must assume, how- ever, that our Air Force could do little better than force some sort of costly stalemate, for the Rus- sian air and missile forces 'may soon be as effective as ours if this is not already the case. In any case, ground troops would be 'necessary to occupy all but the most bomb-ravaged areas, and the balance of power could possibly rest with the forgotten in- fantryman, of whom the Soviets have a huge majority. THE RESULT of all this is the dilemma with which we are pres- ently faced today. Perhaps the solution rests with the acceptance of a somewhat revised plan. In such a plan, after the withdrawal of American and Soviet forces, a large and well-armed United Na- tions contingent would be moved into Europe to make sure all terms of the agreement were carried out and to insure that neither side could gain a tactical advantage from the withdrawal. Most probably, however, noth- ing will be done until the United States has some sound basis for believing that the USSR is actual- ly seeking such a move with peace- ful intentions and willingness to accept the proper safeguards that the Free World would demand in such a proposal. In the final weeks of illness, he was cheered by two manifestations that this great University was not so big or impersonal that it must be indifferent. Though he came from a foreign land, he was amongst friends-scores of friends he never knew. A few weeks ago when the doc- tors prescribed a complete~trans- fusion, a call went out for sixty pints of blood. The response from students and even faculty was instantaneous and generous. A brief respite from the ravages of his afflictionnow permitted him to leave the hospital and walk the campus again. And then his new found strength must inevitably slip away; but this did not weaken his determination to graduate. His department of concentration, applauding his cour- age and realizing how near he was to his goal, petitioned the admin- istrative authorities to waive the few outstanding requirements" which had been more than satis- fied in spirit, if not to the letter. This request was granted, and last week the University, in a pri- vate ceremony at his hospital bed, conferred its degree of Bachelor NEW INTERNATIONAL AGENCY: Atoms for Peace Program To Aid U.S. Industry By ARTHUR S. BECHHOEFER Daily Staff Writer "THE UNITED STATES tax payer has invested more than 15 billion dollars in the American atomic program, and it is in the interest of our industry that we get some benefit out of this tre- mendous outlay," Eric Stein, Pro- fessor of International Law at the Law School, said recently. Discussing the most recent in- ternational developments concern- ing the Atoms for Peace program, Prof. Stein stated in addition that "it is clear you should not make fissionable material available for widespread use abroad without effective control against diversion to military purposes. "Fissionable materials will be used more and more all over the world; and the United States mnust make sure, to the best of its ability, that use of fissionable material is under safeguards which will en- sure peaceful use." * * * PROF. STEIN and Bernhard G. Bechhoefer, U.S. Foreign Service Officer detailed to the Atomic Energy Commission, are co-au- thors of "Atoms for Peace: A New International Atomic Energy Agency," which appeared in the April, 1957 Michigan Law Review. The article analyzes the history of negotiations for this Agency, the statute of which has already been ratified by 10 nations. Closed hearings are now taking place on the Statute before a sub- international agency would be to "... begin to diminish the poten- tial destructive power of the world's atomic stock piles," and to make more widely available the benefits from atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The United States, Prof. Stein said, has already concluded 41 bilateral agreements, under which it has undertaken to help other nationA in the development of atomic reactors for research and power. He noted also that Russia has made her own arrangements with her satellites. WILL THOSE states which now use or wish to use fissionable materials use them for their medi- cal, industrial, and agricultural needs and power purposes? Or might they draw off some of the weapons grade material and make plutonium bombs? The United States bilateral agreements, Prof. Stein said, provide safeguards against such diversion. The new International Atomic Energy Agency likewise seeks to prevent diversion of the material into new armament programs. Prof. Stein and Bechhoefer have pointed out in their article that "there is less danger when three countries have atomic weapons than when more than 80 states have them. In this respect," the article continues, "it is possible that the interest of the United States and the Soviet Union might coincide." There are some countries, Prof. able, for a fixed price, to other states under effective safeguards. The' Agency could also procure technical: advice and act as an in- termediary in procuring the neces- sary equipment. "Here," Prof. Stein said, "is where American industry comes in. It will be possible for a member state to get the necessary fission- able material from the Agency and to buy the reactor and the know-how from American indus- try." ** * IT IS UNLIKELY, Prof. Stein feels, that the United States would make available to the Agency any classified data. "This would be neither advisable or necessary for the Agency's purposes, since enough technology is presently available in unclassified form." Prof. Stein and Bechhoefer have pointed out in their article that the Agency will have authority to set up its own storage and other facilities. However, because of the great cost, it is not likely that such facilities will be set up on a large scale in the near future. Therefore the Agency will no doubt wish to make use of mem- bers' existing facilities. The short- age of technicians will be a real handicap, and in the first stages of operation the Agency will very likely concentrate on helping in the training of technicians. Before giving any assistance to its members, the article points out, the Agency will have the right to that a participating country fail- ing to comply with the rules of the Agency would be in serious trouble. For one thing, he said, the Board of Governors of the Agency could stop supplying materials. He termed this "a good sanction if the country depends on the Agency for its supply of fissionable ma- terials." Or, he added, the Board of Governors could order the vio- lator to return the fissionable materials. In any case, the Board of Gover- nors will report the violation to the Security Council of the United Nations, which has the authority to act under Chapter VII of the Charter (economic and other sanctions) in case of a threatvto the peace. In the event of a veto in thecSecurity Council, action would be taken in the General Assembly. THE AGENCY itself, Prof. Stein said, cannot punish a country; it can only suspend that country's membership in the Agency and stop the supplies. "Beyond that, the Security Council and the Gen- eral Assembly must cope with it." The statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency has met with some opposition in the Sen- ate from those who claim that some of the United States-pro- duced fissionable material may be added to the military potential of the Soviet bloc. This is quite un- likely under the proposed Agency setup, in which the United States or Arts upon the proudest alumnus of the class of 1957. Henry was an inspiration to all who knew him. His infectious smile and his enthusiasm were amazing, for he would never admit that a dark cloud hung over him. One can recall visiting him at the hos- pital and being greeted with a cheery-"I'm glad you came be- cause I want you to explain this point of international law in the Suez crisis." Personal problems were always subordinate in the wider concern for world affairs. His interest in his studies never waned and al- ways his college texts were at his bedside. Yet he was apything but a pedant! When he could not at- tend class himself he coaxed his father to attend for him, and thus vicariously he attempted to keep up with assignments. Occasionally his faltering strength would have periods of renewal and delightedly he would report-"I got out to class a couple of times last week!" One recalls the note of triumph on Easter Sunday when he declared - "I think I'm going to make it!" No graduate this year will have a more cherished degree than that awarded to Enrique Borda. -Lionel H. Laing Sen. Morse .. To the Editor: SENATOR Wayne Morse has been under fire lately because of his statement in Detroit several days ago in which he accused Mr. Eisenhower of "political immoral- ity." Although I don't think it is fit to compare the President with Mr. Beck, as Morse did, I do think that it is about time that the image of Eisenhower became more realistic. His popularity has reached an all-time low despite his immunity to criticism. The President has tried to give away many things, including Douglas McKay (and the people of Oregon didn't accept.) If he is not guilty of political immorality, in this respect and many others, then he is surely treading on dan- gerous waters. -Keke Pyrros, '58 Formosa .. To the Editor: MR. James Elsman's editorial of "An Independent Formosa," I should like to offer a few com- ments which I hope may be help- ful in talking about China: 1. Mutual military or economic pacts are based cn mutual con- cerns and benefits. Neither side of it is necessary to sign it if she does not think she has a fair share. To expect to get something for nothing is just wishful thinking and not practical. 2. Mixing personal feeling to- ward certain individuals with di- 1 ' 4, t. ,,,, ;