(See page 4)
Latest Deadline in the State
Budget Increase
Loses in House
Democrats Defeat GOP Attempt
To Soften Sharp Defense Cuts
WASHINGTON (AP)-House Democrats aided by some Republicans
yesterday beat down the first attempt by GOP leaders to soften sharp
cuts in President Dwight Eisenhower's defense budget.
By a standing vote of 145-113 the House defeated an amendment
to give the Army 80 million dollarsmore for maintenance and opera-
tion than the House Appropriations Committee had recommended.
About 20 Republicans deserted their leaders to vote against the
amendment. Seven Democrats supported the amendments.
House Republican leaders announced Monday they would try to
SGC Postpones Action on Fraternity,
restore about 332 million dollars
Ag riculture
Pans Given
To Congress
WASHInGTON (R) - Secretary
of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benso
laid before Congress yesterda
specific legislative proposals fo
r~ eliminating what he has called
weaknesses in the administration
endorsed flexible price suppor
He previously had told the Sen
ate and House agriculture com
mittees that he foresees new sur
pluses growing out of this system
as it now stands.
He referred to provisions re
quiring the department to rais
supports for wheat, corn, cotton
rice and peanuts as present sur
pluses decline.
Could be Amended
The secretary said the flexible
law could be amended to permi
the department to set supports fo
these crops between zero and 90
per cent of parity or, if Congres
preferred, between 60 and 90 pe
cent of parity.
The range now is 75 to 90 pe
cent of parity.
Parity is a standard for measur
ing farm prices declared by law
to be fair to farmers in relatio
to prices charged them.
Set Supports
The suggested language also
would eliminate provisions re
quiring supports to be increase
as supplies decline..
Instead, the department woul
be authorized to set supports -
within whatever new range wa
,. specified by law - at levels i
deeme# advisable after taking
market demands, prices of other
4. farm products, the availability o:
funds and other factors into con
Benson said he would prefe
that the range be set between zer
and 90 per cent of parity becaus
"I believe it has greater merit."
Revision Made
In Conference
Aid Program
Big Ten faculty representative
have announced three changes i
the Conference athletic aid plan
Foremost among the rule
changes was the program whic
provides aid to superior student
athletes. The previous rule per
mitted the grant of no more tha
tuition to students in the top thir
of their high school class and wh
maintained a "B" average in col
The plan, as amended by the
faculty members, now provides fo
tuition, room, board and books t
student-athletes in the top quarte
of their high school class and
among the top quarter of the mer
students in their college.
Into Immediate Effect
Originally, the program woulc
have required a review by th
faculties of the conference schools
but this, to. was changed, anc
the new plan goes into effect im-
Other rules revisions includec
those referring to married and
commuting student-athletes.
Under the "commuter" plan
where no aid is given for room and
board, $30 is alolwed for trans-
-' portation and lunches. This is
expected to especially benefit Ohic
State, Northwestern, and Minne-
of cuts recommended by the Appro-
-Qpriations Committee. President
Eisenhower has called for restora-
tion of $1,200,000,000 of committee
cuts totaling 2% billions.
Even before yesterday's Repub-
lican move was defeated, Presi-
dent Eisenhower was described as
"not happy" about the extent of
the battle that GOP leaders were
Still Plan Amendments
n The Republican chiefs still plan
y to offer amendmentsthat would
y add the rest of the 322 millions
r to the bill.
Rep. G. R. Ford (R-Mich.) of-
- fered the amendment to give the
t Army more money for mainte-
nance and operation. The com-
-mittee had cut 150 'millions from
- the allotment, leaving it at $3,145,-
- 200,000.
n The House considered only one
other amendment. before putting
- off further voting on the bill until
e tomorrow. It accepted by voice
, vote an amendment by Rep. R. L.
- F. Sikes (D-Fla.) to let the Army
use fungds for reserve personnel
training programs.
Ike Not Happy
t The amendment offset a com-
r mittee cut of that amount, but
0 the committee supported it on the
s ground that recent increases in
r the six-month training program
fund are necessary.
:r It was House Republican Leader
Joseph Martin of Massachusetts
- who reported President Eisen-
u hower was "not happy" with the
a plans for the GOP battle against
defense cuts. Martin reported
Eisenhower's reaction after meet-
ing with the President at the
o White House.
d Accuse Syria
SOf Conspiracy
r AMMAN, Jordan (3P)- Jordan's
f military leaders accused the Syri-
- an army yesterday of hiring as-
sassins and plotting with Com-
r munists to unseat King Hussein
r while 4,000 to 5,000 Syrian troops
e were in this country.
Army headquarters issued a
2,000-word statement in which
Jordan also denied Monday night's
c h a r g e by a Syrian military
spokesman that Jordan's request
for withdrawal of the troops broke
up a military agreement with
Egypt and Syria.
The request was made last
Thursday and the Syrians were
out by Sunday.
s The sharply worded statement
n appeared to be a renewed warn-
. ing by Jordan to Egypt and Syria
s to keep hands off Jordan's internal
h affairs.
- Jordan is now closely associated
- with Saudi Arabia and Iraq in op-
n position to the Syrian-Egyptian
d camp.
o The army statement broadcast
- by the government radio said Jor-
danwatned the Syrians out so it
e could let some Jordanian units
r "return to their main duty at the
o Israeli front."
... expert farceur .. . Anatol's sweethearts
Viennese Classic, Farce
Conclude .drama Season.
The Viennese c 1 a s s i c "The
Affairs of Anatol," starring Uta
Hagen and Herbert Berghof, fol-
lowed by the farce "The Reluctant'
Debutante," featuring E d w a r d
Everett Horton, will conclude the
West Urges
First Stage
WASHINGTON OP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ger-
manChancellor Konrad Adenauer
urged Soviet leaders yesterday to
agree to a first-step disarmament
plan in order to create "a degree
of confidence" in Russia's word.
They also reaffirmed their
readiness to give Moscow "far-
reaching assurances" against re-
vival of German militarism if the
Russians would consent to unite
Germany under a single democrat-
ic government.
President Eisenhower and the
81-year-old German leader set
forth this twin appeal to Moscow
in a final communique outlining
the results of their three days of
It was issued as Adenauer was
assuring Congr ss in a speech that
"on my word before God, nobody
in Germany plays with the idea
of using force or war" even to"
unite his divided country.
The joint 1,000-word Eisenhow-
er-Adenauer declaration clearly
reflected their deep concern over
the fate of critical East-West dis-
armament talks soon to be re-
sumed in London.
In words aimed directly at Mos-
cow, the two Western leaders said
Soviet acceptance of a limited
arms reduction plan could lead
to a later "comprehensive disar-
mament agreement" which could
control atomic-hydrogen and con-
ventional weapons.
President Eisenhower and Ade-
nauer mixed their appeal to Mos-
cow with denunciations for "acts
and policies of the Soviet Union"
which they blamed for continuing
international tension.
SGC Names
Appointments were made to the
Student Government Council Fo-
rum Committee at last night's SGC
The committee will include Don
Young, '58, Union president, Scott
Chrysler, '58, Maynard Goldman,
'59, and Gerald Blackstone, '60,
chairman cf Education and Social
Arthur Schnitzler's "The Affairs
of Anatol" will begin its week's
engagement at 8:30 p.m. Monday
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
1957 Drama Season.
Herbert Berghof. recently seen
in New York in "The Deep Blue
Sea," will star as Anatol and direct
the production.
Uta Hagen will portray the six
women in Anatol's life. Miss Hagen
is known for her work as the star
of "The Country Girl," Margaret
Joan" and in "A Streetcar Named
Peter Larkin, well-known New
York scenic artist, will design the
production. Larkin c a m e into
prominence with his settings for
"Teahouse of the August Moon"
and "No Time for Sergeants."
The final presentation of the
season, "The Reluctant Debu-
tante," will open June 10. William
Douglas Home's comedy came to
New York this season after a suc-
cessful run in London and will be
made into a movie next year.
Edward Everett Horton, star of
this farce, . is remembered by
Drama Season audience for his ap-
pearance in "Nina."
Renee Gadd, Lynn Baily, and
Rhoderick Walker, of the original
Broadway production, and Joan
Wetmore will head the supporting
Action on the request of Phi
Lambda Kappa, medical fraternity,
to be re-instated on campus was
postponed by Student Government
Council last night.
Because of conflicting reports on
the need of such an organization,
a special meeting will be held by
the council after it has acquired
necessary information by June 5.
In a debate which lasted almost
two hours the Council considered
Rebels Clash
With Army
In Cuba
HAVANA (A) - An underground
explosion blamed on saboteurs
wrecked Havana's power system
yesterday and the army clashed
with a rebel band in the moun-
tains of extreme eastern Cuba.
The blast was near the national
The army said there were cas-
ualties on both sides in the fight-
ing with the rebels led by Fidel
Guerrila Warfare
Castro's force landed from Mex-
ico months ago and bivouacked in
the highlands to make guerrilla
warfare on president Fulgencio
Batista's forces.
The underground e x plosio n,
eight blocks from the Capitol,
knocked out Havana's .electric
power and injured five persons.
Col. Sinesio Cuesta, assistant
fire chief, declared: "It was an act
of sabotage."
Cuesta said a tunnel had been
discovered leading from an unin-
habited house situated in front of
the place where the explosion oc-
Left Deep Crater
The blast left a deep crater. It
seriously damaged several nearby
Police said saboteurs placed dy-
namite under the electric cables
after reaching a spot some 5,000
feet from the plant through a tun-
nel, 10 feet long.
An undereground gas line also
was broken by the blast, causing
The power failure also affected
water supplies since water pumps
could not be operated.
Board Ratifies
Union Senate
The Union Board of Directors
has approved plans for the pro-
posed Union Senate by unanimous
The Board in extending recog-
nition to the Senate for a one year
trial period, voted to permit the
Senate to place items on the
Board of Directors' agenda.
The Board granted permission
to the Union Senior Officers to
establish the Senate at their dis-
motions to approve the group,
postpone aproval until next fall,
postpone approval and decide
through interim action measures,
and finally to me.et by June 5.
The Council had received a
letter from Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea which noted that the fra-
ternity had violated two University
regulations, by having their offi-
cers listed in a national periodical
as members of an accredited Mich-
igan fraternity, and by commenc-
ing pledging, although not ap-
proved by SGC.
Alvin Ring, '58Med, president of
Phi Lambda Kappa, acknowledged
the group had been in violation,
but had been unaware of the fact.
He also said that Bill Cross. assist-
ant dean of men, had told them
they were to get national recog-
In a discussion, which revolved
around the need for such a group,
a letter from Cross was read say-
ing that officers of the five medical
fraternities did not see a need for
such a group, %nd that he could
not see a need for another pre-
dominantly Jewish medical fra-
ternity (there is one at present),
or any other additional fraternity.
Galens Letter
Galens' letter to the Council
said that in view of the small
size of the medical school and the
fact that only 10 per cent of the
school was Jewish, it could see no
need either.
Ring reported that there was no
bias clause in Phi Lambda Kappa's
constitution and that membership
now consisted of seven Jews, and
five people of other faiths, two
of whom were Negro.
He said four medical fraternity
presidents were not opposed to the
He noted the fraternity had a
distinct appeal because it was
non-sectarian, wished to remain
a small group and was not in-
'terested in buying a house in at
least .the next two years. This
would especially appeal to mar-
ried students, he said.
At the meeting, the Council al-
so approved the appointments of
Jo Hardee, '60, and Dan Belin,
'59, to fill present Council vacan-
cics, after SGC had gone into ex-
ecutive session to discuss the mat-
Approve Senate
Don Young, '58, Union presi-
dent, told the Council, that the
Union Board of Directors had ap-
proved the new Union Senate, giv-
ing it a trial year beginning in
He also reported that a tenta-,
tive structure had been worked
out, where each housing group
would have one vote for every 120
members or fraction thereof, and
Final Issue
With today's issue The Daily
ceases publication for the se-
Publication of The Daily will
resume June 25 for the summer
session and continue Tuesday
through Saturday throughout
the summer months.
there would be eight represe'ta-
tives for off-campus housing.
The Council also discussed
Health Insurance, considering full
or school year policies, methods
of solicitation, and maternity
Southeast Asia
The Council also accepted and
approved a prospectus prepared by
the Southeast Asia Delegation
Steering Committee.
The prospectus, which will be
sent to various foundations to get
funds for the trip, explains the
purposes of the trip, orientation of
delegates, activities of delegates,
itinerary and follow up.
Total cost for the trip will be
approximately $26,000.
'U Student
A 19 year old University student
waived examination Monday in
Municipal Court concerning the
theft of an estimated $3,500 worth
of camers equipment frofn an Ann
Arbor store.
Clyde H. Brough, '59E, was
charged with larceny exceeding
$50. Brough lives at 226 Adams
House, West Quad. He appeared
before Judge Francis L. O'Brien
for arraignment.
Brough has confessed to the
March 25 theft of a number of
high priced camera lenses and
one camera from a local photo-
graphy shop.
He was charged with taking
another camera, severapieces of
photographic equipment and a
dictaphone machine from the room
of another West Quad resident.
Brough did not sell any.of the
equipment which he took, detec-
tives said.
May Evacuate
of Americans may be pulled out of
the nationalist Chinese island of
Formosa in the wake of last Fri-
day's anti-American rioting there.
The State Department announ-
ced yesterday the government is
"actively considering" reductions
in both the United States military
and civilian personnel now sta-
tioned on the island bastion off
the coast of China.
Secretary of Defense Charles
Wilson said the rioting, in which
the United States Embassy was
sacked and several persons in-
jured, "highlighted the need for
the United States to take another
look" at its military aid program
on Formosa.
Lincoln White, State Depart-
ment press officer, said of the
Americans on Formosa that 3,500
were military personnel; 8,500
were persons employed by United
States government agencies-this
figure includes their dependents-
and 1,500 were missionaries, busi-
nessmen and others not connected
with the government.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Prospects of
House consideration of the Alaska
statehood bill at this session of
C o n g r e s s brightened yesterday
with the bill's 24-6 approval by,
the House Insular Affairs Com-
Chairman Carl Engle (D-Calif)
told a newsian he plans to move
"just as fast as I can" to bring,
the proposal before the House.
atomic little monster flashed,
flamed and thundered over the
Nevada desert beforeddawnyes-
terday and dropped its radioactive
fall-out right where safety-con-
scious scientists wanted it.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Congress got a
grim forecast yesterday that by
1960 Russia will be capable of
blasting America with H-bombs
equivalent to 21/ billion tons of
TNT and inflicting a death toll
of perhaps 82 million.
Charles Shafer, Weather Bureau
scientist assigned to the Civil De-
fense Administration, t e s t i f i e d
that: "We were advised an attack
of this size was within enemy
capabilities by 1960."
* * *
"piisoner at large" early yesterday
slugged a guard, shot one ensign
dead, gravely wounded another
and held out on the bridge of the
docked Navy cargo ship Uvalde
for more than six kours, before
* * *
DALLAS-Floods which chased
thousands from their homes re-
ceded slowly yestereday but thun-
dershowers posed a threat of fur-
ther flooding over a wide stretch
of south Texas.
SGC Appoints
Forum Group
Pass Raise
Of $12.50
A Semester
Salary Increases,
Higher Food Costs
Bring New Demands
An increase of $12.50 per se-
mester in room and board rates
was approved yesterday by the
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls.
Manager of Services Enterprises
Francis Shiel said the hike is
f) To increase the salary bud-
get of the Residence Halls;
2) To enlarge the dormitory
food budget;
3) To increase the hourly pay
of students employed by the Resi-
dence Halls.
Pro Forma Only
For the second straight year the
Board gave "pro forma" approv-
al to the increase. Prof. Lionel
Laing of the political science de-
partment said "It should be made
clear that business and economic
factors, not the Board, are set--
ting rates.
"I hope someday.. . that rates
will not be determined and an-
nounced before coming to the
Board," he added.
The increase, the third in a
many years, will become effective
with the summer session. It will
bring the rate for a double room
to $795 for the academic year.
Percentage Not Announced
Shiel said the regular employee
salary hikes will be across the
board and merit raises. He said
the percentage increase in the
budget was determined but could
not be released until the Univer-
sity announces its increase.
A planned increase in the salary
budget of the University is forcing
the self-supporting Residence
Halls system to expand its budget.
Part of the hike will be used to
meet the rising cost of food and
also to expand this budget beyond
the limit needed to maintain pres-
ent standards, according to Shiel.
Boost Student Pay
The third reason for the' in-
crease, Shiel said, was ,to boost
the pay of student employees by
about five cents an hour. This will
bring the average beginning rate
to95 cents an-hour and $1 an hour
after 50 hours of work.
Criticism was leveled at the ad-
ministratio n by Inter-House
Council last year when the room
rate was hiked without increasing
student employee pay.
Vice-President for Student Af-
See RESIDENCE, page 5
EauC Dechres
Room, Board
Hike Justified
Inter-House Council said last
night that the room and board
increase was justified and pro-'
posed measures to alleviate the
hardship caused by the increase.
It recommended that the follow-
ing steps be taken by "joint stu-
dent - faculty - administration ac-
1) Increased scholarship aid be
made available to needy students
within the Residence Halls system.
Increased Study Facilities
2) Means of increasing study
facilities under next year's over-
crowded conditions be made avail-
3) Consideration be given to out-
side sources of revenue and fin-
ancing, such as industry, alumni,
University operations budget and
state legislature appropriation.
The motion to this effect was
passed by unanimous voice vote.
Before presentation of the mo-
tion by IHC President Drake
Duane, '58, discussion centered on
methods of reducing dormitory
BetTop Students'Bstb'et'
Men in the top quarter of their class - in scholarship or in
any category of activities - are "the best bet" for corporation re-
cruiters, according to a recent survey of the Dartmouth class of '26.
The survey, made by Prof. Richard W. Husband, Florida State
University industrial psychologist, was recently published in Fortune
Prof. Husband found that marked success in any field of col-
legiate endeavor, from campus politics to scholarship or even sports,
is a fairly reliable indication of fi- II__'-- -
Heads Show ISA World-Wmide Club
nancial success in later life.
No Premium on Marks
His survey placed no premium
n -ha n nf r.fnn ma . c n
had earnings similar to those
moderately below average schol-
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