THE THINKING CITIZEN See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :4Iait I FAIR, WARMER I ==!M VOL. LXVii, No. 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1957 SIX PAGES SIX PAGES w Students To Vote With Committee Regents Accept SGC Proposal To Name Two to Lecture Board By RICHARD TAUB Students will be given votes on the University Lecture Committee next year in accord with a Student Government Council recommenda- tion, University President Harlan Hatcher announced yesterday. The Lecture Committee is responsible for the annual University Lecture Course, and 'approves all other speaker' to use .University facilities. The two leading male members of Student Government Council previously have been non-voting representatives to the committee. Under the new arrangement, two students, one junior and one senior, will be named with the junior serving for two years. Beginning FOR DEFENSE: Budget Gains Sunnort amm.-W- w w ,W0 " - 1 w W v w - - F -. .0 WASHINGTON (P)-A biparti- san drive to restore 300 million dol- lars or more to President Dwight D. Eisenhower's sharply pruned defense budgetgot under way in the House yesterday. The House Appropriations Com- mittee has cut 21/2 billion dollars out of the President's requests for the Army, Navy and Air Force in the next fiscal year. President! Eisenhower has asked for restora- tion of almost half this amount. Meetieng just before the House convened yesterday, the 30-mem- RAIN, RAIN, RAIN: Storms Sweep Texas; Thousands Flee Homes DALLAS (P)-Thundering cloudbursts swept down on southwest Texas yesterday while thousands in four states watched floods swirl through their homes. An estimated 7,500 persons fled their residences during the weekend, taking what possessions they could. - Fort Worth, with 4,000 flooded out, and Dallas with 2,100, were the worst hit. The entire population of 400 was evacuated at Moffet, Okla. Twelve families left homes at Arkhoma, Okla., just south of Moffet. Dulles Asked About Flans By Adenauert WASHINGTON (A)-West Ger- man Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Monday quizzed Secretary of State John Foster Dulles about the im- pact any Western disarmament agreement with Russia would have on his country. The two discussed the disarma- ment problem during nearly three hours of meeting at the State De- partment. It was the second Dul- les-Adenauer meeting yesterday, coming after one dealing with Ger- man rearmament, North Atlantic Pact military problems and Euro- pean integration. Adenauer said the disarmament conversation was "very frank and very candid" but he declined to give reporters any further infor- mation. Dulles Prepared He called the disarmament ques- 4' tion, especially the "lin" between it and Germany's goal of reunifi- cation, "an extraordinarily impor- tant one" for all Germans. Dulles was known to be ready in advance of the meeting to as- sure Adenauer the United States would never agree to any limited disarmament agreement w h i c h would have the effect of freezing the present East-West split in Ger- many. Add Third Meeting A third meeting with Dulles was added to the Chancellor's schedule to enable him to finish the seven- point agenda which had been ar- ranged for his three-day stay in the capital. Flanked by nearly a dozen top Esanking aides, Dulles and Ade- nauer concentrated their initial session on European problems tied in with Aaenauer's overriding aim of merging eastern and western Germany into a single democratic nation. Exam Theft Reported Here Examination thieves broke into Angell Hall mimeograph office Tl~ursday night to filch copies of finals being prepared there. As related by office supervisor Mrs. Garnet Wubbena, the intru- der or intruders apparently let themselves into the office with a key as no signs of forcing the door were noticeable. Once inside, they discovered keys to steel filing cabinets in which the exams were stored. In their haste, however, the pilfer- ers twisted a key off in the lock and forced the cabinets open, pre- sumably with pliers from a nearby desk drawer.' Mrs. Wubbena indicated there was no way of knowing if a theft actually occurred or if it did,, ex- actly what was taken. LSA officers assume one copy was lifted from the top of each stack of exams. Discovered at the opening of of- fice hours Friday morning, the theft possibility was reported to University security officers who inspected the basement office for clues. Faculty members whose exam- inations were affected will handle the situation as each sees best but have assured students that steps have been taken to eliminate any possibility of undue advantage ac- cruing to any one student. As one professor put it, "I should hate to se students wor- in 1958-59,t one junior will be appointed each year. Student Government Council had recommended in a report to the Regents in March that two students be selected for one year terms on the committee and, "they should be full voting mem- bers and should take active part in all the decisions and actions of the committee." Other Change In another change. President Hatcher announced that the five faculty members will have their terms extended from four to five years. However, service will be limited to one term, with the president's prerogative to reappoint members when continuity of membership would be essential to discharge of the committee's responsibilities. At least two members of the present committee have served for approximately 20 years. SGC Recommendation The SGC recommendation called for faculty members to be selected for three-year non-renewable terms, which would be staggered to provide continuity. The Council, in its report to the regents, made recommenations concerning procedures and policy as well as membership. SGC suggested there be a "clear and definitive" statement of the committee procedures in reviewing See STUDENTS, page 6 Germans Give Russia Offer BONN, Germany uP)-West Ger- many has told the Soviet Union:1 You agree to reunifying Germany and we'll consider' a new security agreement including a European demilitarized zone. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said in a message to the Soviet Union that 'Bonn is prepared to give serious consideration to any "practical proposal" put forth by the Russians. The message grew out of recent talks by the special four-power reunification Commission. On the commission are Britain, France, the United States and West Ger- many. The opposition Socialists de- scribed the Bonn note as meaning- less. The Adenauer note did not de-' fine the territory to be covered by1 a European demilitarized zone. A government spokesman notedI Bonn has pledged that the terri- tory now occupied by the Com- munist East German government; would not be armed if the country were reunified. . 'ZI N N IWorld News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Members of Congress worried about the im- pact of increased atomic radiation on human health were told yester- day the only way to stop it is to halt nuclear development. Dr. Charles L. Dunham of the Atomic Energy Commission said that as in the case of treating can- cer with X-rays, the benefits of usingnuclear energy must be weighed against the undesirable effects. -* * . TAIPEI, Formosa - Nationalist China kept a tight military rein on Taipei and four other Formosan cities yesterday as it sought to heal the wounds of last Friday's ant -American rioting. Americans in t h e Formosan capital were cautious. U n i t'e d States commissary and post ex- changes reopened, but the usual Monday morning crowds did not appear * PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti - Haiti pulled back from the brink of anarchy yesterday and went back to work under peasant-labor leader Daniel Fignole. He is Phe third provisional presi- dent inethe five months since the Maglorie regime. Store owners patched up bullet holes, erased the scars of fire and reopened their shops after a week- long general strike. About 400 were removed from homes at North Little Rock, Ark., and 150 at Hornersville, Mo. Eight Inches of Rain Up to eight inches of rain fell in cloudburst torrents in an area around Uvalde, Tex., home of for- mer Vice-President John Nance Garner. At Kenedy, Tex., 32 inches of rain fell in 40 minutes and blocked streets. John Syring, 7 years old, was lost and feared drowned when a pickup truck in which he was riding was hit by a wall of water. Closes Roads Elgin, Tex., got 5/2 inches of rain. Laredo got 11/2 inches in less than two hours with nine families evacuated; Sonora, five inches in 24 hours to close roads; Corpus Christi 1 2inches with a wind- storm; the Eagle Pass-Laredo area, three to four inches. These areas stretch from central Texas south and west to the Mexican border. Regents Alter Russel Honors Honorariums for the Henry Russell Lecture and the Russel Award were increased from $700 to $1,250 and $350 to $750, re- spectively by the Regents at their meeting Saturday. The Henry Russel Lecture, es- tablished by Russel in 1920, goes to the faculty member of associate professorship or higher judged to have achieved the highest distinc- tion in his chosen field of scholar- ship. The Russel Award goes to an instructor or assistant professor whose work as teacher or research- er is outstanding and promising. ber Republican Policy Committee there agreed almost unanimously to try to put about 300 million back in the bill. A group of Democrats quickly lent their support to the move, leading some members to predict that as much as 500 million might be restored when voting on amend- ments starts today, Chairman Carl Vinson (D-Ga) of the Armed Services Committee and other Democrats said they thought the appropriations group had cut too deeply. Rep. R..L. Sikes (D-Fla),.head of an appropriations subcommittee which handles the Army's budget requests, told the House "The serv- ices say they are badly hurt by the reductions. j "In some instances I think they are," he said. "In other instances I do not agree. I do think this is the tightest military budget in years." "The bill has been too drastical- ly cut in many instances," Rep. Joseph Martin (R-Mass), the House GOP leader, told newsmen. Rep. Martin said he expected most Republicans to support the amendments in the voting this week but that some Democratic help would be needed. 'U' To Enlarge, Scholarship Aid Program Steps are being taken to in- crease the University's scholarship program as a result of tuition in- creases, James Lewis, vice-presi- dent for student affairs said yes- terday. An additional $100,000 will be allotted from the general fund for Regents' scholarships, he said. The scholarships are for full tuition and $500,000 was used to support last year's program. In addition to Regents' scholar- ships, $857,000 from gifts and grants was awarded to, students for scholarships, fellowships and grants during the academic year ending June 1956. Lewis said the total has not been tabulated for this year's grants and attempts are being made to get miore funds for the '57-'58 school year. Also during ;he year ending June, 1956, the last one for which there are complete figures, an ad- ditional $465,000 was loaned to students. Two million dollars was also paid by the University for student employment during that period, Lewis said. U.S. Will Meet Russians Halfway on Disarming, Stassen Tells UN Group' PANHEL CODE: House Presidents Pass All Honor' contact Rule By ELIZABETH ERSKINE Panhellenic Board of Delegates yesterday passed an "all honor" set of contact rules. Ending an hour and a half discussion, house presidents voted to accept the Executive Council's endorsement of the sorority house rushing'chairmen's report which states, sorority women will be on their honor not to pre-rush independent women from the beginning of registration in September until formal rushing, Feb. 7, 1958." The motion was passed by secret ballot. After the vote in favor of unrestricted rules was announced, a new motion giving unanimous approval and support to the honor code was passed. Panhel Executive Council clarified their recommendations: "Pre-rushing is defined as affiliated women persuading inde- pendent women to join a given house, or notifying an independent woman that a given house would like to pledge her." The term sorority women refers swer to "both active and alumnae soror- ityme mbhoe: ity members." Violations Postal Violations shall be reported to I the Panhel Executive Council. Penalties, to be decided next fall, will enforce the council's action. Every sorority member will be on her honor to, obey this policy and to report any action not in accordance with it. Special respon- sibility is placed on the sorority executive councils to see that their members follow this policy. Prolonged discussion centered around whether independent wom- en should be allowed in sorority houses or not. One president felt that it would put rushees from a "small town" at a disadvantage because they would not know as many students as those from larger towns. An- other thought it would increase the tendency to pre-rush. Amendment Defeated Following the discussion a mo- tion to amend the Executive Council recommendation, "that in- dependent except those ineligible to rush and blood sisters shall not be permitted in sororities except for an open house in the fall semester," was unanimously de- feated. Speaking for the Executive Council, Marilyn Houck, '58Ph, Panhel president said, "We defi- nitely feel this code can work. "We have to stand on and en- dorse our high ideals and stan- dards. If we can't support it maybe sororities and fraternities aren't what they were meant to be."' Collins Given Fulbright Walter S. Collins, teaching fel- low in' music theory, has been awarded a Fulbright Graduate Study Grant for 1957-58 at Oxford University. Collins is working toward his Doctor of Philosophy degree in musicology and plans to continue research on English sacred music while at Oxford. 'Not Enough' WASHINGTON (0) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday signed a bill carrying $3,192,000,000 for the Post Office Department, but said this was not enough to maintain service without substan- tial cuts. Accordingly, he said, he will be back shortly with a 'request that Congress supplement the sum, which is for the fiscal year be- ginning July 1. He said he wants the people '"to continue to receive' the postal service to which they are entitled." Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield said the request will be for another 140 million dollars. Congress, now in an economy mood, cut Summerfield's previous request by 58 million. , Summerfield and his civilian ad- visory board met with President Eisenhower just before the Presi- dent issued his statement. Death Takes 'U' Official University Assistant Controller Byron J. Green died unexpectedly Saturday afternoon at his home. Green, who served as the only assistant controller at the Univer- sity, has held the post since 1948, when he came here from a posi- tion as auditor in a Detroit auditing firm. He had worked with the firm from 1922 to 1927, then became auditor for the city of Grand Rapids. In 1941 he returned to the Detroit firm. Green was born in 1899 in Lowell. In 1922 he married Mildred Wheaton. He is survived by his parents, three brothers, and a sister. Ike Advisor Asks 'Sound Program' Five-Nation Panel Meets After Recess; Stassen Begins Talks LONDON (M)-Harold E. Stas- sen told the United Nations Dis- armament subcommittees yester- terday the United States is ready to meet Russia halfway on terms for a partial arms reduction agree- ment. The United States recognizes there are many difficult points to be thrashed out involving just where the halfway point lies, President Dwight D. Eisenhower's personal disarmament adviser said. Seeks Sound- Program But Stassen declared America is seeking "in a serious vein" to find a sound program acceptable to all nations. He drew a reply from the Soviet representative, who said his country welcomed the manner of the United States ap- proach to the disarmament prob- lem. The five-nation subcommittee met in an air of expectancy after an 11-day recess in which Stassen visited Washington and received a broad new United States pro- gram bearing the personal en- dorsement of President Eisenhow- er. No Immediate Details Stassen did not, however, im- mediately present details of the new plan to the subcommittee at its session of only 20 minutes. In- stead he began a busy round of consultations on its terms with delegates of the othe Western nations - Britain, Frnce and Canada. Soviet Delegate Valerian Zorin said while he does not know what the United States plan involves, he welcomed Stassen's assurance of a businesslike approach. Zorin, who returned Sunday night from Moscow, assured the subcommittee that Russia will act in an equally serious manner. Contractors Refuse Union Pay Demands Striking laborers and carpenters yesterday were still agree with Ann Arbor contractors on wage hikes. The strikers have been away from work for two weeks. Work- ers are holding out for 18 cent an hour raises. Contractors have offered a 15 cent an hour raise to the carpen- ters and 12% cents an hour to the laborers.' Carpenters union and contrae- tors' representatives appeared in court yesterday to dispute the legality of Washtenaw County Contractors' Association's repre- sentation of county contractors in collective bargaining. No action was taken as the court ordered the representatives to reappear at 9 a.m. today. SGC To OK. Two Positions Student Government Council will approve appointments to the two present Council vacancies 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Ac- tivities Building, according to Janet Neary, '58, executive vice- president. The Council will also approve next year's activities. Action on the calendar had been postponed last week until several controver- ies could be settled. At the same meeting, the Coun- cil will hear renorts on the new IN THE FALL: Students To Buy Health Insurance' A voluntary sickness and acci- dent insurance program is al- most assured to be available to University students by Septem- ber. Chairman of Student Govern- ment Council's health insurance committee, Scott Chrysler, '59, re- vealed that committee members are waiting for agencies to pre- sent bids from various health in- surance companies. REGENTS ACCEPT: Gifts Total $140,860 University Regents accepted a total of $140,860.13 in gifts, grants and bequests Saturday at their May meeting. The grants, numbering 64, range from $25,000 to $100 with sources ranging from the Ford Foundation and anonymous donors. They cover such varied fields as wood technology and psoriasis. Two grants totaling $28,500 were accepted from the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. One of $25,000 is to support research on protozoan genetics and the other, a grant of $3,500, is for emergency support of the Michigan Mathematical Journal. Research in Mathematics The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Inc., New York, gave three grants amounting to $22,165 to support fundamental research in mathematics and chemistry. A grant of $8,000 was received from the Ford Foundation, New York, to provide grants-in-aid for graduate students in Asian and Near Eastern studies during the 1957-58 academic year. Establishing a fellowship for medical students and a research project in obstetrics and gynecology, the John Harper Seeley Founda- tion, Ann Arbor, gave $7,000 to the University. The Esso Research and Engineering Co., Linden, N. J., donated $5,000 for a post-doctoral fellowship in chemistry and .$500 to the Denartment of Chemistrv. The committee will then choose the bid that satisfies University needs the best, Chrysler explained. Careful Study In order to have the plan ready for the fall semester, the Univer- sity, SGC and the insurance com- pany will promote the program through summer soliciting of all students. "Students will be encouraged to consult with their parents and carefully examine the advantages of the group coverage plan before purchasing it," Chrysler said. The objective of the original plan was to have full coverage of all students, but after conferring withnational insurance agencies, receiving bids and working out coverage, the University found such a program could not be bud- geted into present University fi- nances. Encourage Participation SGC's committee is trying to get coverage in which the pre- mium cost will encourage maxi- mum student participation and at the same time, not sacrifice cov- erage terms. A 12-month plan with a premi- um not to exceed $15, blanket ac- cident reimbursement would be about $3000. Sickness benefits might include hospital reimbursements at the rate of $17 per day for 60 days, ' CaUlnmh~Iai1 Q-ti-iup1erut and surgical reimbursement up to $300. Student coverage will augment health service coverage. At the present time, Health Service pays for 15 days in a ward and routine doctor fees. Students, however, are expected to pay for extra charges. Chrysler said the committee ex- pects a 25 to 30 per cent student participation next year, with sub- stantial increases, yearly. PUPPY LIFE: Delta Upsilon Welcomes 'Pledges' Although the rushing season is' over, the men of Delta Upsilon fraternity are welcoming ten addi- tional members. The new pledges comprise a litter of St. Bernard puppies born to Brandy, the DU mascot, early Sunday morning. The sire is a resident of an upstate kennel. T h e r e was some confusion. Major, mascot of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, claimed paternity of the puppies, even having his owners send DU a box of cigars. DU refuted his claim, but kept the cigars. Brandy herself, took her first attempt at motherhood stoically. According to Don Troelesen, '58E, Master of the Hounds, the event was discovered accidentally at 3 a.m. Sunday, after a pair of pup- pies had already been born. S Nt a me he A 'm-+ w- .. ".., { 4 t.:: '. S-r. ?rsvdrr;6{"' ' .t:t:5.&. :e. ' Ec:,:.?'"