_. .. s * 4 s , _. -. . , - , 4 4 -4a t.4 - -t - - ~ 4 .'. .-. 4pit !.-+.4 -' A - A 4 -t ?. - F Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY .Sunday, May 26, 1957 5i inclcrv. Mov, 226, :'1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Jurruuyr lyluy d.v .+ ... _ MOSCOW LETTER The Art of Mosaic How Soviet Students Reacted to the October Revolution Practiced Since Ancient Times, It Has Potential Toc Rebels Wave the Hungarian, Tricolor in Front of Budapest Parliament (EDITOR'S NOTE: Below is the translated text of a letter written early in January by a student at Moscow University. The letter was printed in the February issue of "Forum," a monthly publication of the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Very slight changes were made by "Forum" to protect the identity of the writer. Parts of the letter were printed recently by "The Nation.") FROM NEWSCASTS of Western radio stations and a report by Radio Warsaw we understood that the events at Moscow's Lomonos- sov University had become known in the West, but we noted that their development and extent was not correctly assessed in the West. For us Russian students, November 30. 1956 is a memorable day, some say a historic day. After the compulsory lecture on Maixgrf-Leninism by Professor B. E. Syroyet, kovich the usual dis- cussion was held ii. fhe. course of which ore student posea e ques- tion of decisive importance, per- haps the decisive question of Marxism. At first he presented the correct Leninist tenet that the general strike is the weapon of the proletariat, aad that under certain historical circumstances the gen- eral strike for economic reasons can assume political significance and may finally change into an armed uprising. After having pointed to Lenin's tenet, and after having added that the general strike can never be an instrument of the exploiting class, he asked how it is possible that in a socialist country or more direct- ly, how in the Hungarian Peoples' Democracy, a general strike could take place, since a general strike against a communist workers' and peasants' government is considered impossible. Professor Syroytchkovich could only answer what was published in our daily press. This, however, was not enough for a discussion on the university level. He began to speak about the terror of forty- fascist officers, and about the sub- versive activities of Western in- perialists, but his words were drowned out by the students' pro- tests who proved to him with a barrage of Lenin quotations that ie had not touched the actual problem. F INLLYsomeone quoted Len- F classic words on the task of the "Party of a new type" which is obliged to take over the de- mands proclaimed by the workers in the general strike, and to direct thema. It was pointed out that the Party of the new type must never take action against a general strike with the methods of the bourgeois exploiters state, with martial law, military force, and the forcible dissolution of workers councils. At this point the discus- sion deteriorated into a noisy chaos, and the professor preferred to leave. News of this soon spread quickly all over the students' quarters be- hind the University. The discus- sions continued, and late in the evening Hungarian students were aroused from their beds to report on the conditions in their country. Apparently the Hungarian stu- dents were not used to such frank discussions, and in view of the political changes which had taken place in their country, avoided.all crucial questions. Nevertheless their revelations provided suffi- cient material for comparisons with conditions in the Soviet Union. In the course of discussions one question emerged, a question which is of utmost importance for the system of "established socialism," namely: has not the Party bureau- cracy, even though it has no for- mal right to society's means of production, already become an ex- ploiting class in the original Marx- ist meaning by its actual control and utilization of the means of production, by its control, over the labor force and wages? No agree- ment was reached on this ques- tion. N THE following day hand- written papers appeared on the bulletin boards of the Komsomol organization at the Lomonossov University, putting forth a demand for accurate reports on and a free discussion of Hungary. The contents of these papers, which had disappeared at the beginning of the lectures, were spread by word of mouth. New notices ap- peared on the billboards at noon in which a meeting of the Kom- somol aktiv was called to discuss the "shameful" events of the pre- ceding day. Later on, the word "shameful" was deleted. The meeting took place in the Ostrovski clubhouse, and was opened by the Secretary of the Komsomol organization, Linkov, with a remark which had the effect of provoking most of the partici- pants. He declared it a duty of the Komsomol to prevent in the future such "excesses which are unworthy of academic institutions." The im- mediate result of this was a new "excess." In a quickly improvised vote it was decided to make a discussion on "the Hungarian question in the light of Marxism-Leninism" the only item on the agenda, and thus the officials were deprived of control over the discussion. The first speaker even talked about the "excessively bureaucratized apparatus" which has lost contact with the masses, and which tries to stay in power with the methods of the already unmasked Beria. This referred to Hungary, but the comparison with the Soviet Union suggested itself, and was openly mentioned; Zoue must ask wheth- er the disregard of the decisions of the Twentieth Party Congress could not cause a similar develop- ment here, and whether it is not possible that some day our work- ers will rise under the banner of Lenin against their bureaucratic exploiters which have become bourgeoisy. When Linkov protested against this "anti-Party remark" and tried to take the floor from the speaker, he encountered such vio- lent protest that he left the hall together with other officials. The discussion, however, continued and spread also to members of the Komsomol aktiv. IN THE evening the discussion was resumed by a circle of young writers and students in the "House of Literature." The Hun- garian events were no longer the center of discussion but were only used as an example of what could happen anywhere, including the Soviet Union. From this arose the further question about the class character of Soviet society. Almost all the participants in the discussion agreed that the of- ficial formula about the "alliance of workers and peasants with the intellectuals under the leadership of the working class was incor- rect, and that also in the Soviet state the conflict between exploit- ers and exploited continues. Only .one characteristic of the exploit- ing class, personal ownership of the means of production" had changed. The present right of the work- ers to the ownership of the means of production is only formal, and the party's preferential treatment of heavy industry, supported by a centralist administrative system, has provided the class character of Soviet society with a legal ba- sis: for their own protection, the beneficiaries have established the same type of class justice as exists in the bourgeois society for the protection of the exploiting class. As well as in the old capitalist system any opposition against the exploiters in the new socialist sys- tem is branded and- punished as high treason by a class-conscious justice. This, however, means that the aims of the October revolution had been just the opposite. THE young writers were bound to embark on the problem of freedom of spiritual and artistic creation. Starting on the basis of the decisions of the twentieth Party Congress they condemned the literature written since the Thirties as the product of a pro- paganda machine influenced by the personality cult and directed by anti-cultural party secretaries. The "different paths toward so- cialism" which had been approved in principle by the twentieth Par- ty Congress were also touched in the discussion. Since these paths are already used by the peoples of Yugoslavia and Poland and have beerl prac- tically recognized by the Soviet Union, they should also be recog- nized as being applicable to the different peoples of the Soviet Union which started the construc- tion of socialism under varying conditions. In this problem the first sharp differences appeared between the students and writers. The Rus- sians among them firmly rejected the demand for separate socialist paths for the Ukraine, the Baltic countries, and Central Asia, and stated that this would constitute a threat to the Soviet economic power, and would result in the dissolution of the Soviet Union into a number of national states, even though today national states must be considered a thing of the past; not nationality but the so- ciological structure and the area of economic coordination charac- terizes the state. Next day reports were spread of a meeting of the Moscow City Committee of the Komsomol on the situation at the Lomonossov University. Reportedly the Kom. somol leaders tried at first to clar- ify whether these incidents should be considered a negative or a pos- itive phenomenon. TM_ member of the Moscow City Committee, Artemov, suggested that action should be taken against demagogues who go too far, but that the events should be considered positive since they could help in freeing the youth movement from its stagnation. Artemov, however, was unable to assert himself. The committee decided to "ad- vise" the Dean of the Lomonossov University to expel a number of See A LETTER, Page 18' By HARRIET BENNETT HAMME IT IS AMAZING, with the pre- ponderance of blank walls avail- able inside and outside in the United States today, that more architects don't take a hint from the past and adopt the mosaic to enhance their buildings. Or, if the architects have an abhorrence of the archaic, they might look at our near neighbors, the Mexicans, who within the last decade executed a ten-story mosaic mural at the Uni- versity of Mexico. Juan O'Gorman, whom James Norman describes as an "architect with a painters' eye and a painter with an architect's sensibilities," was given the task of "doing some- thing" with the top of the Univer- sity's library, whih was plain wall, massive, and a virtual skyscraper compared to its fellow campus buildings. This ten-story a r e a housed only library stacks so it lacked even the relief of windows, except for one small slit in the center of each floor. O'Gorman considered the problem and came up with the pebbled mosaic as the solution. He proceeded to create this mosaic made of indigenous crushed rock o various colors, and depicting the symbolic representa- tions of pre-Hispanic and colonial cultural history. Ivy-overed.... The Mexicans have always felt that some sort of art belongs to every building, so the task seemed neither preposterous nor impos- sible. The Americans might well have paused before taking on such a program, as we seem to favor blank white walls and sterile con- crete. Perhaps this is what prompt- ed Diego Rivera's caustic remark concerning Anglo-Saxon architec- ture-"The best thing they can do with it is to cover it with ivy." The mosaic is not restrictedto building exteriors, nor to the use of stone, nor is it peculiar to the Mexicans. It has been used in many ways, employing innumer- able materials, and been found in most cultures of the Eastern and Western world. Mosaic itself may be defined as the combination of~ different colored small pieces of hard substance, such as marble, stone, glass, ceramic tile and tes- serae (fragments), set in some sort of cement or mastic, forming a design which may be either a geo- metric pattern or a picture. The term "mosaic" in its broadest sense may even be used to include the art of cloisine and inlay, for it is difficult to tell where one stops (are the small pieces of jew- elry made of tiny precious stones set in cement miniature mosaics or cloisine?) and the other begins (is it correct to call the tables of India made of ivory and wood mo- saic, or inlay?). Since Early Times... THE ART of Mosaic was prac- ticed in Egypt from very early times, and later the Greeks became highly proficient mosaicists, even- tually its chief exponents. They used marble, and finally intro- duced glass tesserae. The Romans used it extensively on villa floors and pavements, and their tech- niques and designs, along with those of the Byzantine glass mo- saicists, form the classical basis of most of the mosaics of our time. The use of ceramic tesserae, or small pieces of tile, is, in my opinion, one of the most reward- ing because of the Twentieth Cen- tury's knowledge of klaze colors, textures, and durability of this ma- terial, and so will make up the major portion of this discussion.- Probably the earliest example of ceramic mosaic is the yellow ter- racotta of-Warka, Chaldea. This "cone ornamentation" has been found in the Ziggurat tower, where the upper part of the walls were decorated in panels with a mosaic of large clay cones, hbllow like vases, and sunk into mud plaster. An interesting effect was made by the white rims and dark shadows The Vibrance and Dynamic Quality Peculiar to This Medium Offer A Challenge to the Modern Artist of the interior, with the hollows taking the place of color in the design effect. In another building at Warka, red, black, and white pencil-like cones are found, and these form simple geometric pat- terns. It is thought perhaps these mosaics were more than decora- tive, having an architectural signi- ficance as a preservative for the mud plaster walls, for these cone mosaics formed an almost water-\ proof covering for the building. The cones were also excellent acoustically, for they break up an echo. Before the destruction of Baby- lon by Darius in 522 BC, enameled brick reliefs were used in mosaics. These date back to the time of Nebuchadnezzar, who adorned the city gate of Babylon with this type of decoration, dedicating it to the Goddess Ishtar. The reliefs were of dynamic animals, heads held high, proud and noble. One of the most interesting was the dragon of Babel, a monster part serpent, part panther, with taloned back legs, double-tongued head, and a scorpion sting at the end of its tail. Generally the animals were of two colors on a blue ground, tur- quoise, yellow and white predomin- ating. Segments of these glazes were examined in the laboratories in England and were found to be much like the vitreous coating or glaze colored by metallic oxides used by the Egyptians, and indeed employed today. Egyptian Glazes.. NOT ONLY were the beautiful turquoise glazes of the Egyp- tians, dating back to 500 BC, of note, but also the tiles themselves, often ribbed or having convex sur- faces. These textures added greatly to the decorative effect of the mosaic; reflecting the light in an unusual manner. Most of these wall mosaics seem to have been for decorative purposes only, and were used on temples, pyramid chambers, and palaces. In the Temple of Rameses III at Tel el Yehudia, the walls were revetted with porcelain tile picturing leg- ends and conquests of the mon- arch. Besides the use of flat tiles in the mosaics, small relief patterns of tiny rosettes measuring no more than three-eighths of an inch to four inches were employed, the- tiny details having been modeled on the clay before firing, -an afterwards painted. Heiroglyphs, See Cover Picture incised in the clay tile, were also' used in the make-up of the mosaic. The many kinds of tesserae were fixed into the wall by a fine cement, oftent the pressure of placing them individually pushing up cement between the pieces. In later mosaics this surplus of cement was used to enhance the overall effect, being painted in some instances gold to highlight the dark tiles, or a complimentary color, or merely -blackened so as not to detract from the picture itself. Spread to East-... Whether the art of decorative tilemaking originated in Babylon or Egypt, it apparently spread east to Persia, where it had come down in an almost unbroken tradition from the Chaldeans. The Persians developed a mosaic tile which, from the Fourteenth to the Seven- teenth Century, was used in some of the most beautiful polychrome decoration in existence. Large tiles of solid color were cut into small shapes, which were then assembled into rich and intricate patterns. The main color used was *a deep blue accented. by turquoise, with bits of saffron, rich black, and white used for outlining. The pre- dominance of the exquisite blue shades is undoubtedly due to the abundance of cobalt, the coloring agent, found near Kashan, where the good clay was procured. The beauty of the glazes was attributed to surface richness; the glaze ap- plied thickly enough to give the color great depth. Combined with this knowledge of glaze technique was their drawing skill, the two arts together making beautifully intricate mosaic walls possible, with fine detail of flowers painted on individual tiles placed side by side. As early as the Christian era the Persians learned the secret of "true glaze" - the use of clean white sand and soda (or wood ash of potash). These components produced splendid glazes with ex- cellent adhesion to the clay body. The brilliance of the surface of the glaze, plus the fine sensitivity evidenced in the drawings of the Persians, led them to be considered the best decorative artists in the world from the Eleventh to Seven- teenth Centuries. Persians Hid Flaws... THE LUSTRE of these tiles seems to have been developed by the Persians themselves, rather than an inheritance of ceramic tradition of other countries. Un- like their predecessors, the Chal- deans, who used mosaic as an ar- chitectural help, the Persians used their mosaics to hide flaws in the structure of their buildings. t' ,;? rf r. rr q li:lyi {$; TWO MOSAICS of small tes- serae, a Byzantine wall mosaic from Ravena (above) and a Twentieth Century table (right) made by Mrs. Hamme. She has used only ceramic tile tesserae and achieves the pattern of a woman's figure by using differ- ent glaze colors, hues and tex- tures. The Byzantine mosaic, made of many different materi- als, achieves a startlingly brilli- ant effect by employing a back- ground of gold tesserae. Both the Byzantine mosaicists (as far as we know) and Mrs. Hamme laid their pieces of tile individu- ally in a kind of cement accord- ing to a previous sketch. I' I _