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May 26, 1957 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-26

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SUNDAY, MAY 261195


Murray Gets Down to 'Grass Roots'

Final Exam



"You don't mind if I work, do
The young sandy-haired man
skilfully moved a ruler over a
large glossy photograph and made
a few quick notations on a scrap
of paper.
"This is called getting down to
the grass roots. What a picture!
Good Lord. They must have moved
the camera. Hot dog! It's going to
Final Computations
This scene took place about a
month or so ago when Brownson
Murray. '57, was making a few last
minute finished computations for
the 1957 Michiganensian as editor
and "general flunky."
Working in his student publica-
tions office which, in a moment of
chaotic flurry, he dubbed "Trauma,
Incorporated," the 21-year-old eco-
nomics major has spent many a
day AND night directing the oper-
ations of the year book staff.
He bent over his appropriately-

DEEP MEDITATION-Brownson Murray, retiring 'Ensian editor,
vacillates between quiet, meditative moods and hilarious, loquaci-
ous ones.

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(Continued from Page 4)

. land; UnderGrad Women - Lester, 900
Oakland; Osterweil, 338 E. Jefferson;
Grad Women - Mark VIII, 917 S. For-
est; Stevens, 816 S. Forest. Contact:
Student Activities Building, 8-6872.
Faculty Members and University Em-
ployees: The Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics extends to the
Faculty and to full-time University em-
ployees the privilege of purchasing Ath-
letic Cards.
Those eligible to purchase:
1. University Faculty and Administra-
tive Officers.
2. Faculty members who 'have been
retired, but still retain faculty.
3. Employees on the University pay-
roll who have appointments or con-
tracts on a full-time yearly basis;
or, if on an hourly basis, are full-
time employees and have been em-
ployed by the University for a peri-
od of not less than twelve months
prior to the date of application for
the purchase of an Athletic Card.
The date shown on the Employee's
University.Identification Card shall
be considered as the date of em-
4. For spouses and dependent chil-
dren between the ages of 10 and 18
of the above groups.
Cost of. athletic card -- $15.00.
Purchase date:
1. At Ferry Field Ticket Office begin-
Ing June 3.
2. Preference for location expires
August 10.
3. Additional Season Ticket purchase
privilege (limit 2) expires August
Conditions and Privileges:
1. Athletic Cards or Tickets are not
2. Ticket privileges end with termina-
tion of employment with the Uni-
versity and no refunds or rebates
W1Ill be made.
3. Football tickets issued on Athletic
Cards will be stamped. Faculty
members pust have their Univer-
sity Identification Cards; ' and
spouses and dependents must have
their athletic cards together with
their football tickets to gain ad-
mission at the gate.
4. Faculty members and employees
who purchase Athletic Cards will
receive a reserved seat at each home
football. game and general admis-
mission to basketball, track, wrest-
ling and baseball, as long as seats
are available.
Pla ys
Francis Lederer, Joan McCracken and
Tamara Geva star in the Drama Sea-
son's third play, "The Sleeping Prince"
which opens tomorrow night in the
Lydia , Mendelssohn Theatre. Running
Mon. through Sat. nights, there will
be matinees Thurs. and Sat. at 2:30
p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Men-
delssohn box office, open week days
10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Student Recital Postponed: The or-
gan recital by. Ronald Dean, previously
announced for Sunday afternoon, May
26, in Hill Auditorium, has been post-
poned until Tues., June 4, at 8:30 p.m.
Student Recital: Irving Ennis, tenor,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic,. at 8:30 p.m. on Sun., May 26, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall. Works by Beetho-
ven, Wolf, Cilea, Duparc, Pierne, Ber-
lioz, Fourdraln, and Vaughan Williams.
Clark Bedford, pianist, and Robert
Rickman, violist, will acocmpany him.
Ennis is a pupil of Chase Baromeo.
Open to the public.

Student Recital. Charles Schaefer, or-
ganist, will play compositions by Bach,
Langlais, and Widor, at 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
May 27, in Hill Auditorium, in lieu of
a thesis for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic (Music Education). Schaefer studies
with Marilyn Mason Brown, and his re-
cital will be open to the public.
Student Recital: Jerry Langenkamp,
tenor, assisted by Joyce Noh, piano,
rlyn Perlman, first violin, Margaret
W'est, second violin, Rocco Gioa, viola,
and Velma Streicher, cello, 8:30 p.m.
Tues., May 28, in Aud. A, Angell Hall;
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music. Lan-
genkamp is a pupil of Chase Baromeo,
and the recital will be open to the
Academic Notices
Students, all Schools and Colleges.
The Office of Registration and Rec-
ords urges that all students who have
applied for or expect to apply for
work with either the Fall '57 Regis-
tration or Orientation Programs se-
cure approval of new course elections
as soon as the school or college will
allow. This action will be to your ad-
vantage and ithat of the Counseling,
Orientation and Registration projects.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative June gradu-
ates from the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, and the 'School of
Education for departmental honors (or
high honors in the College of L.S.&A)
should recommend such students in a
letter delivered to the Office of Regis-
tration and Records, Room 1513 Ad-
ministration Building, by noon, Mon.,
June 10. 1957
Attention JuneGraduates: College
of Literature, Science and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health,. and School of
Business Ardministration: Students are
advised not to request grades of I or X
in June. When such grades are abso-
lutely imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow your in-
structor to report the make-up grade
not later than noon, Mon., June 10,
1957. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
Room Assignments for Final Exam-
inations, English 1 and 2, Fri., May 31,
2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
English I: Bond, 229 AH; Eastman,
2407 MH; Grollman, 212 AH; Hutton,
1429 MH; Jackson, 102 Econ.; Kleine,
1433 MH; Quackenbush, 229 AH; Sando-
val, 102 Econ; Stanwood, 3 Tap., Wells,
3011 AH.
English II: Aivaz, 2082 NS; Barrett,
2215 AH; Brown, 3017 AH; Burns, 215
Econ; Carr, 1020 AH; Cooper, Aud. B,
AH; Cox, 103 Econ.; Downer, 3023 AH;
Duclos, 231 AH; English, 451 MH; Fan-
ger, 2440 MH; Fisher, Aud. C, AH; Gin-
din, 2203 AH; Grace, 231 AH; Graham,
110 Tap.; Green, Aud. C, AH; Hago-
plan, 203 Econ.; Hart, 1025 AH; Howes,
2412 MH; Hughes, 207 Econ.; Huitsing,

2408 MH; Isles, 2029 AH; Kennedy, 2037
AH; Kinney, 2029 AH; Kleinberg, Aud.
B, AH; LaBranche, 1025 AH; Lid, Aud.
A, AH; McGhee, 2014 AH; Manierre,
2016 AH; Mathes, 3209 AH; May, 4054
NS; Miller, Aud. D, AH; Millgate, 1025
AH; Morden, 2439 MH; Morillo,- Aud.
B, AH; Muehl,-2235 AH; Nicholson, Aud.
A, AH; Orlin, 2235 AH; Paskoff, Aud. D,
AH; Rhodes, 231 AH; Levin, 2225 AH;
Russell, 1025 AH; Schuteer, 2054 NS;
Seward, 1018 AH; Shafer, Aud. D, AH;
Smith, 202 Econ.; Spilka, 1408 MH; Ste-
vens, 447 MH; TerMaat, 5 Econ.; Thack-
rey, 2225 AH; Wall, And. A, AR; Ware-
-ham, 2042 NS; Wasserman, 2231 AH; D.
Weimer, 225 AH; J. Weimer, 33 AH;
Whelan, 2235 AH; White, 1007 AH;
Wiebe, Aud. A, AH; Wigod, Aud. A, AH;
Williamson, 101 Econ.; Wykes, 33 AH;
Yosha, 101 Econ.; Bloom, 209 AH; Clug-
ston, 2223 AH; Lid, 2435 MH:
Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. G. G.
Lorentz will lecture on "Some Appli-
cations of Separation Theorems of Con-
vex Sets," on Tues., May 28 at 4:10
p.m. in Room 3011, Angell Hall. Coffee
and tea in Room 3212, Angell Hall at
3:45 p.m.
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar.
Dr. J. T. Stuart of the National Physi-
cal Laboratory, Teddington, England,
will talk on "Non-linear Theories of
Hydrodynamic Stability," Mon., May
27 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1042, East En-
gineering Building.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
Bryce Tysver, Mathematics; thesis: "In-
herent Errors in Matrices with Statis-
tical Applications", Mon., May 27, East
Council Room, Rackham Building, at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer.
Doctoral Examination for G. Robina
Quale, History; thesis: "The Mission
Compound in Modern China: The Role
of the United States Protestant Mis-
sion as an Asylum in the Civil and In-
ternational Strife of China, 1900-1941"',
Mon., May 27, 3609 Haven Hall, at 11:00
a.m. Chairman, J. W. Hall.
Placement Notices
Naval Officers to present officer pro-
grams on May 28 and 29 in Mason Hall
Lobby. LTJG R. R. Randall from the
Office of Naval Officer Procurement,
Detroit, Michigan will be present to
provide information on all Naval Pro-
grams which lead to a commission, pri-
marily, the 16 week Officer Candidate
School (OCS) program.
Representatives from the U.S. Naval
Air Station, Grosse Ile, Michigan will
present information on all Naval Avia-
tion programs which lead to a com-
Depending on the educational back-
ground, the programs offer college
graduates and students who have com-
pleted two years of college, the oppor-
tunity to satisfy their military obliga-
tion as a Naval officer on active duty.
There are also programs available for
men who plan to enter a professional
The Officer Qualiifcation Test will.be
administered during the visit. This is
the only written test required for ad-
mission to OCS.

cluttered desk and. still working
with his ruler, mumbled, "I'll get
five inches up here and he's still
got a head on him Very nice."
Picks Up Mail
Pushing the picture, ruler and
computations a s i d e, Brownson
picked up his unopened mail, re-
garded it for a moment and quick-
ly shoved it into a drawer.
"I'm not going to open any of
this mail until the book comes olt,"
he explained. "Just people scream-
ing at me ... usually write just to
call me horrible names."
Brownson certainly doesn't think
the yearbook was all "trauma,"
however. With the finished prod-
uct, all 512 pages of it, comes "a
tremendous amount of satisfac-
Can't Comprehend 'U'
"As far as the University itself
goes, I wouldn't pretend to com-
prehend it. It's too vast. I don't
even think President Hatcher does.
"Working on the 'Ensian per se,
however, gives you an idea of the
scope, size and complexity of the
University - but not much insight
into any one part of it. We get a
universal knowledge, not a provin-
cial one."
He stared a moment at the droo-
dles he had been making on the
paper, then Brownson penciled a
large "30" under them and turned
back to his picture and his ruler.
Plays, Opera
To Comprise
New Playbill
The 1957 Summer Playbill of the
speech department will feature five
productions, including an opera,
during the Summer Session.
The popular farce "Charley's
Aunt," by Brandon Thomas, will
open the summer season with four
performances, July 2-5. The open
verse version of Moliere's "The
School for Wives" by Miles Malle-
son will be presented July 9-12.
"The Desperate Hours," Joseph
Hayes suspense drama, is sched-
uled for July 23-26. In connection
with the summer session theme,
Asian Culture and the Modern
American, Ethel vander Veers.
translation of the traditional Chi-
nese play "The Circle of Chalk"
will be presented July 3-Aug. 2.
Smetana's comic opera, "The
Bartered Bride," will be presented
as the final production of the sea-
son by the speech department and
the music school Aug. 7-10.
Prof. Jack E. Bender, of the
speech department, will direct
"Charley's Aunt" and "The Des-
perate Hours." Returning to the
Department of Speech after a year
in England andEurope, Prof. Wil-
liam P. Halstead will direct "The
School for Wives" and "The Cir-
cle of Chalk."
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton, of the
speech department, and Prof. Jo-
sef Blatt, of the music school, will
combine their directorial duties to
produce the opera, "The Bartered
Tryouts for "Charley's Aunt"
will be held Monday and Tuesday
in the Temporary Classroom Build-
ing. All students registered for the
1957 Summer Session are eligible.
Law Editor Picked
Robert J. Hoerner, '58L, was
named editor-in-chief of the
Michigan Law Review today fol-
lowing his election by the faculty .
of the law school.

The -end of the semester has
rolled around again.
Thoughts of vacations have
been pushed aside by the pressure
of nearing final examinations.
Student attraction for text-
books, which may have been dor-
mant throughout the semester,
suddenly increases.,o Books which
have been -gathering dust are
taken off shelves and pored over
by students trying to digest all
the details of a course's subject
Sales of coffee and No Doze soar
as students grasp their last oppor-
tunities to learn before they walk
into the examination room. 1
Methods Vary
Methods of studying vary from,
student to student.
Some prefer the privacy of theirj
own rooms and the convenience
of having all their books and pa-
pers right on hand.
Other students find the quiet
and atmosphere of knowledge
available in campus libraries give
them the initiative for thorough
studying r-
Language laboratory records
whirl on turntables as students
listen to dialogues and practice
writing dictated phrases.

Phot eature
Story by
Pictures by

'BURIED IN THE BOOKS-Student reviews semester's learning.

The fine arts museum becomes
a home for those viewing the
paintings they were supposed to
study during the semester.
Combine Dates
Coffee dates and study are com-
bined as couples tote their books
to the League or Union snackbars
and review material, oblivious to
noise around them.
Taking advantage of warm
weather and bright sunshine,
many students take a book and
blanket to the nearest stretch of
grass or the Arboretum to spend
the day in silent seclusion.
Whatever the time, place or
method of studying, the reason is
always the same. Students are
making a final attempt to equal
their textbooks in knowledge.

. .



ATMOSPHERE OF KNOWLEDGE-Students flock to libraries with enough books and papers-to keep them busy all day.





Highest Prices

with this easy Clip-Out-and-Mail Form
__ _ .. _---_...- ...__ __ -_ _ -_
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
I would like to receive the Daily during the summer. I 1
will not be billed until' the summer.

PRACTICE DICTATIOlJ--Language laboratory records are worn
out' during finals week.

COFFEE BREAK--Books accompany students to Union and
League coffee dates.






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