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May 26, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-26

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SUNDAY, MAY 26,1957


'Little Caesar' Battled Misquotes, Typos

"There is absolutely no excuse
for not doing your assignment,"
the City Editor snapped. "You
know your first responsibility is to
The Daily; you've got a job to do
and you're supposed to be doing
The young reporter pulled her
lower lip back against her teeth
and walked out of the office. Right
now she felt miserable, but in a
few moments City Editor Lee
Marksmwould take her out for
coffee at the Union and calm h'er
down: it was all part of the tech-
Marks took out a cigarette, lit it,
puffed once or twice; then he put
it out.I
Marks tightened his Bermuda
shorts and. removed a tranquilizer
from the little brown bottle on his,

equinox. He swallowed the tran-
Soon Marks would be further
upset, for more observant editors
were to point out an additional two
misquotes. It was all too, too ter-
rible; but as City Editor, Marks
was responsible to the public.
.The Big Switch
Editor Marks is now editor only
technically; his Daily job has been
taken over by a new man, and
Marks is preparing to wind up his
undergraduate career at Michigan.
After four years on The Daily,
he is moving on to a seige in
Harvard Law School, and leaving
behind the memories of a student
life more often savage than schol-
arly. . -
But never let it be said Marks
has ignored the academic pursuits
of Michigan. He is currently a
student in the philosophy honors
program, a position he has filled
for the past year.
Before that he was taking a
business administration degree, but
as Managing Editor of last sum-
mer's Daily, he found cffeine and
copypaper don't mix with cost
One friend remembers it like
this. "There was Lee on a torrid
July night figuring out the three-
part sludge process, pickling, bot-
tling and labeling. He just wasn't
made for that sort of thing, so he
decided to try philosophy."
"There are bigger things in life
than sludge," Marks explains.
,Actually, most of Marks' ac-
quaintances found his sophistic
arguing technique his only na-
tural link with philosophy, but
when, about mid-fall, he began
discussing epiphenomenalism and
its relation to the emotive theory
of ethics for his honor's paper
("There's nothing bigger than the
emotive theory"), they conceded
the switch was justified.
The Big Scoop
But courses have always come
second to The .Daily for Marks,
and, at the drop of a bullet lead,
old-timers will tell how Marks
maneuvered his way to a top posi-
- - 'f

tion, how, in his sophomore year, you want to do with a girl is

he surreptitiously acquired the'
hospital beat ("I was actually
talked into it but no one believes
it") and was the first reporter in
the country to print the results of
Salk Vaccine tests.
For months, Marks was the
paper's chief medical consultant,
and one editor insisted he had
studied the polio material enough
to pass a medical school examina-
As City Editor during the past
year, Marks worked hard and long.
He ran his job with such trigger-
like precision that he was soon
dubbed tLittle Caesar in recogni-
tion of his autocratic attitude and
5'6", 140-pound frame.
Marks notes "My biggest trouble
was that the job required enormous
efficiency, and by nature I'm sheer
chaos." Friends agree, but they
quickly point out what he lacked
in efficienicy he made up in energy.
Now that the junior editors have
become senior editors, and Marks
is only a fulltime student, he is
remembered with fondness by
those who criticized his demands
only a few months ago.
"The best thing about being an
ex-City Editor is that all the peo-
ple who thought you were a slave-
driver a month ago decide that
you're not so bad after all and it's
the new City Editor who's unbear-
Marks comments with reverie,
"It's all part of the job. I learned
a lot." So did his staff.
The Big Man
Humorous stories about Marks
are many. For example, he once
refused to accept the report on his
NROTC Medical Examination stat-
ing he was under 5'6". He demand-
ed another measurement, and
hounded Health Service until he
came out the desired height.
And as spartment gourmet he
traded recipies with leading faculty
wives for months, acquiring along'
the way savored rules for making
chocolate-roll dessert and zabilone.
As part of his Daily job, Marks
always wore a coat and tie. Ac-
cordingly, he showed up for dates
in khakis and a T-shirt. "Dating
is a terrible institution anyway."
Marks prefers going to his apart-
ment, turning on the redzand-blueI
lights for atmosphere, and listen-
ing to music with his dates.
"After a week at The Daily, all

relax." F r i e n d s are dubious.
"Dating more than one girl at a
time is a tedious affair." But he
has yet to settle down.
He has been a member of Sphinx
and Michigamua and once was a
part of Pi Lambda Phi until, along
with a switch in academic major,
he decided to withdraw from fra-
ternity life. ("fraternities are won-
derful for sophomores.")
Right now Marks is relaxing,
picnicking, doing term papers, and
reading books "for no course, just
because I like to read."
Possessed of more nerves than a
centipede, Marks has adjusted to
the quiet life of a student with re-
markable ease. He will be traveling
in Europe this summer and will
star'. law school in the fall.

Regents OK
Extension by 800 feet of the
instrument landing runway at
Willow Run Airport was formally
approved by the Regents yester-
The Regents authorized $55,000
for improvements, to be added to
$45,000 already authorized to be
spent on the University-owned air-
The money is to come from
funds paid the University by the
company operating the airport by
The total $100,000 University
appropriation is expected to be
matched by another $100,000 to be
appropriated by the Legislature,
which in turn would be matched
by a $200,000 grant by the federal
Expenditure of the money by
the Regents is dependent on ex-
pected state and federal aid.



Star ofSleeping Prince"
Calls Production 'Delightful"

-Daily-Robert Schneider
AFTER-taking life easy
desk. He was dreadfully upset.
Yesterday's paper was spread- out
before him, a maze of red correc-
tion marks.
There were 12 - grammatical
errors, 31 typographical errors, 14
misspellings, t h r e e important
stories missing, four misquotes and
a ridiculous poem on the latest

"'The Sleeping Prince' can be
an extremely delightful play,"
Francis Lederer said.
He opens in the new Terence
Rattigan comedy tomorrow eve-
ning in the- Lydia Mendelssohn
Although the romantic comedy
was well received on the West
Coast this past winter, the male
lead in the forthcoming play com-
mented there is no definite way
to predict a success.
"Nobody can predict the success
of a play. It depends upon a num-
ber of things-even the weather,"
he laughed. When it comes to
choosing a successful play, all
actors are like gamblers he said.
"The Sleeping Prince" is the
first part the Czechoslovakian
born actor has ever played in a
play by Terence Rattigan. Ulike
many actors, the dark-haired Led-
erer has no favorite part. "I like
every part I do," he said.
Since the beginning of his thea-
trical career at 12, Lederer has
acted in everything from tragedy
to musicals. He has acted in
almost every Shakespearean play.
Lederer also has an amazing
ability to learn languages. "I can
play any part in any language
with a maximum of six weeks
training," he remarked. He has


... "delightful" play

is Outline Time a
Use our condensed

1 Ili

OOMPH-Two brawny behemoths of the gridiron (circa 1908) struggle for the honor of the team
and their university. During the 1920's H. Fielding Yost's teams scored an average of a point a
minute in their games.
BgBlue Has Changed in 50 Years





1957-58 SCHEDULE
Nov. 23 ... .Combined Concert, Ohio State
March 1 .... Gulantics-
May 10 ... Spring Concert

acted in Czech,hGerman, English,
French, Spanish and Hungarian
speaking roles.
S oNotices
Michigan Union: Senior Table carv-
ing will extend through the end of
the semester; a table is reserved in the
South Cafeteria; carving tools may be
picked up at the basement check room
by leaving ID cards there until tools
are returned.
* * *
Russian Circle, May 27, 8:00, Inter-
natioilal Center. Program will be a
play, after which officers for next year
will be elected and refreshments will
be served,
University of Michigan Folk Dancers;
last meeting of semester: all request
program, May 27, 7:30-10:00, Lane Hall.
Lutheran Student Association, base-
ball at Burns' Park at 5:00, picnic at the
Center at 6:30, May 26.
Graduate Outing Club, hike and sup-
per, May 26, 2:00, Rackham.
The Congregational and Disciples
Student Guild, picnic outing, May 26,
5:30, meet at the Guild House.
Folklore Society, May 27, 3-G Union,
all members please attend.

"The Big Blue 'U', she ain't what
she used to be," is the impression
gained from a scrapbook given The
Daily by an old grad.
Student riots, interclass warfare
and "segregation" of male and
female students are among the
subjects of-Daily articles faithfully
clipped by Charles H. Haentjens,
'08, during his college days in Ann
The pages of this scrapbook
carry the reader back 50 years to
the days when: the University was
the-nation's largest; Coach Field-
ing Yost's "point-a-minute" teams
ruled the gridiron; the "b a r n
dance" craze swept into Ann Arbor
from the East, appearing even at
the J-Hop; the first Union Opera
show was called an "unqualified
success" by The Daily, and visiting
speakers included Booker T. Wash-
ington, William Jennings Bryan
and Senator Robert M. La Follette,
Raid Theatre
In those days as now, student
rioting "publicized" the University
on fron~t pages across the country.
The night before the raid on the
Star Nickel Theatre, which lead to
the arrest of 15 students, the house
officer had ejected a student from
the audience for whistling and
scuffing his feet.
As they passed the manager, that
worthy gentleman allegedly said,
"That's right, officer, throw the
hound out," The Daily reported.
The student slapped the man-
ager and received in turn a blow
from the officer's night-stick.
The next evening 800 to 900
students gathered on Washington
Street in front of the theatre, and,
The Daily reports, "showed why
they were there by singing 'we're
here because we're here because
we're here, because we're here!'"

This done, they proceeded' spon-
taneously but enthusiastically to
the business at hand.
Electric Piano Destroyed
Lights on the marquee were ex-
tinguished by bricks, windows
"crushed in," and the front door
broken down. A few chairs were
demolished anid scenery removed
from the stage, but the outstanding
accomplishment was the total de-
struction of an electric piano.
, The next day a 'U' professor
sagely noted that all those arrested
weighed less than 125 pounds, and
"Uncle Jimmy," custodian of the
library coat room, said that the
riot was nothing compared to those
after the war between the states.
Women's Housing
One of the problems women stu-
dents faced in those days was
housing, and a mass meeting was
held to urge residence halls for
women. The Daily recorded the
following statement by a coed; who
believed few friends were made in
rooming houses:
"Of course we would not like to
give up the unrestrained life that
we lead now and be limited to the
old-fashioned dormitory system.
Another favorite activity on
campus, also well-chronicled by
The Daily, was the rivalry between

underclassmen. A week of skir
mishing terminated in the "rush,"
in which the sophomores defended
their flag against the attacking
freshmen's 3-minute onslaught.
Alliterated Challenge
The sophomore class issued a
challenge to their opponents as the
period began, as exemplified by this
specimen of alliteration from 1960:
"Ye Freshmen, Attention!
"Foolish Freaks of Frightened
Forget your Farmer Fathers
and the Farm,
And Fall Fore the Floating flag
of Free Fellowship.
"Run, ye Rotten Rabble of
Rumpled Rummies,
Before the Royal Rule of the
Rippling, Rollicking,
Remarkable Class of 1909.
"On and Out of the Orbs of Our
Oscillating Optical Organs,
ye Ossified Orang Outangs.
"Skiddo, ye Sappy Suckling
Simpletons and Salaam to
the Surpassing Supremacy
of the Swarthy Sophomores.
"Hike and Hunt, ye Hopeless,
Hungry Hoosiers, and
Humble yourselves to the
following rules; of the
Husky Host of Honored


:; .


Ulrich's Bookstore


Opening Monday at 8:30 P.M.

B T Nin the deli

ghtful romantic comedy

;'r S

.... ... .....W.. ....n..."......:p~yy'..u.'u.u n4Y...1
,1 1


HUP TWO THREE-Michigan coeds of a bygone age keep limber
and well exercised as they practice their calisthenics in Barbour
Co e
of California
for juniors
You'll treasure-hunt
no more after you
discover what
Cole has for you!
Shape-making plaid
Lastex in a cuffed
shorts swimsuit
with solid color
trim ...shape-
assuring inner





"THE SLEEPING PRINCE is engaging and amusing. Terence.Rattigan is England's fore-

Gossard boneless companions of elastic net with
a pretty satin elastic front. Gently hugs the midriff
with a stay-put waistband. White. Medium length,

mn a, rann 4s,r-m arn r~ ~i ..n ., a.nLka.

,. ir n rl 11.c 1 r KIV P c

11 Im.Js I...UIILemIp'.&UIy jjiaywrtiLII I. --icnara.EIwoosL, jr., w. T. rJsr 11

i i

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