"Shouldn't We Have Reins Or Something On It?" Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER ECKSTEIN SigmaKappa Deadline Should Not Extend Beyond Fall of 1957 STUDENT Government Council tonight de- cides what action to take on its Dec. 5 ruling that Sigma Kappa is in violation of University regulations prohibiting discrimina- tion. .When it was faced with the problem two months ago, SGC had two conflicting criteria by which to judge the national sorority: policy statements that said they didn't discriminate and actions which indicated they did. The Council in effect ignored the sorority said and judged by what it did. Any action tonight which permits Sigma Kappa to resolve the issue by simple state- ments of policy will contradict the reasoning behind the initial judgement. The Council has already, by virtue of its Dec. 5 decision, implicitly indicted the national officers for acting in bad faith by practicing discrimination while affirming a policy of non- discrimination. T HAS BEEN suggested in recent weeks that local Sigma Kappa should be given a chance to work within the National to effect changes in policy, and that the Council must be fair to University coeds involved. There is no disagreement with this in prin- ciple, but Council members should be wary of the emotional undertones. The Council's primary obligation here is to enforce its rules -and it is in this context that fairness to the local chapter must be considered. Accepting the principle that the local chap- ter should have an opportunity to work within its National, Council discussion tonight can be expected to center around two points: 1) Should SGC give Sigma Kappa until next fall to resolve its problem before withdrawing recognition or should it wait until the fall of 1958, following the regularly scheduled nation- al convention? 2) Should the sorority be *permitted to ac- tivate its present pledges? EFFECTING a change in policy, of the sort that could be initiated by undergraduates, requires, a national convention. Sorority offi- cials claim it would be difficult, if not impos- sible, to schedule a convention this summer. Despite the National's claim that it cannot hold a national convention this summer the Council would be unwise to delay final action until the fall of 1958. The Negro girl at Cornell (suspension by the National of the Cornell chapter for pledg- ing a Negro caused the controversy on this campus) graduates in June, 1958. This means the National can reinstate the Cornell chap- ter, reaffirm a policy of non-discrimination, and never have to accept a Negro affiliate. In other words, by the summer of 1958 the one practical and obvious way for Sigma Kappa to demonstrate good faith with SGC regula- tions will be gone. TVE VIOLATION was not a "one-shot" af- fair like a theft or a drunken binge. It is a continuing violation - the sorority acts in bad faith every day it holds the Cornell chap- ter in suspension. Waiting until the fall of 1958, then, commits the University to association for a year-and- a-half with a group whose policies it forbids. For these reasons we are opposed to wait- ing beyond next fall to give the local a chance to work within its National. Sigma Kappa's accounts of the difficulties involved in holding a national convention this summer are very likely exaggerated to prey on the emotional attitudes of Council mem- bers. Experience with these national officers does not encourage ready acceptance of what they say at face value. Certainly it will be inconvenient to hold a convention. But if the choice is one of incon- veniencing Sigma Kappa or hamstringing SGC, then the fact that Sigma Kappa is wholly re- sponsible for the difficulties it faces should determine the issue. THE ARGUMENTS for permitting Sigma Kappa to continue rushing are that it must be a strong house with good morale if it is to work effectively at changing the National's policy, and, having let the pledges rush in the fall, SGC is obligated to let them activate. Opposed to this is the moral consequence of permitting more coeds to affiliate with an organization whose policies are unethical by University standards. That Sigma Kappa's po- sition on campus was in jeopardy was made very clear during rushing. The coeds that pledged knew the risk they ran. The regulation Sigma Kappa violated was a moral one - to let the present pledges activate makes a mock- ery of the moral significance of the regulation. We urge, then, that SGC deny Sigma Kappa the right to activate its pledges and set Sept- ember, 1957, as the date for withdrawing rec- ognition if the National has given no concrete evidence of a change in membership policy. It should be noted that, having found a vio- lation, the Council would be acting reasonably if it immediately withdrew recognition. Any delay to give the local chapter a chance to work out its problems is lenient, though jus- tified. Whatever SGC does tonight, it will have to act consistently with the logic implied in its Dec. 5 resolution and by reason rather than emotion. The regulation is a good one-it cannot be lost for lack of strength to face the unpleasant task of enforcing it. -LEE MARKS City Editor Committee Inactivity Justifies Doubts INTER-HOUSE COUNCIL Praesidium estab- listed two parallel committees, December 13, one student and one staff, to make a food study following-up the completed work of house service committees. Neither committee has done a thing. That the staff group hasn't acted is partially understandable. Certainly it is distasteful for one group of University employees to investi- gate another, especially when the Resident Adviser is on a low rung of the administrative ladder. If his superiors resist such a study, and they undoubtedly would, there is little he can do. However, the student committee, with its own interest at stake, has no reason for in- action. Yet, the committee hasn't even held a meeting. This gives those in the administration who have little faith in student government justi- fication for their doubts. The administration should withhold student government responsi- bilities if students cannot follow through on tasks which are self-imposed. Any student committee which fails to act, and IHC has several of these, does far more harm than the immediate failure of their ob- jectives. -RICHARD TAUB THE RIGHT TO READ: Detroit Bureau Censors Obscenity LETTERS to the EDITOR Wrong Alan ... To the Editor: A SERIOUS mistake of fact mars Mr. Dygerts recent essay, "The Political Scene" (Daily Mag- azine, Feb. 7.) According to Mr. Dygert, . . . the Republican Party of Illinois was embarrassed by the discovery that its state treasurer had found a way to benefit from high taxes." I assume Mr. Dygert intended to refer to the disclosure that the state auditor, Orville E. Hodge, had diverted to his personal bene- fit some one and one-half million dollars, money which had been appropriated by the legislature for the management of the auditor's office. The expose culminated in the conviction of Hodge, who is now serving concurrent state and federal sentences ranging up to twenty years. It is to be emphasized that Hodge held the office of state auditor, not state treasurer. Mr. Dygert's error does grave injus- tice to former treasurer Warren E. Wright, who was in no way impli- cated. On one point, however, Mr. Dygert was quite correct. The Republican Party was embarrass- ed, a discomfort compounded by certain Irreverents, who during the recent campaign suggested that in Illinois the G.O.P. now means: "Get Orville Pardoned." It should be added that although Republicans were returned to major state offices, no shortening of Hodge's incarceration appears imminent. -Mort Berfield '58 George or Tom? . . To the Editor: IN YOUR issue of Feb. 9 was printed an article by the Asso- ciated Press entitled "Ike's Policy to Widen U.S. Protection. In it were the words "entangling alli- ances" supposedly from George Washington's Farewell Address. I believe the correct words were "permanent alliances" referred to by Washington, as quoted by Bartlett's. It was Thomas Jeffer- son who said "entangling allian- ces". --Charles Dooley '60 Dissonance?, . To the Editor: AFTER reading the review of "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" in the .February 12 Daily, I have finally taken it upon my- self to express sympathy for those of The Daily who seem no longer able to enjoy or to find anything good in a movie that comes to Ann Arbor. Being only a lowly freshman, of course my limited learning is not comparable to that of The Daily's critics. I confess that I have not had the pleasure of reading all the reviews that have been printed in The Daily since September, '56, but I have read many of them. I have yet to find in any that I have read, an opinion of the re- viewer that was more favorable than unfavorable. Referring to two reviews which especially irked me, I would like to show the difference between The Daily review and that of Time magazine. The two movies are "Giant" and "The Barretts of Wimpole Street." Both of these were cut to shreds by The Daily critics. Time maga- zine gave a very favorable review to both, listed them as choice movies, and called "Giant" the "best production out of Hollywood this year." There seem to be discrepancies among the critics. Admittedly, this is to be expected although perhaps not so great a dissonance. When the gap is so great and it lies be- tween the professional and the non-professional, I, for one, would rather listen to the professional and urge the non-professional, the less experienced critic, to examine himself closely and see if perhaps he is not wrong. -John A. Roberts, '60 (Editor's Note: Last of a two part series discussing freedom to read as affected by obscenity laws and insti- tutions, today's article examines an arm of the law which has caused Detroit to be labeled "the censor- ship capital fo the United States"-- the Detroit Police Censorship Bureau. By JAMES ELSMAN Daily Staff Writer THE ONLY PEOPLE in Detroit who can read "dirty and ob- scene" books are 14 men in Inspec- tor Melville E. Bullach's Police Censorship Bureau. Two months ago they read whole paragraphs of four-letter words, about the homosexuality, bedroc.'i scones, prostitution, and adultry of the 400-set in John O'Hara's "Ten North Frederick."sBullach, a Michigan State University grad- uate in forestry, and his staff de- cided the sex emphasis wasn't necessary to O'Hara's literary in- tent and they labeled it "objec- tionable," which resulted in its removal from Detroit bookstands. How does the Censorship Bureau work? From reading the Detroit papers a clear understanding of the situation is nearly impossible, Detroit police do not "ban" books. They do 'advise" book distributors whether or not they are likely to violate the state obscenity statute by putting a book on their shelves. To make this work administra- tively, distributors submit tleir wares to Bullach's bureau before they send them to the outlets. If the bureau finds a "dirty" book they consult with the City Prose- cutor and he usually concurs, giv- ing the book a legal opinion of "objectionable." This opinion is then shown to the distributor, in- forming him of his risk of vio- lating state law by distributing the book. * * * NO DISTRIBUTOR must hold back a book on the advice of the police and the prosecutor. Only when the prosecutor chooses to take the .case to court, and the judge finds against the distributor is a book "banned" in Detroit. By choice of Detroit distributors this advisory opinion has been, in effect, a ban. One of the large distributors told The Daily, "Al- though we could probably sellquestion-the legality of the De- more books if we didn't follow the advice of the Bureau, for the money involved it isn't worth taking a chance of violating state law." Which brings up an interesting point: while all corners of the United Statesc have labeled the Bureau as tyrannous, few people in Detroit object to it, not even the distributors. The Bureau was instituted in 1949 upon pressure from "PTA groups, the American Legion, and religious groups" re- ports Bullach. These groups have remained vigilant since 1949 and represent the concensus of organ- ized community opinion today, cheerleading for the Bureau throughout public attacks. * * * BEFORE ANY person in Ann Arbor criticizes the Detroit Bureau he should look under his own nose. Even in the Athens of the Mid- West the freedom to read is cur- tailed, revealed a local bookstore owner "by the police who drop in periodically with lists of objec- tionable books." The word from one policeman is that other Michigan cities with censorship arrangements are halt- ing operations, waiting for the courts to resolve "the Detroit thing." Michigan cities and their cen- sorship arrangements operate un- der an antiquated 1931 statute, declaring it criminal to possess or sell any printed matter which tends "to incite minors to violent or depraved or immoral acts, manifestly tending to the corrup- tion of the morals of youth." This statute is being tested be- fore the Supreme Court of the United States at present. In a staged case, a policeman bought "The Deil Rides Outside" in a Detroit bookstore and the state brought suit against the merchant, claiming a violation of the state obscenity law. The Court hasn't given any opinion in the Butler case as yet. While the Butler case questions the legality of the state statute. the censorship of O'Hara's book has encouraged another legal troit Censorship Bureau. Bennett Cerf and his Random House Inc. art sueing the city and the police on this voint now. They say Bul- lach and his Bureau exceded their authority in advising distributors, arguing that their legal job is only to arrest a person who has been judged in violataion of Mich- igan's obscenity statute. ANOTHER QUESTION that is pertinent to the O'Haha incident is this: hasn't the statute been violated also when hardcover books are banned, thus keeping them out of the hands of adults, too. The law exists only for the protection of children. Previous philosophy had been that juve- niles couldn't afford the "dirty" hard-cover books and therefore they needn't be banned. This indi- cates a change in the scope of the ban which Bullach can't explain adequately. However, this isn't the Bureau's first entrance into the adult area. They censor parts of plays and motion pictures now. In short, they are a Ministry of Culture. It is easy to cite the Constitu- tion and condemn the Bureau as something un-American and tyran- nical, but Bullach and his staff who are engaged in the day-to- day business of preventing crime in a big city aren't so idealistic. One told The Daily, "After you have worked on a couple of sex crimes where you find that the killer and violator of a child is a juvenile who got the idea from a pocket book, you begin to look at things differently." As yet though, there is a lack of conclusive scientific evidence indicationg a casual relationship between reading pocket books and juvenile crime. In 'conclusion it can only be said that the situation in Detroit and other Michigan cities is wait- ing upon the Court. Two questions are probably in the forefront of the Court's thinking and they are good ones for everyone to keep in mind-if censorship is necessary, who should do it? Further, where is censorship leading? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) 1958, you are urged to take the test on May 11. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics. Organizational Meeting Wed, Feb. 13 at 12 noon in Room 3020, Angell Hall. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admis- sion Test on Feb. 16 are requested to report to And. B, Angell Hall at 8:45 a.m. Sat. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science, Room 3401 Mason Hall, Thurs., 3:15-4:45 p.m., Feb. 14, William Hays, "Perceived Similarity of Persons." Organic Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 14. Room 1300, Chemistry Building. Jack Spencer and Ray Mayer will speak on "Reaction of Carbenes (.CH2)." Physical-Analytical-Inorgane Chem- istry Seminar. 8:00 p.m., Room 3005, Chemistry Bulding. Thurs., Feb. 14. Roger Klemm will speak on "Flash Photolysis." Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs., Feb. 14, 4 p.m., Room 307, West Engi- neering Bldg. Frank R. Bellaire will speak on "Tropospheric Radio Propa- gation" - Chairman: Prof. Fred. T Haddock. Doctoral Examination for Dorothy Anne Dice Foster, Psychology and Zoology; thesis: "A Comparison of the Prairie and Forest Races of the Deer- mouse, Perymyscus Maniculatus, with Respect to Certain Measures of Beha- vior and Treatment", Thurs., Feb. 14, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 9:00 a.m. Chariman, J.V. Neel. Events Today A Program of Eurythmy will be pre- sented at 8:00 p.m. today in the Bar- bour Gymnasium. Co-sponsored by the Department of Art, Department of Dance, Department of English Lan- guage and Literature, Department of Speech, Program of Physcial Education for Women and The School of Music, the program of Eurythmy is open to the public without admission charge, Coming Events Meeting of American Association of University Professors Thurs., Feb. 14, 8:00 p.m., E. Conference Rm., Rak- ham. Prof. John Kohl will speak on "The Role of the Senate Advisory Com- mittee". Discussion and questions after Professor Kohl's talk. Placement Notices Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following willrbe atthe Engrg. School: Thurs., Feb. 14 Carrier Corp., Syracuse, N.Y.-B.S. or M.S. in Ch.E., Elect., Ind., Mech., B.S. in Aero and Civil for Research, Devel- opment, Production, Construction, Sales, and Service and Application E. Rem-Cru Titanium, Inc., Midland, Penn.-B.S. or M.S. in Ind. and Mech.; all levels in Metal.; B.S. in Che.E., Elect., Mat., Math., Engrg. Mech., Phy sics or Science, and Acctg. majors. Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Pitts- burgh, Penn. - all levels in Ch. E., Civil, constr., Elect., Ind., Instr., Mat'ls Math., Mech., Metal., Nuclear Physics and Science for Research, Develop- ment, Design, Production, Construc. tion, and Sales. U.S. citizen. Barber-Greene Co., Aurora, Ill. - all levels in Civil, Ind., Mat., Mech., and Engrg. Mech. "or Development, Design, Sales, and Field Engrg. U.S. citizens. Fri., Feb., 15 Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland -ail levels in Aero., Ch.E., Elect., Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., Metal., Nuclear, Physics, and Science for Research and Development. Askania Regulator Co., Chicago, Il.-- B.S. or M.S. in Elect. or Mech., M.S. in Instru. for Research, Development, De- sign, and Sales. US. citizens. Dept. of Navy, Bureau of Ships, Washington, D.C.-B.S. or M.S. In Civil, Elect., Mech., and Naval & Marine for Summer and Regular, Research and Development. David Taylor Model Basin, Washing- ton, D.C. - all levels in Aero., Civil, Elect., Instr., Math., Mech., Engrg. Mech., Naval & Marine, Physics and Science for Summer and Regular Re- search and Development. U.S. citizens only for Summer, non-citizens with permanent visas will be considered for permanent employment. Farnsworth Electronics Co., Div of I.T.T., Fort Wayne, Ind. - all levels in Elect., or Mech. and M.S. or PhD. for Summer and Regular Research, Development, Design, and Production. U.S. citizens. Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Delaware-B.S. or M.S. in Che.E., Elect., Instr., Chemistry, and B.S. in Mech. for s)eveaopment, Production, Construc- tion and Sales. For appointments contact the Engrg Placement Office, 347 W.E., ext. 2182. Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appiontments: Tues., Feb. 19 Electro Metallurgical Co., Div, of UCC, Niagara Falls, N.Y.-men with degrees in LS&A, BusAd, Econ.,-Com- merce, Acctg., and Finance for Pro- duction, Industrial and Labor Rela- tions, Manufacturing, Development, and Sales. Positions are in N.Y., Mich., W. Va., Ohio, Ore., and Calif. Uarco, Inc., Chicago, Ill., positions in Midwest-men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales and Management Training. R.R. Donnelley & Sons, Chicago Ill., -men with B.A., M.A. or PhD. in any major and in Personnel for Industrial Placement Testing, Training, and Mgt. Development, and Customer Services leading to Sales. Men with B.A. or M.A. in any field for Purchasing and Traf- fic. Carnation Co., Los Angeles, Calif., work throughout U.S. - men in LS&A or BusAd for Marketing. and Produc- tion. For appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin Bldg., ext. 3371. Advanced Study: Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Mass., offers a two year graduate nrogram leading to a Master .~ I r I( * No Special Favors IN THE FORTHCOMING- meetings with the British and French premiers, President Eisen- hower will probably offer cooperation in repair- ing the schism between the United States and its two traditional allies. There is question, however, of the desirability of reestablishing the same tight alliance which existed before the Middle East crisis. During the past year, Britain and France have betrayed, for the sake of national inter- Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER. Editor RICHARD HALLORANR LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN .........Personnel Director ERNEST rHEODOSSIN ..,.. .. Magazine Editor JANET REARICK . Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN TrOMAS .......... Features Editor DAVID GREY. ............... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER........... Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN.........Associate Sports Editor VIRGINIA ROBERTSON....... . Women's Editor JANE FOWLER...........Associate Women's Editor ARLINE LEWIS............... Women's Feature Editor JOHN HIRTZEL............... Chief Photographer Business Staff DAVID SILVER. Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN Associate Business Manager WILLIAM 0USCH..............Advertising Manager CHARLES WILSON--.----------. nane Manager ests, their trusts with the United States. By rashly rushing into the Suez, they displayed a lack of willingness to work for the common interests of all parties involved and ignored American counsel. The move resulted in the blocking of the Suez Canal and a needless oil shortage in much of Western turope. Regardless of any rationale Britain and France may offer for entering the Middle East, they are unquestionably at fault for the repercussions. ECONOMICALLY, Britain and France have been an economic drag for some time. The Middle Eastern fiasco has further hindered American trade and drawn upon our resources unnecessarily in the emergency measures taken to extricate them. From the military stand- point, Britain and France can no longer pro- vide a major portion of the defense of the West. In short, Britain and France are not strategically as important to the United States as they once were. More important, for this country to offer special advantages to Britain and France is out of perspective when many other countries, formerly insignificant, are now in positions of international prestige and faced with prob- lems equal to those of the old world leaders. The President should make it clear when he meets with Premiers Macmillan and Mollet that this country sincerely wishes to renew a close friendship with their countries, but not TODAY AND TOMORROW: U.S. Position in UN a Painful Dilemma By WALTER LIPPMAN BOTH THE PRESIDENT and Secretary Dulles were asked at their press conferences last week whether this government would take sanctions if Israel did not withdraw unconditionally behind the armistice lines. The President replied that if the UN voted for sanctions, "we are committed to the support of the UN." This reply does not really answer the practical question, which is whether the United States will use its own vote and its very considerable influence to enable the Arabs, the Afro-Asians and the Soviet blocs to vote sanctions. For as the voting blocs are now aligned in the General Assembly, and how we exercise our influ- ence in the General Assembly will determine what action by the UN we are committed to support. THE PAINFUL dilemma in which we find ourselves arises from a situation in the General As- sembly. The basic pact is that Is- rael can be coerced if we will vote to coerce her, whereas Egypt can- not, as the Assembly is now con- stituted, be corrected at all. Israel can be coerced if we do not ex- ercise our veto and instead vote for sanctions. But Egypt cannot be coerced because the Arab, Afro- Asian and Soviet blocs also have a veto, and what is more will cer- tainly use their veto. We are in a dilemma because ing guerrilla warfare across the Israeli frontier. The problem which confronts the United Nations and the United States is how to get Israel to with- draw, thereby ending her war against Egypt, without putting Egypt in a position to resume her war against Israel. The problem is how to prevent both sides, not merely one side, from waging war. THE CONTROLLING fact in the situation is, as I pointed out above, that the General Assembly will, as it is now aligned, exert pressure on Israel but not on Egypt. Nasser is, therefore, in a position to refuse to give any public assurances that he will cease to violate the armistice if the Is- position to stand pat, what with Israel, which is a democracy, un- able to stake her security on pri- vate assurances of what the Pres- ident, Mr. Dulles and Mr. Ham- marskjold hope and believe they can in the future induce Nasser not to do. Is there anything else that can be done? As things stand now, if Israel withdraws she will have no assurance from Nasser that he will not wage war. Israel can get no assurance from the UN. The UN will not be permitted to act. All that is left is some kind of assurance by the United States that it will do something about it all in the future. *E* *G THE EASIEST THING to do